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Statically Linked MFC app (VC 7.1) won't run from CD

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Todd Brooks

May 20, 2003, 2:39:56 AM5/20/03
I have a statically linked MFC application, built using VC 7.1 (VS.NET 2003
EA) that refuses to run from CD. I copy the EXE to a Read-Only directory on
my hard drive, mark it as read-only and it will run. But if I copy the EXE
to a CD and run from the CD drive, it refuses with the following error:

"Runtime Error!

This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual
Please contact the application's support team for more information."

My application is a MFC application that also uses the Stencil Processor
from ATL Server.

I thought I had all my Release Build compiler and linker settings correct,
but I guess not. I made sure and set the following:
Use of MFC: Use MFC in a Static Library
Use of ATL: Static Link to ATL
Minimize CRT Use in ATL: No
Character Set: Use Multi-Byte Character Set (this app has to work on Win9x)
Use Managed Extensions: No
I even made sure that /SWAPRUN was set for CD and NET, but even eliminating
those didn't fix the problem.

Compiler Command Line:
/O1 /GL /GA /I "../../Blah/Source/Shared Lib/Asset_LIB"
/I "../../Blah/Source/Shared_Lib/include" /D "WIN32" /D "_WINDOWS" /D
/Yu"stdafx.h" /Fp"Release/Blah.pch"
/Fo"Release/" /Fd"Release/vc70.pdb" /W4 /nologo /c /Wp64 /TP

Linker Command Line:
/OUT:"Release/Blah.exe" /INCREMENTAL:NO /NOLOGO /DELAYLOAD:"OleAcc.dll"
DelayImp.lib DelayImp.lib

While I am doing file handling in my application, I made sure the code path
for this EXE is not trying to create or write to any files on the CD.

Any ideas why it will not run from CD?


todd brooks

Mike Deakins

May 20, 2003, 9:42:31 AM5/20/03
I have done some tests on MFC and ATL applications, all of them can run from

Please check the Stencil Processor component.

Also, what if you compile it in Debug mode? If Debug mode can not run from
CD-ROM either, you can start a debugger and trace the error.

Mike J. Deakins
For the shining star in my skies.

Nishant Sivakumar

May 20, 2003, 9:53:43 AM5/20/03
One wild guess is that you try to create a file in the same directory as
the executable or on a relative path (perhaps using CFile or CStdioFile) and
then without making sure that the file has been created you might be trying
to write to it. Obviously this will fail on a CDROM but will work on a hard


Nish [VC++ MVP]

"Todd Brooks" <> wrote in message

Todd Brooks

May 20, 2003, 12:37:22 PM5/20/03
I've been able to narrow down where it is failing, though trial and error.
The code snippet below is what is causing the application to not run from
the CD
The file it is trying to load (m_configFile) is already on the CD.

Does CArchive have some kind of weird write permission requirement that I'm
not aware of?

CFile file;
CFileStatus status;

if (CFile::GetStatus(m_configFile.c_str(), status)){
// File exists
if (file.Open(m_configFile.c_str(), CFile::modeRead)){
// File opened; load data
CArchive archive(&file, CArchive::load);
catch(CArchiveException* err){
// Unable to load the file due to probably incorrect version
return FALSE;

// Loaded successfully
return TRUE;
// File can't be opened...reason unknown
return FALSE;
// File doesn't exist
return FALSE;

Yan-Hong Huang[MSFT]

May 21, 2003, 1:24:23 AM5/21/03
Hello Todd,

Each MFC and ATL code has source code in the disk. I think it is much
quicker if you could debug the program or add some print statement to the
program and then isolate the problem to a single line of code.

Best regards,
VS.NET, Visual C++

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
Got .Net?
!From: "Todd Brooks" <>
!References: <#0EMiqpH...@TK2MSFTNGP10.phx.gbl>
!Subject: Re: Statically Linked MFC app (VC 7.1) won't run from CD
!Date: Tue, 20 May 2003 11:37:22 -0500
!Lines: 42
!X-Priority: 3
!X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
!X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1158
!X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2800.1165
!Message-ID: <eXyBY4uH...@TK2MSFTNGP11.phx.gbl>
!Path: cpmsftngxa06.phx.gbl!TK2MSFTNGP08.phx.gbl!TK2MSFTNGP11.phx.gbl
!Xref: cpmsftngxa06.phx.gbl
!I've been able to narrow down where it is failing, though trial and error.
!The code snippet below is what is causing the application to not run from
!the CD
!The file it is trying to load (m_configFile) is already on the CD.
!Does CArchive have some kind of weird write permission requirement that I'm
!not aware of?
!CFile file;
!CFileStatus status;
!if (CFile::GetStatus(m_configFile.c_str(), status)){
! // File exists
! if (file.Open(m_configFile.c_str(), CFile::modeRead)){
! // File opened; load data
! try{
! CArchive archive(&file, CArchive::load);
! Serialize(archive);
! archive.Close();
! file.Close();
! }
! catch(CArchiveException* err){
! // Unable to load the file due to probably incorrect version
! file.Close();
! //file.Remove(m_configFile.c_str());
! err->Delete();
! return FALSE;
! }
! // Loaded successfully
! return TRUE;
! }
! else
! // File can't be opened...reason unknown
! return FALSE;
! // File doesn't exist
! return FALSE;

Todd Brooks

May 22, 2003, 2:35:11 AM5/22/03
This is driving me mad. I tried to simplify the problem, so I created a
simple MFC dialog test app. In the app::InitInstance I placed this code:

CFileStatus status;
CString filename = "E:\\Report.txt"; // This is a file on a CD in the drive

int x = CFile::GetStatus(filename, status);
catch(CException* err){
TCHAR szCause[255];
CString strFormatted;
err->GetErrorMessage(szCause, 255);
AfxMessageBox(CStringA(szCause)); // Displays error
AfxMessageBox("fell through");

The first catch is called (CException)...if I change it to CFileException,
it doesn't get called. The error that is displayed is "The parameter is
incorrect". If I change filename to a file on my hard drive or on a network
drive, NO exceptions are thrown.

Why is this? Is there a bug in GetStatus that is causing this? Am I doing
something wrong?



"Yan-Hong Huang[MSFT]" <> wrote in message

Will Dean

May 22, 2003, 4:38:57 AM5/22/03
"Todd Brooks" <> wrote in message

> Why is this? Is there a bug in GetStatus that is causing this? Am I
> something wrong?

I've just had a quick play around with this. Although this stepping was
more difficult than necessary, because it seems that the VS2003 MFC
source code doesn't actually match the supplied library, it's clear that
the only thing which could throw the exception is the CTime constructors
used in filling the CFileStatus object.

I would think that something about the way your CDROM is generated has
resulted in invalid timestamp(s) on the files, which are confusing
CTime. If the effect of that is that you can't use CArchive, that's a
bit of a pain, to say the least...

Try and step through the GetStatus call to see which time is actually
causing the problems.



Todd Brooks

May 22, 2003, 6:29:29 AM5/22/03

"Will Dean" <> wrote in message

> I've just had a quick play around with this. Although this stepping was
> more difficult than necessary, because it seems that the VS2003 MFC
> source code doesn't actually match the supplied library, it's clear that
> the only thing which could throw the exception is the CTime constructors
> used in filling the CFileStatus object.
> I would think that something about the way your CDROM is generated has
> resulted in invalid timestamp(s) on the files, which are confusing
> CTime. If the effect of that is that you can't use CArchive, that's a
> bit of a pain, to say the least...

Yup, the error happens on line 180 in filest.cpp:
rStatus.m_atime = CTime(findFileData.ftLastAccessTime);
Looks like CDs and DVD media return 0 (zero) for ftLastAccessTime, thus what
actually asserts is the CTime ctor in atltime.inl (line 224) when it tries
to call FileTimeToSystemTime(). The root cause is at the beginning of the
ctor, it tries to convert the first param to a FILETIME struct by calling
FileTimeToLocalFileTime() where the first param is 0. While this function
succeeds, the FILETIME sturct now has garbage data in it.

I've tried this on a CD and a DVD drive and both fail. I even used
commercial CDs (not CD-Rs created by me) and they fail also.

MS: Is this a bug or "by design"?


Will Dean

May 22, 2003, 10:16:27 AM5/22/03
"Todd Brooks" <> wrote in message

> Yup, the error happens on line 180 in filest.cpp:
> rStatus.m_atime = CTime(findFileData.ftLastAccessTime);

From the line number, you're using VS2003 - do you find that the debug
correctly steps through that file?

On my setup, it doesn't - as though the library it's link against
doesn't match the source.

I feel as though I should worry about this a bit...

> I've tried this on a CD and a DVD drive and both fail. I even used
> commercial CDs (not CD-Rs created by me) and they fail also.

Well, I tried an MSDN DVD (which happened to be in the drive) and it
worked. (WinXP-SP1)



Todd Brooks

May 22, 2003, 11:41:02 AM5/22/03
Yes, sorry I didn't clarify. I'm running on Windows XP SP1, VS.NET 2003.
Debug AND release builds fail.

And yes, the first time I debugged, the file it was looking for (filest.cpp)
was not the correct path, but changing to the right path and file, it worked
every time after that.

I've tried this same sample code on CDs I've written along with commercial
CDs like MSDN, etc. Results have all been the same. I find it hard to
believe that I'm the first to have encountered this. I would think this
would be a fairly common thing to do (checking for the existence of a my case it just happened to be in the same path where the
executable was.....on the CD).


David Lowndes

May 22, 2003, 11:47:37 AM5/22/03
>From the line number, you're using VS2003 - do you find that the debug
>correctly steps through that file?
>On my setup, it doesn't - as though the library it's link against
>doesn't match the source.

I seemed to suffer with that problem - until I removed VS2002. After
that the debugger couldn't locate the old sources and after pointing
it to the VS2003 versions, it's apparently been OK since.


Will Dean

May 22, 2003, 4:20:47 PM5/22/03

"David Lowndes" <> wrote in message

> >From the line number, you're using VS2003 - do you find that the
> >correctly steps through that file?
> >
> >On my setup, it doesn't - as though the library it's link against
> >doesn't match the source.
> I seemed to suffer with that problem - until I removed VS2002. After
> that the debugger couldn't locate the old sources and after pointing
> it to the VS2003 versions, it's apparently been OK since.

Hmm. I got the usual request for a file on some bizarre internal MS
build path, and I'm 90% sure I pointed it at the right code. Maybe I
pointed it at 2002 by mistake....

I'll have to dig around to find where that info comes from.


Phil Davidson

Jul 1, 2003, 2:37:04 PM7/1/03
Microsoft, is there any recommended way to fix or work
around this problem, or should we just avoid using
CFile::GetStatus when the file might reside on CDROM or

-- Phil Davidson

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