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So long, Mel Gibson career.....

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Mar 17, 2003, 2:35:11 PM3/17/03
In the New York Times Magazine of Sunday, March 9, 2003 it is reported that
Mel Gibson is making a film of the last 6 hours of the life of Jesus Christ
in which he purports to tell the "truth", namely that the Jews are
responsible for his death!

This canard has been discredited by all people of good will including the
Pope. Yet Gibson, who is a member of an extreme Catholic sect called "Holy
Family" which has distanced itself from the main body of Catholicism and is
not affiliated with the Roman Catholic Diocese is using his money and his
high profile to finance and film this retrogressive and defamatory story.

Gibson, whose father, Hutton Gibson is a notorious Holocaust denier and who
claims the the World Trade Center was destroyed by remote control and not by
al Queda; that the Second Vatican Council was a Masonic plot backed by the
Jews and that all popes going back to John XXIII have been illegitimate

The article goes on much longer and is not refuted by either party. I
believe in free speech, but not when it fosters hatred and gives our enemies
ammunition to perpetuate the greatest crime of the century and the continued
persecution of Jews.

Four 4000 years we have been blamed for every wrong in the world. We will
not tolerate this additional insult.

I urge you to read the article and also forward this message to all people
who you feel should know about this. I, for one will no longer pay my money
to see Gibson's films, which support his continued racism.

Origins: Yes,
the excerpts quoted above which are represented as appearing in the 9 March
2003 edition of The New York Times Magazine are accurate; they were drawn
from a piece about Mel Gibson, his religion, and his father entitled "Is the
Pope Catholic . . . Enough?" However, the quotes are selective, the
commentary lopsided, and the overall tone suggests without real evidence
that the opinions of Hutton Gibson, the actor's father, are necessarily
those of his son.

Mel Gibson is a Catholic traditionalist who has used some of the monies he
has earned as an actor to fund construction of a chapel in the Malibu,
California, area. This chapel, Holy Family, is one of 600 traditionalist
chapels in operation today (where, unlike most modern Catholic churches,
Sunday Mass is still conducted entirely in Latin) and is not recognized by
the Holy See. Catholic traditionalists view modern church reforms as the
work of either foolish liberals or hell-bent heretics, preferring for
themselves a version of Catholicism as it was practiced prior to the reforms
enacted by the Second Vatican Council (commonly known as Vatican II) between
1963 and 1965.

Mel Gibson's 84-year-old father, Hutton Gibson, may be considered an
eccentric, a crackpot, or an anti-Semite (or some combination thereof)
depending upon how charitably one views his utterances and beliefs about
religion and politics, but one cannot validly infer from the quoted New York
Times Magazine article that Mel Gibson shares any or all of his father's
more controversial beliefs. Mel himself neither affirms nor denies the
opinions voiced by his father, but even if he were inclined towards the
latter he'd be unlikely to publicly voice such criticism in accordance with
the "Honor thy father and thy mother" commandment. One paragraph from the
original New York Times article not mentioned in the e-mail cited above
addresses how much commonality of viewpoint there may be between father and

Whether any of this has rubbed off on Hutton's son Mel is an open question.
A church elder at Holy Family says that while the two share the same
foundation of faith, Mel Gibson parts company with his father on many
points. "He doesn't go along with a lot of what his dad says," he says. And
beyond claiming to have seen the plans for Holy Family and attended services
with the congregation, Hutton Gibson [who lives in Houston] has no apparent
connection to his son's church in California.
Judging from the many e-mails we've received, many people identify the most
upsetting portion of the message as the charge that Gibson will be
portraying the Jews as "Christ killers" in his upcoming film, The Passion, a
graphic depiction of the last twelve hours in the life of Jesus Christ. But
the section of New York Times article dealing with this topic doesn't
specifically state that charge as fact; it merely reports that other
traditionalists believe it to be true:

Most important, he [Mel Gibson] says, the film will lay the blame for the
death of Christ where it belongs -- which some traditionalists believe means
the Jewish authorities who presided over his trial and delivered him to the
Romans to be crucified.

In his conversation with Bill O'Reilly (who prefaced the interview by
disclosing that Gibson's production company has optioned the rights to
O'Reilly's mystery novel), Gibson was asked whether his account might
particularly upset Jews. "It may," he said. "It's not meant to. I think it's
meant to just tell the truth. I want to be as truthful as possible. But when
you look at the reasons why Christ came, why he was crucified -- he died for
all mankind and he suffered for all mankind. So that, really, anyone who
transgresses has to look at their own part or look at their own
Nowhere in the New York Times article does Gibson blame the Jews for
Christ's death, and even though some traditionalists do believe the Jewish
authorities holding Jesus were ultimately responsible for sending the Savior
to the cross, that does not mean Mel Gibson necessarily shares their views
or will present that interpretation in his film. If Gibson intends to
portray the Jews as Christ killers, he has his work cut out for him because
the actors in The Passion will speak only Aramaic and Latin and there will
be no subtitles. (Gibson has said that he hopes to depict Christ's ordeal
using "filmic storytelling" techniques that will make the understanding of
dialogue unnecessary.)

Those inclined to spurn Mel Gibson's films on the basis of the e-mail quoted
above should think twice about it, lacking additional evidence -- they were
fed only half the story, with the most blood-curdling point ("He says the
Jews killed Christ!") being the author's loose and irresponsible
interpretation of The New York Times Magazine article. For those in whom the
urge to boycott Gibson over "historical inaccuracies" in his films still
runs strong, there's already plenty to charge him with for what did to
American history with The Patriot and Scottish history in Braveheart.

Mar 17, 2003, 2:41:46 PM3/17/03
On Mon, 17 Mar 2003 14:35:11 -0500, "blue_baloo"
<> wrote:

>In the New York Times Magazine of Sunday, March 9, 2003 it is reported that
>Mel Gibson is making a film of the last 6 hours of the life of Jesus Christ
>in which he purports to tell the "truth", namely that the Jews are
>responsible for his death!
>This canard has been discredited by all people of good will including the
>Pope. Yet Gibson, who is a member of an extreme Catholic sect called "Holy
>Family" which has distanced itself from the main body of Catholicism and is
>not affiliated with the Roman Catholic Diocese is using his money and his
>high profile to finance and film this retrogressive and defamatory story.
>Gibson, whose father, Hutton Gibson is a notorious Holocaust denier and who
>claims the the World Trade Center was destroyed by remote control and not by
>al Queda; that the Second Vatican Council was a Masonic plot backed by the
>Jews and that all popes going back to John XXIII have been illegitimate
>The article goes on much longer and is not refuted by either party. I
>believe in free speech, but not when it fosters hatred and gives our enemies
>ammunition to perpetuate the greatest crime of the century and the continued
>persecution of Jews.

Jesus was a Jew. His own people rated him out to the Romans,
the Romans killed him. End of story.

Kenneth Crudup

Mar 17, 2003, 2:43:37 PM3/17/03
In article <b55825$24icor$>,
"blue_baloo" <> says:

>In the New York Times Magazine of Sunday, March 9, 2003 it is reported that
>Mel Gibson is making a film of the last 6 hours of the life of Jesus Christ
>in which he purports to tell the "truth", namely that the Jews are
>responsible for his death!

... and Judas was *what* religion, again?

-Kenny, so sick of religion

Kenneth R. Crudup Sr. SW Engineer, Scott County Consulting, Los Angeles, CA
Home: 3801 E. Pacific Coast Hwy #9, Long Beach, CA 90804-2014 (562) 961-7300
Work: 2052 Alton Parkway, Irvine, CA 92606-4905 (949) 252-1111 X240


Mar 17, 2003, 3:04:14 PM3/17/03
In article <>, wrote:

and most important of all -- the PURPOSE of his birth was to be a human
sacrifice -- without the crucifiction there is no Christianity -- so how
is there 'blame'?

The Mad Hatter

Mar 17, 2003, 9:23:16 PM3/17/03
"Jenn" <> wrote in message

The implication in that statement is that the Jews and the Romans were
pre-destined to crucify Jesus - that neither party had free will.

Jim Hill

Mar 18, 2003, 11:56:39 AM3/18/03
blue_baloo wrote:

>I believe in free speech, but not when it fosters hatred and gives our
>enemies ammunition to perpetuate the greatest crime of the century and
>the continued persecution of Jews.

So what you're saying is you don't believe in free speech.

If you really disagree with what Gibson may be preparing to say in his
movie, use _your_ free speech to show to all what a stooge he is.

Life's Unanswered Question #481: Why are so
many people simply unable to spell "lose"?


Mar 19, 2003, 12:49:41 PM3/19/03
to (Jim Hill) wrote in message news:<b57j47$ubp$>...

> blue_baloo wrote:
> >I believe in free speech, but not when it fosters hatred and gives our
> >enemies ammunition to perpetuate the greatest crime of the century and
> >the continued persecution of Jews.

That hairshirt went out of style sooooo many years ago, you know. Stop
depicting yourselves as perpetual victims.

> So what you're saying is you don't believe in free speech.
> If you really disagree with what Gibson may be preparing to say in his
> movie, use _your_ free speech to show to all what a stooge he is.
> Jim

Snopes took this on and investigated. Here's the link:


Mar 19, 2003, 1:41:56 PM3/19/03
>>In the New York Times Magazine of Sunday, March 9, 2003 it is reported that
>>Mel Gibson is making a film of the last 6 hours of the life of Jesus Christ
>>in which he purports to tell the "truth", namely that the Jews are
>>responsible for his death!

Bill O'Reilly had Gibson on his show awhile ago and from what I remember, Bill
was quite sympathetic toward Mel's current "plight." Something about a man
just trying to make a decent movie about Jesus.....


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