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Classic Peeps

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Jul 2, 2003, 3:21:09 PM7/2/03
Sorry I am not convinced the hate-filled Ms. Freedman is in fact our
wonderful and delightful Janice/Peeps. But if this is true, I want to
show him/her his/her gentler nature. Others can post their favorite
Peep post. This is one of mine.



Sweet Jesus, gang, things have taken SUCH a turn for the worse that
been thrown for a loop & knocked down with a feather this day!!

Hell, YES!!

THIS gal decided to throw ALL apprehensions to the wind & attend
services this Sabbath-Sunday *despite* the snide looks I KNEW I'd get
from the tongue-clucking townfolk who've got THIS gal pinned down as
some kind of drunk 'n' dreaming lush!!


So, I donned my Sabbath-day best -- my pleated white skirt & matching
short-sleeved blouse (w/ the Peter-Pan collar) -- gathered up my two
pumkins (who, natch, I *also* dolled up special) & marched w/ head
held-high straight out the front door, down the stoop and t'wards the
Lord's house.

And how!!

(Since my nerves were still a TAD jangled, I decided it best to NOT
drive, but walk the three blocks, instead.)

Well, shoosh, as I was jaunting down Pine Street, I thought it was
odd that I couldN'T see the church steeple over the houserow. (?!) I
kept darting glances up to check & double-check (*&* wipe my eyes to
make sure they weren't playing tricks on me), but, heck, it just
there, gang!! I was going to mention it to my pumkins, but, for the
first time, I began to doubt my OWN sanity & thought, Sweet Word, I'd
better not upset them ANY more than they've ALready been upset.

So, with my heart in my throat, I cont'd walking chilled-like 'til we
arrived at the church-green, when LO & behold, babies, the church WAS
GONE-- disappeared, vamoosed!! -- & ZIP was left but a wide-spread,
smouldering pile of ....

Well, WHAT the -- ?!

I stood there shell-shocked for a few minutes, vaguely heard my
gasping & then bent down, swooped them up & began walking back t'wards
home JUST as police sirens began wailing in the distance.

While hustling home, we bumped into Nellie Dwyer who informed me (by
of a hyperventilation attack) that our precious church was the victim
arsonists last nite. (!!)

Well, I put my pumkins down, grabbed their hands & the three of us
sprinting for home when, Saints preserve us, we saw the ENtire police
fire-forces surrounding MY precious homestead w/ sirens blaring &

I don't know WHY I didn't just drop dead-away on the spot, sugars.
pure adrenaline & concern for my babies was keeping THIS gal vertical

Anywho, to make a long, traumatic story short, the Feds are
investigating the arson & they *kept* asking me about the group of six
served at the diner, but, hell, from the way they're talking I STILL
ain't sure the *six* are the suspects or THIS gal is the suspect.

The ONE nerve I have left is frazzled, my tear-ducts are drained, my
heart's skipping beats *&* I'm having trouble taking in air this day!!

PLEASE hold a good thought for THIS gal & her townfolk as the
Antichrists' Army is *apparently* making a beach-head in the bootheel
Missouri (WHY, Lord?!) *&* setting THIS gal up as some kind of patsy

Horror hugs,
Janice, who just got off the horn w/ her ex-lover/politico who (thank
God!!) is a lawyer & is flying to town to keep these g-danged Keystone
Kops OFF my put-upon hiney while my ex-lover/shrink is being an Angel
Fed-Exing me some horse-strength tranqs.

In the meantime, Rev. Beecham has turned apostate & is chit-chatting
the Romanist archdiocese up in St. Louie about "exorcising demons"
Mrs. Beecham just pulled a Ruth Ellis & smashed up all the gin bottles
at Mike's Wayside Inn.

Lord help us ALL!!


"The president has added more death-penalty crimes than any of his
predecessors. He's enacted a welfare reform that not only cancels an
entitlement but also takes away rights from a certain caste of women.
pushed through NAFTA, which undermines the position of American
If there's a right-wing conspiracy, it's Bill Clinton." -- Gwendolyn
Mink, the author of Welfare's End.

(-)> *peep* (-)> *peep* (-)> *muckmouth*


Marc Lostracco

Jul 2, 2003, 6:46:38 PM7/2/03
On 7/2/03 3:21 PM, in article, "T-rex"
<> wrote:

> Sorry I am not convinced the hate-filled Ms. Freedman is in fact our
> wonderful and delightful Janice/Peeps.

Me neither. Robyn makes way too many spelling errors on words that Peeps
didn't and their writing styles are way too different.

Buster Crab

Jul 3, 2003, 12:52:40 AM7/3/03

mlostracco@s/y^m~p-a' (Marc Lostracco) wrote:

><> wrote:

>>Sorry I am not convinced the hate-filled
>>Ms. Freedman is in fact our wonderful
>>and delightful Janice/Peeps.

There was nothing "wonderful" or "delightful" about Janice when you
agree with her crackpot views. She could
turn vicious quite quickly.

>Me neither. Robyn makes way too many
>spelling errors on words that Peeps
>didn't and their writing styles are way too

Oh, the original Peeps hip-hick "Dang"
style was 100% fake. And I believe she
also posted as "Kim, the Precious One,"
whose posts were replete with typos and



"I should have been a pair of ragged claws
scuttling across the floors of silent seas."

--T.S. Eliot
"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock."



Jul 3, 2003, 10:00:00 PM7/3/03
Marc Lostracco <mlostracco@s/y^m~p-a'> wrote in message news:<BB28D90E.56ACC%mlostracco@s/y^m~p-a'>...

I agree.

It seems Robyn is the handiwork of a poster who used to post to AGC as
"Professor Wagstaff." Robyn appeared the day after he suddenly
vanished, and then "she" started in on the same people Wagstaff fought
with. This comes from a regular over there who took the trouble to
email me.

I didn't *think* Robyn was Peeps, but I don't follow this group too
closely so I wasn't sure and that's why I posted as I did.

Buster Crab

Jul 4, 2003, 3:36:26 PM7/4/03
to (T-rex) wrote:

>It seems Robyn is the handiwork of a
>poster who used to post to AGC as
>"Professor Wagstaff." Robyn appeared
>the day after he suddenly vanished, and
>then "she" started in on the same people
>Wagstaff fought with. This comes from a
>regular over there who took the trouble
>to email me.

>I didn't *think* Robyn was Peeps, but I
>don't follow this group too closely so I
>wasn't sure and that's why I posted as I

Interesting, but it would be revealing also to check the timing of Peeps
sudden disappearance from this group---where she fulminated for
years---and the emergence of "robyn friedman" on agc.

Then a few weeks ago there was a single
post from Peeps, announcing that she
was now using a computer (although that was a lie, because she had been
using one to access webtv).

One might have expected a follow-up to that initial post, but there was
none---and then "robyn" started her barbaric cadenza on asg.

Also, in the course of my jousting with
"friedman," I referenced a long debate
I had with Peeps. "Friedman" then
supposedly did a google search and
quickly came up with a take on my side of that debate with
Peeps...mirroring Peeps
slander of me, that I was "Nazi sympathizer."

Now, no one could have reviewed that debate---which lasted over a
year--and come up with such a quick
take on it unless they had intimate knowledge of what went on in
it---like from being one of the participants, ie. Peeps.


Jul 5, 2003, 7:50:16 AM7/5/03
It seems Robyn is the handiwork of a poster who used to post to AGC as
"Professor Wagstaff." Robyn appeared the day after he suddenly
vanished, and then "she" started in on the same people Wagstaff fought
with. >>

gosh, i believe this.
color me bamboozled.
i will be more careful not to participate in his/her threads.
hate is so complicated!


Jul 8, 2003, 7:55:42 PM7/8/03
to (Quatorzejames) wrote in message news:<>...

> <<
> It seems Robyn is the handiwork of a poster who used to post to AGC as
> "Professor Wagstaff." Robyn appeared the day after he suddenly
> vanished, and then "she" started in on the same people Wagstaff fought
> with. >>
> gosh, i believe this.
> color me bamboozled.

This convinced me:

Identical fruit comes from the same tree.

> i will be more careful not to participate in his/her threads.

Shun s/h/it.

> hate is so complicated!

Yes, Jews can hate as much as anyone.

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