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Jack Schmidling

May 25, 1991, 12:25:04 AM5/25/91

Article 20003 (68 more) in talk.politics.mideast:
From: (David F. Skoll)
Newsgroups: talk.politics.mideast,talk.politics.misc,misc.headlines,alt.activism
(SAME) Subject: Re: PDaXess and the Death of Usenet

>In <1991May09....@ddsw1.MCS.COM> a...@ddsw1.MCS.COM
(Jack Schmidling) writes:

>> If you are tired of "learning" about American foreign
policy from what is effectively, Israeli controlled

>Herr Schmidling, I've seen this accusation many times. But
if you want it to stand up, perhaps you could answer these

>How is this control exercised? Do you have specific
examples of this control being used?

ARF says:

Abu Skol, I will answer your tired old questions with the
same response I always give.... my article on Media Bias.
It's a little dated but you are not worth the trouble of
editing it.

If you have any further questions, I will be happy to
re-post the detailed analysis that Ralph Winston was so kind
to furnish us with.


Paranoia or reality?

It has been pointed out to me that to suggest Zionist
control of our media is simply a symptom paranoia.

Someone once said that even paranoids have enemies.

It is unfortunate that many people are turned off by trigger
words which preclude them from concentrating on the message,
so for their benefit, I offer a few examples of what one
might at least consider, pro-Israel bias.

1. Franklin-Trout's Film, "DAYS OF RAGE"

Because it was perceived to be critical of Israel, PBS
broadcast it with one hour "wrap-around" to help us
understand it. In Chicago it was provided with an
additional 30 minute introduction to the "wrap-around to
make sure we understood it. This was only after concerted
attempts to get it banned from broadcast in the first place.

2. "A Search for Solid Ground: The Intifada Through Israeli
Eyes", a "get even" production, thrown together four months
later had only a 30 minute introduction and no one even
suggested that it should not be broadcast.

3. Arafat Downed Flt 103

The Pan Am 103 coverage frequently included file footage of
Yasar Arafat as soon as the word terrorist came out of the
voice over. This was an obvious attempt to discredit him
and destroy the Mideast peace process.

4. Letters to Ed

The only paper I read regularly is the Chi Trib and in it
the pro-Israel letters to ed average one per day. Letters
critical of Israel are published less than one per week and
they are always written by people with obvious Jewish names.
I have written dozens and never had one published.

5. Dole savaged Israel

When Dole suggested cutting aid to the five biggest
recipients by 5%, there was no shortage of media space to
express outrage. A local NPR host asked three guests in a
row the next day what they thought of "Dole's savaging of

6. Always a balance

This same NPR show follows up every guest who is critical of
Israel with a trained seal who trashes everything said by
the other guest. It is particularly galling on Friday
because she has a Palestinian on as a regular but the
trained seal always comes on after to explain everything he
said. I called him and suggested that he refuse to be her
guest unless she lets him follow the seal once in a while
and he did just that and she went along with it (once).

7. Pollard is a hero.

I have seen or heard Wolf Blitzer on at least 10 talk shows
glorifying Pollard and selling his disgusting book. I have
seen Dershewitz and Pollard's sleezy wife on at least three
shows defending Pollards treason. I have never seen
Weinberger or anyone critical of Pollard interviewed or as
an opposing view.

Wolf Blitzer, in addition to writing the Pollard book, was
the Washington Bureau Chief for the Jerusalem Post. He now
works for CNN and his pro-Israel bias has substantially
changed the quality of CNN.

8. Jerry Levin was fired from CNN after escaping from his
captivity as a hostage in Lebanon. He had the audacity to
criticize our policy toward the hostages and suggest a
connection between hostage taking and our mindless support
for Israel.

9. Pat Buchanan under thumb

Buchanan's syndicated column had been running in the
Spotlight until recently when he was forced to drop the
Spotlight or lose his other clients. The Spotlight is
typically critical of Israel.

10. Radio Free America loses satelite

Radio Free America, a program produced by the Liberty Lobby
was broadcast from North America One Satelite until it was
purchased by ("Z" word). They cancelled the contract and
made a very strong effort to prevent the program from going
on any satelite. In spite of this, an alternative was found
but it is precarious. They are now simulcasting on a
shortwave Christian station.

11. Jews are news, Arabs are numbers

Anytime an Israeli is killed, we see the funeral, family and
firends, weeping and outrage for days. When an Arab dies,
we rarely even hear about it. It doesn't even matter if the
Arab is an American citizen such as 14 year old, Amjad
Hussein Jibril. He was visiting from Colorado last year
when he was tortured and brutally murdered by IDF but the
story just wasn't deemed news worthy.

12. Iraq vs. Israel vis a vis nukes

Some years ago Israel was caught smuggling 400 nuclear
detonators form the US. Compare the media coverage of that
outrage with the recent hype over Iraq smuggling "several".
What is even more disturbing is that Israel only returned
200 of the stolen devices and the media was not exactly

13. Iraq preparing to gas Israel

All the media hype over the detonators, along with the
Israel's proven record of attacking Iraq, had them
justifiably concerned about another attack.

They made a rhetorical "pre-emptive strike" by warning
Israel that they will retalliate with a vengence, if Israel
used the hype, as a pretext to attack Iraq.

So what does this less than objective media do with the
story? They turn it around into a barbaric attack against

One has to be brain dead not to see what was going on. Iraq
may very well have prevented WW3.



There was a tear jerk story on National Public Radio about a
fire started by Arab protesters that destroyed many acres of
trees which are "particularly cherished by Jews because of
their sense of pride in turning the desert Green".

It certainly is sad to see anyone's labor of love destroyed
by fellow humans but the claim that Jews cherish a
particular concern for trees needs to be put into proper
perspective. I would like to quote a paragraph from a
report by the Palestinian Human Rights Information Center.

TREES: It is estimated that well over 100,000 fruit and
olive trees, in addition to hundreds of thousands of
seedlings and small plants have been destroyed by the
Israeli Army. The uprooting of trees is only one indicator
of the widespread punitive destruction of trees and crops,
mostly by the army but also by settlers. Bulldozers
clearing streets of stones, have uprooted hundreds of trees
and whole orchards have been uprooted as punitive measures
for alleged stone and molotov throwing in the area.

In many instances of prolonged curfew or military siege, the
army has carried out bulldozing and uprooting operations on
trees and other crops, in addition to preventing regular
harvest and maintenance of crops. Crops have been bulldozed
or burned by both settlers and the army in several locations
of the West Bank and Gaza, often without official pretext.
Jiftlik farmers whose homes were demolished in November have
been prohibited from harvesting their crops.


I certainly wouldn't suggest that Zionists control National
Public Radio, they just didn't realize that Arabs like trees



Attn: Letters to ED

Subject: "Teflon terrorist"

Your "cartoon" showing Arafat in a spider web, along with a
letter blaming him for for everything, is an exellent
example of the kind of hate mongering that will assure
endless conflict in the Mid-east.

While Arafat is poised, ready to strike and "threatening the
life of" people, the Israeli Defense Forces are murdering,
torturing and depriving palistinians of every human right

As long as you vilify the peace maker and portray the
trouble makers as innocent victims, there will never be

Jack Schmidling

>#The following story was heard on the Voice of America
yesterday but not a word #on CBS, PBS or CNN yesterday when
it broke or today.
# .............
#>The U N peace keeping guards at the border attempted to
prevent the Israelis from entering Lebanon and the Israelis
opened fire on the U N troops wounding and possibly killing
several Norwegian soldiers serving in the UN at the border
check point.

>>It's hard to believe this story was suppressed but I
suspect this isn't the last you will hear of it.
# ...................

I can offer nothing in the way of support for the VOA except
that their reporting on the Mid-East has taken on a
refreshing change since Bush/Baker took over. The VOA is,
of course, the Voice of the US State Department and just
like George Schultz, (WAS) an insult to the intelligence, on
Mid-East issues.

I know of no other U S source that (NOW) provides a daily
report on activities and casualties in the occupied
territories. I have been keeping a running tally on dead,
wounded, house demolitions etc. and make it part of the
weekly Radio Forum Report.


BTW, as they say, I still have not heard the story reported
anywhere else. It would seem at least the government of
Norway would be protesting. Can anyone help run this story

Jul, 10 1990

Sorry to say, the VOA no longer broadcasts daily deaths in
Occupied Palestine. Only the most outrageous. I didn't
think iw could last long.

I received a thundering ovation after giving a short speech,
critical of Israel, at a Paul Simon "Town Meeting" and the
local paper reported that "several people applauded".

I could go on forever but more examples will not convince
those who don't want to believe.

If you are tired of "learning" about American foreign policy
from what is effectively, Israeli controlled media, I highly
recommend checking out the Washington Report. A free sample
copy is available by calling the American Education Trust
(800) 368 5788

Tell 'em arf sent you.

You can also tune in to the Amateur Radio Forum (ARF)
Thursday evening at 9:PM Chicago time, 3950 KHZ, LSB.


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