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Michael Gage

Sep 29, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/29/98
Looks like students are back!

Let's revive this newsgroup once and for all! We're here, we're queer, we
live around Davis!

This is my final attempt to raise this newsgroup from the dead. Lord
knows others have tried, those who have read my words before understand
what this newsgroup can be.

Will the moderators (should they exists) please stand up and introduce
yourselves? Will anyone else (gay/lesbian/bi/transgendered/
confused/whatever) please introduce yourselves?

I'm Michael Gage. A 31 year old bearish gay guy who is a classical
musician. I work for Yolo County as an engineering aide who studies
traffic accidents and determines ways to deter them. I do odd things like
nailing traffic counters into asphalt, zoning county roads, developing
traffic databases and implementing social awareness campaigns, in hopes
that people will hear what I have to say, and take safety-awareness to

I would love to meet others on this newsgroup. I'm pretty sure
that others on this newsgroup would like to meet shmucks like me. I
stand here alone, one gay voice, reaching out to my family.
Come out, come out where ever you are!!!

Please, dear readers, introduce yourselves! Together we are community,
Alone, we are me.

I love the concept of what this group may become, I regret what it has

Mike Gage
Cypress Lane
Davis, CA 95616

Michael Colby

Sep 29, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/29/98
to Michael Gage
Michael Gage wrote:

[much deleted]

> I love the concept of what this group may become, I regret what it has
> been.

I think (but don't quote me) technically, this newsgroup has a
connection to the UCD LGBT Resource Center. There never seems to be much
traffic on it. Some time back--was it last summer?--there was a flurry
of activity and an attempt to connect some mostly-non-UCD LGBT people in
town. I don't know if the discussed get-together ever happened.



Sep 30, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/30/98
Michael Colby ( wrote:

Hi Michael -- remember me? That was me -- among those folks trying to
bring some "presence" to the GLB Davis community, inclusive of
non-University students, I might add.

It happened that I had to relocate in the midst of that get-together
effort. I now work and reside in the SF Bay Area. But, my newsgroup
subscription has remained, and this is sadly one of the first
(non-spam on-topic) postings to this newsgroup since I left a year ago. I
still have family and friends in Davis, hence my continuing interest in
this group.

Not to be pessimistic, but I suspect this newsgrpup will never collect
critical mass. More than anything, I think this venue (this "newsgroup")
may just be technology that's already seen its day. There are or may be
other on-line resources and tools that might be better for bringing
together Davis GLB folks (for example some kind of high-profile Davis GLB
web page, with an associated electronic mailing list to join). I suspect
newsgroups will eventually go the way of gopher -- anyone remember gopher?


Aaron Vinck
San Francisco Bay Area


"The truth is better than any story, no matter how pretty the story is"

Michael Gage

Oct 3, 1998, 3:00:00 AM10/3/98
Hey Aaron, nice to read your words again... I have to agree with every
word you wrote. Perhaps newsgroups are following gopherspace into
oblivion. And let's face it, the non-student gay male population in Davis
has been notorious for low cohesion.

Wish I had to re-locate! (;

I hope you and your daughter are doing well.


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