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Nov 29, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/29/99

I haven't been online in months. I get this call from a friend and
he's asking me all about "Thee Paraclete." I'm like what the fuck!
This is really getting out of hand now. I don't know what to say
anymore. I wrote the last chapter of ONELOVESTORY months ago. It was
called "Scouring the Earth for you." It was a love letter to my future
lover. I thought that was a agreat way for Onelovestory yo END. Maybe
with this epilogue---I've met her. Her name is Jane. I'm in Love and
completely absorbed in romance. I moved to where she lives and am now
living with her. I have no interest in pursuing ONELOVESTORY any
further. I am not sorry I wrote it, but it's getting out of hand. The
Roses should really just put it out of its misery and issue an official
statement to the press denying any reality of it. The Roses are deep,
but nobody is that deep. I'm convinced they jusr decided to play along
with certain things like the "Zip It Weedbrain" cover because it was
good publicity for them and it was interesting for a while.
Furthermore, "theeparaclete" will never be able to produce the CD
sleeve that Ian signed for me


...because I have it. He did sign it and he meant it. But I don't
know why. I went there that day almost hoping he would end
Onelovestory in public. I have had long periods of time where I
questioned my mental health and actually believed it to be true.

This paraclete is using it to publicize his music. The record that
will be released, "Love is..." the final single of the millenium,
whatever, is not by Burnweed. I am Burnweed and the record will show
that many official Onelovestory chapters were written from this Email
address,, which I have owned for years. Anybody
who wants to write to me at this address can do so and I will answer
them and they will know that I am Burnweed. I have never used a server

However, I will say the following, this person is doing a great job of
publicizing my record, "MASTERPEACE (...the zen of lofi)" the sales
have gone up in the last few weeks. Furthermore, prickaclete, if your
song is any good I'll claim it as my own and put it out for profit
myself. So stop now. I don't think this "release" will be anything
but a very immature person laughing like a maniac at you all. Although
I will give you credit for coming up with a great concept, releaseing
the final single of the millenium. I wish I had thought of that.

As to The Parackete's spiritual claims, I will not comment. If people
seek to argue and fight and throw stones they are totally responsible
for any anguish they may endure. This guy is making a fool of many of
you for even arguing with him.

ONELOVESTORY, it was fun, but I'm moving on. It was a game. The Roses
did play along, but they really need to put an end to this thing now.
I'm worried about some of the things I've read.

Peace and much love from one who is stoned in love right now.


Sent via
Before you buy.

Gabe Morris

Nov 29, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/29/99
i know im gonna feel really cruel when ive finished saying this , i know i
should ignore you and leave it i know youre a headcase and i should just
leave it but this is just to dam fucking tempting

WOULD YOU JUST FUCK OFF what autter bullshit you have just wrote i mean cmon
youre just sad cos we finally managed to get this disease out of our system
( the ng) so you decide to bring it back up , you are the paraclete it is
very obvious i mean the whole msg gives it away , you start off "i havent
been online in months" yeah sure , the thing about a girl what bullshit , if
its true i hate to be in her place when she dumps ya , you wont be able to
let go , the roses did not play along with youre stupid fucking game they
told ya to shut the fuck up how can 20 odd ppl on a ng be good publicity ,
parcelete is not actually making a fool of anyone , if to him it is just a
game he is only making a fool of himself , cos who else is laughin i mean
really you can say the jokes on us when it isnt all hes done is proved we
can argue against insane mental patients and i mean it is rather strange how
everyone who supports ols is from deja and all your freinds or are they
aliases are using deja i mean coincedence is one thing but cmon

just fuck off OLS is over it does not need anyone to end it except you to
just fuck off , give us one month and well have forgotten about it, even the
joking referrals will have gone

<> wrote in message news:81ub0o$olq$


Nov 29, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/29/99
Hmm.... You use the same ISP (routed through Deja) as all the other
"Burnies". You are the same sad person.
Not answering anymore.
Go away.

Nov 30, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/30/99
In article <81uccn$pab$>,

"Gabe Morris" <> wrote:
> i know im gonna feel really cruel when ive finished saying this , i
know i
> should ignore you and leave it

YOU couldn't ignore OLS if your life depended on it. You are so hooked
it scares even me, in all the best ways (you're wrong Cynthia, I do
believe it, all of it). And that Burnweed address is a fake. Anyone
can make a fake address, right Moggy? I tried to e mail that person
straight from this screen but it didn't work. I own the real address. So whoever is fucking with me, you've been


Nov 30, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/30/99
You really are mad. You and Cynthia Rhodesare one in the same person. When
you post with Deja you leave tracks. You St Burny have left tracks.
Grow up and piss off.

<> wrote in message

Gabe Morris

Nov 30, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/30/99
id love to prove ya wrong but i wouldnt want to give you the satisfaction
so i would carry on but well i dunno a lot of ppl who are sane are gettin
pissed off

Nov 30, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/30/99
In article <>,

"Moggy" <> wrote:
> You really are mad. You and Cynthia Rhodesare one in the same person.
> you post with Deja you leave tracks. You St Burny have left tracks.
> Grow up and piss off.

I'm soory to inform the people of this ng that there is truly a psycho
in this place, well one besides me that is.

If you do an ISP search on Moggy, Fallon and Gabe Morris, this strange
thing can be discerned, all three are posting from the same ISP.

Now, looking over all three of their posts it really makes sense.
YOU've been exposed. But thanks for the pub.


Nov 30, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/30/99
In article <81vto2$ngb$>,
"Gabe Morris" <> wrote:
> id love to prove


You couldn't prove anything to anyone. You're huffing and puffing but
you haven't blown anything down.

ya wrong but i wouldnt want to give you the satisfaction
> so i would carry on but well i dunno a lot of ppl who are sane are
> pissed off

C'mon now. I'm not wearing you out am I? I'm counting on you to keeo
this going you know. What have you got to say about that prat.

Nov 30, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/30/99
In article <>,

"Moggy" <> wrote:
> Hmm.... You use the same ISP (routed through Deja) as all the other
> "Burnies". You are the same sad person.

If they are the same person that just proves what I've been saying all
along. If Burnweed is saying OLS is not real, and the paraclete is
saying OLS is real and you believe them to be the same person----it's
OBVIOUS he's fucking with you. And anybody who argued he was insane
for believing Reni is the girl messiah is even more of an idiot for
believing that's what Burnweed really meant. You've missed the irony
AND THE SARCASM of his ruse by participating in it and CONTINUING to
obsessively participate in it.

I have also seen you argure that he is weird for spending a lot of time
and energy on OLS, but you're spending even more time arguing with him
and you hang out in this forum on a daily basis obsessing over the
ROses whilst he seems to come and go months at a time only coming here
when he has something to publicize.

Is the publicity working? I called NME and Melody Maker to talk to
them just to see if the press even knew about OLS, and they do. They
just won't report on it. Also, the people on the Roses list are
talking about it. They are talkig about it at Hobbits site, and every
Roses page on the web has a link to it, or a link to a site that has it.

Furthermore, one doesn't have to subscribe to this ng to read it. You
can go to and read the ng daily without subscribing to it. So
we don't really know how many people are reading this bullshit.

So, for an artist who has never received a word of traditional press,
there seems to be an awful lot of people who know about the existence
of OLS. The wordt thing in the world for an artists is to be ignored.
You can't ignore him. You're collaborating with him.

I am an advertising student and I am impressed with it for that reason.
I suppose you'll have some pleasant things to say about me, but I'm
rubber you're glue, whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to infinity.

Cynthia (whirlwind) Rhodes

Matthew Fallon

Nov 30, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/30/99
Chill out Mr para

<> wrote in message


Nov 30, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/30/99
I would like to respond. I cant be arsed to read your long, meandering posts
You are losing your entertainment factor.

<> wrote in message news:820qb2$i3c$


Nov 30, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/30/99
What have you got to say about that prat

Oh Burny where has all the love gone????

Peter Newton

Nov 30, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/30/99
HAHAHAHAHA, i'm gonna be really petty now:

They are talkig about it at Hobbits site, and every
> Roses page on the web has a link to it, or a link to a site that has it.,, do not
have links to OLS or any site that has it. HA!! My site has a link to Will's
site for obvious reasons i.e it's the best Roses site.

Pete (glad he's right about something) Newton

Gabe Morris

Nov 30, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/30/99
wow a advertising student , lawyer pro golfer muscian and all round great

oh and id like to say advertising is an overpaid shite job which is the
tiniest part of marketing which is very important

<> wrote in message news:820qb2$i3c$

Gabe Morris

Nov 30, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/30/99
what are you trying to argue? that i cant ignore OLS ? well mr clever
cloggs if you open your eyes OLS has been ignored the name OLS is scarcely
mentioned let alone the things which are in OLS the main thing being argued
is whether your a twat

were all bolocking on about ignoring OLS when we already are , all were
actually doing is having silly little arguments
my dad is bigger than your dad
now fuck off


Nov 30, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/30/99
sun-burn-cynthia's-clit-weed went:

>If they are the same person that just proves what I've been saying all
>along. If Burnweed is saying OLS is not real, and the paraclete is
>saying OLS is real and you believe them to be the same person----it's
>OBVIOUS he's fucking with you.

My, how clever. I'd not thought of that. Brilliant.

>And anybody who argued he was insane
>for believing Reni is the girl messiah is even more of an idiot for
>believing that's what Burnweed really meant. You've missed the irony
>AND THE SARCASM of his ruse by participating in it and CONTINUING to
>obsessively participate in it.

Irony and sarcasm. Hmm... no, not heard of those.

>I have also seen you argure that he is weird for spending a lot of time
>and energy on OLS, but you're spending even more time arguing with him
>and you hang out in this forum on a daily basis obsessing over the
>ROses whilst he seems to come and go months at a time only coming here
>when he has something to publicize.

I've not listened to your music because you don't respect anyone. You
can publicise as much as you likes and become fucking marylin manson if
you want, I couldn't give a shit, I'll speak up if some stupid prick is
spreading tosh. I could go off on one about how hitler was a nutter and
his bit didn't end until people actually stood up to him but I'd start
sounding like you yourself...

>Is the publicity working? I called NME and Melody Maker to talk to
>them just to see if the press even knew about OLS, and they do. They
>just won't report on it.

Oh, you must be so upset. Do you want me to phone too? Perhaps they
could do a whole edition at christmas telling everyone about that
infamous day in Virgin records - they'd all be thrilled I'm sure.

>Also, the people on the Roses list are
>talking about it. They are talkig about it at Hobbits site, and every
>Roses page on the web has a link to it, or a link to a site that has it.

Hehehhh... Yeah, like Jerusalem has a link to John O Groats via Sydney
Harbour Bridge.

>Furthermore, one doesn't have to subscribe to this ng to read it. You
>can go to and read the ng daily without subscribing to it. So
>we don't really know how many people are reading this bullshit.

No, just think, millions could be. Perhaps soon you'll be on every
coffee table in every home and you'll still be talking shit and wanting
*more* attention. Why not try actually discussing your (imo) shitty
Roses theories with people rather than sounding like MC Hammer's best
friend? Perhaps when you came here then people may say things like
'ooh, hello lee' which you may find is a little more satisfying than
'fuck off loser'... Why not try it?

>So, for an artist who has never received a word of traditional press,
>there seems to be an awful lot of people who know about the existence
>of OLS.

What about his, sorry, your amazing reviews in the NME and other such

>The wordt thing in the world for an artists is to be ignored.
>You can't ignore him. You're collaborating with him.

yes, I telephoned you and went "ooh, lee, please can we get together and
do that thing we were talking about, you know, all about your wonderous
OL* bullshit where you make stuff up about the roses and everything else
that's ever happened and I tell you to be a little less creative to be a
little more creative and you ignore any rational arguments until you've
lost all credibility, whereupon you change tack and start spouting
religious mumbo-jumbo... ohhhh pleeeeeeeese!!!!!" but I don't think you
were in...

>I am an advertising student and I am impressed with it for that reason.

Well done. Must be very impressive to read your own work. Did you give
yourself a good grade when you marked it?

>I suppose you'll have some pleasant things to say about me, but I'm
>rubber you're glue, whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to
> infinity.

yes, yes. oh, please someone call the doctor, all this nasty school-
pritt stick has got me all stuck to this keyboard... oh no...

Oh, and it must be tricky being an advertising student at the same time
as holding down your lawyer bit?

Anyway, have a fun day.

lager, sorry, later...


Matthew Fallon

Nov 30, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/30/99
For a prophet he's a right grouchy twat isn't he....

Moggy <> wrote in message

> What have you got to say about that prat
> Oh Burny where has all the love gone????

Matthew Fallon

Nov 30, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/30/99
This is such small potatoes. You talk like the world is at your feet and
all the while you and your 'special friends' are just under ours.
The only way NME or MM would ever report on your/his sad spat of a story is
if you baisted OLS on your/his chest and ran into a gig with a skewer
running a few people through while reading the gospel according to Reni,
(shit! have I gave you an idea).
Whats all this about participation and advertising?? Its bollocks, I'll
repeat that ....BOLLOCKS! You/He is advertising on a newsgroup with, in
comparison to others, we dont like him, therefore no-one will listen to his
shite music. Outside here about 4 websites link to him/you,
WhhOOPeefuckindoo! It's pathetic beyond imagination. and if you were an
advertising graduate you'd no there's far better ways of getting publicity.
As for collaboration, who gives a fuck, theres only us here and he's a freak
worth laughing at

<> wrote in mess
age news:820qb2$i3c$


Nov 30, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/30/99
at the risk of sounding a complete arsehole,and assuming this IS the real
burnweed - 'I told you so!'

That paraclete bloke seemed to me to write totally differently the Lee we
all know and, er...

Perhaps all that time spent in English lessons has been of some use!



Nov 30, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/30/99
hmmm, after scanning some of these posts i realise i really do sound like an
arsehole. I give in trying to be clever!

this whole OLS thing is crazy - and i just hope if it is Lee that he has
finally come to his senses, intelligent people (and who-ever wrote OLS seems
for a Chapter or soto be pretty smart) don't deserve to fuck up like that.

I'll get me coat =)

Gabe Morris

Nov 30, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/30/99
> lager, sorry, later...
> --
> *dEEJ*

hmm you got other things on ya mind by any chance deej


Nov 30, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/30/99
Ok then proven liar.

My businesses are involved in Advertising and i have an MA in a simular
area. Answer these lille questions:

What Uni do you go to????

How was the Persona Principle Marketing Method first implimented by large

Name the seven types of advanced Marketing????

<> wrote in message news:820qb2$i3c$


Nov 30, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/30/99
shit man please use full stops.. i'm out of breath just reading it

Gabe Morris <> wrote in message

> i know im gonna feel really cruel when ive finished saying this , i know i

> should ignore you and leave it i know youre a headcase and i should just
> leave it but this is just to dam fucking tempting
> WOULD YOU JUST FUCK OFF what autter bullshit you have just wrote i mean
> youre just sad cos we finally managed to get this disease out of our
> ( the ng) so you decide to bring it back up , you are the paraclete it is
> very obvious i mean the whole msg gives it away , you start off "i havent
> been online in months" yeah sure , the thing about a girl what bullshit ,
> its true i hate to be in her place when she dumps ya , you wont be able to
> let go , the roses did not play along with youre stupid fucking game they
> told ya to shut the fuck up how can 20 odd ppl on a ng be good publicity ,
> parcelete is not actually making a fool of anyone , if to him it is just a
> game he is only making a fool of himself , cos who else is laughin i mean
> really you can say the jokes on us when it isnt all hes done is proved we
> can argue against insane mental patients and i mean it is rather strange
> everyone who supports ols is from deja and all your freinds or are they
> aliases are using deja i mean coincedence is one thing but cmon
> just fuck off OLS is over it does not need anyone to end it except you to
> just fuck off , give us one month and well have forgotten about it, even
> joking referrals will have gone

Trade Secret : yes the address is REAL

Dec 1, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/1/99
shit.. reading through this garbage.
NOW who is going off topic






On Tue, 30 Nov 1999 18:32:12 -0000, "Moggy" <>


Dec 1, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/1/99

double vodka and coke, straight.

oh, sorry, I meant 'No.'



Dec 1, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/1/99
"Oh dear you've rumbled us".
Me, Gabe, Matt, and everyone else on this NG who thinks your a div are
infact the very same person. You can prove this by checking our IP's.

This is very boring now, Burnweed. You are really running out of ideas. Our
IP's are all different.

<> wrote in message

> In article <>,
> "Moggy" <> wrote:
> > You really are mad. You and Cynthia Rhodesare one in the same person.
> When
> > you post with Deja you leave tracks. You St Burny have left tracks.
> > Grow up and piss off.
> I'm soory to inform the people of this ng that there is truly a psycho
> in this place, well one besides me that is.
> If you do an ISP search on Moggy, Fallon and Gabe Morris, this strange
> thing can be discerned, all three are posting from the same ISP.
> Now, looking over all three of their posts it really makes sense.
> YOU've been exposed. But thanks for the pub.
> :)
> >

> > <> wrote in message
> > news:81v9sv$g65$
> > > In article <81uccn$pab$>,
> > > "Gabe Morris" <> wrote:

> > > > i know im gonna feel really cruel when ive finished saying this ,
> i
> > > know i
> > > > should ignore you and leave it
> > >
> > >

> > > YOU couldn't ignore OLS if your life depended on it. You are so
> hooked
> > > it scares even me, in all the best ways (you're wrong Cynthia, I do
> > > believe it, all of it). And that Burnweed address is a fake.
> Anyone
> > > can make a fake address, right Moggy? I tried to e mail that person
> > > straight from this screen but it didn't work. I own the real
> > > address. So whoever is fucking with me, you've
> been
> > > exposed.
> > >
> > >
> > >


Dec 1, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/1/99
As he/she has not answered my point has been proven.
I win again.

Trade Secret : yes the address is REAL <> wrote in
message news:38447a17...@

Graham Spencer

Dec 2, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/2/99
to wrote:
> In article <81vto2$ngb$>,

> "Gabe Morris" <> wrote:
> > id love to prove
> snip--
> You couldn't prove anything to anyone. You're huffing and puffing but
> you haven't blown anything down

Poor Jane.



There ain't half been some clever bastards

Julian McKenzie

Dec 2, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/2/99
i have to say that i don't come on here, but when i just popped in and
burnie says paraclete is not him, i might believe that as i never thought
burnie would say most of the things the paraclete has been saying

see ya


the bollox of a band:
FoolsGold <> wrote in message

> at the risk of sounding a complete arsehole,and assuming this IS the real
> burnweed - 'I told you so!'
> That paraclete bloke seemed to me to write totally differently the Lee we
> all know and, er...
> Perhaps all that time spent in English lessons has been of some use!
> Jim

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