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How fag 'activists' intend to capture the next generation

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Aug 21, 2000, 3:00:00 AM8/21/00
How Homosexual Activists Intend to Capture the Next Generation

Exposes on the homosexual agenda

By Ed Vitagliano
News Editor, AFA Journal
August 18, 2000

When presidential hopeful Pat Buchanan warned the 1992 Republican National
Convention about an ongoing "culture war," he was fairly spat upon by
liberals who viewed the speech as hateful agitation.

More than eight years later, however, nearly everyone across the political
spectrum admits that there is, in fact, an unremitting ideological war
underway. And nowhere is that conflict more evident than in the bitter,
hand-to-hand, combat now going on between those who view homosexuality as
unnatural, immoral and unhealthy, and those who seek to overthrow that view.

The most sought-after trophies of the homosexual movement are not found in
corporate boardrooms, state legislatures, or even Hollywood. The ultimate
prizes are the hearts and minds of children. In school and in public
libraries, on television and at the movies, from San Francisco to
Washington, D.C., children in this country are being exposed to a constant,
concerted propaganda effort that aims to instill a homosexual worldview.

Evangelizing young heart and minds
Perhaps no network television show better highlighted this strategy than
Disney/ABC's controversial sitcom Ellen. That show made history when its
main character, played by lesbian actress Ellen DeGeneres, declared her
homosexuality on an infamous episode in the Spring of 1997.

But as the new lesbian flavor of the show became its hallmark during the
Fall '97 season, resulting in more same-sex affection than ever before on
the networks, ABC began preceding the show with a parental advisory warning
of the adult content. DeGeneres grew so angry she threatened to quit. "This
advisory," she said, "is telling kids something's wrong with being gay."

It was a revealing statement, for one of DeGeneres' explicit goals was, in
fact, to let kids know that there is something right with being homosexual.
Upon receiving an Emmy Award for her sitcom, for example, the actress told
the Academy of TV Arts & Sciences that she was accepting the trophy on
behalf the "the teenagers especially out there who think there's something
wrong with them because they're gay, and there's nothing wrong with you;
don't ever let anyone make you feel ashamed of who you are."

Even in preparing the much ballyhooed coming-out episode, the effect on
those children who might be watching was in the minds of the show's
producers. Remarking that "a lot of kids go through" the same coming-out
anxieties as DeGeneres' character on the show, Ellen executive producer Dave
Saval said, "If this episode helps some child in the Midwest with their
sexual identification, we've done our job."

In the effort to subtly indoctrinate kids, homosexual activist even intend
to use as an instrument television programming targeted specifically to
children. IN 1995, for example, the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against
Defamation (GLAAD) called on the federal government to set guidelines
requiring children's TV programs to educate kids against "homophobia" and
"discrimination based on sexual orientation."

Al Kielwasswer, a San Francisco spokesman for GLAAD, said, "Inexcusable,
broadcasters continue to overlook the enormous potential of children's
television for combating homophobia."

The Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) has apparently taken GLAAD's
recommendation to heart. The website for the PBS children's show Puzzle
Place says, "Using a lively combination of song, story, comedy, puppets and
lots of fun, this series sows the seeds of self-esteem and respect for
others in young children." While such a statement sounds harmless on the
surface, not all the "seeds" which Puzzle Place "sows. . .in young children"
are innocuous. An episode in October entitle "Family Fun" taught its young
viewers that "there are many different kinds of families, including same-sex

Dodging parents
While activist attempt to persuade adults to support the homosexual rights
movement, they see most adults as supporters of this culture's "homophobic"
mentality. For activists, the perceived anti-homosexual bigotry in many
adults can be suppressed, but never conquered.

"It is the first fact of civilization. Whoever captures the kids owns the
In the spring of 1998, for example, the folk rock duo the Indigo Girls were
scheduled to give a free concert at a South Carolina high school. But when
parents protested because of this group's outspoken lesbianism, the concert
was canceled.

This sort of resolute resistance to the normalization of homosexuality
frustrates and angers homosexual activist. One of the Indigo Girls, Amy ray,
said, "A minority composed of homophobic, narrow-minded parents and
weak-kneed principals and school boards have successfully enforced a policy
of hate."

Such disdain for what they see as adult bigotry is unmistakable in the
radical activist. Urvashi Vaid, for executive director of the National Gay
and Lesbian Task Force, said children should be a special target for
homosexual rights activist in the attempt to change society.

"Coming out [publicly as a homosexual] never ceases. Don't give in to the
complacency; they don't know until you tell them," Vaid says in her
agenda-setting book, Virtual Equality: The Mainstreaming of Gay & Lesbian
Liberation. "Tell your family, especially the younger nieces, nephews and
others, before they adopt prejudicial attitudes!" (Emphasis in the

For these homosexual crusaders, the moral and religious views of parents are
to be rejected if they contradict the philosophy of the homosexual rights
movement, and if necessary, the authority of parents is to be circumvented.

In XY Magazine, directed to homosexual youth, writer Indigo Escobar drives
just such a wedge between parent and child. What should kids, do, Escobar
asks, when parents install filtering software on the home computer which
blocks access to homosexual websites? "If your parents disagree with you -
well, they're wrong and you are right. This is part of separating from your
parents and becoming your own person, and if they force you to get gay youth
information behind their back - that's their fault and their problem."

Going "behind your parents' backs" is precisely what Escobar advises,
telling young people how they can get to homosexual websites despite
parental disapproval. Escobar tells kids that such access is important, "so
be tricky" in circumventing their parents' wishes.

What is so important that the adult writers for XY Magazine would advise
children to disobey their parents? The magazine issue in which Escobar
advocated being "tricky" also gives tips to kids on coming out to their
parents, advises young people to use condoms when they have "hot sex," and
has a "personals" section where homosexuals can "meet the dude of your

Young people who are confused about their sexuality find plenty of advice
from adult homosexuals in XY. "This [your homosexual orientation] is who you
are, it's a good thing, and it's not going to change," says Pete Helvey,
President of Infiniti Web Design, writing in the magazine. When counseling
kids about revealing their homosexuality, Helvey says, "The main thing is
finding someone who won't try to change your mind [about being homosexual],
but will just accept it."

XY Magazine also contains a full page ad listing homosexual organizations
eager to talk with you, staffed by homosexual adults as counselors. The page
is sponsored by the The National Coalition for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual &
Transgender Youth.

Hoping for a new generation
For activists, the success of their long-range goals seems centered on
persuading children to accept homosexuality as a normal variation of human
sexuality. That is the attitude of outspoken homosexual and actor Harvey
Fierstein. His career has been given a big boost with roles in films popular
with children and young adults, such as Independence Day, Mrs.. Doubtfire,
and as the voice of Yao in the Disney animated film Mulan.

Fierstein is enjoying the work aimed at the younger generation, but his
motive is frightening. "It would be wonderful to have a generation grow up
not frightened of gay people. We can't reach a lot of their parents, but we
can reach kids, and if they grow up without being full of hate, we can have
hope," he said.

Some advocates for the homosexual agenda, like Ellen executive producer and
head writer Tim Doyle, are more blunt. "It's hard to blaze a trail and
progress is slow, but there's a whole generation that's now grown up with
homosexuality and doesn't think that's so extraordinary," he told Daily
Variety. "There's a group of older people that will never accept it, but
there are a lot of empty cemeteries, and when they're filled, the world will
be more tolerant."

Winning the war
Children are targeted because homosexual activists see them as holding the
keys to tomorrow. In The Advocate, lesbian author Patricia Nell Warren
issued what was intended to be a warning about the goals of 'religious
extremists" in this country: "It is the first fact of civilization," she
said. "Whoever captures the kids owns the future." Warren, of course, was
warning the homosexual readers of her article that if activists didn't get
busy, religious fanatics would be successful. The converse of that, however,
was also implicit: if homosexual activist get busy, then they can win the
allegiance of children.

As Machiavellian as it may seem, the success of the radical homosexual
agenda is partly dependent on persuading children of today that
homosexuality if normal - to ensure that they will become adult allies

Ed Dunn

Aug 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM8/22/00
This is allowed in the newsgroup, but I and others are not? Come on
Bill, learn about hate and what it really is. I saw the Indigo girls
back in 92 or so, what does that mean? They were good too!


Aug 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM8/22/00
On Mon, 21 Aug 2000 21:25:27 -0000, "HETEROMAN"
<> wrote:

>How Homosexual Activists Intend to Capture the Next Generation

This is an out and out lie.
We plan our capture this way:
We will get thousands of colossal shoe boxes.
We want to get into scouting to learn to cut trees because we will
need thousands of logs.
Then we will prop up these giant rabbit traps tying off the 100 plus
feet ropes to the bumpers of our Volvos. Then we will place things the
next generation likes such as Pokemon cards, MP3 Players, Candy, Game
Boys, Pez Dispensers, Brittany Spears CDs, Beanie Babies and so on
..a virtual treasure trove that will entice the next generation into
our traps of behemoth proportions.
They will without a doubt walk into our trap and then we will lurch
our Volvos forward and spring the trap.
They will never know what hit them. Then we will be real friendly to
them feeding them a strike diet of Soy Products, and have them work
out in the gym.

Madeline Michele

WAKE-UP and smell the Nitrous Oxide!!
Then Relax in the Safty of Your Own Dilusion.

Ross MacRae

Aug 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM8/22/00
Sir, your views are repulsive.

"HETEROMAN" <> wrote in message


Aug 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM8/22/00

When I was a little girl I knew I was Gay.
I also was aware people looked upon us as filth and scum.
So what we have is this pretty little girl (me) growing up thinking I
will grow horns.
Well I made it past my Dad who like many people here has hate.
He was in World War Two and hated the Japs.
He also hated Spicks, Niggers and Queers.
You people of hate tried to stop the Black movements and lost.
You lost your private war on the Hispanic people.
Now we are up to bat and you wish to stop my people from having
I have bad news for you we will triumph.
If it was up to this guy he would have us in the closet and blacks in
white face.
It is good to be born any way God decides.
Little kids need not feel shame for being Jewish, Black, Spanish, Gay
or What Ever.


Aug 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM8/22/00
I read this story a couple of times.
From what I read it looks very pro gay.
I see many great statements in this article.
Yes it’s true the point was to dehumanize us as a people but he
brought up some great
stuff trying to make us look bad.
I think everyone should read this.
I love it...

Big Chris

Aug 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM8/22/00
please remove rec.scouting.usa from this discussion and your replies. It
does not fit the groups content and discussions. When replying to me please
do so directly.

Big Chris
mrclm at yahoo dot com
If God is good, and God gives us life,
then life must be good even if we don't
particularly like it. -Rich Mullins

"Madeline" <> wrote in message

> When I was a little girl I knew I was Gay.
> I also was aware people looked upon us as filth and scum.
> So what we have is this pretty little girl (me) growing up thinking I
> will grow horns.
> Well I made it past my Dad who like many people here has hate.
> He was in World War Two and hated the Japs.
> He also hated Spicks, Niggers and Queers.
> You people of hate tried to stop the Black movements and lost.
> You lost your private war on the Hispanic people.
> Now we are up to bat and you wish to stop my people from having
> rights.
> I have bad news for you we will triumph.
> If it was up to this guy he would have us in the closet and blacks in
> white face.
> It is good to be born any way God decides.
> Little kids need not feel shame for being Jewish, Black, Spanish, Gay
> or What Ever.

Don Boell

Aug 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM8/22/00
Madeline ( wrote:

: When I was a little girl I knew I was Gay.

Your point is?

: I also was aware people looked upon us as filth and scum.

Not everyone. Separate the person from the sexuality.

: So what we have is this pretty little girl (me) growing up thinking I
: will grow horns.

Thats a sad thing. One would have hoped a strong family
unit would have gotten you through this.

: Well I made it past my Dad who like many people here has hate.

: He was in World War Two and hated the Japs.

Are you aware of what the Japanese did to civilian and military
alike during WWII? The deathcamps? The forced prostitution?
The execution of military who had rights under the Geneva Convention?

: He also hated Spicks, Niggers and Queers.

That is also a very sad thing. Some people in the world
are misled down the path of hate. One can pray for them
and try to lead them to Jesus/Allah/whomever but in the
end its up to them to make an effort...

: You people of hate tried to stop the Black movements and lost.

Some people of hate did as you describe. How many boys-in-blue
lost their lives in the civil war? How many whites were also
attacked during the civil rights movement?

While we are at it - lets not forget that blacks like Malcolm X
shared a fair amount of hate against whites as well during the
same time period. No one side is blameless.

: You lost your private war on the Hispanic people.

And what war might that have been? And, out of curiosity,
how far back in time do we go to determine who was wronged
by whom? Are you aware of the genocide practiced by Hispanics
against the native peoples of North/Central/South America?
Oddly no one cares to mention this little fact. As an activist
for Native American causes I could tell you a thing or two.

: Now we are up to bat and you wish to stop my people from having
: rights.

Bull. We want to perhaps stop you from having "special" rights
based on your bedroom preference. Thats a whole different issue.
In a "society-says" relativistic world, where do we draw the
line regarding "special" protected status/rights? What about
the innocent polygamist? What about the innocent bestiality
practitioner? Who is to say what is "right" or "wrong?"

: I have bad news for you we will triumph.

Militant action seldom triumphs. All it does is alienate
the general public who otherwise might be content to ignore
the whole affair.

: If it was up to this guy he would have us in the closet and blacks in
: white face.

Your hate is showing.

: It is good to be born any way God decides.

This is not theologically sound. We live in a fallen world.
As a result, corruption enters everything. It is good to follow
the example provided by Jesus (for Christians) or the law
provided by Mosses (Jews) or the teachings of Mohammed etc.
rather than to subscribe to the world view that everyone is
just A-OK regardless of their actions in life. Using your
argument we could also argue that Hitler & Stalin are A-OK
since they were born the way God decided.

: Little kids need not feel shame for being Jewish, Black, Spanish, Gay
: or What Ever.

If kids feel shame its because they don't have a firm confident
sense of self and are willing to abdicate that to others who pin
labels on them. A strong family unit combats this but alas - liberalism
has killed the family unit...

: Madeline Michele

Big Chris

Aug 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM8/22/00
please remove rec.scouting.usa from this discussion and your replies. It
does not fit the groups content and discussions. When replying to me please
do so directly.

Big Chris
mrclm at yahoo dot com
If God is good, and God gives us life,
then life must be good even if we don't
particularly like it. -Rich Mullins

"Madeline" <> wrote in message

When I was a little girl I knew I was Gay.

I also was aware people looked upon us as filth and scum.

So what we have is this pretty little girl (me) growing up thinking I
will grow horns.

Well I made it past my Dad who like many people here has hate.
He was in World War Two and hated the Japs.

He also hated Spicks, Niggers and Queers.

You people of hate tried to stop the Black movements and lost.

You lost your private war on the Hispanic people.

Now we are up to bat and you wish to stop my people from having

I have bad news for you we will triumph.

If it was up to this guy he would have us in the closet and blacks in
white face.

It is good to be born any way God decides.

Little kids need not feel shame for being Jewish, Black, Spanish, Gay
or What Ever.

Big Chris

Aug 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM8/22/00

Big Chris

Aug 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM8/22/00
please remove rec.scouting.usa from this discussion and your replies. It
does not fit the groups content and discussions. When replying to me please
do so directly.

Big Chris
mrclm at yahoo dot com
If God is good, and God gives us life,
then life must be good even if we don't
particularly like it. -Rich Mullins

"Madeline" <> wrote in message

I read this story a couple of times.
From what I read it looks very pro gay.
I see many great statements in this article.
Yes it's true the point was to dehumanize us as a people but he
brought up some great
stuff trying to make us look bad.
I think everyone should read this.
I love it...

Brian Minerly

Aug 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM8/22/00
Don Boell <> wrote in message
> : Now we are up to bat and you wish to stop my people from having
> : rights.

> Bull. We want to perhaps stop you from having "special" rights
> based on your bedroom preference

I don't think so. Homosexuals do not fight for special rights based on
their bedroom preference; they fight for special protection for their right
to equal protection under the law. If they weren't discriminated against,
if they were not the target of hate crimes (remember the kid hung on the
barbed wire fence in Wyoming?), if they weren't ostracized and dehumanized,
none of this would be an issue.

It's simple: treat them like equals, treat them like people, because they

Accusing homosexuals of actively recruiting children smacks of the same
lunacy of Illuminati plots or worldwide Jewish conspiracies; each holds
about as much credibility. Of course, there are probably those that believe
in all three.


Aug 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM8/22/00
Poor Madeleine.

The Japs sneak attacked Pearl Harbour, raped and murdered
thousands, tortured and executed their prisoners, forced
thousands of women into prostitution, and were responsible
for many other atrocities too unspeakable to mention.

Of course we hated them during WW II. They were killing our

Blacks and asians as well as mestizo hispanics are easily
identifiable because of their race. Their behaviour has
nothing to do with their complexions.

Homosexuals engage in sickening, repulsive behaviour. They are
not forced into it, they choose to engage in it.

There is absolutely NO PARALLEL!!!

Bill Sills


Aug 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM8/22/00
Poor Madeleine.

The Japs sneak attacked Pearl Harbour, raped and murdered
thousands, tortured and executed their prisoners, forced
thousands of women into prostitution, and were responsible
for many other atrocities too unspeakable to mention.

Of course we hated them during WW II. They were killing our

Blacks and asians as well as mstizo hispanics are easily


Aug 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM8/22/00

Big Chris <> wrote in message

> please remove rec.scouting.usa from this discussion and your replies.


Big Chris

Aug 22, 2000, 10:48:49 PM8/22/00

Big Chris

Aug 22, 2000, 10:49:07 PM8/22/00


Aug 22, 2000, 6:07:27 PM8/22/00
Big Chris <> wrote in message

> please remove rec.scouting.usa from this discussion and your replies. It
> does not fit the groups content and discussions.




Aug 23, 2000, 12:45:45 AM8/23/00

My Dad was a B-24 and B17 Pilot and bombed them in the war.
Later he went with United Air Lines to retire as a 747 Captain.
In his last years with United he flew many Tokyo runs.
He would comment how he was in the same air space 40 years earlier.
To him it was a visit to his past in many ways.
When you fly long trips like this by law you must lay-over.
This lay-over is used to rest up between flights.
When you fly you can be sure the Captain is well rested.
So subsequently he spent many hours, days, weeks and months in this
He would find new friends in the many old JAL Captains.
He found many who remember missions they flew against each other.
He would bomb shipping, factories and all other targets of war.
Some he knew by name and others knew the Ground Hog on the side of his
He would eat in their homes and share pictures of each others children
and grandchildren.
He met his demons and found they were not what he thought.
Sure this country did many bad things but today he is at peace with
his war that was raging for so long.
He became good friends with the same people that tried to kill him.
Pilots in the Aleutians had to fly 25 missions then they could go home
and train others or get a new assignment. Did you know that only a
half to a third of the planes returned?
Think about flying 25 of these, he lost many friends from this war to
the same JAL pilots he was now friends with. He also flew the plane
that killed many of the JAL pilots friends.
They thought we were monsters to. Today this country is not evil. The
people are timid and peaceful.
False ideas will drive people to levels of hate and power and take a
nice person then drive them to kill and harm others.
Today Germany is not as it was 60 years ago.
The people are very different. This is a nice country full of nice
Christians burned witches and boiled sinners in oil in the name of
God. Today they are not like this as we all know.

>Homosexuals engage in sickening, repulsive behaviour.

Tell me what behavior? I do the same things to a woman as you do.
What is repulsive about loving a woman?
What do you do that is repulsive?
I do the same as you if not cleaner.
I think having sex with a man would be repulsive.
I don’t see what a man can see in a man or a woman can see in a man.
I am a woman that likes females and think you people are different
from me.

FL PBPress

Aug 23, 2000, 2:15:54 AM8/23/00
Brian Minerly wrote:

>If they weren't discriminated against,
>if they were not the target of hate crimes (remember the kid hung on the
>barbed wire fence in Wyoming?)


I'm sure that everyone agrees that what happened to Matthew Sheppard was a
revolting and disgusting act.

But to put the shoe on the other foot, were the murders of 10-year-old
Jeffrey Curley, in Massachusetts (1997), and 13-year-old Jesse Dirkhising, in
Arkansas (1999), both at the hands of homosexual pedophiles, love crimes??

Should the murder of a homosexual be punished more harshly than the murder
of a child?

I'm sorry, but the call for harsher punishment for so called "hate crimes"
does not hold water.


Peter Beckman

Aug 23, 2000, 3:00:00 AM8/23/00
This thread reminds me of something that was said during the fight over the
"Briggs" initiative in California some 20 years ago (the purpose of the
initiative was to allow gay schoolteachers to be fired for no cause other than
their sexual orientation, it lost). Harvey Milk and John Briggs were debating.
Briggs accused gays of recruiting kids. Milk replied: "Recruit? Who needs to
recruit? We have more volunteers than we know what to do with." It brought down
the house.

Brian Minerly wrote:

> Don Boell <> wrote in message
> news:8nupq0$93f$
> > : Now we are up to bat and you wish to stop my people from having
> > : rights.
> >
> > Bull. We want to perhaps stop you from having "special" rights
> > based on your bedroom preference
> I don't think so. Homosexuals do not fight for special rights based on
> their bedroom preference; they fight for special protection for their right

> to equal protection under the law. If they weren't discriminated against,

> if they were not the target of hate crimes (remember the kid hung on the


Aug 23, 2000, 3:00:00 AM8/23/00
>FL PBPress wrote:
>Brian Minerly wrote:
>>If they weren't discriminated against,
>>if they were not the target of hate crimes (remember the kid hung on the
>>barbed wire fence in Wyoming?)
> I'm sure that everyone agrees that what happened to Matthew Sheppard was
>revolting and disgusting act.
> But to put the shoe on the other foot, were the murders of 10-year-old
>Jeffrey Curley, in Massachusetts (1997), and 13-year-old Jesse Dirkhising, in
>Arkansas (1999), both at the hands of homosexual pedophiles, love crimes??
> Should the murder of a homosexual be punished more harshly than the
>of a child?

It depends on why each one was murdered. If the homosexual was murdered at
random, if the child was killed by an assassin, these factors will be taken
into account.

Killing someone after you sexually abuse them is horrible. So is killing
somone simply because they are gay, jewish, white, or christian. These are two
different types of murders, just as murder for hire is a different type of
murder. When sentencing convicts, we typically take into account aggavating

frank w elliott jr

Aug 27, 2000, 3:00:00 AM8/27/00
In rec.scouting.issues Don Boell <> wrote:
: Madeline ( wrote:

: : When I was a little girl I knew I was Gay.

: Your point is?

: : I also was aware people looked upon us as filth and scum.

: Not everyone. Separate the person from the sexuality.

The analogous response would be "Love the Cretin; hate the Creed."

: : So what we have is this pretty little girl (me) growing up thinking I
: : will grow horns.

: Thats a sad thing. One would have hoped a strong family

: unit would have gotten you through this.

A "strong family unit" like the one you're thinking of would have driven her
to suicide.

: : Well I made it past my Dad who like many people here has hate.

: : He was in World War Two and hated the Japs.

: Are you aware of what the Japanese did to civilian and military

: alike during WWII? The deathcamps? The forced prostitution?
: The execution of military who had rights under the Geneva Convention?

Are you aware that we killed hundreds of thousands of Japanese civilians
by incinerating then in seconds, killing them in a few days with radiation
poisoning, sentencing them to slow deaths by cancer?

Have you any idea what the strontium-90 generated by a fission bomb
does to children? It substitutes itself for the calcium in their bones.
It gives them rapidly progressing bone cancer which kills after destroying
their skeletons and causing their limbs to be amputated? Have you ever
seen a young girl with advanced bone cancer? I've seen a few; it's not
a sight I'll ever forget.

Most of the Japanese people alive today were either unborn at the time
of the war or not old enough to be responsible for what the leadership
of their country did at the time. They've paid the price for what
their country did.

The time for hating the Japanese is long over.

: : He also hated Spicks, Niggers and Queers.

: That is also a very sad thing. Some people in the world

: are misled down the path of hate. One can pray for them
: and try to lead them to Jesus/Allah/whomever but in the
: end its up to them to make an effort...

The anniversary of the St. Bartholemew's day massacre was three
days ago. On that day several centuries ago religious people
(Catholics) used their religion as a pretext for murdering
70,000 people of another religion (Hugenots) simply because those
people were different. I don't think religion has solved the
problem of persecuting those who are different. In fact, in the
case of gay and lesbian people, many religions have done much to
promote this hatred.

: : You people of hate tried to stop the Black movements and lost.

: Some people of hate did as you describe. How many boys-in-blue

: lost their lives in the civil war? How many whites were also
: attacked during the civil rights movement?

Just as the price of the rape of Nanking was the bombing of Hiroshima
and Nagasaki, so the civil war was the price of the brutal chatel
slavery imposed by our country against Africans.

: While we are at it - lets not forget that blacks like Malcolm X

: shared a fair amount of hate against whites as well during the
: same time period. No one side is blameless.

Does my neighbor have to be blameless for me to stop hating him?

: : Now we are up to bat and you wish to stop my people from having
: : rights.

: Bull. We want to perhaps stop you from having "special" rights

: based on your bedroom preference.

Whom we love is a fundamental part of who we are.
Why would you expect us to respect your religion if you don't respect that?

: Thats a whole different issue.

: In a "society-says" relativistic world, where do we draw the
: line regarding "special" protected status/rights?

The "special rights" lie is an example of puritanism's most sadistic
and hypocritical tendencies. Religious people in this country are
protected by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which forbids
discrimination against them in housing, employment, and education.
Yet many religious people, aware of their own special protections in
this regard consider it their right and their place to discriminate
against gay people in a way that gay people are prevented _by_ _federal_
_law_ from discriminating against them.



Aug 27, 2000, 3:00:00 AM8/27/00

frank w elliott jr wrote:
> In rec.scouting.issues Don Boell <> wrote:
> : Madeline ( wrote:


> : Thats a sad thing. One would have hoped a strong family
> : unit would have gotten you through this.
> A "strong family unit" like the one you're thinking of would have driven her
> to suicide.

That's incorrect. If anything, it would seem that there is evidence
that the self defined gay community tends to drive people to suicide.

It tends to be quite pro-death. For instance, there are some segments
which purposefully get HIV as a right of passage. It would seem that
those who tend to refuse to honor their Creator tend to refuse to honor
the way human life is created, tend to refuse to honor their
parents/creators and tend to be pro-death/pro-degeneration. For
instance, it's not apparent why self defined gays would be some of the
most ardent and radical pro-abortion people. However, understood within
the context of the pro-death anti-creationary philosophy that they tend
to adhere to the phenomenon is then understandable.
--Christopher Watson
"Art, like morality, consists in
drawing the line somewhere." --G.K. Chesterton

Chris Borillo

Aug 27, 2000, 3:00:00 AM8/27/00
As viewed from dc.general, "C.J.W." wrote:
> frank w elliott jr wrote:
> >
> > In rec.scouting.issues Don Boell <> wrote:
> > : Madeline ( wrote:
> <snip>
> > : Thats a sad thing. One would have hoped a strong family
> > : unit would have gotten you through this.
> >
> > A "strong family unit" like the one you're thinking of would have driven her
> > to suicide.
> That's incorrect. If anything, it would seem that there is evidence
> that the self defined gay community tends to drive people to suicide.
> <snip>
> It tends to be quite pro-death. For instance, there are some segments
> which purposefully get HIV as a right of passage. It would seem that

Interesting. I have never heard of this "right[sic] of passage" before
in any news article. References, please....

-- Chris

Discourage inbreeding. Outlaw country music.
For every moral absolute, there is a qualification.

To reply by email, remove the 'd' in my address.


Aug 28, 2000, 3:00:00 AM8/28/00
> : Thats a sad thing. One would have hoped a strong family
> : unit would have gotten you through this.
> A "strong family unit" like the one you're thinking of would have driven her
> to suicide.

>That's incorrect. If anything, it would seem that there is evidence
>that the self defined gay community tends to drive people to suicide.

I am a very active local lesbian woman in my community and have yet to
see any gay person driving anyone to suicide.
That is a odd statement you made, right up there with the sky is

>For instance, it's not apparent why self defined gays would be some of the
>most ardent and radical pro-abortion people.

This is a generalization as is just about 90% of any GLBT information
I see in this group.
I (Madeline) am Pro-Life and find abortion to be wrong.
This does not cause me to dissociate my friends and acquaintances if
they think any different.

Suicide is found in all races, families, nationalities and peoples.
This is a sad thing indeed.
This is something a person does when they fall into the ultimate of
I myself would like to see people happy and try to make joy in
everything I do.
As I grew up as a little lesbian kid I was filled with this same
I didn’t hide in my room but I did cry every day if not openly but
then to myself.
I was very well liked by boys and girls because I was cool.
The boys played with me as one of them and boys loved girls that were
so hip to their world of climbing, jumping and getting dirty
(boy stuff). If there was a BOYS ONLY Club House I was very welcome to
I was also cool to the girls as I could also play with dolls and get
To my friends I was a very universal kid that loved to have fun.
I also had my secret of being a lesbian that I was able to resolve
when I was 19.
I was such a great kid but was haunted because my Dad would make it
very clear that Gays were filth.
I was wondering when I would transform into this evil monster, this
abomination towards the earth.
Well it never happened, turned out I was indeed a cool kid and later a
cool adult.
Kids like myself knew only what adults and the world around them
taught us.
Yes GLBT along with Whales, Dolphins, Homeless People, and the
generally sad people of the world do take their own life at times.
This is so wrong and should be prevented.
The highest of all suicide rates in any group of people is that of the
If you are a Transsexual you have a 50% chance of taking your own life
before the age of 30. To the T group they tell of how they are not
congruent in the gender they were born with.
For anyone to equate this try thinking of being the person you are,
but in the body of someone or something else.
They are repulsed by this situation.
Some will come back to this statement as "That is the way God made
them", well this does not stop the despair they as a human being feel
as they wish to be the other gender.
Suicide is about people in despondency, sorrow, anguish, remorse, and
All people should be happy without others hating them for whatever
that harms no one.
If you the people are upset about any possible child abuse don’t draw
us gay people into this situation. The only child abuse I have seen in
the gay world was at the hands of our parents and others against us
the GLBT people. Your staunch hatred is hurting your own
gay kids.
The use of these words like fags, homos and queers is being seen by
many GLBT kids every day and it hurts them hard.
The kid at your dinner table, your son, daughter or their friends
could very well be gay and you are abusing them by these
actions and talk. Trust me on this hurt me.

However, understood within
the context of the pro-death anti-creationary philosophy that they
to adhere to the phenomenon is then understandable.


Aug 28, 2000, 3:00:00 AM8/28/00

Darryl Wagoner

Aug 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM8/29/00

> How Homosexual Activists Intend to Capture the Next Generation
> Exposes on the homosexual agenda
> By Ed Vitagliano

I think I have been very clear on my position against adult gay
leaders in Scouts. So many of you may find the it strange to
hear me say that AFA article is trash. Some good points, but
those points are almost totally covered up by homophobic slant.
All the are doing is F.U.D. I think this site is doing a service
to Gays without being a disservice to anyone else. Take
anything that AFA says with a grain of salt. They are looking
for crosses to burn.

Darryl Wagoner DE WA1GON


Aug 29, 2000, 8:28:56 PM8/29/00
On Tue, 29 Aug 2000 17:48:04 -0400, Darryl Wagoner
<> wrote:

>> How Homosexual Activists Intend to Capture the Next Generation
>> Exposes on the homosexual agenda
>> By Ed Vitagliano
>I think I have been very clear on my position against adult gay
>leaders in Scouts.

I think if a Gay person does not want to be a leader then they should
not. If you are gay and don't want to see gay leaders then don't sign
up to be a leader.


Aug 30, 2000, 3:00:00 AM8/30/00

Chris Borillo wrote:
> As viewed from dc.general, "C.J.W." wrote:
> >
> > frank w elliott jr wrote:
> > >
> > > In rec.scouting.issues Don Boell <> wrote:
> > > : Madeline ( wrote:
> > <snip>

> > > : Thats a sad thing. One would have hoped a strong family
> > > : unit would have gotten you through this.
> > >
> > > A "strong family unit" like the one you're thinking of would have driven her
> > > to suicide.
> >
> > That's incorrect. If anything, it would seem that there is evidence
> > that the self defined gay community tends to drive people to suicide.

> > <snip>
> >
> > It tends to be quite pro-death. For instance, there are some segments
> > which purposefully get HIV as a right of passage. It would seem that
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> Interesting. I have never heard of this "right[sic] of passage" before

> in any news article. References, please....<snip>[ST_rn=ps]/getdoc.xp?AN=636865401&CONTEXT=967682985.913047573&hitnum=2

Rite of passage, of course, I don't proof-read.


Aug 30, 2000, 3:00:00 AM8/30/00

Madeline wrote:
> > : Thats a sad thing. One would have hoped a strong family
> > : unit would have gotten you through this.
> >
> > A "strong family unit" like the one you're thinking of would have driven her
> > to suicide.
> >That's incorrect. If anything, it would seem that there is evidence
> >that the self defined gay community tends to drive people to suicide.

> I am a very active local lesbian woman in my community and have yet to
> see any gay person driving anyone to suicide.
> That is a odd statement you made, right up there with the sky is
> falling.

For instance:
"This paper's author has heard reports that, once admitted
into schools, some "facilitators" of "gay suicide
prevention" programs have given "gay" students
detailed instructions on how to commit suicide,
if these yougsters feel so inclined."

Or one could simply look at the domestic violence rampant in the self
defined community. That is certainly correlative to sucide and ergo
drives people to suicide. HIV is also correlative to suicide as well.
It would seem that it's not so odd to note that all of these things
drive people to suicide and are driven by the gay community.

> >For instance, it's not apparent why self defined gays would be some of the
> >most ardent and radical pro-abortion people.
> This is a generalization as is just about 90% of any GLBT information
> I see in this group.

Note what you just said is a generalization.

That's because what is generally true is very important.... 99% of the
time. What is generally true is certainly enough to advocate public
policies on. E.g., if drunk drivers are generally killing people then
that's enough to advocate public policy on.

That's what makes people who get sanctimonious and start to say things
about this or that "per se" so stupid. E.g., the APA in public
relations statements says that there's nothing harmful about
homosexuality, per se. Many shrinks know better and the literature
indicates what is generally true, but that's what the public relations
people say.

> I (Madeline) am Pro-Life and find abortion to be wrong.

Then you are an exception to what is generally a pro-death community.
What is generally true is important to note.

> This does not cause me to dissociate my friends and acquaintances if
> they think any different.
> Suicide is found in all races, families, nationalities and peoples.
> This is a sad thing indeed.
> This is something a person does when they fall into the ultimate of
> hopelessness.
> I myself would like to see people happy and try to make joy in
> everything I do.
> As I grew up as a little lesbian kid I was filled with this same
> hopelessness.
> I didn’t hide in my room but I did cry every day if not openly but
> then to myself.
> I was very well liked by boys and girls because I was cool.

Then why do you think that you were filled with hopelessness. It
wouldn't seem typical for a person to be well liked and so on and be
filled with hoplessness.

Actually, much of what you said is typical to lesbians. Why do you
think that is?

> Kids like myself knew only what adults and the world around them
> taught us.
> Yes GLBT along with Whales, Dolphins, Homeless People, and the
> generally sad people of the world do take their own life at times.

Actually, homeless people and self defined gays tend to be mentally
disturbed and that could be a reason why they tend towards suicide.

> This is so wrong and should be prevented.
> The highest of all suicide rates in any group of people is that of the
> Transsexuals.
> If you are a Transsexual you have a 50% chance of taking your own life
> before the age of 30. To the T group they tell of how they are not
> congruent in the gender they were born with.
> For anyone to equate this try thinking of being the person you are,
> but in the body of someone or something else.
> They are repulsed by this situation.

Note that we're talking about less than 1% of the population and there
is psychological help available, despite the APA. Just as there is for
homosexuality, despite the APA.


> If you the people are upset about any possible child abuse don’t draw
> us gay people into this situation. The only child abuse I have seen in
> the gay world was at the hands of our parents and others against us
> the GLBT people. Your staunch hatred is hurting your own
> gay kids.

Hatred of what? I don't believe in your so called "gay kids." There is
no such thing.

Explain what it is you mean by calling kids gay.

> The use of these words like fags, homos and queers is being seen by
> many GLBT kids every day and it hurts them hard.

Explain the difference between "fag," "homosexual" and "gay."

> The kid at your dinner table, your son, daughter or their friends
> could very well be gay and you are abusing them by these
> actions and talk.

Explain what "being gay" is.

> Trust me on this hurt me.

I trust that you feel that you're giving an accurate representation of
reality. But sometimes when people start to define reality by
"feelings" that representation can become distorted.

Chris Borillo

Aug 30, 2000, 3:00:00 AM8/30/00
As viewed from dc.general, "C.J.W." wrote:
> Chris Borillo wrote:
> >
> > As viewed from dc.general, "C.J.W." wrote:

[snipping for brevity]

> > > It tends to be quite pro-death. For instance, there are some segments
> > > which purposefully get HIV as a right of passage. It would seem that
> > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> >
> > Interesting. I have never heard of this "right[sic] of passage" before
> > in any news article. References, please....<snip>

So what proportion of the gay population engages in this rite of
passage, then? I didn't see any numbers in the article. You'd need at
least that before you can say that something "tends to be **quite**
pro-death" (my emphasis).


Aug 31, 2000, 7:00:45 PM8/31/00

Chris Borillo wrote:
> As viewed from dc.general, "C.J.W." wrote:
> >
> > Chris Borillo wrote:
> > >
> > > As viewed from dc.general, "C.J.W." wrote:
> [snipping for brevity]
> > > > It tends to be quite pro-death. For instance, there are some segments
> > > > which purposefully get HIV as a right of passage. It would seem that
> > > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> > >
> > > Interesting. I have never heard of this "right[sic] of passage" before
> > > in any news article. References, please....<snip>
> >
> >[ST_rn=ps]/getdoc.xp?AN=636865401&CONTEXT=967682985.913047573&hitnum=2
> So what proportion of the gay population engages in this rite of
> passage, then? I didn't see any numbers in the article. You'd need at
> least that before you can say that something "tends to be **quite**
> pro-death" (my emphasis).

I just mentioned that as one extreme example of the community's

There's also the issues of alcoholism, domestic violence (not surprising
since it very strongly correlative to alcoholism) and risky behavior
patterns. All of these things are rather pro-death in less overt ways
than what was cited, as well. What was cited is an extreme example of
the nihilistic philosophy which actually seems to undergird the

A la:
"What does it mean, I asked him,
when a man puts the part of himself
which represents the generation of life
into the cavity of decay and expulsion?
Seeing the answer all too well, he refused
to reply. Permit me to spell it out. It
means 'Life, be swallowed up by death.'"
--J. Budziszewski, The Revenge of Conscience.
--Christopher Watson
"A Bible and a newspaper in every house, a good school in
every district -- all studied and appreciated as they merit --
are the principal support of virtue, morality, and civil liberty."

Chris Borillo

Aug 31, 2000, 11:09:55 PM8/31/00
As viewed from dc.general, "C.J.W." wrote:

> Chris Borillo wrote:

[snipping for brevity]

> > So what proportion of the gay population engages in this rite of
> > passage, then? I didn't see any numbers in the article. You'd need at
> > least that before you can say that something "tends to be **quite**
> > pro-death" (my emphasis).
> I just mentioned that as one extreme example of the community's
> tendencies.

There are extreme tendencies to be found in **any** population. And
depending on one's particular motivations, "extreme tendencies" can be
defined to suit whatever is convenient for that person's arguments.

> There's also the issues of alcoholism, domestic violence (not surprising
> since it very strongly correlative to alcoholism) and risky behavior
> patterns.

Perhaps, but bear in mind that these behaviors are also quite common
outside the gay population. Does that, then, mean that the straight
population is "pro-death" as well?

> All of these things are rather pro-death in less overt ways
> than what was cited, as well. What was cited is an extreme example of
> the nihilistic philosophy which actually seems to undergird the sub-culture.


I'm not sure what you're getting at by "nihilistic philosophy". This
term, as well as "pro-death", lack the precision necessary to analyze a
particular socio-biological phenomenon scientifically. 'Sides, I never
studied Nietzche <sp?>.

Sep 1, 2000, 11:09:47 AM9/1/00
In article <8nupq0$93f$>, (Don Boell) wrote:
> Madeline
> : When I was a little girl I knew I was Gay.
> Your point is?
> : I also was aware people looked upon us as
filth and scum.
> Not everyone. Separate the person from the
> : So what we have is this pretty little girl
(me) growing up thinking I
> : will grow horns.
> Thats a sad thing. One would have hoped a
strong family
> unit would have gotten you through this.
> : Well I made it past my Dad who like many
people here has hate.
> : He was in World War Two and hated the Japs.
> Are you aware of what the Japanese did to
civilian and military
> alike during WWII? The deathcamps? The forced
> The execution of military who had rights under
the Geneva Convention?
> : He also hated Spicks, Niggers and Queers.
> That is also a very sad thing. Some people in
the world
> are misled down the path of hate. One can pray
for them
> and try to lead them to Jesus/Allah/whomever
but in the
> end its up to them to make an effort...
> : You people of hate tried to stop the Black
movements and lost.
> Some people of hate did as you describe. How
many boys-in-blue
> lost their lives in the civil war? How many
whites were also
> attacked during the civil rights movement?
> While we are at it - lets not forget that
blacks like Malcolm X
> shared a fair amount of hate against whites as
well during the
> same time period. No one side is blameless.
> : You lost your private war on the Hispanic
> And what war might that have been? And, out of
> how far back in time do we go to determine who
was wronged
> by whom? Are you aware of the genocide
practiced by Hispanics
> against the native peoples of
North/Central/South America?
> Oddly no one cares to mention this little
fact. As an activist
> for Native American causes I could tell you a
thing or two.

> : Now we are up to bat and you wish to stop my
people from having
> : rights.
> Bull. We want to perhaps stop you from
having "special" rights
> based on your bedroom preference. Thats a

whole different issue.
> In a "society-says" relativistic world, where
do we draw the
> line regarding "special" protected
status/rights? What about
> the innocent polygamist? What about the
innocent bestiality
> practitioner? Who is to say what is "right"
or "wrong?"
> : I have bad news for you we will triumph.
> Militant action seldom triumphs. All it does
is alienate
> the general public who otherwise might be
content to ignore
> the whole affair.
> : If it was up to this guy he would have us in
the closet and blacks in
> : white face.
> Your hate is showing.
> : It is good to be born any way God decides.
> This is not theologically sound. We live in a
fallen world.
> As a result, corruption enters everything. It
is good to follow
> the example provided by Jesus (for Christians)
or the law
> provided by Mosses (Jews) or the teachings of
Mohammed etc.
> rather than to subscribe to the world view that
everyone is
> just A-OK regardless of their actions in life.
Using your
> argument we could also argue that Hitler &
Stalin are A-OK
> since they were born the way God decided.
> : Little kids need not feel shame for being
Jewish, Black, Spanish, Gay
> : or What Ever.
> If kids feel shame its because they don't have
a firm confident
> sense of self and are willing to abdicate that
to others who pin
> labels on them. A strong family unit combats
this but alas - liberalism
> has killed the family unit...
> : Madeline Michele

> : WAKE-UP and smell the Nitrous Oxide!!
> : Then Relax in the Safty of Your Own Dilusion.
> :

Good response. I would like to add that a great
number of homosexuals (estimated at 80%) were the
victims of sexual abuse as children. The evil
seeds planted by these heinous acts have a causal
effect, but the connection is rarely drawn.

The resulting pain and confusion about their
sexuality can lead them to conclude that they
were born that way. And, since there are
thousands of homosexuals aiding and abetting this
deception, they are less inclined to connect the

There are evil spiritual forces at work
attempting to obscure the truth and draw more
people down to there own destruction. :(

Willing pawns like the GLAAD cannot and will not
set homosexuals free from their intense desire
for acceptance and legitimacy.

Sent via
Before you buy.


Sep 1, 2000, 3:38:33 PM9/1/00
On Fri, 01 Sep 2000 15:09:47 GMT, wrote:

>Good response. I would like to add that a great
>number of homosexuals (estimated at 80%) were the
>victims of sexual abuse as children.

I was not abused and I just took a informal pole with 5 of my GLBT
friends and they reported no sexual abuse. We are abused as youths not
sexually but mentally.
The abuse is at the hands of most adults that pound into us that being
GLBT is dirty.
Many people speak horrible things about our people around little kids
not knowing that some of the kids are gay.
People like your Mom, Dad, Grandparents and Friends would say bad
things about gays not knowing they were looking at some little kid
that is being so emotionally attacked they want to cry. Why do you
think GLBT people have a higher suicide rate...these
people are trained from early on that they are nasty, dirty people.
Now who wants to be a nasty dirty person?
These kids are not going to be nasty and they are great children that
need to be treated with respect. The thing is all these parents never
think their kid is gay so they talk crap about gays and these kids
grow up so screwed by Mom and Dad it takes time to rebuild
their self esteem. Then you have the bigots that are the cause for
deaths of gay people by suicide. Shame on you. You can’t keep telling
someone that they will grow to be filth from the day they walk to the
day they discover they are not or take their own life in fear
of growing up in your slanted world.
Little GLBT kids keep these secret well hidden around the age of 5
years old and up.
This is the time when kids become people and see who they are.
They will not be loved like other kids if they were GLBT they will
hide it so Mom and Dad will love them. I wanted to be loved at home
and was so sad for years that I was some monster they spoke of so I
never told them as a kid or as a teen.
When I was growing up even school teachers would razz GLBT people.

> The evil seeds planted by these heinous acts have a causal
>effect, but the connection is rarely drawn.

Can you rephrase this statement a tad bit.

>The resulting pain and confusion about their
>sexuality can lead them to conclude that they
>were born that way.

We were born this way.

> And, since there are
>thousands of homosexuals aiding and abetting this
>deception, they are less inclined to connect the

You need to rephrase that to.

>There are evil spiritual forces at work
>attempting to obscure the truth and draw more
>people down to there own destruction. :(

This needs work, can you redo that statement as well?

>Willing pawns like the GLAAD cannot and will not
>set homosexuals free from their intense desire
>for acceptance and legitimacy.

We will be accepted when the people stop the child abuse to our GLBT
We need to educate adults that talking nasty things to children is
wrong. Kids do not need to hear this.

Madeline Michele

"Get your stinking paws off me, you damned dirty ape!"
Charton Heston 1968

David Campbell

Sep 1, 2000, 5:30:02 PM9/1/00
In article <8oogr8$n6e$>, <>

> Good response. I would like to add that a great
> number of homosexuals (estimated at 80%) were the
> victims of sexual abuse as children.

This is the first time I have ever heard this. Do you have a source


Rob Blau

Sep 8, 2000, 6:52:17 PM9/8/00
In article <>, FL PBPress
<> wrote:

> I'm sorry, but the call for harsher punishment for so called "hate crimes"
> does not hold water.

I agree. The crime is as reprehensible regardless of the motive.

Rob Blau


Sep 12, 2000, 9:53:41 PM9/12/00
People like, can make a difference in
some peoples lives but I wouldn't say young gays commit suicide for no
reason. i.e R.Bullis at can
make a difference to the younger female population.
"C.J.W." <> wrote in message


Sep 12, 2000, 10:08:49 PM9/12/00
Psychopaths have an average I.Q score of 130+, They aint dumb and can be
tricky. Could be your best friend nieighbour down the street. People like, can make a difference in
some peoples lives but I wouldn't say young gays commit suicide for no
reason. i.e R.Bullis at can
make a difference to the younger female population.

"C.J.W." <> wrote in message

Madeline Michele

Sep 13, 2000, 3:00:00 AM9/13/00
On Wed, 13 Sep 2000 02:08:49 GMT, "Mike" <> wrote:

>Psychopaths have an average I.Q score of 130+, They aint dumb and can be
>tricky. Could be your best friend nieighbour down the street. People like
> can make a difference in
>some peoples lives but I wouldn't say young gays commit suicide for no
>reason. i.e R.Bullis at can
>make a difference to the younger female population.
>"C.J.W." <> wrote in message
>> Madeline wrote:

What does this have to do with anything Madeline wrote?

Madeline Michele

"Nothings gona change my world" Pleasantville

Spelll Check my post? Neber!

"Dogs and cats living together! Mass hysteria!"

"Open the pod bay doors, HAL."
"I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that."
"What's the problem?"
"I think you know what the problem is just as well as I do."
"What are you talking about, HAL?"

Sharon Hill

Sep 14, 2000, 3:00:00 AM9/14/00
I'd still rather have a gay leader than an alcoholic one, but noone asks
about that. Alcoholics are more likely to sneak a drink on trips and be
physically or sexually harmful. Gay does not mean abusive like alcoholism
can be. Like in the schools, the boys are taught about alcohol and drug
abuse prevention, not sexual orientation. So you decide which is a bigger
problem in society. Sexuality is not supposed to be brought up in scouting
anyway. It should be the same in scouting, some subjects are better left for
home/parent discussion only. I always thought scout were supposed to be
RESPECTFUL to all. An Eagle Scout deserves respect for his accomplishments
in scouting, not his private life, and be able to share his scouting


Sharon Hill - CC, Pack 35
Central New Jersey Council
Semeos District

You never know what you can accomplish until you TRY.

"Mike" <> wrote in message

Madeline Michele

Sep 14, 2000, 3:00:00 AM9/14/00
On Thu, 14 Sep 2000 14:42:21 GMT, "Sharon Hill" <>

>I'd still rather have a gay leader than an alcoholic one, but noone asks
>about that. Alcoholics are more likely to sneak a drink on trips and be
>physically or sexually harmful. Gay does not mean abusive like alcoholism
>can be. Like in the schools, the boys are taught about alcohol and drug
>abuse prevention, not sexual orientation. So you decide which is a bigger
>problem in society. Sexuality is not supposed to be brought up in scouting
>anyway. It should be the same in scouting, some subjects are better left for
>home/parent discussion only. I always thought scout were supposed to be
>RESPECTFUL to all. An Eagle Scout deserves respect for his

==or her== accomplishments.
I know of at least one female Eagle Scout.

>in scouting, not his private life, and be able to share his scouting

Madeline Michele

David Stephens

Sep 14, 2000, 3:00:00 AM9/14/00
Sharon Hill wrote:
> I'd still rather have a gay leader than an alcoholic one, but noone asks
> about that. Alcoholics are more likely to sneak a drink on trips and be
> physically or sexually harmful. Gay does not mean abusive like alcoholism
> can be. Like in the schools, the boys are taught about alcohol and drug
> abuse prevention, not sexual orientation. So you decide which is a bigger
> problem in society. Sexuality is not supposed to be brought up in scouting
> anyway. It should be the same in scouting, some subjects are better left for
> home/parent discussion only.

Alcohol abuse requires the alcohol. Teaching, demonstracting, or even
possessing it, is grounds for removal from scouting. Alcohol does not in
any way require other people for its use. Satisfying homosexual
attractions by definition requires other participants and the teenage
boys in boy scouting are potential subjects of those attractions. Unlike
alcohol, your sexuality cannot be left at home.

> I always thought scout were supposed to be
> RESPECTFUL to all.

Respect does not mean embrace or endorse. When a person makes his sexual
orientation part of his public identity, he is setting himself up as an
example. Scouting is not about sex so such an example is by itself not
appropriate. The very definition of gay indicates that the youth he
would be supervising would potentially be subject to his erotic or
romantic desires. Is this a fair, unbiased, or even safe situation?

> An Eagle Scout deserves respect for his accomplishments
> in scouting, not his private life, and be able to share his scouting
> experience.

If the person indicates he wishes to council teenage boys on the joys
and benefits of being gay, then such claims should be considered.

> Sharon Hill - CC, Pack 35
> Central New Jersey Council
> Semeos District
> You never know what you can accomplish until you TRY.

As a teenage youth, I heard similar statements from some adult gays in
reference to homosexual sex.
David S.

I copied this to your email and deleted all cross posts. This is a
scouting issue.

Sharon Hill

Sep 14, 2000, 3:00:00 AM9/14/00
I didn't know there were any female Eagle Scouts. Great for her, I'll
respect her as well.
Thanks for the input.


Sharon Hill - CC, Pack 35
Central New Jersey Council
Semeos District

There are three ways to take part in scouting- Lead, follow, or get out of
the way.
"Madeline Michele" <> wrote in message

On Thu, 14 Sep 2000 14:42:21 GMT, "Sharon Hill" <>

>I'd still rather have a gay leader than an alcoholic one, but noone asks

>about that. Alcoholics are more likely to sneak a drink on trips and be
>physically or sexually harmful. Gay does not mean abusive like alcoholism
>can be. Like in the schools, the boys are taught about alcohol and drug
>abuse prevention, not sexual orientation. So you decide which is a bigger
>problem in society. Sexuality is not supposed to be brought up in scouting
>anyway. It should be the same in scouting, some subjects are better left
>home/parent discussion only. I always thought scout were supposed to be
>RESPECTFUL to all. An Eagle Scout deserves respect for his

==or her== accomplishments.

I know of at least one female Eagle Scout.

>in scouting, not his private life, and be able to share his scouting

Madeline Michele

Madeline Michele

Sep 14, 2000, 3:00:00 AM9/14/00
On Thu, 14 Sep 2000 17:17:03 GMT, "Sharon Hill" <>

>I didn't know there were any female Eagle Scouts. Great for her, I'll

>respect her as well.
>Thanks for the input.

She is my wife.
The only female Eagle I know such far.
Maybe there is one more but maybe not.

Madeline Michele (Fag Activist)


Sep 15, 2000, 3:00:00 AM9/15/00
<< Sharon Hill wrote:
> I'd still rather have a gay leader than an alcoholic one, but noone asks
> about that. >>

National prohibits the first by virtue of its policy. Most Troops and Packs
deal with the second before it becomes a problem -- they don't get to be

<< Alcoholics are more likely to sneak a drink >>

Such would be a violation of the Guide to Safe Scouting and would result, at
least in all the troops I have had contact with, in the removal of that leader.

By the way, at least with my Troop Committee, removal from leadership would
apply for adults committing adultery.



Sep 17, 2000, 3:00:00 AM9/17/00

FPicci1215 wrote:
> << Sharon Hill wrote:
> >
> > I'd still rather have a gay leader than an alcoholic one, but noone asks
> > about that. >>

It may be unlikely that you'd find a "gay leader," i.e. a person who is
fixated/oriented to homosexuality, who wasn't an alcoholic or didn't
have some other sort of addiction/fixation.

Brian Salter-Duke

Sep 18, 2000, 3:00:00 AM9/18/00
On Sun, Sep 17, 2000 at 05:35:14PM -0400, C.J.W. wrote:
> FPicci1215 wrote:
> >
> > << Sharon Hill wrote:
> > >
> > > I'd still rather have a gay leader than an alcoholic one, but noone asks
> > > about that. >>
> It may be unlikely that you'd find a "gay leader," i.e. a person who is
> fixated/oriented to homosexuality, who wasn't an alcoholic or didn't
> have some other sort of addiction/fixation.
> <snip>

Of course when you smear and insult a considerable proportion of the
human race without having a glue, you are not so funny. In fact you are
evil. Your pretense to take the high moral ground is just that, a

> --
> --Christopher Watson
> "Art, like morality, consists in
> drawing the line somewhere." --G.K. Chesterton

Brian Salter-Duke Humpty Doo, Nr Darwin, Australia


Sep 20, 2000, 3:00:00 AM9/20/00

Brian Salter-Duke wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 17, 2000 at 05:35:14PM -0400, C.J.W. wrote:
> >
> >
> > FPicci1215 wrote:
> > >
> > > << Sharon Hill wrote:
> > > >
> > > > I'd still rather have a gay leader than an alcoholic one, but noone asks
> > > > about that. >>
> >
> > It may be unlikely that you'd find a "gay leader," i.e. a person who is
> > fixated/oriented to homosexuality, who wasn't an alcoholic or didn't
> > have some other sort of addiction/fixation.
> > <snip>
> Of course when you smear and insult a considerable proportion of the
> human race without having a glue, you are not so funny.

1-2% is not a considerable portion of the human race. And of that 1-2%
at any given time who are fixated on homosexuality, i.e. "oriented" and
so on the fact is that since all sexual disorientations and
addictions/fixations are correlative you will indeed have a hard time
finding someone.

> In fact you are
> evil.

That's an inversion seemingly typical to inverts.

At any rate, no, in fact it is the advocates of homosexuality who are
evil, especially since they are abusive to children and ergo, child
abusers. So in fact, you are evil.

> Your pretense to take the high moral ground is just that, a
> pretence.

Pretenses and such are your game as an advocate of homosexuality. Your
game is style over substance and so on. For instance, I note that you
didn't deal with the content of what was said supra. No, instead you
attack who is saying what instead of what is said. That is typical.
That is because you cannot deal with it.

Ergo you are all pretenses, style and personal politics instead.

You will indeed have a hard time finding someone given the
correlations. Fact.


Brian Westley

Sep 20, 2000, 3:00:00 AM9/20/00
"C.J.W." <> writes:
>Brian Salter-Duke wrote:

>> Of course when you smear and insult a considerable proportion of the
>> human race without having a glue, you are not so funny.

>1-2% is not a considerable portion of the human race.

Thank you, Adolph.

Now I'll invoke Godwin's Law.

Merlyn LeRoy


Sep 20, 2000, 3:00:00 AM9/20/00

Brian Westley wrote:
> "C.J.W." <> writes:
> >Brian Salter-Duke wrote:
> ...
> >> Of course when you smear and insult a considerable proportion of the
> >> human race without having a glue, you are not so funny.
> >1-2% is not a considerable portion of the human race.
> Thank you, Adolph.

A considerable proportion of the human race would be a majority.

Given leftists incessant need to be a victim I would suppose that the
bias in this instance would be towards being the minority, the victim
and what not. But suit yourself.

At any rate, if you believe that the rates of homosexuality are high
(i.e. a considerable proportion) in the West then you are mistaken.
That's just one more empirical fact that I suppose you can't deal with.
"Symbols are key battlefields where the Culture War is being
fought.... This is 'urban renewal' of the culture and the mind. The
Left wants old edifices bulldozed, and the public square razed and
leveled, so that the grand new Temple of All-Powerful Government can
replace all that stood here before. All-Powerful Government is a
jealous god that permits no other deity to compete with it, and no
version of history or values to be honored except its own. ...Every
inch of ground occupied by government must be bulldozed to remove any
hint of Judeo-Christian religion, Leftists insist. ...These Leftists
want the State to be everything, and therefore all religions that
compete with their cult must become extinct." --Lowell Ponte


Sep 20, 2000, 3:00:00 AM9/20/00

Brian Salter-Duke wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 20, 2000 at 05:41:44PM -0400 in this excellent newsgroup, C.J.W. expounded:

> >
> >
> > Brian Salter-Duke wrote:
> > >
> > > On Sun, Sep 17, 2000 at 05:35:14PM -0400, C.J.W. wrote:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > FPicci1215 wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > << Sharon Hill wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > I'd still rather have a gay leader than an alcoholic one, but noone asks
> > > > > > about that. >>
> > > >
> > > > It may be unlikely that you'd find a "gay leader," i.e. a person who is
> > > > fixated/oriented to homosexuality, who wasn't an alcoholic or didn't
> > > > have some other sort of addiction/fixation.
> > > > <snip>
> > >

> > > Of course when you smear and insult a considerable proportion of the
> > > human race without having a glue, you are not so funny.
> >

> > 1-2% is not a considerable portion of the human race. And of that 1-2%
> > at any given time who are fixated on homosexuality, i.e. "oriented" and
> > so on the fact is that since all sexual disorientations and
> > addictions/fixations are correlative you will indeed have a hard time
> > finding someone.

> 1-2% is millions of people around the world, but you just smear them as
> a group.

1-2% is not a reference to any distinct group that can be smeared. For
instance, your ignorant claim that the rates of homosexuality are
somehow a universal 1-2% around the world is incorrect. 1-2% was only a
reference to what is probably generally true in the West and
specifically empirically true in America.

> My morality does not allow me to make that generalisation.

Your morality allows you to say that homosexuality is moral and worth
advocating. Enough said about your "morality," I suppose.

> I do not have a hard time finding a homosexual friend who has some sort
> of addiction or fixation. Only a few of them have this as only a few of
> my heterosexual friends have addictions or fixations.

> > > In fact you are evil.
> >
> > That's an inversion seemingly typical to inverts.

> If you mean by this insulting word "invert" that I am homosexual, you
> are wrong.

In point of fact, you are a homophile.

> To generalise about whole sections of the population

What section is that?

Those who choose to avow and be known by homosexuality denigrate
themselves. Just as those who choose to be known by and avow
prostitution denigrate themselves. I am not generalizing about whole
sections of the population in either case. Those who have already
chosen their path, chosen their association, etc., of course are worthy
of study as such. They're the ones who have chosen to put themselves in
sections after all. If you think that just anyone is allowed in gay
organizations and so on, you're mistaken.

It is a specious and dishonest argument to organize into sections,
collectivize, declare "rights" which currently don't exist only on the
basis of such collectivization, etc. and then for someone like yourself
to turn around and snivel about assertions about "whole sections" of
the population. Apparently you can generalize and collectivize enough
to assert that "gay rights" are necessary for a special collective of
your so-called "gay people" and so on but if anyone says in response to
your assertions about "gay people" that no, "gay people" don't actually
do that, they actually do this, etc., then, you turn around and snivel
about sectioning. Pure hypocrisy.

> and then bemean and
> insult them is indeed evil.

Note that age can be deconstructed much more easily than biogender.
Sound age discrimination is not even as universally understood as are
the universal discriminations based on biogender. So how can you
supposedly apply sound logic to age discrimination which stands in the
way of pedophilia while having a different logic applied to sex
discrimination which stands in the way of homophilia. The fact is that
people do not somehow use two different sets of logic. Ergo, the
Netherlands, which supports homophilia overtly has the strongest covert
support for pedophilia of any Western nation.

> > At any rate, no, in fact it is the advocates of homosexuality who are
> > evil, especially since they are abusive to children and ergo, child
> > abusers. So in fact, you are evil.

> Homosexuals do not abuse children any more than heterosexuals.

That depends on your definition of a "homosexual."

> This
> point has been argued here in detail before but it just does not fit
> your "fixation" and "addiction" to attacking homosexuals.

I am not attacking "homosexuals."


> > Ergo you are all pretenses, style and personal politics instead.
> >
> > You will indeed have a hard time finding someone given the
> > correlations. Fact.

> No, fiction, for as I say above I have found very many. But then I have
> worked in good faith with people who happen to be homosexual rather than
> heterosexual and have homosexuals in my family. I also live in a country
> that is now more accepting of homosexulaity than the USA. A lot of the
> problems that homosexuals have had come from people like you abusing
> them and they disappear in a more accepting society.

That's incorrect. Apparently you're quite ignorant of general empirical
evidence. That's why I suspect that your supposed anecdotal evidence
isn't even true even if you may incorrectly think that it is.
"Tolerance is the highest virtue
for those who have no others."
--G.K. Chesterton

Brian Salter-Duke

Sep 21, 2000, 3:00:00 AM9/21/00
On Wed, Sep 20, 2000 at 05:41:44PM -0400 in this excellent newsgroup, C.J.W. expounded:
> Brian Salter-Duke wrote:
> >
> > On Sun, Sep 17, 2000 at 05:35:14PM -0400, C.J.W. wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > FPicci1215 wrote:
> > > >
> > > > << Sharon Hill wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > I'd still rather have a gay leader than an alcoholic one, but noone asks
> > > > > about that. >>
> > >
> > > It may be unlikely that you'd find a "gay leader," i.e. a person who is
> > > fixated/oriented to homosexuality, who wasn't an alcoholic or didn't
> > > have some other sort of addiction/fixation.
> > > <snip>
> >
> > Of course when you smear and insult a considerable proportion of the
> > human race without having a glue, you are not so funny.
> 1-2% is not a considerable portion of the human race. And of that 1-2%
> at any given time who are fixated on homosexuality, i.e. "oriented" and
> so on the fact is that since all sexual disorientations and
> addictions/fixations are correlative you will indeed have a hard time
> finding someone.

1-2% is millions of people around the world, but you just smear them as

a group. My morality does not allow me to make that generalisation.

I do not have a hard time finding a homosexual friend who has some sort
of addiction or fixation. Only a few of them have this as only a few of
my heterosexual friends have addictions or fixations.

> > In fact you are evil.
> That's an inversion seemingly typical to inverts.

If you mean by this insulting word "invert" that I am homosexual, you
are wrong.

To generalise about whole sections of the population and then bemean and

insult them is indeed evil.

> At any rate, no, in fact it is the advocates of homosexuality who are
> evil, especially since they are abusive to children and ergo, child
> abusers. So in fact, you are evil.

Homosexuals do not abuse children any more than heterosexuals. This

point has been argued here in detail before but it just does not fit
your "fixation" and "addiction" to attacking homosexuals.

> > Your pretense to take the high moral ground is just that, a
> > pretence.
> Pretenses and such are your game as an advocate of homosexuality. Your
> game is style over substance and so on. For instance, I note that you
> didn't deal with the content of what was said supra. No, instead you
> attack who is saying what instead of what is said. That is typical.
> That is because you cannot deal with it.

I do not have to deal with every piece of idiocy than you add to this
group at great length. The main point I am making is that you keep on
telling people that they are immoral and hence you are pretending that
you are moral. What is morality does differ. I, for one would not want
you anywhere near my kids because your views do not agree with my
morality. I find my morality to be better than yours. And yes, my
morality does involve feelings. If your inner conscience tells you
something is wrong then it probably is even if it does not fit the
thought process you are working on. Developing moral ideas by rational
thought is a worthy aim but it is terribly difficult and at the same
time terribly easy to go down the wrong path as you have done.

> Ergo you are all pretenses, style and personal politics instead.
> You will indeed have a hard time finding someone given the
> correlations. Fact.

No, fiction, for as I say above I have found very many. But then I have
worked in good faith with people who happen to be homosexual rather than
heterosexual and have homosexuals in my family. I also live in a country
that is now more accepting of homosexulaity than the USA. A lot of the
problems that homosexuals have had come from people like you abusing
them and they disappear in a more accepting society.


> Refute.
> --
> --Christopher Watson
> "Art, like morality, consists in
> drawing the line somewhere." --G.K. Chesterton


Brian Salter-Duke

Sep 21, 2000, 3:00:00 AM9/21/00
On Wed, Sep 20, 2000 at 10:57:00PM +0000 in this excellent newsgroup, C.J.W. expounded:

I did not claim that the rates of homosexuality are somehow a universal
1-2%. I made no claim either way. You used the 1-2% and smeared them.

> > My morality does not allow me to make that generalisation.
> Your morality allows you to say that homosexuality is moral and worth
> advocating. Enough said about your "morality," I suppose.

No. Homosexuality is just there as is heterosexuality. Neither is either
moral or immoral.

> > I do not have a hard time finding a homosexual friend who has some sort
> > of addiction or fixation. Only a few of them have this as only a few of
> > my heterosexual friends have addictions or fixations.
> >
> > > > In fact you are evil.
> > >
> > > That's an inversion seemingly typical to inverts.
> >
> > If you mean by this insulting word "invert" that I am homosexual, you
> > are wrong.
> In point of fact, you are a homophile.

No, I am just a human being who accepts homosexuals like I accept

> > To generalise about whole sections of the population
> What section is that?

Well you have just put me in a section of the population you generalise
about - homophiles. It is nonsense.

> Those who choose to avow and be known by homosexuality denigrate
> themselves. Just as those who choose to be known by and avow
> prostitution denigrate themselves. I am not generalizing about whole
> sections of the population in either case. Those who have already
> chosen their path, chosen their association, etc., of course are worthy
> of study as such. They're the ones who have chosen to put themselves in
> sections after all. If you think that just anyone is allowed in gay
> organizations and so on, you're mistaken.
> It is a specious and dishonest argument to organize into sections,
> collectivize, declare "rights" which currently don't exist only on the
> basis of such collectivization, etc. and then for someone like yourself
> to turn around and snivel about assertions about "whole sections" of
> the population. Apparently you can generalize and collectivize enough
> to assert that "gay rights" are necessary for a special collective of
> your so-called "gay people" and so on but if anyone says in response to
> your assertions about "gay people" that no, "gay people" don't actually
> do that, they actually do this, etc., then, you turn around and snivel
> about sectioning. Pure hypocrisy.

In so far as the above makes any sense, I do not do this.

> > and then bemean and
> > insult them is indeed evil.
> Note that age can be deconstructed much more easily than biogender.
> Sound age discrimination is not even as universally understood as are
> the universal discriminations based on biogender. So how can you
> supposedly apply sound logic to age discrimination which stands in the
> way of pedophilia while having a different logic applied to sex
> discrimination which stands in the way of homophilia. The fact is that
> people do not somehow use two different sets of logic. Ergo, the
> Netherlands, which supports homophilia overtly has the strongest covert
> support for pedophilia of any Western nation.
> > > At any rate, no, in fact it is the advocates of homosexuality who are
> > > evil, especially since they are abusive to children and ergo, child
> > > abusers. So in fact, you are evil.
> >
> > Homosexuals do not abuse children any more than heterosexuals.
> That depends on your definition of a "homosexual."
> > This
> > point has been argued here in detail before but it just does not fit
> > your "fixation" and "addiction" to attacking homosexuals.
> I am not attacking "homosexuals."

You have insulted, denigrated and bemeaned all who identify as
homosexual and all who support their right in general to be in Scouts.
To do so gives sustainence to those who physically beat up homosexuals and to
parents who throw their teenage kids out of the home when they seek to
let their parents know they are homosexual. Then you have the cheek to
"blame the victim". You truly are an evil bastard.

> <snip>
> > > Ergo you are all pretenses, style and personal politics instead.
> > >
> > > You will indeed have a hard time finding someone given the
> > > correlations. Fact.
> >
> > No, fiction, for as I say above I have found very many. But then I have
> > worked in good faith with people who happen to be homosexual rather than
> > heterosexual and have homosexuals in my family. I also live in a country
> > that is now more accepting of homosexulaity than the USA. A lot of the
> > problems that homosexuals have had come from people like you abusing
> > them and they disappear in a more accepting society.
> That's incorrect. Apparently you're quite ignorant of general empirical
> evidence. That's why I suspect that your supposed anecdotal evidence
> isn't even true even if you may incorrectly think that it is.

And what evidence is that? All the evidence you have put to this
newsgroup has been selective and unconvincing or just not relevent.

I suspect that what you believe to be empirical evidence is in fact just
your homophobic prejudice, but then I should not do this. To suspect, to
suppose etc what your opponent is or thinks is what you do and it is

Cheers, Brian.

> --
> --Watson
> "Tolerance is the highest virtue
> for those who have no others."
> --G.K. Chesterton



Sep 23, 2000, 3:00:00 AM9/23/00

Smeared "who?" Smeared "them" universally or locally? Where are they,

You know, your continued ignorance is not a sound basis for making your
absurd claims, personal attacks and the like.

> > > My morality does not allow me to make that generalisation.
> >
> > Your morality allows you to say that homosexuality is moral and worth
> > advocating. Enough said about your "morality," I suppose.
> No. Homosexuality is just there as is heterosexuality.

Homosexuality is in no way on a par with heterosexuality.

> Neither is either
> moral or immoral.

One behavior can be moral and the other is immoral per se just like all
sexual disorientations, fixations and perversions. Also note that if
you try to deconstruct on disorientation and denigrate the only true
moral orientation then you have deconstructed them all. There is plenty
of evidence which indicates that.


> > In point of fact, you are a homophile.
> No, I am just a human being who accepts homosexuals like I accept
> heterosexuals.

You are a homophile since you accept homosexual behavior like you accept
heterosexual behavior. (And would impose that viewpoint on others, as

You are a homophile since you are against the view that homosexual
behavior is immoral.

You are a homophile since you view homosexual behavior to be on a par
with heterosexual behavior.


> > > To generalise about whole sections of the population
> >
> > What section is that?
> Well you have just put me in a section of the population you generalise
> about - homophiles. It is nonsense.

Self defined gays collectivize themselves in their organizations,
homophiles such as yourself collectivize by making assertions about your
so-called "gay people," etc., and then you complain about
generalizations. How silly... and hypocritical.

The only generalization I'm using is behavioral. Just like any
behavioral issue from prostitution to adultery and smoking. For
instance, to generalize about smokers is something that must be done.
There is nothing immoral about generalizing.

There is something immoral about your non-behavioral collectivism
however. It is you that's destructive. It's you that make kids think
that they're in this supposed collective you call "gay people," etc.
It's you that attempts to inflict your viewpoint that homosexuality can
be just as desirable and moral as heterosexuality on children through
such leftist methods.


> > > and then bemean and
> > > insult them is indeed evil.
> >
> > Note that age can be deconstructed much more easily than biogender.
> > Sound age discrimination is not even as universally understood as are
> > the universal discriminations based on biogender. So how can you
> > supposedly apply sound logic to age discrimination which stands in the
> > way of pedophilia while having a different logic applied to sex
> > discrimination which stands in the way of homophilia. The fact is that
> > people do not somehow use two different sets of logic. Ergo, the
> > Netherlands, which supports homophilia overtly has the strongest covert
> > support for pedophilia of any Western nation.



> > I am not attacking "homosexuals."
> You have insulted,


> denigrated

People who choose to avow homosexuality denigrate themselves. Besides
the fact that a youths act of self-labeling so encouraged by people such
as yourself is quite destructive.

> and bemeaned all who identify as
> homosexual and all who support their right in general to be in Scouts.

No one has the right to avow homosexuality in the Scouts. That's

> To do so gives sustainence to those who physically beat up homosexuals

What you're doing give sustainence to child abusers.

> and to
> parents who throw their teenage kids out of the home when they seek to
> let their parents know they are homosexual.

When that is immoral such parents are only subscribing to the same
collectivist nonsense that you do.

> Then you have the cheek to
> "blame the victim".

Apparently you believe too much victimization propaganda.

> You truly are an evil bastard.

It's ironic that you make a statement about evil by using the fatherless
as an example. Ironic, because homosexuality and evil both tend to be
caused by fatherlessness. Yet, supposedly you believe that every evil
bastard is a victim. That is typical for leftist to believe that all
criminals and the like are victims and any moral judgment is as you say,
"blaming the victim," etc.

> > <snip>
> > > > Ergo you are all pretenses, style and personal politics instead.
> > > >
> > > > You will indeed have a hard time finding someone given the
> > > > correlations. Fact.
> > >
> > > No, fiction, for as I say above I have found very many. But then I have
> > > worked in good faith with people who happen to be homosexual rather than
> > > heterosexual and have homosexuals in my family. I also live in a country
> > > that is now more accepting of homosexulaity than the USA. A lot of the
> > > problems that homosexuals have had come from people like you abusing
> > > them and they disappear in a more accepting society.
> >
> > That's incorrect. Apparently you're quite ignorant of general empirical
> > evidence. That's why I suspect that your supposed anecdotal evidence
> > isn't even true even if you may incorrectly think that it is.
> And what evidence is that?

The evidence that fixational homosexuality is just like any other
addiction and vice.

The evidence that situational homosexuality is just like any other
immoral decision.


> I suspect that what you believe to be empirical evidence is in fact just
> your homophobic prejudice, but then I should not do this. To suspect, to
> suppose etc what your opponent is or thinks is what you do and it is
> wrong.

If one's opponent too stupid to lay out a clear concise position then
all that can be done is to suppose what the idiot may mean and leave it
for the idiot to define.

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