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How to list all accounts of Outlook

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Kun Chen

30.07.2002, 11:59:0930.07.02
I'm develop a program that need to detect all accounts of Outlook. I have
find everywhere but can not find some code, example or document to do. And I
find someone said MAPI can do this job, but I don't know how to do. Can
anyone help me with some examples? Thanks.

Kun Chen

Dmitry Streblechenko

30.07.2002, 13:28:1130.07.02
Yes, MAPI would do the trick - see IProfAdmin interface on MSDN. The only
exception is IMAIL services in Outlook XP: they are not MAPI based and cannot be
enumerated using any documented API. Supposedly there is an Account Manager API,
but it's never been documented by MS.
Download OutlookSpy from my site (url below), see if Extended MAPI exposes
enough information for your case (click IProfAdmin button and go from there). If
you don't want to mess with Extended MAPI, you might want to look at
Redemption - its distributable version includes ProfMan COM library which allows
to manipulate profiles and services in a much more sane way than Extended MAPI.

Dmitry Streblechenko (MVP)
OutlookSpy - Outlook, CDO
and MAPI Developer Tool

"Kun Chen" <> wrote in message news:3d46b7bd_1@dnews...

Kun Chen

31.07.2002, 12:56:5431.07.02
Thank you. I have visited your site before I post my question. Also I have download OutlookSpy and installed. But I can't get the account information via the IProfAdmin, so I asked here. Your software is very useful, and I'll try again.

BTW, is it possible to change the Outlook's account information, like SMTP server and so on?

Kun Chen
Ocloud Software

"Dmitry Streblechenko" <> wrote in message news:3d46cbde$1_1@dnews...

Dmitry Streblechenko

31.07.2002, 12:43:4631.07.02
IMAIL services in Outlook 2002 are not MAPI compliant, but you can always hack
the registry.

Dmitry Streblechenko (MVP)
OutlookSpy - Outlook, CDO
and MAPI Developer Tool

"Kun Chen" <> wrote in message news:3d4743d3_2@dnews...

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