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diversion of standard error from csh

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29.06.1983, 18:01:4629.06.83

The redirection mechanism for stderr in csh isn't too good
either; you simply CAN NOT send stderr down stdout and redirect
them both to a pipe! This means you can't say something like

make 2>&1 | tee /tmp/makelog

in the C shell. Also, you can't redirect stderr other than down

In csh you can send stderr down stdout and redirect them both to a pipe
as follows:

make |& tee /tmp/makelog

You can redirect stderr other than down stdout as follows:

(program >stdout.file) >&stderr.file

See how easy?

-- Andrew Klossner (decvax!teklabs!tekecs!andrew) [UUCP]
(andrew.tektronix@rand-relay) [ARPA]

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