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Pacesetter Story: The Best Ever

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Ima Myself

May 3, 2003, 3:21:32 AM5/3/03
Found these stories on a website, and thought I'd share in case they
go away. Most are good reads.

The Best Ever

Sex scandals, ripping off elderly people, calling people over and over
who ask to not be called, managers who provide drugs for their
employees, broken windows and doors that never get fixed, racism, and
many many more, I'm here to tell you from 13 years off and on with the
company it's all true. So now they want to come off as a reputable
company? Well this website has been a long time coming! I was until
2000, quite possibly the greatest telemarketer they have ever seen. No
not possibly, THE best they've ever had as quoted by Richard Nevins
Vice President in charge of telemarketing. Sorry Kal, it's true it's
true!!!!!! Anyway this is starting to sound like a rant so I better
get to the point. I was the only employee called by the plaintiff in a
sexual harrassment suit because of what I saw and heard and the bottom
line is the girl got a whole lot of money, even though everyone else
kept quiet or flat out lied about what happened. No one should ever
patronize this company, they have already taken enough of the public's
time and money!!!! I have more and will be back again.

Editor's note: This post has only been altered from the original
version to remove the sender's name and e-mail. Spelling and grammar
have not been corrected.

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