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Tk oddity: 2 second delay

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Frank Pilhofer

Mar 22, 2002, 10:53:29 AM3/22/02


I am experiencing a long delay using Tk, where it takes 2 seconds to
update the screen. I have attached a working fragment of the application.
It's supposed to be a "Wizard style" thing, with a common label at the
top and common buttons at the bottom, and inbetween there's a frame that
changes for each page.

When the "Next" button is pressed, the children of that frame are de-
structed, and new widgets are then created within the frame. But it
takes 2 seconds for them to appear.

Is there something that I'm doing wrong?

This is Tk 8.3.0 on Linux.


namespace eval Ass {}

proc Ass::SoftpkgWizSetup1 {} {
variable softwizwidgets
variable softwizdata

$softwizwidgets(info) configure -text \
"Welcome to the Software Package Wizard. It will help\
you to build a Software Package from your Component.\
To create a Software Package, this Wizard requires a\
readily built Component - usually a shared library (DLL)\
or executable - and the corresponding IDL file. Please\
click on the \"Next\" button to proceed."

$softwizwidgets(prev) configure -state disabled
$softwizwidgets(ok) configure -state disabled
$softwizwidgets(cancel) configure -state normal
$softwizwidgets(next) configure -state normal

proc Ass::SoftpkgWizNext1 {} {
# nothing to do

proc Ass::SoftpkgWizSetup2 {} {
variable softwizwidgets
variable softwizdata

$softwizwidgets(info) configure -text \
"Please select the file that contains your Component\
implementation. Please also select whether this file\
is a shared library (DLL) or executable. If you have\
made both selections, click on the \"Next\" button."

set wiz [frame $softwizwidgets(wiz).wiz]

if {![info exists softwizdata(implfile)]} {
set softwizdata(implfile) ""

if {![info exists softwizdata(impltype)]} {
set softwizdata(impltype) ""

set f1 [frame $wiz.f1]
set f1lab [label $f1.lab -text "Implementation" -width 15 -anchor w]
set f1ent [entry $f1.ent -width 40 \
-textvariable ::Ass::softwizdata(implfile)]
set f1but [button $f1.but -width 10 \
-text "Select" -anchor c -relief raised -bd 1 \
-command "Ass::SoftpkgWizSelectImplFile $softwizwidgets(top)"]
pack $f1lab -side left
pack $f1ent -side left -fill x -expand yes
pack $f1but -side left -padx 10
pack $f1 -side top -fill x -padx 10

set empty1 [frame $wiz.empty1]
pack $empty1 -side top -fill x -pady 10

set f2 [frame $wiz.f2]
set impltypelab [label $f2.impltypelab -anchor w \
-text "This Implementation File is a ..."]
set impltype1 [radiobutton $f2.impltype1 \
-text "Shared Library (DLL)" -anchor w \
-variable ::Ass::softwizdata(impltype) -value "DLL"]
$impltype1 configure -activebackground [$impltype1 cget -bg]
set impltype2 [radiobutton $f2.impltype2 \
-text "Standalone Executable" -anchor w \
-variable ::Ass::softwizdata(impltype) -value "Executable"]
$impltype2 configure -activebackground [$impltype2 cget -bg]
pack $impltypelab $impltype1 $impltype2 -side top -fill x
pack $f2 -side top -fill x -padx 10

set empty2 [frame $wiz.empty2]
pack $empty2 -side top -fill both -expand yes

$softwizwidgets(prev) configure -state normal
$softwizwidgets(ok) configure -state disabled
$softwizwidgets(cancel) configure -state normal
$softwizwidgets(next) configure -state disabled

pack $wiz -fill both -expand yes

proc Ass::SoftpkgWizard {} {
variable softwizwidgets
variable softwizdata
variable status

set top [toplevel .softpkgWizard -width 600 -height 400]
wm title $top "Software Package Wizard"

set title [label $top.title -anchor center \
-font {Arial 18 bold} \
-text "Software Package Wizard"]
pack $title -side top -fill x -pady 10

#set topsep [Separator $top.topsep -orient horizontal]
#pack $topsep -side top -fill x -pady 10

set infolabel [label $ -wraplength 500 -height 5 \
-anchor n -justify left]
pack $infolabel -side top -fill x -pady 10

set wizardry [frame $top.wiz]
pack $wizardry -side top -fill both -expand yes

#set botsep [Separator $top.botsep -orient horizontal]
#pack $botsep -side top -fill x -pady 10

set botbuts [frame $top.botbuts]
set botbut1 [button $botbuts.but1 -width 12 \
-text "<< Previous" \
-command "set ::Ass::softwizdata(mutex) 1"]
set botbut2 [button $botbuts.but2 -width 12 \
-text "Cancel" \
-command "set ::Ass::softwizdata(mutex) 2"]
set botbut3 [button $botbuts.but3 -width 12 \
-text "OK" \
-command "set ::Ass::softwizdata(mutex) 3"]
set botbut4 [button $botbuts.but4 -width 12 \
-text "Next >>" \
-command "set ::Ass::softwizdata(mutex) 4"]
pack $botbut1 $botbut2 $botbut3 $botbut4 -side left -pady 10 -padx 10
pack $botbuts

set softwizwidgets(top) $top
set softwizwidgets(info) $infolabel
set softwizwidgets(wiz) $wizardry
set softwizwidgets(prev) $botbut1
set softwizwidgets(cancel) $botbut2
set softwizwidgets(ok) $botbut3
set softwizwidgets(next) $botbut4

set softwizdata(mutex) 0
set softwizdata(curpage) 1
set softwizdata(pagedirty) 1

wm deiconify $top
wm minsize $top 600 400
focus $top
# grab set $top

set status "Wizardry in Progress ..."

while {42} {
if {$softwizdata(pagedirty)} {
foreach subitem [winfo children $softwizwidgets(wiz)] {
catch {destroy $subitem}
update idletasks
set softwizdata(pagedirty) 0

vwait ::Ass::softwizdata(mutex)

switch -- $::Ass::softwizdata(mutex) {
1 {
incr softwizdata(curpage) -1
set softwizdata(pagedirty) 1
2 {
3 {
if {![catch {SoftpkgWizOkay$softwizdata(curpage)}]} {
4 {
if {![catch {SoftpkgWizNext$softwizdata(curpage)}]} {
incr softwizdata(curpage) 1
set softwizdata(pagedirty) 1

# grab release $top
destroy $top

wm withdraw .

Frank Pilhofer ...........................................
Living on a budget is the same as living beyond your means, except
that now you have a record of it. - Alfred E. Neuman

Jeffrey Hobbs

Mar 22, 2002, 11:09:44 AM3/22/02
Frank Pilhofer wrote:

> When the "Next" button is pressed, the children of that frame are de-
> structed, and new widgets are then created within the frame. But it
> takes 2 seconds for them to appear.

I don't see a particular problem, but there was an issue with Tk and
oddly written window managers on Unix (like Enlightenment 0.15) where
'raise' would cause a 2 second delay. This isn't an issue with *twm,
openlook, cde or others. This was worked around in 8.3.3 or 8.3.4, so
you might check if the 8.3.4 corrects the problem (or upgrade your wm,
I know that Enlightenment 0.16 didn't have the problem).

Jeff Hobbs The Tcl Guy
Senior Developer
Tcl Support and Productivity Solutions

Frank Pilhofer

Mar 22, 2002, 12:55:38 PM3/22/02
Jeffrey Hobbs <> wrote:
> I don't see a particular problem, but there was an issue with Tk and
> oddly written window managers on Unix (like Enlightenment 0.15) where
> 'raise' would cause a 2 second delay. This isn't an issue with *twm,
> openlook, cde or others. This was worked around in 8.3.3 or 8.3.4, so
> you might check if the 8.3.4 corrects the problem (or upgrade your wm,
> I know that Enlightenment 0.16 didn't have the problem).

I'm using a fairly old version of fvwm2 here. Tk 8.3.4 does not


Stephen O. Lidie

Mar 22, 2002, 1:31:56 PM3/22/02
Frank Pilhofer <> wrote:
> Jeffrey Hobbs <> wrote:
>> I don't see a particular problem, but there was an issue with Tk and
>> oddly written window managers on Unix (like Enlightenment 0.15) where
>> 'raise' would cause a 2 second delay. This isn't an issue with *twm,
>> openlook, cde or others. This was worked around in 8.3.3 or 8.3.4, so
>> you might check if the 8.3.4 corrects the problem (or upgrade your wm,
>> I know that Enlightenment 0.16 didn't have the problem).

> I'm using a fairly old version of fvwm2 here. Tk 8.3.4 does not
> help.

The same thing happens with Perl/Tk - I'm pretty sure recent fvwm2's do not
have this problem.

@_=map{eval"100${_}"}split/!/,'/5!*2!+$]!/10+$]';use Tk;$m=tkinit;$t='just an'.
'other perl hacker';$z='createText';$c=$m->Canvas(-wi,$_[1],-he,25)->grid;$c->$

Tom Wilkason

Mar 22, 2002, 4:15:19 PM3/22/02
"Jeffrey Hobbs" <> wrote in message

> Frank Pilhofer wrote:
> ...
> > When the "Next" button is pressed, the children of that frame are de-
> > structed, and new widgets are then created within the frame. But it
> > takes 2 seconds for them to appear.
> I don't see a particular problem, but there was an issue with Tk and
> oddly written window managers on Unix (like Enlightenment 0.15) where
> 'raise' would cause a 2 second delay. This isn't an issue with *twm,
> openlook, cde or others. This was worked around in 8.3.3 or 8.3.4, so
> you might check if the 8.3.4 corrects the problem (or upgrade your wm,
> I know that Enlightenment 0.16 didn't have the problem).
I see this 2 sec delay problem under Linux/KDE with 8.3.3

Tom Wilkason

Chang Li

Mar 22, 2002, 8:45:38 PM3/22/02
to (Frank Pilhofer) wrote in message news:<>...

I may have met the similar problem before.
When I adjust the size of frames or widgets the trouble disappeared.
Do not know the reasons.


Frank Pilhofer

Mar 23, 2002, 12:32:51 PM3/23/02
Chang Li <> wrote:
> (Frank Pilhofer) wrote in message news:<>...
> I may have met the similar problem before.
> When I adjust the size of frames or widgets the trouble disappeared.
> Do not know the reasons.


what do you mean with "adjusting the size"?


Frank Pilhofer ...........................................

You'll never get rid of a bad temper by losing it! - Alfred E. Neuman

Frank Pilhofer

Mar 25, 2002, 6:48:55 AM3/25/02
Frank Pilhofer <> wrote:
> I am experiencing a long delay using Tk, where it takes 2 seconds to
> update the screen. I have attached a working fragment of the application.

After reading the appropriate manual pages, I've found a fix/workaround.
The problem seems to be caused by requesting a fixed size from the window
manager `wm minsize $top 600 400' and bad interaction with the pack geo-
metry manager trying to resize the frames.

Apart from removing the "minsize" statement, I instead requested the
main frame to have a certain size and disabled geometry propagation.

> set wizardry [frame $top.wiz]
> pack $wizardry -side top -fill both -expand yes


set wizardry [frame $top.wiz -width 600 -height 200]

pack $wizardry -side top -fill both -expand yes

pack propagate $wizardry 0

BTW, I found that with geometry propagation enabled, the "wizardry"
frame was always later downsized to fit it slaves. I was surprised by
this behavior; I would have thought that once I assign a size, it
would be fixed - especially since that frame was already packed. But
then, I'm obviously no pack wizard yet.


Frank Pilhofer ...........................................

It's not just the ups and downs that make life difficult, it's the
jerks. - Alfred E. Neuman

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