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Response to recent emailing

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Patti Koenig

09.10.2003, 13:33:3909.10.03
In response to this email,

Last year I released an open source interface from javascript to
java3d called FastScript3D. I had made an observation that when using
the vrml loader vrml97.jar within a java3D applet, the following error
was generated from within the loader code: message is access denied
(java.lang.RuntimePermission createClassLoader). This may have been a
problem with that particular loader only. My comments and
observations that ones java policy could be changed with associated
risks to eliminate this error were my own and in no way represent JPL
or NASA. In light of this email, I plan to remove the applets in
question and all comments about java policy from my web site. I am
truly sorry for any inconvenience this email has caused.

Patti Koenig

At 12:11 PM 10/9/2003 -0400, P. Flavin wrote:

VRML can be Animated in a Browser with Java3d

with __ NO __ changes to the Java policy,
with __ NO __ certificates,
with __ NO __ additional downloads

with Sun's Xj3d VRML Loaders

on any system configured to run Java3d which
includes most professional graphics systems including:

Windows, Linux, SGI Onyx, Sun Solaris & IBM AIX.

Daniel M Garland wrote:
> i'm having problems [ with's 'new' Loaders
> for viewing's 3d file format ] building [ compiling ]
> the source code.
> I've tried both the stable version, cvs versions and
> development snapshot.
> I get different errors each time and I appear
> to have everything installed correctly.
> Out of all the components they say you need on
> the website which ones are actually essential to build ?
> Dan

Yes, that's not surprising.

There are lot's of problems with the 'new' loaders from Yumetech.

The 'new' Xj3d Loaders often fail.
The 'new' Xj3d Loaders often fail
where the older, reliable Xj3d Loaders __ work __.

If the Yumetech Loaders Fail, try the reliable Sun Loaders
Nist, Navy PGS, NSF Fingerspelling Animations
-------------------- work in a browser: wihout problems.

Nasa uses Java3d & VRML for Web Animation & Sun's Loaders

Nasa's Dr. Koenig wrote :
| [ ____ False and Misleading claims follow ____ ]
| LOADER PROBLEMS [ No, Dr. Koenig's follies ]
| When I run an applet from the [ Nasa's ] FastScript3D
| web site, particularly one that is trying to load a
| vrml or other file in, I get error messages about
| security vialations in the Java console window.
| Nothing is displayed. What is wrong?
| If you are running an applet located on a
| remote web site that is loading 3D models
| or other files, you will often get this message.
| To fix the problem, you can relax you security
| to enable you to read the files. Click here to
| read Sun's documentation on the policy permissions
| and ___ associated ____ risks. _____
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

___Risks ___ Security on the Web ___
~~~~~~~~~~~~ is important and it is important to
deal with this issue honestly in a professional and
responsible way and your unprofessional unhelpful
conduct is irresponsible and harmful.

It is irresponsible for you Dr. Koenig to encourage
people to reduce the Security setting of their browser
when there is ____ ABSOLUTELY __ NO __ REASON ___
for them to do so.

Please do __ NOT __ repeat the LIES of Yumetech fraudsters.

Ms. Koenig your statments demonstrate

a serious lack of intelligence and integrity
and your statements in agregate are misleading
and inaccurte with respect to the important issue of

___ Animating 3d in a Browser ___ with Java3d and VRML

and your false statements are consistant with the
False and Fraudulent and Criminal Conduct of Yumetech
liars Justin Couch and Alan Hudson.

The Sun VRML Loaders can animate VRML in a browser
______ without ______ changing the security setting.

Dr. Koenig: You are a liar or a fool.


-- Paul, Java Developer & Web Animator
Imaging the Imagined: Modeling with Math & a Keyboard

Nasa's Dr. Koenig wrote :
| [ ____ False and Misleading claims follow ____ ]
| FastScript3D is the easiest way to make 3D web pages
| ------------------------------ and learn about Java3D !

Nasa's Dr. Koenig wrote :
| [ ____ False and Misleading claims follow ____ ]
| Simplifies Sun's Java3D for web use

Patti, Web Animation should and can be simple and safe.

Your statements and programs make it

___ less ___ safe and ___ less ___ simple

--- and that is bad, unnecessary, and undesirable ---

We need better solutions that are ___ easy and safe ___
and your solution is inferior for no reason other than
your ignorance and arrogance, Dr Koenig.

We need solutions that are portable and reliable
and ones that help scientists, students, and web users
and be free of the limitations, problems, expense, and
dangers of Microsoft's inferior products criminally
foisted on consumers by Microsoft's illegal anti-competitive
practices in violation of US anti-trust laws.

We need government employees to do their jobs with integrity.

You have failed thus far: Repent and Sin no more.

Thank you.

< BlockQuote src=

FileLoaders for Java3D: the Sun vs. the 'new' xj3d Loaders
| H-Anim and MPEG-4 are dependendent on
| implementing technologies, of which Java3d
| is one of the best available to us and both
| H-Anim and MPEG-4 have been held back
| by misperceptions, false statements, and
| unethical conduct.
| The VRML Loaders from Sun provided
| the highest level of functionality for
| loading VRML files into Java3d ...
| -- and still do --
| ~~ please ~~ correct me ... if any other
| VRML loader is more capable for loading
| VRML into Java3d and rendering it with
| animation. ...
| Recently Justin Couch wrote vulgar and false statements
| regarding the functionality of the VRML Loaders
| developed at Sun, his statements were challenged by a
| Sun engineer: ...

False and Fraudulent uncorrected claims by Justin Couch
and the unreliable publisher Prentice-Hall have falsely
claimed the Sun VRML Loaders cannot animate's
VRML based H-Anim Loaders: They can and they do animate
VRML models including US Navy PGS, NIST, and NSF models
including Finger Spelling for the Deaf animations.

Navy, NSF, NIST, Human models animated w. Java3d
----------------------------------------( VRML & H-Anim )

</ BlockQuote >

Cecile Muller

09.10.2003, 21:42:0709.10.03
> with __ NO __ additional downloads

*hum* And downloading Java3D to install it ? From an user's point of
view, how is it different from having to download+install a plugin ?

jake reid

10.10.2003, 03:20:1610.10.03
Jings! Cecile please don`t feed the Flavin! The world knows the
benefits of vrml plugins over Flavinettes.

On 9 Oct 2003 18:42:07 -0700, (Cecile Muller)

P. Flavin

15.10.2003, 11:46:4015.10.03

The Failures of Nasa's Java3d Fastscript3d " Educational "

program show how unethical conduct leads to failure

and in no way reflects " best methods " for web animation,
Java programming, or proper ethical conduct for Nasa staff.

Nasa's Patti Koenig wrote:
| Send email to
| with any questions you may have.

I did, but Dr. Koenig refused to answer them ;^(

Dr. Patti Koenig failed to respond to this e-mail:

Greetings ...

>> I was under the impression that:
>> 1 ) The Nasa / JPL Mars Landings of Robots within the
>> next few months is a relatively important event for
>> Nasa and particularly the JPL where you are employed.
>> 2 ) Educational outreach is a part of Nasa & JPL
>> policy, mission and mandate.
>> 3 ) The Fastscript3d web pages are now offline. ( Why ? )
( this one got a reply, thanks )
>> 4 ) The Fastscript3d programs did not support VRML animation
>> for no apparent reason.
>> 5 ) The Fastscript3d programs placed unnecessary burdens
>> on users related to usability and security settings.
>> Am I incorrect in any of these ?
>> My goals and interests, tools and methods are
>> very similar to your Fastscript3d project.
>> Why did you never post to the www-vrml list ?
>> Why doesn't your program support animation for VRML ?

I'll add another ...

6 ) You have been aware of the vulgar and slanderous
statments made against __ some __ of the people
using the Java3d, VRML, and the Sun VRML Loaders
( as you are ) ...

Do you think government researchers should enourage
honest professional constructive communications in
the professional forums they partipate in for the
mutual beneifit of all those involved and for the
benefit of US industry, educational system, and
national defense ?

The latest Nasa WITS Mer program failed to run on my system.


-- Paul, Wednesday, September 24, 2003, 3:20 PM EST.

Nasa does Web Animation with Java and VRML

^-- updated with Nasa WITS Mer VRML - Java3d model image.

Patti M Koenig wrote:

> Paul,
> I appreciate all of your inputs. I am truly sorry if my reply
> was unhelpful. I believe the FastScript3D web site was down
> due to a server upgrade but should be back up again in short order.
> Sincerely,
> Patti Koenig
> At 10:42 AM 9/24/2003 -0400, P. Flavin wrote:
>> Dr Patti Koenig, Rocket Scientist, Nasa JPL (818) 393-0024
>> Dear Patti,
>> Greetings ...
>> Some of us aid the community by sharing useful information,
>> as was posted to the java3d-interest list to which we have
>> both been subscribed:
>> |
>> | Subject: Stable VRML Viewer & Servers for Multi-Client Worlds
>> |
>> | From: __ "P. Flavin" __ <anim...@ROCHESTER.RR.COM>
>> |
>> |
>> |
>> | The most stable platform for viewing 3d VRML objects
>> |
>> | is probably Java3d with the Sun VRML Loader on Linux ...
>> | ----------------------------------------------------
>> |
>> |
>> | Nasa uses Java3d & VRML for WITS Mars Rover
>> | -------------------------------------------
>> |
>> || Using the Web Interface for Telescience (WITS) and
>> || the Multi-Mission Encrypted Communication System (MECS)
>> || for sequence planning, generation, command and data product
>> || recovery. A block diagram of FIDO-WITS operational structure
>> || is depicted below.
>> ||
>> |
>> |
>> | [ posted to Java3d-list : January 6, 2003
>> |
>> Patti M Koenig wrote:
>>> Flavin,
>>> There is a WITS project at JPL that already simulates the rover
with Java and Java3D.
>>> Since I am not part of that team
>>> I am afraid that I can't help you with your idea
>>> for the rover animations.
>>> I am sorry that I cannot be of more help ...
>>> Patti Koenig
>> 1 ) Asking for help is not something I did.
>> 2 ) Helping is something you could do,
>> why you would make a false statement to the
>> contrary is unknown.
>> 3 ) I know about WITS, please read the above post.
>> 4 ) education -- not simulation -- is the goal.
>> I was under the impression that:
>> 1 ) The Nasa / JPL Mars Landings of Robots within the
>> next few months is a relatively important event for
>> Nasa and particularly the JPL where you are employed.
>> 2 ) Educational outreach is a part of Nasa & JPL
>> policy, mission and mandate.
>> 3 ) The Fastscript3d web pages are now offline. ( Why ? )
>> 4 ) The Fastscript3d programs did not support VRML animation
>> for no apparent reason.
>> 5 ) The Fastscript3d programs placed unnecessary burdens
>> on users related to usability and security settings.
>> Fastscript3d is now offline ?
>> ---------------------------------------------
>> Am I incorrect in any of these ?
>> I'm getting a :
>> " connection was refused when attempting to
>> ------------------------
>> contact " message.
>> Why ?
>> My goals and interests, tools and methods are
>> very similar to your Fastscript3d project.
>> Why did you never post to the www-vrml list ?
>> Why doesn't your program support animation for VRML ?
>> Nasa does Web Animation with Java and VRML
>> ---------------------------------------------------
>> Your reply was unhelpful and unprofessional.
>> Sincerely,
>> -- Paul
>> -- Paul Flavin, Java Developer & Web Animator.
>>> At 06:29 PM 9/19/2003 -0400, you wrote:
>>>> Dr Patti Koenig, Rocket Scientist, Nasa JPL (818) 393-0024
>>>> Greetings ...
>>>> Your Fastscript3d program interests me and I've
>>>> read your messages to the Java3d-interest list
>>>> and comp.lang.vrml, comp.lang.java3d and other
>>>> newsgroups with rapt interest.
>>>> I've be animating your VRML models with Java3d
>>>> including your earlier and more complicated models.
>>>> The Nasa JPL Mars Robot explorers now enroute to Mars
>>>> are of great interest to school children and Star Wars
>>>> fans and can be modeled with Java, including the
>>>> arm that can reach for and lift objects much like
>>>> Java VRML Chess playing robots can, and as
>>>> Lego Mindstorms robots can -- Lego robots have been
>>>> controlled by Java as demonstrated by James Gosling,
>>>> the creator of Java.
>>>> So, why don't we build Mars Rover with VRML & Java
>>>> and build a Lego Mindstorms Mars Rover to have fun
>>>> and teach math ...
>>>> models Real & Virtual that behave like the real thing
>>>> and can be controlled from within a browser and from
>>>> around the world.
>>>> The Chess Player's chess board is a Cartesian Plane
>>>> with a user space world coordinate system of
>>>> (0,0) to (7,7) and the Chess Players cabilities
>>>> closely resembles the Mars Explorers capabilities
>>>> to grasp & move objects.
>>>> As you know Java3d supports multiple views of a
>>>> terrain and can let you see the steroscopic view
>>>> the Mars Rovers can see, and children could solve
>>>> the problem making a dumb robot smart enough to
>>>> get around on its own and perhaps play a little soccer.
>>>> I also have a multiplayer, networked, 3d Tank Combat game
>>>> ( Java3d ).
>>>> So our tools are up to the task.
>>>> --- and I have the Lego Mindstorms kit already ---
>>>> So, if it's ok with your mom, could I come over & play ?
>>>> Nasa Web Animation with VRML with Java w. & w/o Java3d
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Robots with Grasping Hands and Arms with multiple Joints
>>>> --------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Sincerely,
>>>> -- Paul
>>>> -- Paul Flavin,

>>>> Java Developer & Web Animator

If any one at Nasa could answer these questions about

Nasa's " Educational " Java3d program ...

Thank you.


-- Paul Flavin, Java Developer & Web Animator
Imaging the Imaigned: Modeling with Math & a Keyboard

cc: Sue LaVoie, Nasa JPL Manager 382,
cc: Vince Realmuto, Nasa JPL Supervisor 3823,
cc: Julian Gomez Nasa, BOD


Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2003
To: Patti M Koenig <>

From: "P. Flavin" <>

Subject: Re:
Fastscript3d - Java3d & VRML _ with _ animation _ Mars Rovers (#3)

References: <>
In-Reply-To: <>

Patti Koenig wrote:
> I had made an observation that when using

> the vrml loader vrml97.jar within a java3D applet ...

> Sincerely,
> Patti Koenig
> At 12:11 PM 10/9/2003 -0400, P. Flavin wrote:
> VRML can be Animated in a Browser with Java3d
> ---------------------------------------------
> with __ NO __ changes to the Java policy,
> with __ NO __ certificates,
> with __ NO __ additional downloads

> with Sun's Xj3d VRML Loaders ...
> ----------------------------

jake reid

15.10.2003, 12:37:2115.10.03
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAhhhhh!! Thank god for Cortona and Contact!
Flav your a god unto yourself, may the light continually shine from
your torn torus!!

Jake seeker of wisdom

Cecile Muller

15.10.2003, 17:51:5215.10.03
Lol jake (btw the email address specified in your posts is no longuer
working or something, i get "unknown user" errors, awww).

jake reid

16.10.2003, 04:21:0416.10.03
Hi Cecile the wee secret was the Scottish dialect naespam,no spam now
I will hiv tae write a noo code book. ;-) I think I will stick with
the old vrml as x3d seems tae be a load o` pish the noo too much
bamboozlement going on and nae content tae get excited aboot.

Jake the auld grizzler

On 15 Oct 2003 14:51:52 -0700, (Cecile Muller)

>Lol jake (btw the email address specified in your posts is no longuer

Cecile Muller

16.10.2003, 10:06:4516.10.03
> the wee secret was the Scottish dialect naespam

Argh, oops indeed. Looks like I failed the Turin test :-)

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