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alt.satanism killfile f.a.q. (for new readers)

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Sep 16, 2001, 1:52:15 AM9/16/01
It has come to the attention of us here at the alt.satanism administration
that certain parties have become unwelcome and unwanted. Many things are
tolerated here at alt.satanism, Lord knows I've been known to be a racist
scumbag and all around idiot from time to time. But it has to occurred to
the administrative staff here, that certain individuals have broken the
cardinal rule of alt.satanism. You can be an ass, jerk off, dickhead,
trashy little loser or a myriad of other social deviants...but it is
paramount that you are not an idiot! It has come to our attention that a
gaggle of people who call themselves Satanic Pinkos have broken this
cardinal rule and now must be the recipients of the cruelest punishment
known to alt.satanism: Banishment.

We did not come by this decision lightly. We have tolerated their ignorant
silliness for far too long. How have they reached this unprecedented and
lowly status? They have alienated themselves from one of the coolest
members of alt.satanism to ever grace our humble newsgroup...a gentleman by
the name of Harry Lime. Now to put this in perspective...Mr. Lime would not
stoop so low as to take the effort to reach down and slap me upside the
head. This not withstanding, he is still, by far, one of the most
well-read, intelligent people to ever post here.


For the crimes of lying to, angering and generally pissing in Harry's
cornflakes, we pass the following judgement.

We sentence the Moronic Reds to "Killfile Status" as of this night.

So, (for your reading enhancement and enjoyment) if you are to happen upon
one of the names listed below...please direct your mouse pointer to the
"Message" section of your e-mail toolbar and slide down to "Block Sender"
and click. Thank you for your time, and we wish you an edifying and
pleasant stay here in alt.satanism.

We hereby Banish:

Tani Jantsang aka Phyllis Ranty Tani Granni Rantsang Headbump

Radu aka Ragu

Owen (idiot)

Power Surge (idiot)

Jeff Gerber aka Gerbler

Walter Alter (this one we found the most difficult as he is well read even
if does sound like he is regurgitating sociology 101 textbooks)

Please be aware that this is just the "shortlist": names of known
sympathizers will be added (when were feeling less lazy and apathetic).

cc: alt.satanism admin.


Sep 16, 2001, 7:31:04 AM9/16/01
I hope this shit is not serious...considering all the wacky shit that
is posted here, for you to single out this imagined "group" of people
is quite the maddening thing! Are you really the admin? Hmm?

"Satan" <> wrote in message news:<j6Xo7.16335$>...

Rocío Carrasco

Sep 16, 2001, 9:02:45 AM9/16/01
I've always said that mixing politics and Satanism is an idea destined
for failure.
As far as these Reds folks go, you have figured out *until now* that
they are not a serious org? Sheesh...The Red people are right; they
have nothing to do with socialism, let alone democratic socialism.
They are simply another group that solely exists to antagonize;
otherwise they would not have such a daily and tumultuous online
presence, eh? I don't see the Socialist Party of the USA involved in
such clownish things...I don't see co-op stores, worked owned and
operated, involved in such things as this online foolery.


Walter Alter

Sep 16, 2001, 11:45:31 AM9/16/01
A. There is no "admin" to this group.

B. I will continue to post LaRouche material here whenever the fuck I feel
like it and the millions of alt.satanism lurkers will read, nalyse, digest
and act upon what they find therein.

C. You guys are a joke, political hacks and brightly colored popinjays,
marching to the tin drum of Harry "Trotsky" Lime, one of the best minds of
our generation if not in all 5,000 - 6,000 of written history. God, what a
man for our era, lead us into a bright horizon, Harry, that WTC thing will
blow over in a week....

D."Banishment" from the city of Pariahs? You do see the hilarity...

In the meantime, watch the tide of Christian fundamentalism grab the
remnants of the '60's counter culture by the neck and rip its little tendons
out with their teeth. You jingoists just don't see it coming. America will
become an armed camp, a martial law state who's national export will be
surveillance cameras.

Sit there like jackrabbits caught in the beams of a headlight and to watch
the Constitutional Articles that allow us freedom of expression go up in a
puff of stage magic smoke

And you "admin" fukwads want to play at censorship. This is the first and
last time that I'll do the ceremonial:


Yer pal,

Walter Alter
Satanic Reds


Satan <> wrote in message

Kerry Delf

Sep 16, 2001, 5:07:58 PM9/16/01
On Sun, 16 Sep 2001, Walter Alter wrote:

> A. There is no "admin" to this group.

It was a joke, Walter. Of course there's no real alt.satanism
administrator -- it's an unmoderated group. Tyagi / Nagasiva / Boboroshi /
WhateverNameHeUsesForThisStuff posts various FAQs under the handle
"alt.satanism ADMIN" -- but it's a self-appointed title, and he has no
control whatsoever over the newsgroup or its participants. Other than his
ability to drown us in FAQs, that is. :)

> B. I will continue to post LaRouche material here whenever the fuck I
> feel like it and the millions of alt.satanism lurkers will read,
> nalyse, digest and act upon what they find therein.

Well...maybe a few hundred alt.satanism lurkers will scan past the title,
a hundred or so will open the post, and perhaps a dozen will do more than
skim through the first three screens of the article. Let's be
realistic. This is alt.satanism, after all.

- Kerry Delf

"Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force; like fire,
it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master. Never for a moment
should it be left to irresponsible action." -- George Washington

People's Commissar

Sep 16, 2001, 7:33:27 PM9/16/01
Oh, ho ho ho.  One of the co-founders of SR is 100% pure gay.  So you lie.  We have many races in SR.  Wanting to shoot ANYONE trying to sneak into the USA is not racist.  Especially if some of the illegals are my own kinfolk.  We are not fascist in any way shape or form.
The cos is notoriously homophotic - everyone in the "to know" area knows this.  They are self-admitted fascists in a strange kind of non-political way (most of them, non political).
You reveal yourself to be lockstep brainfucked into the typically PC accusations. 
God do I HATE liberals.  You are truly - what people used to call a PINKO WIMP.  We are FD Rooseveltian.  You don't like that?  Then fuck off. 
I don't have to accuse the COS of being that "since I was booted" booted from what  Harry?  Their own magazine is RIDDLED with it.  Lucifer Rising "accuses" them of it.  Hey, you gonna say the same thing about the person who wrote that book?  He goes all into the rise of fascism in the COS.  He's NOT flaming the cos in his book. 
OF COURSE I sounded like KKK in thost PARTICULAR DEBATES with Mim.  I told them they could expect that.  Now they either straighten out the misperception their anti-American lying spew is causing, or they'll have nice troubles.  They support terrorists.  You don't think the FBI knows this?  Sure they do. 
This little cretin you write to that wants to pretend he's the Prince of Darkness is in favor of non-freedom of speech.  Go for it.  You lost your mind, Harry.


Sep 16, 2001, 7:51:32 PM9/16/01

"Satan" <> wrote in message


Sep 16, 2001, 7:53:42 PM9/16/01

"Satan" <> wrote in message

>we pass the following judgement.<

Hey, you spelled "judgment" wrong! Dodo.


Sep 16, 2001, 8:21:09 PM9/16/01
Harry, you are off your rocker. I've addressed your absurd claims elsewhere. I won't bother here. Instead, here are the Satano-Communist Statements, from the Satanic Reds website. or


Satano-Commune - ist. Satano-Comm-UNITY

The Comrades bring you these for starters.

One needs to define what a Satanist is versus what a Satanist is not. That is, what one is and not just some "rules to follow" or rules on how to "try to be."

Some people found Anton Lavey's 9 Satanic statements profound. Some of us found them more than obvious. Then again, they had to be elaborated upon (see for the 9 Statements of the COS revisited, elaborated on, and commented upon). One thing is for certain, Anton LaVey was not the only person ever to think these things up at all.

"Satanic," definitely not from any dictionary definition, but from the 9 Satanic Statements of Anton LaVey, basically a social commentary on what one might call common sense, we define a Comrade as having these qualities and naturally being this way (LaVeyan references will be in bold). We use these references because these are the only references to show that such things are "Satanic."

Normal human animals practice Indulgence (and that means they practice both: "I like, I do," and "I do not like, I do not do."). This is what those with Vital Existence practice automatically: they never "think about" or "wonder about" it because they have it: they are Vital. They also automatically have Undefiled Wisdom/Truth, or a desire for it, as opposed to the Will to Lie. (Wisdom could mean intelligence and one does not have to be a genius to be a Satanist: in this context, Wisdom means the Desire for Truth.) Self-Wisdom is Inner-Truth: modern neurology calls that the "Organic I" (this is what we think Anton LaVey meant when he said "Ego" because he didn't seem to mean it in any Freudian sense and he definitely did not mean it in the Eastern sense.) These three things, Indulgence, Vitality, Inner-Truth, result in animals/humans that naturally are Kind to those who deserve it and have responsibility of Self and are responsible to others of like kind: automatically! That is the kind of animal they are: Zoos/Eros. They are OF NATURE. These are "The People." "Comrades."

We define non-Satanists as those who practice repressive and non-liberating Abstinence (the inner, real kind) which stems from inner fear and is rooted in Self-Deceit (which is caused by self-hate and hiding from that self-hate which produces "wannabe") and this leads to the desire and need for pipe-dreams. All shit-disturbers, black holes, klippoths, psychic vampires, obstructers, poisoners, wreckers and clingers do this and never seem to get a clue that they are doing it. It is part of their nature, a broken nature. Some see it when they are caught doing it. E.g. abstinence: inability to speak your mind from your own heart. That is a deep, inner abstinence that comes from fear, self-hate and repression. As a result of what these types have inside their own beings, they are always Ingrates and kind to other ingrates (but treat the truly kind and generous like they can be walked on). They are full of worry-care concern for non-issues while they tend to hate normal animal humans. They are truly broken people and they innately are enemies of any "Beast With Brains." They live in a sea of lies where they never say what they mean or mean what they say. They seem like All One Thing too, variations of that Thing. They dwell in a "Place" where unreality-of-self exists and where they can have no truths, often no truths about anything, not even things one could learn from a book these days! They have no self-truth and they battle it tooth and nail with a False Ego construction they periodically adjust or remake. They are not vital. They are Thanatos. NOT OF OR IN NATURE which they can feel they are "not part of." This is the kind of animal they are: Thanatos. Not of Nature. Broken! They are "Enemies of The People."

MARX SAID: RELIGION IS THE OPIUM OF THE PEOPLE! CAST IT OFF AND BE FREE! Revision: organized religion that oppresses people and keeps them waiting for the good life after they are dead, is opium.

Check this out from Felix! He had this idea for how CheKa and NKVD personnel should be, the types they wanted. Very similar! (These statements came from many things Felix said, in his diary, in his letters to his sister, in various letters and/or notes he wrote to other CheKists and on his actual deeds. We have put them in one place here.)

Paraphrasing Felix:

Human beings all strive for basic needs and happiness. If too much is required to obtain the basic needs it leads to bitterness and the need to numb the senses and become deaf, dumb and blind to the real, outer world surroundings. (Hence do they slip into religious pipe dreams to alleviate this awful state of being). Humans, in fact all animals, seek conditions in which to live; finding suitable conditions they lead Epicurean lives. That is to say, they indulge in things they enjoy and avoid things they dislike. This is not to be confused with the overindulgence of the ruling classes that never seem to be happy or get enough of anything. The healthy animal has vitality of existence, they are wise in the ways of their own lives and conditions. They are in tune with their environment which interacts with them: as they change it, it changes them and so forth and so on. They are not decadent within which is a state that arises from mental or emotional confusion and obscurity. They are all quite normal. As a result of this, they are kind to others and in turn receive kindness well; they have self responsibility which all natural animals have. They depend on each other in a social context, depending on the species, but they are not dependent in the sense that the underclasses are dependent on the (corporations). They are, in that sense, classless and all part of one society. We expect Comrades to at least have these qualities if we don't want to be torn down from within.

Surely, there has to be a way for people to have the basic, liberated contentment in life common to any animal, to be happy and to be able to pursue happiness.

(Thomas Jefferson had the same idea...)

Aside from cooperating with the ruling classes in exploiting and oppressing the People, the religious, and by that I do not refer merely to clerics, are those who practice repressive and non-liberating abstinence of a psychological, not just practical, kind. This originates from a deep, inner or unconscious fear and is rooted in self deceit of a kind which is, in turn, rooted in self loathing of an unimaginable kind, a self loathing of their own animal natures, of nature itself. This produces their visible desire to be "other" than what they actually are. This, in turn, is achieved by living a life of delusion and tenaciously enforcing their delusions on the working classes. An example of this is how everyone looked "up to" the Czar as if he was something other than just a man. The Czar imagined he ruled by the decree of God. What is God but a non-existent phantom? Yet everyone participated in this mass delusion and went along with it as if it was real. Yet as the vampire legend would show, the victims support their victimizers and become obstructers, poisoners, wreckers and commit all manner of acts of sabotage against anyone not willing to participate in the grand delusion; metaphorically, the victim of the vampire leads others to become victims. They practice abstinence in the psychological and practical sense and demand that everyone else do the same with the promise of "the good life" only after one is dead. They are unable to speak freely and they demand others participate in self censoring. Psychologists call this repression but fail to note that such repressed types insist that the society around them become repressed and practice repression as well. As a result of all this, they are consistently and predictably ingrates toward anyone who has shown them kindness, yet they are also, at the same time, kind to only other ingrates like themselves, insistent on living in a "world" of conflict and strife, misery and hate; there is nothing comradely or even social about them. They are full of worry, care and concern for issues that have no relevance as they go about despising the working (normal) people. They are, as Pavlov has shown, people who are broken, conditioned as such, and they always will be, almost innately will be enemies of the People. And whether or not they collaborate or are in the employ of outside nations bent on destroying us, they are nonetheless tied to each other, as if glued, in a phantasmal place existing only in their shared delusion, where lies exist, where there is no truth and where there can be no truths. They have no Self truth or awareness yet they walk around in a numb dream state where vitality ceases to exist. They prove to be people with low-energy, emotionally insane and twisted inside with no semblance of any real "Selfhood." It is as if they try to exist outside of Nature, convince themselves they can, and then go about doing everything as if this delusion is real. They are "Enemies of The People." They are the enemies of life.

These are the same sentiments. Anton LaVey never saw Felix Dzerzhinsky's writings; he did not get his ideas from him; but they are the same ideas. Some Jews have noticed that Anton LaVey's ideas are in the Talmud. In other words, Jews should be Comrades to other Jews according to their religious and social laws.

Visit the Satanic Reds:
Left Hand Path org promoting personal and socio-economic freedom and empowerment
"Harry Lime" <> wrote in message
Dear Walter:

Please see inside text:

Walter Alter wrote:

A. There is no "admin" to this group.

Right.  And I'm Marilyn Manson.

B. I will continue to post LaRouche material here whenever the fuck I feel
like it and the millions of alt.satanism lurkers will read, nalyse, digest
and act upon what they find therein.

Nobody said you shouldn't, Walter.  I'm all for you guys posting what ever you gives you pleasure. What I take issue with is the racist nature of Tani and Jeff supporting the TvR, and Tani getting snubbed by the MIM's for being racist.  You folks can call me whatever you want, but you can't deal with issues.

C. You guys are a joke, political hacks and brightly colored popinjays,
marching to the tin drum of Harry "Trotsky" Lime, one of the best minds of
our generation if not in all 5,000 - 6,000 of written history.  God, what a
man for our era, lead us into a bright horizon, Harry, that WTC thing will
blow over in a week....

Sure Walter.  We're all political hacks.  You guys aren't "hot to Trotsky" anymore?  Too bad.  Prove that I've ever been a member of any Trotskyist fringe group, the MIM's, or the CPUSA. Sue me why don't ya?  Report me to Pat Robertson and the Christian Coalition. You fascist SR's just can't face the fact that I beat Tani/Phyllis at her own twisted game.  Oh the WTC will not "blow over," Walter.  You're thinking is clouded and deluded.  Too many "Star Trek" episodes, I guess.

D."Banishment" from the city of Pariahs?  You do see the hilarity...

I'd never suggest you'd guys be banned.  This would cut down significantly on the entertainment value here in alt.satanism.

In the meantime, watch the tide of Christian fundamentalism grab the
remnants of the '60's counter culture by the neck and rip its little tendons
out with their teeth.

Tani wanted to get the Christian Coalition involved against the CoS.  She associated with a promoter of NAMBLA, John Allee.  Tani acts in very Christian ways.

 You jingoists just don't see it coming.  America will
become an armed camp, a martial law state who's national export will be
surveillance cameras.

Tell me something I don't know.

Sit there like jackrabbits caught in the beams of a headlight and to watch
the Constitutional Articles that allow us freedom of expression go up in a
puff of stage magic smoke

And what are you doing to protect your civil liberties, Walter?

And you "admin" fukwads want to play at censorship.  This is the first and
last time that I'll do the ceremonial:


Really, Walter I don't "killfile" anyone.  I was tempted to during the last round of WToC crap that was posted here, but they always go away after a short time.  You SR fascists can't deal with issues.  You attempt to attack me based on hearsay and lies.  You can't impeach the content of my posts so you resort to cowardly threats and lies.  And you dig yourselves into a deeper hole.


Harry Lime

People's Commissar

Sep 16, 2001, 8:22:24 PM9/16/01

You won't see offline things we do - and we do not go about doing them as
"Satanists" or any other label. You also won't see COS members engaged in
the things you do that are "humanitarian" in a way. You just won't.

We are quite a serious org - in fact. I'm one of the few people online
since I have 24/7 to be online AND do other things.

What we are is clearly understandable to anyone reading our literature,

We said we are NOT Socialist Reds - up front. We did not deceive ANYONE.
It's all up front. Too bad about those that thought otherwise and now want
to personally tell BS about me quoting the bs MIM org also telling BS. We
see how far that goes.

Imagine a political party that really did adopt those 9 things we have which
are political. Try to imagine it. You can bet the Dems and Reps would try
their best to destroy them. We have, in fact, the BEST STUFF from BOTH the
two parties here, both the left and the right. You are in no positition to
know what we do offline and you wouldn't know one of us if you were working
side by side with one - that's the catch too - we don't COME OUT with the
Satan shit. But considering the IMPACT of just the ARBC, trust me babe, we
DO things off line. That was real, it has effected everyone in the USA -
what has the Socialist Party done? Nothing? Some of them are pretty damned
big, like the ARBC turned out to be. BIG. So many other orgs tried like
hell to do that - and failed. We succeeded. No one knew we were
Satanists - that was not important to tell anyone. The result of it all was
more freedom of choice - dead against every god damned leftist and liberal
group that tried to squelch us. And oh god, they tried, and they can play
very dirty. We WON. If you ever visit Peter, ask him to show you Jeff on
national TV. DAMN he was good. But he was healthier then. They tried
every typically PC epithet to use against him and NONE of them could stick.
He dusted them all. Just 3 of us did this. We have over 250 people now.
MOST of them are active and offline. Obviously, NONE of them agree with the
ideological dogma of whatever party they belong to.

You talk of the Socialist party? I would like to see them on the ticket
because right now they are nothing. BUT - are they pro affirmative action?
Then they LOSE my vote right there. We are for strict merit in a
race/gender BLIND system. And those who fail? FAIL. Out. Gone. For
some very strange reason, that is an ultra right wing platform. That's very
strange - that should be the Left platform. It used to BE Hard Left
line. Not anymore.


Satanic Reds
Unique - check it out!
Member of the Satanic Council
Dark Doctrines part of Satanic Reds Org.

"Rocío Carrasco" <> wrote in message

People's Commissar

Sep 16, 2001, 8:26:24 PM9/16/01
Indeed, we would shoot people trying to break the laws of this nation by entering here on sight.  Sue us.
We never hid this, Harry.  And NO HELL NO we never claimed to be LEFT the way you are left.  You are anti Western Civilization, you are anti Sovereign Nation. 
I was trashing the COS while I was still  Mag - archives will prove that.  You are a liar.
You see, boy, there is nothing you can DO to us with truth.  So you resort to lies.  Won't work.  You are spinning your wheels.  Your kind of leftists are bleeding heart liberals.  We are NOT liberals - 10 statements.  Clear enough.
Wipe the scales from your eyes.  I was trashing COS - and in supreme flame wars WITH cos people long prior to my perosnally mailing Barton the flames.  Even Jason knows this, for hell's sakes.  You used to know it too - you saw me flaming them. 
So you lobotomize yourself into forgetting?  Nah, you just lie. 
Hope the weather is as nice where you are as it is over here, cousin Harry. 

People's Commissar

Sep 16, 2001, 9:58:40 PM9/16/01
You see, Walter,

Harry likes to wear blind folds when I say that "Yes, I became Archie and
shoved at them a more than KKK line, hell KKK? Don't insult me. I made the
KKK look like bleeding heart liberals - WHEN they shoved me literature to
debate on - that was anti white male and female both and accused all whites
of being non-proletarians. Yes, I did that. I became THE DALEK. And?

Harry doesn't see that I just outright say this. It was NO secret. Lots of
people saw the stuff, oh hell, people wanted in on it, more and more Brendan
or Ole or someone had some kind of e-list going. They were all debating
MIM. The only COS member in it was Ole - paid in full COS member. I also
gave them hell over their feminist issue where they said that ALL SEX is
rape. I'll tell you, I have to AGREE with their theory on this shit - they
make a real case for this stuff they say. So? I can make a real case for
the inequalities in the world and how bad this is. I can make it very
convincing and nail it down to the letter. Does it mean I have a solution?
NO. Neither does MIM. Well, wait, I did have a solution: new way to make
energy and food is needed. I don't see how a bunch of 3rd world people
ganging up on the First World and destroying it is going to make things
better. But MIM advocates that. OK? I see that if ANYONE would be capable
of making new way to have food/energy - it would be FIRST WORLD people - not
ANYONE in the 3rd world.

YES, I'd shoot illegals at the borders. Why not? I'd shoot them off those
dinghis or rafts they float in on too. I don't care who they are. Yes, Mim
is exactly what Prole dragged up from their own writing - and they DO mostly
recruit from prisons. Sure I'd debate that like Archie. They openly say
they get white men and white women to work against their own people, their
own families: their OWN SELF INTERESTS! Sheeesh. And they were trying to
get a foothold into the COS with THAT line? Bwhahaha. I am wholly in favor
of going back to the old immigration standards and qualifications for
becomming a USA citizens. 100% in favor of it. I just said it. See?
What's the problem? Harry is blind? This is fascism? Since when is this
fascism? He's a fuckin liar.

As for COS? It's clear on Is Fascism Satanic - and even clearer in Lucifer
Rising which details fascism in the cos. They aren't POLITICAL fascists
imo. Most of them aren't even political. They are just into kinky Nazi
stuff. They are into bullying people - which is what I hated, the bully/sef
mentality. That's what I flamed WHEN I WAS A MAG IN that org (honorary, not
a member - I never had a red card). That "Is Fascism Satanic" was inspired
by a cos member who's still in the cos. It was online line long before I
was officially disassociated. That's just a fact.

If you are white, MIM demands that you say bend over and say "fuck me oh
nobel 3rd world savage, I'm a waste product worthy to be treated like a
whore because my ancestors hurt yours so much so much" but if you are
non-white and "considered" a minority qualifying for affirmative action,"
they are happy if you say "kill the white people." You bet I argued with
them like Archie. I'm saying it right here. That's where from all those
funny Stalin posts on our website came from - Brendan wrote them all way
back then. LOOTer is a Living On Our Taxes - er. LOOT. A pun on LOOTERS.
Leeches. I don't tolerate no LOOTERZ. Neither would Stalin. Mim freaked
out that we'd "dare" to bring up Stalin in a context outside the one they
PUT HIM IN. Bwhahaha. Fact is, Stalin DID NOT tolerate LOOTERZ in any
sense of the word.

I don't see what Harry's little beef is. I'm SAYING IT LOUD right here.
It's about the 4th post I said it in. I know he sees them. He's responding
but he's looped his brain around in a tape loop just repeating himself.

I have NOOOOO problem with the FBI. And yeah, I definitely did write them
about the little IRS business - and so? I told them about the infiltration
of all conservative groups by such people in Captive Nations - well financed
and well armed. I gave them names and addresses. Why not? These people
were anti-American. Yes, Madole had links to them all. But by the time I
talked to the Feds, Madole was dead.

If the COS would leave us alone (and most of them DO now) - we have no
problem with them. Most of the anons are Egan's guys. That I didn't know
what Nambla is, is proven by the silly letter Egan chose to put up that I
wrote him. I had no clue what it was and did NOT believe the stuff people
who hated Egan had to say about it. So Harry is spinning his wheels and
lying thru his teeth. And for all he knows, I may well BE an agent
provocateur working for the law. He has NO idea. I may be a person with a
LHP org having a ball. He doesn't know.

Just because I didn't flame Egan on this silly newsgroup means nothing. I
don't flame people UNLESS they flame me. Egan never flamed me at that time.
So? If Egan left me alone about the Les Masters issue and stopped bothering
everyone with his fantasy about Les - NO ONE would even know what I think
about Egan. It would have been a State Secret.

As for that stupid shit MIM wrote? That was plastered on all their
newspapers way back then, distributed to 99% of their rmembers who are in
jail - which means the censors up front read it all - and it was on
university campuses. MILLIONS of copies! LMAO. Harry acts as if this
bullshit is something new.

They never before ever addressed me as a COS person. They did that in order
to rankle Gilmore (who they ALSO wrote to - as you can see - the emails were
posted) - they tried to force the COS to repudiate the Pentagonal
Revisionism thing on Eugenics. They kept doing this over and over. Who the
fuck are they? White SUPER WIMPY males that demand that other white males
castrate themselves for the cause of the minorities? White males that
believe white females should refuse sex with their own people on the grounds
that it's rape, and demand that they kow tow to the minorities? That is who
MIM is.

ARCHIE BUNKER time. Mim bitched that the Archie show was supposed to be a
show where Archie was laughed at by the "enlightened people" watching it -
and bitched that most Americans SIDED WITH Archie. Well, waddaya know.
What did the people who made the show, put words into Carol Oconnor's mouth
and film it THINK they were doing? Oh, right. Those people on top of the
show, making it, producing, even the owners of the station - weren't
Christians at all. HA HA HA. They actually thought people watching would
side with the "enlightened viewpoint" of Meathead? LMAO! Well no - the
American people liked ARCHIE. So it is. That's the culture here. Who are
these MINORITY people to try to trash Western Civ and replace it with
nothing? The Frankfurt School already tried that and you can see it
BACKFIRED. Well um...there are varied opinions on just who they are. Right?
I call them castrated liberals.

Now, if this is not CLEAR ENOUGH a statement from me, personally - I don't
know what the little LITTLE boy wants. Boogers in his face? Hey Brendan,
Harry wants boogers in his face. Want to set up a date and have sex with
him? He's CUTE.


"Walter Alter" <> wrote in message


Sep 16, 2001, 10:34:32 PM9/16/01
"People's Commissar" <> wrote in message

> Now, if this is not CLEAR ENOUGH a statement from me, personally - I don't
> know what the little LITTLE boy wants. Boogers in his face? Hey Brendan,
> Harry wants boogers in his face. Want to set up a date and have sex with
> him? He's CUTE.

Only if he douches first. I hate backwash. And let's hope he's REEEEAL
flexible, LOL.


Sep 16, 2001, 11:15:01 PM9/16/01
>Oh, ho ho ho. One of the co-founders of SR is 100% pure gay. So you =lie. >>

Want a cookie, Phyl?

Someone pass her the cookie-jar. They have a "gay" founder; will wonders ever

Fan me ye winds, lest I grow faint!

>Wanting to shoot ANYONE trying to sneak =into the USA is not racist.
Especially if some of the illegals are my =own kinfolk. >>

I agree: they should have been at the dock with howitzers to keep your
benighted ancestors out of this country. "Undesirables" is the kindest word I
can think of.

I do derive a great deal of merriment from the mental picture of Radoof
patrolling the FL border with a bazooka to keep out we horrid "terrorists" -
lest we show up and menace your ice-cream-grabbin' self, Phyl. That's a good

"Border patrol" ::snicker::



Sep 16, 2001, 11:16:23 PM9/16/01
>You won't see offline things we do - and we do not go about doing them as
"Satanists" or any other label.>>

That's because you never -get- offline! LOL!

>We are quite a serious org - in fact. I'm one of the few people online since
I have 24/7 to be online AND do other things.>>

And you even admit it. Way to go, Phyl.


Sep 16, 2001, 11:17:40 PM9/16/01
>You see, boy, there is nothing you can DO to us with truth. So you =resort to
lies. Won't work.You are spinning your wheels.>>



BLACKER than the Ace of Spades!

who says this group isnt funny?!:


Sep 16, 2001, 11:48:52 PM9/16/01

In text...

On Sun, 16 Sep 2001 20:22:24 -0400, "People's Commissar"
<> wrote:

>You won't see offline things we do - and we do not go about doing them as
>"Satanists" or any other label. You also won't see COS members engaged in
>the things you do that are "humanitarian" in a way. You just won't.

Generalizations are a very dangerous thing. I am a CoS member, and I,
along with several friends, all wearing baphomets, work at a local
food pantry that supplies food to those who can't afford it.

We have a program that collects old cell phones and distributes them
to women in shelters. (Cell phones do not need service to dial 911)
This program is whole ours.

Recently we volunteered to help with the relief effort for the workers
in New York. We loaded trucks & picked up donations. Not to mention
the fact that we gave blood and donated good and money ourselves.

So besides Rocio, there are at least eight other CoS members out there
doing "humanitarian things."

Ordo Serpentis Argentum

People's Commissar

Sep 17, 2001, 5:05:10 AM9/17/01
I know you do that. That is quite unusual. Generalizations are very
accurate if 99% of what is said is right.


"DevilzOwn" <> wrote in message

People's Commissar

Sep 17, 2001, 5:07:15 AM9/17/01
"Harry Lime" <> wrote in message
Here's the link folks:

And here is the entire thing that is ON the link "folks." 

   From Tani: NO. Emotions are materially biochemical reality. YES: the
   objective reality. Part of the black experience in USA is not wanting
   to be black. Whites can understand the material and etc objectivities,
   but they can never understand the subjective reality that affects the
   black experience. The black experience in this society is a reality.
   Thinking that you can understand it and trying to help blacks has
   resulted in the majority of blacks saying "YOU AIN'T FUCKING
   LISTENING." Part of the Turanian experience is BEing the Golden Horde
   on a Jihad now, and at the same time the progresive Soviet Commisar.
   And I refer here now to one person being both things. You cannot
   understand this. Ergo, will NEVER understand the 11 time zones USSR
   relations. This subjective reality exists and is caused by objective
   facts. You people never understand this. You think you do, but you
   don't. All you can do is call us names: emotional, irrational,
   subjective, solipsist. Fuck you. We are the majority of the world. We
   are the world. The white people are not. But right now, imperialism in
   my brain, in my thought constructs, conjures up the image of a white
   man, notable British. Who the fuck do you think my kin Lenin killed?
   How the fuck do you think we could recognize who a kulak was, even if
   he dressed up like a peasant? Every person that is sane (not Jeffrey
   Dahmer) has a subjective reality that is conditioned by the objective
   reality. Yes, you can talk about changing the objective reality and
   you should. But to imagine you know what we feel, think, experience,
   is crazy. There's absolutely nothing in the white experience that
   could create a subjective reality in one person, based on objective
   conditions of life, that comes up fanatic jihad versus soviet
   commisar. Ie, primitive tribalism vs progressive internationalism. I
   don't believe the white race has ever felt anything like this in their
   experience. And whatever we talk about this kind of stuff (blacks or
   us) you go and you think it's fascism. How typical, that's your
   experience of this. Yours, white fascism. The whites thought that the
   Stalinists were Red fascists. They thought that the Cultural
   Revolution Chinese were yellow facists. Like with everything else, you
   cubbyhole it into a paradigm that is exclusively and subjectively
   white. And you get it wrong, you misunderstand. It's like why should I
   say another word? There are all kinds of non whites around here that
   understand me perfectly. They hear what I'm saying, and I hear what
   they're saying. The white people are the minority. And they have the
   balls to call we the people of the world solipsists. It's too much.
   That's it.

This is NOT from me - ya see?
   B: Most whites come from a Hobbesian environment where they have no
   real friendship or love for family or friends. They all have dirty
   laundry that they keep from each other, and ugly feelings that they
   want to run away from. Most nonwhites come from a totally different
   environment. They have love for friends and family. They are oppressed
   by and feel hatred and alienation towards the Hobbesian whites who
   Tani calls cruxtoids. Note, "cruxtoid" does not neccesarily imply a
   person is any religion. This is the truth. If some whites decide to
   become revolutionaries or consider making another system based on love
   (which is something alien to their own experience), they should
   recognize this. These ethnics are already rooted in something. Their
   objective foundation is very different from that of the whites. I come
   from white culture, and I know this about myself. I have known
   ethnics, including Tani, who I recognize to have very different
   experiences and be very different people from me. Tani knows what
   communism feels like, because that's what she grew up in with her
   community. How can Tani, eg relate to her friend Vad when Vad says
   something like "I joined COS to escape from Christian feelings I had
   in myself"? Tani asks, how can you escape from feelings you have
   inside you. Tani knows this: if your finger hurts you really bad, you
   can escape the pain by either taking a narcotic or cutting off the
   finger once and for all. You can't cut out your feelings. You can't
   escape from something like that, it's impossible. But Tani knows that
   white people manage to do this all the time, and she finds it amazing.
   They somehow manage to run away from themselves. This is one example
   of the unfathomably huge gulf between these whites and everybody else.
   Reds must understand this. These people have real experience of
   communism, and to call them solipsitic because they know what it is,
   is arrogance. They can turn around and just say to you, "You're a
   wannabe." Mim has to admit, that the white world communist writers
   have universally turned off the non-white-world communists, no doubt
   about it. Tani said that MIM sometimes gets down on whitey so bad (a
   black communist even said this to you) that it reminds her of the way
   xian COS people go overboard against Christianity.

   Tani praises MIM, but Tani also praises MIM as "at least they're
   hard-line communists, the rest of the Marxists out there are full of
   s#it. MIM is good."


Satanic Reds

Unique - check it out!
Member of the Satanic Council
Dark Doctrines part of Satanic Reds Org.



Jason Yuschenko

Sep 17, 2001, 5:27:20 AM9/17/01
LOL you guys are cracking me up
ok I'll play
"Harry Lime" <> wrote in message
You won't see them Rocio because they don't exist.  Tani spends way too much time on the computer responding to my posts.  The SR's exist solely as Tani-monster's ego projection and to antagonize the CoS

Do you find it as entertaining as I do that Tani is spinning to the moon? She threatens me with insane ramblings then gets others to
post in her defense.  But, she hasn't posted anything here which has refuted my claims that she's either incredibly stupid or a fascist.
(I vote the latter, not the former BTW.)  What pisses her off most Jason, is that I'm just *one* guy with no links to the CoS, ToS or
any other occult organization.


I don't think fascist is the right term, even if you took everything they said literally.

I'm not familiar with the "left" to the extent you guys are. I notice a real split once geographical territories are mentioned.

Then ethnos .... usually those who do not make such distinctions see the "communist nation" people as fascist.

These are problems the left needs to overcome btw .... People are fearful in different ways of both camps ..... with or without cause.




Jason,  she hasn't been to graduate school and I doubt she's got anything beyond an A.A. Her Dork Diatribes are a mishmash of
misinterpretations of a few scientific articles, encyclopedia entries, conspiracy theories, occultnik gobbley goop, "Star Trek" errata,
and a smattering of MELS Communist theory. Her work is clearly derivitive from Anton LaVey, to whom she considers a
"self-loathing Jew." She lies about meeting Doktor during a clandestine interlude with Madole in NYC to give her credability with
those she seeks to recruit within the CoS ranks. During her more insecure moments she goes on search-and-destroy missions trying
to expose what she considers to be the weaknesses in others.  Sadly, these are just examples of ego projection.

A lot of it is just eastern philosophy.

I do think they tend to take things too far.


Were I a psychiatrist, I'd guess there were certain unresolved issues with her father (and men in general).  You'll note that her
postings about fellation take on an aura of non-consentual sex.  She's fixated with coarse penetration which leads me to conclude
that she harbors secret rape fantasies. Since she's getting past the age where she can be perceived as seductive, she continually
focuses on gaining the attention of men with passive personalities.  As long as these admirers play the narcissism tango with Tani,
she remains their close confidante.  Once they become independent of Tani's concordat, she symbolically attempts to castrate.

She just likes to fuck hard

I've noticed the "passive guy" thing tho I don't know if it's the right word.

Castrate .... well Reich ,,, I notice sexual allusions ,,,, If some guy could be castrated by them symbolically, that would be beyond passive.



Jason, you'll note that she was dismissed from the CoS under the leadership of Barton. Look at this as a female rival issue and you'll
understand what I mean.  Jantsang has a pathological need for the attention and approval of men.  Were a male to take over the
reigns of the CoS following LaVey's demise, I'm sure she'd still be an active Magistra.  Tani's on the eternal sadomasochistic search
for some ideal male to "tame" her. In the light of this info, does it surprise you that she's enamored with Stalin? He's her ideal symbol
of male paternalism and power.  Is it any wonder that she's xenophobic and needs to feel superior?  Nah, this is simple.

I doubt she would have stayed.

Uncle Joe as the ideal ....  lol this almost sounds like the left's answer to ayn rand.


Dunno .... you leftists sure like to scrap lol



Jason Y

Walter Alter

Sep 17, 2001, 2:38:51 PM9/17/01
Harry Lime <> wrote in message

>> A. There is no "admin" to this group.

> Right. And I'm Marilyn Manson.

No no, I got it! can be the Maoist "Satanic Pope" Hawwy, an'
Blackthorne can be the true Dalai Lama of Satanism. Kay? Kay. Let's all
play "self appointed popinjay" on alt.satanism. Hey, I know, I'll be
"admin" and post the "FAQ" and...and...kay, I know...banish
"fascists"....oooh, censorship, that's Satanic.

>What I take issue with is the racist nature of Tani and Jeff supporting the
TvR, and Tani getting snubbed by the MIM's for being racist

Harry hangs out on alt.satanism for years and years and seems to be able to
chil with the barrage of overt racist, nazi, homophobic, anti-semitic swill
that cascades in from nazi Satanists and then Walter, recent member of SR
and long time supporter of political economist Lyndon Larouche
( posts an article written by his incandescantly
brilliant mentor, the L man, and Harry, well Harry discovers that Harry is
the Archangel Gabriel, gets epiphanized by the holy Chip "die deviationist,
die" Berlet and wages a jihad of his own. You go girl.

>> Sit there like jackrabbits caught in the beams of a headlight and to
>> the Constitutional Articles that allow us freedom of expression go up
in a
>> puff of stage magic smoke

> And what are you doing to protect your civil liberties, Walter?

What, me, you mean before martial law is declared, the NSA shuts down
private ISP's, the roundups begin and America is returned to the City of
God? I'm gong to point my index finger at Lyndon Larouche and blow on the
thumb of my other hand until my cheeks puff out and my eyes explode with the
power of a thousand suns.


Sep 17, 2001, 2:48:42 PM9/17/01
Harry, you are full of shit. The official SR website, which includes extensive literature on our positions, is at:

The Dark Doctrines websites is at:

Visit the Satanic Reds:
Left Hand Path org promoting personal and socio-economic freedom and empowerment
"Harry Lime" <> wrote in message
You won't see them Rocio because they don't exist.  Tani spends way too much time on the computer responding to my posts.  The SR's exist solely as Tani-monster's ego projection and to antagonize the CoS

Do you find it as entertaining as I do that Tani is spinning to the moon? She threatens me with insane ramblings then gets others to
post in her defense.  But, she hasn't posted anything here which has refuted my claims that she's either incredibly stupid or a fascist.
(I vote the latter, not the former BTW.)  What pisses her off most Jason, is that I'm just *one* guy with no links to the CoS, ToS or
any other occult organization.

Jason,  she hasn't been to graduate school and I doubt she's got anything beyond an A.A. Her Dork Diatribes are a mishmash of

misinterpretations of a few scientific articles, encyclopedia entries, conspiracy theories, occultnik gobbley goop, "Star Trek" errata,
and a smattering of MELS Communist theory. Her work is clearly derivitive from Anton LaVey, to whom she considers a
"self-loathing Jew." She lies about meeting Doktor during a clandestine interlude with Madole in NYC to give her credability with
those she seeks to recruit within the CoS ranks. During her more insecure moments she goes on search-and-destroy missions trying
to expose what she considers to be the weaknesses in others.  Sadly, these are just examples of ego projection.

Were I a psychiatrist, I'd guess there were certain unresolved issues with her father (and men in general).  You'll note that her

postings about fellation take on an aura of non-consentual sex.  She's fixated with coarse penetration which leads me to conclude
that she harbors secret rape fantasies. Since she's getting past the age where she can be perceived as seductive, she continually
focuses on gaining the attention of men with passive personalities.  As long as these admirers play the narcissism tango with Tani,
she remains their close confidante.  Once they become independent of Tani's concordat, she symbolically attempts to castrate.

Jason, you'll note that she was dismissed from the CoS under the leadership of Barton. Look at this as a female rival issue and you'll

understand what I mean.  Jantsang has a pathological need for the attention and approval of men.  Were a male to take over the
reigns of the CoS following LaVey's demise, I'm sure she'd still be an active Magistra.  Tani's on the eternal sadomasochistic search
for some ideal male to "tame" her. In the light of this info, does it surprise you that she's enamored with Stalin? He's her ideal symbol
of male paternalism and power.  Is it any wonder that she's xenophobic and needs to feel superior?  Nah, this is simple.


Harry Lime


Sep 17, 2001, 2:50:09 PM9/17/01
Harry, you've lost it. The official Satanic Reds website is at:

Visit the Satanic Reds:
Left Hand Path org promoting personal and socio-economic freedom and empowerment
"Harry Lime" <> wrote in message
Do you find it as entertaining as I do that Tani is spinning to the moon? She threatens me with insane ramblings then gets others to
post in her defense.  But, she hasn't posted anything here which has refuted my claims that she's either incredibly stupid or a fascist.
(I vote the latter, not the former BTW.)  What pisses her off most Jason, is that I'm just *one* guy with no links to the CoS, ToS or
any other occult organization.

Jason,  she hasn't been to graduate school and I doubt she's got anything beyond an A.A. Her Dork Diatribes are a mishmash of
misinterpretations of a few scientific articles, encyclopedia entries, conspiracy theories, occultnik gobbley goop, "Star Trek" errata,
and a smattering of MELS Communist theory. Her work is clearly derivitive from Anton LaVey, to whom she considers a
"self-loathing Jew." She lies about meeting Doktor during a clandestine interlude with Madole in NYC to give her credability with
those she seeks to recruit within the CoS ranks. During her more insecure moments she goes on search-and-destroy missions trying
to expose what she considers to be the weaknesses in others.  Sadly, these are just examples of ego projection.

Were I a psychiatrist, I'd guess there were certain unresolved issues with her father (and men in general).  You'll note that her
postings about fellation take on an aura of non-consentual sex.  She's fixated with coarse penetration which leads me to conclude
that she harbors secret rape fantasies. Since she's getting past the age where she can be perceived as seductive, she continually
focuses on gaining the attention of men with passive personalities.  As long as these admirers play the narcissism tango with Tani,
she remains their close confidante.  Once they become independent of Tani's concordat, she symbolically attempts to castrate.

Jason, you'll note that she was dismissed from the CoS under the leadership of Barton. Look at this as a female rival issue and you'll
understand what I mean.  Jantsang has a pathological need for the attention and approval of men.  Were a male to take over the
reigns of the CoS following LaVey's demise, I'm sure she'd still be an active Magistra.  Tani's on the eternal sadomasochistic search
for some ideal male to "tame" her. In the light of this info, does it surprise you that she's enamored with Stalin? He's her ideal symbol
of male paternalism and power.  Is it any wonder that she's xenophobic and needs to feel superior?  Nah, this is simple.


Harry Lime

People's Commissar wrote:

"Harry Lime" <> wrote in message's the link folks:


Sep 17, 2001, 2:51:22 PM9/17/01
You are off your rocker. The official Satanic Reds website, where you can find our positions as well as many interesting articles, is at:

Visit the Satanic Reds:
Left Hand Path org promoting personal and socio-economic freedom and empowerment
"Harry Lime" <> wrote in message
More insane ramblings without a single shed of proof.  The Tani-monster is going ballistic LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO!

Do you find it as entertaining as I do that Tani is spinning to the moon? She threatens me with insane ramblings then gets others to
post in her defense.  But, she hasn't posted anything here which has refuted my claims that she's either incredibly stupid or a fascist.
(I vote the latter, not the former BTW.)  What pisses her off most Jason, is that I'm just *one* guy with no links to the CoS, ToS or
any other occult organization.

Jason,  she hasn't been to graduate school and I doubt she's got anything beyond an A.A. Her Dork Diatribes are a mishmash of
misinterpretations of a few scientific articles, encyclopedia entries, conspiracy theories, occultnik gobbley goop, "Star Trek" errata,
and a smattering of MELS Communist theory. Her work is clearly derivitive from Anton LaVey, to whom she considers a
"self-loathing Jew." She lies about meeting Doktor during a clandestine interlude with Madole in NYC to give her credability with
those she seeks to recruit within the CoS ranks. During her more insecure moments she goes on search-and-destroy missions trying
to expose what she considers to be the weaknesses in others.  Sadly, these are just examples of ego projection.

Were I a psychiatrist, I'd guess there were certain unresolved issues with her father (and men in general).  You'll note that her
postings about fellation take on an aura of non-consentual sex.  She's fixated with coarse penetration which leads me to conclude
that she harbors secret rape fantasies. Since she's getting past the age where she can be perceived as seductive, she continually
focuses on gaining the attention of men with passive personalities.  As long as these admirers play the narcissism tango with Tani,
she remains their close confidante.  Once they become independent of Tani's concordat, she symbolically attempts to castrate.

Jason, you'll note that she was dismissed from the CoS under the leadership of Barton. Look at this as a female rival issue and you'll
understand what I mean.  Jantsang has a pathological need for the attention and approval of men.  Were a male to take over the
reigns of the CoS following LaVey's demise, I'm sure she'd still be an active Magistra.  Tani's on the eternal sadomasochistic search
for some ideal male to "tame" her. In the light of this info, does it surprise you that she's enamored with Stalin? He's her ideal symbol
of male paternalism and power.  Is it any wonder that she's xenophobic and needs to feel superior?  Nah, this is simple.


Harry Lime

Walter Alter

Sep 17, 2001, 2:56:11 PM9/17/01

Kerry Delf <> wrote in message

> On Sun, 16 Sep 2001, Walter Alter wrote:
> > A. There is no "admin" to this group.
> It was a joke, Walter. Of course there's no real alt.satanism
> administrator -- it's an unmoderated group. Tyagi / Nagasiva / Boboroshi /
> WhateverNameHeUsesForThisStuff posts various FAQs under the handle
> "alt.satanism ADMIN" -- but it's a self-appointed title, and he has no
> control whatsoever over the newsgroup or its participants. Other than his
> ability to drown us in FAQs, that is. :)

(Walter's Pee Wee Herman puppet speaks on alt.satanism) "Well, thorry, it
wath tho funny, I fergot to laugh, hahahaha. so Tyagi attempted to organize
a banishment among (can't contain his mirth) sssatanists, (snork, snork).
Ok, ok, let's just cop th the fact that alt.satanism is guerilla street
theater in Anteater, New Mexico.

> > B. I will continue to post LaRouche material here whenever the fuck I
> > feel like it and the millions of alt.satanism lurkers will read,
> > nalyse, digest and act upon what they find therein.
> Well...maybe a few hundred alt.satanism lurkers will scan past the title,
> a hundred or so will open the post, and perhaps a dozen will do more than
> skim through the first three screens of the article. Let's be
> realistic. This is alt.satanism, after all.

Well now, see, a rigorous application in logic then would have us wonder
what it is about this tenuous demographic that has gotten Harry Lime's
jockey shorts in a knot? Or, managed to propel alt.satanism's "admin" to
provide us with a little harmless horseplay in its little skit "Begone From
This Place, Foul Doinkers!"


Jeff Gerber

Sep 17, 2001, 9:27:20 PM9/17/01
Why Lisa!

You don't know who Proletariat is? Of course he's 100% pure gay. He's the
Number One Big Mouth of Gay, who made it to the news when he was 15 in a Gay
Activist paper.

Ok. I'm sorry. Audey Morgan is the Real Number One Big Mouth of Gay.
Brendan is Number Two. The wonderful thing is, they are not just Gay -
they are also both *gay*! They love it.

Radu with a bazooka? Radu wants to impale you on his Jason-type schlong.
That's a compliment, by the way.

Or at least he did until he discovered you to be a raging bitch. In which
case, Mr. Bater, whoever he is, would best stuff your mouth with his
schlong - but that wouldn't stop the raging when he was finished.


Kerry Delf

Sep 18, 2001, 1:40:58 AM9/18/01
On Mon, 17 Sep 2001, Walter Alter wrote:

> Kerry Delf <> wrote:
> > On Sun, 16 Sep 2001, Walter Alter wrote:
> >
> > > A. There is no "admin" to this group.
> >
> > It was a joke, Walter. Of course there's no real alt.satanism
> > administrator -- it's an unmoderated group. Tyagi / Nagasiva /
> > Boboroshi / WhateverNameHeUsesForThisStuff posts various FAQs under
> > the handle "alt.satanism ADMIN" -- but it's a self-appointed title,
> > and he has no control whatsoever over the newsgroup or its
> > participants. Other than his ability to drown us in FAQs, that is. :)
> (Walter's Pee Wee Herman puppet speaks on alt.satanism) "Well, thorry,
> it wath tho funny, I fergot to laugh, hahahaha. so Tyagi attempted to
> organize a banishment among (can't contain his mirth) sssatanists,
> (snork, snork). Ok, ok, let's just cop th the fact that alt.satanism
> is guerilla street theater in Anteater, New Mexico.

> [...] Or, managed to propel alt.satanism's "admin" to provide us with

> a little harmless horseplay in its little skit "Begone From This
> Place, Foul Doinkers!" about turning off your "pissed off" mode for a minute,
and I'll try this again:

It was a joke. There is no alt.satanism administrator or moderator.
"Satan" is not an administrator or moderator. "Satan" is not Tyagi. Tyagi
did not write the post you're irritated about. I mentioned Tyagi/etc.
because he's the one person who occasionally posts under the handle
"alt.satanism ADMIN" -- and he uses it only to post FAQ files.

"Satan" was not banishing you and/or the SR's, nor was he censoring you,
no matter how much most of us wish that annoying little clique would go
away (present company excepted of course, Walter). He has no power to do
so, and he knows this.

Again: There is no a.s admin. There is no way for any user of this
newsgroup to "banish" or "censor" another (ISP-TOS violations leading to
account cancellations don't count). And at least *I* thought it was funny,
though apparently not everyone saw the humor.

New Mexico I'm not so sure about, but "guerilla street theater" has quite
a ring to it as a descriptor for alt.sludge. You go, girl. :)

Walter Alter

Sep 18, 2001, 2:15:52 PM9/18/01
Kerry Delf <> wrote in message

> > (Walter's Pee Wee Herman puppet speaks on alt.satanism) "Well, thorry,

> > it wath tho funny, I fergot to laugh, hahahaha.

> about turning off your "pissed off" mode for a minute,

> and I'll try this again:

The strict discipline of my life-long spiritual training does not allow me
to get pissed off and it we can certainly be certain that it doesn't allow
Pee Wee to get pissed off either ("no way, dood!!").

What you erroneously interpreted as "pissed off" and subsequently based your
ensuing comments upon was in the grand tradition of the European stage
dating from the time of the Great Plague when humor ran rampant through the

We who operate in the tradition of the 13th century "Plague Rats" (later
evolving into contempory street mimery) call it "being thilly". Your not
recognizing the "th" sound as the gateway to thilliness is a direct analog
to my not recognizing the "April Fool in September" initiative of those
larking lurkers and jack in the box jesters of alt.satanism.

Lesson learned?


Kerry Delf

Sep 18, 2001, 4:53:48 PM9/18/01
On Tue, 18 Sep 2001, Walter Alter wrote:

> Kerry Delf <> wrote in message
> > > (Walter's Pee Wee Herman puppet speaks on alt.satanism) "Well, thorry,
> > > it wath tho funny, I fergot to laugh, hahahaha.
> > about turning off your "pissed off" mode for a minute,
> > and I'll try this again:
> The strict discipline of my life-long spiritual training does not
> allow me to get pissed off and it we can certainly be certain that it
> doesn't allow Pee Wee to get pissed off either ("no way, dood!!").
> What you erroneously interpreted as "pissed off" and subsequently
> based your ensuing comments upon was in the grand tradition of the
> European stage dating from the time of the Great Plague when humor ran
> rampant through the land.
> We who operate in the tradition of the 13th century "Plague Rats"
> (later evolving into contempory street mimery) call it "being thilly".
> Your not recognizing the "th" sound as the gateway to thilliness is a
> direct analog to my not recognizing the "April Fool in September"
> initiative of those larking lurkers and jack in the box jesters of
> alt.satanism.
> Lesson learned?

<laugh> Okay, okay. Let me just settle for mimed applause. :)

> Walter


Sep 25, 2001, 5:57:38 PM9/25/01
"Jeff Gerber" <> wrote in message

> Ok. I'm sorry. Audey Morgan is the Real Number One Big Mouth of Gay.
> Brendan is Number Two. The wonderful thing is, they are not just Gay -
> they are also both *gay*! They love it.

Thank you for the supreme honor Mr. Gerber. I will continue to "be gay as I
can be" and hold my esteemed #1 position. So girlfriends, don't get in my
way (snaps a Z).


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