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Snow In New York

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Lloyd Fonvielle

Apr 18, 2002, 3:38:49 PM4/18/02
He entered the city incognito -- dressed in a sports jacket with a bow
tie and a dark straw snap-brim hat, sporting a jaunty P. G. T.
Beauregard goatee . . . like a cross between a Bourbon Street blues man
and a shady Florida lawyer from the Fifties. With a dash of race-track
tout thrown in, apparent in the shifty eye, which scanned the faces of
others as though suspecting hidden knowledge about the favorite in the
third at Santa Anita.
A local tabloid identified him as C. P. Snow -- another trick to
throw the authorities off his trail -- but none of it kept the wise from
showing up at Sun Music on Friday 12 April to see noted Dylan writer and
international fugitive C. P. Lee play music on a bill with Peter Stone
Brown and guitarist Larry Broido.
The wise included a large contingent of rmd regulars. Lee looked
abashed as he first peered out at the crowd -- thinking perhaps that
he'd been inadvertently booked to play a homeless shelter. But this was
in fact the meeting hall of an Upper East Side Church, and the
enthusiasm of the audience quickly made it clear that, disreputable as
it looked, this room was ready to hear some real music. And it did.
Lee took the lead on the first set, with himself and PSB on
acoustic guitars, Peter backing on vocals, and Broido weaving it all
together with a sinuous country-flavored commentary on electric guitar.
Lee has a deep, round voice, wondrously committed delivery, a hint
of madness and threat in his intensity. His songs ranged all over time
and space -- from the original of "Pretty Peggy-O" ("Bonny Barbry-O") to
a Scots ballad from the Second World War, set to an old tune, learned
from his dad who was there, "Farewell To Sicily". He played "Fox Went
Out", a folk song, this version stolen, he explained, from the group
Nickel Creek. In the middle of it, the song somehow turned into
"Subterranean Homesick Blues", Peter doing the honors on lead vocal,
then went back to the fox. The detour did not seem at all strange.
Lee ended this part of the show with a version of Dock Boggs "Sugar
Baby Now" -- with a nod to the last song on "Love & Theft", a descendant
of the older work. Then there was a break -- almost the entire rmd
contingent raced outside for a smoke (God what a pathetic bunch!) -- and
then back inside to see Mr. Lee transformed into Lord Buckley, doing
several routines from the legendary hipster in an uncanny act of
impersonation. (Mr. Lee also sings in dialect, depending on the time
and place of origin of the song he's singing -- this mastery of disguise
undoubtedly explains how he has managed to elude arrest for so long.)
Peter then took the stage with Larry for his set -- fierce and
inspired, like a man running on too little sleep who's just had a
nightmare four-hour drive into a large city and is looking to kick some
ass in revenge. He took time out from the assault to deliver a wistful
version of Merle Haggard's "Frisco", but went back on the offensive with
a searing performance of "Changing Of the Guard", which he said was in
honor of all the folks who'd traveled so far to see this show, but
seemed more like a suggestion that we should all turn ourselves in
before the shooting started.
Mr. Lee returned for the first encores -- ending with a thunderous,
almost violent delivery of the old spiritual "I Bid You Goodnight". He
testified! I tell you, sisters and brethren, he testified -- and it
shook the soul!
Then, amidst the wild applause, Peter and Larry took the stage one
last time to close the door on the night, with Peter's song "You Don't
Have To Close the Door".
Of course he was right. The crowd moved out to the sidewalk and,
in clouds of cigarette smoke, "visited" as we used to say down South.
The latest gossip, if anyone's interested. A1 Pump has gown his
hair out, hippie length, in one last desperate bid to recapture his
carefree youth. Kevin Reilly showed everyone his new Harley, which we
pretended to admire, despite the tacky flecked-gold paint job. Mary J.,
Linn and Karen talked amongst themselves a few paces off, and whenever
strangers passed, said something out loud like, "Who are those guys?" I
guess they meant the rest of us. John and Harvey had to be separated
before an ugly argument about Bob Nichols's harmonica playing
degenerated into a an even uglier fistfight. President Dudley
circulated like mad, smiling and shaking hands furiously, and kept
saying that no one would be left behind. Hodah revealed that he'd
mistakenly joined the French Foreign Legion, thinking he was signing up
for French classes, and would not be seeing any of us again for at least
the two-year term of his enlistment
C. P. Lee signed his books with a frozen smile and furtive glances
around which clearly belied his thoughts: "Are all American Dylan fans
like this? Or is it just New York?"
Eventually everyone drifted to a nearby bar, where the concert
continued. Mr. Lee delivered a few a capella performances of rare
antique songs -- which got everyone nearby applauding. Then most
everybody left -- well before the Interpol agents arrived and started
asking questions. The Pres and I, still drinking -- because some
standards have to be upheld -- assured them that the wild troubadour
who'd just taken a powder was not the man they sought at all, but a
singing lawyer named Snow, from Florida. "Damn!" they said. "Out of
our jurisdiction!"
Mr. Snow, would it embarrass you very much if we told you that we
love you? Yes, I can see it does. But we do. Come back soon.

Mary J

Apr 18, 2002, 5:21:24 PM4/18/02
On Thu, 18 Apr 2002 15:38:49 -0400, Lloyd Fonvielle
<> wrote:


>Kevin Reilly showed everyone his new Harley, which we
>pretended to admire, despite the tacky flecked-gold paint job.

Kevin had his Harley there? How did I miss THAT!!!! Aaaaaargh!

M :'-(

Mary J

Apr 18, 2002, 5:25:25 PM4/18/02
On Thu, 18 Apr 2002 15:38:49 -0400, Lloyd Fonvielle
<> wrote:


> Mr. Snow, would it embarrass you very much if we told you that we
>love you? Yes, I can see it does. But we do. Come back soon.

Yes, Mr. Snow... we love you. Please come back soon.

M :)

see you in Manchester!

Mary J

Apr 18, 2002, 5:26:37 PM4/18/02
On Thu, 18 Apr 2002 15:38:49 -0400, Lloyd Fonvielle
<> wrote:


> Mr. Snow, would it embarrass you very much if we told you that we
>love you? Yes, I can see it does. But we do. Come back soon.


Apr 18, 2002, 5:56:35 PM4/18/02
Lloyd Fonvielle wrote:

Sounds like a special night. Thanks for posting that on rmd.


Ray Baldwin

Apr 18, 2002, 10:29:17 PM4/18/02
Great review Lloyd! Felt I was right there amongst all that wonderful music
and rmd weirdness . . . smokin' and tokin'. Thanks.

You and the Prez the last men standin' . . . oh to be a fly on the wall!



Apr 18, 2002, 11:33:14 PM4/18/02
<< Subject: Snow In New York
From: Lloyd Fonvielle
Date: Thu, Apr 18, 2002 3:38 PM >>

I was so nearly there. Your post has me kicking myself for missing what sounds
like a fantastic time.


Linn Carpenter

Apr 19, 2002, 12:35:29 AM4/19/02
It was a great night of music and wonderful performances. A real
treat. Hope CP and PSB perform together again in the near future.



Apr 19, 2002, 4:19:22 AM4/19/02

Whilst agreeing by & large with the estimable Llord Coupe d'Ville's

On advice of counsel, given the Asscroft atomsphere these days, the

"Lloyd Fonvielle" <> wrote in message

>He played "Fox Went
> Out", a folk song, this version stolen, he explained, from the group
> Nickel Creek. In the middle of it, the song somehow turned into
> "Subterranean Homesick Blues",

As, apparently, Nickel Creek do...

>President Dudley
> circulated like mad, smiling and shaking hands furiously, and kept
> saying that no one would be left behind.

I never met a baby I wdn't kiss. They all look like Winston Churchill
anyway. America, Half American.

> The Pres and I, still drinking -- because some
> standards have to be upheld --

Full disclosure regarding my relation with former Enron PR flack Lorrd

I rode with him in a taxi once,
Only for 5-1/2 miles
Seems like it took 15 minutes.

> Mr. Snow, would it embarrass you very much if we told you that we
> love you? Yes, I can see it does. But we do. Come back soon.




Apr 19, 2002, 10:26:32 AM4/19/02
Lloyd Fonvielle wrote:
> He entered the city incognito --


- nate

John Lettiere

Apr 19, 2002, 12:31:56 PM4/19/02
Great review Lloyd.

Great show!

I had a fun time as usual, and plus it was good seeing all my old
friends again.

> then back inside to see Mr. Lee transformed into Lord Buckley, doing
> several routines from the legendary hipster in an uncanny act of
> impersonation.

-- but went back on the offensive with

> a searing performance of "Changing Of the Guard",

These two performances made my month. Let's hope this dynamic trio,
can do it again real soon.

And remember, Pete will be here:

Sidewalk Café
Wednesday, May 29th, 8pm
94 Avenue A at 6th St.
New York, NY
(212) 473-7373

I hope to see all you guys then.

John Lettiere GM
Preferred Computing Inc.
"You Don't Need A Weatherman To Know Which Way The Wind Blows".....Bob

"Lloyd Fonvielle" <> wrote in message

William Robertson

Apr 19, 2002, 2:20:45 PM4/19/02
Hi Lloyd. Wonderfully written. I wish I could have been there. I
may have a trip to NYC upcoming, but now I think I need to wait until
the next time that gang of reprobates gathers.

Mary J

Apr 19, 2002, 2:34:34 PM4/19/02
On 19 Apr 2002 11:20:45 -0700, (William Robertson)

>Hi Lloyd. Wonderfully written. I wish I could have been there. I
>may have a trip to NYC upcoming, but now I think I need to wait until
>the next time that gang of reprobates gathers.

yes William! you MUST make one of the shows. it's not so far from
the Carolinas. about a 10 drive from's easy.

M :)


Apr 19, 2002, 4:55:26 PM4/19/02
"Lloyd Fonvielle" <> wrote:
>Kevin Reilly showed everyone his new Harley, which we pretended to admire,
despite the tacky flecked-gold paint job.

I assume he painted over the name.

Jacki Pajas

Apr 19, 2002, 7:56:06 PM4/19/02
Couldn't agree more, Lloyd. BTW - I'd kind of like to see that CP Lee guy
again, too.
Had a hard time actually finding Mr Snow.

"Lloyd Fonvielle" <> wrote in message


Apr 20, 2002, 5:44:40 AM4/20/02
Llord you iggerent sult:

"Lloyd Fonvielle" <> wrote in message

> He entered the city incognito

Actually he entered the city in a '55 Buick Roadmaster.

I have posted a contrarian review of the StoneLee debacle at:

Initially this piece of outsidertyping was intended to debunk the current
bullet of light regarding the recent C.P.Brown mythos, daggerly incising

Unfortunately, my new editor has a wordcount program and said to me, sez
she: Hey dudley, how about leaving some words for the next guy, eh?.

So I excised all of the negatory commentary, leaving about 2-1/2 sentences,
glowing in nature, of Das Gig.

That allowed me, in the rest of my allotment, to write about myself in my
evernarrowing gyre of selfimportance.

That must be what it's all about.

Yr pal,
Granma said: "Never hide yr light under a bushel basket when a peck wd

Gregory never responded

Lloyd Fonvielle

Apr 20, 2002, 9:07:07 AM4/20/02
Well, that was pretty fucking great, Mr. President. (And done without the aid
of speechwriters, I'm told.) Mr. Lee seems to have deranged (or further
deranged) the minds of all his listeners that night -- and, God, I know I'm


Apr 21, 2002, 7:33:55 AM4/21/02
>Mr. Lee transformed into Lord Buckley, doing
>several routines from the legendary hipster in an uncanny act of
>impersonation. (Mr. Lee also sings in dialect...."

C.P. can sound more American than most Americans :) Or more Scottish....

A great treat---three very talented folk who put everything they have into a
performance. You would have thought these guys do this on a regular basis.

Peter always surprises with a rare chestnut. His own songs have become well
known classics to those who have seen him over time.

Larry Broido remains one of the FINEST guitarists around anywhere. Period.

(Too bad I had to cut out of the post-game ceremonies early---My nephew's
bachelor party was the next day and night. That's why I haven't been operating
heavy machinery like keyboards lately!!!)

Paul Pearson


Apr 22, 2002, 9:20:38 PM4/22/02
How is it that all the fun seems to be had east of the Mississippi? I am mad
with envy.

John Lettiere

Apr 23, 2002, 11:34:33 AM4/23/02
> How is it that all the fun seems to be had east of the Mississippi?

Cause it's the fun place to be, that's how!

I am mad
> with envy.

So, what's stopping you from coming here to New York or Philly?

Jesus, bitch & moan, why don't ya?


John Lettiere GM
Preferred Computing Inc.
"You Don't Need A Weatherman To Know Which Way The Wind Blows".....Bob

"Tumulty" <> wrote in message


Apr 23, 2002, 3:07:21 PM4/23/02
Letty wrote:

<< Jesus, bitch & moan, why don't ya? >>

You don't really mean that?


Apr 23, 2002, 6:18:15 PM4/23/02
Come to NYC. So many visitors seem to be
here now. Why not you too?


<< Subject: Re: Snow In New York
From: (Tumulty)
Date: Mon, Apr 22, 2002 9:20 PM
Message-id: <>


Apr 23, 2002, 9:30:02 PM4/23/02
Bkindmoore wrote:
<< Come to NYC. So many visitors seem to be
here now. Why not you too? >>

I adore your city and it has been a few years after all.
Besides, must have a look at the long- haired Pumpey.

Mary J

Apr 24, 2002, 2:27:28 PM4/24/02

Come on out!

M :)

Maya Allison

Apr 24, 2002, 4:20:44 PM4/24/02
Mary J wrote:

New York needs more bitching and moaning, there's a real lack of it these
days -- we're even being nice to tourists! -- and now with Spring and
blossoming trees here the niceness is just plain aggravating -- what is
this, San Francisco??? I have to beg my taxi drivers to please be a little
more rude and reckless (and to be nice, they try), and the other day the
subway token-booth guy was so nice that I couldn't find my way home thanks
to the resulting confusion. What next, free tofu dogs in the park? Kind
words between KReilly and Lloyd Fonvielle at a PSB performance?

I can't do it all the rude-ness by myself here, though I do try (3 times a

So come on out and bitch & moan why don't ya? We'd love to have you, ahem,
I mean, waddeva, take it or leave it.

John Lettiere

Apr 24, 2002, 7:04:36 PM4/24/02
> You don't really mean that?

You don't know me very well do you? :)

Ok, don't come, see if I give a shit?

John Lettiere GM
Preferred Computing Inc.
"You Don't Need A Weatherman To Know Which Way The Wind Blows".....Bob

"Tumulty" <> wrote in message

Maya Allison

Apr 25, 2002, 2:43:18 PM4/25/02
John Lettiere wrote:

>> You don't really mean that?
> You don't know me very well do you? :)
> Ok, don't come, see if I give a shit?

That's more like it!


Apr 25, 2002, 11:12:16 PM4/25/02
Maya Allison <> wrote in message news:<>...

Someone threw a lighted
into the snow...


("Who threw the glass?")

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