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Hurdy Gurdy wanted

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May 25, 2002, 11:45:03 AM5/25/02
If anyone is selling an instrument I now have the money! I'm
preferably looking for a lute backed one, but would consider a guitar
or "hungarian" style one. I'm also willing to travel to pick up the
right instrument, i.e. one that has been played live on stage with a
strong sound. I'm south UK.
Damian (ex Pressgang)


May 25, 2002, 2:14:34 PM5/25/02

"damian" <> wrote in message

If it's of any help, I'd reccomend the following.

Mike Gilpin Hurdy Gurdies
Hill Cottage, Heath Road, Swaffham Bulbeck, Cambs CB5 0LS

Apart from building excellent instruments he's extremely helpful!
Good luck!

Peter Hughes

May 27, 2002, 5:44:23 AM5/27/02
"damian" <> wrote in message
> If anyone is selling an instrument I now have the money! I'm
> preferably looking for a lute backed one, but would consider a guitar
> or "hungarian" style one. I'm also willing to travel to pick up the
> right instrument, i.e. one that has been played live on stage with a
> strong sound. I'm south UK.

Your best bet if you're in hurry is to go to the St. Chartier festival
(Central Frace) in July. Get there a day or two early and theres usually a
few available second hand. Failing that, make yourself known to the hurdy
gurdy community via the mailing list you'll find at and
you might find somebody knows somebody who is selling. Also visit french
dance clubs such as On Bouge or Pied va Terre. If that doesn't work, you're
having to buy new which means a wait of a few months to a year or so. If
you're just starting out the best value entry level instruments are from
Helmut Gotschy in Germany. Google should help track down info on all the



Andy Howell

May 27, 2002, 2:42:28 PM5/27/02
On 27/5/02 9:44 am, in article acsvg2$puf$,
"Peter Hughes" <> wrote:

> Your best bet if you're in hurry is to go to the St. Chartier festival
> (Central Frace) in July. Get there a day or two early and theres usually a
> few available second hand. Failing that, make yourself known to the hurdy
> gurdy community via the mailing list you'll find at and
> you might find somebody knows somebody who is selling. Also visit french
> dance clubs such as On Bouge or Pied va Terre. If that doesn't work, you're
> having to buy new which means a wait of a few months to a year or so. If
> you're just starting out the best value entry level instruments are from
> Helmut Gotschy in Germany. Google should help track down info on all the
> above.

Well, any excuse to go to St. Chartier is well worth it in my book. This is
my favourite festival. Hope to be there this year.

Most people I know who have bought Hurdy Gurdys at St Chartier have ordered
them one year and collected them the next - unless they have been able to do
a special trip or holiday to pick them up. That may seem a pain, but it
does mean that you would have to go St. Chartier twice. Heaven, pure

Andy Howell
Birmingham, UK

Clive Williams

May 28, 2002, 1:14:46 PM5/28/02
Try here... ... Kai lives in Kent UK,
despite his webaddress, and makes bouzoukis, stringed instruments,
etc. You want to talk to his partner, Clare. She has been making hurdy
gurdies for only a few years, but are being *very* well received by a
few people in the UK I know who play gurdy's seriously, and well
regarded at St Chartier, which is quite an achievement.


Clive (damian) wrote in message news:<>...

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