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Angain....Yo Earl, Dezi and Jurgen

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non lue,
27 oct. 2002, 04:50:5427/10/2002
Seventy hostages killed by gunfire and not a word from Earl, Dezi or Jurgen.

MOSCOW (Oct. 26) - A shocked, wary Russia counted its rising toll of dead and
steeled itself for new terrorist blows Saturday in its never-ending Chechen
war, after commandos striking behind clouds of disabling gas brought a sudden
bloody end to a hostage nightmare.

The special forces assault on a Moscow theater after a three-day siege left
Russians with feelings of both pain and pride: More than 90 hostages were dead,
but 750 others were rescued and dozens of their Chechen captors killed.

Russia ``cannot be forced to its knees,'' President Vladimir Putin declared
afterward on national television.

But the Russian leader acknowledged the heavy cost to victims' families: ``We
could not save everyone. Forgive us.''

The key targets for the unidentified gas were almost 20 suicide attackers,
Chechen women, who sat among the hostages wrapped in explosives, officials
said. Had they detonated the charges, the toll of innocents would have been
much higher, Deputy Interior Minister Vladimir Vasilyev said.

The incapacitating agent apparently seeped into the theater through the
ventilation system, Moscow's TVS television said, and then soldiers from the
Alpha anti-terrorist squad burst in. Television footage showed them kicking in
glass doors and opening fire, the thunder of their assault rifles setting off
car alarm shrieks in the theater parking lot.

Soon the hostages were brought out, some in the arms of soldiers, most loaded
unconscious onto city buses.

Government film of the aftermath showed dead female hostage-takers sitting in
red plush theater seats, in black robes and veils, heads thrown back or bent
over, indicating they may have been shot while unconscious. Precisely placed
bullet holes could be seen in their heads. One had a gas mask on her face.

Besides the women's explosives, the attackers had rigged other bombs throughout
the hall, officials said.

``The use of special means'' - the gas - ``allowed the neutralization of the
female terrorists who were wrapped in explosives and kept their fingers on the
trigger,'' Vasilyev said.

Because only one Alpha trooper was reported wounded, some analysts believed the
gas, which officials would not identify, had so incapacitated or disoriented
the gunmen that they couldn't pull the triggers on their guns.

``They couldn't feel it, because such gas has no smell,'' Lev Fyodorov, a
scientist who once worked on Soviet chemical weapons, said on Russian

Besides 50 Chechen assailants reported killed at the theater, officials said
three other gunmen were captured, and authorities searched this nervous city
for accomplices and gunmen who may have escaped.

The precision terror operation that began Wednesday night in the Russia's
capital had defied the Kremlin's repeated contention that the nationalist
rebels in predominantly Muslim Chechnya were on the verge of final defeat.

A Federal Security Service official said the well-armed theater raiders had
foreign links and contacts with unspecified embassies in Moscow, the ITAR-Tass
news agency reported, raising the prospect of insurgents backed by
international terrorists plotting other violence in Russia.

``We can't have any euphoria,'' Vladimir Lukin, the deputy Parliament speaker,
said after the raid. ``I don't think we have broken their will.''

Most surviving hostages, staggering or unconscious from the gas, were being
kept from family members who gathered in freezing rain outside a hospital, and
their conditions were not reported.

But the death toll rose as the day stretched on.

Police officials said hours after the raid that 67 hostages were killed, but
the Health Ministry later said the number had risen above 90.

How they died was not immediately clarified.

Vasilyev, the deputy interior minister, said none of the 67 initial victims
died from gas poisoning. He said nine died because of heart problems, shock or
lack of medicine. At the same time, doctors at City Hospital No. 13, where more
than 320 freed hostages were taken, said none of those hospitalized had gunshot
wounds, TVS television reported.

Early Sunday, a Dutch Foreign Ministry spokesman said on condition of anonymity
that a naturalized Dutch citizen, Natalja Zjirov, was killed in the raid by
inhaling sleeping gas.

The end came 58 hours after the gunmen stormed into the crowded theater during
a performance of the popular musical ``Nord-Ost,'' vowing to die for Chechnya's
independence and threatening to kill their captives unless Moscow withdrew its
troops from the war-ravaged region.

The special forces' assault began in icy rain when the gunmen began executing
hostages before dawn Saturday, Vasilyev said.

``About 5:15 a.m. there was shooting,'' he told reporters at the scene, three
miles southeast of the Kremlin. ``There was a real threat. Therefore the
operation was undertaken.''

Olga Chernyak, an Interfax news agency reporter caught in the hostage audience,
said the gunmen killed a woman and a man ``before our eyes.''

``They shot the man in the eye; there was a lot of blood,'' Interfax quoted her
as saying from her hospital bed. She said she lost consciousness soon after,
apparently because of the gas.

The TV footage showed the camouflage-clad body of the assailants' leader,
Movsar Barayev, lying on his back amid blood and broken glass.

A cognac bottle could be seen near Barayev's lifeless hand, and syringes were
scattered in the litter surrounding the corpses of other gunmen, their faces
masked by blood. Vasilyev said puncture marks, possibly from drug injections,
were found on some gunmen's bodies.

An emergency worker who entered the hall behind the commandos said everyone he
saw was slumped in their seats, unconscious.

``First we thought that they were dead, then we checked them and found that
most were alive,'' said Vadim Mikhailov. ``Inside there was a sweltering heat
and the odor of human excrement. People were in shock, starved and

Foreign experts speculated that the incapacitating gas used may have contained
Valium or been a form of hallucinogenic BZ gas. The Russians are reported to
have used such ``calmative'' agents in the Afghan war of the 1980s.

Despite the death toll, the hostage journalist Chernyak said the operation was
necessary. ``We were all waiting to die. We understood that they would not let
us out alive,'' she said.

On Friday, reports said the hostage-takers had agreed to release their 71
foreign captives. That didn't happen, but 19 people were freed, including eight

That afternoon, a theater worker telephoned out word that the Chechens had
vowed to begin ``executions'' at dawn Saturday. Later Friday, mediator Anna
Politkovskaya, a Russian journalist respected by the Chechen separatists, said
the gunmen demanded that Putin declare an end to the war in their region and
begin withdrawing troops, in exchange for the hostages' lives.

But all that authorities ever guaranteed during the three-day ordeal, as far as
known, was that the hostage-takers' lives would be spared if they released
their captives.

Three people were known to have been killed before the special forces assault
began: a young woman whose body was brought out Thursday and the two killed
Saturday morning. No foreign hostages were among the dead, officials and
diplomats said.

Late Saturday, authorities evacuated investigators who were examining the
theater after two explosive devices rigged to trip wires were found in or near
the building, Interfax reported. Bomb squads were sent in, it said.

Praise came from other capitals. Speaking for the European Union, Denmark's
prime minister, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, said the EU ``commends the Russian
government for exercising all possible restraint in this extremely difficult

But the German foreign minister, Joschka Fischer, tempered such congratulations
with a call for a stronger push for negotiations in Chechnya, where war has
raged on and off since 1994.

``A political solution is needed more urgently than ever,'' he said.

John Rennie

non lue,
27 oct. 2002, 05:12:3127/10/2002

"JIGSAW1695" <> wrote in message

> Seventy hostages killed by gunfire and not a word from Earl, Dezi or
> What
> hypocrits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> !!!!!!!

Your facts (sic) are wrong. Hardly any hostages were killed by
gun fire. It appears that most casualties have been caused by the
gas that the rescuers used. Why should Jurgen etc. feel the need to
comment on this tragedy?


non lue,
27 oct. 2002, 05:37:4727/10/2002

JIGSAW1695 schrieb in Nachricht

>Seventy hostages killed by gunfire and not a word from Earl, Dezi or

Do you know what Off Topic means? Or would you care to explain what the
awful incident in Moscow would have to do with the death penalty?

Earl Evleth

non lue,
27 oct. 2002, 05:50:4227/10/2002
dans l'article V_Ou9.307$, John Rennie
à a écrit le 27/10/02 11:12 :

> Your facts (sic) are wrong. Hardly any hostages were killed by
> gun fire. It appears that most casualties have been caused by the
> gas that the rescuers used. Why should Jurgen etc. feel the need to
> comment on this tragedy?

Especially since he comments again before I have seen his posting!

I have commented on Algerian slaughters, on going, on the internet
now and then. In particular because these are Islamic radicals killing other
Islamics for nearly religious reasons! (actually political but when
religion and politics get mixed it becomes difficult to differentiate).

As for the terrorist attack in Moscow, I worry that it might happen
here or in NY. I already commented on that.

I think Jiggy was drinking last night, he was posting between 4-5 in the
morning Florida time. Normally he is a bit wacky but booze and late hours
don`t help.



non lue,
27 oct. 2002, 08:51:2127/10/2002
Subject: Re: Angain....Yo Earl, Dezi and Jurgen
From: Earl Evleth
Date: 10/27/2002 5:50 AM Eastern Standard Time
Message-id: <>



Earl, get your facts straight. Check any number of my posts and you will
discover that I routinely post all hours. I only need a reletively few hours of
sleep each night. I sleep when I have a need for it. I eat when I am hungry. I
do not follow a fixed schedule for either as my physiological makeup dictates
my needs.

As for drinking alcohol, I no longer drink hard liquor and have not done so
since bypass surgery five years ago. It does not go well with my medication. I
bought a six pack of beer in mid July. I still have two bottles left. I very
rarely drink any type of cola except ginger on a sparodic basis.

I am pointing out that you, Dezi and Jurgen are very selective in your

I find it very disturbing that the three of you are not willing to stand up for
you convictions other then when it suites your needs or ego.



non lue,
27 oct. 2002, 08:52:3527/10/2002
Subject: Re: Angain....Yo Earl, Dezi and Jurgen
From: "Jürgen"
Date: 10/27/2002 5:37 AM Eastern Standard Time
Message-id: <apgf25$4v9$06$>


I have saved this particular post and re-publish it when you come out with your
usual rubbish.

Earl Evleth

non lue,
27 oct. 2002, 09:28:4427/10/2002
dans l'article, JIGSAW1695 à a écrit le 27/10/02 14:51 :

> Earl, get your facts straight. Check any number of my posts and you will
> discover that I routinely post all hours. I only need a reletively few hours
> of sleep each night. I sleep when I have a need for it. I eat when I am
> hungry. I do not follow a fixed schedule for either as my physiological
> makeup dictates my needs.

You sound like under the rock PV???? These are the same identical and
weird symptoms, staying up all night.

Or are you bipolar and hyped up right now?

> As for drinking alcohol, I no longer drink hard liquor and have not done so
> since bypass surgery five years ago. It does not go well with my medication. I
> bought a six pack of beer in mid July. I still have two bottles left. I very
> rarely drink any type of cola except ginger on a sparodic basis.

You don`t get enough rest, too hyperactive, no wonder you have had a bypass
(strangely I have never met a Frenchman who has, me neither, I am almost

Drink red wine and eat duck fat.

> I am pointing out that you, Dezi and Jurgen are very selective in your
> criticisms.

This does not sound like the Jiggy we know, folks.

> I find it very disturbing that the three of you are not willing to stand up
> for you convictions other then when it suites your needs or ego.

That is a weird comment since I logged on to see your accusatory message
and the original at the same time! Next, in what I subsequently posted
seems to me sufficient.

Check your meds, Jiggy.



non lue,
27 oct. 2002, 10:39:3227/10/2002
Subject: Re: Angain....Yo Earl, Dezi and Jurgen
From: Desmond Coughlan
Date: 10/27/2002 9:47 AM Eastern Standard Time
Message-id: <>

Le Sun, 27 Oct 2002 15:28:44 +0100, Earl Evleth <> a écrit :

{ snip }

>> As for drinking alcohol, I no longer drink hard liquor and have not done so
>> since bypass surgery five years ago. It does not go well with my medication.
>> bought a six pack of beer in mid July. I still have two bottles left. I very
>> rarely drink any type of cola except ginger on a sparodic basis.

> You don`t get enough rest, too hyperactive, no wonder you have had a bypass
> (strangely I have never met a Frenchman who has, me neither, I am almost
> 71).

No, Earl ... Jigsaw was referring to brain bypass surgery.

Go on, Jiggy ... 'bitch-slap' (sic) me again ... post that devastating
riposte ... 'yawn' ... LOL !!

Desmond Coughlan |CUNT#1
=============================== asked for it...

'' << Y a w n > > !!!!!!!!

Happy now???


non lue,
27 oct. 2002, 10:40:2927/10/2002
Subject: Re: Angain....Yo Earl, Dezi and Jurgen
From: Desmond Coughlan
Date: 10/27/2002 8:59 AM Eastern Standard Time
Message-id: <>

Le 27 Oct 2002 13:52:35 GMT, JIGSAW1695 <> a écrit :

{ snip }

>> Do you know what Off Topic means? Or would you care to explain what the
>> awful incident in Moscow would have to do with the death penalty?


Wow, you really 'bitch-slapped' (sic) Jurgen there, Jigsaw !! I think that
next time, you should deliver the 'coup de grace', with the immortal words
that no one can challenge ...

'I am an engineer'

Desmond Coughlan |CUNT#1
But I am not an engineer!!



non lue,
27 oct. 2002, 14:08:0327/10/2002

JIGSAW1695 schrieb in Nachricht

I guess your on-topic-posting rate for 10% at best.

Dr. Dolly Coughlan

non lue,
27 oct. 2002, 21:29:4327/10/2002
In article <>, Desmond
Coughlan <> writes:

>Subject: Re: Angain....Yo Earl, Dezi and Jurgen

>From: Desmond Coughlan <>
>Date: Sun, 27 Oct 2002 17:06:14 +0000

>Le 27 Oct 2002 15:40:29 GMT, JIGSAW1695 <> a écrit :
>{ snip }

>>> 'I am an engineer'

>> But I am not an engineer!!
>> Idiot!!!

>You missed out 'I am an'.
>Desmond Coughlan |CUNT#1 YGL#4 YFC#1 YFB#1 UKRMMA#14 two#38
>desmond @ |BONY#48 ANORAK#11
>http: // www . zeouane . org
> ------------------- Headers --------------------
>From: Desmond Coughlan <>
>Newsgroups: alt.activism.death-penalty

>Subject: Re: Angain....Yo Earl, Dezi and Jurgen

>Date: Sun, 27 Oct 2002 17:06:14 +0000
>Lines: 16
>Message-ID: <>
>References: <>
>NNTP-Posting-Host: (
>Mime-Version: 1.0
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-15
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
>X-Trace: 1035738458 1546117 (16 [91468])
>X-No-Archive: true
>X-PGP-Fingerprint: 3F1F C838 88D5 2659 B00A 6DF6 6883 FB9C E34A AC93
>User-Agent: slrn/ (FreeBSD)

The Dr. Dolly Coughlan archive exists because Desmond Coughlan lacks conviction
in his words. He won't allow his posts to be archived in Google. Please feel
free to use it to your advantage.

Dr. Dolly Coughlan

non lue,
27 oct. 2002, 21:29:4227/10/2002
In article <>, Desmond
Coughlan <> writes:

>Subject: Re: Angain....Yo Earl, Dezi and Jurgen
>From: Desmond Coughlan <>

>Date: Sun, 27 Oct 2002 13:59:33 +0000

>Le 27 Oct 2002 13:52:35 GMT, JIGSAW1695 <> a écrit :
>{ snip }

>>> Do you know what Off Topic means? Or would you care to explain what the
>>> awful incident in Moscow would have to do with the death penalty?

>Wow, you really 'bitch-slapped' (sic) Jurgen there, Jigsaw !! I think that
>next time, you should deliver the 'coup de grace', with the immortal words
>that no one can challenge ...
> 'I am an engineer'

>Desmond Coughlan |CUNT#1 YGL#4 YFC#1 YFB#1 UKRMMA#14 two#38
>desmond @ |BONY#48 ANORAK#11
>http: // www . zeouane . org
> ------------------- Headers --------------------


>From: Desmond Coughlan <>
>Newsgroups: alt.activism.death-penalty
>Subject: Re: Angain....Yo Earl, Dezi and Jurgen

>Date: Sun, 27 Oct 2002 13:59:33 +0000
>Lines: 19
>Message-ID: <>
>References: <apgf25$4v9$06$>

>NNTP-Posting-Host: (
>Mime-Version: 1.0
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-15
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

>X-Trace: 1035727255 1476551 (16 [91468])

Dr. Dolly Coughlan

non lue,
27 oct. 2002, 21:29:4427/10/2002
In article <>, Desmond
Coughlan <> writes:

>Subject: Re: Angain....Yo Earl, Dezi and Jurgen
>From: Desmond Coughlan <>

>Date: Sun, 27 Oct 2002 14:47:55 +0000

>Le Sun, 27 Oct 2002 15:28:44 +0100, Earl Evleth <> a écrit
>{ snip }
>>> As for drinking alcohol, I no longer drink hard liquor and have not done
>>> since bypass surgery five years ago. It does not go well with my
>medication. I
>>> bought a six pack of beer in mid July. I still have two bottles left. I
>>> rarely drink any type of cola except ginger on a sparodic basis.
>> You don`t get enough rest, too hyperactive, no wonder you have had a bypass
>> (strangely I have never met a Frenchman who has, me neither, I am almost
>> 71).
>No, Earl ... Jigsaw was referring to brain bypass surgery.
>Go on, Jiggy ... 'bitch-slap' (sic) me again ... post that devastating
>riposte ... 'yawn' ... LOL !!

>Desmond Coughlan |CUNT#1 YGL#4 YFC#1 YFB#1 UKRMMA#14 two#38
>desmond @ |BONY#48 ANORAK#11
>http: // www . zeouane . org
> ------------------- Headers --------------------

>From: Desmond Coughlan <>
>Newsgroups: alt.activism.death-penalty
>Subject: Re: Angain....Yo Earl, Dezi and Jurgen

>Date: Sun, 27 Oct 2002 14:47:55 +0000
>Lines: 22
>Message-ID: <>
>References: <>

>NNTP-Posting-Host: (
>Mime-Version: 1.0
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-15
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

>X-Trace: 1035730278 1458733 (16 [91468])

A Planet Visitor

non lue,
27 oct. 2002, 23:31:5027/10/2002

"Jürgen" <> wrote in message news:apgf25$4v9$06$
If we did not... we would only need to look at the posts from desi to see
what it means. Clearly, desi posted on the U.S. air crash in the
ocean off California In his post 'Thou Shalt...' and actually seemed to be trying to
suppress a giggle, toward jigsaw, at the loss of life.

He posted on the air crash in Utah and giggled

He posted on the Bali terrorist attack and giggled

He posted on the Manila bus terrorist attack and giggled

He posted on the attack on the McDonald's in Moscow and giggled
At least we know that they like good food ...
Even turning his 'masturbation' on and off.

He posted racist pictures of Blacks accused of crimes, with the warning to "Wake
up, American -- this is your enemy."

He reveled in every reportage of the 'skill' of the sniper in eluding
capture, and posted every instance where he could try to show an
inept investigative procedure or could make macabre 'fun' of this
tragedy -

He posted the most macabre post EVER offered in this newsgroup.. Pictures
of dead, decaying bodies... calling it 'one to excite the deathies,' but left no
doubt that the images sexually excited him, leaving one with the impression
that he was getting ready to eat ...

He posted this link
with the comment -- 'The leader of a March 29 kidnapping in which a
man was stripped naked, duct-taped to a chair, forced to smoke
crack cocaine and had his head shaved ...'
Someone wanna tell me what the problem is ?"

He applauds when Europe removed the right to free speech thereby
leaving the impression that there is 'something to hide.'

And you can bet your booty that he clicked his heels at the tragedy
in Moscow when he posted this link. I could hear his giggle all the way
in Florida, with his miserable comment "... damn, those evil terrorists,
when will Bush invade Iraq, and stop 'em, eh ?" which accompanied --
as he left us with a picture of a dead female hostage being removed from
the scene
We can certainly expect 'more reporting' from him, if it represents any
form of insanity... since desi is clearly losing his grip on reality, and
entering into some very dark recesses of his mind.

Now, none of these links he offered contained ANYTHING but the link itself.
And in every case... one can sense that desi is enjoying himself immensely
at the expense of the lives of others. I have said it before... and I will say
it again .... desi is a 'murderer lover.' He revels in murder, he wallows in
murder, he finds sexual gratification in murder. Nothing could have made
that point more clear than the unbelievable... absolutely unbelievable
posting of pictures of dead bodies. Nothing that Don Kool EVER did
can even come close to the grotesque, deranged behavior of desi there.
NOTHING!!!! This was the sign of a very dark, and disturbed mind.

And this is only in the past TEN days... I have not found it necessary to even
go to google to find the monstrous methods used by desi. Now YOU
may find him to be a 'friend,' but that says nothing good about you.
And if you believe that posting 'pictures of dead and decaying bodies,'
is in any way 'normal behavior,' then you need your head examined.

And the question is... are YOU going to call him on it? Look at his
and tell me this is from a man who has a mind that is stable.


A Planet Visitor

non lue,
27 oct. 2002, 23:31:5127/10/2002

"Earl Evleth" <> wrote in message
Earl.... you're off your trolley.


> Earl

John Rennie

non lue,
28 oct. 2002, 05:59:0028/10/2002

"JIGSAW1695" <> wrote in message
> Seventy hostages killed by gunfire and not a word from Earl, Dezi or
> What
> hypocrits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> !!!!!!!
How many hostages killed by gunfire, Jiggy?


non lue,
28 oct. 2002, 07:38:3128/10/2002
Subject: Re: Angain....Yo Earl, Dezi and Jurgen
From: "John Rennie"
Date: 10/28/2002 5:59 AM Eastern Standard Time
Message-id: <dM8v9.370$>


Ummmmm......ahhhh....well....... Oops!


non lue,
28 oct. 2002, 10:02:2628/10/2002
Subject: Re: Angain....Yo Earl, Dezi and Jurgen
From: (JIGSAW1695)
Date: 10/28/2002 7:38 AM Eastern Standard Time
Message-id: <>


Ummmmm......ahhhh....well....... Oops!


Thank God it was "sleeping gas" and not gunshots that killed the majority of
the dead.

John Rennie

non lue,
28 oct. 2002, 10:39:2528/10/2002

"JIGSAW1695" <> wrote in message

The sad fact remains that it was the 'rescuers' who did the killing not the
terrorists/freedom fighters.


non lue,
28 oct. 2002, 12:35:2428/10/2002

"JIGSAW1695" <> wrote in message

ouch i don't blame you. cola will kill you quicker than alchohol does (I
hope.. if not i'm screwed)

I take it your medication is that anti rejection stuff you have to take for
the rest of your life :-(


non lue,
28 oct. 2002, 12:36:2628/10/2002

"Jürgen" <> wrote in message

Off topic has become the norm on here Jurgen


non lue,
28 oct. 2002, 12:38:0228/10/2002

"JIGSAW1695" <> wrote in message

everybody is an engineer


non lue,
28 oct. 2002, 12:39:0028/10/2002

"Desmond Coughlan" <> wrote in message

> Le 27 Oct 2002 15:40:29 GMT, JIGSAW1695 <> a écrit :
> { snip }
> >> 'I am an engineer'

> > But I am not an engineer!!
> >
> > Idiot!!!
> You missed out 'I am an'.

bloody hell Dezi. That was a potential school playground come back


non lue,
28 oct. 2002, 12:40:1228/10/2002

"John Rennie" <> wrote in message

I would love to hear who said, "whoops" on that one



non lue,
28 oct. 2002, 13:13:2728/10/2002
Subject: Re: Angain....Yo Earl, Dezi and Jurgen
From: "Incubus" inc...@river.styx
Date: 10/28/2002 12:40 PM Eastern Standard Time
Message-id: <lEev9.2099$0l1.147322@newsfep2-gui>


Twas I, Jigsaw.


non lue,
28 oct. 2002, 13:12:4128/10/2002
Subject: Re: Angain....Yo Earl, Dezi and Jurgen
From: "John Rennie"
Date: 10/28/2002 10:39 AM Eastern Standard Time
Message-id: <7Tcv9.1925$0l1.114116@newsfep2-gui>


Yes. But unfortunatly, real life does not often mirror a motion picture where
the good guys win in two hours, more or less.

People dont always live happily after. I guess the moral here is that you can
kill more people with "sleeping gas" than you can with a gun.


non lue,
28 oct. 2002, 13:16:3828/10/2002

"JIGSAW1695" <> wrote in message

no i mean the military dude who seaked out before anyone notice he was
giving the orders


non lue,
28 oct. 2002, 13:28:2528/10/2002

"JIGSAW1695" <> wrote in message

Done in excess, anything kills. Look at the lethal injection. The first
injection which is Sodium thiopental, a sedative is given in a dose that
would kill the executee. A bloody sedative that is given in such a large
dose that it would kill.

The point being is that some silly bugger guessed the dosage of the knockout
gas and guessed terribly wrong


non lue,
28 oct. 2002, 15:25:0328/10/2002
>Subject: Re: Angain....Yo Earl, Dezi and Jurgen
>From: Desmond Coughlan
>Date: 10/28/2002 2:31 PM Eastern Standard Time
>Message-id: <>

>Le 28 Oct 2002 12:38:31 GMT, JIGSAW1695 <> a écrit :
>{ snip }
>> Ummmmm......ahhhh....well....... Oops!
>Oh dear, you do look like a fucking spastic, don't you, Jigsaw ? Guess
>what: it's because you are one.

>Desmond Coughlan |CUNT#1

Actually Dezi, I have the conviction and courage to do what you cannot and will
not...... admit I made a mistake.

So if you want to call the willingness to admit an error as being a "spastic",
go right ahead. It is what we would expect of you.



non lue,
28 oct. 2002, 15:26:0428/10/2002
Subject: Re: Angain....Yo Earl, Dezi and Jurgen
From: Desmond Coughlan
Date: 10/28/2002 2:32 PM Eastern Standard Time
Message-id: <>

Le 28 Oct 2002 15:02:26 GMT, JIGSAW1695 <> a écrit :

{ snip }

> Thank God it was "sleeping gas" and not gunshots that killed the majority of
> the dead.

I'm hearing reports that it was some sort of military nerve gas. Still, I'm
sure that the NRA is right now preparing its campaign, 'Nerve gas doesn't
kill people, people kill people !!', and 'Defend your 2nd Amendment rights !
Buy nerve gas today !!'

Desmond Coughlan |CUNT#1

"Woooosshhhhhhh".... right over your head. You idiot!!


non lue,
28 oct. 2002, 15:59:0728/10/2002

"Desmond Coughlan" <> wrote in message
> Le Mon, 28 Oct 2002 17:39:00 -0000, Incubus <inc...@river.styx> a écrit
> { snip }

> >> You missed out 'I am an'.
> > bloody hell Dezi. That was a potential school playground come back
> One should always adapt for one's audience, incubus.

that was particularly "school playground" even for your audience. I was
waiting to see you ende the post with "so there"


non lue,
28 oct. 2002, 16:00:4428/10/2002

"JIGSAW1695" <> wrote in message

Oh my. Another who accepts he is not god.. I thought i was the only one

Mr Q. Z. Diablo

non lue,
28 oct. 2002, 17:38:4428/10/2002
In article <oCev9.2089$0l1.146227@newsfep2-gui>, "Incubus"
<inc...@river.styx> wrote:

> > But I am not an engineer!!

> everybody is an engineer

I got an e-mail from a recent engineering graduate. It read as follows:

"forE YEerZ ago, I cooden evun spel Engineer and now I are wun"

Mr Q. Z. D.
Drinker, systems administrator, wannabe writer, musician and all-round bastard.
"...Base 8 is just like base 10 really... ((o))
If you're missing two fingers." - Tom Lehrer ((O))

Mr Q. Z. Diablo

non lue,
28 oct. 2002, 17:39:5828/10/2002
In article <>, wrote:

> Le 28 Oct 2002 12:38:31 GMT, JIGSAW1695 <> a écrit :
> { snip }
> > Ummmmm......ahhhh....well....... Oops!
> Oh dear, you do look like a fucking spastic, don't you, Jigsaw ? Guess
> what: it's because you are one.

But a "fucking spastic" who took his lumps in that case with
considerable dignity and self-deprecation. I think that your reply
(above) was rather graceless.

Mr Q. Z. Diablo

non lue,
28 oct. 2002, 17:41:1528/10/2002
In article <>, wrote:

> Le 28 Oct 2002 15:02:26 GMT, JIGSAW1695 <> a écrit :
> { snip }

> > Thank God it was "sleeping gas" and not gunshots that killed the
> > majority of
> > the dead.

> I'm hearing reports that it was some sort of military nerve gas. Still,
> I'm
> sure that the NRA is right now preparing its campaign, 'Nerve gas doesn't
> kill people, people kill people !!', and 'Defend your 2nd Amendment
> rights !
> Buy nerve gas today !!'

I heard that it was anaesthetic but the silly sods won't tell _anyone_
what was used. This doesn't help the doctors treating the victims very
much, does it.

Just goes to show that it's not just the Americans who are capable of
royally cocking up such operations.


non lue,
28 oct. 2002, 18:34:5528/10/2002

"Mr Q. Z. Diablo" <> wrote in

> In article <oCev9.2089$0l1.146227@newsfep2-gui>, "Incubus"
> <inc...@river.styx> wrote:
> > > But I am not an engineer!!
> > everybody is an engineer
> I got an e-mail from a recent engineering graduate. It read as follows:
> "forE YEerZ ago, I cooden evun spel Engineer and now I are wun"

i totally beleive you. Do you know any programming graduates? have they been
lobotomised yet?

Dr. Dolly Coughlan

non lue,
28 oct. 2002, 21:29:2328/10/2002
In article <>, Desmond
Coughlan <> writes:

>Subject: Re: Angain....Yo Earl, Dezi and Jurgen
>From: Desmond Coughlan <>

>Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2002 19:31:22 +0000

>Le 28 Oct 2002 12:38:31 GMT, JIGSAW1695 <> a écrit :
>{ snip }

>> Ummmmm......ahhhh....well....... Oops!
>Oh dear, you do look like a fucking spastic, don't you, Jigsaw ? Guess
>what: it's because you are one.

>Desmond Coughlan |CUNT#1 YGL#4 YFC#1 YFB#1 UKRMMA#14 two#38
>desmond @ |BONY#48 ANORAK#11
>http: // www . zeouane . org
> ------------------- Headers --------------------


>From: Desmond Coughlan <>
>Newsgroups: alt.activism.death-penalty

>Subject: Re: Angain....Yo Earl, Dezi and Jurgen

>Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2002 19:31:22 +0000
>Lines: 13
>Message-ID: <>
>References: <dM8v9.370$>

>NNTP-Posting-Host: (
>Mime-Version: 1.0
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-15
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

>X-Trace: 1035833773 2404563 (16 [91468])

>X-No-Archive: true


Dr. Dolly Coughlan

non lue,
28 oct. 2002, 21:29:2628/10/2002
In article <>, Desmond
Coughlan <> writes:

>Subject: Re: Angain....Yo Earl, Dezi and Jurgen
>From: Desmond Coughlan <>

>Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2002 19:36:54 +0000

>Le Mon, 28 Oct 2002 17:39:00 -0000, Incubus <inc...@river.styx> a écrit :
>{ snip }
>>> You missed out 'I am an'.
>> bloody hell Dezi. That was a potential school playground come back
>One should always adapt for one's audience, incubus.

>Desmond Coughlan |CUNT#1 YGL#4 YFC#1 YFB#1 UKRMMA#14 two#38
>desmond @ |BONY#48 ANORAK#11
>http: // www . zeouane . org
> ------------------- Headers --------------------


>From: Desmond Coughlan <>
>Newsgroups: alt.activism.death-penalty
>Subject: Re: Angain....Yo Earl, Dezi and Jurgen

>Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2002 19:36:54 +0000
>Lines: 14
>Message-ID: <>
>References: <>

>NNTP-Posting-Host: (
>Mime-Version: 1.0
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-15
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

>X-Trace: 1035834073 2386847 (16 [91468])

Dr. Dolly Coughlan

non lue,
28 oct. 2002, 21:29:2428/10/2002
In article <>, Desmond
Coughlan <> writes:

>Subject: Re: Angain....Yo Earl, Dezi and Jurgen
>From: Desmond Coughlan <>

>Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2002 19:32:40 +0000

>Le 28 Oct 2002 15:02:26 GMT, JIGSAW1695 <> a écrit :
>{ snip }

>> Thank God it was "sleeping gas" and not gunshots that killed the majority
>> the dead.
>I'm hearing reports that it was some sort of military nerve gas. Still, I'm
>sure that the NRA is right now preparing its campaign, 'Nerve gas doesn't
>kill people, people kill people !!', and 'Defend your 2nd Amendment rights !
>Buy nerve gas today !!'

>Desmond Coughlan |CUNT#1 YGL#4 YFC#1 YFB#1 UKRMMA#14 two#38
>desmond @ |BONY#48 ANORAK#11
>http: // www . zeouane . org
> ------------------- Headers --------------------
>From: Desmond Coughlan <>
>Newsgroups: alt.activism.death-penalty
>Subject: Re: Angain....Yo Earl, Dezi and Jurgen

>Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2002 19:32:40 +0000
>Lines: 16
>Message-ID: <>
>References: <>

>NNTP-Posting-Host: (
>Mime-Version: 1.0
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-15
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

>X-Trace: 1035833774 2404563 (16 [91468])

Dr. Dolly Coughlan

non lue,
28 oct. 2002, 21:29:1228/10/2002
In article <>, Desmond
Coughlan <> writes:

>Subject: Re: Angain....Yo Earl, Dezi and Jurgen
>From: Desmond Coughlan <>

>Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2002 01:45:18 +0000

>Le 28 Oct 2002 20:26:04 GMT, JIGSAW1695 <> a écrit :
>{ snip }

>>> I'm hearing reports that it was some sort of military nerve gas. Still,
>>> sure that the NRA is right now preparing its campaign, 'Nerve gas doesn't
>>> kill people, people kill people !!', and 'Defend your 2nd Amendment rights
>>> Buy nerve gas today !!'

>> "Woooosshhhhhhh".... right over your head. You idiot!!

>Ah, lovely. Being called an 'idiot' by the likes of Jigsaw, is sweet music
>to my ears ...

>Desmond Coughlan |CUNT#1 YGL#4 YFC#1 YFB#1 UKRMMA#14 two#38
>desmond @ |BONY#48 ANORAK#11
>http: // www . zeouane . org
> ------------------- Headers --------------------


>From: Desmond Coughlan <>
>Newsgroups: alt.activism.death-penalty
>Subject: Re: Angain....Yo Earl, Dezi and Jurgen

>Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2002 01:45:18 +0000
>Lines: 18
>Message-ID: <>
>References: <>

>NNTP-Posting-Host: (
>Mime-Version: 1.0
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-15
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

>X-Trace: 1035856269 2662180 (16 [91468])

Dr. Dolly Coughlan

non lue,
28 oct. 2002, 21:29:1328/10/2002
In article <>, Desmond
Coughlan <> writes:

>Subject: Re: Angain....Yo Earl, Dezi and Jurgen
>From: Desmond Coughlan <>

>Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2002 01:47:05 +0000

>Le 28 Oct 2002 20:25:03 GMT, JIGSAW1695 <> a écrit :
>{ snip }

>>>Oh dear, you do look like a fucking spastic, don't you, Jigsaw ? Guess
>>>what: it's because you are one.

>> Actually Dezi, I have the conviction and courage to do what you cannot and
>> not...... admit I made a mistake.

>Which is why, barely three weeks ago, you wrote this ...
>{ snip }

>Desmond Coughlan |CUNT#1 YGL#4 YFC#1 YFB#1 UKRMMA#14 two#38
>desmond @ |BONY#48 ANORAK#11
>http: // www . zeouane . org
> ------------------- Headers --------------------

>From: Desmond Coughlan <>
>Newsgroups: alt.activism.death-penalty
>Subject: Re: Angain....Yo Earl, Dezi and Jurgen
>Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2002 01:47:05 +0000
>Lines: 20
>Message-ID: <>
>References: <>
>NNTP-Posting-Host: (
>Mime-Version: 1.0
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-15
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

>X-Trace: 1035856270 2662180 (16 [91468])

Dr. Dolly Coughlan

non lue,
28 oct. 2002, 21:29:2528/10/2002
In article <>, Desmond
Coughlan <> writes:

>Subject: Re: Angain....Yo Earl, Dezi and Jurgen
>From: Desmond Coughlan <>

>Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2002 19:33:58 +0000

>Le 28 Oct 2002 18:12:41 GMT, JIGSAW1695 <> a écrit :
>{ snip }

>>> The sad fact remains that it was the 'rescuers' who did the killing not
>>> terrorists/freedom fighters.

>> Yes. But unfortunatly, real life does not often mirror a motion picture
>> the good guys win in two hours, more or less.
>> People dont always live happily after. I guess the moral here is that you
>> kill more people with "sleeping gas" than you can with a gun.

>Or in other words, 'shrug'. Your concern for innoncent life is truly
>uplifting, Jigsaw. Then again, I'm sure that none of us on here needed a
>tragedy of such proportions, to remind us of that.

>Desmond Coughlan |CUNT#1 YGL#4 YFC#1 YFB#1 UKRMMA#14 two#38
>desmond @ |BONY#48 ANORAK#11
>http: // www . zeouane . org
> ------------------- Headers --------------------


>From: Desmond Coughlan <>
>Newsgroups: alt.activism.death-penalty
>Subject: Re: Angain....Yo Earl, Dezi and Jurgen

>Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2002 19:33:58 +0000
>Lines: 21
>Message-ID: <>
>References: <7Tcv9.1925$0l1.114116@newsfep2-gui>

>NNTP-Posting-Host: (
>Mime-Version: 1.0
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-15
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

>X-Trace: 1035833775 2404563 (16 [91468])

Dr. Dolly Coughlan

non lue,
28 oct. 2002, 21:29:1128/10/2002
In article <>, Desmond
Coughlan <> writes:

>Subject: Re: Angain....Yo Earl, Dezi and Jurgen
>From: Desmond Coughlan <>

>Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2002 01:50:02 +0000
>Le Mon, 28 Oct 2002 22:39:58 GMT, Mr Q. Z. Diablo
><> a écrit :

>{ snip }
>>> Oh dear, you do look like a fucking spastic, don't you, Jigsaw ? Guess
>>> what: it's because you are one.

>> But a "fucking spastic" who took his lumps in that case with
>> considerable dignity and self-deprecation. I think that your reply
>> (above) was rather graceless.

>The problem is, QZD, that Jigsaw just _keeps on getting it wrong_, and
>yet keeps on opening his mouth. You and John seem to consider him a
>somewhat charming but dense and harmless old buffoon. The reality is that
>he is savage old fucking moron.
>Oh and as for 'grace', you'll forgive me, but I have difficulty showing
>'grace' to filth whose fantasies revolve around wholesale killing of
>human beings.

>Desmond Coughlan |CUNT#1 YGL#4 YFC#1 YFB#1 UKRMMA#14 two#38
>desmond @ |BONY#48 ANORAK#11
>http: // www . zeouane . org
> ------------------- Headers --------------------


>From: Desmond Coughlan <>
>Newsgroups: alt.activism.death-penalty
>Subject: Re: Angain....Yo Earl, Dezi and Jurgen

>Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2002 01:50:02 +0000
>Lines: 24
>Message-ID: <>
>References: <dM8v9.370$>

>NNTP-Posting-Host: (
>Mime-Version: 1.0
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-15
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

>X-Trace: 1035856374 2598400 (16 [91468])


non lue,
28 oct. 2002, 22:04:0628/10/2002
On Mon, 28 Oct 2002 22:39:58 GMT, "Mr Q. Z. Diablo"
<> wrote:

>In article <>,
> wrote:
>> Le 28 Oct 2002 12:38:31 GMT, JIGSAW1695 <> a écrit :
>> { snip }
>> > Ummmmm......ahhhh....well....... Oops!
>> Oh dear, you do look like a fucking spastic, don't you, Jigsaw ? Guess
>> what: it's because you are one.
>But a "fucking spastic" who took his lumps in that case with
>considerable dignity and self-deprecation. I think that your reply
>(above) was rather graceless.

It really does sum up the influence that PV has on this group when a
stupid fuckwit who says something incredibly thick and patently
incorrect is given _praise_ for not trying to bullshit their way out
of it.

Jiggy _is_ a fucking spastic. Let's be fair. If you try to deny that,
you're being unfair to yourself.


-----------== Posted via Newsfeed.Com - Uncensored Usenet News ==---------- The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World!
-----= Over 100,000 Newsgroups - Unlimited Fast Downloads - 19 Servers =-----

A Planet Visitor

non lue,
28 oct. 2002, 22:38:0028/10/2002

"Incubus" <inc...@river.styx> wrote in message news:oCev9.2089$0l1.146227@newsfep2-gui...
I'm just telling you this as a 'friend,' but you need to worry about 'blowing
a gasket.' Friendly advice -- You should consider taking a vacation.



non lue,
28 oct. 2002, 23:17:2128/10/2002
>Subject: Re: Angain....Yo Earl, Dezi and Jurgen
>From: Desmond Coughlan
>Date: 10/28/2002 8:47 PM Eastern Standard Time
>Message-id: <>

>Le 28 Oct 2002 20:25:03 GMT, JIGSAW1695 <> a écrit :
>{ snip }
>>>Oh dear, you do look like a fucking spastic, don't you, Jigsaw ? Guess
>>>what: it's because you are one.
>> Actually Dezi, I have the conviction and courage to do what you cannot and
>> not...... admit I made a mistake.
>Which is why, barely three weeks ago, you wrote this ...
>{ snip }

>Desmond Coughlan |CUNT#1

Dezi, what the hell are you moaning about this time???


non lue,
28 oct. 2002, 23:19:1328/10/2002
Subject: Re: Angain....Yo Earl, Dezi and Jurgen
From: Desmond Coughlan
Date: 10/28/2002 8:50 PM Eastern Standard Time
Message-id: <>

Le Mon, 28 Oct 2002 22:39:58 GMT, Mr Q. Z. Diablo
<> a écrit :

{ snip }

>> Oh dear, you do look like a fucking spastic, don't you, Jigsaw ? Guess
>> what: it's because you are one.

> But a "fucking spastic" who took his lumps in that case with

> considerable dignity and self-deprecation. I think that your reply
> (above) was rather graceless.

The problem is, QZD, that Jigsaw just _keeps on getting it wrong_, and

yet keeps on opening his mouth. You and John seem to consider him a
somewhat charming but dense and harmless old buffoon. The reality is that
he is savage old fucking moron.

Oh and as for 'grace', you'll forgive me, but I have difficulty showing
'grace' to filth whose fantasies revolve around wholesale killing of
human beings.

Desmond Coughlan |CUNT#1

Poor Dezi!! Going thru life and never getting anything right.

I'll bet that when you aere a kid, you were always the last one to get picked
for any team sport.

Mr Q. Z. Diablo

non lue,
28 oct. 2002, 23:35:1628/10/2002
In article <>, dirtdog
<> wrote:

> On Mon, 28 Oct 2002 22:39:58 GMT, "Mr Q. Z. Diablo"
> <> wrote:
> >In article <>,
> > wrote:
> >
> >> Le 28 Oct 2002 12:38:31 GMT, JIGSAW1695 <> a écrit
> >> :
> >>
> >> { snip }
> >>
> >> > Ummmmm......ahhhh....well....... Oops!
> >>
> >> Oh dear, you do look like a fucking spastic, don't you, Jigsaw ?
> >> Guess
> >> what: it's because you are one.
> >
> >But a "fucking spastic" who took his lumps in that case with
> >considerable dignity and self-deprecation. I think that your reply
> >(above) was rather graceless.

> It really does sum up the influence that PV has on this group when a
> stupid fuckwit who says something incredibly thick and patently
> incorrect is given _praise_ for not trying to bullshit their way out
> of it.
> Jiggy _is_ a fucking spastic. Let's be fair. If you try to deny that,
> you're being unfair to yourself.

I think that Mark's expression was "not the sharpest knife in the
drawer" but you can use whatever nomenclature appeals to you and you
won't hear a peep out of me.

...And I thought that, given the spectacular way in which he was _badly_
caught out, Jiggy gave me a good ol' giggle with his reply. We must
settle for what we can in the absence of your inventive invective, after

I pull my punches most of the time - you do not. I reserve the brunt of
my unpleasantness for the genuinely filthy, porcine specimens who poke
their snouts in here, snuffling around for explicitly rendered tales of
executions to keep their libidos active.

A Planet Visitor

non lue,
28 oct. 2002, 23:56:0628/10/2002

"Desmond Coughlan" <> wrote in message

> Le 28 Oct 2002 18:12:41 GMT, JIGSAW1695 <> a écrit :
> { snip }
> >> The sad fact remains that it was the 'rescuers' who did the killing not the
> >> terrorists/freedom fighters.
> > Yes. But unfortunatly, real life does not often mirror a motion picture where
> > the good guys win in two hours, more or less.
> >
> > People dont always live happily after. I guess the moral here is that you can
> > kill more people with "sleeping gas" than you can with a gun.
> Or in other words, 'shrug'. Your concern for innoncent life is truly
> uplifting, Jigsaw. Then again, I'm sure that none of us on here needed a
> tragedy of such proportions, to remind us of that.
Oh... if there's a 'tragedy' around... you can bet your booty that you'll
be reporting it with a giggle, and a tight little Irish Jig.


> --
> Ayotollah Desmond Coughlan |Bring me a 'dead and decaying

A Planet Visitor

non lue,
28 oct. 2002, 23:56:0728/10/2002

"Desmond Coughlan" <> wrote in message

> Le 28 Oct 2002 20:26:04 GMT, JIGSAW1695 <> a écrit :
> { snip }
> >> I'm hearing reports that it was some sort of military nerve gas. Still, I'm
> >> sure that the NRA is right now preparing its campaign, 'Nerve gas doesn't
> >> kill people, people kill people !!', and 'Defend your 2nd Amendment rights !
> >> Buy nerve gas today !!'
> > "Woooosshhhhhhh".... right over your head. You idiot!!
> Ah, lovely. Being called an 'idiot' by the likes of Jigsaw, is sweet music
> to my ears ...
You being called an 'idiot,' by ANYONE is simply the statement of
a truism. Much as 'no executed murderer has ever murdered again,'
we have 'no meaningful thought has ever come from that idiot, desi.'
Just a 'friendly' reminder... since you appear to now be 'wound up'
by jigsaw.

BTW -- I took a small hiatus today... and will be back to counting your
'mindless drivel,' tomorrow. So run away, little man... hide behind your
'dead bodies.'


> --
>'dead body' desi Coughlan |Superlunary and Most Exalted
|Spiritual Leader of the Universal
|Right to Life Church. (umm... get
|away from me -- you filthy black
|starving child in Africa) 'My church'
|isn't for you.

A Planet Visitor

non lue,
29 oct. 2002, 00:37:1629/10/2002

"Desmond Coughlan" <> wrote in message

> Le 29 Oct 2002 04:17:21 GMT, JIGSAW1695 <> a écrit :
> { snip }
> >>Which is why, barely three weeks ago, you wrote this ...
> >>
> >>
> >>url:
> >
> >
> > Dezi, what the hell are you moaning about this time???
> I'm rapidly arriving at the conclusion that you have the attention span of
> a fruit fly, Jigsaw.
Wow... what devastating riposte. That from the guy whose posts seem
to be perpetually covered with a nest of those tiny latrine flies buzzing
around the words. Have you given any thought to that 'vacation' you so
desperately need, my friend? You know I just have the 'best of interests'
in your mental health.

A Planet Visitor

non lue,
29 oct. 2002, 00:37:1529/10/2002

"Desmond Coughlan" <> wrote in message
> Le Tue, 29 Oct 2002 04:35:16 GMT, Mr Q. Z. Diablo <> a écrit :
> { snip }

> > I reserve the brunt of my unpleasantness for the genuinely filthy,
> > porcine specimens who poke their snouts in here,
> Oi, LDB ... they're talking about you, again !!
You see... Mr. D. just finished saying that he 'stays out' of our
squabble, and you would hope to 'drag him in,' in some pathetic need
for 'friends.' I'm your 'friend,' desi... And you see , 'my friend'...
you are desperately in need of a long vacation and some intensive
therapy, having been bitch slapped so often, and my having pulled
your chain so effectively. Clearly this has caused you to begin to see
'dead bodies' everywhere. Probably in your subconscious disgust
over your love for murderers, and your need to wallow in their

Since I am saving my report on your 'mindless drivel' for tomorrow...
Let me remark that this is one of your 'today' mindless drivel posts.
You have been so wound up by me, that you need only a
post that includes some buzz words to respond toward me.


non lue,
29 oct. 2002, 04:06:5829/10/2002
Subject: Re: Angain....Yo Earl, Dezi and Jurgen
From: Desmond Coughlan
Date: 10/28/2002 11:42 PM Eastern Standard Time
Message-id: <>

Le Tue, 29 Oct 2002 04:35:16 GMT, Mr Q. Z. Diablo
<> a écrit :

{ snip }

> I reserve the brunt of my unpleasantness for the genuinely filthy,
> porcine specimens who poke their snouts in here,

Oi, LDB ... they're talking about you, again !!

Desmond Coughlan |CUNT#1

Dezi, you dumb piece of southern fried pigshit, its you we are talking about.

John Rennie

non lue,
29 oct. 2002, 04:43:5029/10/2002

"JIGSAW1695" <> wrote in message
> >
> > ===============================

> >
> > Thank God it was "sleeping gas" and not gunshots that killed the
> of
> > the dead.
> The sad fact remains that it was the 'rescuers' who did the killing not
> terrorists/freedom fighters.
> ===============================

> Yes. But unfortunatly, real life does not often mirror a motion picture
> the good guys win in two hours, more or less.
> People dont always live happily after. I guess the moral here is that you
> kill more people with "sleeping gas" than you can with a gun.

And for once you are right. This was an incredibly botched up
operation. (Who says - I do!) . If the 'rescuers' had gone in with
all guns there would, of course, been a large number of casualties.
But at least the hospitals would have been equipped to deal with
those who were still alive. Those that survived would not have
had their brains damaged or other long term effects. Hostages
were NOT being killed, negotiations should have been held -
they weren't. If the authorities knew that the effects of the
opiate gas that they were going to use, they should have
known that it would have had particularly deleterious effects
on the old and inform. If they had had negotiations they could
at least have tried to get many more of these released. But
Russia is a state that for 70 years had no form of accountability
whatsoever for any of its actions and old habits die hard.
Left hand has no intention still of telling right hand what it is

John Rennie

non lue,
29 oct. 2002, 04:50:2629/10/2002

"A Planet Visitor" <abc...@zbqytr.ykq> wrote in message

> You see... Mr. D. just finished saying that he 'stays out' of our
> squabble, and you would hope to 'drag him in,' in some pathetic need
> for 'friends.' I'm your 'friend,' desi... And you see , 'my friend'...
> you are desperately in need of a long vacation and some intensive
> therapy, having been bitch slapped so often, and my having pulled
> your chain so effectively. Clearly this has caused you to begin to see
> 'dead bodies' everywhere. Probably in your subconscious disgust
> over your love for murderers, and your need to wallow in their
> victims.
> Since I am saving my report on your 'mindless drivel' for tomorrow...
> Let me remark that this is one of your 'today' mindless drivel posts.
> You have been so wound up by me, that you need only a
> post that includes some buzz words to respond toward me.
> PV

If your intention is to be boring may I say that you have
succeeded brilliantly.


non lue,
29 oct. 2002, 07:48:1329/10/2002
Subject: Re: Angain....Yo Earl, Dezi and Jurgen
From: Desmond Coughlan
Date: 10/29/2002 4:44 AM Eastern Standard Time
Message-id: <>

Le 29 Oct 2002 09:06:58 GMT, JIGSAW1695 <> a écrit :

>>> I reserve the brunt of my unpleasantness for the genuinely filthy,
>>> porcine specimens who poke their snouts in here,

>> Oi, LDB ... they're talking about you, again !!

> Dezi, you dumb piece of southern fried pigshit, its you we are talking about.

'southern fried pigshit' ??

Desmond Coughlan |CUNT#1

Versus French Fried pig shit.


non lue,
29 oct. 2002, 07:49:4129/10/2002
Subject: Re: Angain....Yo Earl, Dezi and Jurgen
From: "John Rennie"
Date: 10/29/2002 4:43 AM Eastern Standard Time
Message-id: <KLsv9.427$>


Afraid that you are correct.

A Planet Visitor

non lue,
29 oct. 2002, 13:32:3329/10/2002

"John Rennie" <> wrote in message news:VRsv9.446$
I'm sorry that you find the subject of desi and his posting of 'dead
bodies,' to be boring. I would be much more so, were I too respond
to each of the turgid, boring, 'mindless drivel,' that FDP feels driven
to provide here, in respect to my presence. Clearly I 'saved' the
group from 45 posts of mine, remarking on FDP's mindless drivel,
and the certainty of his providing another 45 posts of mindless drivel
to my remark. Contracting 90 posts into 3 of mine.

Further, one wonders what YOU think of FDP providing pictures
of dead and decaying bodies for the group's 'enjoyment' and his
obvious need for a knife and fork. This is not the first time, nor
will it certainly be the last, that FDP has demonstrated that he,
although not certifiable, is certainly possessed of some very
dark and unhealthy characteristics. His 'story' describing the
43 last seconds of a teenage victim, where he speaks of her
splayed thighs, and her panty-less pubic area as she falls,
and his obvious feelings of 'rape,' before murder is most
disturbing. I have said this before, but I truly believe FDP was
'getting off' as he wrote that tale... leaving a stain on the front
of his pants. Now he has presumed that some unseen force,
represented in my handle, is 'out to get him physically.' The
man is clearly delusional to me...I am out to expose him as a
carrier of "cancerous evil... a pus filled abscess, oozing the most
hideous noxious toxin on anyone unwary enough to enter his
Satanic presence." Other than that, he is a non-person to me,
as are ALL who post here. I hold great respect for you, and others
who would argue the DP from a responsible position, although I
disagree with a great portion of your argument. I can find
nothing but 'the beast in the jungle' in desi's comments, such
as --

1) "When we as abolitionists, gaze down into the pit, and see the teeming
mass of deathies. When we shield our noses from the fetid stench of
rotting corpses mixed with the fresh smell of semen. When we look upon
their squat, evil faces, and yellow hate-filled eyes ... we, as dwellers
of the Light, have a moral duty to lift them from their vile, repulsive,
bestial fantasies. We must show them that orgasming over death, is not
the way that they show their humanity.
We are their betters. Unquestionably better. They dwell in the darkness.
We must bring them to the Light."

2) "I engage in 'abuse' of deathies as a matter of course. That's what they're
there for. `echo $DEITY` gave them to us, much as She gave sparrows to
the domestic cat. They're our playthings. They have no relevance in the
real world, except to remind us of the dark side to human nature, that can
exist in all of us. They're like child rapists. Nazis. Torturers of
small animals.
All this pretence of 'let's be civil to one another' is nauseating. How can
you be 'civil' to garbage ?"

3) "The deathies will look upon his departure, wipe the saliva from their chins,
and go back to masturbating over images of the 'gurney' (sic), or the
electric chair. We, the moral masters, the abolitionists, must show them
the huge damage that they have done, by driving out the only reasonable
one in their filthy midst."

IMHO, there is a very sick mind behind those words, and I'll continue
to point out that they supposedly represent the words from someone
claiming to be a 'reasoning abolitionist.' I will certainly continue to
point those words out, until I as least here some comment from
someone I consider a reasonable abolitionist who EXPLAINS those
words, or admit they represent the words of one of the most bigoted,
frenzied, Muslim zealot, form of posting I've ever seen here. These
words were not the one-line insults provided by Don Kool, but a
clearly orchestrated, in-depth hateful attack, no different from the
words of a Muslim zealot who would say --

"I would like to stand at the place and kill the Jew, who stands opposite
me. If each Arab kills one Jew, then no more Jews will be left."

Or -- "Have no mercy with the Jews, no matter, in which country.
Fight against them, wherever you meet them. Wherever you might be,
kill the Jews and Americans, who are like them, and who assist them."

Or -- "Jews are Jews, whether Labor or Likud, Jew is Jews. There
are no moderate ones or supporters of peace among them. They are
all liars. We must massacre and kill them. As Allah the all powerful
one says: 'Fight against them.' Allah will torture them with your hands
and will humiliate them and will help you, to overcome them and to release
the souls of the believers

One has only to substitute 'retentionist' for 'Jew,' to find the total
bigotry in FDP's words.

Don't be so critical of others, John... it doesn't suit your posting
style. Clearly Mr. D. HAS expressed over and over his intention
to remain neutral - and I have tried to respect that by avoiding
comments to him which would 'bring him into' this argument --
FDP has NOT done the same --- Just a few of Mr. D.'s comments
in this regard --

1) "I'm no longer willing to comment on the rightness or
wrongness of either party's position 'cos I just don't care."

2) "I simply ignore it ...and refuse outright to back one against the
other under any circumstances."

3) "I want nothing further to do with it."

I am not opposed to your present comment... In fact, I welcome it..
since it provides me a forum to rant against the most insane poster
I have ever seen in Usenet. A poster who has allowed his 'gospel'
to take away his sanity. A poster who now, in the most delusional
mental beating I have ever seen anyone take in Usenet, accused me
of 'physical' attacks on other posters. Presumably, hopping on the
Concorde, 'firebombing' his flat, and hopping back on the Concorde.


Dr. Dolly Coughlan

non lue,
29 oct. 2002, 21:29:5629/10/2002
In article <>, Desmond
Coughlan <> writes:

>Subject: Re: Angain....Yo Earl, Dezi and Jurgen

>From: Desmond Coughlan <>
>Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2002 04:41:33 +0000

>Le 29 Oct 2002 04:17:21 GMT, JIGSAW1695 <> a écrit :
>{ snip }
>>>Which is why, barely three weeks ago, you wrote this ...
>> Dezi, what the hell are you moaning about this time???
>I'm rapidly arriving at the conclusion that you have the attention span of
>a fruit fly, Jigsaw.

>Desmond Coughlan |CUNT#1 YGL#4 YFC#1 YFB#1 UKRMMA#14 two#38
>desmond @ |BONY#48 ANORAK#11
>http: // www . zeouane . org
> ------------------- Headers --------------------


>From: Desmond Coughlan <>
>Newsgroups: alt.activism.death-penalty

>Subject: Re: Angain....Yo Earl, Dezi and Jurgen

>Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2002 04:41:33 +0000
>Lines: 20
>Message-ID: <>
>References: <>

>NNTP-Posting-Host: (
>Mime-Version: 1.0
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-15
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

>X-Trace: 1035866768 2742794 (16 [91468])

Dr. Dolly Coughlan

non lue,
29 oct. 2002, 21:29:5529/10/2002
In article <>, Desmond
Coughlan <> writes:

>Subject: Re: Angain....Yo Earl, Dezi and Jurgen
>From: Desmond Coughlan <>

>Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2002 09:56:41 +0000
>Le Tue, 29 Oct 2002 09:50:26 -0000, John Rennie <> a
>écrit :
>{ snip }

>> If your intention is to be boring may I say that you have
>> succeeded brilliantly.

>'Oh ! Oh ! LDB "bitch-slapped" [sic] by Rennie !! Oh ! Oh !'

>Desmond Coughlan |CUNT#1 YGL#4 YFC#1 YFB#1 UKRMMA#14 two#38
>desmond @ |BONY#48 ANORAK#11
>http: // www . zeouane . org
> ------------------- Headers --------------------


>From: Desmond Coughlan <>
>Newsgroups: alt.activism.death-penalty
>Subject: Re: Angain....Yo Earl, Dezi and Jurgen

>Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2002 09:56:41 +0000
>Lines: 13
>Message-ID: <>


>NNTP-Posting-Host: (
>Mime-Version: 1.0
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-15
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

>X-Trace: 1035885528 2921285 (16 [91468])

Dr. Dolly Coughlan

non lue,
29 oct. 2002, 21:29:5329/10/2002
In article <>, Desmond
Coughlan <> writes:

>Subject: Re: Angain....Yo Earl, Dezi and Jurgen
>From: Desmond Coughlan <>

>Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2002 09:44:36 +0000

>Le 29 Oct 2002 09:06:58 GMT, JIGSAW1695 <> a écrit :
>>>> I reserve the brunt of my unpleasantness for the genuinely filthy,
>>>> porcine specimens who poke their snouts in here,
>>> Oi, LDB ... they're talking about you, again !!
>> Dezi, you dumb piece of southern fried pigshit, its you we are talking
>'southern fried pigshit' ??

>Desmond Coughlan |CUNT#1 YGL#4 YFC#1 YFB#1 UKRMMA#14 two#38
>desmond @ |BONY#48 ANORAK#11
>http: // www . zeouane . org
> ------------------- Headers --------------------
>From: Desmond Coughlan <>
>Newsgroups: alt.activism.death-penalty
>Subject: Re: Angain....Yo Earl, Dezi and Jurgen

>Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2002 09:44:36 +0000
>Lines: 15
>Message-ID: <>
>References: <>

>NNTP-Posting-Host: (
>Mime-Version: 1.0
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-15
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

>X-Trace: 1035884767 2822410 (16 [91468])

Dr. Dolly Coughlan

non lue,
29 oct. 2002, 21:29:5529/10/2002
In article <>, Desmond
Coughlan <> writes:

>Subject: Re: Angain....Yo Earl, Dezi and Jurgen
>From: Desmond Coughlan <>

>Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2002 04:42:52 +0000

>Le Tue, 29 Oct 2002 04:35:16 GMT, Mr Q. Z. Diablo
><> a écrit :
>{ snip }

>> I reserve the brunt of my unpleasantness for the genuinely filthy,
>> porcine specimens who poke their snouts in here,
>Oi, LDB ... they're talking about you, again !!

>Desmond Coughlan |CUNT#1 YGL#4 YFC#1 YFB#1 UKRMMA#14 two#38
>desmond @ |BONY#48 ANORAK#11
>http: // www . zeouane . org
> ------------------- Headers --------------------


>From: Desmond Coughlan <>
>Newsgroups: alt.activism.death-penalty
>Subject: Re: Angain....Yo Earl, Dezi and Jurgen

>Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2002 04:42:52 +0000
>Lines: 13
>Message-ID: <>

>NNTP-Posting-Host: (
>Mime-Version: 1.0
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-15
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

>X-Trace: 1035866768 2742794 (16 [91468])

Dr. Dolly Coughlan

non lue,
29 oct. 2002, 21:29:2029/10/2002
In article <>, Desmond
Coughlan <> writes:

>Subject: Re: Angain....Yo Earl, Dezi and Jurgen
>From: Desmond Coughlan <>

>Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2002 21:55:44 +0000
>Le Tue, 29 Oct 2002 18:32:33 GMT, A Planet Visitor <abc...@zbqytr.ykq> a
>écrit :
>{ snip }

>> Further, one wonders what YOU think of FDP providing pictures
>> of dead and decaying bodies for the group's 'enjoyment'

>Not for the 'group's enjoyment', LDB. For the _deathies'_ enjoyment. It
>is you, the pit-dwelling scum, who revel in death, and suffering, and
>misery. It is your 'kick'. Your orgasm. Your exquisite pleasure.
>Nor am I the least bit bothered by your continuing to mention it, so you're
>pissing into the wind on that one (when do you ever do anything else ?). In
>fact, I shall even repost the URL here ...
>Ho, ho, ho ... would you like it again ?
>... and again ...
>Isn't this fun ?
>Do not delude yourself that the 'eye of the beholder' (that 'fall-back' that
>you always regurgitate when one of us has to point out that your perverted
>and reactionary views on this newsgroup, interest no one but sicken all of
>us) bothers me, either. There is now only one person's opinion of me here,
>that could possibly 'hurt' me. Richard has left, and Rennie has sold his
>soul to get down into the pit. So the 'eye of the beholder' is like water
>off a duck's back, especially if the 'eye of the beholder' is a deathie
>for to me, deathies are filth. You're murderers, except you don't even have
>the 'guts' to murder, instead delegating it to the state, and sitting in
>the comfort of your own home, watching the reports from the prison gates,
>with the box of Kleenex nearby. You're on the same level as dogs. I
>certainly would never seek to harm any of you, but if I learned that one of
>you had been hit by a car and died, I wouldn't shed a tear.
>Scum. Filth. Hmm ... I'm definitely losing my English, as I can't even
>think of any more words. How about 'if you were on fire, I wouldn't piss
>on you' ? Hmm ... yes, that has a ring to it, although I must confess that
>I'm still rather proud of 'snake-haired filth' of a couple of days ago. I'm
>also rather miffed that when you obsessively repeat my words in discussions
>with Jürgen, that you don't mention that one. Could you include it for your
>next 'Category Ten Spanking' at his hands ? Thanks.
>{ snip more whining that John has become someone you 'no longer know' }

>> 2) "I engage in 'abuse' of deathies as a matter of course. That's what
>> there for. `echo $DEITY` gave them to us, much as She gave sparrows to
>> the domestic cat. They're our playthings. They have no relevance in the
>> real world, except to remind us of the dark side to human nature, that can
>> exist in all of us. They're like child rapists. Nazis. Torturers of
>> small animals.
>> All this pretence of 'let's be civil to one another' is nauseating. How
>> you be 'civil' to garbage ?"

>'Garbage'. Yes. I like that one, too. 'How can you be civil to garbage ?'
>It has a ring to it. Keep repeating it, please. I like the 'sparrow <->
>domestic cat' juxtaposition, also, although of course, I would never have
>thought of that one, but for our 'babies', our two little puddytats ...
>Lovely, aren't they ? I particularly like this one ...
>... as we have the cat, the view out of our window here at 256, rue de
>Championnet, and we have the covers of the newspapers _Le Monde_, and
>_Libération_ for the day the cat arrived.
>Oh, just in case you've forgotten ...
>(note the new subdirectory ... it's a copy of the '../dp' directory, but
>the latter will be getting phased out soon)

>> IMHO, there is a very sick mind behind those words, and I'll continue
>> to point out that they supposedly represent the words from someone
>> claiming to be a 'reasoning abolitionist.' I will certainly continue to
>> point those words out, until I as least here some comment from

>Until you 'here' (sic) ? Ho, ho, ho ... yet another .38 goes slamming into
>LDB's big toe ...

>> someone I consider a reasonable abolitionist who EXPLAINS those
>> words, or admit they represent the words of one of the most bigoted,
>> frenzied, Muslim zealot, form of posting I've ever seen here. These
>> words were not the one-line insults provided by Don Kool, but a
>> clearly orchestrated, in-depth hateful attack, no different from the
>> words of a Muslim zealot who would say --
>> "I would like to stand at the place and kill the Jew, who stands opposite
>> me. If each Arab kills one Jew, then no more Jews will be left."

>Now at this point, I would cry 'fowl' (sic) ... *snigger* ... but I shan't,
>even if it is obvious that a casual glance at your post, complete (or should
>that be 'compleat' (sic) ?) with quotation marks around those words, most
>people would come to the conclusion that I had written those words. That was
>your intention, of course. Another fabrication, along the lines of 'Des
>calls Arabs "rag-heads"', when I have never done so.
>However, I shan't call 'fowl' (sic), as what you and your repulsive kind
>post about me here, is of no importance whatsoever. I've been 'yanking your
>chain' now for several months, and _every single poster_ here, has pointed
>this out to you. You make the same claim, but you will note that no one has
>yet seen fit to allege that you're 'annoying' me, or that you're 'getting to'
>me. Simply because you're not. As incubus ('from the mouth of babes', as
>you put it) said, I'm supremely relaxed about all this. The real hatred
>from filth like you. I dwell in the light, and have no fear of the sun.
>Should you and your rank, vile kindred ever make it out of the pit, I fear
>that the sun would burn your skins.
>I want to thank you, because I took an inordinate degree of pleasure from
>writing this post. In fact, I may celebrate such a stunning 'put-down' of
>you and what passes for your arguments, by having a beer. Why not make
>your 1 November 'resolution' to sample some of that Florida sun ? It'll
>sting at first, but use some good sun cream, and you should be OK. Who
>knows, maybe you might even come to love life, rather than death. They
>do say that it's never too late.
>{ snip remainder of LDB lies }
>Damn, almost forgot ...

>Desmond Coughlan |CUNT#1 YGL#4 YFC#1 YFB#1 UKRMMA#14 two#38
>desmond @ |BONY#48 ANORAK#11
>http: // www . zeouane . org
> ------------------- Headers --------------------


>From: Desmond Coughlan <>
>Newsgroups: alt.activism.death-penalty
>Subject: Re: Angain....Yo Earl, Dezi and Jurgen

>Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2002 21:55:44 +0000
>Lines: 136
>Message-ID: <>


>NNTP-Posting-Host: (
>Mime-Version: 1.0
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-15
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

>X-Trace: 1035928611 3370628 (16 [91468])

A Planet Visitor

non lue,
30 oct. 2002, 01:42:3430/10/2002

"Desmond Coughlan" <> wrote in message

> Le Tue, 29 Oct 2002 18:32:33 GMT, A Planet Visitor <abc...@zbqytr.ykq> a écrit :
> { snip }
> > Further, one wonders what YOU think of FDP providing pictures
> > of dead and decaying bodies for the group's 'enjoyment'
> Not for the 'group's enjoyment', LDB. For the _deathies'_ enjoyment. It
> is you, the pit-dwelling scum, who revel in death, and suffering, and
> misery. It is your 'kick'. Your orgasm. Your exquisite pleasure.
Actually, it was certainly for YOUR 'exquisite pleasure.' Do not presume
YOUR character resembles mine in any way. Do not presume that
you do anything other than soil your pants when you look at that

> Nor am I the least bit bothered by your continuing to mention it, so you're
> pissing into the wind on that one (when do you ever do anything else ?). In
> fact, I shall even repost the URL here ...

I never felt you WERE bothered, either before or now. And THAT'S the
'real tragedy' here. That a human could be so utterly devoid of any
FEELING... so utterly COLD to humanity... so utterly UNCARING. That's
YOU... Repeating -- I never felt you WERE 'bothered' by what you had
clearly done, of your own free will. And THAT'S the 'real tragedy' here.
I certainly do not dwell on it for YOU to learn... because you have NO SOUL.
None whatsoever... You're as cold to humanity as anyone I can imagine...
thus, it would be futile to expect you to be 'bothered.' I only expect
OTHERS to be 'bothered' by YOUR unbelievably grotesque and morbid
obsession with 'dead and decaying' bodies. Nor do I expect you to
CARE if ANYONE is 'bothered' by your posts. You are oblivious to the
eye of humanity. Selfishly intent on demonstrating just how contemptuous
you are of humanity. And you ARE contemptuous of humanity.

> url:
> Ho, ho, ho ... would you like it again ?

No... but YOU certainly ENJOY it, while I am sickened and appalled. As I
would be at the reporting of a great tragedy. Yet I fully realize that
you find much to giggle about at such tragedies. As you giggle now
at dead and decaying bodies.

> url:
> ... and again ...

Contemptuous of humanity.

> url:
> Isn't this fun ?

No... actually... I find you simply to double in depravity with each time
you reference it. Contemptuous of humanity.

> Do not delude yourself that the 'eye of the beholder' (that 'fall-back' that
> you always regurgitate when one of us has to point out that your perverted
> and reactionary views on this newsgroup, interest no one but sicken all of
> us) bothers me, either.

I've never felt the 'eye-of-the-beholder' bothered you one bit. You would
continue to be crazy, if Moses himself, placed his hand on your head.
You are irretrievably lost to lunacy. Contemptuous of humanity. Much
as a serial murderer is lost to his mental depravity as well.

> There is now only one person's opinion of me here,
> that could possibly 'hurt' me. Richard has left, and Rennie has sold his
> soul to get down into the pit. So the 'eye of the beholder' is like water
> off a duck's back, especially if the 'eye of the beholder' is a deathie 'eye',
> for to me, deathies are filth. You're murderers, except you don't even have
> the 'guts' to murder, instead delegating it to the state, and sitting in
> the comfort of your own home, watching the reports from the prison gates,
> with the box of Kleenex nearby. You're on the same level as dogs. I
> certainly would never seek to harm any of you, but if I learned that one of
> you had been hit by a car and died, I wouldn't shed a tear.

Hey... I never said you were a 'caring' person, chum... you don't need
to convince me you aren't. You're obviously contemptuous of humanity.

> Scum. Filth. Hmm ... I'm definitely losing my English, as I can't even
> think of any more words. How about 'if you were on fire, I wouldn't piss
> on you' ? Hmm ... yes, that has a ring to it, although I must confess that
> I'm still rather proud of 'snake-haired filth' of a couple of days ago. I'm
> also rather miffed that when you obsessively repeat my words in discussions
> with Jürgen, that you don't mention that one. Could you include it for your
> next 'Category Ten Spanking' at his hands ? Thanks.
> { snip more whining that John has become someone you 'no longer know' }

> > 2) "I engage in 'abuse' of deathies as a matter of course. That's what they're
> > there for. `echo $DEITY` gave them to us, much as She gave sparrows to
> > the domestic cat. They're our playthings. They have no relevance in the
> > real world, except to remind us of the dark side to human nature, that can
> > exist in all of us. They're like child rapists. Nazis. Torturers of
> > small animals.
> > All this pretence of 'let's be civil to one another' is nauseating. How can
> > you be 'civil' to garbage ?"

> 'Garbage'. Yes. I like that one, too. 'How can you be civil to garbage ?'

> It has a ring to it. Keep repeating it, please. I like the 'sparrow <->
> domestic cat' juxtaposition, also, although of course, I would never have
> thought of that one, but for our 'babies', our two little puddytats ...
> url:
> Lovely, aren't they ? I particularly like this one ...

Contemptuous of humanity.

Contemptuous of humanity.

> ... as we have the cat, the view out of our window here at 256, rue de
> Championnet, and we have the covers of the newspapers _Le Monde_, and
> _Libération_ for the day the cat arrived.
> Oh, just in case you've forgotten ...
> url:

I'm sure that every time you post it, you run to look at it again, and
soil your pants in the process. Contemptuous of humanity.

> (note the new subdirectory ... it's a copy of the '../dp' directory, but
> the latter will be getting phased out soon)

> > IMHO, there is a very sick mind behind those words, and I'll continue
> > to point out that they supposedly represent the words from someone
> > claiming to be a 'reasoning abolitionist.' I will certainly continue to
> > point those words out, until I as least here some comment from

> Until you 'here' (sic) ? Ho, ho, ho ... yet another .38 goes slamming into
> LDB's big toe ...

GIMMICK # 1 -- FDP's old standby. Always good when he's been
bitch slapped.

> > someone I consider a reasonable abolitionist who EXPLAINS those
> > words, or admit they represent the words of one of the most bigoted,
> > frenzied, Muslim zealot, form of posting I've ever seen here. These
> > words were not the one-line insults provided by Don Kool, but a
> > clearly orchestrated, in-depth hateful attack, no different from the
> > words of a Muslim zealot who would say --
> >
> > "I would like to stand at the place and kill the Jew, who stands opposite
> > me. If each Arab kills one Jew, then no more Jews will be left."

> Now at this point, I would cry 'fowl' (sic) ... *snigger* ... but I shan't,
> even if it is obvious that a casual glance at your post, complete (or should
> that be 'compleat' (sic) ?) with quotation marks around those words, most
> people would come to the conclusion that I had written those words. That was
> your intention, of course. Another fabrication, along the lines of 'Des
> calls Arabs "rag-heads"', when I have never done so.

Actually, you cannot say anything, since I clearly said that "One has only

to substitute 'retentionist' for 'Jew,' to find the total bigotry in FDP's words."

And most certainly you HAVE called Arabs such, simply by claiming that
I had, when I had not... thus it represents YOUR words... not mine.

> However, I shan't call 'fowl' (sic), as what you and your repulsive kind
> post about me here, is of no importance whatsoever. I've been 'yanking your
> chain' now for several months, and _every single poster_ here, has pointed
> this out to you.

ROTFLMAO... seriously, my 'friend,' you have been spanked so often,
my arm has tired. Denying the obvious, suits you poorly.

> You make the same claim, but you will note that no one has
> yet seen fit to allege that you're 'annoying' me, or that you're 'getting to'
> me. Simply because you're not. As incubus ('from the mouth of babes', as
> you put it) said, I'm supremely relaxed about all this. The real hatred comes
> from filth like you. I dwell in the light, and have no fear of the sun.
> Should you and your rank, vile kindred ever make it out of the pit, I fear
> that the sun would burn your skins.

I'll just leave that in, to demonstrate how deep your dementia has affected
your mind. Contemptuous of humanity.

> I want to thank you, because I took an inordinate degree of pleasure from
> writing this post.

All great villains, revel in the cancerous scum they produce, and always
try to document it for others to see just how deep their dementia actually
was. They are, as you -- contemptuous of humanity.

> In fact, I may celebrate such a stunning 'put-down' of
> you and what passes for your arguments, by having a beer. Why not make
> your 1 November 'resolution' to sample some of that Florida sun ? It'll
> sting at first, but use some good sun cream, and you should be OK. Who
> knows, maybe you might even come to love life, rather than death. They
> do say that it's never too late.
> { snip remainder of LDB lies }
> Damn, almost forgot ...
> url:

Contemptuous of humanity.

Look carefully, EVERYONE... Peer into the mind of a frenzied zealot
madman... Literally one who has become mentally unhinged, having
been bitch slapped out of his ever loving mind. He is as crazy as a
loon... as mad as a hatter... as nutty as a monstrous
as bin Laden... as murderous as Pol Pot... as cruel as Ide Amin... as
destructive as Attila the Hun... as inhuman as Adolf Eichmann.... as
perverted as Theodore Frank... as morbidly obsessed with dead bodies
as Jeffrey Daumer... as gruesome in methods as Ted Bundy... as
grotesque in 'religious fervor' as those who burned 'heretics' at the stake in
the Inquisition. Clearly, the craziest abolitionist in Usenet since the departure
of his twin -- joe1orbit. His cancerous output represents an oozing,
pus-filled scab on the face of his 'gospel.' His repetitive posting of the
same morbid and deranged URL, serves notice that he 'hates humanity'
and the human form, and would wish to cast all humans into that same form.
Dead... decayed... no longer possessed of feeling. Contemptuous of
humanity. His post exudes the most odious smell possible, contaminating
any abolitionist who might expect that desi represents anything more
than the most lunatic fringe element in respect to abolition. He is to
abolition what James Kopp is to abortion. Willing to kill to serve the
master of his 'gospel.' Seven times in this post, he refers in glee and
giggles to what should stun the sensibilities of any rational person. But
desi is not a rational person. He find humor in death. Contemptuous
of humanity -- Seven times over in this post alone. He has been
so thoroughly discredited here, that he has no other recourse than to
become even more contemptuous... in defiance of all that is civilized.
Wild-eyed, and raging against even the dead. Clearly... humanity... and
all reasonable abolitionists should look into the eye of its enemy.... and
perceive that enemy to be Desmond Coughlan. I welcome his presence
here... since it clearly demonstrates the existence of a lunatic fringe in the
camp of the abolitionist. The reasonable abolitionist, who if he has even the
slight degree of responsibility to our species, should forcefully reject
desi's particular brand of 'gospel' in the strongest of terms, and who
should shun any connection with this madman. I defy ANY reasonable
abolitionist to DEFEND the character of desi in this particular dialog.
To do so... would be contemptuous of humanity.


> --
> Rev Desmond Coughlan |I just LOVE 'dead and decaying bodies'


non lue,
30 oct. 2002, 15:57:0730/10/2002

"Desmond Coughlan" <> wrote in message
> Le 28 Oct 2002 20:25:03 GMT, JIGSAW1695 <> a écrit :
> { snip }

> >>Oh dear, you do look like a fucking spastic, don't you, Jigsaw ? Guess
> >>what: it's because you are one.
> > Actually Dezi, I have the conviction and courage to do what you cannot
and will
> > not...... admit I made a mistake.
> Which is why, barely three weeks ago, you wrote this ...

quick. Someone hose Desi down. He be getting excited again


non lue,
30 oct. 2002, 16:04:0130/10/2002

"Desmond Coughlan" <> wrote in message

> Le 28 Oct 2002 15:02:26 GMT, JIGSAW1695 <> a écrit :
> { snip }
> > Thank God it was "sleeping gas" and not gunshots that killed the
majority of
> > the dead.
> I'm hearing reports that it was some sort of military nerve gas. Still,
> sure that the NRA is right now preparing its campaign, 'Nerve gas doesn't
> kill people, people kill people !!', and 'Defend your 2nd Amendment rights
> Buy nerve gas today !!'

Nerve gas does kill people. Lots of people


non lue,
30 oct. 2002, 16:44:3030/10/2002

"Desmond Coughlan" <> wrote in message
> Le Wed, 30 Oct 2002 21:04:01 -0000, Incubus <inc...@river.styx> a écrit
> { snip }

> > I'm
> >> sure that the NRA is right now preparing its campaign, 'Nerve gas
> >> kill people, people kill people !!', and 'Defend your 2nd Amendment
> > !
> >> Buy nerve gas today !!'
> > Nerve gas does kill people. Lots of people
> So do guns, incubus.

so do words Desi

Dr. Dolly Coughlan

non lue,
30 oct. 2002, 21:29:3430/10/2002
In article <>, Desmond
Coughlan <> writes:

>Subject: Re: Angain....Yo Earl, Dezi and Jurgen
>From: Desmond Coughlan <>

>Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2002 21:38:33 +0000

>Le Wed, 30 Oct 2002 21:04:01 -0000, Incubus <inc...@river.styx> a écrit :
>{ snip }
>> I'm
>>> sure that the NRA is right now preparing its campaign, 'Nerve gas doesn't
>>> kill people, people kill people !!', and 'Defend your 2nd Amendment rights
>> !
>>> Buy nerve gas today !!'
>> Nerve gas does kill people. Lots of people
>So do guns, incubus.

>Desmond Coughlan |CUNT#1 YGL#4 YFC#1 YFB#1 UKRMMA#14 two#38
>desmond @ |BONY#48 ANORAK#11
>http: // www . zeouane . org
> ------------------- Headers --------------------


>From: Desmond Coughlan <>
>Newsgroups: alt.activism.death-penalty
>Subject: Re: Angain....Yo Earl, Dezi and Jurgen

>Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2002 21:38:33 +0000
>Lines: 18
>Message-ID: <>
>References: <>

>NNTP-Posting-Host: (
>Mime-Version: 1.0
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-15
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

>X-Trace: 1036013994 3984834 (16 [91468])

>X-No-Archive: true


Dr. Dolly Coughlan

non lue,
30 oct. 2002, 21:29:3530/10/2002
In article <>, Desmond
Coughlan <> writes:

>Subject: Re: Angain....Yo Earl, Dezi and Jurgen
>From: Desmond Coughlan <>

>Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2002 11:28:13 +0000
>Le Wed, 30 Oct 2002 06:42:34 GMT, A Planet Visitor <abc...@zbqytr.ykq> a
>écrit :
>{ snip the whole ungodly desk-thumping, trembling lot }
>I'm gratified to see how far I have pushed you (cue rote denials ...).
>given up on any and all pretence of being at all reasonable. Your post was
>a new 'high' in the 'hollowed [sic] halls of obsessive litanies. So much so
>that I was sorely tempted to archive it on my webserver, as an example of
>what happens when a grown man breaks down and cries, for crying you
>surely were, as you wrote it. I set out to break you, and I have done so
>(cue some more rote denials, topped off with claims to be 'having a fine
>old time', and 'not being bothered by desi' ...). There is now only one
>person on this newsgroup who takes you seriously, and this support has made
>him an object of ridicule on AADP.
>As for your post ...
>None of it is worth replying to. It's the same tired old rhetoric. Desi
>is evil, blah blah blah ... desi is Gengis Khan reincarnated ... blah blah
>blah ... desi's birthday is a 'day of infamy' blah blah blah ... desi is
>sick ... blah blah blah ... desi is evil ... blah blah blah desi is the
>seed of Satan ... blah blah blah ... desi likes dead bodies ... blah blah
>blah ... eye of the beholder ... blah blah blah ... others posting to
>others ... blah blah blah ... desi is evil ... blah blah blah ... oops,
>we've done that one already, oh well, nothing original from LDB, so in for
>a pennie, in for a pound ... desi is evil ... blah blah blah
>Oh, by the way ...

>Desmond Coughlan |CUNT#1 YGL#4 YFC#1 YFB#1 UKRMMA#14 two#38
>desmond @ |BONY#48 ANORAK#11
>http: // www . zeouane . org
> ------------------- Headers --------------------


>From: Desmond Coughlan <>
>Newsgroups: alt.activism.death-penalty
>Subject: Re: Angain....Yo Earl, Dezi and Jurgen

>Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2002 11:28:13 +0000
>Lines: 32
>Message-ID: <>


>NNTP-Posting-Host: (
>Mime-Version: 1.0
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-15
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

>X-Trace: 1035977365 3725960 (16 [91468])

A Planet Visitor

non lue,
31 oct. 2002, 00:48:4331/10/2002

"Incubus" <inc...@river.styx> wrote in message news:WIXv9.5215$
LOL... the first time ever that I wish I was not in someone's killfile
so he could see my comment. desi is in desperate need of being
'hosed down,' and I wish I had said it.


A Planet Visitor

non lue,
31 oct. 2002, 00:59:1631/10/2002

"Desmond Coughlan" <> wrote in message

> Le Wed, 30 Oct 2002 06:42:34 GMT, A Planet Visitor <abc...@zbqytr.ykq> a écrit :
> { snip the whole ungodly desk-thumping, trembling lot }
> I'm gratified to see how far I have pushed you (cue rote denials ...).

When you make rote claims, it's rather obvious that it requires nothing
more than rote denials.

> You've
> given up on any and all pretence of being at all reasonable.

You first, sport. It began in earnest when you described a teenage
murder victim, her splayed thighs, with her panty-less pubic area
exposed as she fell. Accompanied by your drooling desire to rape,
and the staining of your pants in that description. It's been all down
hill in your mental decline since then.

> Your post was
> a new 'high' in the 'hollowed [sic] halls of obsessive litanies.

GIMMICK # 1 -- a pathetic pedantic plea for help from the audience.

> So much so
> that I was sorely tempted to archive it on my webserver, as an example of
> what happens when a grown man breaks down and cries,

You should consider archiving your own whining, since all my posts
are clearly available in google.

> for crying you
> surely were, as you wrote it. I set out to break you, and I have done so
> (cue some more rote denials, topped off with claims to be 'having a fine
> old time', and 'not being bothered by desi' ...).

My 'friend,' I have never been more sure of your mental decline, then I
have been in the past few days. You are a the 'broken man.' Shown
to be an utterly contemptible specimen of our species.

> There is now only one

> person on this newsgroup who takes you seriously, and this support has made
> him an object of ridicule on AADP.

Only YOU have attempted to hold him up to ridicule. And it is symptomic
of your mental decline that you would attempt to discredit him. The object
of ridicule... is of course, your good self.

> As for your post ...
> None of it is worth replying to. It's the same tired old rhetoric. Desi
> is evil, blah blah blah ... desi is Gengis Khan reincarnated ... blah blah
> blah ... desi's birthday is a 'day of infamy' blah blah blah ... desi is
> sick ... blah blah blah ... desi is evil ... blah blah blah desi is the
> seed of Satan ... blah blah blah ... desi likes dead bodies ... blah blah
> blah ... eye of the beholder ... blah blah blah ... others posting to
> others ... blah blah blah ... desi is evil ... blah blah blah ... oops,
> we've done that one already, oh well, nothing original from LDB, so in for
> a pennie, in for a pound ... desi is evil ... blah blah blah

GIMMICK # 8 -- desi's drooling 'mindless drivel.' Not a sensible word
within that gimmick, except expecting that 'blah blah blah,' will somehow
remove those stains you've placed on yourself... needing no help from
me to point them out... although I always enjoy doing so.

Isn't that just like you? Deny you are evil... and then go on to confirm
you are, in the same post. You make it so easy for me. I could actually
have done nothing other than reply with the one words -- "see!" at the
end of this post, for others to recognize that you destroy yourself with
your own words. One need not even look at your offering at the altar
of the 'dead and decayed' to know that it is sickening.

> --
> Rev Desmond Coughlan |Superlunary and Most Exalted

|Spiritual Leader of the Universal
|Right to Life Church. (umm... get
|away from me -- you filthy black

|starving child in Africa) 'My church'
|isn't for you.

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