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How to get a dynamic filename

조회수 23회
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읽지 않음,
2002. 6. 26. 오후 1:13:4102. 6. 26.
Hi All,

I have a file that I want to open programmatically, but the filename is
always changing.

next revision

Now, the previous file is moved to a different directory, and the filename
setup stays the same, so:

can I do something like Workbooks.Open "F:\myfile???.xls" or something like


David McRitchie

읽지 않음,
2002. 6. 26. 오후 2:30:1302. 6. 26.
Cannot understand the question, except that the
directory is changing at least that from the text
not the example.

If the purpose is to create a backup you can place
the backup elsewhere and continue with your file
where it has been all along. Don't know if this would
help, but it sure sounds simpler
than trying to locate where a file under a new name
is supposed to be found.

You should be able to record a macro while doing what
you want to do.

Workbooks.Open filename:="F:\myfileAAB.xls"

David McRitchie, Microsoft MVP - Excel [site changed Nov. 2001]
My Excel Macros:
Search Page:

"CCameron" <> wrote in message news:O7s$jTTHCHA.2364@tkmsftngp11...


읽지 않음,
2002. 6. 26. 오후 2:57:0702. 6. 26.
Hi David,

No, what you are thinking is not what I want.

Picture this:
I have 1000 excel files.
They are located in upto 1000 folders (some files are in the same folder)
In each of these folders there is another folder called OLD
If I have to modify one of these files, lets say [chadc1.xls]

chad - fileid
c - current revision
1 - number of pages

I do the changes and save the file as chadd1.xls [revision went from c ->
the old file [chadc1.xls] is moved to the OLD folder and the current
revision stays in the same folder.

Now I want to printout only 100 excel files. I know the fileid's of all
these files, I don't know the current rev, I do know the number of pages
[always 1] & I know the folder that the current revision is is.

Note: only the current revision is in the folder

So, I want a program that will open the all the files with the current
revision, but I don't know the current revision character. That is why I
want a way that will open a like
Workbooks.Open filename:="F:\chad?1.xls"
I don't care what the revision is, just printout the file that is LIKE

"David McRitchie" <> wrote in message

Dave Peterson

읽지 않음,
2002. 6. 26. 오후 8:35:5102. 6. 26.
Maybe this'll get you started:

Option Explicit
Sub testme2()

Dim fs As FileSearch
Dim FilePath As String
Dim UserFileName As String
Dim I As Long

FilePath = "C:\my documents\excel"
UserFileName = "chad?1.xls"

Set fs = Application.FileSearch
With fs
.LookIn = FilePath
.SearchSubFolders = True
.Filename = UserFileName
.MatchTextExactly = False
If .Execute > 0 Then
For I = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count
If LCase(Dir(.FoundFiles(I))) Like LCase(UserFileName) Then
MsgBox .FoundFiles(I)
End If
Next I
End If
End With
End Sub


Dave Peterson

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