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Latitude Longitude Conversion Functions

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Andy Dulavitz

Jan 21, 2002, 11:29:44 AM1/21/02

I am wondering if anyone out there has come up with custom number formats
for Lat and Long. as well as a function for converting string value to
decimal degrees.

I would like users to be able to enter data in the way they normally use it.
an example would look like;

Latitude Entry: 36-15.7N
Longitude Entry 075-19.3W

I would like to be able to enforce the entry of the E/W or N/S designator,
allow the use of either a - or a space to separate degrees from minutes,
allow the use of a leading zeros for longitude (add zeros if not entered),
and finally use a string function to extract and convert the enetered values
to decimal degrees with N and E displayed as a positive number and E and W
displayed as negative.

I have searched extensively and found all of the usual solutions. My best
solution to date has been to use separate cells for enrty of Deg, Min, and
the direction designator. A formula in a hidden column converts these to
decimal degrees. I have a workbook that computes voyage plans for the ship I
work on. I have written custom VBA functions that compute Mercator Sailing
solutions for Cse and Dist. I will galdly share these with anyone who wants
them. Again any help greatly appreciated.

A. Dulavitz

David McRitchie

Jan 21, 2002, 1:21:05 PM1/21/02
Does Chip Pearson's page help you?
Latitude And Longitude In Excel

Entry is as (same as for time)
formatted as
can be formatted as

You won't be able to do what you want strictly
with cell formatting.

> Latitude Entry: 36-15.7N
> Longitude Entry 075-19.3W

Chip's page does not show the formatting as you want, you
might also try a Google web search: ( 1,370 entries)
latitude +longitude +excel +spreadsheet +N

Or perhaps better a Google Groups search: (42 entries)
with the same arguments, if this does break up on lines try:

David McRitchie, Microsoft MVP - Excel [site changed Nov. 2001]
My Excel Macros:
Search Page:

"Andy Dulavitz" <> wrote in message news:OjOgrjpoBHA.2528@tkmsftngp04...

Andy Dulavitz

Jan 21, 2002, 4:24:14 PM1/21/02

Thanks for the help!!! I didn't find what I was looking for, but hopefully
someone will come forewad with an answer. I know that several commercial
navigation programs written of course in other envioroments handle this
issue quite well. Dealing "gracefully" with angular mathematics and the lack
of any geo functions seems to have been an oversight on Microsofts part. The
most common complaint I get from the users of my workbook is that they want
to enter thier data in the same fashion that they work with with it in other

Also, for anyone interested I will share my Functions for Mercator sailing
I hope that someone finds this useful, feel free to share/improve.

Thanks and Regards

Public Function MercatorCse(Lat1, Lon1, Lat2, Lon2 As Double)

' Lat1, Lon1 - lat and lon for position 1
' Lat2, Lon2 - lat and lon for position 2
' Returns Course in degrees by mercator sailing
' from position 1 to position 2
' Assumes input is North = + , East = +

' Declare Variables

Dim l As Double
Dim Dlo As Double
Dim NS As String
Dim EW As String
Dim m1 As Double
Dim m2 As Double
Dim m As Double
Dim Lon1Sin As String
Dim Lon2Sin As String
Dim LongIndicator As String

' Determine if Cse is due north or due south

If (Lon1 = Lon2) Then
If (Lat1 < Lat2) Then
Bearing = 0#
Bearing = 180#
End If

' If Bearing is either due N or due S then go straight to end

GoTo SkipCalcs

' If not then we continue on with calculations


' Assign E/W Direction Sign for Lon1 and Lon2

If Lon1 < 0 Then
Lon1Sin = "W"
Lon1Sin = "E"
End If

If Lon2 < 0 Then
Lon2Sin = "W"
Lon2Sin = "E"
End If

' Convert Longitudes to absolute numbers

Lon1 = Application.WorksheetFunction.Fixed(Abs(Lon1))
Lon2 = Application.WorksheetFunction.Fixed(Abs(Lon2))

' DETERMINE which of 4 cases we have for longitude, and
' CALCULATE Dlo and DETERMINE E/W componant of Cse Angle

LongIndicator = Lon1Sin & Lon2Sin

Select Case LongIndicator

Case "EW"

Dlo = Lon1 + Lon2

If Dlo > 180 Then
Dlo = 360 - Dlo
EW = "E"
EW = "W"
End If

Case "WE"

Dlo = Lon1 + Lon2

If Dlo > 180 Then
Dlo = 360 - Dlo
EW = "W"
EW = "E"
End If

Case "WW"
If Lon2 > Lon1 Then
Dlo = Lon2 - Lon1
EW = "W"
Dlo = Lon1 - Lon2
EW = "E"
End If

Case "EE"
If Lon2 > Lon1 Then
Dlo = Lon2 - Lon1
EW = "E"
Dlo = Lon1 - Lon2
EW = "W"
End If

End Select

' Multiply Dlo by 60 for use in further Calculations

Dlo = Dlo * 60


' Formula for meridional parts is
' m = 7915.7 Log Tan (45 + (Lat/2) - 23 * Sin(Lat)
' Used a constant value of 0.017453 for converting degrees to Radians.
' Used a constant of 0.785398 for 45 in Radians
' Must divide Log of number by Log(10).
' Example: Log(Number) / Log(10)

m1 = 7915.7 * Log(Tan(0.785398163 + (Lat1 / 2) * 0.017453293)) /
Log(10) - (Sin(Lat1 * 0.017453293) * 23)
m2 = 7915.7 * Log(Tan(0.785398163 + (Lat2 / 2) * 0.017453293)) /
Log(10) - (Sin(Lat2 * 0.017453293) * 23)
m = m1 - m2
m = Application.WorksheetFunction.Fixed(Abs(m))

' The formula from Bowditch is ... Tan C = Dlo/m

If Lat1 = Lat2 Then
CseAngle = 90
GoTo Skip3
End If

CseAngle = (Dlo * 0.07453) / (m * 0.07453)
CseAngle = Atn(CseAngle)
' Convert to degrees
CseAngle = Application.WorksheetFunction.Degrees(CseAngle)
' Set Decimal places to 1
CseAngle = Application.WorksheetFunction.Fixed(CseAngle, 1)
' Make it a postive number so that the math works properly
CseAngle = Abs(CseAngle)

' NOTE: Had to use Worksheet Functions for DEGREES and FIXED as
' VBA does not have an equivilant


' Determine if North or South
If Lat2 > Lat1 Then
NS = "N"
NS = "S"
End If

' Determine how to apply the course angle

If NS = "N" And EW = "E" Then
Bearing = 0 + CseAngle
End If
If NS = "S" And EW = "E" Then
Bearing = 180 - CseAngle
End If
If NS = "N" And EW = "W" Then
Bearing = 360 - CseAngle
End If
If NS = "S" And EW = "W" Then
Bearing = 180 + CseAngle
End If


End If
MercatorCse = Bearing
Exit Function

End Function

Public Function MercatorDist(Lat1, Lon1, Lat2, Lon2, Cse)

Select Case Cse

Case 90
Dlo = Lon1 - Lon2
MercatorDist = Dlo * 60 * Cos(Lat1 * 0.017453)

Case 270
Dlo = Lon1 - Lon2
MercatorDist = Dlo * 60 * Cos(Lat1 * 0.017453)

Case 0
MercatorDist = Abs((Lat1 - Lat2) * 60)

Case 180
MercatorDist = Abs((Lat1 - Lat2) * 60)

Case Else

Rcse = 0.017453 * Cse

l = Abs((Lat1 - Lat2) * 0.017453)

MercatorDist = l / Cos(Rcse)
MercatorDist = Application.WorksheetFunction.Degrees(MercatorDist)
MercatorDist = Abs(MercatorDist) * 60

End Select
End Function

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