Libido and general health teas for sale - Sunony products

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Nov 28, 2012, 1:10:34 AM11/28/12
to zimleague

These products are 100% natural herbal products that do not have any
additives or drugs.

The teas are all $10 a pack and this is what they are and what they

Malaria Tea - Helps heal malaria and any associated ailments

Tranquilizing & Brain Toning tea: Improves sleep, nourishes heart and
spleen, nourishes yin to reduce pathogenic fires, soothes the liver,
purge heat, nourish the heart to calm the mind, invigorates the brain,
promotes sleeping, improves trances, amnesia, insomnia (lack of sleep).

Tonic tea is especially for men. It is pure natural tonic food for
invigorating kidneys, strengthening the erection and improving vigor and
sexual interest. It also helps to last longer, and needs to be taken
15mins before u start the deed.

Rhematism tea - Helps arthritis, relieves pain and gradually resumes
joint function and easily lifts legs and flexes arms and fingers.

Ginseng tea - is an energiser, also helps the whole body function,
prolonging life and strenthening health.

Hemorrhoid tea - is adaptive to haemorroids anal fissure, fecal
bleeding, pain, drop and crissum eczema resulting from damp-heat stasis.
it also helps period pains, reduces swelling and pain.

Hypertension and Diebetes tea - reduces and maintains blood pressure,
clears away the heat, nourishes the liver, improves eyesight, resists
cancers and manages hypertension. Relaxes arteries, smoothens and
reduces overhigh blood pressure and blood sugar, so get twice the result
with half th effort.

Aloe Slimming tea - very effective in helping u lose weight

Intestines and stomach soothing tea.

Menstruation regulating tea
Anti nicotine tea
Anti acne tea
Sphagitis tea
Beautifying tea

We also have suppliments to take care of different ailments like
Propolis tablets $20, are natural antibiotics.
U too could be a distributor is you are looking for an interesting
business opportunity. Just call me and i will explain how to go about
Delivery is free, in and around town.

Call/text/whatsapp me
0772 289246

Dec 3, 2012, 7:05:02 AM12/3/12
to zimleague
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