Real Financial Solution Zimbabwe : Bitcoin is a digital currency,borderless,instant,secure,private,no banks,no charges phone to phone read below for more..

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Anold Manhizwa

Apr 27, 2017, 8:58:12 AM4/27/17
to zimleague

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Zimbabwe Financial Crisis:

Real Financial Solution Zimbabwe : Bitcoin is a digital currency,borderless,instant,secure,private,no banks,no charges phone to phone read below for more..

Inflation ,unstable currencies, taxes, bank closure,account garnishing or freezing,lack of transaction privacy,untimely transactions,high bank charges, restrictions ,transfer delays and liquidity crunch crisis etc


Real Solution is here Zimbabwe :

Bitcoin is a digital currency called Crypto currency.It is built using blockchain technology. it is the first of 400 more digital crypto currencies growing e.g litecoin.

It can handle micropayments upto 0.00000001btc

Plastic digital money which is a true legal tender.World remittances sent across the global divide free instantly to receiver.

It is backed by all World currencies and billions are already in circulation since year 2009

Exchange Rate:

It flactuates like any other currency on stock markets.

1BTC = $US700


It can be used across the whole world over the internet or mobile apps like whatsapp,email or ecocash

America, Africa, Europe ,Russia ,China South Africa etc use it .Huge corporate Microsoft, wordpress,amazon,Reddit ,Ibm,Google etc major corporates have adopted bitcoin.

No Banks:

There are zero charges or thirdparties or banks needed.

No bank charges or banks.You send your money peer to peer ,wallet to wallet ,phone to phone ,computer to computer instantly.

It is Decentralised meaning no middlemen. No Restrictions .No Limits on sending your hard earned money.Borderless.


Highly Secured transactions using end to end encryption making hacking impossible.Crypto system is very difficult to break which is the fabric behind the bitcoin creation.


Android, Windows, Linux ,IOS MAC wallets can be installed easily on your phone & PC

Buying Trading:

For more and how to get or buy bitcoins in Zimbabwe email us on

You go on our website and place an order and we will give you deposit details of your money and we then send you instantly your bitcoins .Our bitcoin rate will be on our website daily .

Get a wallet: (Recommended Wallet ) (Recommended Wallet )

Search "Coinbase Wallet" on Google Playstore


Very easy little training is needed .we give you video audio text tutorials and refer you to one on one sessions.They train you on how to setup,use ,manage, buy or sell or invest bitcoins in Zimbabwe

Please share : Join Bitcoin Training, Selling & Buying Zimbabwe.Latest digital money.Borderless.Secure .No Bank Charges.Phone to Phone.Join Our Discussion group today by opening this link on your phone

For the read:

Go learn & read If you need help to learn.

Bitcoin is the 1st decentralised digital currency a digital coin sent via internet like as simple as email,

Transferred directly from person to person without going through a bank or clearing house.

Transfer feess are much micro lower

You can use them in every country: global currency

Your account cannot be frozen by third parties.

No prerequisites or abitrary limits

You can buy/ Sale it from currency exchanges for any traditional currency or from other people.

Are kept in a digital computer or mobile device or offline storage

You can purchase anything with bitcoin.

Are irreversible by design

Are fast. Funds received are available for spending within minutes.

The supply of bitcoins is regulated by software and the agreement of users of the system and cannot be manipulated by any government, bank, organization or individual. The limited inflation of the Bitcoin system's money supply is distributed evenly (by CPU power) to "miners"who are volunteer computer owners who help secure the networkand are paid by the bitcoin network.

Bitcoin network is secured by individuals called miners

Miners are rewarded newly generated bitcoins for verifying transactions

After transactions are verified they are recorded in a transparent public ledger

*The software is opensource and anyone can review the code

Everyone has access to a global market...A great way for businesses to minimise transaction fees

it doesn't cost anything to start accepting them

Very easy to setup

There are no charge backs

Useful websites: (Recommended Wallet ) (Recommended Wallet )

For more about buying bitcoins in Zimbabwe email us on

Please share : Join Bitcoin Training, Selling & Buying Zimbabwe.Latest digital money.Borderless.Secure .No Bank Charges.Phone to Phone.Join Our Discussion group today by opening this link on your phone

Bitcoin Explainations After training


You create a wallet for your Money to stay in. Just like e.g ECOCASH WALLET

There are a lot of website you can create a wallet for bitcoins I highly recommend ...

So when you choose your wallet on your desired site. The site gives you an address that becomes your wallet identifier


This address works the same as ACCOUNT NUMBER ( you give it to your would be depositors)

Since bitcoin is a currency such as kwacha, rand , usd etc but in DIGITAL FORM it has its own rate with other currency today 1 bitcoin is selling at $US700


So assuming you have $20 in your wallet (either bank or ecocash),and now you want bitcoins how do you do it?

You go on our website and place an order and we will get you deposit details of your money and we will send real time your bitcoins .Our bitcoin rate will be on our website daily


YES and NO

It depends with the Prevailing Rate on the Market, if the Rate is High you gain, and if the rate is Low you you can still have your float

One thing that makes bitcoin so hot is that it allows us to make transactions and move money in ways that were not possible before bitcoin was invented. We've compiled a list of 10 areas where bitcoin shines:

#1: Online payments

With banks continuing to restrict the use of debit cards online, it continues to get more difficult to make an online payment with the money in your bank account. In many cases, it's no longer possible. Fortunately we have bitcoin and from buying an airline ticket to hiring a website developer, there are now millions of things you can buy using bitcoin online.

Our favourite website is Purse. It allows you to pay for things on Amazon using bitcoin while getting a 15% discount. Cool huh?

#2: Collecting online payments

If you decided to sell something online and you just have a Zimbabwean bank account, if you're not accepting bitcoin then it's very hard to collect those payments from people outside the country without jumping through hoops. Even the old fashioned wire transfer is no longer an option for most people because a number of banks are now telling their customers that they can't receive money from outside the country. bitcoin is a viable option.

#3: Getting a loan

Getting a bank account in Africa is already hard enough. In Zimbabwe some banks have stopped opening new accounts altogether. If you already have a bank account, good luck getting the bank to give you a loan if you don't work for Econet. Because of the difficulty in getting a bank loan, most people are going to be forced to accept unfair terms when they are desperate for personal financing - which is more often than not. Bitcoin and emerging peer-to-peer lending platforms offer anyone who has an internet connection and a bitcoin wallet an alternative that has, cough cough, no banks involved. How this works is, you say: "I need a loan of $X to buy a car and I will pay anyone who lends me money at an interest of Y% over Z months" and tens, hundreds or thousands of people send you small payments in bitcoin until you have enough money to buy your car. They will want you to pay them back though.

There are quite a few bitcoin-powered peer-to-peer lending platforms but our favourite one is BTCjam.

#4 Investing

There are many 'so called' bitcoin investment opportunities online and we take almost all of these with a grain of salt. Being noob investors ourselves we tend to shy away from giving investment advice excect to tell people to do their homework first and to not invest more than they can afford to lose if they have decided they are going to invest. Even in bitcoin itself. Although we're big believers in bitcoin, we see bitcoin as an experiment which may or may not fail and even though it has worked great so far and has been proved to be a great store of value in the last couple of years (especially when you compare it to the performance of other African currencies in the same period). Now that the disclaimers are out of the way, we didn't want to finish this email without talking about how excited we are about how easy it is now for us to invest in other people on peer-to-peer lending platforms. It's not without risks, of course, but the idea that you are holding an extra dollar, you can invest any amount of money, in anyone, in any part of the world is evidence in itself of how much the world is a better place than it was 10 years ago.


#5 Paying suppliers & collecting money from customers outside the country

It's now so difficult to send money outside the country that even the government has trouble sending money outside the country sometimes. If you are working for a company that is having trouble receiving or sending money across the border then you should get in touch with us to find out how you can do that using bitcoin. Moving money across the border is one of our strengths

#6 Day Trading

A question we often get asked by people who hear about bitcoin from us for the first time is: "How can I make money using bitcoin?" and a simple answer is day trading bitcoin which is buying bitcoin at a low price and selling bitcoin at a higher price. Day Trading bitcoin can be extremely profitable if you know what you are doing. But like a double-edged sword, it's also high-risk by nature so you can both win and lose large sums of money very quickly. Bitcoin is a very volatile commodity, subject to sharp swings up and down in price with very little warning. You can day trade bitcoin on BitcoinFundi today.

#7 Gambling

Bitcoin is often referred to as a trustless currency because, before bitcoin was invented, whenever humans needed to exchange digital money, they could only do that if (and only if) they both has a common trusted third party who kept a ledger of who owned how much. As an example, this trusted third party is Econet in the case of Ecocash transactions or CABS when I send you money via Textacash. bitcoin eliminated the need for trust by making it possible for peers to send money directly to other peers and making the middleman (read: trusted third party) irrelevant because every peer using bitcoin has a copy of this ledger. So trustless means that you no longer have to trust anyone first because you can verify any transaction yourself on this copy of the ledger that you have a copy of. Today, this bitcoin-like technology is being applied to many industries that are still dependent on having trusted middleman because by being transparent and more efficient, the bitcoin model is superior. One industry which has an interesting application for bitcoin-like technology is gambling. Think about it: before bitcoin, if you visited an online casino website and placed a bet, there was no way to check if the house was cheating on your and changing what would have been a winning bet into a losing one. bitcoin has inspired a new generation of gambling websites that accept bitcoin and allow you to cryptographicallyprove that there was no way they could have manipulated the results of the wager. Something we call in the industry: probably fair gambling.

Our favourite provably fair gambling site is SatoshiDICE.

#8 Notarisation

If you're a creative person, whether you create music, fashion designs or you invent electronic gadgets; At one point in the future, you may or may not find yourself in a situation where you need to prove that you are indeed the one who created what you claim to have created.

As long as you put whatever it is that you create in a digital format, bitcoin allows you to prove that you owned it at a specific date and time. How it works is:

Every digital file has something called a hash, which is unique to every digital file that has ever existed.

You can embed a hash into any bitcoin transaction

Every bitcoin transaction is recorded on a transparent public ledger that everyone can see. This ledger cannot be modified or deleted.

Creative people can use bitcoin to notarise their creative works. There are few services that allow you do to this and our favourite one is Proof of Existence.

#9 Getting paid for creating content

-generated content creates billions of dollars worth of value for the shareholders of social media companies like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. I die a little bit inside when I think about this idea while watching one of the Commic Pastor's videos because the people who make these platforms so valuable (that is the content creators and consumers) are hardly compensated for the value they create and they have to look for other ways to make money outside the platforms.

With the advent of bitcoin (and bitcoin-like technologies) we're starting to see some unique social media business models there were never before possible. The ones we like the most are social media platforms where:

Content creators get rewarded with bitcoin for creating content but by consumers who leave a tip if they like the content.

Content consumers get rewarded for consuming content. This could be reading or listening to content. When you think about it, it's not just the owners of the social media platform or the content creators that are creating value in this ecosystem. Without consumers to consume the content, that content would have no value - it's the consumers that make content valuable.

And our favourite - platforms where you are only allowed to consume content if you hold bitcoin or some other cryptocurrency (an idea called token-controlled-accees). Let's face it: if you're a bitcoin non-believer you likely won't create value or be wanted in certain online discussion forums so the idea behind these platforms is that to log in and learn


We refer you to trainers on how to use manage buy or sell or invest bitcoins in Zimbabwe

Please share : Join Bitcoin Training, Selling & Buying Zimbabwe.Latest digital money.Borderless.Secure .No Bank Charges.Phone to Phone.Join Our Discussion group today by opening this link on your phone

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