Zekr 1.0.0 Portable is Ready

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Mohsen Saboorian

Aug 13, 2010, 9:31:10 AM8/13/10
to Zekr Group

Although it was possible with a few parameter settings in previous versions of Zekr (from 0.6.0 on) to make it portable, we had no official release of a portable Zekr. We have now two portable packages on our download page for Windows: one with Java (JRE) included, and one without Java.

Both packages are 32 bit but you can run both of them on a 64 bit system. If you have a 32 bit JRE, you can download and use smaller package (Zekr 1.0.0 Portable for Windows (7.7MB)). If you don't know what is JRE or don't know version or architecture of your JRE, simply download and install larger package: Zekr 1.0.0 Portable for Windows + Java (38MB)

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