Tagging a OYP.

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Aug 5, 2010, 3:58:32 PM8/5/10
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
Okay. Enough is enough. We need to decide what tag are brought about
by what as most of them are subjective and decided by personal opinion

Anger inducing, dumbass,ect.

Anger inducing could be, literally, anything that pisses you off.

Dumbass should be someone doing something stupid. Not naive, not
desperation( No escape, gonna die anyway Attack!) But something like a
reimu trying to float on it's ribbon, or a marisa puffing at a human
that was ignoring it.

The arguing in the comments is getting REALLY fucking old, so work
with me here. We NEED to define our tags.


Aug 5, 2010, 4:24:34 PM8/5/10
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
This seems like a good idea. I'd say this could fall in line...

Anger-Inducing: Anything sure to anger people when they look at it,
regardless of what type of Yukkuri pics they like more. Deibu and
Shithead-type behavior with the added "luxury" of a Karma Houdini,
good Yukkuris being attacked/abused/killed for no good reason.

Dumbass: Yukkuris doing things that can be considered stupid even by
the fanon's standards. Things like being unable to recognize their
own relatives (or outright rejecting to accept them, but that would
probably lean towards the shithead category), trying to do things that
obviously will not work over and over again. Biting the hand that
feeds you, basically. I'm trying not to bring up Yukkuri/people
parallels, but I can see adults getting this tag more often than kids,
since the parents should know better while their kids are still wet
behind the ears. Then again, there have been many cases where a child
Yukkuri turned out to be as bad (and even worse) than their parents.

Too Dumb to Live: Yukkuris dying or about to die due to their own lack
of foresight. Trying to puff up in front of something that's just
speeding towards their way, provoking someone or something that can
kill them easily (and usually do), or just anything they could've
lived through if they stopped to think about it.


Aug 5, 2010, 6:26:04 PM8/5/10
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
The way that anger inducing's been used is pretty much an extreme
extension of the shithead tag when the yukkuris appear to be extra
anger inducing. When you're raging at something due hating the actions
of humans, that's different and warrants a different tag. Seeing as
"trolling_yukkuri" now exists, use that for that purpose.

Dumbass is subjective, whenever yukkuris are doing something you find
stupid. Too dumb to live is when they're doing something so stupid
it'll probably get them killed. One is subjective. One is objective.
Some things that some people may find dumbass some may not. Hey,
that's why there's two fucking points of reference.


Aug 5, 2010, 6:53:06 PM8/5/10
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
I concur. This kind of nonsense was part of the reason I stayed clear
of OYPs messages before trying to help out with translations.

First off, tagging what's ACTUALLY in the picture is important. EX:
you wouldn't tag reimu_hakurei for a series of pics just because she
MIGHT appear. Nor would you tag her for the entire series even if she
only appeared in one image out of the entire series. For that reason,
there's no reason to try to divine what might happen, just describe
only the current image.

Second off, as a yukkuri image board, any descriptor tags should be
FOR the yukkuri, unless it's a label or title. So, characters (anon,
reimu, reimu_hakurei, series:_ artist:_, dosuyukkuri etc.) should be
tagged if any of those features are in the picture.

All other tags should be for yukkuri. Even if a person's in the
picture and the human's hat is ripped up, that isn't accessory_abuse
tag worthy. For the same reason, things like anger_inducing and
dumbass are all assumed to be yukkuri. Basically, any tag that isn't a
title, it should be assumed that yukkuri is in the tag: Abuse is
actually yukkuri_abuse. Anger_inducing is Anger_inducing_yukkuri.
Dumbass is Dumbass_yukkuri. and so on and so forth.

A lot of contention is between too_dumb_to_live, dumbass,
anger_inducing, justice, and the like.

While anger_inducing is literally for anything, I feel like it should
be more extreme, like for things that are justice worthy. So being
just being yukkuri doesn't count. But behavior that callously is done
to either other yukkuri or people is definitely anger_inducing.
Selfish actions, no matter how justified can still be anger_inducing.
Just being understandable isn't enough to dispel anger.

Dumbass: Behavior that results in irreversible negative effects. So
things like trying to attack your own reflection in the mirror, trying
to refresh in the winter even though you know that will make life
harder, attacking an inanimate object because it hurt a sibling, etc.
Dumbasses can be too dumb to live, but they don't have to be. Being a
dumbass doesn't necessarily mean you die as a result, but something
irreversible should occur. Because general yukkuri behavior is dumbass
by normal standards. If it's going to be a tag, it needs to help us in
sorting, not just for show.

Too_dumb_to_live: literally, doing something that is guaranteeing
death: Puffing at an incoming car, "time to shine" aquatic marisa
story, physically trying to fight a wild animal or person. Simply just
getting angry at people isn't really enough, because different stories
have different contexts. Yukkuri puffing and getting angry is in their
nature. If they take it further and try to actually present a
challenge that ends in their obliteration, then clearly, they're too
dumb to live. (Reference Darwin Awards for other glorious examples)

Shithead: extreme selfishness and idiotic reasoning that causes some
sort of harm towards others, or usage of this reasoning on humans
Nearly the same as Deibu, really.

DP gave his take (which I generally agree with) and I've tried to give
some more "indicators" that make these tags a bit more descriptive.


Aug 5, 2010, 6:56:22 PM8/5/10
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
Personally, I think the 'anger_inducing' tag shouldn't exist at all.
It's too vague, and 'trolling_yukkuri' applies to nearly everything on
the site, and is thus also pointless. Tags that involve opinions are
stupid in the first place, as everyone has a different opinion.

'Too_dumb_to_live' should only apply when yukkuri do something that is
suicidal by choice(i.e. Pick a fight with a human that was leaving
them alone, try to puff at a car that's coming at them,ect) not
desperately trying to survive(i.e. Human picked them up and tortured
their sisters/parents/children to death, then yukkuri bites them) .

'Dumbass' should only apply to situations where it's REALLY
stupid( Not recognizing it's children without accessories, thinking
Mankind owes them everything, doesn't feel the rolling wall they
crushed their ko with, ect)


Aug 5, 2010, 7:00:00 PM8/5/10
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
Dammit. You posted while I was typing.


Aug 5, 2010, 7:00:18 PM8/5/10
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
@tea But subjective tags don't really help us. By not having a clear
line what belongs in a tag or not, it doesn't help when trying to tag,
or performing a search. Especially if we're trying to find a
particular image, and too many different definitions were used in the
tagging. Yes, dumbass is subjective since what is "general" yukkuri
behavior isn't universally agreed upon. So, we need to look for a
different factor. If dumb is a standard for when yukkuri do foolish
things that only cause superficial harm, and too_dumb_to_live causes
death, than dumbass really should be an in-between where a yukkuri
does something that is unable to be reversed. This may result in
death, but it can just as easily cause a change in the status quo that
can no longer be restored. Like the story where the Marisa and Reimu
have a scale that is holding their accessories out of the fire. Their
idiocy caused the irreparable damage to their accessories that can not
be undone.


Aug 5, 2010, 7:06:29 PM8/5/10
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
Yeah. That's pretty good. I agree with Hourai's example of 'Dumbass'
tag usage.


Aug 5, 2010, 7:10:12 PM8/5/10
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
@ Matt: Sorry. Didn't mean to run head-on into you!

... double damn. I just saw your response Matt. lol. I'll keep my
example just to further my explanation anyway.

I agree that not recognizing children is really stupid, and so is
challenging humans. But until actions are done, they're only emotional
cues. If she attacks the kid, sure: dumbass. Kid's hurt or dying, or
completely emotionally repelled from mom. But if she only is screaming
at the uneasy kid, like in a one shot picture: nothing's happened yet.
It could be a "missing_accessory" tag or something, but in order to
try to have a standard, there's nothing in the pic yet that has caused
a change in the status quo. Child's confused maybe, but there's no
evidence of an actual "dumbass" moment. Just a reaction from the
parent. In a sequel pic, the parent attacks the kid, or the accessory
is returned and the child's now upset at the parent: DUMBASS achieved.


Aug 5, 2010, 7:15:47 PM8/5/10
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
> Personally, I think the 'anger_inducing' tag shouldn't exist at all.
> It's too vague, and 'trolling_yukkuri' applies to nearly everything on
> the site, and is thus also pointless.

Nope. They're not vague at all; they're for the extremes of behaviour,
as pointed out. One is for the yukkuris; one is for the people.

> 'Dumbass' should only apply to situations where it's REALLY
> stupid

That still requires a bit of subjective interpretation. The dumbass
tag is, by its nature, subjective, and the same goes for a large
number of other tags. Welcome to what subjectivity is.

> doesn't feel the rolling wall they crushed their ko with, ect)

This qualifies as something under both dumbass and too dumb to live.
Too dumb to live, of course, explains itself. Actually, I fail to see
why there's contention over tags such as dumbass, anger_inducing which
are subjective by nature. It's more like someone has their own opinion
on something, someone else disagrees with it and throws up a storm.
For these, you should expect to see that different people will judge
differently and accept that. And yes, a great deal of the tags are
subjective. But they're a useful way of linking together the different
things people want to find in their yukkuri material. Wiping them out
because people perhaps disagree with a subjective opinion on a few
doesn't seem that great.


Aug 5, 2010, 7:24:44 PM8/5/10
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
It's only too dumb to live if the one doing it has a chance of dying.
She didn't, but she did crush her ko to death.


Aug 5, 2010, 7:26:52 PM8/5/10
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
There's contention because what's the point of a tag concerning idiocy
if yukkuri are, by fanon, idiotic? No reason not to just tag every
yukkuri picture as idiotic. Take it easy? I've always thought that was
a pretty stupid expression (part of the reason I bought into the
whole, yukkuri are stupid thing). So, if we are going to be completely
subjective about it, then there's absolutely no point in tagging. For
there to be any meaningful reason behind tags, then those words that
are acting as shorthands need to be able to represent something just
as descriptive as an entire written out definition.

I get that people have different bars they set for how acceptable
something is. Some people can't stand any violence. Some people only
like light teasing. That's fine that everyone's varied. But the tags
we set should be definitive enough to help in the filtering process.
The words tags mean may be subjective, but the way we use them need
not be. That's why we as people can set rules to create structure.
Message has been deleted


Aug 5, 2010, 7:43:08 PM8/5/10
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
Not the place to fight. Calm down, think up a reasonable argument for
your point of view and come back.

On Aug 5, 4:39 pm, Acer <cokerpi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I find it funny that you get annoyed at me for taging things you and
> other don't agree with and ask me to stop. Yet when you do it it's
> perfectly justified. Quit being a bloody hypocrite I know your smarter
> then that.


Aug 5, 2010, 7:44:12 PM8/5/10
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
I understand you're frustrated Acer, but angry responses are not very
constructive. We're hoping to get a better consensus so we can avoid
these kinds of frustrations. I politely request you to remove your
message (under more options on the right), so we can try to have a
calm discussion and reach an agreement. Let's try to not let it feel


Aug 5, 2010, 7:45:43 PM8/5/10
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
*sigh*... simultaneous posts again...


Aug 5, 2010, 7:47:12 PM8/5/10
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
> There's contention because what's the point of a tag concerning idiocy
> if yukkuri are, by fanon, idiotic? No reason not to just tag every
> yukkuri picture as idiotic. Take it easy? I've always thought that was
> a pretty stupid expression (part of the reason I bought into the
> whole, yukkuri are stupid thing). So, if we are going to be completely
> subjective about it, then there's absolutely no point in tagging. For
> there to be any meaningful reason behind tags, then those words that
> are acting as shorthands need to be able to represent something just
> as descriptive as an entire written out definition.

Sure, they really are idiotic, so they're judged by the standard set.
In that way, every single picture doesn't need to be tagged as
idiotic. And they're not. Not every picture is tagged as dumbass or
idiotic. It's the different things people are seeing as being
specifically stupid. And it's worked for the most part, apart from the
odd clash over opinion. It seems to represent something well enough;
things people simply see to be stupid in their yukkuris. There'll be
things I see as being dumbass that others won't; the opposite is true
as well. If the whole site was being tagged with dumbass, I could see
what you mean, but...


Aug 5, 2010, 7:47:19 PM8/5/10
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
I think we went over quite a few of these before, and it always came
down to this one concept.

Tag the picture, not what you feel it should be. This includes all
opinion-based tags. To be honest, I don't even think "cute" should be
there because some people think very weird things are cute.

I question the value of having a tag (dumbass) that is so vague that
it would fit any picture depending on the combination of people in the
room. (this includes anger_inducing as well) Eating worms? Hey!
That's stupid! Why not eat cake instead? Tagging it as dumbass!!
Hey!! There are yukkuris here! Let's tag it as danger because 99% of
all pictures uploaded to OYP are death-inducing for the yukkuris!! See
where I'm going with this?

Tag the picture, not the feeling. Things that are genuinely face-
palming (trying to float on a ribbon is a great example, or pretending
you can fly when you can't) could be tagged as dumbass. In general,
things that would win the darwin awards. Tripping over its own foot,
getting lost, mixing up parents/children because of the accessories
(yukkuri physiology).... When its questionable by one or two more
parties that ensues in argument... just don't tag the fucking thing.

Message has been deleted


Aug 5, 2010, 7:48:56 PM8/5/10
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
ps: coker, if you want to bitch at Tea start up another topic. I
don't agree with all his tags and I don't agree with all your tags
either, which is why I only do basic stuff and stay away from
opinionated ones.


Aug 5, 2010, 7:49:57 PM8/5/10
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
> I find it funny that you get annoyed at me for taging things you and
> other don't agree with and ask me to stop. Yet when you do it it's
> perfectly justified. Quit being a bloody hypocrite I know your smarter
> then that.

No, it's because the two things are different. Anger induced by
yukkuris. Anons and people behaving towards yukkuri in a way you don't
like. The two concepts are different, and rightly so. Some people
dislike yukkuris (or at least when they're being shitheaded); some
people dislike yukkuri abuse (or certain types of it). They are not
the same.


Aug 5, 2010, 7:54:20 PM8/5/10
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
Thank you hourai I did not know you could do that Thanks for the info


Aug 5, 2010, 7:56:41 PM8/5/10
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
I tend to agree on that note though I didn't mention it on OYP. I
viewed Anger_inducing as something yukkuris do, while anons/femanons
can just be assholes. I debated starting up a new tag (asshole/jerk)
for the anons, but it's a bit too opinionated and people would use it
for yukkuris as well.

But if we want to tag trolling_yukkuris as people doing bad things to
yukkuri specific, then there shouldn't be any problems.

We should include a tag-list encyclopedia to keep track of all this


Aug 5, 2010, 7:59:18 PM8/5/10
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations

Let's seriously not make this personal. Tagging is useful when it
actually has meaning. Like Yoga said. I personally feel there is some
"merit" to certain tags, like "Deibu" since I can get inspiration for
painfully annoying yukkuri behavior. But it's pointless if we aren't
all on the same level. Dumbass, cute, etc... they can be helpful, but
not if we don't set standards. As I said, the words may have loose
definitions, but the meaning we as a community attribute can be
unified, allowing them to be actual tags, not just "feelings". Like my
earlier dumbass description: dumbass as a tag can be shorthand for
Plus, if we all agree, then anyone that tries to troll can just be
referenced to our definition and have no room for contention.


Aug 5, 2010, 8:01:28 PM8/5/10
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
Not a problem Acer, and thanks for relenting. If Tea would be willing
to remove his corresponding reply, I think we can still keep this


Aug 5, 2010, 8:04:45 PM8/5/10
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
if not I can remove it. :P


Aug 5, 2010, 8:06:18 PM8/5/10
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
I responded civilly to that post and it isn't on a personal level; it
addresses the reason why I asked him to stop, and the differences
between the material, which I think is quite an important point for
the future.


Aug 5, 2010, 8:08:08 PM8/5/10
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
Oh yoga... Just wanted to say thanks for being a level-headed
moderator for both here and OYP. I've been wary of various communities
after being modded/modding some poorly managed ones. You've been
providing a very great service here.
Message has been deleted


Aug 5, 2010, 8:18:26 PM8/5/10
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
Damn headache.

Does the 'trolling_yukkuri' tag apply if there's no anon in the
picture, but is obvious it's an anon's work?

On Aug 5, 5:16 pm, Matt <Mattwea...@live.com> wrote:
> I've got a question.
> Does the 'trolling_yukkuri apply' If there's no anon in the picture,
> but is obvious it's an anon's work?


Aug 5, 2010, 8:30:12 PM8/5/10
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations

Well, let's try to define trolling_yukkuri:

Vs Abuse, trolling_yukkuri should be a situation where a yukkuri is
set up such that they've been "trolled", by either their own behaviors
or characteristics being used against them. Compared to Abuse, where
it's a physical or mental "torture" of the yukkuri through non-yukkuri

So, I think trolling_yukkuri can qualify for when there's no anon
present. Like if like a Cat is wearing a Marisa's hat and the children
are screaming "why is mommy trying to eat us?!" then, I'd say the
yukkuri are still trolled. Same would apply for the result of an
anon's work, I suppose.


Aug 5, 2010, 8:30:52 PM8/5/10
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
That would be a logical conclusion


Aug 5, 2010, 8:31:15 PM8/5/10
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
Thanks. That makes sense.


Aug 5, 2010, 8:32:38 PM8/5/10
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
damn it Hourai stop reading my mind it's creeping me out .


Aug 5, 2010, 8:34:37 PM8/5/10
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations

Well stop looking at a computer screen then! Easiest access EVA! XD


Aug 5, 2010, 8:37:26 PM8/5/10
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
Speaking of tags, would it be best to just make up a name for short
stories without them? i.e. I tagged series:marisas_magnetic_hat even
though the title wasn't explicitly given.


Aug 5, 2010, 8:37:59 PM8/5/10
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
If there's doubt about tags, especially ambiguous ones such as
dumbass, it makes more sense to leave it in rather than taking it out.
For the people who disagree with it, it's simple to pass by that
picture. But for the ones who think it qualifies, it's much less
convenient to then have to use a different search term or method to
try and include a picture when they're looking for a specific
characteristic. You know, perhaps all this arguing should be an
indicator that something such as stupid and dumbass status is
opinionated by nature. And there's about 12 pages tagged with it out
of the 1900. If it began ballooning to cover most of that, then yeah
I'd agree that it needs to be more concrete. But so far, it's not
really doing any harm.


Aug 5, 2010, 8:38:37 PM8/5/10
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
Would trolling_yukkuri be the same as or just overlap with
mental_torture? I feel the need for a tag that covers situations in
which the abuse if mainly psychological.


Aug 5, 2010, 8:40:45 PM8/5/10
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
> Would trolling_yukkuri be the same as or just overlap with
> mental_torture? I feel the need for a tag that covers situations in
> which the abuse if mainly psychological.

Mental torture sounds like it could be a type of trolling yukkuri, so
overlap I say.


Aug 5, 2010, 8:50:59 PM8/5/10
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
I'ma agree with Poweryoga with the cute tag. Most artist tend to draw
Yukkuris as cute looking anyway (and a large reason why many people
don't like Yukkuri violence), so it's pretty pointless to have, if you
ask me. I didn't mention this in my last post, but I think that
Dumbass and Too Dumb to Live tags shouldn't overlap each other, since
Too Dumb to Live implies Dumbass anyway.


Aug 5, 2010, 9:12:08 PM8/5/10
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
@yumyumyum: please do tag series that are clearly series. That's
really better than the >> in some ways since for translators, we can
look at an entire series not just having to hope they're all linked.

@moemon: Most trolling_yukkuri would be a subset of mental_torture,
but not all. Using a yukkuri corpse would be mental torture but not
necessarily trolling_yukkuri since a corpse isn't only a yukkuri

@tea: The harm is the precedent. Holding a higher standard isn't a bad
thing, especially when trolls come out the woodwork. I'd LIKE the tags
to be useful. When I want something to help with behavior, I'll look
through various tags for it. But the current status is that we've got
all these random "feelings" tags that have absolutely no upper and
lower limits making the actual tag usage completely pointless (not
just the dumbass tag). It may be simple, but also a waste of time to
sift through pictures that are all over the place on a tag that's
supposed to help narrow things down.

I get what you're saying, but let's just say that some knucklehead
comes in and decides he finds nearly all the yukkuri completely
dumbass. He tags nearly half the board. We can dispute it, but not in
any meaningful way, since our current methodology is "if you don't
like it, than leave it alone". He can make that very same argument and
be right on the money, because if he feels it to be true, than he's
entitled to the same standard we've held to ourselves. Fine, we ban
him, but we banned him because we didn't like him, not necessarily
because he did something wrong, since we allowed our standards to be
"whatever we feel like".

I'm a reasonable person, you've must have noticed. I present my
thoughts and reasons behind them. Now if that's not sufficient, fine.
You've been very respectful of my work, Tea. I do appreciate that even
though you're more abuse oriented, you have not trashed my work here,
nor my errors in translating even if I've deserved it. I really do
appreciate that. But it's clear that there's just no progress that can
be made on this topic of ambiguous tags.


Aug 5, 2010, 9:19:42 PM8/5/10
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
Okay, okay, I can't counter that. I'll concede... <__<

Actually, speaking of site improvements at the same time... a way to
get rid of this issue is if we could each have our own private
favourite images, like at the other imageboards. And even more so if
we could actually create things like folders and such in our
favourites sections, so we can organise them and place them according
to what we individually want to see. It sounds like a lot of work, but
it would really go a long way to solving this issue, as well as being
useful for other purposes.


Aug 5, 2010, 9:21:38 PM8/5/10
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
Definitely agree with that feature. Right now, I've got a few thousand
pictures saved and foldered for personal use. Personal favorites could
be pretty badass!


Aug 5, 2010, 9:46:52 PM8/5/10
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
> Definitely agree with that feature. Right now, I've got a few thousand
> pictures saved and foldered for personal use. Personal favorites could
> be pretty badass!

A few thousand? At least over 9, I hope.

This is a terrible attempt to lighten the mood after it's gotten so
morbid. I apologise; was off my rocker a bit earlier.


Aug 5, 2010, 9:52:31 PM8/5/10
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations

Nah, no hard feelings. We're all adults here (I assume...) and I avoid
making internet matters personal. Keeps a person healthy ;)

Ongoing, I look forward to a more structured oyp!


Aug 5, 2010, 10:08:55 PM8/5/10
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
How would "hardship" be defined?

I was looking through the Wiki on OYP and noticed a couple of
"missing" tags (such as a hardship) and tags that could be readjusted
somewhat, but hardship could use a firm definition for any would-be
taggers out there.


Aug 5, 2010, 10:18:25 PM8/5/10
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
My interpretation:

Hardship: A situation that would be surmountable, but due to the
current circumstances has rendered that possibility near impossible or
very difficult (orphan alice, the recent "scorching hot summer days"
images, a series about trying to live without an accessory would also
count). Basically, trying to go about normal day activities, but now
impeded in a way that's really hard (missing parents, missing
accessories, lack of food, lack of water, no home, etc)


Aug 5, 2010, 10:19:19 PM8/5/10
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
Holy crap! That's like 50 replies in 6 hours...

For the most part, I'm staying out of this. The only thing I'll say,
though, is to Hourai: If you're expecting the tags to be and remain
100% objective, don't. As far as I see it, most of them mean "There's a
somewhat higher chance that this image will contain this than one which
isn't tagged as such." Furthermore, I don't really see how many of the
tags, particularly the ever-contentious dumbass and cute, would ever be
used for filtering anyway. The only tags likely to be used for
filtering are artist, series, character, violence/non-violent/FF,
translation tags, etc. The rest are just the opinions of the OYP
gestalt. Of course, that's speaking 100% from my own experience. YMMV.

I will try hard to not be sucked further into this morass ;)


Aug 5, 2010, 10:20:19 PM8/5/10
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
It was a series I think.

Other than that, it's just basic stuff, like no good food(only
weeds,grass, or leaves), sub par living arrangements( a rotten log, a
box with no tarp), no support (single parent), ect. things like that.
'Yukkuri family from the city' is a good example.


Aug 5, 2010, 10:22:33 PM8/5/10
to yukkuri Fanfic Translations
Yeah, that's one other thing to look into if you're doing site upgrades;
a way for a suitably authorized individual to do mass retaggings in one
operation (rather than hundreds), because there are many artists and
series tagged as "normal" tags because the artist: and series: paradigm
hadn't caught on...


Aug 6, 2010, 12:11:34 AM8/6/10
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
Well, Shii said he'll look into features and improvements once he's
settled down some. I think it was just a bad case of timing when the
trolls hit and when the discussions started picking up while he was in
the middle of moving. All the features and suggestions are real good,
but it comes down to one big constraint: someone else's time, in this
case, shii's.

back on topic:

I'd say Hardship is best defined by the first series that coined the
term. A yukkuri struggling against all odds, may or may not have a
happy ending. That illustration of a Marisa struggling for some
orange juice in the rain is a good example.


Aug 6, 2010, 1:57:24 AM8/6/10
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
Okay, I got another branch of tagging that came to mind.

What about those joke tags, like the ones in the infamous HWOOOOODTCH!

Or, I'd_hit_it?

I'll admit I was the one who added the "pomochuns" tag to that one.


Aug 6, 2010, 2:09:13 AM8/6/10
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
I'd replace HWOOOOODTCH! with HOT, as it's easier to remember/tag,
while I'd_hit_it is something I could take or leave. I understand the
purpose of the tag, but it doesn't seem like something people would
look for when browsing a Yukkuri imageboard, while on other boards
like the *boorus, it would be the other way around.


Aug 6, 2010, 9:35:41 AM8/6/10
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
> What about those joke tags, like the ones in the infamous HWOOOOODTCH!
> image?

I think it depends; I mean, on a really, really silly or parody
picture then I think one joke tag is alright, and as long as the
amount doesn't balloon out and there's one-use tags everywhere. So far
I think it's been fine, mostly. The most recent one I remember is the
vuvuzela picture from Ikuramaru.

I really agree with Toawa as well on filtering though; from a serious
standpoint, the ones that would be used when really looking for things
would be all the set ones such as artist, content type, series...
however, things such as cute and dumbass are, and will remain by their
nature, slightly subjective. Image http://bbs.shii.org/yukkuri/post/view/21745
"I DON'T". It's not discussion, it's just useless clashing of
opinions. They might seem pointless from a serious standpoint to
really filter and narrow things down, and they probably are, but
people obviously appreciate and use these tags. And I do use them a
lot; especially for inspiration (as slow as I might be), even though
there's several images I fail to see cute. I don't think trying to
make existing subjective tags such as dumbass/cute objective will
work; however, a new objective tag for something such as the stupidity
defined here could go very nicely alongside it, as a solid reference,
and I'll happily retag and add everything according to the guideline.

Mass retagging would be a useful feature too... I've been converting
over artist names and such like patchouli_guy and I'll get to clammbon
eventually, but it's just boring and tedious work.


Aug 6, 2010, 9:57:45 AM8/6/10
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations

>a new objective tag for something such as the stupidity
>defined here could go very nicely alongside it, as a solid reference

This is all I've really was hoping for. Dumbass, cute and other such
descriptors have already become loaded with baggage over at OYP, but
what do you think about the descriptors I first gave in breaking down
objective points of reference for stupidity earlier in this thread?


Level 1: Clumsiness, nativity, foolish behavior that results in no
irreversible consequence.
Level 2: An action or inaction on a yukkuri's part that causes some
kind of irreparable damage (the accessory destruction I listed from
before, severing family ties without legitimate justification, getting
hurt because you tried to attack an inanimate object).
Level 3: Being Awarded a Darwin Award (getting killed, or being
rendered unable to have a children through some kind of action or
inaction that should or should not have been taken)

I think the first one can just "go without saying" (a no tag
"standard"), and the third level, too_dumb_to_live basically still
works. It's just that second one we're lacking a catchphrase for...


Aug 6, 2010, 10:30:13 PM8/6/10
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
Actually the tag was to make fun of the translation.
Last I saw it also had a tag what_the_christing_hell_translator_dudes


Aug 7, 2010, 11:34:49 AM8/7/10
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
It's hard to come up with a good tag for level 2. That seems to
happen quite often as well, and I'm not sure we need a consolidated
tag for that specific level either. There's more than enough
specifics to search for on that matter, like accessory_abuse + danger
or whatever.


Aug 10, 2010, 4:24:05 AM8/10/10
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations

On that note, shouldn't the above image be tagged too_dumb_to_live
rather then dumbass?


Aug 10, 2010, 6:41:45 PM8/10/10
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
The way I see it, too_dumb_to_live applies when a yukkuri does
something obviously dumb, which either results in its immediate
demise, or will clealry lead directly to its demise.

Example: say a Reimu is suspended above a bucket of water, and the
only thing preventing it from falling in is a licorice rope tied to
its tongue.

Struggling and trying to escape would not deserve the dumbass tag, nor
the too_dumb_to_live tag, even if its struggles break the licorice
rope, resulting in its death.

However, if it were to say "Ooh! Reimu tastes a sweet-sweet! Gonna
munch-munch it easy!" and bites the licorice rope, it would certainly
deserve the too_dumb_to_live tag, whether its dunking and melting is
actually shown or left implicit.


Aug 13, 2010, 11:45:46 AM8/13/10
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations

Just to clarify, what's the definition of the gutter_trash tag again?
I thought it was for street living yukkuri so I removed the tag on
this picture as Hourai's translation says they're wild yukkuri. I'm
assuming someone tagged it gutter_trash because the kicked out couple
were looking a bit scruffy.


Aug 13, 2010, 1:43:15 PM8/13/10
to yukkuri Fanfic Translations
Pretty much; to me it generally implies the dirty, unkempt yukkuri
generally found living on the streets, but it could also apply to the
wild in my mind, since even wild yukkuri usually have access to streams
where they can wash up, or at the very least do lick-lick to each
other. Gutter trash are the ones who won't even bother.


Aug 19, 2010, 9:55:50 PM8/19/10
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
Not sure if anyone else has noticed this; I just did. There's a "non-
violent" and "non_violent" tag with 112 and 220 pages each. Yeah...not
sure how fixing that is going to go.


Aug 19, 2010, 11:09:17 PM8/19/10
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
fixed. Hallelujah to the mass-tag editor!


Aug 20, 2010, 7:19:16 PM8/20/10
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
OYP is strange in how it interprets '-' symbols and '_' ones; it comes
up with hyphens when doing a search using an underscore (for example,
random_tag would bring up everything marked random-tag), but not the
other way round.

There's several other tags that could use fixing with the mass

author:Eternal_yukkuri (to artist:)
author:naminami (to artist:)
clammbon (to artist:)
a_Marisa_diary (to series:)


Aug 21, 2010, 5:41:31 PM8/21/10
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
Several more. These should all go to the series: system.


To artist:


Thanks. It's really long work to do them all manually...


Aug 22, 2010, 6:21:05 PM8/22/10
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
oh goodness. I'll get to them later today or tomorrow.


Aug 30, 2010, 9:16:48 PM8/30/10
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
Been looking through the taglist lately and it really is a mess. Can
we start a new tagging formation for short stories? Things that are 2
or 3 pages long don't really warrant a series tag and it feels kind of
a waste to just not tag them. Could "Story:__" be used for things that
are, say, less than 12 images [I think that's the amount of images
displayed in the index before a new page] long?

I also found it humorous that we had a "yukkuri" tag... and it's got
only 2 pages of random stuff.


Aug 30, 2010, 9:59:18 PM8/30/10
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
I'm not sure we really need another tag for shorter stories. All of
them would fall under the larger category of a series, and we'd come
up with arguments about whether this is a story because its not long
enough, etc etc. Not to mention its ambiguous and confusing to
newcomers. Why is this a story and not a series, or vice versa? If
there's a short series, we can just tag it with our own series name.
No author dictation required.


Aug 30, 2010, 10:27:28 PM8/30/10
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
Good point. I was just finding it a bit messy going through an
artist's works as things aren't usually uploaded in order and having
some sort of little tag to sort through the smaller stories would be

Could I update the wiki here http://bbs.shii.org/yukkuri/wiki/Complete%20and%20Edited%20Stories
? I think this way would be an alternate method of sorting through the
shorter stories without having to tag them.


Aug 30, 2010, 11:24:49 PM8/30/10
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
Please do. I don't know if you need some access privilege to do so or
not though.

On Aug 30, 9:27 pm, yumyumyum <michaelyoo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Good point. I was just finding it a bit messy going through an
> artist's works as things aren't usually uploaded in order and having
> some sort of little tag to sort through the smaller stories would be
> convenient.
> Could I update the wiki herehttp://bbs.shii.org/yukkuri/wiki/Complete%20and%20Edited%20Stories


Aug 31, 2010, 12:26:33 PM8/31/10
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
Been editing the wiki page and going to sort the stories by artist

Could you use the retagger program to add "orphan_alice" back to
http://bbs.shii.org/yukkuri/post/list/Series%3Aorphan_alice/4 ?

I started out replacing the original "Orphan_Alice" tag with
"Series:Orphan_Alice". Wasn't until I got near the end that I saw that
Orphan Alice is a specific character so it needs it's own separate



Aug 31, 2010, 8:10:54 PM8/31/10
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
Anyone with an account can edit the OYP wiki pages. I suspect a large
number of the tags to series on the story pages and artist pages will
be broken due to the mass retagging... although the story page has
been fixed already. Nice work yum! The artist page needs an overhaul
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