New Dropbox error message

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Andrew Janjigian

Nov 23, 2009, 9:03:21 PM11/23/09
When you open YJ on a machine with a shared db that is already open on another machine, the latest version of YJ gives this error message:

"It looks like you are sharing your Yojimbo database via Dropbox. Your Yojimbo data can be safely used by only one application at a time. Before choosing ”Continue”, verify that no other application is using your Yojimbo data."

Does anyone know what "no other application is using your Yojimbo data" means in this context? Is it safe to use YJ on the second machine if the db is not actively being used on the first (say it is open on my home machine, but the machine is asleep), or will doing so inevitably create conflicts?

- aj


Andrew Janjigian - Recipes & Food Related Marginalia

Chris H.

Nov 23, 2009, 9:43:37 PM11/23/09
to Yojimbo Talk

If you forgot to close yojimbo on one of your computers that is
sharing the YJ file via dropbox, you should not open that file from
another system that is also getting the file via dropbox.

It is possible to erroneously receive the message you are seeing ( I
believe it happens when YJ crashes, or a system loses power). But if
you aren't sure, I wouldn't take the chance of corrupting your YJ

If the message turns out to be in error, barebones support can provide
a file (script?) that fixes it.


On Nov 23, 4:03 pm, Andrew Janjigian <> wrote:
> When you open YJ on a machine with a shared db that is already open on
> another machine, the latest version of YJ gives this error message:
> "It looks like you are sharing your Yojimbo database via Dropbox. Your
> Yojimbo data can be safely used by only one application at a time. Before
> choosing ”Continue”, verify that no other application is using your Yojimbo
> data."
> Does anyone know what "no other application is using your Yojimbo data"
> means in this context? Is it safe to use YJ on the second machine if the db
> is not actively being used on the first (say it is open on my home machine,
> but the machine is asleep), or will doing so inevitably create conflicts?
> - aj
> _________________________________________________________
> Andrew Janjigian Recipes & Food Related Marginalia
> ajanjig...@gmail.com
> _________________________________________________________

Patrick Woolsey

Nov 23, 2009, 11:48:05 PM11/23/09
Andrew Janjigian <> sez:

>When you open YJ on a machine with a shared db that is already open on
>another machine, the latest version of YJ gives this error message:
>"It looks like you are sharing your Yojimbo database via Dropbox. Your
>Yojimbo data can be safely used by only one application at a time. Before
>choosing "Continue", verify that no other application is using your
>Yojimbo data."
>Does anyone know what "no other application is using your Yojimbo data"
>means in this context?

It means you should not proceed unless you are certain the data is not in
use anywhere else.

In this case, since the database is already open (in use) by Yojimbo on
your other machine, you should quit Yojimbo on that machine first.

>Is it safe to use YJ on the second machine if the
>db is not actively being used on the first (say it is open on my home
>machine, but the machine is asleep), or will doing so inevitably create

It is not safe to do so, thus the warning.


Patrick Woolsey
Bare Bones Software, Inc. <>
P.O. Box 1048, Bedford, MA 01730-1048

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