Raycast weight map

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Stefan Andersson

2012年1月24日 05:07:592012/1/24
收件人 soft...@listproc.autodesk.com
Hi all,

I'm trying to figure out how to raycast a parallel direction (much
like a directional light) onto a mesh. And I'm not sure how to go
about it.
Best would be if I somehow could use the objects world normals... Then
I could filter that to be a weight map.

Do I make sense?

Anyhow, a pointer in the right direction would most helpful.

Stefan Andersson
Creative Director

Mad Crew
Roddargatan 8
116 20 Stockholm

mail: ste...@madcrew.se
cell: +46-73-6268850
web: http://www.madcrew.se

Paul Smith

2012年1月24日 05:20:192012/1/24
收件人 soft...@listproc.autodesk.com
Im not entirely sure what you mean but If you want all your points to
raycast in the same direction ( parallel) then just put one vector in for
them all to use. IE. dont use anything that is different per-point like
normals, or point position.. Just adjust the single 3d vector direction on
the raycast node and they will all be in parallel.

Matt Lowery

2012年1月24日 05:22:412012/1/24
收件人 soft...@listproc.autodesk.com
There was a tutorial video, by Paul Smith I believe, about using ICE to
build a ray-trace renderer a while back.That might be a good place to start

Not exactly what you are looking for I know, but it might get you
pointed in the right direction.

Thomas Volkmann

2012年1月24日 05:35:512012/1/24
收件人 soft...@listproc.autodesk.com

Like this, or did I get it wrong?

Stefan Andersson <ste...@madcrew.se> hat am 24. Januar 2012 um 11:07 geschrieben:
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