BitmapButton with text

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Søren Nielsen

Jun 5, 2010, 4:47:48 PM6/5/10
I'm trying to make a wx.BitmapButton that also has text on it. Using wx.lib.GenBitmapTextButton doesn't look right since the button no longer looks like native OS buttons. So I was thinking it might be possible to somehow combine a StaticText and a bitmap.. does anyone know if this is possible? Is there a way to convert a StaticText to a bitmap and then fuse it together with a bitmap?


Robin Dunn

Jun 7, 2010, 4:37:35 PM6/7/10

There are versions of the generic buttons classes that use the native
theme to draw the button, so they will end up looking a lot more native.
It's not perfect however so you are on the right track if you want a
truly native button.

You'll need to do something like the following:

* Create a new empty bitmap using wx.EmptyBitmap(width, height). You
can estimate the size needed by taking the size of the bitmap, adding
the size needed to draw the text, and add in some space for margins
between the text and the bitmap, etc. You can measure the size needed
for the text by creating a temporary DC using wx.ClientDC, setting the
desired font and then calling dc.GetTextExtent.

* Create a wx.MemoryDC passing it the empty bitmap you just created.

* Set the dc's background brush to the desired color and then Clear()
the DC.

* Draw the image you want to appear next to the text with DrawBitmap.

* Draw the text with DrawText.

* Destroy the memory DC with Python's del operator. This will release
the bitmap so you can use it with the bitmap button.

* Create and use the bitmap button like normal.

Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman

Mike Driscoll

Jun 7, 2010, 5:27:58 PM6/7/10
to wxPython-users
Robin forgot the last essential step: Post the result here and on the
wiki so the rest of us can use the new awesome widget!

Mike Driscoll


Robin Dunn

Jun 7, 2010, 5:51:14 PM6/7/10

Actually the most important thing that I forgot to mention is that the
native wx.Button in 2.9 will be able to have a bitmap in addition to the
text label. So while seeing an example of the above in the wiki would
be good for the general education of newbies, there will eventually be a
better way to do it. :-)

Søren Nielsen

Jun 8, 2010, 12:42:11 AM6/8/10
Thanks Robin!

I'll try it out as soon as I get a bit of time for it! Looking forward to 2.9 :) I'll post my results when I'm done.


On Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 4:37 PM, Robin Dunn <> wrote:

Ray Pasco

Jun 8, 2010, 12:10:52 PM6/8/10
to wxPython-users
One more tip: When you .DrawText(), you may want to have previously
set the text background rectangle to be wx.Transparent:

# Create a new DC using a previously created bitmap
dc = wx.MemoryDC() # use any class derived from wx.DC
dc.SelectObject( my_wxBitmap )

# Draw textColor'ed text on top the wxBitmap.
dc.SetTextForeground( textColor )
dc.SetBackgroundMode( wx.TRANSPARENT ) # wx.SOLID or
dc.SetFont( wx.Font( fontSize, family, style, weight, underline,
face, encoding ) )
dc.DrawText( text, text_offset_coordinate_tuple )
dc.SelectObject( wx.NullBitmap ) # Close the DC.

# Create a bitmapped button
self.button = wx.BitmapButton( panel, wx.NewId(), my_wxBitmap )

I hope this helps.

Ray Pasco

On Jun 8, 12:42 am, Søren Nielsen <>
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Søren Nielsen

Jun 9, 2010, 10:09:14 PM6/9/10
Thanks all! It does seem to work great.. however, I'm not able to reproduce the background colour of the native system buttons.. getting the colour from wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_BTNFACE) does not work for some reason.. Does anyone know how to get the system button colour?

I'm testing on Windows XP at the moment.. I can see how it looks on Linux and Mac tomorrow..

Thanks for the Transparancy tip Ray. It seems to be enabled by default on windows though.

Mike Driscoll

Jun 10, 2010, 9:43:43 AM6/10/10
to wxPython-users
Hi Søren!

On Jun 9, 9:09 pm, Søren Nielsen <> wrote:
> Thanks all! It does seem to work great.. however, I'm not able to reproduce
> the background colour of the native system buttons.. getting the colour from
> wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_BTNFACE) does not work for some
> reason.. Does anyone know how to get the system button colour?

Try wx.NullColour

Robin Dunn

Jun 10, 2010, 12:39:01 PM6/10/10
On 6/9/10 7:09 PM, S�ren Nielsen wrote:
> Thanks all! It does seem to work great.. however, I'm not able to
> reproduce the background colour of the native system buttons.. getting
> the colour from wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_BTNFACE) does
> not work for some reason.. Does anyone know how to get the system button
> colour?

If you've got the XP themes active then the native buttons do not draw
with a solid color, but rather use the theme APIs to draw something like
a gradient/texture to give it a 3D rounded look. SystemSettings can
only give you a solid color that is an approximation of what will be
used for the themed widget.

You've got a couple options for a workaround. First you can go ahead
and clear the bitmap's background to the color you get from
SystemSettings, draw your icon and text, and then set the bitmap's mask
to that color. That way the anti-aliased pixels next to the text will
be blended with almost the right color as if the text was drawn directly
on the button, but the rest of it will be transparent and the real
button should show through when it is drawn.

The other option is to use the wx.RendererNative to use the theme to
draw the whole button, not just the bitmap. This is essentially what
the Themed* classes in wx.lib.buttons do.

Søren Nielsen

Jun 10, 2010, 5:02:58 PM6/10/10
Thanks Robin!

It looks much better with the mask on and its more than good enough for me. If I enlarge the font I can see that the areas inside the letters 'o', 'e' and 'p' are of course not masked. I'm gonna give it a go with wx.RendererNative also as soon as I have a bit of time, just for the hell of it.

On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 12:39 PM, Robin Dunn <> wrote:
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