Re: [woyp] Digest for - 1 update in 1 topic

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Bob Roberts

27. des. 2014, 17:18:2027.12.2014

I know I'm very late with this response.
You might want to look for a player made by Kogan.  I've read some very good things about it, and its quite inexpensive.  Unfortunately its not available in the US yet, so I haven't gotten my hands on one...yet.

On Sep 27, 2014 3:02 PM, <> wrote:
Buzz <>: Sep 27 02:42PM +1200

Hi Bert and all
Spring is sprung here in NZ and we have been working around the smallholding[1] in lovely sunshine, ahead of predicted spring showers.
Thanks for the iTunes warning - while I have backups, I will look into making sure I don't fall into the same trap of thinking all is safe. Having enjoyed my click-wheel Classic and been well served my by 16GB Touch, now I have a smartphone, I have been wondering about what I would replace the touch with as and when it expires.
My Touch is almost full and my weekly syncs usually require some juggling and even deletions to retain all my favourites (on device - all files retained on MBP) and upload my weekly podcast choices for my commute. On a recent road trip, I used the S5, trialling PowerAmp ($) and VLC (beta) as podcast and audiobook players. Both were a little fiddly (especially when driving - not good) but some of that was the way the files were sorted.
My current thinking is to try and find an MP3 player with bigger capacity for my main music/podcast device and retain the S5 as a smartphone and occasional audiobook/podcast player when I don't want to carry the player. If anyone has any ideas or recommendations for non-Apple digital audio players, I'd love to hear them.
[1] Have a look at so you can check out the tiny bit of Aotearoa we are blessed to steward!
A rural retreat just 40 minutes from the city
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27. des. 2014, 21:24:1427.12.2014

Thanks for the reply.

I have moved all my podcast subscriptions to Pocket Casts ($ Android) on the S5 and am reasonably happy. My remaining niggles are with the device button placement and fiddly interface; I've averagely-sized digits and slowly worsening eyesight, combination that seems to misdirect every third or fourth screen tap :-)

As for the Kogan player, I found the review below but strangely cannot find it for sale online anywhere 

Thanks again

A rural retreat just 40 minutes from the city
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Bert Latamore

28. des. 2014, 13:31:5928.12.2014
til woyp

I don't think you will find a pocket sized player with anything approaching the capacity of the iPod Classic. The theory now is that with the ubiquity of WiFi connections you should keep your music in the Cloud somewhere and download albums,etc., as you want to hear them. That works more or less but not always as conveniently as the Classic. And I have yet to find a deice that is as easy to stop/start music or podcasts on as the Classic. The closest I have come in that department has been the Sony Walkman, but the software that comes with it is giving me problems.

Bert Latamore
(703) 340-8396
Freelance Writer covering the intersection between IT and business

I dream of a better world where chickens can cross the road without having their motives questioned.


28. des. 2014, 15:03:5728.12.2014
Good Morning Bert

Thanks for the thoughts.

The cloud player option is less attractive to me due to higher 3G/broadband charges and less wifi coverage here in NZ (as I keep reminded my Spotify-using daughters). I have my S5 set to only auto-download new podcast episodes when I'm at home as the streaming option is too expensive. Like you, I'm happy to use an intermediate computer to hold my music library.

After Bob's email, I again spent some time in the various forii and came across a lot of positive chat about the Fiio range of DAPs.  They seem well regarded, keenly priced (in the US, slightly less so here in NZ) and, as they use microSD cards for storage, can reliably expand up to 128GB.

Fiio X1 

Fiio X3

The file management is more rudimentary on an Mac (but I'm OK with drag and drop), though MediaMonkey seems to answer that issue on PCs. As you say, any serious podcast management is lacking on most devices. 

My thoughts since yesterday's email are that I might well continue to use my S5 and PocketCasts for these, as I don't archive many episodes and the convenience factor is high, and possibly replace my aging Touch with a Fiio. All the non-music functions of the Touch and more are met by the S5, leaving something like the Fiio or the Classic (which the Fiio betters in in terms of sound quality apparently) to do duty as a dedicated music player.

Further thoughts appreciated.


A rural retreat just 40 minutes from the city

Bert Latamore

28. des. 2014, 16:07:3228.12.2014
til woyp

Thanks for the recommendations. The FiiO x3 sound like a winner. I may have to splurge and get one.



30. des. 2014, 23:55:5630.12.2014
Bert, Bob and all

I went ahead and purchased the X1 from a great little niche outfit way down the other end on the North Island. Frustratingly, while the guy despatched it yesterday to fly up country overnight and it transited the local depot over 12 hours ago, the awaited truck hasn't appeared, so I guess it'll be Friday or Monday now (as courier packages ride the last leg with our trusty rural post vans). Mind you, that gives me time to get a decent 64GB microSD card to use in the X1.

I chose the X1 over the X3 for a couple of main reasons, other than cost (I'm on a budget). With one healed perforated eardrum and ~4,500Hz tinnitus in both ears, I'm guessing that I might not be able to tell the output of the two units apart. 

Secondly, I have read over recent days that the X3 form factor is slightly larger than the X1, the UI less attractive/usable and the buttons - rockers? - have a 'looser' action.

"The scroll wheel does give it (the X1) a bit of a retro look. Fortunately, the buttons are placed in a somewhat meaningful orientation, unlike the slanted lopsided design in the X3."

"The player (the X3) received very positive reviews towards price/sound quality ratio, however it was criticized for inelegant interface and confusing placement of buttons."

"I really didn’t like the buttons (or layout) of the X3 but the X1 is great in terms of usability […] The X3 user interface isn’t the best, even after the updates. I don’t like the buttons and navigation structure and luckily for us Fiio didn’t use that in the X1."

The other plus (of both the X1 and X3 over other DAPs in this price range) is that they, as far as my research shows, play the widest range of lossy and lossless formats and these are APE / FLAC / ALAC / WMA / WAV / MP3 / AAC / OGG. For me this means that, should my ears be able to tell the difference between the MP3 and FLAC versions of the same file, I can slowly swap out the MP3s for the FLAC files over time.

On a final note, yesterday my youngest asked if I still had my Palm(s), so I sense there may be a bit of charging and playing over the next day or so :-)

With that token mention of a Palm to meet the requirements of the list admins, I shall sign off. It's 1800hrs on NYE here and with three out of four daughters away for the night, we're shaping up for a quiet evening with the fourth and a mate whose family are all away.

Happy New Year to all

A rural retreat just 40 minutes from the city

Bert Latamore

31. des. 2014, 09:47:0331.12.2014
til woyp
Happy New Year, Buzz!

I've been seriously considering the x3 but after reading your post am now thinking more about the x1.

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