Recent significant developments and the November meeting itinerary

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Vinnie Chapman

Nov 14, 2012, 10:54:29 AM11/14/12
Recent Positive Developments between the Mesa ARC and Superstition ARC

Last night Orion and I met with the Superstition Amateur
Radio Club at their board meeting to adress some grievances the Mesa ARC
had against the Superstition ARC. These grievances have been corrected
and their website content has been appropriately corrected. In
addition, the Superstition ARC has promised improved relations between
the clubs and collaboration of various activities through out the year.
Bill Cawthorne, KF7SZT, who is the Superstition ARC's activities
coordinator, is now a non-voting member of the board as a delegate to
our club. This action has been taken in hopes to coordinate future
activities efforts and to avoid future misunderstandings between the two
orginizations. The Superstition ARC is invitied to participate as a
co-sponsor of the W7W Lost Dutchman event. Any questions or requets for
coordination can be sent to bill from out 'Contact Us' by selecting the
'Superstition Activities Coordinator - Delegate' option.

Invitation for the Thunderbird ARC to join the Mesa ARC at the 2013 Lost
Dutchman Event

Byon is considering an invitation to hold a on the ground fox
hunt either at the Superstition Mountain Museum or the nearby state park
during the W7W Lost Dutchman event.

Invitation to the Sun Life Club

An invitation to participate in the W7W Lost Dutchman event will
be extended to the Sun Life ARC.

Meeting Itinerary

Old Business


New Business

Meet and Greet
Introduction of Bill KF7SZT, the Superstition ARC's activities
coordinator and delegate to the Mesa ARC
Introduction and discussion of the 2013 meeting schedule
Nominations for January Club Officer elections
Explanation of Fox Hunting from Byon if he is able to attend
Class on how to Build Oil Can 200W Dummy Load for testing
transmitters and rigs on the bench.

Vinnie Chapman,

Sent from my Ubuntu Desktop

Byon Garrabrant

Nov 15, 2012, 6:54:36 PM11/15/12
Hi Vinnie,

  I'd be happy to come to a future meeting and show and tell foxhunting.  I'm usually busy on Tues and Wed.  Do you still have Thurs meetings?


Vinnie Chapman

Nov 15, 2012, 8:27:38 PM11/15/12
Our first Thursday meeting will be in April. I had to place January and
March on Wednesday as we just changed to Thursdays and there was
preexisting reservations. This Month is on Tuesday. New schedule goes
into effect January and come April we will finally be on Thursdays :)
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