Re: Kite board info TIM??

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May 2, 2010, 10:00:20 PM5/2/10
good info on the kites etc
where do we purchase trainers  and what up with the boards  why couldn't you use a wakeboard??  are there different styles?? etc
Thank You

Kevin Day

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Tim Hossfeld

May 3, 2010, 9:16:07 AM5/3/10
you can use a wakeboard, actually that is a subset of kiteboarding called "wakestyle".  They wear boots and do wakeboard style tricks.  Much harder to get up and go though, as you gotta deal with strapping into a wakeboard while flying a kite.  You could probably retrofit an old wakeboard with strap type bindings and be good to go.

Since I am a heavy guy, I need all the help I can getting out of the water and on plane.  So a kiteboarding specific board design really helps with that.

Here are two trainers I'd recommend, there are certainly others out there.  No local shops, so gotta do the internet thing.

Both of these are 3m kites (sorry,if you don't know the "m" is the square meter size of the kite).  I've got a 2m Slingshot B-2, and it is fine for learning and all, but a 3m is still small enough for learning (you won't get launched to the moon) and you can use it for landboarding on a hard surface (a soccer field takes more power unless it is really hard and flat).

I have never seen the Best trainer, but all my other kites are Best and I've been happy with them. 

Anyone wanting to get into kiteboarding should order one of these kites TODAY and start learning to fly.  A two-line foil is pretty easy, but if help is needed just ask me !

I've also got the Real Kiteboarding instructional videos which are pretty good, will happily lend out to anyone who wants them.  Assuming I can find them, a lot of my stuff is currently packed up as we are selling our house.

Before committing to the next step (spending a couple grand on kites, bars, harness, etc.) if possible I'd try and go to one of the many "demo days" held around the country (not here, ha ha ha) where you can try out various kites and equipment.  Or go to school, as they'll have lots of different brands to try as you take your lessons.  Stay away from older used stuff, as the sport has progressed rapidly, especially in kite design and safety systems.  The KC guys might be able to help, they have lots of days to kite so some of them upgrade every year meaning they have used stuff for sale.


J.D. Herdlick

May 3, 2010, 6:28:11 PM5/3/10
to Wind Fun St. Louis
When I began kiteboarding 2 years ago, I decided to use one of my
wakeboards that has molded-in fins on the corners. I tried for a
month, and although I got up and rode on it, I could never go upwind.
Those were some gruelling sessions because I had to walk back upwind
every so often. Once that meant a over a mile. The weird thing to me
was I didn't have this problem when I took my final lesson, on my
instructor's board. I asked to borrow another kiteboarder's board and
after 1 pass, I was about 50 yards upwind. The next weekend I bought a
used kiteboard and haven't regretted it since. That said, I researched
it out and know what my issue was. The wakeboard I was using has what
is called a 3-stage rocker. That type of wakeboard will never work for
a kiter. A wakeboarder spends about 10% of their time on edge, while a
kiteboarder spends about 95%. To successfully use a wakeboard for a
kiteboard, it needs to have a continuous rocker, and that rocker has
to be as little as possible. i.e. The board has to be close to flat.
For a while now, the trend has been 3-stage rocker, but there are
still plenty of continuous models out there. The problem is they put a
ton of rocker on them now, for a lot of good wakeboarding reasons.
Your best bet is that early 90's board down in your basement. If the
ends are no more than an inch off the ground when lying on a flat
floor, you might have a winner. Of course then you're going to have to
by four fins for the corners, drill holes for them, and seal them like
a mo-fo so the board doesn't fall apart after a month. Also, that
board is going to be inherently heavier and it's probably pretty
narrow (that era was), so you will need more power (wind) to plane,
hence lowering total number of days you can kite.

You can get into a new complete kiteboard (last year's model) for less
than $400. When you do make the plunge, do what Tim suggests, go to a
camp, demo days, etc. and get yourself the type of board for your
(future) style. My guess is you'll be looking at twin tip wakestyle
boards, but probably not boots for a while. The good news is your
wakeboard boots will work just fine if you decide to stop using the

And yes, I have way too many boards in my life, but that's an entirely
different thread. I wonder which member of the windfunstl community
has the most boards. I bought an old windsurf board from Ted, and it
seems like he might be a front runner.

Anna McClellan Christy

May 3, 2010, 6:47:05 PM5/3/10
Hmmm, good question!  I have 6 windsurfing boards....

May 3, 2010, 6:47:10 PM5/3/10
that was some awesome board ino which I can relate to
i do not like or ride well on a 3 stage rocker board when wakeboarding
i use a continuous rocker and based on your descript i can see the need for a flatter board to keep an easier edge when kiting
im still ready to get out , watch , learn  try , fly etc anything with someone in this club 
Thank You

Kevin Day

Tim Hossfeld

May 4, 2010, 9:00:10 AM5/4/10
J.D. is a smart chap!  That rocker stuff makes total sense. 

Kevin I am more than happy to do whatever to help you out.  If you had a plane, I'd recommend we jet out to North Carolina and I'd show you the ropes.

Would you want to try out my 2m trainer kite and landboard?  Again, getting a trainer kite is the FIRST STEP on this journey!

The soccer fields at Creve Ceour park work pretty good for this, or any other windy area you can think of with some open space.  You could fly the trainer, and I'd give you some basics of kite flying theory.  Also could bring a full-up kite bar and explain how it all works.    And you'll get tons of safety info, as I am all about safety.

If you want the accelerated program drive out to Smithville lake by KC, those guys go out all the time and are totally cool.

I gotta mow the lawn today (so Chris I won't be windsurfing.....much to my dismay) but we could arrange something soon if you like.


Hossfeld, Tim W

May 4, 2010, 9:15:42 AM5/4/10
6 ????  Holy cows that makes me feel a lot better about buying a new kiteboarding board.  So my total is now 2 kiteboards and I windsurfing board !  I am not counting the two homemade kiteboards I made.
Anne I think you are the winner.  Anyone challenge for board supremacy?
And MANY MANY thanks to our man Chris for setting me up with my first windsurfing rig last night.  I can't wait to go try it out!

From: [] On Behalf Of Anna McClellan Christy
Sent: Monday, May 03, 2010 5:47 PM
Subject: Re: Kite board info TIM??

Chris Mihill

May 4, 2010, 11:01:29 AM5/4/10
I HAD 7 boards, now I'm down to 6.  I keep thinking that when I win the Powerball, I'll have a quiver at every vacation location.  The Gorge, Wisconsin, Baja.....
We can only dream.   Looking forward to seeing Tim on the water.

--- On Tue, 5/4/10, Hossfeld, Tim W <> wrote:

Anna McClellan Christy

May 4, 2010, 12:57:56 PM5/4/10
I am with you there Chris!  I am thinking of splitting the boards and my quiver between KC and IL so that when and if I have the opportunity I can sail at Carlyle.  Looking at buying a dually and a 34' fifth wheel RV.  Can we say ROADTRIP!  Got to figure how I am going to accomodate my toys, might have to pull a small trailer behind or put an upper deck/rack on the dually.  Not sure if I could put a motorcycle in the bed with the fifth wheel hitch but could definitely do windsurfing equipement.  I see some really nice trailers at the track each week.  I am loving the ones with the upper decks that store a second racecar.  One of our crew members builds those kind of trailers so hopefully some day!
How far is the Gorge from Sturgis??  and where in Wisconsin Chris?

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