Looking for the best approach here.
Some background at the top, and at the bottom is a 6 step process which
I believe Vim does 1-4 already. Just seems to be missing the 5 and 6.
In my Flex MXML ftplugin, I set the following:
setlocal includeexpr=substitute(v:fname,'\\.','/','g')
setlocal suffixesadd+=.mxml
setlocal suffixesadd+=.as
I also added a public function so that you can do something like this:
autocmd bufread */MyDirectory/*
\ let buildFile =
substitute(fnamemodify(expand("<afile>"), ':p:h'),
'MyDirectory\zs.*', '', '')|
\ if exists("*AddSearchPath_".&ft) | call
AddSearchPath_{&ft}(buildFile.'/src') | endif
Net result, once I edit a *.as or *.mxml
file, and I run:
setlocal path
This means, when I am on an import statement, I can simply hit gf (get
import plus.some.more.MyEvent;
This will first search for MyEvent.(mxml|as), if it can't find it, it
uses the includeexpr above and then tries again searching the path
looking for:
Which it finds and opens:
This is all terrific.
But the actual code that uses MyEvent looks like this:
var d.MyEvent = new MyEvent();
What I really want to do is use gf while my cursor is on the word
Right now, this leads to a not found.
If I change the setlocal path to this:
Then it finds it, but since it is called "path", you don't really want
to put /** on to the end of it, since it really isn't a path anymore.
I thought about using the findfile() function:
:echo findfile('MyEvent', &path)
This _only_ works when /** is on the path.
Also, I might also want to extend includeexpr, to call a function and
use findfile() myself by modifying the &path and placing the /** on
the end of each item in the comma separated list. There are times in
this case, where I might want to check my tags file if findfile()
returned nothing. Just ideas, but looking for flexibility.
So in the end, I am just looking for the _right way_ to do this in Vim
that would not potentially mess up some of the other Vim bits and
pieces that might rely on &path being in an _expected_ format.
So, what I really want I guess is the following:
1. gf - look for the file in current directory (already does this)
2. gf - look for the file in current path (already does this)
3. gf - look for the file in current path after manipulating the name
(already does this, suffixexadd)
4. gf - look for the file in current path after manipulating the
filename path (already does this, includeexpr)
5. findfile() - pass a flag to recursively search the path (new)
6. gf - if includeexpr is not found, call a function and perform more
enhanced searching (new, let me use findfile() or taglist() and return
the file I want opened).
Any ideas?