Q: Why is there no error handling on 'formatprg' and 'indentprg'?

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Ingo Karkat

Dec 1, 2012, 12:01:53 PM12/1/12
to vim...@googlegroups.com

Two questions on Stack Overflow



inquire why, when the external command in 'formatprg' or 'indentprg' fails, the
error output is inserted into the buffer (okay, this is due to the default
'shellredir' including 2>&1), instead of keeping the buffer contents and showing
the returned stderr output via :echoerr.

Although the bad substitution can be easily undone, I wonder why there isn't a
more convenient behavior; I cannot imagine a situation where modifying the text
through an executable that returns an exit status != 0 is desirable. Shouldn't =
and gq observe v:shell_error and abort the command when there's an error?!

-- regards, ingo

PS: Sorry if you received this twice; my first message somehow didn't appear on
the list over lunchtime.

Ingo Karkat

Dec 1, 2012, 11:39:31 AM12/1/12
to Vim Developers
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