bad default shellxquote in Widows

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Benjamin Fritz

Oct 13, 2008, 11:59:02 PM10/13/08
to vim_dev
I've been playing around with a plugin
(, trying to
specify a path to the _command_ that is passed to system(). Since this
command may have spaces in it, it needs to be wrapped in quotes.

However, if it is wrapped in quotes, the default settings of
shellxquote on win32 do not work. This command will not do what is
intended, for example:

cmd /c "C:\some path\some program.exe" "an argument"

If you set shellxquote to \" it does work. The command passed looks
funny, but is actually desired:

cmd /c ""C:\some path\some program.exe" "an argument""

I think that shellxquote should default to \" on Windows always. I
know of no case where it fails.

The reason for this behavior:

From the help for cmd in Windows:

> If /C or /K is specified, then the remainder of the command line after
> the switch is processed as a command line, where the following logic is
> used to process quote (") characters:
> 1. If all of the following conditions are met, then quote characters
> on the command line are preserved:
> - no /S switch
> - exactly two quote characters
> - no special characters between the two quote characters,
> where special is one of: &<>()@^|
> - there are one or more whitespace characters between the
> the two quote characters
> - the string between the two quote characters is the name
> of an executable file.
> 2. Otherwise, old behavior is to see if the first character is
> a quote character and if so, strip the leading character and
> remove the last quote character on the command line, preserving
> any text after the last quote character."

Both values of shellxquote, in this case, will fall into category 2.

Thus, the current default actually executes the command:

C:\some path\some program.exe" "an argument

Whereas, setting shellxquote to \" will execute:

"C:\some path\some program.exe" "an argument"

This is the desired command.

Normal commands would still work, for example, the command:

echo "abc def"


cmd /c "echo "abc def""

which executes:

echo "abc def"

Again, just as desired.

This might not always work, because I think some versions of cmd.exe
will strip the _closing_ quote instead of the _last_ quote. For the
best possible compatibility, it is probably a good idea to also
default shellcmdflag to "/s\ /c" instead of just "/c" in the same
situation that "/c" currently applies. This will force the 2nd quote
behavior given in the quoted cmd help.

Ben Fritz

Oct 14, 2008, 9:12:52 AM10/14/08
to vim_dev

On Oct 13, 10:59 pm, "Benjamin Fritz" <> wrote:
> This might not always work, because I think some versions of cmd.exe
> will strip the _closing_ quote instead of the _last_ quote.

I haven't actually _seen_ the alternate behaviour (and it would seem
pretty stupid to break consistency in this way), but the following
indicates that it may occur:

Bram Moolenaar

Nov 4, 2008, 4:08:09 PM11/4/08
to Benjamin Fritz, vim_dev

Benjamin Fritz wrote:

I had some trouble reproducing the problem. When both 'shellquote' and
'shellxquote' are emtpy and 'shell' is cmd.exe, this works fine:

:echo system('"e:/mksnt/echo.exe" foo bar')

I finally figured out a way to break it:

:echo system('"e:/mksnt/echo.exe" "foo bar"')

The double quote at the end is essential.
It appears cmd.exe strips the first and last double quote and tries to
execute e:/mksnt/echo.exe" "foo . Setting 'shellxquote' to a double
quote indeed helps to fix this.

Now the question is what will break if we change the default for
'shellxquote'. I'm not sure about that.

If Microsoft would build a car...
... The airbag system would ask "are you SURE?" before deploying.

/// Bram Moolenaar -- -- \\\
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\\\ help me help AIDS victims -- ///

Ben Fritz

Nov 6, 2008, 12:58:38 PM11/6/08
to vim_dev, Yegappan Lakshmanan
On Nov 4, 3:08 pm, Bram Moolenaar <> wrote:
> I had some trouble reproducing the problem. When both 'shellquote' and
> 'shellxquote' are emtpy and 'shell' is cmd.exe, this works fine:
> :echo system('"e:/mksnt/echo.exe" foo bar')
> I finally figured out a way to break it:
> :echo system('"e:/mksnt/echo.exe" "foo bar"')
> The double quote at the end is essential.

And at the beginning, it would appear, because this also works:

:echo system('echo "a b c"')

> It appears cmd.exe strips the first and last double quote and tries to
> execute e:/mksnt/echo.exe" "foo . Setting 'shellxquote' to a double
> quote indeed helps to fix this.

The case you found where it breaks is probably more common than would
appear at first glance, though I did not realize it was so specific.

There is a line in the script I mentioned working on (http://

let s:lint = system(shellescape(g:mlint_path_to_mlint) . " " .
shellescape(b:mlintTempDir . s:filename))

In my testing, I had set g:mlint_path_to_mlint to something in my
"Program Files" directory (hence the need for a double quote) and
s:filename contained "Copy of startup.m" (also, a need for the double

There may be a much better way to accomplish this (which I'd love to
hear), but nevertheless using system() to invoke an external program
in Windows with a potentially space-infused path, and then passing
this program an argument similarly infused with spaces (such as a file
path), is potentially very useful.

> Now the question is what will break if we change the default for
> 'shellxquote'. I'm not sure about that.

I doubt that changing the default would break anything built into Vim,
but I suppose that remains to be seen. Changing the default would
certainly add a whole class of use cases that work "out of the box".
Any corner cases that for some reason do not work properly could
easily be worked around as done in the plugin mentioned, by setting
and restoring shellxquote (and possibly shellcmdflag). I haven't found
a way to break system() with shellxquote=\", but there is certainly a
way to break it with the current default. I have admittedly not done
much with shellxquote for uses other than system(). I see potential
for a problem here, especially when using redirection, but I _think_
it will work.

Plugins are another question though. For testing, I placed my proposed
values of shellxquote and shellcmdflag in my vimrc, and immediately
broke the TagList plugin.

This seems to be caused by a bug in TagList, actually. I don't think
the following code is needed, and it is the root of the bug. But, I'm
not actually sure what the intent of it is:

if &shellxquote == '"'
" Double-quotes within double-quotes will not work in the
" command-line.If the 'shellxquote' option is set to double-
" then escape the double-quotes in the ctags command-line.
let ctags_cmd = escape(ctags_cmd, '"')

Later (in Windows), Taglist writes ctags_cmd to a temporary batch file
and executes the batch file with system().

I wonder how many other plugins do something similar.

David Fishburn

Nov 6, 2008, 2:05:49 PM11/6/08
On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 12:58 PM, Ben Fritz <> wrote:
> On Nov 4, 3:08 pm, Bram Moolenaar <> wrote:

> Plugins are another question though. For testing, I placed my proposed
> values of shellxquote and shellcmdflag in my vimrc, and immediately
> broke the TagList plugin.
> This seems to be caused by a bug in TagList, actually. I don't think
> the following code is needed, and it is the root of the bug. But, I'm
> not actually sure what the intent of it is:
> if &shellxquote == '"'
> " Double-quotes within double-quotes will not work in the
> " command-line.If the 'shellxquote' option is set to double-
> quotes,
> " then escape the double-quotes in the ctags command-line.
> let ctags_cmd = escape(ctags_cmd, '"')
> endif
> Later (in Windows), Taglist writes ctags_cmd to a temporary batch file
> and executes the batch file with system().

I am the one who supplied the code to Yegappan to create the ctags_cmd file.

This is not just affecting Vim, it seems cmd.exe will not execute
commands with more than 1 set of double quotes. I guess you are
saying above, you can by simply doubling up the first and the last.

Gee, I wish I had figured that our earlier. I have had to do the old
cmd file for several different projects (unrelated to Vim).


Bram Moolenaar

Nov 6, 2008, 4:16:03 PM11/6/08
to Ben Fritz, vim_dev, Yegappan Lakshmanan

Ben Fritz wrote:


The problem here appears to be that the plugin assumes a sh like
'shell'. Escaping double quotes with a backslash doesn't work for
cmd.exe, it sees backslashes as path separators..

Some of the well know MS-Windows errors:
ESLEEP Operator fell asleep
ENOERR No error yet
EDOLLAR OS too expensive
EWINDOWS MS-Windows loaded, system in danger

Tony Mechelynck

Nov 7, 2008, 12:20:14 AM11/7/08
On 06/11/08 18:58, Ben Fritz wrote:

> In my testing, I had set g:mlint_path_to_mlint to something in my
> "Program Files" directory (hence the need for a double quote) and
> s:filename contained "Copy of startup.m" (also, a need for the double
> quote).
> There may be a much better way to accomplish this (which I'd love to
> hear), but nevertheless using system() to invoke an external program
> in Windows with a potentially space-infused path, and then passing
> this program an argument similarly infused with spaces (such as a file
> path), is potentially very useful.

To avoid passing a path with spaces in it, use the "short form" of the
path, such as %:p:8 (this works only on Windows -- on Unix you can just
backslash-escape the spaces).

This will convert the path so that "Program Files" becomes PROGRA~1, "My
Documents" MYDOCU~1 and, I think, "Copy of startup.m" COPYOF~1.M -- the
same directories and files will be accessed, but without the need for
quoting the path.

Best regards,
Information Center, n.:
A room staffed by professional computer people whose job it is
to tell you why you cannot have the information you require.

Ben Fritz

Nov 7, 2008, 9:50:49 AM11/7/08
to vim_dev

On Nov 6, 11:20 pm, Tony Mechelynck <>
> To avoid passing a path with spaces in it, use the "short form" of the
> path, such as %:p:8 (this works only on Windows -- on Unix you can just
> backslash-escape the spaces).
> This will convert the path so that "Program Files" becomes PROGRA~1, "My
> Documents" MYDOCU~1 and, I think, "Copy of startup.m" COPYOF~1.M -- the
> same directories and files will be accessed, but without the need for
> quoting the path.
> Best regards,
> Tony.

Ah yes, this would be a reasonable solution in the general case. I
have two issues with it, however:

1. It would require separate logic for Unix vs. Windows, whereas
simply fixing the default value of shellxquote and shellcmdflag for
Windows would allow the same logic to be used.
2. In the particular plugin I was working on, which highlights errors
in MATLAB scripts using the mlint utility, system() is used to pass a
file name to mlint. One of the checks that mlint does is to ensure
that the file name is "formed from a legal MATLAB identifier." Using
the short form of Windows path names, mlint will always return this
error if the file name is longer than 8 characters (though
incidentally, the file name is also invalid if it contains spaces, but
theoretically the temporary directory it is stored in may have spaces
in the path with no problems).

So I think the better solution would be to fix the values of
shellxquote and shellcmdflag, either by adding extra logic to the
plugin, or by actually changing the defaults.

For convienience, the suggested default values are:

" for windows, always:
set shellxquote=\"
" for windows, when 'shell' does not contain "sh" somewhere:
set shellcmdflag=/s\ /c

This will place extra quotes around the entire command, and force the
cmd.exe behavior that removes the first and last quote from the line
if the first character is a quote.

I personally think that the current defaults break in enough cases
that we should change them as suggested in this thread, but I can see
the argument for keeping the current values to prevent plugins like
taglist that escape quotes with backslashes depending on the value of
shellxquote. Plugin developers may have assumed (as done in the
taglist plugin) that if the cmd.exe shell is used, shellxquote will
_not_ be equal to a " character. Thus, setting shellxquote to \"
causes code to execute that is not intended to run at all for the
cmd.exe shell.

Bram Moolenaar

Nov 8, 2008, 8:24:09 AM11/8/08
to Ben Fritz, vim_dev

Ben Fritz wrote:

I think this should only be done for cmd.exe, not for So
the check should not be "'shell' not matching sh" but "'shell' matching

> I personally think that the current defaults break in enough cases
> that we should change them as suggested in this thread, but I can see
> the argument for keeping the current values to prevent plugins like
> taglist that escape quotes with backslashes depending on the value of
> shellxquote. Plugin developers may have assumed (as done in the
> taglist plugin) that if the cmd.exe shell is used, shellxquote will
> _not_ be equal to a " character. Thus, setting shellxquote to \"
> causes code to execute that is not intended to run at all for the
> cmd.exe shell.

Yes there is a risk. It's hard to tell what might break.

hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
205. You're constantly yelling at your spouse, family, roommate, whatever,
for using the phone for stupid talking.

Ben Fritz

Nov 10, 2008, 10:34:20 AM11/10/08
to vim_dev
On Nov 8, 7:24 am, Bram Moolenaar <> wrote:
> I think this should only be done for cmd.exe, not for  So
> the check should not be "'shell' not matching sh" but "'shell' matching
> cmd".

That's probably a good idea, for now at least. I have no idea how works. Someone who uses it should probably look this up.
The help for cmd.exe describes the behavior we are trying to force
with the new values of shellxquote and shellcmdflag as "old behavior,"
so perhaps already uses it by default.

Craig Barkhouse

Nov 11, 2008, 4:32:26 PM11/11/08
Tony wrote:
> To avoid passing a path with spaces in it, use the "short form" of the
> path, such as %:p:8 (this works only on Windows -- on Unix you can just
> backslash-escape the spaces).
> This will convert the path so that "Program Files" becomes PROGRA~1, "My
> Documents" MYDOCU~1 and, I think, "Copy of startup.m" COPYOF~1.M -- the
> same directories and files will be accessed, but without the need for
> quoting the path.

This may work in a lot of cases, but it is not a good general solution. Firstly, not all filesystems generate short filenames. FAT32 and NTFS are capable of generating short filenames. Secondly, on NTFS at least, you can disable short filenames. I always disable it on my machines (there is some perf gain from doing so). Thirdly, NTFS probably won't support short filenames forever. Short filenames are already considered deprecated. In a future release of Windows, possibly the one after Windows 7, expect short filename support to disappear completely.


Ben Fritz

Nov 11, 2008, 5:17:19 PM11/11/08
to vim_dev
I found another case where my proposed new default values break

I had an implementation of a MyDiff function to use with diffexpr,
that added the first and last quote as part of its internal logic.
I.e., it was doing the job of my suggested shellxquote internally.
Naturally, adding a _third_ opening quote and another closing quote
screwed things up a little bit.

I'm not sure where I got the MyDiff function I was using...I checked
the most recent vimrc_example.vim and it is rather different. But I
think I got it from there at some point.

Nevertheless, failing to fix a problem because it will break work-
arounds for the same problem is not a good excuse in my opinion.
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