I think the V8 code generator only supports ia32 and ARM targets, and
there is no support in the code generator for x86-64 nor an
interpreted mode.
-Jey Kottalam
Look into your heart and ask yourself the question: Am I wanting to
compile V8 for x86-64 for any other reason than vanity, pride, and
cosmetics? ;-)
Joking aside, it would be "nice" with a native x86-64 version of V8,
but I don't believe it's a priority for the Google teams. V8 is open
source, however, so if you feel like it, I'm sure it would be
considered a very valuable addition to the code base. :-)
2008/9/29 Jey Kottalam <jeyko...@gmail.com>:
I doubt the V8 tail will ever wag the Chrome dog.
But the tail is allowed to wag independently for 20% of the day at Google. ;-)
During GC, pointers are encoded using 32-bit address. To make V8 work on 64-bit,
there might be fair amount of work to get GC right.
We'd like to see V8 run on more platforms, but limited by the time and
energy, we can
only support 32-bit and ARM at moment.
Feng, or anyone from the V8 or Chromium team, what's your gut feeling
about this?
- Simon
2008/10/16 Feng Qian <fe...@chromium.org>: