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Know More About 'scientology' Than 'scientologists' Themselves {20040223-V1.31} - (Version 1.31 beta on 24 March 2004) (full copy)

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Leonardo Been

Dec 15, 2004, 11:33:49 PM12/15/04
Know More About 'scientology' Than 'scientologists' Themselves -
The Bliss Of Being Made Blind To Evil Forever

' 23 February 2004

' Version 1.31 beta
' on 24 Mar 2004
' (DRAFT version)

' (layout for
' typewriter font)

' (Sequel to 'Know More Than 'scientologists'
' Know About Themselves' of 14 Jan 2004 *(1))

Maybe YOU know this, but 'scientologists' certainly do NOT know this
about 'scientology' and about 'scientology' "training" and about
'scientology' "therapy," at all, because

' the purpose of 'scientology,' and of 'scientology' "therapy" and
' "training," is 'being concealed (from 'scientologists') so
' cleverly, so masterly, that the person (the 'scientologist')
' who should absorb this purpose, doesn't notice it at all': *(n)
' [Goebbels]

' - By hypnotizing people into a gradual increase of mis-defining
' "good,"

' to get the opposite meaning:

' "Anything and anyone connected to, admiring and
' supporting and believing the lies of l. ron hubbard
' and of his 'scientology';"

' and absorbing into all their thoughts and actions and
' computations, and stating in their communications to others
' and to each other, that l. ron hubbard

' the greatest liar and the biggest imposter, the most Ugly
' being on Earth,

' who demands, that "the future sanity of Mankind
' depends,"

' NOT on making THAT known and understood, but

' "on making everyone accept or even believe," that

' this most ugly and most treacherous being, l. ron hubbard,

' "is good," and more so, that

' the individual with the greatest contempt for Mankind and
' for The Creation alike,

' who thinks "he created people," - not unlike
' a Doctor Frankenstein, while in fact he was
' destroying them - and *(n)
' [source document]

' who even believes, that he created by himself
' the physical universe -

' that "he created The Creation" -

' "by making others agree with him
' what exists and how it exists,"

' like any Criminal Mind, defining "what exists"

' as "whatever one gets others to agree
' exists or is true;"

' and declaring "what exists" - including
' The Creation -

' "persisting ONLY when you keep
' lying about it," according to
' l. ron hubbard and his "axioms"
' of 'scientology,' *(n)
' ['scientology' "axioms"]

' and so he thought up the most
' marvelous auto-"biography" for
' himself too, plus a reason for his
' followers to spread those lies,

' but who is better known as

' the most contemptuous, most arrogant, most lying,
' most ugly, and most anti-religious person on Earth,
' l. ron hubbard,

' who even may never have dared to enter an
' actual church building, during his whole life,
' the most evil individual who is

' hypnotizing people into a gradual increase of
' mis-defining "good," so as to give it the meaning:

' "Anything and anyone connected to, admiring
' and supporting and believing the lies of
' l. ron hubbard and of his 'scientology';" and

' getting people to absorb into all their thoughts
' and actions and computations, and to state in all
' their communications to others and to each other,
' that l. ron hubbard

' must be seen as "your best friend," and to top it all,

' that this person, the most harmful individual known,
' l. ron hubbard,

' "is now and has always been the best friend of
' Mankind,"

' hypnotizing people gradually into mis-defining "good," so
' that it gets the total opposite meaning, as in the

' most unimaginable lie of all, that "Anything that l. ron
' hubbard has ever said, done, thought or written, is good."
' *(n)
' [Know more about 'scientologists']

' - Further, at the opposite side, by hypnotizing people into a
' gradually increasing mis-definition of

' "evil" to become to mean

' "the activities of any person who is NOT in some way
' practicing or admiring"

' the highly destructive and completely false
' ideas and doctrines and "self-evident data"
' of

' "'scientology'," and then

' "evil" becomes to mean

' because according to the published and freely
' available "ethics and justice codes" of
' l. ron hubbard, the one and only writer of
' 'scientology,' "evil is:"

' "The behavior of anyone who is NOT in some way
' covering up 'scientology' and 'scientologists',"

' and "evil is,"

' anyone "who is not all the time believing all of the
' lies of 'scientologists' and of 'scientology',"
' which is, the lies of l. ron hubbard.

' And anyone found thus to behave "evilly," is
' indeed declared to be a "suppressive person
' Mankind,"

' and anyone thus found to be "evil" by l. ron
' hubbard,

' "may be utterly destroyed by anyone and
' by any method, as 'fair game'" - which
' is all strictly

' in accordance with the "ethics and justice
' codes" of

' the most vile and the most hateful and
' the most ugly and the most treacherous
' individual who has ever walked the
' Earth: l. ron hubbard.

' It all sounds awfully familiar to you, doesn't it...

' The purpose of 'scientology,' of 'scientology' "training,"
' is being concealed from 'scientologists' so cleverly, so
' masterly, that the 'scientologists' who should absorb this
' purpose, do not notice it at all:

' - What follows, or what occurs at the same time, is that
' 'scientologists' are being hypnotizing into mis-labeling

' all people as "evil," or as "not to be trusted," or as
' "an enemy,"

' and as an "aberree" - an "aberrated,"
' "uneducated," "unaware" person - a "wog"

' (w.o.g. - 'worthy oriental gentleman;'
' slang for 'a person that should be
' looked down on with contempt and that
' can not be understood)

' and "raw meat" ('scientologists' are taught,
' that "nobody knows about spiritual matters,"
' to make it easier to believe all the most
' vicious and highly debilitating lies, that
' l. ron hubbard writes on that subject and
' that he "lectures" about),

' which is how 'scientologists' talk about you, about
' their "prey," and which is

' how they think and talk when they are amongst
' themselves, weltering in their hidden hatred
' and not so hidden contempt for people,

' a contempt and hatred that inevitably
' comes with "seeing l. ron hubbard as
' a friend and great example to look
' up to and imitate,"



' l. ron hubbard has the biggest contempt
' precisely for those who are so fully
' hypnotized by him, that they do not want
' to look through l. ron hubbard EVEN when
' they have all the evidence right in
' front of them, all the evidence about
' how they have been betrayed and how
' they are being betrayed, and how he
' betrayed others - people betrayed and
' hypnotized by l. ron hubbard,

' who teaches 'scientologists' to have contempt
' for you and for anyone, who teaches them to
' manipulate you and anyone else too, by knowing
' and using your stimulus-response mechanisms
' and by using an emotional pretense, which he
' is very proud of and teaches as the "Tone
' Scale," etc., that 'scientologists' must apply
' to you as if you are a dog; l. ron hubbard

' who tells and demands of 'scientology staff,'
' to think and to act as if "everyone is an
' enemy who has to be battled and 'handled',"
' precisely as Sun Tzu defined "the purpose of
' war," that is, to battle and subdue and
' dominate you by any means, *(n) you, or
' [Course in HR]

' whoever is "not yet" a 'scientologist,' and then, whoever
' is not an "obedient enough" 'scientologist.'

' And you would say once more: What's new about
' people being misled, manipulated and controlled
' like that...

Now, you are maybe curious how l. ron hubbard brings this about.

' The purpose of 'scientology' and of 'scientology' "therapy" is
' 'being concealed (from 'scientologists') so cleverly, so
' masterly, that the person (the 'scientologist') who should
' absorb this purpose, doesn't notice it at all':

' In short, doing anything 'in scientology,' is the joy and
' feeling of getting "releases," that are brought about

' - I have already made the underlying mechanism fully
' understandable in the previous publication, titled
' 'Know More Than 'scientologists' Know About
' Themselves' - *(n) their 'feeling great' is
' brought about while 'doing scientology,'

' by being hypnotized, or "released" through 'scientology'
' "therapy," into not seeing and into not feeling

' and into continuing forever to not know and remain
' wholly unaware of

' the actual and true nature and character (and the past)
' of l. ron hubbard - which, I can assure you, is most
' unpleasant to feel or to remember or to be aware of and
' to remain aware of. *(n)*(n)
' ['Know more than 'scientologists']
' [Genuine Art]

Doing or giving 'scientology' "therapy" is the great joy,

' or as 'scientologists' call it, it is bringing about
' 'Release Points' and,

' INSTEAD of asking the appropriate, really

' (A question they are strictly forbidden to ask,
' because that question DOES restore actual
' awareness and actual abilities, and that
' question does break hypnosis.)

' Instead of asking THAT question,

' 'scientologists' are taught that "it is vital" that they
' immediately stop, and end any "therapy session," at the
' very moment that the 'patient' (pre-clear in their jargon)
' has reached a 'Release Point,' an 'Erasure,'

' which is not an erasure at all, but an Alpha State
' brought about by disconnecting from feeling and from
' being aware of and from facing the existence of Evil,
' of Ugliness and of Hate,

' with "sweeping realizations of 'truth'," which, if these
' occur at all, are of the order of magnitude and importance
' of a clairvoyant or yogi or psychic telling you, that 'you
' died of malaria in 1876.'

' The purpose of 'scientology' and of 'scientology' "therapy" is
' 'being concealed (from 'scientologists') so cleverly, so
' masterly, that the persons (the 'scientologists') who should
' absorb this purpose, do not notice it at all':

' Underlying the euphoria, the "Erasure," there is a

' disconnecting from feeling and being aware of and
' facing the existence of Evil, of Ugliness and Hate.

' And that that is the case, is already observable to the
' layman too - by the simple logic, that the "Erasure" is
' irrefutably and obviously done in such a way, that

' the 'scientology' "therapy" leads 'scientologists' gradually
' into the great bliss of a rapidly and ever increasing blindness,
' and then into a complete and euphoric oblivion or unawareness of
' actual Criminal Minds,

' of which l. ron hubbard is admittedly by far the most
' repulsive, the most devious, and the most treacherous to
' be faced. *(n)
' [Rights of Criminal Minds]

And on top of that, 'scientology' "therapy" is making people who
receive it

' NOT ONLY unaware of any hidden, tremendous evil that exists in
' the present, BUT a major drive for intending to have or to give
' that 'scientology' "therapy," is, to make people

' ALSO "free" from being aware of any such discomfort still
' lingering around and impinging from past lives:

' It is ALSO a being hypnotized into not seeing and not
' feeling and not knowing the actual nature and character
' of l. ron hubbard, and any malice and horrors brought
' about by him, that could be felt from any impinging or
' hidden PAST lives.

' And so, 'scientologists' are demanded to regularly
' receive and pay for "Security Checks" and
' "Eligibility Checks" (to become "eligible for
' further therapy"), lasting from twelve hours up to
' a hundred hours or more,

' and about what is actually going on...

' ...'The purpose of 'scientology' and of
' 'scientology' "therapy" 'being concealed
' so cleverly, so masterly, that the
' persons (the 'scientologists') who
' should absorb this purpose, do not
' notice it at all':

And it does indeed feel as an enormous "release," to not anymore be
able to feel those things, with

' the condition achieved, of not being aware anymore at all of
' that tremendous Ugliness and unimaginable spiritual Pain, and

' of the Unconsciousness of having completely forgotten forever

' your innate and natural goal to VERY MUCH be aware of, to
' face, and to expose and to remedy, and not "in your mind
' and as dictated and hypnotized and compelled by him," but
' to ACTUALLY get rid of

' the Extreme Ugliness and the violent Evil that
' l. ron hubbard has inflicted continuously, in past,
' and intends to inflict further, on Mankind, *(n)
' [Origin of Evil]

' and instead, to be made wholly and forever unaware of that, not
' only to be made blind to that, but also blinding others to it
' as well - which is needed, to remain unaware of your blindness -

and thus being made to lose all that responsibility for yourself
and for others and for your own very difficult goals,

' forgotten as if they never were, as if you are a
' "new and re-programmed person," as if you have
' become "a new person - a homo novis," with a
' "new life,"

' as they indeed advertise it, to be
' delivered by the highest-trained
' 'scientology'-therapists or "Class
' Twelve Auditors" as they call themselves,
' who are trained and supervised to bring
' about, that their 'patients' are,

' by means of 'scientology' "therapy," being made wholly
' oblivious of that responsibility, which oblivion

' does indeed feel as an enormous "release," as an "Enlightenment,"
' or as an "Erasure" or being "Clear" and as a "freedom from
' feeling aberrated," as l. ron hubbard tells the 'scientologists'
' they must interpret it. *(n)
' [Living in the present]

' Well, what's new about someone playing such tricks
' on people, you would say, when you are educated
' in these kind of practices - and you would observe
' very correctly once again...

In actual fact - as you may understand now - that is what makes
l. ron hubbard the greatest spiritual 'Drug pusher' on Earth, and
you may find out, that l. ron hubbard has always been such a
'Drug pusher,' in the past too.

'scientology' "therapy" then

' - and I know this from having observed and studied and examined
' thousands of these Euphoric victims; as part of my research
' I have lived with them; I know this from first-hand, direct
' experience and observation, from twenty five years of the
' most caring, the most loving, the most intelligent and the
' most knowledgeable research into the matter, *(n) which makes
' me an expert comparable to none - to be able to know and say
' with full proof, that 'scientology' "therapy"
' [Trinity of Science]

delivers a PRETENDED feeling of awareness:

' 'scientologists' - and also l. ron hubbard himself - PRETEND to
' be aware, they are made to feel that "they are aware."

' Now (it is so, that) you can not possibly be considered AWARE
' OF LIFE, or even "more Aware than others," while you

' at the same time DO NOT feel or sense, or know about the
' extreme Ugliness and the vile Treachery and the
' unimaginable Hate and Contempt for people, that not only
' DOES exists in the world around you, but,

' that indeed is most noteworthy in l. ron hubbard
' himself; and it includes ALL his previous life times
' too, for those who might be interested to know such
' highly relevant details.

' If you like to know something about the level of awareness on
' Earth, you could for instance be interested in reading
' 'Genuine Art - ...' *(n)

I comment, as an example, on someone who posted, yesterday, *(n) his
joy of having 'scientology' "therapy" applied to himself in some
mountain village in Austria, in the 'scientology' "Freezone," the
less expensive "free market" of 'scientology' "therapy:"
[20040222 - 'Tech outside CoS']

' 'scientologists' in the "Freezone" are not forced by a
' "central management" to pose as a 'church' -

' they are made to believe by l. ron hubbard that THEY are
' the "real friends of l. ron hubbard," and that THEY apply
' the only true "scientific therapy,"

' (the real "modern science of mental health," which
' are the lies about life and about "therapy" that
' l. ron hubbard started with

' by separating any son or daughter from the
' love and care of his mother and father,

' by insinuating "with scientific proof" that

' - as proven by the aberrations found in
' people, who after all, every one of them,
' do have a mother - that

' "all mothers therefore are monsters who tried to
' maim, kill, abort and torture each of their
' children before birth" - especially "with knitting
' needles" or "harmed them by the physical pressures
' exerted from masturbating,"

' all according to science fiction writer
' l. ron hubbard in his "best-selling" book,

' who had observed, before he wrote the
' book, quite intelligently, that some
' women were actually knitting, and

' who - at a period in history {1950, USA}
' when that was supposed to be "shameful"
' and "possibly harmful" - knew that most
' women are very naturally masturbating).

' And the "free market" 'scientology' "therapists" are made
' to believe, by l. ron hubbard, that ONLY THEY deliver this
' "scientific technology" in the way that l. ron hubbard has
' intended 'scientology' to be applied, as he told them, as
' "in actuality a perfect science."

' Now these things sound rather new and
' inventive to me, but even those ideas, even
' the words 'engram' and 'scientology,' as well
' as the use of the 'e-meter,' existed already
' long before l. ron hubbard used them, and they
' were stolen

' (they were then, and are now, despite all
' the evidence that has been made public,
' STILL falsely claimed as "being invented
' and originated" by l. ron hubbard - and
' this is indicative of his whole life and
' of all his activities, claimed by the
' imposter)

' by the vilest and the most treacherous person,
' known on Earth as l. ron hubbard.

' Also there - on the "free market" of 'scientology' "therapy" -
' one can obtain the great and "scientific" 'scientology' joy, of
' being hypnotized

' into NOT seeing and into NOT feeling and into NOT knowing
' anymore the actual nature and most repulsive character
' as well as the highly unsavory past of l. ron hubbard.

' And even when those "free market" 'scientologists' are NOT
' driven by the private "S.O." army of l. ron hubbard,

' by his fully hypnotized "Orcs" *(n) as some would call
' them,
' [Two Tools]

' were it not for the fact that these are impersonating
' the US Navy, by wearing US Navy Uniforms indeed, and
' by using US Navy titles of "rank," *(n)
' [Know more about 'scientologists']

' but even without that private "S.O." army of l. ron hubbard
' driving them,

' still the same applies also to the "free market"
' 'scientologists':

' The purpose of 'scientology' 'is being concealed
' from 'scientologists' so cleverly, so masterly,
' that the persons who should absorb this purpose,
' the 'scientologists,' do not notice it at all.' *(n)
' [Goebbels]

' And in that particular Austrian "Freezone" mentioned, the
' 'patient' who bought 'scientology' "therapy," was ALSO
' experiencing

' - and expressing it in the "success story" that he posted -

' the additional great joy of being hypnotized into NOT seeing
' and NOT feeling and NOT knowing of the actual nature and
' character and past

' of the equally Ugly, and equally (but less covertly) Hate-
' soaked adept of l. ron hubbard, the "free market"
' 'scientology' "therapist" by the name of Ralph Hilton.

' The "success story" from the 'patient,' was a clear 'give-away'
' (an easy disclosure),

' because you would have to have been seriously hypnotized,
' in order not to feel, not to see, or not by simple logic
' to know the covert and often violent Hate, the Ugliness
' and the lies exuded by that particular 'scientology'
' "therapist." *(n)
' [Know More about 'scientologists']

Admittedly - and I am not joking at all here, but deadly serious - it
feels VERY pleasant to be UNAWARE of those individuals, and

' it also feels VERY pleasant to be unaware of the extremely Ugly
' and unimaginably Evil things that these individuals have

' - in the past (in your past lives) -

' done to you and to others.

' It feels indeed fantastic, when you become - by means of
' 'scientology' "therapy", 'released' from feeling and from being
' aware of that past; a past which carries on into the future as
' well. *(n)
' [Living in the present]

But Criminal Minds, like l. ron hubbard, are not stopping their evil

' "just because YOU do not feel them or because YOU are not
' aware of them now,"

' and Criminal Minds are not going to stop, not at all, not in
' the future either,

' by your "not being aware in any way of them" and your "not
' feeling anything of it anymore."

And that makes 'scientology' the most destructive activity currently
on Earth, as many of you know already. *(n)
[Scientology hypnotized]

' I told you in the publication 'Criminal Minds try to stop the
' most expert exposure of 'scientology'' *(n), that 'scientology'
' is the safest place currently on Earth for reincarnated Nazi and
' other Criminal Minds, to hide in.

' Because the 'scientology' "therapy" MAKES 'scientologists'
' wholly unaware of actual Criminal Minds and MAKES
' 'scientologists' Admire and support Criminal Minds, and

' because the 'scientology' "ethics and justice doctrines"
' also demand that in the strictest and most destructive
' way from 'scientologists,' and

' because of the most unexpected or unimaginable lies they
' have been studying as "the only truth, so unique and
' precious that has never existed before," plus the barrage
' of very false data about life and about Mankind and its
' past, that is instilled in them as "the real and awesome
' truth, that ONLY THEY were privileged by l. ron hubbard to
' get to know,"

' therefore, as intended by l. ron hubbard for his "billion
' year Reich,"

'scientology' makes it impossible for 'scientologists' to recover
their own and true viewpoint.

And maybe this is the moment to tell you

' - with some desire now on your part to understand it -

that the purpose of the entirely Criminal Mind and fully known and
exposed imposter l. ron hubbard,

' for his entering the field and practice of past-life-regression
' therapy,

was wholly and only in order to undermine and thus make unworkable
and destroy the highly valuable practice of regression therapy

' That is something 'scientologists' have yet to find out,
' for which they first have to stop being 'scientologists,'
' of course,

' because the purpose of 'scientology,' and of
' 'scientology' "therapy," is 'being concealed so
' cleverly, so masterly from them, that the
' 'scientologists,' who should absorb this purpose, do
' not notice it at all':

' The only reason that l. ron hubbard - and why any other Criminal
' Mind would have - entered the field of regression therapy,

' was entirely and only in order to PREVENT truthful recall,

' and l. ron hubbard entered it entirely and only to try and block
' and destroy forever, that method of restoring true and
' verifiable recall that one knows from regular regression
' therapy:

' From normal, clean, integer, very truthful, very loving,
' very caring past-life regression therapy,

' which indeed holds the very key to restoring your
' lost abilities, as well as your desire to perceive

' the effects that l. ron hubbard and other
' Criminal Minds inflict(ed) on you and intend
' to inflict on you and on your children, and on
' everyone else - effects that you CAN perceive
' and sense and understand,

' do diminish and vanquish them, at this time; *(n)
' [Rights of Criminal]

' about which I will tell you more, when you are ready for
' it, or which you can seek to understand yourself now,
' with...

Leonardo etc. Been
' 'God gave Solomon wisdom
' and very great insight,
' and a breadth of understanding
' as measureless
' as the sand on the seashore.'

' 1 Kings 4:29

*(1) 'Know More Than 'scientologists' Know About Themselves
' - by the greatest expert on the subject'
' (14 January 2004 - DRAFT Version 2.1 beta on 8 Feb 2004)
' message ID: <>

*(n) [footnotes]

Copyright 2004 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it, and (even if he can not learn from it,)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it.
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious agenda, but only to educate, and to encourage people
to judge un-dominated and for themselves about any organizations
or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
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