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Admiral Duncan Pub Blown Apart By the State

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Dec 11, 2007, 3:04:50 PM12/11/07
The real story of the Neo-Nazi bomber David Copeland, National
Socialist Movement member, "Hitler Worshipper" who oddly skipped the
jewish community, but targeted the black, asian, and gay communities.

Editor's note: We think it probable that the London bombs were timed
to coincide with our European election campaign - whoever carried out
the attacks. If they were not so timed, these atrocities were very
convenient as a basis for yet another smear campaign against the BNP -
hence our interest in the matter. It appears to be common knowledge
among journalists that the man charged with the bomb attacks was not a
loner, but a member of the political wing of the state-controlled or
infiltrated C18 at the time of the bombings - and a group with nothing
to do with ourselves.

Only poor Joe Public does not know. If the media say they cannot
reveal such political background details because of the forthcoming
trial, then how could the The Mirror reveal that the arrested man
attended a meeting of the BNP in 1997 - before disappearing? The legal
answer is that matters of broad public
interest can be discussed in good faith in advance of a trial, and are
legally protected. The above issues are very much a matter of public
interest, and their discussion in no way reflects any view or is
intended to reflect any view about the guilt or innocence of the
arrested person.

IN BRIEF: WE ACCUSE! It is clear that the London nail-bombing suspect
was involved in a state-sponsored 'pseudo-gang', and will have
distributed material with the connivance or tacit approval of the
security service. In any event, the security services may have hoped
that the bombs would create a wave of media-led public hysteria which
would a) derail the largest electoral effort by a British nationalist
organisation in 20 years; b) allow the introduction of the kind of
repressive laws proposed by the Macpherson Report, and c) provide a
pressing reason for a huge increase in state funding for MI5 which
would safeguard jobs threatened by the end of the Cold War and the
possibility of relative peace in Northern Ireland.

THROUGHOUT much of April, the BNP's national press officer, Michael
Newland, and the party's Media Monitoring Unit, headed by Phil
Edwards, had to fight an uphill battle against an avalanche of media
smears and innuendo resulting from the alleged 'neo-nazi' bombing
campaign in London.

Prompt and hard-hitting submissions to newspaper after newspaper
clearly took effect, with editors quickly learning to avoid trying to
make the grotesque direct links between the party and the cowardly
outrages. The party's PR team did even better on national radio, where
there is no doubt that the BNP actually won the argument, with
official party spokesmen and sympathetic members of the public
dominating the main 'phone-in and current
affairs programmes. Television, of course, is a much harder nut to
crack, but even here a string of BNP complaints forced a toning down
of some of the wild speculation of the first days of the crisis.
Flying colours All-in-all, the party's media response machine came
through its baptism of fire with flying colours, with references to
the Media Monitoring Unit in heavyweight liberal-left publications
such as The Guardian and Tribune magazine showing that its
effectiveness is being noted in all the right
circles. And then, just as quickly as the story blew up, it died away
completely with the arrest of the alleged 'lone bomber' David

In fact, the story vanished so thoroughly, and the police were so
eager to stress the bomber's complete lack of connection with any
'extreme right-wing group,' that experienced observers of the dirty
tricks operations of those responsible for the multiracial
'experiment' are increasingly sceptical about the whole business.

Research at St. Catherine's House has shown, to the author's
satisfaction, that Copeland is not Jewish, and that the claims by the
fascist fundamentalist International Third Position that he is are
based on a mixture of paranoia and perverse wishful thinking.

Whoever carried out the bombings, if the BNP s policy of capital
punishment for terrorism were in place, he or they would, if guilty,
hang for the crimes. This would still have to be the case even if
those responsible were in fact alienated victims of a multi-racial
education system which even left-wing experts are now beginning to
acknowledge shuts out and marginalises white children -- a product of
`anti-racism', not of `racism'. On account of what was reported in all
the media as a firm police statement that Copeland had no connections
with any political group, the BNP assumed
at first that we had never had any contact with him. Then, on 25th May
-- just in time to try to revive the media hysteria before the
European election -- the Daily Mirror ran a front page story claiming
that Copeland had attended several BNP meetings in 1997. Since the
individual's face was blacked out in the photos reproduced in the
paper, it is impossible to tell whether he is in fact the same
individual who appeared in the CCTV footage
from Brixton, which remains the only picture of the alleged bomber.

But a David Copeland was briefly involved with the party in East
London in 1997. He made no particular impression on people who met
him, and certainly never talked about anything connected with bombs.
After attending a couple of meetings, he said that he was moving to
Russia on a work contract, and vanished as quickly as he had appeared.
If we are talking about the same man, of course, his alleged crimes
have nothing at all to do with the BNP, which is committed to
reversing the failed multi-racial experiment through peaceful
political action and persuasion, and which rejects the use of force
and violence.

The British National Party is a public organisation which can be
joined by anyone of British or kindred European descent, and we have
neither the inclination nor the resources to enquire as to the
motivation and non-political activities of new members, in the absence
of anything known against them which would require their exclusion.
Anyone who approached the BNP and suggested anything such as planting
bombs,would be regarded as either a Searchlight plant like Tim Hepple
or a state asset like Charlie Sargent, the founder of the state-
sponsored 'pseudo-gang', Combat 18. Either way he would be expelled
and, if we thought
he was serious, reported to the police. But the Copeland who flitted
briefly through the BNP in 1997 did nothing of the sort. .
Disappeared What is known, however, is that, soon afterwards he
disappeared from BNP circles after witnessing a cowardly attack by
some forty members of the so-called Anti-'Nazi' League (in reality a
front for the extreme left-wing Socialist Workers Party) on John
Tyndall and his wife. This incident led to the cancellation of the
meeting, and was seized upon by C18 propagandists as
the opportunity for renewed attacks on the BNP for having 'gone soft'
by favouring constructive political work over street confrontations
with the far left.

Some time afterwards, David Copeland became a member of the so-called
National Socialist Movement (NSM). This collection of sad Nutzi cranks
was fanatically hostile to the BNP. It was the political front group
for the wing of Combat 18 'loyal' to the acknowledged police informer
Charlie Sargent.
The NSM was founded in 1997 by Sargent's brother, Steve It described
itself quite openly as "the political wing of Combat 18." It produced
a cheap monthly broadsheet and a expensive, glossy magazine, Column
88, packed with racial hatred, calls for violence against immigrants,
and smears and threats against the British National Party in general,
and me in particular (I
received several threatening phone calls from Charlie Sargent and from
unknown C18 callers in which I was told that they would 'blade' me if
I went anywhere near East or South London.
This unpleasant organisation's weird and violence-filled propaganda
followed a line established by an 'asset' of the British security

Our enemies from the start
It has been known for some years that MI5 encouraged or even ordered
the setting up of C18 in order to disrupt and discredit the BNP after
its historic electoral success in Millwall in 1993. Contrary to
numerous press reports, its leaders were never members of the British
National Party. They had been members of the neo-nazi British Movement
some years before, but had
been expelled from that organisation amid allegations of their being
police informers and agents provocateurs.

The group was allowed to get away with publishing repeated calls for
political terrorism and race war, not to mention detailed instructions
for making bombs. This was not a 'one-off', but went on for literally
years. The Observer confirmed the fact that Combat 18 was a state-
sponsored 'honeytrap' right from the start (5/4/99), although it
stated that its main purpose was to collect intelligence on Ulster
loyalists. This may have been a factor, but it is not likely to have
been the security service's main aim, since the loyalists have always
regarded mainland extremists with a great
deal of suspicion and, while happy to use them for the occasional
errand, would never entrust then with any worthwhile secrets. At the
end of the day, if you want intelligence on Ulster loyalists you
collect it in East Belfast, not Essex!
However, it obviously didn't fit in with the paper's own politics to
state the main reason for the creation of the Combat 18 pseudo-gang:
to disrupt the BNP, through lies, intimidation and physical violence
against key officials; tricks which did indeed have a serious effect
on the party's operations, particularly in East London, for two or
three years. C18 itself has been effectively defunct since its founder
was jailed for the murder of a former comrade last year. But the NSM
continued until the start
of May this year, when its nominal leader disbanded it when he heard
of Copeland's arrest, because the 22-year-old engineer was a member!
But didn't the police categorically rule out the idea that Copeland
was linked in any way to any 'far-right' group? Certainly that's what
the media thought they'd been told at the big press conference called
after his arrest. But take a closer look at what was actually said by
Metropolitan Police Assistant Commissioner David Veness:-

"There is no suggestion at this stage that the arrest is linked in any
way to the extreme right-wing groups which have claimed responsibility
for these attacks. The man is not a member of any of the groups which
made claims of responsibility, nor did he make any of the claims using
their names. It is understood that he was working alone for his own
There is, of course, some truth in this statement. Copeland was not,
as far as anyone knows, a member of the possibly non-existent White
Wolves, nor of the now organisationally defunct Combat 18. But he was
a member of the National Socialist Movement, which, in addition to its
close MI5 links, is
notorious for being riddled with police informers. In fact, this is to
understate the case, for Copeland wasn't even just an ordinary member
of the NSM, he was the Hampshire Organiser! This fact is common
knowledge all along a gossip grapevine which straddles wide
differences in organisations, strategies, rivalries and outright
hostilities. And since C18/NSM (the two are completely
interchangeable) are both riddled with security service
'assets', it beggars belief that the intelligence service didn't know
of Copeland's organisational involvement the moment he came to their
attention as a bombing suspect.

So why did Assistant Commissioner Veness make such a misleading
statement, which led to the entire media reaching completely the wrong
conclusion, and trumpeting the claim that the arrested man had "no
connections with any extreme right-wing group"? Either because of
grotesque police incompetence, or because he was hoping thereby to
conceal the fact that the arrested man had been part of an
organisation with its roots, not in British nationalism, but in the
massive South Bank headquarters of MI5, the nerve-centre of Britain's
political secret police.

This should not surprise anyone. The way in which the FBI provoked the
infamous Oklahoma bombing in order to discredit and disrupt the
patriotic opposition to Bill Clinton shows how far the intelligence
operatives of a supposedly civilised Western government will go to
keep their corrupt masters in power.

The question marks which hang over the Oklahoma atrocity are well
known: Who planted the second bomb, inside the building, which caused
so much of the devastation blamed on the truck bomb supposedly left
outside by McVeigh? And why did none of the agents of the BATF show up
for work on that day, leaving
ordinary civilian secretaries and a creche full of children to provide
a shocking casualty list?

Strange but true
At first sight, there are no such mysteries about the three bombs in
London, but more careful consideration shows that, as a matter of
fact, there was something strange about each and every one of them.
The first bomb, in Brixton, the now increasingly yuppified traditional
heart of black London, caused the horrific injuries it did because it
exploded in a crowded market. Yet, according to early reports
immediately after the blast, it was not planted there in the first
place. The police stated that it had been moved, twice according to
some accounts, from the place where it had first been left. The
suggestion was that the sportsbag containing the
device had been stolen, then abandoned once the thief realised what
was in it.

The second bomb, in the equally symbolic Banglatown centre of East
London's Bengali community, was also apparently moved just before it
went off. Once again, early reports mentioned a fact which was later
allowed to slip from public view. We were told that a heroic member of
the public spotted the bomb and placed it in the boot of his car in
order to contain the blast and minimise the damage.

Initially, it was said that he had been driving it to the police
when it went off, until photos of the wreckage made it clear that
anyone doing so would have been killed. So the story changed: We were
then told that this man of 'Mediterranean appearance' threw the bomb
in his boot and ran away. Although he was acclaimed as a hero, police
were withholding his name lest he become a target for the bombers,
angry that his bravery had
thwarted their planned massacre.

Logically, therefore, as soon as an arrest was made, the Man of the
Moment should have been the centre of attention. Smiles all round.
Clicking cameras. A humanitarian award and a new car. Tea and
handshakes at Number Ten (it would have made a nice change to see Tony
Blair entertaining someone who had stopped a murderous bomb, rather
than people with long track records
of planting them).

But no! For some unexplained reason, the man who sacrificed his car to
save Brick Lane joined the Brixton bag thief in the memory hole. .

No excuse
Then there was the Soho blast. Once again, though, there is a hint
that the explosion only caused the casualties it did by mistake. For
it turned out that the pub in question had actually been visited just
the evening before by police officers warning staff and customers to
be on the alert for suspicious packages
Yet, according to spokesmen at Scotland Yard press conferences, the
police were supposed to be on the alert for attacks by a cell of
racist fanatics whose intention was to incite retaliation by immigrant
communities and to spark a race war. Although the members of these
media-hyped pseudo-gangs
generally loathe homosexuals, the 'White Wolves' manual which was said
to be their guidebook called for attacks exclusively on non-white

Was it really likely that such a group of racist fanatics would waste
their energies and explosives attacking overwhelmingly white
homosexuals? Hardly, so why did the police waste their time visiting
Soho instead of patrolling the vast areas of London which contain
large enough immigrant communities to
have been far more likely targets?

And there's more. According to a report in the militantly homosexual
Pink Paper of 7th May (and no, I didn't buy it; it was removed from a
library by a public-spirited supporter of ours and sent in), the
Metropolitan Police didn't believe that homosexuals were likely to
become targets:- "Duncan Lustig-Prean, a former Royal Navy Commander
and leading member of gays-in-the-military group Rank Outsiders, told
Pink Paper: 'MI5 sources informed me three days before the explosion
that their intelligence was far more pessimistic over the gay angle
than the Metropolitan Police position.... the Met, however, were
convinced that the bomber would target another ethnic target first."

So did MI5 have information on the bomber's likely targets which
Scotland Yard's anti-terrorist experts did not?
The same publication also reveals a curious fact about the warning
which the mainstream media told us was given to London homosexual
haunts before the Soho bomb:-
"Last week Pink Paper warned gay communities to be particularly
vigilant following the two earlier nail bomb attacks in Brixton and
Brick Lane. The Metropolitan Police then visited gay venues in Old
Compton Street -- including the Admiral Duncan -- after early editions
of the newspaper hit the streets of London on Thursday.
"But the proprietors of other gay venues in London have xpressed alarm
that they were not contacted by the police. The manager of Brief
Encounter, a frequently packed basement bar half a mile from the
Admiral Duncan, is Paul Williams. He told Pink Paper: 'This bar would
be the perfect target for a bomber, but we received nothing from the
police before this tragic incident.' Barry Barham of the Coleherne,
the oldest and largest leather bar in the capital, situated in Earl's
Court, West London, said: 'We didn't receive a word from the police in
advance of the bomb, but they've been
around three or four times a day since then.'

"And Jason Dickie of the popular South London venue Vauxhall Tavern
complained: 'We received nothing at all. The police should have taken
far more precautions over us as a potential risk. I'm very
disappointed.'" Lustig-Pren, by the way, sits on the Metropolitan
Police Racial and Violent Crime Task Force Advisory set up recently to
'educate' the police force about 'hate crimes'. On May 13th, Guardian
hack Matthew Malthouse posted a message to the
newsgroup, which was a reprint of one posted to a private homosexual e-
mail list by Lustig-Prean. This says that the police gave the group a
full briefing and that "the information was very frank and was sub
Lustig-Prean continued: "...the police remain - fairly - certain that
the bomber was not operating in conjuction with any group, but they
are investigating a number of issues in this regard." As well they
might, but how on earth do they even have the nerve to pretend that
they don't know about the NSM connection? Lustig-Prean goes on to say,
however, that he, Gerry Gable and others disagree: "In our view PIECES
(our emphasis) paint a fairly typical picture of someone operating as
part of a far right cell." He concludes that they therefore think that
possible targets should continue to take precautions, then makes a
final cryptic request: "... forgive me if that is about as forthcoming
as I can be given the nature of the evidence we are considering." At a
guess, a twisted tissue of lies from senior intelligence desperate to
conceal something.
So police officers supposed to be giving a genuine warning to
homosexual pubs in London don't so much as show their faces in the
most blatant 'gay bars' in notorious Earl's Court, or indeed at other
well-known venues right across the capital, but just happen to
concentrate their advance warnings in the very street, in fact the
very pub, where the bomb was actually planted 24 hours later. Am I the
only person to think that something in this picture
doesn't quite fit?

Black propaganda?
So what am I suggesting? Was the whole 'nazi terror campaign' in fact
a politically motivated propaganda exercise that went wrong by
accident? The scenario would then look like this:-
Having frightened the life out of three very vocal minorities, it
would only have taken a similar high impact/low casualty outrage
directed against a Jewish target to have finished creating the
political climate in which to
introduce the draconian new restrictions on free speech proposed by
the Macpherson Report, plus a further tightening of the screws against
legal and wholly innocent organisations such as the BNP, found 'guilty
'by false media association. . .
The same witch-hunt atmosphere would also have given the enemies of
free speech the ideal opportunity to try to do something to clamp
down on the new medium which is causing the liberal-totalitarians
endless sleepless nights, the Internet.
If this thesis is correct, who could have been responsible? Well,
throughout the Cold War both Soviet Bloc security services and the CIA
were implicated in just such devastating dirty tricks campaigns in
countries in Western Europe. Given that America's main foreign policy
aim these days is to prevent racial nationalism unravelling its New
World Order magic carpet before it even gets airborne, it is not to
difficult to see one group of spooks with a reason to export their

Mixed-up young loners who flit around the fringes of nationalist
organisations are their favourite cannon-fodder. . Disruptive
Curiously, Charlie Sargent received a great deal of help -- including
use of an American PO Box as a 'safe' mailing address -- when he first
set up Combat 18 from one Harold Covington, a self-proclaimed American
`nazi' whose disruptive activities and off-the-wall extremism have
long led most American nationalist activists to regard him as an FBI
agent. Covington is believed
to have spent several months in Britain at this time.
Finally, we return to our own security services, with their long
record of state-sponsored or licensed terrorism in Northern Ireland,
and, as already pointed out, their proven involvement in the setting
up of the racial-terrorist Combat 18 pseudo-gang.
So we have three sets of people, all with close links with the
ordinary police force, who stood to gain from the London bombing
campaign. And we have a number of unanswered questions about the
blasts themselves, all of which point to the strong possibility that
the real responsibility for the mayhem and murder of the London nail
bombs rests at least partly with Britain's own political police, MI5.

The facts may just be coincidences; but the circumstantial evidence
which suggests that there's more to all this than meets the eye is
surely enough to attract the attention of some of Britain's fearless
investigative reporters? Step forward Duncan Campbell. Step forward
World in Action. Step forward Time Out. Step forward Nick Ryan. Step
forward Larry O'Hara. The rest of you, don't hold your breath!


Dec 11, 2007, 3:20:18 PM12/11/07
False flag bombings by "Nazis". False flag bombings by "Islamic
Extremists". Tell me, who makes an enemy of BOTH Nazis AND Muslims?
Who has a long and documented history of carrying out false flag
attacks, to the point of it being the Leit Motif?

MI5's curious masonic Red Sea logo

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Dec 12, 2007, 5:45:40 AM12/12/07
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On Dec 12, 10:19 am, Cardinal Chunder
<> wrote:

> Yeah, blame the state rather than the angry psychotic loser and BNP
> member who actually carried it out.

Who would you blame for the British invasion of Iraq?
Blair (ie: the government) or the soldiers who actually invaded?

Dec 12, 2007, 5:49:15 AM12/12/07
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Well, if he says "Blair" then you seem to be admitting Nick Griffin
holds the responsibility for the Soho and Brixton bombs..
At least Blair was an elected politician at the time..


Dec 12, 2007, 5:54:07 AM12/12/07
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You haven't read the whole thread have you?
The story blames the security services.
btw I'm not agreeing with the op,
I have no idea who *really* carried out the bombings.

Dec 12, 2007, 6:05:22 AM12/12/07
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On 12 Dec, 11:54, Jay <> wrote:
> On Dec 12, 10:49 am, wrote:
> > On 12 Dec, 11:45, Jay <> wrote:
> > > On Dec 12, 10:19 am, Cardinal Chunder
> > > <> wrote:
> > > > Yeah, blame the state rather than the angry psychotic loser and BNP
> > > > member who actually carried it out.
> > > Who would you blame for the British invasion of Iraq?
> > > Blair (ie: the government) or the soldiers who actually invaded?
> > Well, if he says "Blair" then you seem to be admitting Nick Griffin
> > holds the responsibility for the Soho and Brixton bombs..
> > At least Blair was an elected politician at the time..
> You haven't read the whole thread have you?

Yep. I was replying to your contribution, though.

> The story blames the security services.

Yep. What a load of bollocks, eh?

> btw I'm not agreeing with the op,
> I have no idea who *really* carried out the bombings.

All very nice, though irrelevant.

Care to adress what I actually posted, now? Do you regard Griffin as
responsible for the Brixton and Soho bombings?


Dec 12, 2007, 6:43:35 AM12/12/07
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No I don't because Griffin is not and never has been in charge of the
security services.

Dec 12, 2007, 8:17:02 AM12/12/07
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> security services.-

The security services didn't blow the Admiral Duncan up, a BNP
supporter did, remember?
Try and stay focused, lad..


Dec 12, 2007, 8:30:32 AM12/12/07
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I knew you hadn't properly read the OP's story.

If you had you'd know that he is implying that the security services
had Copeland do the bombing to discredit the BNP.

Since nick griffin, as far as I know is not the head of MI5,
he wouldn't have had anything to do with the bombing.

However, since Blair was the head of the government at the time Iraq
was invaded, he certainly did have a say in the invasion,
or would you blame the soldiers who actually carried
out Blairs wishes?

I am focused, are you?

Dec 12, 2007, 8:38:49 AM12/12/07
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You are incorrect. And , ince again, I was replying to YOUR
contribution, not the original post.

> If you had you'd know that he is implying that the security services
> had Copeland do the bombing to discredit the BNP.

I know. The trouble is the original post isn't supported by anything
than a mass of unproven assertion from a slightly less sthan biased

> Since nick griffin, as far as I know is not the head of MI5,
> he wouldn't have had anything to do with the bombing.

Since MI5, as far as we know, had nothing to do with this bombing,
your statement above makes no sense.

> However, since Blair was the head of the government at the time Iraq
> was invaded, he certainly did have a say in the invasion,
> or would you blame the soldiers who actually carried
> out Blairs wishes?

If you are not using Blair/a soldier as a parallel to Griffin/
Copeland, why are you bringing this up?

> I am focused, are you?- Dölj citerad text -
> - Visa citerad text -


Dec 12, 2007, 9:39:34 AM12/12/07
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It seems to me you are Trolling, that's giving you the
benefit of doubt. You could just be daft as a brush.

I have little time to spend explaining the thread.
If you can't read and comprehend it yourself,
why not simply stay out of it?


Dec 12, 2007, 10:56:23 AM12/12/07
OP article written in April 1999 in Spearhead mag (
by Nick Griffin.

"Was it really likely that such a group of racist fanatics would waste
their energies and explosives attacking overwhelmingly white

homosexuals? Hardly. So did MI5 have information on the bomber's

likely targets which Scotland Yard's anti-terrorist experts did not? "

- Nick Griffin

'MI5 sources informed me three days before the explosion that their
intelligence was far more pessimistic over the gay angle than the
Metropolitan Police position.... the Met, however, were convinced that

the bomber would target another ethnic target first." - Pink Paper

Nazis and Muslims under the bed:
David Copeland was said to have converted to Islam in prison, neatly
packaging two of zionism's most hated enemies into a generic
'terrorism' threat. Yes the threat of terrorism hangs over us, but it
it used to keep the populations in check by shadow governments.

'The Arab/Muslim Nazi Connection', from the horse's mouth:

MI5: a compromised organisation

MI5's masonic Red Sea emblem:

"The Queen is the "Grand Patroness" of world-wide freemasonry, this is
the highest honour a female can be given. The secret services of our
great nation only answer to her too, they do not answer to the ruling

Probability of 7/7 Drill and Attack Coinciding by chance: One chance
in 3,715,592,613,265,750,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

Estimate of Grains of sand in the whole world:

Convicted Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh survived his
"execution" and was spirited away as part of an intricately planned
goverment scheme to prepare him for his new life underground. The
covert CIA operation was organized weeks before the staged execution
at the U.S. Penitentiary at Terre Haute, Ind., according to longtime
federal whistle-blower Stewart Webb and others opposed to what they
described as America's "Shadow government" and the New World Order.

Dec 12, 2007, 11:32:56 AM12/12/07
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Or you could simply explain how why you're banging on about Blair...

> I have little time to spend explaining the thread.

I just want clarification of your Blair comment, not the whole thread.
As I have pointed out three times now..

> If you can't read and comprehend it yourself,

> why not simply stay out of it?- Dölj citerad text -

So, you are convinced that MI5 were responsible for bombing the
Admiral Duncan, are you?


Dec 12, 2007, 11:39:10 AM12/12/07
The First Ever Terrorist Attack was an israeli attack on the British
and blamed by Israel on Islamic terrorists.

July 22, 1946, The King David Massacre, Palestine.

Jewish terrorists blew up a hotel, and killed 91 British soldiers, and
blamed the atrocity on Arabs. When later caught, they said the British
had a list of their Arab spies and were going to turn them over to the
Palestinians. The goal of the False Flag was to pit the British
against the Palestinians.

Israel terrorism blamed on Arabs and nazis, a damning history.

Dec 12, 2007, 3:02:47 PM12/12/07
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On 11 Dec, 20:39, Andy <> wrote:
> I'm not asking you to own up to starting WW2 or anything, but the
> complete denial of involvement of the far right in the Soho bombing is
> just bizzare. One of your nutters set of a bomb. OK, not as big as the
> Jihad Demolition Corps or IRA, but what does that imply? "We're
> terrorists but we're pretty crap at it". Can't you at least stand by
> poor Mr Copeland. At least McGuiness, Adams, Osama bin Laden and co
> were proud of their efforts and had the bollocks to praise the
> handywork of their disciples!

Cui bono? What could the BNP possibly gain by such an act. But it was
perfect for the media and the political establishment was it not?

I think the so-called security services wanted to make arrests for a
bomb plot. Caught in the nick of time brilliant work etc. As in the
case of the Cato Street conspiracy. But matters went horribly wrong
and the bombs went off. C18 was undoubtedly a state job pseudo gang
designed to draw out nutters and show up those not of the left as all
supposed monsters.

The entire matter had nothing to do with the BNP or Griffin whatever
you think of him. If it really had anything to do with the BNP would
not people have been arrested and interrogated? No one was. Think
about it. But you won't think will some of you. You'll just go on with
the 'BNP bomb' rubbish.

Whatever you think of the right just consider whether the state is
prepared to use dirty tricks. Or is that only in nasty foreign
countries like France where the state blew up the Greenpeace ship?

The Rifleman

Dec 12, 2007, 5:03:09 PM12/12/07

If you stay ready, you dont have to get ready.
<> wrote in message

Or the UK govt fra,ming various Irishmen living in england for terrorist
offences, some took decades to be cleared.


Dec 13, 2007, 3:15:59 AM12/13/07
On Dec 12, 4:32 pm, wrote:
> So, you are convinced that MI5 were responsible for bombing the
> Admiral Duncan, are you?

It is entirely likely Britain's secret police, MI5 staged the
bombings. If Copeland was a Nazi and "Hitler Worshipper" he would not
target every minority except jews. It is ridiculous to pretend
otherwise. Copeland, Like McVeigh were CIA/MI5 assets.


Dec 13, 2007, 4:14:10 AM12/13/07
Why this is marked as abuse? It has been marked as abuse.
Report not abuse

Please point out where I *banged on about Blair*.
In this thread I have mentioned his name three times.
Twice when answering your one of your posts.
Hardly *banging on* about him.

> I just want clarification of your Blair comment, not the whole thread.
> As I have pointed out three times now..

My Blair *comment* was in fact two questions.
Did you not notice that?

The poster I asked didn't respond, would you care to answer either

What part of the questions would you like clarification on?
They weren't hard questions, simple one word answers would be fine.

> So, you are convinced that MI5 were responsible for bombing the
> Admiral Duncan, are you?

Not yet.

Dec 13, 2007, 4:45:12 AM12/13/07
On 13 Dec, 09:15, Jim34 <> wrote:
> On Dec 12, 4:32 pm, wrote:
> > So, you are convinced that MI5 were responsible for bombing the
> > Admiral Duncan, are you?
> It is entirely likely Britain's secret police, MI5 staged the
> bombings.

Of course, you have no actual evidence for this..

> If Copeland was a Nazi and "Hitler Worshipper" he would not
> target every minority except jews.

Are you claiming the Nazis approved of homosexuals?
Who knows where Copeland's next bomb woudl have been planted...

> It is ridiculous to pretend otherwise.

It is ridiculous to make the deduction:

He didn't target any Jews - Therefore he can't have been a Hitler
worshipper- therfore he must have been an MI5 mole.

>Copeland, Like McVeigh were CIA/MI5 assets.

In your opinion. You have no evidence to back it up though..

Dec 13, 2007, 4:47:34 AM12/13/07

Just before I joined this thread.. Memory problems, old thing?

> In this thread I have mentioned his name three times.
> Twice when answering your one of your posts.

..and the third time?

> Hardly *banging on* about him.
> > I just want clarification of your Blair comment, not the whole thread.
> > As I have pointed out three times now..
> My Blair *comment* was in fact two questions.

Posed in response to another question. Now, what was the point of
using taht question as an answer to a previous question? Come on,
don't be shy.

> Did you not notice that?

What difference does it make?

> The poster I asked didn't respond, would you care to answer either
> question?

Gladly, once you explain the relevance.

> What part of the questions would you like clarification on?

Can you read?

> They weren't hard questions, simple one word answers would be fine.


> > So, you are convinced that MI5 were responsible for bombing the
> > Admiral Duncan, are you?

> Not yet.- Dölj citerad text -


Dec 13, 2007, 6:26:43 AM12/13/07
On Dec 13, 9:47 am, wrote:

> Just before I joined this thread.. Memory problems, old thing?

Just before you joined the thread I had mentioned Blair once!
Is that *banging on* ?

> > In this thread I have mentioned his name three times.
> > Twice when answering your one of your posts.
> ..and the third time?

The third time was the first time.
Can YOU read?

> Posed in response to another question. Now, what was the point of
> using taht question as an answer to a previous question? Come on,
> don't be shy.

It wasn't an answer, it was a question

> > Did you not notice that?
> What difference does it make?

Well, if you consider a question to be a comment, then none.

> > The poster I asked didn't respond, would you care to answer either
> > question?
> Gladly, once you explain the relevance.

I told you your comprehension was poor.

> > What part of the questions would you like clarification on?
> Can you read?

Yet I wonder whether you can, because the questions didn't contain
any long or difficult words. primary school children would be ok with
them, yet you aren't.

> > They weren't hard questions, simple one word answers would be fine.
> Really?

Yes, see above.

Yes, I'm quite sure now that you are a troll.

Dec 13, 2007, 6:37:20 AM12/13/07
On 13 Dec, 12:26, Jay <> wrote:
> On Dec 13, 9:47 am, wrote:
> > Just before I joined this thread.. Memory problems, old thing?
> Just before you joined the thread I had mentioned Blair once!
> Is that *banging on* ?

Indeed. Banging on about a completely irrelevant subject... unless
you've had a change of mind and have decided to stop dancing around
and answer the question...

> > > In this thread I have mentioned his name three times.
> > > Twice when answering your one of your posts.
> > ..and the third time?
> The third time was the first time.

Exactly! Well done..

> Can YOU read?

Indeed I can. And now I can see you can too, even if you can't
Once again - what compelled you to start banging on about Blair when
you did?
What was the relevance?

> > Posed in response to another question. Now, what was the point of
> > using taht question as an answer to a previous question? Come on,
> > don't be shy.
> It wasn't an answer, it was a question

..posted in reply to a question. Completely randomly too,

> > > Did you not notice that?
> > What difference does it make?
> Well, if you consider a question to be a comment, then none.

So, what's the relevance?

> > > The poster I asked didn't respond, would you care to answer either
> > > question?
> > Gladly, once you explain the relevance.
> I told you your comprehension was poor.

You say a lot of random things, none of which have any relevance or
basis in fact. Any chance you will actually answer the question , I

> > > What part of the questions would you like clarification on?
> > Can you read?
> Absolutley.

So how come you haven't read and responded to my question about your
question, which has only been aksed.. ooh.. five times now?

> Yet I wonder whether you can, because the questions didn't contain
> any long or difficult words.

Ah.. you can't read. I don't ask you to explain what the questions
MEAN, merely their RELEVANCE. Perhaps this is what has you so

> primary school children would be ok with
> them, yet you aren't.
> ?????

I'm wondering why you simply can't explain the relvance of your Blair
obsession, preferring instead to attempt to insult due to your own
lack of comprehension...

It's almost as if you're running away from something

> > > They weren't hard questions, simple one word answers would be fine.
> > Really?
> Yes, see above.
> Yes, I'm quite sure now that you are a troll.

Odd, seeing as I'm the one actually trying to have a discussion, while
you hide behind rather silly little snide comments instead of
explaining your position and seemingly unconnected statements about
Blair and Iraq..

Just for context and laughs, let's take it from the top:

Chunder wrote:
> > Yeah, blame the state rather than the angry psychotic loser and BNP
> > member who actually carried it out.

In reply, you wrote:
> Who would you blame for the British invasion of Iraq?
> Blair (ie: the government) or the soldiers who actually invaded?

Now then, what is the relevance of your response?


Dec 13, 2007, 7:28:53 AM12/13/07
On Dec 13, 11:37 am, wrote:
<snipped all your tripe>

> Chunder wrote:
> > > Yeah, blame the state rather than the angry psychotic loser and BNP
> > > member who actually carried it out.
> In reply, you wrote:
> > Who would you blame for the British invasion of Iraq?
> > Blair (ie: the government) or the soldiers who actually invaded?
> Now then, what is the relevance of your response?

It's a comparison bird brain.
You can't blame someone for carrying out orders.

If Copeland (and it's a big if) was carrying out orders from MI5
he can't be blamed.

Neither can the soldiers who invaded iraq, for they were carrying out

That should be simple enough for you.

Dec 13, 2007, 7:52:05 AM12/13/07
On 13 Dec, 13:28, Jay <> wrote:
> On Dec 13, 11:37 am, wrote:
> <snipped all your tripe>

Yours too, thank Cliff!

> > Chunder wrote:
> > > > Yeah, blame the state rather than the angry psychotic loser and BNP
> > > > member who actually carried it out.
> > In reply, you wrote:
> > > Who would you blame for the British invasion of Iraq?
> > > Blair (ie: the government) or the soldiers who actually invaded?
> > Now then, what is the relevance of your response?
> It's a comparison bird brain.

Temper, temper. Yes, I realised that, but what is the parallel?
Is it Blair as Griffin and the troops as someone like Copeland?
Or are you pursuing the rather.. innovative.. line of thinking that it
was Blair's govenment who ordered Copeland to do it? (noting that you
have apparently rejected the latter a couple of posts back)

> You can't blame someone for carrying out orders.

You most certainly can. I take it you've never hear of the Nuremburg

> If Copeland (and it's a big if) was carrying out orders from MI5
> he can't be blamed.

At last! That wasn't so painful was it? You are, of course, wrong
though. See above.

> Neither can the soldiers who invaded iraq, for they were carrying out
> orders.

Depends on the legality of the order was, old thing.

> That should be simple enough for you.

It certainly a simple illustration that you don't know what you're
talking about..

No wonder you danced about for so long!


Dec 13, 2007, 1:52:07 PM12/13/07
The 'far Right' group Copeland was said to be a member of, the
National Socialist Movement (NSM), was set up by another MI5 asset
David Myatt. Britain's secret political police, and freemasonry for
that matter, do not act in secret for no reason.

Paul Mifsud a jewish 'work colleague' of Copeland, recognised Copeland
from published CCTV images and alerted the police about an hour and 20
minutes before the Admiral Duncan bombing. Copeland was arrested the
same night once the police obtained his address, a rented room in
Farnborough, Hampshire. He admitted carrying out the three bombings as
soon as he was arrested. His mental state was assessed at Broadmoor
Hospital, but remained a *matter of dispute* at his trial.

Copeland 'converted to Islam' in jail. That's if he is in jail and not
living a new life on a fat pay cheque in a foreign country. Another
'Neo-Nazi' who was planted by the state and later converted to islam
is David Myatt, the founder of the NSM. The conversion to Islam of
these MI5 assets might not seem important until you look at it from a
different perspective. Western nationalists and Muslim nationalists
are Zionist's greatest enemies and linking the two binds them together
into a neat generic "terrorists" package, essentially sharing their
own enemies with the western public and getting us to fight their wars
for them.

David Myatt was the "Ideological heavyweight" behind Combat 18 and The
National Socialist Movement, the two hardcore Neo-Nazi groups created
by the British Secret Police, MI5. Myatt's Wikipedia biography reads
like an ode to a pantomime horse, it is as transparent as it is silly:

'Following his conversion to Islam in 1998, Myatt became an advocate
of suicide attacks, expressed support for Osama bin Laden and the
Taliban, and referred to the Holocaust as a "hoax."' An April 2005
NATO workshop heard that Myatt has called on "all enemies of the
Zionists to embrace the Jihad" against Jews and the United States.[8]
Political scientist George Michael writes that Myatt has "arguably
done more than any other theorist to develop a synthesis of the
extreme right and Islam."[9]

it goes on:

"Myatt came to public attention in 1999 when a pamphlet he wrote, A
Practical Guide to Aryan Revolution, described as a "detailed step-by-
step guide for terrorist insurrection,"[10] was said to have inspired
David Copeland"

Any far right group advocating violence would be raided within the
hour, but not hollywood extremist Myatt, who seems to slip through
grasp of MI5 with ease:

'In November 1997, Myatt posted a pamphlet he had written called
Practical Guide to Aryan Revolution on a website run out of British
Columbia, Canada by Bernard Klatt. The pamphlet included chapter
titles such as "Assassination," "Terror Bombing," and "Racial
War." [25] In February 1998, British police raided Myatt's home in
Worcestershire and removed his computers and files, but the case was
dropped because the evidence supplied by the Canadian authorities was
not enough to secure a conviction. [26]' It was this pamphlet that, in
1999, allegedly influenced David Copeland, the London nailbomber --
also a member of Myatt's National Socialist Movement.

There you see how Copeland's came out of fake far right organisations
created and operated by Britain's secret political police, MI5...

Ima Taxpayer.

Dec 13, 2007, 3:47:58 PM12/13/07

I don't believe Copeland was ordered to bomb anywhere. The idea behind
C18 etc was to wind people up to plan such things which could then be
touted as 'the work of the BNP' (as some idiots do here) but not carry
them out. It is very instructive to read about the Cato Street
Conspiracy. The giveaway at the time of Copeland was the fact that no
one was arrested for publishing crazy bomb plot magazines.

If the police thought the BNP involved there would have been large
numbers of arrests or at least visits for questioning.

The Greenpeace ship was bombed by Mitterrand off the premises in the
Pacific. Very different from bombing on the premises in London.

Dec 14, 2007, 6:12:40 AM12/14/07
On 13 Dec, 19:52, Jim34 <> wrote:
> The 'far Right' group Copeland was said to be a member of, the
> National Socialist Movement (NSM), was set up by another MI5 asset
> David Myatt.

You're proof for this being?

> Britain's secret political police, and freemasonry for
> that matter, do not act in secret for no reason.

If it's all so secret, how can you claim to know about it?
Or is the absence of evidence prooof it must have happened?

> Paul Mifsud a jewish 'work colleague'

1) What bearing does his religion have?
2) Are you claiming he wasn't a work colleague?

> of Copeland, recognised Copeland
> from published CCTV images and alerted the police about an hour and 20
> minutes before the Admiral Duncan bombing. Copeland was arrested the
> same night once the police obtained his address, a rented room in
> Farnborough, Hampshire. He admitted carrying out the three bombings as
> soon as he was arrested. His mental state was assessed at Broadmoor
> Hospital, but remained a *matter of dispute* at his trial.
> Copeland 'converted to Islam' in jail. That's if he is in jail and not
> living a new life on a fat pay cheque in a foreign country.

That's easy enough to find out - have you bothered?

> Another 'Neo-Nazi' who was planted by the state

Your proof for thi sbeing?

> and later converted to islam
> is David Myatt, the founder of the NSM. The conversion to Islam of
> these MI5 assets might not seem important until you look at it from a
> different perspective. Western nationalists and Muslim nationalists
> are Zionist's greatest enemies

Not really - Anti-semitic Western nationalists are insignificant,
angry losers on the whole. Like Copeland.

> and linking the two binds them together
> into a neat generic "terrorists" package, essentially sharing their
> own enemies with the western public and getting us to fight their wars
> for them.
> David Myatt was the "Ideological heavyweight" behind Combat 18 and The
> National Socialist Movement, the two hardcore Neo-Nazi groups created
> by the British Secret Police, MI5. Myatt's Wikipedia biography reads
> like an ode to a pantomime horse, it is as transparent as it is silly:

In your opinon. YOu don't seem to have any actual, you know, evidence

> 'Following his conversion to Islam in 1998, Myatt became an advocate
> of suicide attacks, expressed support for Osama bin Laden and the
> Taliban, and referred to the Holocaust as a "hoax."' An April 2005
> NATO workshop heard that Myatt has called on "all enemies of the
> Zionists to embrace the Jihad" against Jews and the United States.[8]
> Political scientist George Michael writes that Myatt has "arguably
> done more than any other theorist to develop a synthesis of the
> extreme right and Islam."[9]
> it goes on:
> "Myatt came to public attention in 1999 when a pamphlet he wrote, A
> Practical Guide to Aryan Revolution, described as a "detailed step-by-
> step guide for terrorist insurrection,"[10] was said to have inspired
> David Copeland"
> Any far right group advocating violence would be raided within the
> hour, but not hollywood extremist Myatt, who seems to slip through
> grasp of MI5 with ease:

When was he a member of a group publicly advocating violence in the

> 'In November 1997, Myatt posted a pamphlet he had written called
> Practical Guide to Aryan Revolution on a website run out of British
> Columbia, Canada by Bernard Klatt. The pamphlet included chapter
> titles such as "Assassination," "Terror Bombing," and "Racial
> War." [25] In February 1998, British police raided Myatt's home in
> Worcestershire and removed his computers and files, but the case was
> dropped because the evidence supplied by the Canadian authorities was
> not enough to secure a conviction. [26]' It was this pamphlet that, in
> 1999, allegedly influenced David Copeland, the London nailbomber --
> also a member of Myatt's National Socialist Movement.
> There you see how Copeland's came out of fake far right organisations
> created and operated by Britain's secret political police, MI5...

Are you getting any treatment for your paranoid fantasies?

> by
> Ima Taxpayer.

Dec 14, 2007, 3:08:30 PM12/14/07
> > Ima Taxpayer.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

You are one of those who thinks the state does not play at dirty
tricks are you? Or more likely you know it does but are happy provided
it's for a lefty cause.

There is no great mystery. Find some nutters and encourage them a bit
then 'expose' them as typical of the (fill in here whoever the state
is against).

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