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Con Dorgan

18. 8. 2000. 03:00:0018.8.00.

I watched this R2 version the other night and noticed that the scene with
the girls (arm) autopsy is still edited pretty badly. Kinda goes something
like this: Dreyfuss picks up the arm and says "This is what happens." then
cuts off his speech. Is the R1 version the same. I could have swore that I
saw it on TV and he went on to say "This is what happens when a shark
attacks" or something to those effects. Any info appreciated. Thanks.

Con Dorgan.

Mark D

18. 8. 2000. 03:00:0018.8.00.
In article <399d0fdb$>,

"Con Dorgan" <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I watched this R2 version the other night and noticed that the scene
> the girls (arm) autopsy is still edited pretty badly. Kinda goes
> like this: Dreyfuss picks up the arm and says "This is what happens."
> cuts off his speech

The R1 DVD is the same, so is the PAL LD, as is the W/S VHS. I have
never seen anything other than the "This is what happens" and the bad
edit. Any version I've seen played on TV is the same as all of the
above, but I can't comment on the theatrical version 'cause that's
about the only "format" I haven't seen Jaws in...


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Before you buy.


18. 8. 2000. 03:00:0018.8.00.
It also does this on the region 1 version. Also, on the region 1 version,
the sound of the rifle gunshots and the explosion of the shark at the end
has been changed, and for the worse. When comparing it to the original sound
effects of the rifle shots and explosion on video, you can hear how crap the
DVD sound effects are. Why the fuck did they change them? I love this film
as it is part of my childhood and I noticed straight away that they changed
the sound of the explosion, and it really pisses me off that they changed
the sound for no reason other than to piss sad people like me off. Its like
when Lucas messed about with Star Wars in the special edition and erased
classic bits like when the stormtrooper banged his head on the door and when
they erased Han killing Greedo in cold blood and replaced it with Greedo
firing first. Bastards!


Con Dorgan <> wrote in message news:399d0fdb$

> Hi,
> I watched this R2 version the other night and noticed that the scene with
> the girls (arm) autopsy is still edited pretty badly. Kinda goes something
> like this: Dreyfuss picks up the arm and says "This is what happens." then

Chris Cox

18. 8. 2000. 03:00:0018.8.00.
R1 DTS is the same - didn't notice the first time round, but there's a
slight jump in the video too.



19. 8. 2000. 02:17:0219.8.00.

Con Dorgan wrote:

> Hi,
> I watched this R2 version the other night and noticed that the scene with
> the girls (arm) autopsy is still edited pretty badly. Kinda goes something
> like this: Dreyfuss picks up the arm and says "This is what happens." then
> cuts off his speech. Is the R1 version the same. I could have swore that I
> saw it on TV and he went on to say "This is what happens when a shark
> attacks" or something to those effects. Any info appreciated. Thanks.
> Con Dorgan.

this scene always puzzled me too, cos its the same in R1, R2, and any TV/Video

release i`ve watched. I could be wrong, but when i saw it on a cinema summer
back in 1980, i could have swore there was a few seconds more on the arm, but
im sure
it didn't show the rest of her.

Nivek Edrof

19. 8. 2000. 03:00:0019.8.00.
What else has changed in Jaws? I watched it last night and noticed 2
shooting stars for the first time (within a few seconds of each other). I
guess Spielberg wanted to have his trademark stamp in there some place but
they didn't really seem to "fit" to me. Also, the new stereo soundtrack
didn't seem too hot in places. I'm (almost) sure Robert Shaw's voice was
dubbed in places by someone else at the time, but there were a few instances
where it seemed to me someone else was also speaking Richard Dreyfuss's
lines (just the odd off-camera few words, then back to Richard). Any truth
to this?
Also some of the scenes with the bouys that were stuck to the shark seemed
to be digitally-enhanced..?? The swell around the bouys seemed artificial
(at times). Its possible I'm imagining some or all of these of course but it
did distract me somewhat.


Remove SPAMNO when replying

Nivek Edrof

19. 8. 2000. 03:00:0019.8.00.
Sorry -by the way I was watching R2 if it makes a difference.


19. 8. 2000. 03:00:0019.8.00.
In article <8nlndb$256$>, Nivek Edrof
<> writes

>What else has changed in Jaws? I watched it last night and noticed 2
>shooting stars for the first time (within a few seconds of each other). I
>guess Spielberg wanted to have his trademark stamp in there some place but
>they didn't really seem to "fit" to me.

The version I taped off TV in about 1981 had these. It looked out of
place then as well.



19. 8. 2000. 03:00:0019.8.00.

"Nivek Edrof" <> wrote in message

> What else has changed in Jaws? I watched it last night and noticed 2
> shooting stars for the first time (within a few seconds of each other). I
> guess Spielberg wanted to have his trademark stamp in there some place but
> they didn't really seem to "fit" to me.

They've always been there...

The second one, I always thought was a bad edit.. I think it was supposed to
be a reverse shot of the one that you see just before the shot chnages..

A Man With Far Too Much Time On His Hands


19. 8. 2000. 03:00:0019.8.00.
I also have noticed something strange....when the shark comes up at night
with 1 barrel on him....he seems to have a load of green squares around the this just on my copy??..
I thought it might of been my machine, but it does it on my other one too.

"Nivek Edrof" <> wrote in message
> What else has changed in Jaws? I watched it last night and noticed 2
> shooting stars for the first time (within a few seconds of each other). I
> guess Spielberg wanted to have his trademark stamp in there some place but

> they didn't really seem to "fit" to me. Also, the new stereo soundtrack
> didn't seem too hot in places. I'm (almost) sure Robert Shaw's voice was
> dubbed in places by someone else at the time, but there were a few
> where it seemed to me someone else was also speaking Richard Dreyfuss's
> lines (just the odd off-camera few words, then back to Richard). Any truth
> to this?
> Also some of the scenes with the bouys that were stuck to the shark seemed
> to be digitally-enhanced..?? The swell around the bouys seemed artificial
> (at times). Its possible I'm imagining some or all of these of course but
> did distract me somewhat.

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