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Wikipedia a sewer for Medical Evil, while implying "Medical Evil does not exist" - {HRI 20120701-I-V1.0-t}

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Koos Nolst Trenite

Jul 2, 2012, 1:50:46 AM7/2/12
Wikipedia a sewer for Medical Evil, while implying "Medical Evil does
not exist"

1 July 2012
{HRI 20120701-I-V1.0-t}

(for summary,
skip indented text)


A Wikipedia search for it (on 20120701),
results in:

"... 'Medical Evil' does not exist." {slogan}



1. Truth is absolute: It is only the DEGREE of Perception,*
that makes Truth SEEM "relative," "personal" or even

2. Sociopaths VEHEMENTLY OPPOSE any true knowledge about
Life and any true understanding of Sociopaths themselves.
There are about a hundred million Sociopaths living on
Earth, and their condition exists REGARDLESS OF their
social status, their educational level and intelligence,
and regardless of their gender, race, religion, or age.


3. Your body is an organism that consists of a collection of
molecules, RUN BY LIFE ENERGY:** Your body is an organism
of LIFE ENERGY, RUNNING a collection of molecules to inter-
act by using the structure of molecules for that purpose.



The Sociopaths who have chosen Medical "science" or a Medical

the more easily and the more sophisticated and the more
unquestioned and the better to remain undetected and to be
instead applauded and thanked,

and with the more authority and by force of law and law-
enforcement more securely to act,

and the more financially backed and supported, and with
the more financial gain for self and the Medical industry
in general,

to satisfy their hidden JOY of inflicting Evil unhindered onto
Mankind, [ODE]

these - the Sociopaths by which Medical "science" and Medical
practice is INFUSED - these will continue to teach their Evil
to anyone and these will enforce their Evil on anyone they can,

they will continue FOREVER to make the Medical profession and the
Medical industry sick - ALSO when they are detected - and they will
REGARDLESS of any "progress" in Medical "science," MAKE it sick:

THESE will just continue and continue and continue: to
insinuate (medical) Evil in and enforce (medical) Evil
upon the society and upon any Medical organization and
upon the Medical industry, FOREVER, and they will do so
globally as well, [MDSF]

UNLESS you take the courage and the necessary steps, to stop them.



In Wikipedia-land, however, Medical Evil does not exist!

We knew already, that Sociopaths have a 'free ride' in Wikipedia to
disseminate their highly oppressive lies in a CLEVER manner, with
full reference to their sources of Evil, and - not surprisingly -
they are duly IGNORING and OMITTING or INVALIDATING sources of the
most relevant and the most VITALLY applicable data,

and (we knew already) that Sociopaths "do not exist" in Wikipedia-

much like in school, in college or in university

"none of the teachers, and none of the students are Sociopaths:"

Sociopaths "do not exist"

- except those that one does not have to look at or look
through anyway, some people in prison may be Sociopaths,
but -

"none of the teachers, and none of the students are Sociopaths,"

"none of the Medical Doctors are Sociopaths,"

"none in Medical Research are Sociopaths,"

"none in the Food and Drug Administration are Sociopaths,"

"none of hospital staff are Sociopaths,"

"none in Medical charities are Sociopaths,"

"none in Medical Institutes of knowledge and education are

etc., etc..

Nevertheless, Sociopaths exist, REGARDLESS OF social
status, regardless of educational level, regardless
of intelligence level, and regardless of their
gender, their race, regardless of how old they are
and regardless of their religious or spiritual ideas
or group affiliations.

BUT Sociopaths DO vehemently oppose any knowledge and real
understanding of Sociopaths themselves.



In Wikipedia-land,

when (on 20120701) you search it for 'Medical Evil,' that is indeed
literally the message you get, from Wikipedia:

"... 'Medical Evil' does not exist.

Did you mean: 'RADICAL Evil'
Did you mean: 'Medical EVEN' ?"



It becomes obvious with Wikipedia, that

'not being paid by advertisers'

does NOT give any guarantee at all, against being taken over by
the Sociopaths eternally inflicting (Medical) Evil,

and who manage to maintain their Medical "science"

...also in Wikipedia.



I do remind you of what OPPOSES their triangle of Lies, Ugliness and
Hate - the Triangle of Evil, if you like:

Opposed by Truth, Beauty and Love, which

'Truth, Beauty and Love' thus constitute the 'Trinity of Science.'

And that's why I write this for you.


Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'Men of all nations came
to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
sent by all the kings of the world,
who had heard of his wisdom.'

1 Kings 4:34


(a) The American Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has been,
and continues to be, a Criminal Organization:

waging furious battles to KEEP people sick, suffering, and
- especially - to keep the victims paying (or paying

This is beyond Evil, and that you swallow it (sic), shows
how fully oppressed you are

- and how much oppressed, deceived and dumbed down you PAY
for your children to also be "educated" (to become AS
STUPID or even MORE Stupid than we ourselves have been
made by OUR education and upbringing) -

oppressed BY MEDICAL "SCIENCE" and by those who teach and
practice it and enforce it, from Hippocrates onwards, in
the West, and since the Yellow Emperor in the East,

including all medical "research,"

not to mention the soap operas on TV plus the
writers and producers of these,

pouring into the masses, the Sociopath-approved
medical "knowledge" and practice,

hypnotizing the well-entertained crowd,

to accept any current medical Evil without protest,
"because they ALSO do that on TV."


(*) Perception, capitalized to indicate Perception defined correctly
as in [DPFI], [WEV], etc.. (see References, below)

(**) Life Energy: study 'Introduction to Fine Particle Physics,' and
References, below.


[ODE]'Independent, Objective Definition of Evil'
{HRI 20090810-V1.1.2} [ODE]
(10 August 2009 - Version 1.1.2 on 11 Aug 2009)

[MDSF]'Medical Doctors: The Sickening Force Undermining World Health,
The Economy, and The United Nations'
(incl. definitions of 'Living Organism' (your body),
of 'Molecular Medicine,' 'By-pass surgery' and 'Narcosis')
{HRI 20100304-V6.1-SL-V4.3.2} [MDSF]
(4 March 2010 - Version SL-V4.3.2 on 18 Oct 2011)

[WEV] 'What is 'Energetic Violence' inflicted by Sociopaths?'
{HRI 20120606-V4.1-t} {FPP Note 20120606-V4.1-t} [WEV]
(6 June 2012 - Version 4.1 on 20 June 2012)

[VLEF]'Vampirism by sociopaths, on your body's Life Energies
- facing Vampirism made easier by LEF meter use (Life
Energy Fluctuation electronic measurement)'
{FPP 20110101-V1.2} [VLEF]
(1 January 2011 - Version 1.2 on 3 Jan 2011)

[DPFI]'Definition of Perception and Feeling Increase'
{HRI 20091203-V4.2.1} {FPP 20091203-V4.2.1} [DPFI]
(3 December 2009 - Version 4.2.1 on 28 Sept 2010)
(Version 4.2)

[ANTIN]'Earth Condition in a Nutshell: REVERSAL of what is Normal -
the 'Anti-Normal' DEMANDS'
{HRI 20071208-V2.3} [ANTIN]
(8 December 2007 - Version 2.3 on 11 Apr 2012)
(former Title):
'The Anti-Normal: 'The Abnormal Must REPLACE the Normal' '



Suggested Subject titles for articles:

Subject: Wikipedia - a sewer of Medical Evil (this HRI)
Subject: Doctors Without Soul
Subject: Doctors Without Life Energy

Subject: "ENJOY" Your Cluster Headaches with Conventional Medical Evil
Subject: Remaining Nazis in Spirit: Medical Doctors and Conventional
Medical "Science"



Random examples of Medical Evil, but which is NOT marked as such,
in Wikipedia:

(And as usual, the larger the amount of Medical 'Gobble-de-Greek,'
and 'Gobble-de-Latin' - the bigger the wall by which they hide


and by which they equally hide from the general, paying public,
their ignorance and

their professional arrogance to cover all of it up, and to
shield themselves from (your) caring, intelligent eyes.)


(START - random examples (on 20120701) of UNLABELED Medical Evil)

(for the general reader: You can bypass any "Medical terms" of
Gobble-de-Gook type of words and phrases, by labeling these,
often correctly, as

'being - often deliberate - attempts to prevent their victims
from understanding their Medical texts.'

Remember: Sociopaths DO NOT WANT TO BE UNDERSTOOD, but they DO
want to dominate, and they do inflict confusion and cause
unawareness, in order to better dominate their victims.)


'Mr. Wada developed the technique of transient hemispheric
anesthetization through carotid amytal injection to decrease the
cognitive side effects associated with bilateral electroconvulsive

'epileptologist Juhn Atsushi Wada'

'During one injection, typically the left hemisphere, the patient
will have impaired speech and language or be completely unable to
express or understand language. Although the patient may not be able
to talk, sometimes their ability to sing is preserved. This is
because music and singing utilizes a different part of the brain than
speech and language.'

'Generally, recovery of speech is dysphasic (contains errors in
speech or comprehension) after a language dominant hemisphere

'risks associated with the angiography procedure used to guide the
catheter to the internal carotid artery' (the internal carotid
arteries are two major arteries, one on each side of the head and

file: Wada test - tests during half of brain anesthetization, to
predict the cognitive side effects associated with bilateral
electroconvulsive therapy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.html


Ablative [scraping off a piece of brain] brain surgery

'Ablative brain surgery was first introduced by Pierre Flourens
(1774-1867), a French physiologist. He removed different parts of the
nervous system on animals and observed what effects were caused by
the removal of certain parts.'

'1 Uses

1.1 Parkinson's disease
1.2 Cluster headaches
1.3 Psychiatric disorders'

1.2 Cluster headaches:

'Cluster [severe] headaches

Cluster headaches occur in cyclical patterns or clusters - which
gives the condition its name. Cluster headache is one of the most
painful types of headache. Cluster headache is sometimes called the
"alarm clock headache" because it commonly awakens you in the middle
of the night with intense pain in or around the eye on one side of
your head. Cluster headaches have been treated by ablation of the
trigeminal nerve, but have not been very effective. Other surgical
treatments for cluster headaches are under investigation.[9]'

1.3 Psychiatric disorders:

'Psychiatric disorders

Ablative psychosurgery continues to be used in a few centres in
various countries.[10]
In the US there are a few centres including Massachusetts General
Hospital that carry out ablative psychosurgical procedures.[11]

Belgium,[10] the United Kingdom,[12] and Venezuela[13] are other
examples of countries where the technique is still used.

In the People's Republic of China, surgical ablation was used to
treat psychological and neurological disorders, particularly
schizophrenia, but also including clinical depression,
obsessive-compulsive disorder, and epilepsy.[14]

The official Xinhua News Agency has since reported that China's
Ministry of Health has banned the procedure for schizophrenia and
severely restricted the practice for other conditions.[15]'

file: Ablative brain surgery - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.html


'First line therapy for epilepsy involves treatment with
anticonvulsive drugs, also called antiepileptic drugs.

Most patients will respond to one or two different medication trials.

The goal of this treatment is the elimination of seizures, since
uncontrolled seizures carry significant risks, including injury and
sudden death.

However, in up to one third of patients with epilepsy, medications
alone will be unable to eliminate seizures, or cause unacceptable
adverse effects. In these patients, work up for the feasibility of
epilepsy surgery is considered.

Generally, surgery is considered in patients whose seizures cannot be
controlled by adequate trials of two different medications.'

file: Epilepsy surgery - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.html


(END - 'examples of Medical Evil' not labeled as such, in Wikipedia)



Copyright 2012 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at

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