Hey everyone,
Later this week we'll start to add two new fields to the user object responses from the Streaming and REST APIs (not Search). Due to caching, not all objects will have these fields immediately so you should check they are present in the response before using them.
The two additional fields are the SSL versions of the profile_image_url and the profile_background_image_url. They will be identified in the user object by the attributes:
For example, the @twitter user would look similar to this:
"profile_background_tile": false,
"name": "Twitter",
"profile_sidebar_fill_color": "F6F6F6",
"profile_sidebar_border_color": "EEEEEE",
"location": "San Francisco, CA",
"created_at": "Tue Feb 20 14:35:54 +0000 2007",
"id_str": "783214",
"is_translator": false,
"profile_link_color": "038543",
"follow_request_sent": false,
"default_profile": false,
"contributors_enabled": true,
"favourites_count": 10,
"utc_offset": -28800,
"id": 783214,
"listed_count": 58963,
"profile_use_background_image": true,
"lang": "en",
"protected": false,
"profile_text_color": "333333",
"followers_count": 5063298,
"notifications": false,
"geo_enabled": true,
"verified": true,
"profile_background_color": "ACDED6",
"description": "Always wondering what's happening. ",
"time_zone": "Pacific Time (US & Canada)",
"statuses_count": 1111,
"friends_count": 487,
"default_profile_image": false,
"status": {
"coordinates": null,
"created_at": "Mon May 16 17:23:59 +0000 2011",
"truncated": false,
"favorited": false,
"id_str": "70177690392592384",
"in_reply_to_user_id_str": null,
"text": "Remember in 2009 when @aplusk and @cnn were racing to be the 1st to reach a million followers? @ladygaga just reached 10 million. Wow!",
"annotations": null,
"contributors": [
"id": 70177690392592384,
"retweet_count": "100+",
"in_reply_to_status_id_str": null,
"geo": null,
"retweeted": false,
"in_reply_to_user_id": null,
"in_reply_to_screen_name": null,
"source": "web",
"place": null,
"in_reply_to_status_id": null
"screen_name": "twitter",
"show_all_inline_media": true,
"following": true
Developer Advocate, Twitter