Bigger avatar images for users/profile_image/twitter ?

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Guillaume Gaubert

2011年3月6日 09:13:332011/3/6
收件人 Twitter Development Talk
Hi !

I want to use users/profile_image/twitter to get the picture of a
Twitter account. But I've seen the biggest size allowed is 73*73px. Is
there a way to get the original picture or a bigger one ?

Thank you,
Guillaume Gaubert.

Randolph Estebat

2011年3月6日 12:28:402011/3/6

Hi -- im not sure what you specifically want to do but if are to show it in a page, just set the img width and height to your preference.

Twitter developer documentation and resources:
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Randolph Estebat

Guillaume Gaubert

2011年3月6日 15:43:242011/3/6
收件人 Twitter Development Talk
Thank you for your response. But if I do that I get a pixelated and
blurry picture.

On Mar 6, 6:28 pm, Randolph Estebat <> wrote:
> Hi -- im not sure what you specifically want to do but if are to show it in
> a page, just set the img width and height to your preference.
> On Sun, Mar 6, 2011 at 10:13 PM, Guillaume Gaubert
> <>wrote:


2011年3月6日 23:20:502011/3/6
收件人 Twitter Development Talk
> I want to use users/profile_image/twitter to get the picture of a
> Twitter account. But I've seen the biggest size allowed is 73*73px. Is
> there a way to get the original picture or a bigger one ?

Avatars come in three sizes:

mini = 24x24
normal = 48x48
bigger = 73x73
reasonably_small = 128x128

The last one only started being used with #NewTwitter so unless
someone has uploaded an avatar since then, you'll get the "bigger" one
instead. To get the alternate sizes, just replace the "_normal" with
the desired size. For my avatar these are the urls:

Since sometimes people change the avatar and the one you might have on
file is now dead, I use spiurl as a backup source for images which downloads and caches images
from Twitter and runs on google's AppSpot (you can clone your own if
you want control) The SPIURLs look like this:

I've got it doing automatic fallback like this (and handling error
from there with a fallback to my own locally cached default images):

<img alt="IDisposable" width="48" height="48" src="
profile_images/361706538/mk1_normal.jpg" title="IDisposable"
onerror="avatarOnError(this, 'normal');">

// Common.js
// must be setup very early to guarantee it is available before any
images try loading.
avatarOnError = function(img, size) {
var profileName = img.title;
size = size || "normal";
img.src = '' + profileName + '/' +
img.onerror = function() {
this.onerror = undefined;
this.src = '/Assets/images/twitter/default_profile_' +
Math.floor(Math.random() * 7) + '_' + size + '.png';

Ken D.

2011年3月7日 12:22:292011/3/7
收件人 Twitter Development Talk
> Avatars come in three sizes:
>         mini = 24x24
>         normal = 48x48
>         bigger = 73x73
>         reasonably_small = 128x128
The original seems to be available at

Julien C

2011年3月24日 12:51:322011/3/24
收件人 Twitter Development Talk
Yes, but it's not square, which I don't like. I've got the same
problem with Facebook, actually: the square version of the profile pic
is tiny.

Robert McGovern

2011年3月30日 06:43:092011/3/30
收件人 Twitter Development Talk
On Mar 7, 7:22 pm, "Ken D." <> wrote:
> The original seems to be available at

Are we actually allowed to use the "original" version? (Taking
profile_image_url and trimming out the _normal) I'd certainly like to
be able to use something a touch larger than 73x73 that is currently
the largest documented. Its not the prettiest on a retina display :)

The originals are certainly variable in size, I've seen 256x256,
375x500, 500x375, 500x500, 500x667 in my sampling of 10 (just going
via and clicking on peoples avatars).

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