Information from Becky Scoggins, Former Co-Owner of TwiCon

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Mar 16, 2010, 5:05:42 AM3/16/10
to TwiCon Discussion Group
An unofficial message from Becky Scoggins, former co-owner of TwiCon,
regarding the situation:

What do you think?


Mar 16, 2010, 5:18:15 AM3/16/10
I think she is skirting the issue. And it almost sounds like she is saying the money is spent. I signed on th the group and if you want to transfer it to my name that's fine. Thank you so much for your help.
Twilighted Junior Validation Beta
PTB Beta


Mar 16, 2010, 5:33:55 AM3/16/10
I agree.  I was not planning on attending this event, and therefore, I did not submit any money.  However, this entire thing seems very sketchy, and I can't help but want to be involved to support those of you who were essentially taken advantage of.

To me, I don't have any sympathy for the co-owners who have posted responses.  What kind of co-owner of a business is not aware of the company's financial situation?  Why are they not demanding to know how every single dollar was spent, so that they can refund the maximum amount of money possible?  Where is the responsibility?  Where is the accountability? 


Mar 27, 2010, 4:59:04 AM3/27/10
to TwiCon Discussion Group
Becky has said that their available funds have been spent on
'professional services' and non-refundable deposits. She also stated
that the relationship between Twicon LLC and her company, Scroggins-
Management (who was hired to manage this event), ended shortly before
Twicon LLC. was dissolved. Naturally, many fans are wondering if the
'professional services' which were paid, included a hefty check to
her company.

Only 300-350 tickets (of the 5000 available) were sold. They'd only
sold 6-7% of the tickets!! This is why her claim that they were
COMPLETELY surprised when they realized they didn't have enough money
for the next round of bills has been met with so much skepticism.

She's as much as stated that the refund may very well be a piddly
amount and then is surprised when the fans are angry at losing their
money. From her twitter account, ,

"@ThisIsRobThomas TRUST me. I own a biz that just folded in the
Twilight fandom. Those fans are VISCIOUS!

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