using mechanize with Turbogears

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Andrew Dalke

Mar 28, 2007, 2:59:21 AM3/28/07
to TurboGears
I've been working on understanding how to do testing of TG apps.
The TG book mentions mechanize. I didn't like how it talks to the
TG server through the web interface. My other unittests use the
testutil module to issue requests directly though createRequest,
and I liked that, instead of starting the server. For example, I
get to recreate my test data set every time.

I wrote an adapter to replace Mechanize's HTTPHandler. If
the URL request is made to a given host/port it is intercepted
by the adapter, converted into a TG request, processed by
the web app, and the TG response converted into the form
that Mechanize expects.

Here it is

import httplib
import mechanize
from mechanize import _http, _response
from turbogears import testutil
import cherrypy
import rfc822

from cStringIO import StringIO
except ImportError:
from StringIO import StringIO

class TGHTTPHandler(_http.HTTPHandler):
"""intercept requests to the given http host:port and call
TurboGears directly"""
def __init__(self,
intercept_host = "localhost",
intercept_port = "8080",
intercept_address = "",
_http.HTTPHandler.__init__(self, debuglevel)
self.intercept_host = intercept_host
self.intercept_port = intercept_port
self.intercept_address = intercept_address

def http_open(self, req):
# The request is either the hostname or the hostname:port
# Normalize to make it easier to compare.
host = req.get_host()
if ":" in host:
host, port = host.split(":", 1)
port = "80"

# if self.intercept_port is None then should I intercept all
# to the intercept machine?
if (host != self.intercept_host or port !=
# Let other requests go through. Useful when testing that
# TG app correctly links to external URLs
return _http.HTTPHandler.http_open(self, req)

# Pretty much copied this from what mechanize does to make the
headers = dict(req.headers)
headers["Connection"] = "close" # do not support HTTP 1.1
# normalize request header keys
headers = dict( [(k.title(), v) for (k,v) in
headers.items()] )

# convert a POST document into a file-like object
rfile = None
rfile = StringIO(

# Call the local TG server. Here is the createRequest
# create_request(request, method='GET', protocol='HTTP/1.1',
headers={}, rfile=None,
# clientAddress='', remoteHost='localhost',
# XXX TG has no way to override the port?
testutil.createRequest(request = req.get_selector(),
method = req.get_method(),
headers = headers,
rfile = rfile,
clientAddress = self.intercept_address,
remoteHost = host)

# Convert the TG response to the expected form for Mechanize
response = cherrypy.response
fp = StringIO(response.body[0])
code, msg = response.status.split(None, 1)
code = int(code)
# Mechanize uses an rfc822.Message and not a dictionary of
headers = rfc822.Message(StringIO(""))
for (k,v) in response.headers.sorted_list():
headers[k] = v

# This is a bit of a waste because downstream processors end
# up making this seekable, even though it already is seekable
return _response.closeable_response(
fp, headers, req.get_full_url(), code, msg)

def Browser(*args, **kwargs):
b = mechanize.Browser(*args, **kwargs)
# remove the old HTTPHandler -- this is a hack and I don't know
# right way to remove an old handler.
b.handlers = [h for h in b.handlers if not isinstance(h,
# add the intercepting handler
return b

###### Example use -- I have a project called "pachy3"

from pachy3.controllers import Root
from turbogears import startup

def go():
cherrypy.root = Root()
b = Browser()
print b.title()


Andrew Dalke

Andrew Dalke

Mar 28, 2007, 3:47:36 AM3/28/07
to TurboGears
On Mar 28, 8:59 am, "Andrew Dalke" <> wrote:
> I've been working on understanding how to do testing of TG apps.
> The TG book mentions mechanize.

In passing it mentions twill, and I've seen Titus' blogs on that

I looked at twill just now. It supports calling a server through
which seems better than my hacked-up adapter.

Is that how people usually use twill to talk to a TG app for doing
unit tests?

dalke @ dalke scientific . com


Mar 28, 2007, 7:10:24 AM3/28/07
to TurboGears
Hi Andrew,

just yesterday I solved the same problem you had with mechanize. Titus
wrote wsgi_intercept (
wsgi_intercept/README.html). He gave me some advice on how to setup
wsgi interception with mechanize as the old version of wsgi_intercept
doesn't work with current mechanize. I'm now using the
wsgi_interception stuff from the current twill egg.

I'm planning to write a short wiki entry how to do the setup. My code
is in a very raw/hacked state and I might need some free afternoons to
find a clean solution to post. I will later try playing with
wsgi_intercepted twill to find out which one works better for me:
twill or mechanize.

See also
if you haven't already.


Andrew Dalke

Mar 28, 2007, 8:03:07 AM3/28/07
to TurboGears
On Mar 28, 1:10 pm, "Bastian" <> wrote:
> just yesterday I solved the same problem you had with mechanize. Titus
> wrote wsgi_intercept (
> wsgi_intercept/README.html). He gave me some advice on how to setup
> wsgi interception with mechanize as the old version of wsgi_intercept
> doesn't work with current mechanize. I'm now using the
> wsgi_interception stuff from the current twill egg.

I tried installing from the latest egg but there was a problem with
Perhaps only when there are multiple forms? It took a while to figure
The twill archives show the problem was with the latest release and
Titus suggested trying an updated version. That seems to work, but
I haven't had the time to try making twill control TurboGears through
and only hints on the web of how I might do it.

> I'm planning to write a short wiki entry how to do the setup.

Please do. :)


Mar 28, 2007, 6:24:54 PM3/28/07
to TurboGears
This is what I hacked so far to get my TurboGears pages tested using
wsgi interception.
# Many code snippets stolen from Titus Brown
from turbogears import testutil
from tgjob.controllers import Root
import cherrypy
from twill import wsgi_intercept

class WSGITest(testutil.DBTest):
def setUp(self):

_cached_app = {}
### dynamically created function to build & return a WSGI app
### for a CherryPy Web app.
def get_wsgi_app(_cached_app=_cached_app):
if not _cached_app:
cherrypy.root = Root()
# configure cherrypy to be quiet ;)
#cherrypy.config.update({ "server.logToScreen" :
False })
# get WSGI app.
from cherrypy._cpwsgi import wsgiApp
_cached_app['app'] = wsgiApp
return _cached_app['app']

wsgi_intercept.add_wsgi_intercept('localhost', 80,

def tearDown(self):
wsgi_intercept.remove_wsgi_intercept('localhost', 80)
# shut down the cherrypy server.

And here is a example using the WSGITest class.
# Some code snippets stolen from Titus Brown
from turbogears import testutil, database
import tgjob.model
from data import setup_model_data
import cherrypy
import wsgi_testutil


class TestPages(wsgi_testutil.WSGITest):

model = tgjob.model

def test_open_job_using_mechanize(self):
"The new job offer page saves job details"
from twill._browser import PatchedMechanizeBrowser as Browser
b = Browser()"http://localhost/")
# setup_model_data() initializes some records. For unknown
reasons it only works after was called
# load the page with the set up data"http://localhost/")
r = b.follow_link(text=r"Senior Python Developer")
assert b.viewing_html()

def test_save_job_using_twill(self):
"The new job offer page saves job details"
import twill
# while we're at it, snarf twill's output.
from StringIO import StringIO
outp = StringIO()
from twill.commands import *
follow(u'Place a new job offer')
formvalue(1, "title", "fooTitle")
formvalue(1, "company", "fooCompany")
formvalue(1, "place", "fooPlace")
formvalue(1, "homepage", "fooHomepage")
formvalue(1, "description", "fooDescription")
formvalue(1, "contact", "fooContact")
# from twill import get_browser
# b = get_browser()
# b.go("http://localhost/")
# setup_model_data()
# b.go("http://localhost/")
# b.follow_link(b.find_link(u'Place a new job offer'))
# ...

Hope that helps someone.


On 28 Mrz., 13:10, "Bastian" <> wrote:
> Hi Andrew,
> just yesterday I solved the same problem you had with mechanize. Titus
> wrote wsgi_intercept (
> wsgi_intercept/README.html). He gave me some advice on how to setup
> wsgi interception with mechanize as the old version of wsgi_intercept
> doesn't work with current mechanize. I'm now using the
> wsgi_interception stuff from the current twill egg.
> I'm planning to write a short wiki entry how to do the setup. My code
> is in a very raw/hacked state and I might need some free afternoons to
> find a clean solution to post. I will later try playing with
> wsgi_intercepted twill to find out which one works better for me:
> twill or mechanize.

> See also

Marco Mariani

Mar 29, 2007, 6:37:19 AM3/29/07
Bastian wrote:
> This is what I hacked so far to get my TurboGears pages tested using
> wsgi interception.

Thank you, I need it too..

I've just tried it but got it working for the first test method only.

I took out the DBTest part because I need to have my own

> from twill import wsgi_intercept
> from project.controllers import Root
> import cherrypy, unittest
> from turbogears import testutil

> from twill._browser import PatchedMechanizeBrowser as Browser

> class WSGITest(unittest.TestCase):
> def setUp(self):
> _cached_app = {}

> def get_wsgi_app(_cached_app=_cached_app):
> if not _cached_app:
> cherrypy.root = Root()

> testutil.start_cp()

> from cherrypy._cpwsgi import wsgiApp
> _cached_app['app'] = wsgiApp
> return _cached_app['app']
> wsgi_intercept.add_wsgi_intercept('localhost', 80, get_wsgi_app)
> def tearDown(self):
> wsgi_intercept.remove_wsgi_intercept('localhost', 80)

> # cherrypy.server.stop()
> class RootControllerTest(WSGITest):
> def test_index(self):

> b = Browser()

> def test_index1(self):

> b = Browser()

The first test method works and has the expected content. I can also
load other pages and do everything I am supposed to.
The second and subsequent methods have no such luck:

line 156, in open
return self._mech_open(url, data)
line 207, in _mech_open
raise response
httperror_seek_wrapper: HTTP Error 500: Internal error

Calling server.stop() makes no difference.
I guess I need to look closer at the _cached_app magic..


Mar 29, 2007, 8:34:51 AM3/29/07
to TurboGears
I had the the same problem yesterday. After commenting
cherrypy.server.stop() it worked for me. Anyway, I didn't try your
code yet. Don't know if it is important, but I'm starting my tests
using nosetest.


Marco Mariani

Mar 29, 2007, 9:14:15 AM3/29/07
Bastian wrote:
> I had the the same problem yesterday. After commenting
> cherrypy.server.stop() it worked for me.

Makes no difference to me.

What solved the problem for me, is removing the cache thing altogether:

> cherrypy.root = Root()
> testutil.start_cp()
> class WSGITest(unittest.TestCase):
> def setUp(self):
> wsgi_intercept.add_wsgi_intercept('localhost', 80, lambda:
> wsgiApp)

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