Why the Brahamins Hate Most the Peasantry? Indian Parliament in Recession.Tata Attacks Mamata Once Again in Marxist Language!FII sales Push SENSEX Fall Continue. PSU firms told to Stay Put in Mutual. Small IT in Big Trouble

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Oct 17, 2008, 3:41:47 PM10/17/08
to Trends

Why the Brahamins Hate Most the Peasantry? Indian Parliament in
Recession.Tata Attacks Mamata Once Again in Marxist Language!FII sales
Push SENSEX Fall Continue. PSU firms told to Stay Put in Mutual. Small
IT in Big Trouble

Troubled Galaxy Destroyed Dreams: Chapter 88
Palash Biswas
It is GAASI today.
My landlady hails from Dhaka. She has two sons. In my neighbourhood,
Kundus also belong to Dhaka. A part of Roychowdharies is also left in
Dhaka. The Dhaka people celebrate GAASI, a rural peasantry festival
cooking mixed Dal and distributing it in neighbourhood.We got our
share of the Festival dal abundantly.
What we the Indian Peasants get from this Independent democratic
nation? Just Inherent Inequality, Inherent Injustice, Infinite
enslavement, continuous persecution leading to displacement and
deportation, Violation of Human rights and Civil Rights!
I never believe that the elected so called Representatives of Indian
People in this patriarchal Hindu Majoritarian Political system would
retreat from its Pro US Pro Capitalist stance and would ever make an
issue of our suffereing in a troubled time of unemployment, food
insecurity, calamities and Great depression!though it is believed that
Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's plan to push through
legislative changes such as increasing overseas investment in
insurance and the pension industry is likely to be hampered by the
opposition. Debate on the new bills may be bogged down by protests
over inflation, religious violence and terrorist attacks in the
parliamentary session beginning today. As many as 36 bills are listed
for parliamentary approval, while 26 are to be introduced in the
session scheduled to end Nov. 21. The government wants to push through
legislation in the time that is has left before national elections
that need to be held by May next year, seeking to shore up its waning
popularity. Singh's Congress party, which heads the coalition that
came to power in May 2004 with a pledge to help the poor, has lost
ground in nine of the 11 state polls held since January 2007. It faces
elections in another five states in November and December.
How they defend shamelessly the Corporates, just see!With the
benchmark Sensex closing below 10,000, there is little to be hopeful
about, even on the corporate earnings front. The results so fa
r don't paint a very pleasant picture – shrinking margins and
weakening fundamentals. While sales for the fifty firms that have come
out with second quarter results so far have gone up 42 per cent, net
profits are up just 17 per cent. This clearly indicates thinning
The major results so far have come from the IT and financial services
sectors. IT majors Infosys Technologies, HCL Technologies and Satyam
Computer Services have met analyst expectations, but have also lowered
guidance for the rest of the year. The rate at which new employees are
being added has also come down. The next year could be worse, going by
the state of the US economy and the exposure of IT firms to the
financial sector there.

On the other hand,Civil Aviation Minister Praful Patel on Friday
defended delay by airline companies in payment of their fuel bills
saying they were not defaulters, but the Petroleum Ministry maintained
that Jet Airways had defaulted on payment of Rs 259 crore to Indian
Oil Corporation.
A day after the Petroleum Ministry gave details of the dues of Naresh
Goyal’s Jet Airways and its new found ally Kingfisher, Patel told
reporters in Parliament that airline had a 60-day period to make
payments. “So they cannot be branded as defaulters,” he said.
Petroleum Ministry, however, countered Patel saying Jet had failed to
make payments even after expiry of the 60-day grace period.
After blaming Mamata Banerjee for the Nano pullout from Singur, Ratan
Tata on Friday kept the embers burning by publicly asking the people
of West Bengal to 'choose' between the Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee
government or a "destructive political environment of lawlessness."
The comments by the Chairman of the Tata group in an open letter to
the people of West Bengal led Banerjee's Trinamool Congress to quickly
demand an unconditional apology or face legal action for targeting the
firebrand leader.
"Tata should explain what he meant by confrontative actions by the
Trinamool Congress led by Ms Mamata Banerjee and supported by vested
interests," senior Trinamool Congress leader Partha Chatterjee said.
: Fallout from the financial crisis grew in the real economy Friday
with job losses and a backlash against banking chiefs as shares ended
a crazy week with a new roller-coaster ride.
European stocks strengthened, fell and rose again in the turbulence
after a French bank's admission that it lost 800 million dollars in a
derivatives trading "incident" while the German parliament passed a
480-billion-euro (650-billion-dollar) rescue package.
Ukraine said it was negotiating a 14-billion-dollar emergency loan
with the International Monetary Fund and Argentina announced it had
struck a deal with three foreign banks to renegotiate annual payments
on part of its 150-billion-dollar sovereign debt mountain.
The impact of the crisis spread further with more companies around the
world blaming major job losses on the financial turmoil which saw bank
lending freeze up in a crisis of confidence over "toxic" US mortgage
Chinese toy maker Smart Union, which was heavily reliant on US brands
such as Mattel and Disney, has gone bust due to the financial crisis ,
leaving up to 7,000 people jobless.
Shareholders of Fortis are seeking damages from the Belgian-Dutch
financial services group, the Dutch state and others after the firm
was broken up earlier this month, lawyers said on Friday.

With General Elections next year and five states going to polls
starting November 14, there are many issues like the global financial
crisis and its impact on the Indian economy, terror attacks, communal
riots, price rise and the Indo-US nuclear deal, which the Opposition
will try to raise.

It could also be the last session under the leadership of Manmohan

But with elections for Assemblies of Delhi, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh,
Chattisgarh and Mizoram already announced, there are many who feel
that there is no point of continuing with a month-long session.

So it might well be cut short by at least 10 days to allow leaders to
campaign aggressively in a poll that is already been billed as mini
General Election.
Brahamins ruling South Asia now enjoys most the latest Nuclear status
and anti peasant stance is strengthened vehemently. Peasantry is
targeted to boost Corporate, MNC, Builder and promoter interests along
with strategic readjustmeny underway in US lead despite the US and
Western Capitalism collapsing and emergence of Martin Luther King`s
dream as the most deciding factor of the Destiny of United states of
america. Thus, the super slave planted Prime minister ably assisted by
the elite Bengali Brahmins, Chetia Chidambaram gang of World bank IMF
slaves go all out to save the endangered corporate US Imperialism and
launching a Killing campaign against Indian Peasantry. Ratan Tata is
the most appropriate corporate Icon to finance and enhance the
deportation from life and livelihood drive!
Generation Next is made to plan future on IT launching pad. Now Small
Indian IT sector crunches! it is in big trouble. Jet airways
employees, of course, have been reinstated with Salary Cut. Realty,
IT, Construction, Bank sectors crash! Replicating DOW jones won`t help
Indian Economy as the Ruling Brahmins despise most the Indian
Indigenous Black Untouchable peasantry and violates the basics of
human Rights as well as Economics! FII won`t boost Hindu superpower
Economy but the Illusion is quite Intact! GOI directed PSUs to stay
put in Mutual as FII sales push SENSEX Fall continue! The Indian
ruling Hegemony is over engaged in Pre Loksabha Power Vote Bank
Coalition Equations making the Political system and Financial crisis
irrelevant. It is all out once again to stop Mayawati as NRIs rally
against the almost sure to be the first Black president Barrack
Hussein Obama!
US industrial output posts biggest fall in 34 years!
Big industry production plunged in September by the most since late
1974, largely reflecting fallout from hurricanes Gustav and Ike.
The Federal Reserve reported on Thursday that production at the
nation's factories, mines and utilities plunged 2.8 percent last
month, on top of a 1 percent drop in August.
The Fed estimated that disruptions related to the hurricanes accounted
for about 2.25 percentage points of the total drop in industrial
production in September. In addition, a strike affecting the
commercial aircraft industry also was a factor in the poor showing,
accounting for around a half percentage point of the overall decline,
the Fed said.
The drop in industrial production in September was the biggest since
December 1974, when output fell 3.5 percent.
The latest showing on industrial activity was worse than economists
expected. They were forecasting a decline of 0.8 percent.
Our people are scattered all over India now. The Hindu Bengali
Refugees from Faridpur, Jassore, Dhaka, Noakhali, Comilla, Barishal,
Khulna, Chitagang, Kushthia and Pabna mostly. In West Bengal, NABAANY
and Tusu remain the main harvesting festival. It is Gaasi in East
Bengal. Since the migrated people from East Bengal are mostly the
Peasant castes like the Namoshudra and the Paundra kshtriya, having
aboriginal roots demonised, we inherit the East Bengal rural
culture.Common among Hindus is the acceptance of the caste system as
the structure of society. For virtually all Hindus, even those in
revolt against some aspects of the system, caste is taken for granted
as the way of life. To be considered Hindu, a group must identify
itself in some way as a unit in the caste hierarchy. One cannot join a
caste; one is born into it and lives, marries, and dies in it. Even
migrating from east Bengal, we remain as the most despised
Why the Brahmins hate most the Peasantry? it is the basic question to
understand the dynamics of development and Post modern Manusmriti as
well as the mapping of famine, calamities and annihilation!
why they hate Barack Hussein Obama as well as Mayawati?
The battle for a key electoral prize - India's most populous state of
Uttar Pradesh - is turning into a major political theatre involving
the country's two most powerful women.
In one corner is Mrs Sonia Gandhi, 62, the Congress Party president of
impeccable political pedigree as the widow, daughter-in-law and
granddaughter-in-law of three former prime ministers.
In the other corner is Uttar Pradesh (UP) Chief Minister Mayawati, an
upstart diamond-loving spinster who became the first low-caste leader
to become head of a state and is now being touted as a possible prime
minister in the future.
Listed by Forbes magazine as among the world's 100 most powerful
women, both have gone toe-to-toe ahead of national elections next
A day after their debate in which they tried to solve Americas
economic crisis, Senators John Mccain and Barack Obama came together
and laughed it all out at a political dinner in New York.

And Barack Hussein Obama had to say a thing or two about himself -
mostly about his middle name.

"I got my middle name from somebody who obviously didn't think I'd
ever run for president. But today my greatest strength, I guess it
would be my humility. Greatest weakness, it's possible that I'm a
little too awesome. One other thing. I have never, not once, put
lipstick on a pig or a pit bull or myself," Obama said.

Speakers at Republican events had earlier began referring to "Barack
Hussein Obama", with heavy emphasis on their opponent's middle name.
Scores of Christians have converted to Hinduism in Orissa's troubled
Kandhamal district in the past weeks to save their lives and
properties, a government official admitted on Friday.
"We have received over 50 complaints where people alleged that Hindu
villagers are forcing them to convert to Hinduism if want to save
their lives and properties," a senior district administration official
told IANS.
"Over 30 people have informed us in writing that they changed their
religion to Hinduism on their own and without any force," he said,
adding that all the complaints were being investigated and action
would be taken as per law.
However, Sajan K. George, president of the Global Council of Indian
Christians (GCIC), said that the number of people who converted to
Hinduism forcibly would be more than 600.
"The villagers tonsured my head and forced me to drink cow dung
water," a victim claimed in a relief camp in this town, the district
headquarters of the volatile Kandhamal district that has borne the
brunt of the communal violence following the killing of Vishwa Hindu
Parishad (VHP) leader Swami Laxmanananda Saraswati and four of his
aides on Aug 23 at his Jalespata Ashram.
Hindus in the region blamed Christians for the killing and went on a
rampage against the community.
At least 36 people, mostly Christians, were killed and thousands of
homes burnt in the district during the violence. Over 20,000 people,
mainly Christians, have taken shelter in relief camps after their
houses were torched by rampaging Hindu mobs.
Although there has been no violence since past over two weeks, tension
continues in the region over religious conversions.
While night curfew is in force in nine towns in Kandhamal, prohibitory
orders banning any gathering of four and more people are in force
across the district.
The global financial turmoil may revive the International Monetary
Fund's role as the world's financial firefighter, providing loans to
cash-strapped countries and developing an early warning system to
prevent future crises.
Seeking a greater role for his 185-nation organisation, Dominique
Strauss-Kahn, the ambitious French leader of the IMF, has embraced
enthusiastically a mandate to use its resources and skills to play a
central role in the global economy.
He says he is ready to begin an immediate overhaul of the fund.
Meanwhile, as major powers ponied up $3 trillion last week to start
bringing order to the global economy, Iceland, Hungary and Ukraine
indicated they might seek financing from the IMF to improve their
particularly dangerous fiscal maladies.
In recent years the IMF has been relegated to the sidelines with its
loan portfolio diminished as well as its role on the international
stage. Many countries that had been borrowers sought funds in capital
markets and built huge reserves so they would not have to come hat in
hand to the IMF.
In addition, China and other wealthy countries have provided loans to
developing countries, many in Africa, with no strings attached.
Founded in the aftermath of World War II , the IMF became the
international community's fire brigade in the 1990s, providing loans
to countries in financial trouble from Thailand to Turkey, while
requiring dire belt-tightening measures.

It is now Nuclear patriarchy Hindutva, the Ruling Hegemony of India as
India on Friday moved a step closer to launch its maiden unmanned moon
session when the lunar spacecraft Chandrayaan-I was mated w ith the
polar rocket which is set to blast off on October 22 from the
Sriharikota spaceport. Gearing up for the final countdown, Space
officials said all operations for the mission are progressing
satisfactorily and barring a cyclone threat the Polar Satellite Launch
Vehicle (PSLV-C11) will keep the date with the country's historic
mission on October 22 at 6.20 AM.
The US on Wednesday reiterated president George Bush’s pledge of
providing “reliable fuel” supplies for Indian civilian reactors while
announcing a nuclear trade mission to India, in December, to explore
business opportunities pegged at $150 billion (Rs 7.3 cr) over the
next 30 years.
US commerce secretary Carlos Gutierrez noted that the US-India
Business Council (USIBC) would spearhead the mission to scope out
India’s growing market for civilian nuclear technologies.
“I’m pleased to announce that the commerce department has certified
the US-India Business Council for a civil nuclear trade mission to
India this December,” Gutierrrez told the day-long Green India Summit
jointly organised by USIBC and the Confederation of Indian Industry.
“As president Bush said, India will have a reliable fuel supply for
its civilian reactors, which will meet energy demands and reduce
dependence on fossil fuels,” Gutierrez added. “US companies are eager
to contribute to India’s developing nuclear power sector. However,
private sector firms, both US and Indian, require nuclear liability
protection in order to do business,” Gutierrez said urging India to
“draft and ratify a domestic law consistent with the Convention on
Supplementary Compensation (CSC) for Nuclear Damage.”
India, last month, wrote a letter of intent to sign up to the
convention. Top Washington lawyer Omer Brown, who represents GE Energy
among other nuclear suppliers on the liability issue, told DNA that
the Indian parliament will have to approve the CSC like any other
Among the pending legislation is the Banking Regulation Bill, which
seeks the removal of a 10 percent cap on voting rights of overseas
investors in non-government banks, and a Pension Fund Regulatory and
Development Bill that aims to increase the foreign investment limit in
the industry.
The government also plans to introduce a bill that will seek to raise
the overseas investment limit to 49 percent from 26 percent in
domestic insurance companies.
Both the banking regulation and pension bills have been pending for
more than three years in parliament as the four communist parties that
supported the federal coalition government until July opposed them.
Nuclear Deal
They withdrew their support over the country's just- concluded nuclear
agreement with the U.S., prompting a confidence vote that the
government won.
Getting approval for the bills may be difficult without the support of
the main opposition Bharatiya Janata Party, as the ruling coalition
has a thin parliamentary majority.
``I don't think these bills will actually be taken up as this
government has no commitment to reforms,'' Prakash Javadekar,
Bharatiya Janata Party spokesman, said by phone, without stating what
the party's stand will be. ``These are their final days.''
The Bharatiya Janata Party will raise the increase in prices of
essential commodities, the rise in terrorist incidents and the failure
of the government to deal with the global financial crisis, Javadekar
More than 140 people have been killed in at least 40 bomb blasts since
May 13. Communal violence has taken place in the eastern state of
Orissa, where clashes between Hindus and Christians since August left
more than 35 dead.
Assam Fighting
Ethnic fighting in the northeastern state of Assam between indigenous
Bodo tribespeople and Muslim settlers from Bangladesh has killed more
than 50 people.
The government won't shy away from debate on any issue, Parliamentary
Affairs Minister Vayalar Ravi said in New Delhi.
Foreign Minister Pranab Mukherjee is likely to make a statement on the
conclusion of the nuclear deal with the U.S., which allows companies
such as General Electric Co. to sell atomic fuel and technology to
India's growing energy sector for the first time in three decades,
Ravi said.
The government is expected to come under fire from the communist
parties over the nuclear deal.
India's finance ministry will also seek approval for extra spending on
items that were not mentioned in the budget for the financial year
ending March 31, Ravi said.

Economic recession in rich countries triggered by the global
financial turmoil is likely to last at least 18 months, the head of
the United N
ations' Development Programme (UNDP) said on Friday.
"It will definitely last more than a year -- between a year and 18
months," Kemal Dervis said in an interview with Turkey's NTV
television. "How long it will eventually last will depend on the
measures to be implemented."
Dervis, a former Turkish economy minister, also urged reforms to
restructure the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to allow it to
monitor the economies of rich countries and not only the developing
"The IMF should be a genuine international institution which ensures
economic coordination and healthy policies across the world rather
than acting only as the police of developing countries," Dervis said.
"It is absolutely necessary for the IMF... to have a say in American
monetary policies, American financial control policies or European and
Japanese control policies, or at least to disclose what it sees and to
draw attention to the problems it sees," he said.
"It is not currently in such a position because the rich countries
does not give it a mission on this issue," he added.
Dervis also stressed that developing countries should have a greater
role and participation in IMF management and decision-making.
Indian Parliament is the supreme House of Brahminical hegemony in
India. The Parliament is in session. We witnessed the Nuke Opera
Reality show last time and now we have to witness the Capitalist
American Ways being justified in Parliamentary debate. I am afraid
that the Brahmin leaders of different colour are very competent to
subvert the real issues relating the livelihood, land and life of the
masses. Rather any minor issue is bound to kill the time of the
parliament and no bdy is going to question the Government of India how
it bypassed the parliament and Constitutionof India making India the
periphery of united states of America!
Reinstatement of sacked employees by Jet Airways has fuelled angst
among Corporate India and some of leading human resource executives
are looking upon it as a defeat of professionalism at the altar of
"People touted this as the victory of morality, common man's win,
employees' rights and other such things. In my humble opinion, India
Inc has lost again," a leading HR consultant said.
Echoing the sentiment, diversified conglomerate ITC's Human Resource
Vice President, Anil Sharma said, "It was made to believe... How can a
company call its sacked employees back to work just 48 hours after
they were retrenched by the airline!"
Sharma further said the decision was really impulsive by a business
house, which was trying to survive despite the rising cost burden.
Although the Jet's decision of reinstatement of the sacked staff has
been hailed by common man, analysts said this would hurt investment
sentiments for the stocks of the Airline company and in turn, its
The government on Thursday deferred a decision on hiking Foreign
Direct Investment cap in the insurance sector to 49 per cent from 26
per cent, as it watches for the impact of the global financial
The issue of liberalising the insurance sector was to come up before
the Cabinet but was deferred, Minister for Science and Technology
Kapil Sibal told reporters after the Cabinet meeting.
The bull is on the run! But not in the direction one would want. He’s
kicked enough storm and leaving behind him dust which the market is
anxiously waiting to settle, so as to ascertain the damage.
There are foreign forces behind the madness, as politicians would say--
the US sub-prime crisis that has ballooned into a credit crisis across
world markets. And there doesn’t seem to any comfort from the measures
being taken by the central governments.
In one of many such stampedes, the Sensex of Bombay Stock Exchange
Friday closed below the 10,000 mark at 9,975.35, a loss of 606.14
points or 5.73 per cent from the previous close. The low of the day
was 9,911.32 and high of 10,786.93.
Realty and power stocks led the decline as investors were on a
selling spree on unabated fears of a sharp global economic slowdown.
The BSE Realty Index slumped 8 per cent with industry leader Unitech
shedding as much as 10.84 per cent. Other losers in the pack were
Peninsula Land falling 11.03 per cent, DLF down 8.73 per cent, Orbit
Corp plunging 13.43 per cent and Indiabulls Realty down 11.42 per
Among power stocks, Reliance Infrastructure (-10.05%) suffered the
most. Suzlon Energy (8.55%), NTPC (9.29%) and BHEL (8.23%) were also
under severe pressure pulling the BSE Power Index down 7.27 per cent.

I remember our social fabrics and rituals related to peasantry as it
is associated with National Production, Indigenous Economics and Food
security. Myths and Superstitions were closely related to Nature as we
happened to the people closely associated with Nature.
My home in Basantipur, situated near pantnagar University, had been
the centre during the folk festivals including GAASI. We had a music
teacher for almost ten years at home to learn all about folk as well
as music.
GAASI is related to productivity. The food is cooked in kartick and
eaten in AGAHAN. It is the motto. The home meant BAHAND. It means the
tribe in the rigid sense. It is clan.The Balck untouchables used to
worship the cattles and the Instruments associated with harvesting.
Rice Powders, coconuts and GUR were the basic content of the recipe in
gaasi, which is quite different from dhaka and comilla people. Since
we gave up harvesting as a family and most of us settled in towns,
since we have no cattles and no agricultuaral instrument mentionable
at our home, we have been decoupled with the Heritage.
How the hatred of the Brahmins work against the Peasantry, West Bengal
Social reality of Singur plus NANO, reflects it most. Since Mamata
symbolises and represents Singur Insurrection, Mamata is demonised.
West Bengal Brahmins began the Puja countdown Fifty Days before with
US feel. The Theme Puja was sponsered by corporates. Nano was the main
recipe. Mamat was made Mahisashur.Interestingly, in Nandigram,
Buddhadeb replaced the Demon Mahishashur!
It is hard to miss the irony. At a time when the banking industry is
in a crisis globally, fixed deposits of public sector banks have
emerged as the safest haven for badly hit investors who are
frantically liquidating their positions in equity markets and mutual
funds. While asset management companies have started feeling the heat
as retail and corporate investors queue up to redeem their funds,
branches of public sector banks have seen a rush for term deposits
from investors who want to ensure there is no further erosion in their
wealth. Investors are even shying away from private sector banks,
after the financial crash abroad. The State Bank of India, the largest
state-owned bank, which has launched a special 1,000-day fixed deposit
scheme, has mobilized over Rs 5,000 crore across the country in just
12 working days. It is also witnessing huge inflow of money into other
schemes. Many PSU banks are seeing infusion of funds, which are
getting diverted from the stock markets. "Our term deposits normally
grow at 17% annually. If the present trend continues, we could end up
with 25 to 30% growth," said a top official of Bank of Baroda. "Our
deposit schemes are drawing funds diverted from the stock market,"
acknowledged H C Pattnaik, chief general manager, SBI Gujarat.
The flight from markets to banks is not difficult to understand. From
a peak level of 21,200 on January 10, 2008, the sensex has fallen
almost 50%. During the same period, assets under management (AUM) of
equity funds have dropped by 22%, while AUM of liquid funds has
plummeted by around 44%. Sandeep Dasgupta, CEO, Bharti-AXA MF,
admitted that liquid and FMP (fixed maturity plan) schemes have been
under redemption pressure from corporate and retail investors.
The government's drastic economic rescue efforts will eventually pay
off, President Bush insisted Friday, offering calming words to anxious
Americans but no suggestion of a quick revival as Wall Street braced
for another wild day.
The economy didn't falter overnight, "and it's going to take a while
for the credit system to thaw," Bush said just before the markets
opened, speaking across a park from the White House at the US Chamber
of Commerce building, a symbolic headquarters of American business.
Despite a flurry of radical actions by the Bush administration and the
Federal Reserve, banks in the United States and abroad are still wary
of lending money to each other and to their customers. The credit clog
is depriving the wheezing US economy of oxygen.
Financial and credit problems have dragged on for more than a year and
took a dangerous turn for the worse last month. All the fallout
threatens to plunge the US economy - as well as the world economy -
into a painful recession.
That has led to erratic trading on Wall Street, where the Dow Jones
industrials have swung widely, slashing a trillion dollars of wealth
from the markets one day, only to pile some of it back on the next.
The Dow was down slightly in the first hour of trading on Friday.
See how the failed Capitalist System works on survival strategy!
European Union regulators called Friday for a clear plan on valuing
some of the shadowy high-risk credit derivative investments that have
een estimated at around US$600 trillion (euro444 trillion).
Billions of euros (dollars) has been wiped off banks' balance sheets
in recent months on fears that some complex investments may be based
on assets that are nearly worthless, such as housing loans that may
not be paid back as a recession puts people out of work.
EU financial services chief Charlie McCreevy called on national
supervisors and the financial industry to agree on the real risks
credit derivatives pose, and how they can be limited to prevent
further losses unraveling.
``I would like to have, by the end of this year, concrete proposals as
to how the risks from credit derivatives can be mitigated,'' he said
in a statement.
There is a pressing need, he said, for a central clearing counterparty
or negotiator to trade derivatives. McCreevy pointed to a vacuum in
the system since the collapse of US investment bank Lehman Brothers
last month which negotiated many of the world's derivative contracts.
``At US$600 trillion, the size of derivatives markets today are such
that we cannot let this over-the-counter market continue without
adequate counterparty clearing,'' he said.
McCreevy said this was urgent for credit default swaps which offer
insurance for lenders worried about a borrower's ability to pay them
back. Lenders are due a substantial payout if a company goes bankrupt,
as many large businesses have in recent weeks, including three
Icelandic banks.
As much as US$60 billion (euro44 billion) may be owed on credit
default swaps, he said, and it is unclear if the money will be paid
out and who is responsible for paying for it.
``The opaqueness of these products leads to nasty surprises when
things go wrong,'' he said. ``The potential knock-on effect to other
players in the market is obvious ... No one is able to say how these
swaps will unwind.
Regulators do not have the information they need to see potential
liabilities for the banks they monitor and need ``a much better view
of where the real risks in these instruments lie,'' he said.

Now see, CPIM and Ratan Tata simaltaneously launched all out attack
against Mamata. CPIM lost its Vision and lost its faith in its gods
Marx,Lenin, Mao and Che. Marxists replicate mannerism of Henry
Kissinger and George Bush. national and international issues have
become quite irrelevant for the Gestapo Masters. They Focus on
campaign annihiliation as the Americans declared War against
Terrorism. Ratan tata Left West Bengal, but he addressed the People of
West Bengal with massive advertisement published in local dailes. Tata
condemend Mamata in the same language as the Cpim Central committe
did.He advised the people of west Bengal to choose between Mamata and
Buddhadeb. Is it Parliamentary Democracy ? The corporate is dictating
Politics! While the marxists defend the US Corporate Interests most
with the rhetorics of antiimperialism and antifascism. It is all about
Brahminical Hatred against Mainstream peasantry, comprised of SCs,
OBCs, STs and Minorities ensalved in caste system for thousands and
thousands years!Meanwhile, fascist Narendra Modi, the RSS icon of
Genocide Gujarat Version also addressed both Buddha and Mamata
pleading to adopt Americanism for Industrialisation! If tatas have
left Bengal and relocated Nano project, why they choose to address the
people of West Bengal? In fact, tatas may not afford to produce nano
at this moment of Global Financial crisis and credit crunch. It got
the Escape Route in singur, but it has not gave up nano Project and
thus, wants to return to west Bengal. Thus it is a cent Percent
Marxist Tata Joint venture henceforth!
Attacking Trinamool Congress chief Mamata Banerjee for her
"opposition" to Nano project, senior CPI(M) leader Sitaram Yechury
said West Bengal has been deprived of industrialisation and people
will assess her politics.
"If Mamata Banerjee has succeeded in relocating Nano project from
Bengal, people of Bengal should consider relocating her," Yechury told
reporters in New Delhi.
He claimed that people of the state have been deprived of proper
industrialisation and that youths of Bengal were denied of potential
jobs due to relocation of the Nano project.
"All this goes to the sort of politics that the Trinamool Congress and
its leader are playing. We have also appealed to people to look into
it," he said.
On the other hand, after pulling out the Nano project from Singur,
Tata Sons chairman Ratan Tata on Friday asked the people of West
Bengal to support the present government in building a prosperous
state or see it consumed by a destructive political environment.
In an open letter to the people of West Bengal which appeared in
select dailies in Kolkata, Tata said the citizens should decide
whether they wanted education and jobs in the industrial and hi-tech
sectors or 'wants to stay as they are'.
"The people of West Bengal, particularly the younger citizens, will
need to express their views and aspirations as to what they would like
to see West Bengal become in the years ahead," the letter said.
"Would they like to support the present government of Buddhadeb
Bhattacharjee to build a prosperous state with the rule of law, modern
infrastructure and industrial growth, or would they like to see the
state consumed by a destructive political environment of
confrontation, agitation, violence and lawlessness?" Tata asked.
Defending his decision to withdraw the Nano project from Singur, Tata
said it was not taken in haste.
Tata said he was compelled to write the letter to explain how his
company's dream was shattered by an environment of 'politically
motivated agitation and hostility that finally left us with no option
but to withdraw the project from the state'.
He said Tata Motors had decided to locate the Nano project in West
Bengal two years ago which 'reflected the tremendous faith and
confidence we had, and still have, in the investment friendly
policies' of the present government.
"All through the two years we have been constructing the plant at
Singur, this feeling of faith and confidence in the vision and
objectives of the state government has been reinforced," Tata wrote in
his letter.
"Unfortunately, the confrontation by Trinamool Congress led by Mamata
Banerjee and supported by vested interests and certain political
parties, opposing the acquisition of land by the state government,
have caused serious disruptions to the progress of the Nano plant," he
He wrote "the land acquired by the state government at Singur and
leased to Tata Motors has been, we believe, through a transparent
process with fair compensation."
West Bengal's Opposition Trinamool Congress, the Congress and a ruling
Left Front partner on Friday attacked industrialist Ratan Tata's open
letter to the people asking them to support the state government,
terming his action as "politically motivated" and "unprecedented".

"It is unprecedented. I have never heard of an industrialist giving a
statement directly in favour of a state government and its chief
minister and directly against a major opposition party," senior
Trinamool leader Saugata Roy said.
"It sounds like a statement issued on the eve of the Lok Sabha
election. I do not know why Mr Ratan Tata brought himself to this
level. It was not expected," Roy said.
"His statement will give rise to the suspicion that Tata's movement
(out of Singur) was in conjunction with the state government and the
Marxist party to help them politically," he said.
State Congress working president Subrata Mukherjee said Tata's open
letter was "in bad taste for a monopoly businessman to to speak in
favour of a political party."
"We saw the other day, CPI(M) leader Benoy Konar telling the Governor
to contest the Lok Sabha poll on a Trinamool Congress ticket for
allegedly siding with the party. If that is so, then on that logic
Ratan Tata should also contest the poll on a CPI(M) ticket," Mukherjee
Reacting sharply, veteran leader of LF ally, Forward Bloc, Ashok Ghose
said Ratan Tata's comment on the internal politics of West Bengal was
'undesirable'. "It is not expected of a person of his stature."
The government on Friday ruled out privatisation of state-owned bank
and added that it has not given any direction for consolidation of t
he PSU banks.
"No directive has been issued by the Government and Reserve Bank of
India (RBI) on consolidation of the banks, as of now and there is no
proposal to transfer the control and management of PSBs to the private
sector," Minister of State for Finance P K Bansal said in a written
reply to Lok Sabha.
Further, a view is yet to be taken on the Reports of the Raghuram
Rajan and Anwarul Hoda Committees' recommendations, he said.
The Amendment to the Banking Regulation Act is in accordance with best
international practices, he said. On a call given by the United Forum
of Bank Unions (UFBU), the employees of PSU Banks were on strike for
two days on September 24 and 25, he said, adding, the loss of business
due to strike is not possible to quantify.
In another reply Bansal said the government has recently advised the
National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development, to review the
existing norms and guidelines of Kisan Credit Card.
All the banks have a robust internal grievance redressal mechanism to
address customer complaints, including denial of Kisan Credit Card by
the banks to the farmers, he said.
Under Debt Consolidation and Waiver Scheme for States, he said, the
past Central loans contracted till March 31, 2004 and outstanding as
on March 31, 2005 are to be consolidated and rescheduled for repayment
in 20 equal annual installments at a reduced interest rate of 7.5 per
This is subject to States enacting Fiscal Responsibility and Budget
Management Acts with suggested core provisions, he added.

Pl read the dalit Voice Edit:
When US rejected capitalism why Indian rulers are hugging it ? Free
market musketeers warned
The current financial crisis that threatened the world’s richest and
the most powerful capitalist stronghold, USA, has proved wrong India’s
three notorious free market musketeers — Manmohan Singh, Chidambaram
and Ahluwalia — who are determined to sell this impoverished country
to Tatas, Ambanis, Birlas and such other corrupt capitalists.
Our micro-minority upper castes (15%) led by the less than 3% Brahmins
are the greatest admirers of the LPG market mantra. They hate
governmental control and use their corrupt manuwadi monopoly media to
malign and run down public sector, constitutional reservations and any
development efforts. And that is how these upper castes have become
blind bumlickers of America.
Socialist solution: But what happened in their own dream-land in the
middle of Sept.2008? The American capitalism simply collapsed —
putting a big question mark on the free market philosophy. So much so,
even blind haters of communism and socialism started calling American
President “Comrade Bush” for kicking capitalism, discarding the market
mantra and following the socialist solution.
Death of capitalism: Is capitalist America going socialist? Goldman
Sachs and Morgan Stanley, two of America’s biggest investment banks on
Wall Street, are simply humbled, their ears boxed and reduced to mere
bankers under the communist-type control by the US Govt. Is it the
death of capitalism?
India’s free market Frankensteins, headed by the Khatri Sikh PM and
the Tamil Chettiar FM, beware.
America has less than 3% Jews who control the entire economy. They own
not only almost all financial institutions, run stock exchange, but
even the American Federal Reserve (counterpart of the Reserve Bank of
India). All over the world the sole authority to print currency notes
is a fully owned govt. institution. But only in America it is totally
private and that too in the hands of Jews. To that extent the economy
is privatised in USA.
LPG maniacs: The “Jews of India” have launched a powerful drive to
privatise everything in India and have almost succeeded. The Khatri
Sikh PM, the Chettiar FM and Planning Commission Chief, a world Bank
import, as flag-bearers of the LPG marching brigade, have been blindly
following the American model. Because globalisation is a zionist
manufactured concept. WTO is a zionist creation. We had devoted a
chapter itself to this subject in our book, Shape of the Things to
Come (DSA-2005). In the second week of September 2008 when the
President of America nationalised several world famous banking and
financial institutions, it simply shocked the world.
Is it not a clear indication that unbridled capitalism has failed? And
that “free economy” will hand over the innocent lambs to the
capitalist wolves?
In America, the Jewish capitalist wolves are having a hearty meal and
here the “Jews of India” are having a Bada Khana in the name of free
economy and democracy.
China safe: The American crisis did hit all the capitalist countries
in England and other West European countries but nothing happened in
China, a communist country which has a tight control on its economy.
But in India where the Brahminical wolves run the show, merrily eating
innocent lambs, the capitalist-roader Manmohan Singh Govt. got a
shock. But fortunately the governmental control is fairly strong in
India and that is how India is saved.
The latest crisis must warn our LPG lunatics. Free market will give a
free ride to Banias and Brahmins and other suckers.
Here is a warning: Financial capitalism is not suitable to India’s
caste-ridden society which has already sucked the blood of its over
85% of the weaker sections and fattened the overfed 15% upper castes.
Without dismantling this deathless caste system if Manmohan Singh and
Co. were to introduce market economy the Marwadis and Manuwadis will
make a mince-meat of the Bahujan Samaj.
America saved itself by applying the socialist solution. India,
already a beggar nation and socially paralysed, will get economically
crippled if we follow the capitalist path. In the name of free
enterprise the Marwadis and manuwadis will control even the air, water
and squeeze us to death.
Shift of power from West to East: In our different writings we have
predicted the fall of America. And such a fall has begun with full
force. The Georgian crisis has revealed the shift of power from West
to East. Russia gave a kick on the neck of USA and has warned the
White Europeans that they must stay neutral. (DV Oct.1, 2008 p.11:
“Georgian war divides the world”).
The American boast of unipolar world stands shattered. George W. Bush
as the most hated American President is getting ready to go to the
International Criminal Court.
Economically US is weakened. And with the imminent entry of a Black
into White House the Jews holding the neck of America will be on
notice. (DV Sept.16, 2008 p.6: “Will forces of history put a Black man
in White House?”)
Homeless “Jews of India”: Will the Jews pack off to Europe with their
dollars? Will the emerging super power China, along with Russia, Iran,
Venezuela, the entire Muslim and African world bring peace to the
strife-torn world under the leadership of Barack Obama?
Then India’s Black Untouchables and the entire Bahujan Samaj (85%)
will get a breathing time. Such a situation is sure to make the
shocked “Jews of India” to piss in their pants. But we Bahujans are a
people with a heart. We realise that none in the world is there to
welcome them. The American Jews may manage to settle in Europe — not
the zionist Israel which itself will disappear. The “Jews of India”
will be homeless. But we will assure their safety and security. And
settle the cow-worshippers in the foothills of the Himalayas in their
dreamland of Gorakhpur.
On the level of the little tradition, Hinduism admits worship of
spirits and godlings of rivers, mountains, vegetation, animals,
stones, or disease. Ritual bathing, vows, and pilgrimages to sacred
rivers, mountains, shrines, and cities are important practices. An
ordinary Hindu will worship at the shrines of Muslim pirs, without
being concerned with the religion to which that place is supposed to
be affiliated. Hindus revere many holy men and ascetics conspicuous
for their bodily mortifications. Some people believe they attain
spiritual benefit merely by looking at a great holy man.
The basic social unit in a village is the family (paribar or gushti),
generally consisting of a complete or incomplete patrilineally
extended household (chula) and residing in a homestead (bari). The
individual nuclear family often is submerged in the larger unit and
might be known as the house (ghar). Above the bari level, patrilineal
kin ties are linked into sequentially larger groups based on real,
fictional, or assumed relationships.
Although Hindu society is formally stratified into caste categories,
caste did not figure prominently in the Bangladeshi Hindu community.
About 75 percent of the Hindus in Bangladesh belonged to the lower
castes, notably namasudras (lesser cultivators), and the remainder
belonged primarily to outcaste or untouchable groups. Some members of
higher castes belonged to the middle or professional class, but there
was no Hindu upper class. With the increasing participation of the
Hindus in nontraditional professional mobility, the castes were able
to interact in wider political and socioeconomic arenas, which caused
some erosion of caste consciousness. Although there is no mobility
between Hindu castes, caste distinctions did not play as important a
role in Bangladesh as in they did in the Hindu-dominated Indian state
of West Bengal. Bangladeshi Hindus seemed to have become part of the
mainstream culture without surrendering their religious and cultural
Unlike Islam, Hinduism lacks a single authoritative scripture and a
historically known founder. In a sense Hinduism is a synthesis of the
religious expression of the people of South Asia and an anonymous
expression of their worldview and cosmology, rather than the
articulation of a particular creed. The term Hinduism applies to a
large number of diverse beliefs and practices. Although religion can
best be understood in a regional context, the caste system, beliefs,
rituals, and festivals of the Hindus in Bangladesh -- about 16 percent
of the population--are peculiarly Bengali.
Hindu philosophy recognizes the Absolute (Brahma) as eternal,
unbounded by time, space, and causality and consisting of pure
existence, consciousness, and bliss. The highest goal is release
(moksha) from the cycle of birth and rebirth and the union of the
individualized soul (atman) with Brahma. To attain this goal, a person
may follow one of several methods or paths of discipline depending on
his or her own temperament or capacity. The first of these paths is
known as the way of works (karma marga). Followed by most Hindus, it
calls for disinterested right action--the performance of one's caste
duties and service to others--without personal involvement in the
consequences of action. The way of knowledge (jnana marga) stresses
union by eliminating ignorance; mental error rather than moral
transgression is considered the root of human misery and evil. The way
of devotion (bhakti marga) advocates union by love; its essence is a
complete and passionate faith in a personal deity.
The Namasudras whom the Hindus hated as chandals, with massive ....
mechanism nearer home of the vast majority of the Muslims and low
castes in East Bengal.But it was really the Matua sect which offered
an organisation for the social movement of the Namasudra community.
H H Harichand did not believe in asceticism; he was more of a family
man; and it is from within the family that he preached the word of
God. He believed that 'Grhete thakiya yar hay bhaboday. Sei ye param
sadhu janio nishchay' (the best ascetic is he who can express his
devotion to God remaining a family man). He mobilised all the
neglected sects and castes and inspired them to remain true to the
openness of Hinduism.
H H Sri Sri Harichand died on Wednesday 23 Falgun, the year 1284 of
the Bangla calendar.
The Maha Baruni Bath Festival of the believers of the Hindu religion
at village Orakandi under Kashiani upazila in Gopalganj is one of the
biggest festivals in Bangladesh. The fair is organised every year
marking the birth anniversary of Hindu priest Sri Sri Harichand
Thakur, who was born in the village.
As they believe that Harichand’s residence is one of the holiest
places containing holy water, thousands of pilgrims take baths in
Kamona Sagar and Dudh Sagar — two ponds in the residence — on the date
of his birth ‘to purify them with the holy water and to be cured of
their diseases.’
Thousands of pilgrims from across the country, India, Nepal, Bhutan
and Thailand attended the festival.
The story is about Thakur, Harichand (1811-1877)and the Caste called
Namasudras who were persecuted by the Muslims of east bengal and when
in anticipation they came to west Bengal they faced persecution from
Muslims as well as upper caste hindus. An upper caste Hindu himself
the Thakur after whom the village and railway station are named stoop
up and proclaimed that all hindus to that matter all humanity is one
and there should be no discrimination whatever. He gave a mantra to
fight HARI OM (Almighty the superior) along with a black stick to
fight the persecutors.
He was born to, Yashomanta Thakur, and Maithili Brahmin and a devout
Vaisnava inOrakandi of kashiani upazila in gopalganj (Greater
faridpur) now Bangladesh.H H Harichand's doctrine is based on three
basic principles-truth, love, and sanctity. The doctrine treats all
people as equal; people are not seen according to castes or sects.
Himself a Brahmin, he professed mixed with lower-caste people and
treated them with the same dignity as he did other castes. This is why
most of his followers believe H H Harichand to be an avatar
(incarnation) of vishnu, and are from the lower strata of society.
They used to affirm:Rama hari krisna hari hari gorachand. Sarba hari
mile ei purna harichand (Rama is lord, Krishna is lord, lord is
Chaitanyadev. But all of them make our Harichand, who is our lord.)H H
Sri Sri Harichand left 12 instructions for the matuyas, known as
Dvadash Ajna (Twelve Commands).
The victims of persecution Namasudras are spread all over India and on
the eve of the mela they descent on this small town in lakhs if not a
million. The town sees activity from the midnight of the 03rd April
2008 to 5th April and its an ocean of people everywhere chanting Haril
Bol and hari Om to the drum beats and the bell beats. Its an
auspicious 3 days of spirituality and naivette here in Thakur nagar of
North 24 Paraganas some 70 kms to the capital Kolkata.

Nabanna (New Crop) is a Bengali harvest celebration ususally
celebrated with food and dance and music. Its a festival of food, many
local preparations of bengali cuisine like pithe are cooked and
offered. This is a disambiguation page — a navigational aid
which lists other pages that might otherwise share the same title. ...
By Scott Kriebel (vega4@gwu. ... Pithe or Piţha are a kind of sweet
cuisine of Bengal region — Bangladesh and the Indian state of West
Bengal. ...
The festival is celebrated with mela which are called nabanna mela.
Its one of the numerous festivals that gave the name "baro mase tero
parban" (thirteen festivals in twelve months ) to the land of bengal.
Although the nabanna parban is somewhat different from other ones
since its not connected to a religion like Ratha Yatra. The villegers
and locals from both the major religious groups join the festival with
equal participation. There are also several fertility rituals which
make the festival truly a harvest ritual. The festival gets a lot of
support from the creative army of the Bengali Culture. Several poets,
musicians baul and painters flock in into such mass gather. There is a
famous play written on nabanna by the play writer Bijon Bhattacharya
which depicts the sad incident of the great Bengal Famine of 1943.[1]
For Mela Festivals today, see Mela Festival. ... Bengal (Bengali:
বঙৠগ Bôngo, বাংলা Bangla, বঙৠগদেশ BÃ
´ngodesh or বাংলাদেশ Bangladesh), is a historical and
geographical region in the northeast of South Asia. ... Ratha Yatra is
one of the major festivals associated with Lord Jagannath, Puri,
Orissa state, India. ... Look up Creative in Wiktionary, the free
dictionary The term creative can refer to: Creativity is defined as
the ability to be creative. ... Baul on a train in West Bengal Bauls
(Bengali: বাউল) are a group of mystic minstrels from Bengal,
which comprises Bangladesh and the Indian state of West Bengal. ...
Bijon Bhattacharya in Nabanna Bijon Bhattacharya (1917-78) was a
prominent theatre and film personality from Bengal. ... Also Bengali
Famine, Bengal Famine of 1943 Catastrophic famine that devastated the
eastern Indian state of Bengal in 1943 and 1944, during World War II.
Severe famines in Bengal had also occurred in both the late 18th and
late 19th centuries. ...
Although Bangladesh has absorbed several waves of immigrants since the
onset of the twentieth century, the overall trend has been a steady
emigration of people driven out by political and economic problems.
Following the partition of British India in 1947, more than 3 million
Hindus may have migrated from East Pakistan; during the same period
some 864,000 Muslim refugees immigrated to East Pakistan from India.
The operation of the Pakistani military in East Pakistan in 1971
caused an estimated 8 to 10 million refugees to cross the border into
India in one of the great mass movements of modern times. After the
independence of Bangladesh, most of these refugees returned, although
an undetermined number remained in India. After independence,
Bangladesh received some 100,000 stranded Bangladeshis from former
West Pakistan. About 600,000 non-Bengali Muslims, known as Biharis,
who had declared their allegiance to Pakistan during the 1971 war,
continued to reside in Bangladesh.
It has been reported that, beginning in 1974, thousands of
Bangladeshis moved to the Indian state of Assam, and, in the 1980s,
some tribal groups from the Chittagong Hills crossed into the Indian
state of Tripura for political reasons, contributing to bilateral
problems with India. Bangladeshis also migrated to the Middle East and
other regions, where a large number of skilled and unskilled persons
found work. Bangladesh also lost some highly skilled members of the
work force to Western Europe and North America.
Internal migration indicated several recognizable trends. Because of
increasing population pressure, people in the 1980s were moving into
areas of relatively light habitation in the Chittagong Hills and in
parts of the Sundarbans previously considered marginally habitable.
Agrarian distress caused some movement to urban areas, especially
Dhaka. Because of the inhospitable urban environment and the lack of
jobs, many newcomers returned at least temporarily to their villages,
especially during the harvest season. Unemployment, however, was even
higher in the countryside and was a long-term national problem in the
Bangladesh's tribal population consisted of 897,828 persons, just over
1 percent of the total population, at the time of the 1981 census.
They lived primarily in the Chittagong Hills and in the regions of
Mymensingh, Sylhet, and Rajshahi. The majority of the tribal
population (778,425) lived in rural settings, where many practiced
shifting cultivation. Most tribal people were of SinoTibetan descent
and had distinctive Mongoloid features. They differed in their social
organization, marriage customs, birth and death rites, food, and other
social customs from the people of the rest of the country. They spoke
Tibeto-Burman languages. In the mid-1980s, the percentage distribution
of tribal population by religion was Hindu 24, Buddhist 44, Christian
13, and others 19.
The four largest tribes were the Chakmas, Marmas (or Maghs), Tipperas
(or Tipras), and Mros (or Moorangs). The tribes tended to intermingle
and could be distinguished from one another more by differences in
their dialect, dress, and customs than by tribal cohesion. Only the
Chakmas and Marmas displayed formal tribal organization, although all
groups contained distinct clans. By far the largest tribe, the Chakmas
were of mixed origin but reflected more Bengali influence than any
other tribe. Unlike the other tribes, the Chakmas and Marmas generally
lived in the highland valleys. Most Chakmas were Buddhists, but some
practiced Hinduism or animism.
Of Burmese ancestry, the Marmas regarded Burma as the center of their
cultural life. Members of the Marma tribe disliked the more widely
used term Maghs, which had come to mean pirates. Although several
religions, including Islam, were represented among the Marmas, nearly
all of the Marmas were Buddhists.
The Tipperas were nearly all Hindus and accounted for virtually the
entire Hindu population of the Chittagong Hills. They had migrated
gradually from the northern Chittagong Hills. The northern Tipperas
were influenced by Bengali culture. A small southern section known as
the Mrungs showed considerably less Bengali influence.
The Mros, considered the original inhabitants of the Chittagong Hills,
lived on hilltops and often fortified their villages. They had no
written language of their own, but some could read the Burmese and
Bangla scripts. Most of them claimed to be Buddhists, but their
religious practices were largely animistic.
Tribal groups in other parts of the country included Santals in
Rajshahi and Dinajpur, and Khasis, Garos, and Khajons in Mymensingh
and Sylhet regions. Primarily poor peasants, these people all belonged
to groups in the adjoining tribal areas of India.
Until the partition of British India in 1947, Hindus controlled about
80 percent of all large rural holdings, urban real estate, and
government jobs in East Bengal and dominated finance, commerce, and
the professions. Following partition, a massive flight of East Bengali
Hindus effectively removed the Hindu economic and political elite and
cut the territory's ties to Calcutta. After the emigration of the
Hindus, Muslims moved quickly into the vacated positions, creating for
the first time in East Bengal an economy and government predominantly
in Muslim hands. These vastly increased opportunities, especially in
the civil service and the professions, however, soon came to be
dominated by a West Pakistani-based elite whose members were favored
by the government both directly and indirectly. Soon after
independence in 1971, an ill-prepared Bangladeshi elite moved into the
areas vacated by West Pakistanis. Except for members of small non-
Bengali caste-like Muslim groups known as "trading communities,"
Bangladeshi Muslims almost immediately established control over all
small- and medium-sized industrial and commercial enterprises. The
1972 nationalization of non-Bengali-owned large industries accelerated
the establishment of control and influence by the indigenous
The sudden rise of a new managerial class and the expansion of the
civil and military bureaucracy upset the balance in both the urban and
the rural sectors. Party affiliation, political contacts, and
documented revolutionary service became the main prerequisites for
admission to the rapidly growing new elite of political and industrial
functionaries; the established middle class and its values played
lesser roles. In the countryside, new elites with links to the
villages bought property to establish their sociopolitical control.
Also taking advantage of the situation, the rural political elite
amassed fortunes in land and rural-based enterprises. The result was
the growth of a new, land-based, rural elite that replaced many
formerly entrenched wealthy peasants (in Bangla, jotedars).
Bangladesh is known for its local music style in the region like
Gomvhira in Chapainawabganj, Bhawaiya from Rangpur, Pala gan from
Lalmonirhat etc
The main foundation of festivals is ritual and most of the ancient
rituals were collective activities. Many of the rituals were related
to agriculture and were determined by lunar months. The ancient
rituals were magical processes to tame supernatural power; in the
subsequent cultures, this characteristic feature was retained. The
spontaneous agro-based ancient festivals lost their spontaneity with
the passing of time and became more formal.
The biggest religious festival of the Hindu community in Bengal was
and still is the durga puja. Hindus participate in it with great
enthusiasm. Durga Puja is an old festival but it is difficult to say
with any degree of certainty how old it is. The most antiquated
embodiment of goddess Durga who slew the Mahisasura belonged to the
fifteenth century. The nature and mode of the Durga Puja, which would
be performed in the past, were different. It is the folk form of the
past, which has turned now into an autumnal festival. It is also known
as untimely awakening of goddess Durga as Ramachandra invoked her,
because in the past Durga Puja was performed in the spring and that
was the propitious time for offering Puja to the goddess. But in the
ramayana compiled by Kirttivasa, it is mentioned that Rama offered the
goddess untimely Puja from which the practice of performing the Puja
in the autumn was introduced.
A series of festivals centering Durga Puja is held in Bangladesh.
Usually on the sixth lunar day of the bright fortnight in the Bengali
month of Ashwin, the ceremonial awakening of goddess Durga takes
place. Thereafter, Puja is performed for three days on the seventh,
eighth and ninth, and the immersion of the image of the goddess Durga
with her companions is held on the tenth day. People exchange
greetings for fifteen days after the immersion of the image of the
deity. On the following full-moon day, laksmi puja takes place. On the
last day of the Bengali month of Kartik, Kartik Puja (worship of god
Kartik who is the commander-in-chief of heavenly forces) is performed.
On the fifth lunar day of the bright fortnight in the Bengali month of
Magh, saraswati puja is held. Before that, on the new moon day usually
in the month of Kartik, kali puja is performed. The series of Pujas,
which starts in Aswin with Durga, comes to an end with Sarasvati. Thus
Although there is provision for offering Puja separately for all the
gods and goddesses, there is no distinct system for offering Puja to
ganesh. However, before starting Puja to any other god or goddess, it
is the usual practice to offer Puja to Ganesa because without
pronouncing 'O Ganeshaya Namah' no Puja to the other deities becomes
In Bengal, Durga Puja was introduced in the sixteenth century by Raja
Kangsanarayana (dewan of Bengal and ruler of Tahirpur) who was a mace-
bearer of Emperor akbar. After introduction, it took almost three
hundred years for Durga Puja to become the universal and biggest
religious festival of the Hindus of Bengal. Durga Puja was observed
for the first time as a festival full of pomp and grandeur in Kolkata
in the nineteenth century. Thereafter Durga Puja gradually spread to
various regions of Bengal. The zamindars played the main role in
making this as the most popular festival.

Not Christians, but Hindu terrorists converting Tribals to Hinduism
Hindutva terrorists have chosen conversion as a yardstick to kill
missionaries, rape nuns and vandalize churches. Who actually does
fraudulent conversion? Charges made against Christians and made to
appear as real because of their Brahminical media.
I am a living example, representing 2.5 million Manipuris where my
forefathers were forcibly converted to Hinduism in 19th century. Since
then every Manipuri (Meitei) has to add Singh at the end of every name
although many youngsters are abandoning it by returning to indigenous
Meitei religion.
Casteism and untouchability emerged after Hinduism entered Manipur
where caste never existed earlier. Brahminisation (hinduisation) is
continuing in different tribal areas. We have witnessed this process
in Dang district of Gujarat during Sabri Kumbha Mela in 2006. The
Tribals of Jhabua (MP), Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Assam, Arunachal etc.
are the example of conversion of non-Hindu Tribals into Hinduism.
Anti-conversion law is forcefully implemented in India and the tribal
Christians in Kandhamal dt. of Orissa are in the grip of these forces.
To be alive in these village one must become Hindu. Otherwise get out
or get killed. This is the law in Orissa. The govt. calls it “freedom
of religion”.
Christians in MP, Orissa and other states, where anti-conversion laws
exist, are accused of forced conversion when they themselves are the
victim of forced conversion at the hands of hindutva forces. So much
so the Christian population in the last 20 yeas has declined in India.
Where then is the question of more people being converted to
The allegations of conversion is a lie. The force, fraud and
fraudulent conversion carried out is done by none other than hindutva
forces, that too totally against the will of the individuals.

Gujarat Muslims face forcible conversion
On Sept.17, a battery of forest officers and police descended on the
village of Nandapeda, near Ahwa, in the Dangs, Gujarat. Nandapeda is
the only village with majority Muslim population in the Dangs district
considered the poorest district in the whole of India.
The govt. has been forcing the Muslims to convert to Hinduism or face
eviction from their land. They moved the Gujarat High Court against
the govt. move. The families have been living in the village for over
100 years. Justice Jayant Panchal had in July sought explanation from
the govt. After hearing all parties Justice Anant Dave admitted the
case on Sept.11, 2008 and ordered status quo on the “disputed land”.

DV silver jubilee at Lucknow
Lucknow: Dalit Voice family members of UP state held a day-long
meeting here on Sept.28 to celebrate the silver jubilee of the English
fortnightly. Moses Parmar of the OM Northern region hosted the day-
long session attended by about 120 people from different parts of the
DV representatives from outside the state like Andhra Pradesh,
Maharshtra, Haryana, Bihar were also present. A couple of local
Muslims attended.
However, it was an all-male affair as usual with the exception of one
single woman. Despite specific request our family members even from
Lucknow did not bring their wives.
DV wants to bring about Ambedkarite revolution upsetting Brahminism.
Is it possible to destroy Brahminism without the support of the youth
and women?
Discussions were held on Budhism and particularly Vipassana meditation
which was condemned by the entire gathering. Mahar Budhists admitted
that the Mahar monopoly of Budhism was the cause of the confusion in
their state.
The speech delivered by the Editor will be published later.

Budhism adulterated
Thank you for reopening the Debate on Budhism. To save Budhism and to
liberate it from Brahminism and also to expose the frauds and fakes of
Vipassana, we must launch district and taluk-wise camp where relevant
literature in local language must be distributed showing clear
adulteration of Budhism. This will expose the Brahminical conspiracy.
I had discussed this with many bhikkhus but no use. They are all
addicted to Vipassana.
Most of the Budhists are emotional about Vipassana. Hence the need to
launch a big campaign to save Budhism. DV is doing the right thing —
yet it has a limitation. It should spread speedily nationwide. Such a
campaign is a must. Otherwise Budhism will be Brahminised and nothing
will remain.

Budhism reduced to farce
DV gives us mental muscle to think independently. Because DV goes to
the heart of the issue. DV’s famous Debate on “caste identity”, “Dalit-
Brahmin alliance” and the current debate on Brahminisation of Budhism
are fantastic.
A common man’s religion needs good scriptures, rituals and some dos
and don’ts. But Dr. Ambedkar’s Budhism is a religion of rationalism,
closer to truth and modern in makeup.
But the votaries of Budhism are sleeping and “eating” dirty meditation
with the commercially designed a Vipanasa. Even Budha said that he got
nothing from his six-year-long yoga and meditation.
We fail to understand how sitting silently (without any work) for
hours will help Dalits or Dalit movement. It is a joke to think that a
group of people with shaven heads, uncommon costume chanting Budha
Vandana with begging bowl will promote socio-cultural revolution in
the present world. Can we turn the clock back?
We would go a little further. Can we say we are giving
disproportionate attention to Budhism in the shape of a religion to
promote Dalit empowerment?
Have the Budhists started a chain of English-medium schools with
modern outlook? Did they groom good number of journalists, advocates
or doctors? What is the use of this idle meditation?
The motive behind some mischievous Budhists seems to be pacify a group
of troublesome persons. Funding agencies working in this field hold
the remote-control. They only know when to go, where to go and how to
go. And their cunning representatives are rushing now to rehabilitate
themselves in the space created by Dalit movement. But the poor
innocent Dalits are becoming vegetarian, keeping Budhist ringtone in
mobile phone, using a pen of stickered Budha or pasting photo of Budha
here and there in their houses. The list can go on. We can call all
these things nothing but a farce of religion.
People who love Budha and Babasaheb are expected to strengthen the
basic values of this movement. To conclude with a famous quote: “In
our time, we will repent not for the evil deeds of bad people, but the
silence of good”.

Corrupted RPI leaders
This refers to DV of Aug.16, 2008, p.23: “Selling Babasaheb beggars
become millionaires in Maharashtra”, by Dr. V.D. Chandanshive.
I liked this article very much. The role of RPI leaders like Jogendra
Kawade and Mrs. Sulekha Kumbhare needs elaboration.
During the recent graduates constituency election in Vidharbha,
Gadkari (BJP) was elected with the support of Kawade and Mrs.
Kumbhare. Kawade resigned from his Vidhan Parishad seat in protest
against Khairlanji multiple murder of Bhowtmange family. But both
these leaders helped the Brahmana Jati Party (BJP) victory.
BAMCEF is also divided into 3-4 factions. Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar had
said that social revolution was must before political revolution. How
can we succeed when social revolution is forgotten? All our Dalit
leaders are running after political power forgetting social
revolution. Kuldip Kumar is perfectly right.

Brahmin says Dalits are useless idiots
You are a bunch of morons writing bullshit. Get a life you idiots. No
one listens to your bullshit seriously. You are a clinical case with
high degree of paronia. Need to be admitted to a mental asylum.
Morons. This so-called Bahujans are useless idiots. They are the ones
who are backward and made the country backward. A bunch of low IQ
morons. Look how Dalit pussies are screwed by smart Brahmin boys.
Whole media is about smart Brahmins. All the smartest men are Brahmins
in India. Bahujans are ugly dicks and pussies. Can never be great.
Always will be servants of Brahmins. Even if you give them 100 percent
reservation they will be dumbheads. Because Brahmins are smart they
will find ways to beat these pussies and idiots like you. How many
people read your shit magazine. Only a bunch of loonies. You don’t
have any say. Your Mayavathi is completely under the grip of Brahmins.
Satish Mishra decides the tunes to which she has to dance and all the
while you dumbfucks believe that Dalits are winning and ruling you
idiots get a life. (shan...@yahoo.com)
We like honest Brahmins like you. But you are such a brave man,
representing such a heroic community, why did you give a false name,
false address, false designation, false email ID? And hide like a rat?
Cowards die many times before their death. But the hero dies only
once. Anyway, thank you for keeping a watch on our website which holds
a mirror before your ugly face. The whole world is also seeing this
face in our website. Anyway we are publishing your email so that the
world will read and laugh at your cockroach mentality — EDITOR.

Dalits sleep as fake Maoists get ready to clamp fascist dictatorship
As predicted long ago, the much feared global economic crisis has
finally begun to unfold. The entire Western and zionist capitalist
financial framework is collapsing. ICICI Bank run by a Gowda Saraswat
Brahmin, K.V. Kamath, has already made losses and all GDPwallahs are
silently crying.
Iran or Pakistan may be attacked by the zionist-Western warmongers as
a last resort to come out of this crisis using what is known as
“military Keynesianism” to create “artificial demand” in the crumbling
economy by destroying existing things and grabbing the oil fields.
This may lead to World War-3, but this will also fail.
All the IIM-educated Brahmin financial wizards are now being ridiculed
and laughed at by Brahmin manuwadi fake marxists.
As DV predicted, all these “financial experts” are now listening to
Yechury and CPM, if not Brahminical manuwadi fake maoists. As the
situation worsens, more and more such Brahminical capitalist elements
will change their colours overnight and rush towards marxist
As the capitalist crisis increases, the fake Maoist Prachanda is
rushing towards capitalism taking help from his Indian Brahmin
brothers to form SEZs (special exploitation zones). This means several
Nandigrams and bloodbath of Nepali Bahujans and nothing else.
Even “Sacred Brahmins” in the RSS may turn fake leftists as the crisis
starts biting. Mayawati’s BSP may become the Congress Party of the
To tackle Brahminical fake Maoism, a new Maoist Party led by the
Negroid Dravidian Dalit-Bahujan proletariat as well as oppressed
nationalities is now becoming a very urgent necessity. Such a party
has to ideologically adopt what I call V.T. Rajshekar thoughts, Steve
Biko thought and Maoism as adopted by the Maoist Internationalist
Movement (MIM). Is Gaddar listening?
It has to be an armed party to launch the long awaited Varna Yuddha
(caste war) through mass Gujjar-type caste insurrections using Maoist
people’s war strategies.
Events are overtaking us as usual and such revolutionary thinking is
lacking. Our Dalit-Bahujans are certain to be taken for a ride for
another 100 years, if they fail to realise what is happening and where
this economic crisis is leading to.
Dalits may be deceived
Our Dalit-Bahujan mass must understand all this right now — because
even their most sincere repentance will be utterly useless after
Brahmin fake Maoists succeed and clamp a Brahminical state-capitalist-
feudal dictatorship in India under the guise of Maoism.
The question is: Will the Brahminical fake Maoists succeed? Well, the
simple answer is a resounding yes.
If the Dalit-Bahujan masses fail to wake up, they will be enslaved by
the Socialist Brahmin fake Maoists much more effectively than the
“Sacred Brahmin” RSS fascist-terrorists can ever hope to do.
Already, Bal Thackeray’s Shiv Sena is financing Maoists. Imagine what
will happen under a social fascist dictatorship imposed by the
“Socialist Brahmins” under the guise of Maoism.
Gaddar’s role
Frankly, no Dalit-Bahujan seems to be understanding the danger. Gaddar
is happily in the pockets of the manuwadi Brahmin-Reddy- run fake
Maoist party. K.G. Satyamurthy sleeping. Anaimuthu of the Periyarist
Communist Party is also sleeping. Sharad Patil is nowhere in the
The only Dalit-Bahujan-led Maoist Tritiya Prastusti Committee is
somewhere in the Jharkhand jungles. There is no understanding and no
co-ordinated action to adopt caste war as the fundamental strategy and
apply Maoism to the concrete conditions in India right now. In the
absence of any such urgency on the part of revolutionary-minded Dalit
Bahujans, the now unfolding economic crisis can only help Brahminical
manuwadi fake Maoists win and establish the most horrible social
fascist dictatorship that has ever existed under the name of so-called

Brahminism & Muslims
A 16-page pamphlet in English by Sufi Nazir Ahmad Kashmiri, a noted
Muslim scholar from Kashmir (reproduced here), was published way back
in 1967. It was published by Jamia Rural Institute, New Delhi - 110
025 and also c/o No.45, Marcoir Labbai St., Madras - 600 001. A
photocopy of the text was sent to us long, long back by a DV family
member Brother Yoginder Sikand who found it in the library of Henry
Martyn Institute, Hyderabad, where he was working then with a request
for publication in DV.
The recent Kashmiri Muslim uprising in the Valley made us think of
publishing it though every word said in the pamphlet is more relevant
even today as Brahminism, gasping for breath, is becoming more and
more violent subjecting the country’s overwhelming Bahujan population
to great hardship.
Enemy identified: In this English pamphlet titled Revival of
Brahminism & its Consequencs”, Sufi Nazir Ahmad rightly identifies
Brahminism as the principal enemy facing every section of the Indian
society. That is his greatness which we did not find in any other
Muslim religious leadership of this country.
Brahminism, he says, is not merely the enemy of Muslims but also the
Dalit, Tribals and Backward Castes. Here lies the depth of thinking of
the author because we have not come across a single Muslim religious
leader of India with such a courage and philosophical insight. There
may be some like him today but they dare not identify the enemy
oppressor. It is this failure of the Muslim religious leadership (to
identify the enemy) that has caused all the confusion among the Muslim
masses who suffer daily at the hands of Brahminical persecution. Not
only they have been impoverished but denied education and employment
opportunities. More than anything they are daily being portrayed in
the press and TV as traitors and terrorists and their life and little
property destroyed.
Hindu is not our enemy: The Muslim masses no doubt are angry but they
don’t know against whom they should be angry.
India’s Muslim religious leadership identifies the enemy as the Hindu
but in India even the non-Hindu (if not the anti-Hindu) Dalit, Tribals
and Backward Castes are also called Hindu. Brahminical rulers say over
85% of the people in India are Hindu.
The Hindu is not the enemy of the Muslims. The real and the only enemy
of the Muslim is Brahminism, which is not only the enemy of SC/ST/BCs
but even the Brahmins. Dr. Babasheb Ambedkar, the Father of India, has
also identified Brahminism as the one and the only enemy of India.
It is here that Sufi Nazir Ahmad comes to the rescue and clearly
identifies Brahminism as the sole enemy of the Indian Muslims. Dalits
(20%), Tribal (10%) and Backward Caste (35%) are not Hindu and were
never Hindu. Similarly the Christians and Sikhs.
What is Brahminism: Who then are the Brahminical people. They are the
15% upper castes: the Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and shudras
They only are the Hindu. But the Muslim religious leadership
identifying Hindu as the oppressors of Muslim has done the greatest
disservice and committed the greatest crime against their own innocent
Muslim followers.
Another greatness of the Sufi saint is in reminding the Muslims their
principal duty. That duty is the Quran calls upon every Muslim to
fight for the liberation of all the oppressed — not merely the Muslim.
Since the Dalits are the country’s worst oppressed, the Muslims, being
converts from the indigenous population, should have treated Dalits as
their blood brothers and forged a Dalit-Muslim unity to fight the
common oppressor — Brahminism.
Islam and Brahminism cannot co-exist.
Such a clear message has not come from any Indian Muslim religious
leader except Moulana Moududi, founder of the Jamate-Islami.
Where is the Umma: Such a poverty of thinking in the Indian Muslim
leadership has brought disaster after disaster upon a community that
ruled this country for 800 years before the British came. Within 61
years of “independence” India’s single largest community (20%) of
Muslims has been totally enslaved and looked at with suspicion as
terrorists and traitors. It is this fear complex (cowardliness) that
made the entire Muslims of India to become silent spectators when the
Kashmiri Muslims were fighting and dying in Aug.2008. Where then is
the Muslim umma? What a shame upon the Muslim brotherhood? We don’t
know where Sufi Ahmad lives now and how he is. We will be grateful if
any person alerts us on reading this — EDITOR.

How Muslims can help destroy Brahminism
The right course of action for the 20th century Brahminism
Human race all over the world is in fact a single community. Man is a
moral being as opposed to animals. This peculiar nature of man is a
truth universally accepted. There are, however animal urges also in
man. The essence of human religion consists in developing this special
moral nature and in keeping animal urges with in the moral bounds.
This is the basis of universal human brotherhood.
What the Brahmin has, however, done during the last four or 5,000
years to eliminate all possibilities of such a brotherhood and is
doing even now, is briefly sketched in the following pages with the
intention of getting this in human scene terminated by the hand of
Brahmin himself and thereby enabling him to atone for the sins of
thousands of years. May God grant success to this effort.
Solution to Kashmir Problem :
Since these lines were originally written in Kashmir it may also be
submitted that the problem as understood or as explained outside the
state is not the same as exists inside the State. The fact is that
while Brahmin intolerance has cleared Muslims from Jammu, the process
is now in operation in Kashmir. If this problem is considered while
overlooking this real truth it can never be understood. All the
Brahmins of the state seem to be determined to conceal this truth.
It may also be submitted that even a just political solution of the
problem lies in one direction: that the two parts of the state are
forthwith joined together and internal autonomy is given to it and
militarily it is made a joint protectorate of India and Pakistan. This
will also have a soothing effect on the minorities in India and
Pakistan and will possibly bring their foreign policies and even
defence nearer to each other.
Nov.11, 1967 Sufi Nazir Ahmad
The soul-killing contradiction of the Indian society & the only way to
resolve it
These lines are being written just in Srinagar. One can most clearly
discern here the working of the age-old contradictions of the Indian
society. It seems that in this state the history of thousands of years
of Brahminism is being repeated. Although this revivalist movement of
Brahminism has been carried on throughout India for the last 20 years,
it does not seem to be so clear there as in the State of Jammu and
The fact is that on the eve of independence, some nationalist Muslim
leaders disregarding the feelings and sentiments of Kashmiri Muslims
in general attempted to accede this state to India ( I am not
discussing here the question of permanent or temporary accession)
which opened the floodgates of Muslim extermination. In the light of
these developments a sensitive man can see with his naked eyes the
working of Brahminism in the past thousands of years of Indian
These Muslim leaders were probably under the illusion that the Hindu-
Muslim conflict which a reformer politician like Gandhi and an old
nationalist logician like Jinnah could not resolve could be resolved
by them under the leadership of Jawaharlal Nehru. Throughout this
Congress-League conflict the friendship of these leaders with
Jawaharlal Nehru was probably due to this delusion and it continued to
grow instead of diminishing and its consequences became evident in
1948. The result of this friendship which is now manifest as a reality
clearly shows that this friendship was suicidal to the Muslims.
Jinnah continued to remain an ardent nationalist through most of his
life, but during all this period he felt the reality in all its
aspects that the new kind of nationalism which was raising its head in
India would leave no place for Muslims or Islam. Hence if Muslims as
Muslims were not protected they will disappear from India in the next
50-100 years along with Islam. This was the realisation which prompted
the nationalist Jinnah to become the sponsor of Pakistan movement.
Nationalism in India which was founded by men like Raja Ram Mohan Ray
and which was fostered by Bengal and Maharashtra and completed in
Northern India by the Arya Samaj, the Hindu Mahasabha, its study
forces a man to the same conclusion which was drawn by Jinnah. Jinnah
in his biography when he mentions the death of Pandit Motilal Nehru
has also mentioned that thereafter the Congress organisation passed
into the hands of those who were the supporters of Brahministic brand
of nationalism.
This nationalism was in fact a revival of Brahminism. It was this
nationalism whose essential part was negation of Muslims and Islam.
Anyway, a political thinker could certainly arrive at this conclusion
The most palpable tyranny of this new nationalism is that it started
its work by making Aryan culture and religion as the basis of Indian
renaissance, although history has unmistakably shown that when this
Aryan clan came to India it deprived the old inhabitants of the
country of their human rights permanently by making them untouchables.
They were treated as more unclean than cats and dogs.
And then by making this most heinous fascism of history a religion
they imposed it permanently on the people of this country.
But these Brahmin reformers, treating Islam and Muslims as anti-
national and alien to the nation and the country, started to put an
end to them and to make Brahminism or Aryan fascism as the corner
stone of national reformation although wisdom and honesty demanded
that the matter should have been reversed.
The remedy which Muslim politicians devised for this hostility to
Muslims was itself more than 50% against the purpose of Islam. Islam
means an organisation of the entire human race on the belief of a
universal creator of the world and a universal human brotherhood.
Therefore, all the privileges of a Muslim are subservient to this
belief and they ought to be so.
But the Muslim politicians of India entirely separating Muslim rights
from the duties started a purely political movement in opposition to
the representatives of Brahminism which culminated in the achievement
of Pakistan and which even on political lines, instead of solving
Hindu-Muslim conflicts has made confusion worse confounded.
Anyway the Kashmiri Muslim leaders partly under the influence of the
new religion of nationalism and partly under the delusion that the
task which could not be accomplished by the combined efforts of Gandhi
and Jinnah could be accomplished by them under the supervision of
Nehru, took these steps which were also supported by Gandhi in the
hope that probably Kashmir would materialise his dream of Hindu-Muslim
unity. They, however, seem to be leading to the annihilation of
Muslims from the state. The following facts explain it:
It so happened that immediately as the Indian army entered Kashmir,
Brahmin brand of nationalism fully established itself there. Jammu
came into their control on the very first onslaught and they began to
clear it of Muslims without the least fear; and the Muslim population
of Jammu is now reduced from 66% to 30%. Now the same operation is
being carried on in Kashmir. Whatever flowering platitudes are used
the reality is just this. The slogan with which Balraj Madhok started
the recent Pandit agitation leaves no room for doubt that the freedom
with which a Madhok or a Prem Nath Dogra can operates in this state is
not available even in India generally. For whatever oppression is done
in India comes to the public in some form or other and its echo is
also heard in the world outside.
But no one is allowed to know what happens in Jammu and Kashmir. The
correspondents of the foreign papers who are here are full fledged
supporters of the aforesaid Brahman nationalism and upholders of its
So they cannot be such traitors to their country as to present any
such fact to the world which might hamper the advance of this
nationalism here. They can however represent the fact of a Hindu girl
marrying a Muslim to the world as a matter of universal disorder. But
they can never think of informing the world as to how the 66% of the
Muslim population of Jammu was reduced to 30% in the last 19 years.
They will not let the world know how many lakhs of non-Muslims were
brought from outside. The irony is when Indian Army entered the state
of Hyderabad, they drew all the Muslims, who had entered the state
from the adjoining areas of India. But in Jammu and Kashmir they are
doing the reverse. Yet they will not let the world know a word about
what slogan Balraj Madhok used in inaugurating the Pandit agitation.
And now when the next target is to be attacked under the leadership of
Sankaracharya of Puri instead of Balraj Madhok they are not going to
reveal. What preparation have been made to make it a success. As this
will be a treason to “nationalism”. Obviously the “nationalist”
journalist will not lose any part of his faith or honesty by telling a
myriad lies but to speak a single truth against this nationalism will
mean a total loss of honesty and faith and so he is ever on guard
against it.
The birth place of the writer of these lines is the town of Poonch in
Jammu province. In 1948 along with other thousands of Muslims my whole
family was driven at the point of sword towards the other part of the
state. This family had built some residential premises in Kahoota,
some 12 miles below Haj Pair, which were burnt to ashes in the
disturbance of 1965. In the vicinity of Rajauri, which is in the
Indian province of Jammu, I have still some relatives although I had
renounced my home in 1933 and began to tour India.
It was my firm conviction that I have to carry out a great mission and
had left my home under this pressure. However, in 1961, I established
my contact again with this state in furtherance of the same mission
and as I was an old inhabitant of Jammu I had gathered so much
information as no minister nominated by the Indian Govt. could
probably gather. At the same time god has given me a sympathetic heart
as well. And so last year I tried to persuade an important Congressite
Muslim leader of the state to put the real condition of the state
before the whole country and try to change it. But the reply which
this Muslim leader gave was such as would cause humanity to weep for
This leader replied: “This will give a bad name to the country and it
will be exploited by Pakistan”.
Such is the training of nationalism which is tantamount to suicide and
under which any Muslim can hold office in the state. The respite which
Sheikh Abdullah and Bakshi got was on this condition and Sadiq and
Qasim hold their offices due to this nationalism. In the circumstances
if any minor local newspaper commits anything for this bad name of the
country and motherland, it is caught by the throat and strangled. It
is suppressed on the charge of “fanning communalism”. This is the
nationalism which is in operation in Jammu and Kashmir and the world
is kept utterly in the dark about it.
The Muslim leader who gave the aforesaid reply has been for the last
two years first castigated by Jan Sangh workers as a “Pakistani” and
later as the “worst Pakistani”. And now intensive propaganda is afoot
to oust his party and constitute Madhok Raj.
Sheikh Abdullah, Bakshi, Qasim and Sadiq are being made instruments in
establishing by stages this pure and clear nationalism and now the
establishment of real nationalism is being tried. Governor’s rule will
be nothing but Jan Sangh Raj. Since the entire Secretariat of the
State and most of the officers lent from outside are embodiments of
this nationalism.
It is reported in newspapers (Times of India, Oct.26, 1967) that after
Madhok and Prem Nath Dogra the supreme supervisor of the Kashmir
policy of Jana Sangh will be Sankaracharya of Puri. Under his
leadership a committee has been constituted to safeguard the rights of
non-Muslim minorities in Kashmir province.
In Jammu, the rights of minorities have been fully safeguarded. Its
minority is raised from 34% to 70%. And now the same safeguard to
minorities is intended in Kashmir. As to the “safeguard of minorities”
in India itself, it is communalism in the language of all these swamis
and Brahmin deities and it is the basic duty of the national govt. to
crush it, which the Congress Govt. has been admirably performing. This
Govt. during the last 20 years did not for once see the necessity of
instituting an independent judicial enquiry into the Hindu-Muslim
riots. What more could it do? As to the establishment of pure
nationalism it is for Jan Sangh and the RSS to accomplish it for which
they have fullest freedom. This has been the working of pure
nationalism in free India during the last 20 years.
May god grant to every true human soul the capacity to comprehend it
fully. And may god grant sadhus like Sankaracharya of Puri the sense
to distinguish the position of a true sadhu and the life work of a
executioner at the gallow. In fact such a basic contradiction is
working in the Muslim-Hindu outlook that the only way of solving it is
to end one of them.
Brahminism divides human race into millions of high and low castes
involving society into eternal contradictions and demolishing all
foundations of human equality in rights and duties.
But to the Brahmin it gives such a high place as is almost divine and
from where he downgrades the rest of the human race in stages, keeping
them subservient to his own interest. This process has been continued
by him in history for the last about 5,000 years sometimes openly and
sometimes unseen like an underground channel.
As against this, Islam is a system of universal human brotherhood on
the basis of faith in one creator of the world in which there is no
room for any discrimination of race or colour or clan which may in
anyway influence human rights and duties. This statement about
Brahminism and Islam is an unavoidable historical truth and it is on
this account that Jan Sangh leaders declaring Islam to be extra-
national and extra-territorial are making repeated declarations of
their determination to destroy it.
I, therefore, appeal to every Brahmin in particular those who even in
this disturbed state can think rightly in the moral light of human
conscience and every Dravidian, Adivasi and Untouchable leader to
awaken fully his conscience and to ponder whether the two facts stated
above are absolute truths. May be the same sun rises again in India
which will not only put an end for ever to the age of murder and
plunder but will also change the immoral night of the darkness of
materialistic oppression and the fraud of secular democracy into light
as well.
When Brahminism began its free play in India it classed the old
inhabitants of India as unclean and degraded them below the level of
animals in its own interest. Thereafter this fascism was elevated into
a religion and the people were made to agree to it. It was in the
course of this process that a system of high and low caste was devised
which buried for ever all possibilities of human quality and its
rights and duties. It was now a religion whose violation was not only
violence of the law of the land but also made the transgressor fit for
Propagation of Budhism somewhat loosened the grip of Brahminism to
some extent but then there was the movement for the revival of
Brahminism which did not rest till Budhism was driven out of the
country leaving in its wake a reign of social and political anarchy in
the land.
For a vast country like India and for the entire world Brahmin system
of millions of castes and millions of deities can be a cause of
spiritual moral, social and political anarchy but not in any way a
basis for unity. A system so fatal to democratic interest can for a
while be imposed by physical force but it cannot last for ever and is
bound to end in anarchy.
This was the historical moment when Islam came to India. But it
entered the country in two ways. The first was the Muslim saints,
merchants and ulamas came here and this was the right way. Their aim
particularly of saints was to propagate Islam. The other was the entry
into India of Muslim conquerors. This was a doubtful manner of coming
for the aim and purpose of these conquerors was in principle similar
to those of Aryan conquerors. They came here to establish their
Yet there is one thing which distinguishes them from Aryan conquerors
and it is that there was no sanction in their religion that like Aryan
conquerors they could degrade the old inhabitants of the country and
keep them out of the pale of their religious tradition becoming
themselves masters and covering themselves with sanctity. It is
however a fact that the object of their coming here was not to spread
and propagate Islam.
In fact the true Islamic preachers were regarded their rivals.
Nevertheless they were in open conflict with the higher castes of
Brahminic society, and it continued. The social system for which these
higher castes were fighting has already been elaborated. They were not
fighting for the rights of the masses but for their own supremacy.
The battles of Muslim conquerors had their two-fold effect on Islamic
history. In the first place the motives of the Muslim saints, ulamas
and merchants who could preach Islam with sincerity and selflessness
began to be looked upon with suspicion by the common people. If it
were not so there are reasons to believe that Islam would have spread
here in the same way as it did in countries like Indonesia, Malaysia
The majority of this country would have accepted the divine unity and
the system of Islamic brotherhood as a matter of necessity as this was
the most suitable way to liberate the common man of the country form
the tyrannies of caste system.
The other effect was that due to continuous wars of Muslim conquerors
the representatives of Brahminism were able to use the religion of
untouchability against Muslims also. But this working of the system of
untouchability throughout the Muslim regime was just an undercurrent
and Muslim conquerors never treated it as anything but the
superstition of non-believers. Although in their essence they were not
just superstitions but the undercurrent of the soul of Brahmanic
social system.
During the British period the system of untouchability against the
Muslims and the supremacy of Brahmins began to run side by side and
nearly all the high class Hindus who opposed Muslims and called
Muslims as tyrants and oppressors and aliens like Rana Pratap and
Shivaji were regarded as representing the soul of Indian patriotism
and heroism. In this hysteria of prejudice it was totally forgotten
that this class of super human Brahmins had also come from outside and
had perpetrated unprecedented tyranny upon human nobility and equality
declaring human beings particularly the old inhabitants of the country
to be unclean and untouchable and making themselves super human.
To regard this system of belief and action as the real ideology of the
country and to consider the upholders of unity of god and human
brotherhood as enemies of the country was nothing short of uprooting
faith, honesty, justice and equality.
Now in the age of freedom the process continued by Brahminism in so
far as Muslims are concerned is the same as adopted against local
inhabitants on is coming here. During the last 20 years the way in
which Muslims have been killed and plundered without a single
independent judicial inquiry being instituted into it, has now become
a national convention which has bee carried for thousands of years
against the honour and respectability of the ancient inhabitants of
the country.
If their plans against the Muslims are successful, the rights which
they have temporarily given to the Dravidians and Untouchables under
the pressure of international democratic forces will also be taken
away and they will have to remain content with their old status, as
this has been the religion of this country for about 5,000 years.
The injustice done in the name of religion is more lasting than
political injustice. Is there any force in the superficial slogans of
secularism etc. which can change the impact of this religious heritage
of genocide?
Nehru was the greatest supporter of secularism and was also considered
the strongest opponent of the caste system. But what was the result?
Just this that his family today rules the entire country with the
possibility that sometime later it may even be given the status of
constitutional monarchy. Even the national convention of killing and
plundering of Muslims without any inquiry was established in his own
moderate regime and the question of Kashmir is also his family
question which has been treated as being synonymous with the
preservation of the freedom of India, probably even more important.
India would have probably become the centre of the entire free Asia
and Africa, but it was just this family question of Kashmir in which
Nehru involved sometimes China and sometimes Russia.
Police action against the Muslim State of Hyderabad was launched on
the ground that a minority in fact cannot be given the right to rule
over an absolute majority. And then it was enforced with such
perfection that it constitutes its own example. But when Kashmir was
brought under control this rule of justice as altered to mean that the
Muslim majority cannot in anyway have the right to remain in majority
forever and constitute a danger for ever to the supremacy of Brahmins.
Under this rule Jammu has already been cleared of this danger and now
the process is being carried on in the Kashmir province. Thousands of
devises are being tried to see that the small majority which Muslims
still command there should never enable them to get their rights
Only the last summer Sadiq announced that he was going to constitute a
commission for the purpose of giving the right of participation in the
Govt. to the various communities in proportion to their numerical
strength. But a few days after this statement a great storm was raised
which will be remembered in history as the Pandit agitation.
Now Sadiq realised his position and under some secret compromise
changed this commission into a regional one from which it seems to be
understood that the question of communal representation will never
come before it so that Muslims will be made to remain content with
their age-old position.
This will be a new national convention and Muslims will become a new
class of untouchables. The result will be that while the province of
Jammu will be ruled by Jan Sangh, Kashmir province will become the
preserve of Kashmiri Pandits. It may be anticipated as a matter of
fact that under this system of justice Sadiq and Qasim will remain on
their gaddi for another five years. A way may probably be found in
this period to clear Kashmir also from the Untouchables. May the
disciples of Gandhi just know what is the nature of work undertaken in
the name of Gandhi in Kashmir?
This is the revival of Brahmanism after a thousand years and its
operation, although it is very difficult for the Brahminical social
system to succeed in this age of universal democracy.
But there is a clear possibility of a bloody future for Muslims in
particular and non-Brahmin communities in general. Specially in view
of the fact that the rights which all Muslim organisations of India
are trying to secure indicate that they are the successors of
Shahabuddin Ghori, Zahiruddin Babur, Nadir Shah Durrani etc. without
being the least trace that they have any relations with Muinuddin of
Ajmer, Nizamuddin of Delhi and Sheikh Ahmad of Sirhind.
No doubt profitable trade of preceptors and disciples are being
carried on in their holy names, but there is not the least sign in
these preceptors and disciples of any desire to conveying the message
of unity of god and human brotherhood to every home. It is this alone
that the secret of their humiliation and ruin lies.
Popularly all these people call themselves Muslims and some of them
are devoting all their efforts to become the leaders of Muslims but
they do not believe in practice that all the rights of Muslims emanate
from the performance of their duties.
And the great and most central duty of a Muslim is to liberate
humanity from casteism, untouchability and racial or geographical
discriminations and to put them under the banner of the universal
brotherhood of Islam.
The ideal of a Muslim, according to the Quran is:
This, your community, is one community and I am your creator. So fear
The above mentioned fact is the contradiction which exists between
Islam and Brahminism and the existence of one implies the negation of
the other.
Brahmanism is a system of high and low castes which exalts Brahmin to
the proximity of god and grants him a superhuman status, degrading the
rest of the humanity as to the level of his servants, while Islam
regards all such concepts as atheistic and implies a ceaseless effort
to deliver humanity from this course and bring about universal, human
According to Islam all true religions have tried for this human unity.
Look to the Quran:
Human race was one community (then differences arose among them) then
god sent to them prophets who were harbingers and warners of fear of
god and with them came the code of injunctions that it may resolve the
Thus to eliminate all discriminations of caste and race and colour
which make human rights and duties subservient to caste and country is
the basic teaching of religion.
The entire basis of the religious struggle is to remove this
discrimination which has prevailed in the world in the form of caste,
colour or community. But Brahminism stands for creation and fostering
of such differences.
It is only for this reason that Islam and Muslims are castigated as
extra-territorial and plans are made to exterminate them which is a
matter for serious thought.
As a result of it, it is a matter for thought for every morally
sensitive human conscience:
(1) To revive Brahminism and make it a corner stone of India’s social
edifice is to revive justice and equality or to spread oppression and
(2) Is it possible to establish human peace and prosperity by making
moral and spiritual values subservient to discrimination of caste and
untouchability and race and country or this facility can be secured by
making these distinctions subservient in every way and in all aspects
to moral and spiritual values?
(3) Even for the limited object of unity of the country and the
nation, is it necessary to eliminate in every way the Islamic system
of unity of god and human brotherhood and to revive all aspects of
Brahminism (the same age-old undemocratic system of caste
distinctions) or even this limited object can be secured by throwing
away all these pre-historic superstitions and humbugs and to
appropriate in its place the belief in a universal god and the system
of universal brotherhood?
It is now for every Dravidian, Adivasi and Untouchable leader and also
for every Brahmin leader to think with full moral courage. After all
how long this drama of human killing and plunder will be allowed to
continue and that too in the sacred name of religion, which in fact is
the establishment of human brotherhood on the foundations of moral and
spiritual duties.
There is no doubt that today a peaceful bloc can be organised under
this ideal at least from Indonesia to Morocco, Algeria, Turkey and
Iran and moral force can be created which may generate a wholesome
world wide human reaction against Marxist tyranny and Western
imperialism and immoral diplomacy. This is not a very difficult thing
to accomplish and this one act will condone the sins of thousands of
I also appeal all Muslim organisations to cooperate fully in conveying
this request before all sensible Indians.
3 reasons for collapse of America
Bangalore: Just as Truth never comes out in India, governed by its 3%
Brahminical Bhoodevatas, in America too, governed by its 3% Jews,
Truth is never known. This is also the case with the American
financial collapse as DV goes to press.
What we gathered is: (1) the fury and frustrations of the ruling Jews
over the US failure to defeat Iraq and control its oil, (2) their
failure to force President Bush to attack Iran to protect their blue-
eyed boy zionist Israel, and (3) finally their failure to check the
rise and rise of Barack Obama, a Black and a Muslim.
These are the three principal reasons for the desperate Jews to rise
in revolt and start killing the very American economy itself after
their failure to control its politics.
Yes. This is the end of the American imperialism, which must be
welcomed by the whole world particularly those in Asia and Africa.
America is the world’s most famous thoroughbred capitalist country.
The 700 billion dollar bail-out plan proposed by its Treasury
Secretary Hank Paulson, and strongly supported by the Jewish
bumlicker, President Bush, is a total socialist solution which America
is forced to embrace as capitalism failed.
The story is not over. It has just begun. Just as the zionist fat is
on fire in US, in India the hate-mongering high caste brain is also on
fire. We will watch the fun...

Karnataka: After attack on Christians Muslims wait for their turn
Bangalore: The Karnataka people voted for the Brahmana Jati Party
(BJP) in the recent Assembly election. And the party honestly started
implementing its Brahminical policy by attacking Christians, a soft
target, as a dress rehearsal for a major bloodbath against Muslims.
The party has decided to repeat Gujarat in Bangalore to capture South
India. They will do it.
Manuwadi worry: So the attack on churches did not come as surprise to
us. They are doing their duty to hinduise India. The Hindus (meaning
the 15% upper castes led by Brahmins) are seriously worried that the
“Hindu population” (meaning the 65% SC/ST/BCs who are victims of
Hinduism) is slipping out of their control — either through conversion
or forging solidarity with Muslims/Christians.
Fake SIMI story: Thinking sections among the upper castes are not even
getting sound sleep in the night because of this worry. Only a
Brahminical manuwadi knows how much he is worried about the revolt of
the SC/ST/BCs. The one and the only way to stop the revolt is to
hinduise (enslave) SC/ST/BCs who are not Hindu and never Hindu.
One fantastic weapon the Brahminical people discovered is “terrorism”
which enabled them to recklessly arrest and kill the Muslims. The
manuwadi monopoly media operated by their most cantankerous boys and
girls is doing a wonderful job. But even this weapon is failing lately
because the people have started blaming the govt. itself when
“intelligence” agencies failed. The entire SIMI story proved to be a
big Brahminical bullshit, according to the Tehelka revelation (DV Sept.
16, 2008, p.9).
Ever since “independence” (1947), when the manuwadis directly took
control of the country after killing Gandhi, they have been very
systematically implementing their policies.
Next turn of Muslims: The credit for achieving great success goes to
their manuwadi media. But not one victim of the Brahminical terrorism
is understanding the importance of the media — except Dalit Voice
which alone has been singing the song without any response from its
The BJP has tested the waters in Karnataka by attacking the churches.
The next turn is Muslims. Bangalore will shortly witness a repetition
of Gujarat. And with that BJP flag will fly still higher.

Brahminical bid to break up Bangladesh
London: Bengali Hindus are plotting to partition Bangladesh by
creating a homeland for its “minorities”. They have come up with a new
blog about this on internet:
S. Guha Thakurta, Advocate is the designated Agent, Hindu Republic of
Bir Bango, Editor, Shakti Samachar, 16-Marcus Lane, Calcutta - 700
Bir Bango Hindu Council is headed by Dr. I.J., Mondal of South Khulna
The partition of Bengal was not liked by the upper caste Bengalis and
they were conspiring to create a separate Hindu state out of East
Bengal itself but later supported the Bengali Muslims to fight for
Bangladesh. In 2003, a report appeared in the Times of India about the
formation of the state in exile:
Feb.4, 2003: A provisional Hindu republic was established in
Bangladesh six months ago with the declared objective of forming a
“Hindu Republic of Bir Banga” having its capital at Shaktigarh in the
Chittagong hills. Though the republic is still on paper, a “supreme
revolutionary council” and a 17-member interim government in exile
have been formed to launch an armed struggle to bring about partition
of Bangladesh and form the Hindu republic comprising almost the entire
southern half of the country.
VHP international secretary-general Praveen Togadia said during his
recent visit to Calcutta that his organisation was in favour of a
partition of Bangladesh and creation of a homeland for the persecuted
minorities there as well as those now living in exile in India.
The proposed constituent state of federal India comprises Dinajpur-
Rangpur division in current northwest region of Bangladesh for over 15
million tortured non-Muslim (Hindu, Christian, Budhist and Ahmediya)
Bangladeshis. After that through a plebiscite in this new Indian state
it would be decided whether they want to remain a separate state or
merge with West Bengal to form a united Bangal state of India, says
the blog.
Zainal Abedin, Raw & Bangladesh, 1995, pp.270, Fatema Sahab, 7-
Fakirpool, Inner circular Road, Motijheel, Dhaka
Zinal Abedin, The Chittagong Hill Tracts - A Victim of Indian
Intervention, 2003, pp.240, Eastern Publications, 16 - Silvester
House, London.

Racists & zionists finally topple Africa’s towering personality
Bangalore: Angry White racists and zionists, who were ousted from
South Africa — the continent’s richest and the politically most
powerful country — finally succeeded in creating confusion and chaos
by managing the ouster of Black Africa’s towering personality, Thabo
Mbeki (66).
It is Mbeki who made S. Africa the continent’s most important country
and also the world’s most respected. And yet the Whites and zionists
went on squeezing S. Africa. Finally they found an ideal stooge in
Jacob Zuma whom they systematically groomed to take on Mbeki. Poor
Mbeki is on the way out.
Earlier, the Whites and zionists, who still control many things in S.
Africa including its diamond trade, discovered AIDS to physically
weaken the powerful Blacks, S. Africa got world-wide publicity as a
country virtually dying out of AIDS. They forced the Mbeki Govt. to
buy their drugs and use it on a large-scale. But Mbeki put his foot
down. He said if his Black people were poor and hungry it was because
of the White racist rule which could be cured by socio-economic
remedies but not AIDS drugs.
The enemies of Mbeki, headed by a Jew, Bill Gates, the king of the
AIDS empire, did everything to damage Mbeki and his spotless career.
They used even Mandela, a stooge of the Whites to destroy Mbeki’s
reputation. The Jewish Nobel Foundation gave Mandela a Nobel Prize but
the Blacks rejected Mandela.
Zuma was the discovery of the Western enemies of Mbeki and Africa. We
will not be surprised if the enemies do everything to divide the
powerful ruling African National Congress (ANC) and paralyse S. Africa
by grooming Zuma.
The world outside is not getting a true picture of Africa because the
entire media is controlled by the Whites. China has emerged as a
trustworthy supporter of Africans but we could not find China doing
enough to avert the current S. African crisis.
Mbeki has emerged as Africa’s tallest and the most respected leader.
And felling such a towering personality, the most impoverished and
crisis-ridden Black continent and the mother of the whole world
population, will suffer a big setback. This is exactly what the
racists and the zionists wanted.

DV Jan.16, 2008 p.13: “Zionists cause defeat of Mbeki?”
DV Jan.1, 2008 p.10: “AIDS as a weapon of war”.
DV Nov.1, 2007 p. 25: “Why this sudden silence on AIDS?”
DV Oct.16, 2007 p.5: “AIDS: Western conspiracy to finish Blacks”.
DV Feb.16, 2007 p. 10: “AIDS used to finish Blacks?”
DV Jan.1, 2006 p.8: “Fears over Bill Gates sudden love for slaves of
DV April 16, 2005 p.6: “Nobel laureate says West invented AIDS to
exterminate Blacks”.
DV March 1, 2005 p.7: “Western racist bid to topple Mbeki will not
DV Feb.16, 2005 p.4: “AIDS, a White Western conspiracy?”
DV Oct.1, 2004 p.13: “AIDS drugs aim at Blacks”.
DV Sept.16, 2004 p.12: “AIDS: Western conspiracy?”
DV Aug.16, 2004 p.20: “A White man’s conspiracy to finish Blacks?” &
p. 21: “African AIDS statistics bogus”
DV Aug.1, 2004 p.8: “AIDS — a biological weapon of racists?”
DV July 16, 2004 p.5: “Why blame Whites & Jews for AIDS?”
DV June 1, 2004 p.15: “AIDS scare to promote big business in drugs”.
DV May 16, 2004 p.12: “Why Dalit dosctors silent on AIDS?”
DV April 1, 2004 p.13: “DV fears on AIDS”.
DV Edit Jan.16, 2004: “Whythis sudden love for Blacks? AIDS another
White conspiracy to keep Africa enslaved?”, “West conspiring to topple
Mbeki?” & p. 5: “Dalit doctors must testify”.
DV Feb.16, 2003 p.23: “AIDS — more a business than disease?”
DV Jan.1, 2003 p.8: “Western conspiracy to topple Mbeki & enslave S.
Africa through AIDS”.

Bangalore unsafe for women
Bangalore: Working women in the city do not feel safe at their
workplace. Shockingly, compared to other metros, Bangalore tops the
list in this regard. According to a national survey by the Associated
chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM) on cities with a
large concentration of IT and BPO firms, 44% of women working in
Bangalore have expressed insecurity at workplace, which is
higehst,when compared to Delhi-15%, Mumbai-18% and Chennai -24%,
Kolkata -22%, Hyderabad-38% and Pune 24%.
—(Times of India, Sept.17, 2008)
World famous corrupt country
New Delhi: The cash-for-votes scandal that marred the July 22 trust
vote might well have cost India a few points on the transparency index
as the country has slid down to the 85th position in terms of the
global ranking for corruption from 72nd last year. The fall by 13
places may not surprise those who have had even a brush with India’s
governing mechanisms, but it is not the report card that an economy
growing at 8% would expect. India’s integrity score on a scale of 10
has gone down marginally from 3.5 in 2007 to 3.4 this year, but it has
meant a sharp slip in ranking as some other nations have improved. At
the 85th slot India is pretty much in the middle of the Corruption
Perception Index (CPI) of 180 countries. Given India’s size and
muddled politics, a comparison with high-scoring Nordic countries
would be out of place, but even holding the 72nd slot would have been
some consolation.
—(Times of India, Sept.24, 2008)
Inhuman Hindus
New Delhi: Chairman of All-India Confederation of SC/ST Organisations
Udit Raj told to 9th session of UN Human Rights Council at Geneva Sept.
9 to 17, 2008: atrocities, untouchability, insufficient wags, bonded
labour, child labour, landlessness, illiteracy, inequality of
opportunities, manual scavenging are still the order of the day in the
life of Dalits. The Indian National Bureau of Crime Report (2006) said
27,070 crimes had bee committed against Dalits, though many go
unreported. 13 Dalits are murdered every week, 5 Dalit homes are burnt
every week, 6 Dalits abducted every week, 3 Dalit women raped every
day, 11 Dalits beaten daily and a crime committed against a Dalit
every 18 minutes. Literacy rate for Dalits remain abysmal: 54.69%. The
enrolment of Dalits in graduate education is 8.37% as against 91.63%
of others, 37.8% children had to sit separately while eating in 37.8%
govt. schools.
—(scstconf...@gmail.com, Sept.20, 2008)

Dalits & Muslims as blood brothers
(Dr. Ambedkar’s Praise for Islam)
S.K. Biswas
Noted Dalit Historian
Foreword by
V.T. Rajshekar
Ruling Brahminical forces are rapidly hinduising (meaning enslaving)
the non-Hindu, if not anti-Hindu Dalits and Tribals, pushing them into
Hindu temples so that they are killed in hundreds in stampede.
Such a reckless hinduisation helps the enemy to get ready, cheap and
abundant force to kill Muslims and Christians who are our blood
brothers and also create a permanent hatred against them.
Brahminical terrorist groups like the RSS have gained enough expertise
on this strategy which helped them create the killer Modi.
Islam came to India not only as a liberating religion but bravely
challenging the Brahminical aggression on its indigenous population.
That is how Islam has become the fastest growing religion. Brahminism,
renamed Hinduism to mislead the Bahujans, is treating them as slaves.
Having failed to curb its growth, the Brahminical rulers are today
using police and para-military forces to demoralise Muslims dubbing
them terrorists — although hardly anybody arrested is convicted.
Here is a book that explains the Brahminical trick.
2008 pp.40 Rs. 30
Write to :Dalit Voice
No. 109 - 7th Cross, Palace Lower Orchards, Bangalore - 560 003,
Why BJP has not even a single economic programme ?
Bangalore: Upper caste readers of our Dalit Voice website bombard us
with email saying DV is “harping” only on socio-cultural issues
“totally ignoring” economic crisis, which, they say, are our real
problem. Yes, their criticism is correct.
It is our considered opinion that India’s problems are essentially
social and cultural caused by the Brahminical aggression on the
country’s indigenous people. We have said this hundred and one times.
If there are economic problems they are caused by the Brahminic socio-
cultural aggression.
Will our upper caste critics answer the following:
At the national executive meeting of the Brahmana Jati Party (BJP)— in
which the upper castes have their heart— in Bangalore in the second
week of Sept., the party president Rajnath Singh, a Thakur (upper
caste), in his 12-page opening address highlighted the following
(1) Road leading to Amarnath Shrine be nationalised, (2) displaced
Kashmiri Pandits (Brahmins) be rehabilitated in special enclaves in
the Valley, (3) abolition of Article 370 of the constitution
conferring special status for Kashmir.
BJP has not even a single economic programme. The killer Modi is the
Hindu Hriday Samrat. If India becomes Hindu Rashtra, all the problems
will be solved. This was the only song heard at the meeting.
BJP’s sole single programme is to strengthen Brahminical cultural
hegemony. Yet not even one objection came from upper castes who hiss
and howl at DV.

Brahminical hunger for bomb
Bangalore: The cat is out of the bag. It is now clear that the
Brahminical rulers have been bluffing. And Manmohan Singh is the king
of bluffers. The nuclear deal is not to supply “cheap power” but to
make bombs.
The fear expressed in our Sept.1, 2008 Editorial on Indo-US nuclear
deal (“Bahujans defeated: N.Deal victory for Brahmins”) which the
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh hurriedly pushed through in parliament
on July 22, 2008, have come true. We had said:
The Jews holding the neck of America wanted to sell nuclear power to
India and their cousins, the “Jews of India”, wanted to buy it to make
bombs to fight their two hated neighbouring enemies — Muslim Pakistan
and Communist China — with which the overwhelming Bahujans of India
had no quarrel.
Our fears that the rulers were in such a great hurry to push the deal
and that too in such a great secrecy to make bomb have been confirmed
by the world famous journal the Economist in its editorial itself Aug.
30, 2008, p.13). The world quickly understood that India’s sinister
aim was to make bomb.
Our less than 15% blood-thirsty Brahminical rulers are hungering for
bombs but never bothered about bread to feed our hungry billions. The
nuclear deal has given us one more proof of their Brahminical
George W. Bush, America’s most hated President, wanted to use India
against the peace-loving giant China. India’s rulers hate China and
perhaps assured Bush that the nuclear deal would be used to make bomb
to attack China.
We do not know why Bahujan leaders like Lalu Prasad Yadav,
Karunanidhi, Mulayam Singh Yadav etc., who spent their life fighting
Brahminical forces, supported the deal at the July 22, 2008
parliamentary vote of confidence.
India’s purpose is clear. It wants to leave itself the option of more
bomb tests in future, while being able to ride out any sanctions —
including from America whose laws would require them — that would
follow. The Economist even suggests that American officials have been
coaching India the tactics of avoiding sanctions. To that extent the
US Jews were in secret league with the “Jews of India”.
Fortunately, the dying days of George W. Bush is nearing and their
hated Black man (Barack Obama) is stepping into the White House. The
Economist scented the roguish behaviour of the “Jews of India” and
called upon the NSG and also America to put the foot down on India’s
secret efforts to make bombs.
The secret nuclear deal is yet another proof to show how India’s anti-
human rulers are simply bending and breaking the back of over 1,200
millions of innocent Indians to serve their selfish interests.

Why Brahmins hate agriculture ?
Bangalore: Total neglect of the rural areas — particularly agriculture
sector — is having devastating effect on the country. Because the
rural people not only depend on agriculture for living but more than
that the foodgrains to fill their hungry stomach.
Do you know what the rulers have done? They have kicked the very
stomach of the SC/ST/BCs and Muslims and made them starve. This is the
result of the 60-year-old Brahminical rule. Here is a report in the
country’s principal Brahminical daily, Times of India (Delhi) of June
25, 2008:
New Delhi: The impact of a neglected agriculture sector are bound to
haunt the country for long. India could become a chronic net importer
of rice and wheat by 2020 if the trends are not reversed.
Assocham has warned that India will have to increase its rice yield
growth rates by 250% to ensure self-sufficiency. Simultaneously by
current trends the country could fall short of 23 million tonnes of
wheat by 2020 that it would need to meet through imports. The latter
figures emerge out of the Indian Agricultural Research Institute’s
Bhumihars of Bihar: The Brahminical rule is literally killing every
part of India but the Brahminical media is not giving it publicity.
And their television is diverting the attention of the hungry.
Do you know why the Brahminical people hate agriculture? Because
Brahmins are prohibited by their shastras to touch the earth. If a
Brahmin touches earth he is ex-communicated. The Bhoomihars (Brahmin)
of Bihar are the best example to prove this point.

Jews decide to ditch Obama
Bangalore: Here is the latest news from America. The whole world wants
Obama as President. But the hate-mongers inside USA, the brothers of
the “Jews of India”, who control the world’s sole super power hate
Obama because he is a Black with Muslim connection. And one with his
brain inside his head.
The Jews may form not even 3% of the American population but they
decide everything including the presidentship. Their awesome power is
mainly due to their control on the media, that too the TV which can
manipulate anything and everything.
Already “public opinion” is being shaped through bogus opinion polls
favouring the anti-people Democratic candidate McCain .
If everything fails to damage Obama they have the Brahmastra in their
pocket — the computers. Since the entire voting is done through
computers, which are controlled by the Jews, any mischief is possible.
The enemy has decided that at any cost Obama should not be allowed to
Still we predicted the Obama victory. How? Our calculations are based
on what we called as the “forces of history”. (DV Sept.16, 2008, p.6:
“Will forces of history put a Black man in White House?”).
DV Feb.1, 2007 p. 23: “A mere 2% Jews hold neck of USA forcing war on
DV Nov.1, 2005 p.23: “Zionist mind control through media”.
DV Oct.16, 2005 p.27: “Zionist puppet show goes on by controlling
America’s free press”.
DV Oct.1, 2005 p.23: “Break zionist grip on America for sake of world
DV July 16, 2005 p.22: “America controls world, Jews control America”.
DV Aug.16, 2004 p.8: “Zionists making US into war-monger”.
DV Dec.16, 2004 p.8: “Israel as No.1 threat to world”.
DV March 16, 2004 p.13: “7 Jews control US media: DV proves right”.

How to save our sinking judiciary
Bangalore: No paper in India has attacked India’s higher judiciary so
mercilessly as DV has done – even declaring a war on this upper caste
high courts and the Supreme Court.
Stinking origin: Finally a part of the rot is coming out in the
public. The Supreme Court has ordered impeachment of a Calcutta High
Court judge and a CBI probe of two Punjab and Haryana High Court
But this action is on the judges’ money corruption which is a small
part of the overall world of corruption in which “Hindu India” is
buried neck deep.
The bottom line is the higher judiciary is corrupt because it is
wholesale upper caste. It is the strength and courage which the judges
get out of their caste status, that makes them indulge in reckless
money corruption with impunity.
Money corruption is not confined to judges alone. The judges were
shielding corruption by taking shelter under the contempt of court
provision. The judges take bribes from the upper caste litigants. Both
the bribe-taker and the giver have the same stinking origin.
Quota in judiciary: Those who criticised the higher judiciary of
corruption never said that it was their upper caste status that caused
it. Because those who criticised them also belonged to the upper caste
who constitute the country’s micro-minority 15% rulers.
The upper castes are heading every wing of the country: defence,
judiciary, media, banks, industries, academia, scientific
institutions, bureaucracy. All professions. Even the political
leadership. The private sector. This upper caste is wholesale corrupt
with minor exceptions. Until their caste monopoly is broken and SC/ST/
BCs plus Muslim/Christian/Sikh Bahujans take over, the corruption,
whether in judiciary or any field, cannot go.
Chief Justice Balakrishnan, a Dalit, knows it but he is helpless. And
the already sick India will get more sick. But it will not die because
of the caste system.
Please read our booklet, Judicial Terrorism, V.T. Rajshekar & Iqbal
Ahmed Shariff, DSA-2006, pp.20, Rs. 25.

42% Indians live below poverty line
New Delhi: India is home to roughly one-third of all poor people in
the world. It also has a higher proportion of its population living on
less than $2 per day than even sub-Saharan Africa. That is the
sobering news coming out of the World Bank’s latest estimates on
global poverty. The fine print of the estimates also shows the rate of
decline of poverty in India was faster between 1981 and 1990 than it
has been between 1990 and 2005. This is likely to give fresh
ammunition to those who maintain that economic reforms, which started
in 1991, have failed to reduce poverty at a faster rate. India,
according to the new estimates, has 456 million people, or about 42%
of the population, living below the new international poverty line of
$ 1.25 per day. The number of Indian poor also constitute 33% of the
global poor, whose number is pegged at 1.4 billion people. India also
had 828 million people, or 75.6% of the population, living below $2 a
day. Sub-Saharan Africa considered the world’s poorest region, is
better — it has 72.2% of its population, or 551 million people, below
the $2 a day level.
—(Times of India, Aug. 27, 2008)
Further fall in status of Tribals
The status of the weakest among the reserved categories, the Scheduled
Tribes (STs), seems to have remained virtually unchanged. There has
been a substantial increase in ST-owned establishments in north-
eastern states but that offset by decline in many other states like
Orissa, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh. Over three quarters of the
establishments owned by SCs and STs are own account establishments
(OAE) or establishments owned and run by the family members. The
proportion of such establishments owned by OBCs is 71%. However, just
over half (56%) of businesses owned by the general category are OAE
establishments. For the reserved categories, especially STs and to
some extent SCs too, their share in the total number of businesses
with hired workers has remained small.
—(Times of India, Sept.8, 2008)
Economic collapse
New Delhi: Growth in six core infrastructure industries dropped to
4.3% in July 2008-09 from 7.2% a year ago, which economists feared
could stunt the expansion of an already slowing economy. Crude oil was
the worst performer in the grouping with a negative growth of 3% in
July this year against a positive trend in the comparable month of
last fiscal.
—(PTI - Deccan Herald, Sept.8, 2008)

Piotr Maciejewski,Ul. Klemensiewicza 1c/7, 01-318 Warszawa, Poland: I
already received your sample literature. Besides I bought many books
in the Bluemoon Books. I will dwell on the subject and come back to
India in February. So I will be familiar with opinions presented by
diverse writers. As far as meeting people is concerned, I count on
your guidance when I come back. The whole Europe loves Gandhi but
nobody has heard about Dr. Ambedkar. I think it should be changed.
Not only Europe, even the whole world knows and loves only M.K.
Gandhi. This is because only Brahmins had the ability to write and
publish books and media. The rest of over 90% were dumb-driven cattle
to whom Dr. Ambedkar came as saviour. History is always written by the
victors. The situation remains unchanged even today. You say this
situation has to be changed. How? Who will change it? No chance. Dr.
Ambedkar wrote a book itself to educate the Western audience on the
factual position of India of the pre-independence days. The title of
the book is What Congress & Gandhi Have done to Untouchables. This is
reproduced in a Maharashtra Govt. Publication Vol. No.9 (1990).
Photocopy of the original book is available with us. A mere 15% of the
upper castes are holding the neck of India. We are bringing out Dalit
Voice for the past about 30 years but being in English it can’t reach
our people. English-speakers are not even 5% of our population.
English teaching is not permitted. Only the upper castes are
encouraged to read English so that they can become rulers. Political
leadership might have passed into our hands to some extent but
decision-making and implementing authorities continue to be our
oppressors. We are gasping for breath. India is a highly deceptive
society. Since all those whom you met and all those books and media
that you read are upper castes, our oppressors, you will never get at
the truth. Gandhi was the leader of the upper castes who deceived us
and hence the chief architect of India’s fall — EDITOR.
Instead of dying unsung, unwept, LTTE may shift to TN & complete
Periyar’s historic mission
One of the world’s longest lasting 25-year-old war between the
ferocious Tamil Tigers (LTTE) and Lankan Govt. is likely to be over by
the year-end. The Tigers have been meeting with defeats after defeats
— yet fighting with their back against the wall.
The Lankan war is one of the greatest tragedies of the subcontinent in
which DV took lot of interest in the initial stages. We did visit
Lanka for a week-long study early in the eighties. Representatives of
the Tigers used to often visit our office. We had great admiration for
Velupillai Prabhakaran but when the Tigers refused to listen to our
suggestion we kept silent.
Purest Dravidians: Lanka is a Budhist country. The ruling Sinhalas are
mostly Backward Caste Indians from Bihar (India). Good people,
harmless people. The Tamils wrongly call themselves Hindu. Prabhakaran
belongs to the Backward fishermen caste. The dark-looking Tamils are
ethnically same like the non-Aryan (non-Hindu) purest Dravidas and Adi-
Dravidas of Tamil Nadu across the Pak Strait. Both speak Tamil and
worship the same indigenous deities.
We don’t know how and when the Lankan Tamils started calling
themselves Hindu and picked up a quarrel with the peace-loving Sinhala-
speaking Budhists, who too are non-Hindu.
Dr. Ambedkar call rejected: When Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar visited
Colombo to study Budhism, the Tamils complained against Sinhala rulers
and his solution was that Tamils should embrace Budhism which they
In course of time the Tamil-Sinhala differences widened and developed
into a bloody war. In Sri Lanka, we visited the tea estates where the
Tamil Untouchable workers complained that they were being
discriminated against by the Tamil “Hindus”. We were also invited by
the Tamil-speaking Muslims of Colombo and they said they preferred to
go with the Sinhala rulers than with the Tamil Hindus.
That means the Tamil Tigers are not supported by the Tamil speaking
Muslims and Dalits. The papans in Madras, who keep a close watch on
the Lankan development, very much feared the Tigers and were
continuously sharpening this contradiction and fishing in the troubled
Brahminical hand: The mysterious hand behind Lankan strife is India’s
Aryan Brahminical rulers guided by the Tamil papan. He is the villain
of the piece. We had said all this in our earlier reports on Lanka and
also had passed on the information to Prabhakaran. But the Tigers were
not ready to listen.
The papans had convinced Rajiv Gandhi, then Prime Minister, to send
the Indian army in the guise of IPKF (Indian Peace Keeping Force) to
Lanka and managed to break the back of the Tigers. These papans call
themselves Hindu but at the same time sent the Indian army to fight
the Lankan Hindus (LTTE).
Rajiv Gandhi murder: Why the Tamil papans hated Lanka’s Tamil Hindus?
The papan fear was that with the death of the dreaded Periyar E.V.
Ramaswamy, who broke the backbone of the papan pest, the angry
Dravidians of Tamil Nadu (TN) might invite the Tigers to TN to carry
on the mission of Periyar. The stupid Rajiv Gandhi played into the
hands of these papans and got killed in Madras by an angry Lankan
Tamil woman who was a victim of IPKF atrocities in Lanka.
India’s Brahminical Govt. spent billions of rupees on the IPKF to
fight LTTE in Lanka. Even today India’s RAW is continuing the mission
in Lanka. The Indian army and navy are actively assisting the Lankan
Govt. to hunt and fight the Tigers.
DV advice rejected: The Brahminical rulers of India are closer to
Budhist rulers of Lanka than the Lankan Hindus. Papans are experts in
the law of contradictions and hate Periyar. But the LTTE leadership
may be Tamil but takes little interest in the Tamils of TN. Or even
The Tigers did not listen to our suggestion but played into the hands
of the crooked papans. So much so, today they are well on the way to
total extinction. President Rajapakse of Lanka has said he would not
rest until he captured or killed Prabhakaran in his Kilinochchi
The dream of independent Tamil Elam (homeland) in the North thus
stands shattered — not by the Sinhala enemies but by the Tamil-
speaking papans of Madras.
The Tamil Tigers are one of the best guerilla fighters the world has
ever seen. They are also the pioneer of terrorism. We like them. We
salute them but alas their energies are misdirected.
Fighting wrong enemy: All their heroism, guts and grit are wasted on
fighting an unlikely enemy instead of the real, genuine, criminal-
minded, centuries-old Aryan papans.
Even at this desperate last stage when they are facing total
annihilation, it is possible for Prabhakaran to shift the strategy and
bring peace to his helpless Tamil followers if he takes our tip.
The Tamils of neighbouring Tamil Nadu and the entire Tamil diaspora
love and respect Prabhakaran and his LTTE.
He can quietly shift his operations to TN and further the mission of
Periyar E.V. Ramaswamy — and thus help liberate the purest Dravidian
land from the menace of anti-national Aryan papans. The ball is in
Tigers’ court.
Periyar’s verdict: Such a shifting is no doubt dangerous because it is
like jumping from the Sinhala frying pan into the papan fire. The
Tamil papans are the country’s most deadly and dangerous vaidiks. No
less a person than Periyar E.V. Ramaswamy had said this. The LTTE-
Sinhala clashes were engineered by these very papans decades ago.
Every effort was made since then to concentrate all attention on the
LTTE and liquidate them. The Lankan Govt. was given all the support.
Will the papans who moved heaven and earth to finish LTTE within Lanka
itself allow them to enter TN?
But in the interest of saving themselves, also liberating their Tamil
brothers and more than that fulfilling the mission of Periyar, LTTE
has a historic responsibility. Prabhakaran must devote rest of his
life for such a noble and historic cause rather than wasting his life
and also that of the thousands of Lankan Tamils fighting the Budhist
Sinhalas, who are their non-antagonistic enemy.

DV May 1, 2002 p.5: “Peace in Lanka disturbs peace of Tamil Nadu’s
corrupt rulers”.
DV Sept.1998, p.11: “Rajiv Gandhi murder: LTTE blamed to divert
attention from real killers”.
DV Nov.1, 1995 p.17: “Brahminical rulers routed & ate dust in Lanka”.
DV Edit Aug.16, 1995: “What has gone wrong with Tamils? Why they allow
themselves to be swallowed by alien Aryans?”
DV Document, April 1, 1993 p.20: “The case of Bangladesh & Lanka:
India’s upper caste aggression threatens neighbouring countries”.
DV Sept.16, 1989 p.21: “Tips to Lankan Budhists & Tamil Tigers”.
DV Sept.16, 1987: “Thoughts on Lankan Accord: DV proves right on
Orissa clash was between pro-RSS Tribes & Ambedkarite Dalits
As far as the latest violence against Christians in Orissa in general
and Kandhamal in particular, we want to give the correct picture to
the Christian leadership.
(1) In Orissa, the clash is between Tribals (ST) and the Dalits (SC).
STs are with the Hindu terrorist RSS but the SCs are with the
Christians though both SC/STs have the common root and common
sufferings. The major SC caste is Pana and ST is Kandha and Kuei. The
long-term plan of the Hindu terrorists is to destroy the growing SC-ST
unity and make them kill each other.
Phulbani (now called Kandhamal) is a backward district of Orissa.
Total population is 6.48 lakhs. Of this, SCs are 16.9%, ST-51.96%.
Among SC, Panas are 85.331 and among ST Kandhas are 3,14,356.
Christianity is popular among SCs (population 1.18 lakhs) with 11,000
churches and prayer halls in 144 panchayats.
From 1970 Hindu terrorist leader Swami Laxmananda Saraswati was
working here destroying or reshaping the tribal culture, creating a
rift between tribal Kandhas and Pana Dalits.
(2) To revive the Sharna religion among Tribals, Dr. Dindayal Munda of
Ranchi may be consulted. Tribal Babas and Dehurys should be used in
this mission. Dalits will certainly help.
(3) The Adivasi (tribal) identity should be revived by strengthening
their customs and rituals.
(4) Special schools (preferably English-medium) exclusively for SC/STs
should be run by Christians with a management body of non-Christians.
(5) More non-Christian (but Tribal and Dalit) NGOs should be promoted
by the Christian leadership to counter the present dangerous
environment created by the Hindu terrorists.
We are ready to discuss all these issues with representatives of
Christians in Orissa with our team mates. Editor V.T. Rajshekar will
be too glad to join in finding a long-range solution.
Brig. Usman Khalid adds from London: The conduct of the pro-Hindu
Indian state never comes up for criticism in the Western media whether
it is the Muslims, the Christians or the Untouchables who are the
target. But the outcry against China was deafening even though it was
the Tibetans who looted and burnt down Chinese shops in Lhasa.

Hindu hate on rampage
Kandhamal district in Orissa is facing a severe Brahmin-sponsored
attack on Christian Dalits. The attacks are carried out in a very
planned way destroying thousands of houses and churches and shattering
the soul of all people.
I never imagined that such barbaric acts will take place in my life
time. India claims to be a civilised society before the world
community. This is totally false. Law and order are meant only for the
upper caste people. The Brahminical media is bent upon destroying the
Dalit-Adivasi unity. The innocent Adivasi people are given false
information by the upper castes that Dalits are taking away their
rights. Nobody is talking about the poverty of this area, about the
lack of communication, as the area is yet not connected with the
rails. The leaders are instigating people on religious grounds. DV
must condemn the barbaric act of these fascists.
Failure of Orissa DV members
Though you are a new member of the DV family, yours is the first
Letter we received on the Orissa violence despite having a fairly good
circulation of DV in Orissa. Your Letter is powerful and shows your
deep concern but all of us are made helpless because the upper castes
(Hindus) who have captured every lever of power in the country want to
convert India into a Hindu Rashtra. They have almost succeeded.
Kashmir, Punjab and Orissa experiments are part of this hinduisation
drive. We have been shouting and screaming but the educated Dalits are
sleeping or have even joined the enemy. Our Orissa DV family members
should have immediately met and taken some drastic steps. They too
have failed. Not only that, all of us have also failed — EDITOR.

DV failed to “Organise” members after “Educating” & “Agitating” them
PALAMPUR - 176 061
This refers to your invitation for the DV silver jubilee at Lucknow. I
am reading DV since 1995. I also joined you at the DV Lucknow workshop
four years ago. We had started organising Ambedkarite missionaries at
the Shimla DV workshop but after the Chandigarh workshop all our
organizational work had become a flop. I do not understand what you
want to organize by holding such meetings in different parts of India
without constituting a winning team.
You say that Babashaeb has given us his “Three Commandments, i.e.
Educate, Agitate, Organize”. DV has Educated and Agitated the hard-
core revolutionaries of this country. You have given swords of
enlightenment in the hands of thousands of Ambedkarites not only in
India but even abroad.
100 best people: But now you are not moving towards the Third
Commandment, Organize. DV is just like a commander-in-chief of the
Army who motivates his soldiers to fight but does not order them to
fight in an organized way.
A revolutionary movement does not need masses. A winning team of a few
people can launch a successful revolution. If you do not organize a
team of at least 100 such people at the national level then what is
the use of such DV workshops?
Mayawati leadership: UP has many Ambedkarites who understand
Brahminism better than the rest of India. Dalits of the UP have
successfully become the ruling class under the leadership of
If you do not want to move on to the Third Commandment (Organise),
then why are you Educating and Agitating people? Do you think that
somebody else will do this work of Organisation?
There may be lot of excuses for not doing this job— like not having
sufficient funds. But once we form a team, funds can be managed. You
have been talking about “Media Centre” since 1980. What for we need a
powerful media? Media is needed only to launch a revolution. Such a
media can activate only an ideologically-oriented person but not
everyone. Without a team or Organisation, a mere media cannot be a
The ideology of DV can only mobilize Ambedkarites but not the masses
who are uneducated. You must think on this.
Yes, I agree with you that there are even less than 10% English-
knowing Dalits whom we can call reservationwalas. These people will
never follow Ambedkarism. I also agree with you that DV has failed to
Educate and Agitate as I am of the opinion that all the DV readers
will never join us. Even good writers, good speakers and even good
readers may not prove to be good Organisers.
Our “Educated” and un-educated people have been forcibly converted
into Hindu. They visit Hindu temples like Vaishno Devi, Tirupati,
Kashi etc. But tell me have you not Educated or Agitated even 500
Dalits through DV? If yes, then why are you not interested to Organise
Kanshi Ram miracle: It is true that the Brahmin uses our people
against our blood brothers like Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, Budhists
by hinduising them. We will have to chalk out a plan to free such
slaves enjoying Brahminical slavery.
Not only in Maharashtra, even in other states of India there is no
mass agitation of Dalits after Babasaheb. Kanshi Ram did a miracle of
educating the people and making them a ruling class through political
party (BSP). Under the leadership of Mayawati, it is flourishing. But
Ambedkarite ideological socio-cultural movement must be launched
without having any expectation of political gain. Silently we have to
Educate, Agitate so that they get Organised.
DV has done its job: It is true Kanshi Ram was fed up with “educated”
babus. But it is also a fact that some honest “educated” Dalits
supported Kanshi Ram under the banner of BAMCEF which resulted in the
formation of DS4 and later BSP.
I disagree with you that you have failed to Educate and Agitate the
people. If I can be Educated and Agitated there must be at least 100
DV readers like me who have been also Educated and Agitated. I only
want to Organise them.
Yes, it is true that you are running DV under great stress and strain.
Your tireless work will not be forgotten for ever. It will definitely
lead to the liberation of indigenous people of this country. I am
serious on this issue of Organisation of all Ambedkarites throughout
the country under your leadership.
Tell me frankly, are we all to die without achieving anything.
Babasaheb had given us 22 oaths. Can we not follow Babasaheb by taking
at least one oath to launch a successful revolutionary movement in an
Organised way during our lives.
I am too much worried about your health and the fate of DV after you.
That is why I am requesting you to Organise at least 500 hard-core
missionary Ambedkarite during your lifetime.

Hinduisation of “educated” Dalits killed our movement
The “Three Commandments” of Dr. Ambedkar was reprinted four times.
Some copies of the latest edition (2005, pp.20. Rs. 20) are available.
Our DV family members and others do order it but we don’t know what
they do after buying it.
The upper castes (15%) are not only well “educated”, extremely
“agitated” but also “organised” into a mighty force. But our
“educated” people have joined the upper caste oppressors. Those who
did not are silent.
However, the latest craze among Dalits, is “political power”. To get
this power one need not study the “Three Commandments”. In fact,
studying it will harm them.
Brother Musafir says he is “Educated” and “Agitated” by reading DV and
there must be at least 100 DV members in the whole of India like him.
And he says he wants to “Organise” them. Fine
The Three Commandments — the three stages, Educate, Agitate, Organise
— suggested by Babasaheb are not his discovery. He borrowed the
concept from Budha. It is the English translation of Budham, Dhammam,
Sangham. This is the Tri Sarana.
The three are not water-tight compartments. We have explained it in
our above said booklet that it is like a three-storeyed building. You
can’t go to the 3rd floor without climbing the staircase leading from
2nd floor and you can’t go to 2nd floor without going up the first
Organising is not possible without agitation and agitation is not
possible without education. (Ibid, p.11).
Remember, Babasaheb called these three (Educate, Agitate, Organise) as
his “final words”. Yet some Brahminical people played the mischief and
put “Organise” before “Agitate” and distorted the Dalit movement
itself for about 25 years after the death of Babasaheb.
It was DV which corrected the order of the Three Commandments and put
an end to the mischief.
Fine. Since then Babasaheb’s final words are being published correctly
though in some places distortion continues.
Take Maharashtra, Babasaheb’s own birth place, where all the Mahars
are Budhists and they utter the Tri Sarana daily.
Why even the Mahar Budhists did not climb up the 2nd floor and reach
the III Floor (Agitation) even after uttering the Tri Sarana daily?
Because Budhism has been swallowed by Brahminism. And Goenka has set
up his big business in Maharashtra to misinterprete the Tri Sarana.
Budhism itself has been Brahminised.
So, Brother Musafir is wrong in saying that DV has Educated and then
Agitated at least 100 DV family members. If you want us to be frank,
we honestly do not know who these 100 persons are.
If the number of Educated and Agitated in India is quite high, why it
did not result in Dalit movement? Why such a movement died even in
At the Delhi DV silver jubilee we announced closing down of DV but
some brothers intervened and we decided to continue. That is all we
are doing now. Instead of our “educated” and “agitated” members
swelling in number, one by one they are deserting us in search of
“political power”.
Muslims just do not want to understand things and thereby getting into
serious trouble. Sikhs are fast getting hinduised. Dalits are enjoying
their slavery.
For whose sake are we bringing out this paper? Except to read our own
words and enjoy and be proud of it? — EDITOR.

Georgian war divides the world
The Western media, particularly of the US, has presented the conflict
over South Ossetia as a Russian invasion of Georgia.The actual fact is
that the American and Israeli trained and equipped Georgian military
launched a sneak attack to kill and drive the Russian population out
of South Ossetia.
America humbled: During the Stalinist rule, (Joseph Stalin was a
Georgian) it was a policy of USSR to resort to forced migration of
‘difficult minorities’ (like Chechen) to distant lands and to include
Russian majority provinces in states dominated by ethnic minorities.
It was in pursuit of that policy that South Osettia was included in
Georgia whereas North Ossetia is still a part of Russia. Since the
Russian majority in South Ossetia wants to return to the fold of
Russia, the population rebelled. Russian peacekeepers, together with
Georgian ones, had been stationed in South Ossetia since the early
The present crisis started when on orders of President, Mikheil
Saakashvili, and the Georgian peacekeepers turned their weapons
against Russians. Saakashvili was educated and trained in the US and
was elected with money from the neo-con Jews. Saakashvili is far more
guilty in invading South Ossetia than Serbian President Milosovich who
invaded Kosovo and was indicted by the International Criminal Court.
America calculated that Russia would not respond but had no plans if
it did. When Russia decided to intervene it calculated that the US
would huff and puff but not risk a war. As it happened the Russian
calculation turned out to be correct. But huffing and puffing goes on
to the detriment of Europe and the US. The Azerbaijan-Turkey pipeline
that bypassed Russia and delivered Azeri oil directly to Mediterranean
port of Ceyhan was blasted and remains closed. Europe depends on
nearly half of its gas supplies on Russia and is not eager to pick a
fight with it.
No.1 enemy of US: Russia has warned it will attack US anti-missile
shield soon to be deployed in Poland and it will reconsider permission
to over-fly its territory by military aircraft supplying NATO troops
in Afghanistan. The US has abandoned efforts to further tighten
sanctions on Iran, as there are no prospects for getting such a
resolution through the UN Security Council. The No.1 enemy of the US
is once again Russia rather than China. For a while at least, America
will woo China in an effort to drive a wedge between Russia and China.
The diplomacy and propaganda have all the features of the cold war.
Iran invasion: Since America is the bigger loser if the cold war is
resumed, it is unlikely it will be pursued with much vigour for any
length of time. But the rest of the world has learnt its lesson. The
defeat in Iraq and Afghanistan, and inability to come to support of an
ally it encouraged to invade its neighbour, underlines that there are
limits to American power. The next American President may be less
trigger-happy but America’s ability to bribe or browbeat other
countries into alliance with her would henceforth be strictly limited.
The threat of invasion of Iran has receded and the vulnerability of
the logistic chain to troops in Afghanistan exposed. It is quite
likely that USA may like to withdraw also from Afghanistan. Would
India step in to fill the vacuum, so to say?
India stands isolated
America losing face in the zionist-controlled Georgian adventure,
China rushing to stand by Russia, Iran offering full solidarity, the
European Union wavering to condemn Russia has totally isolated India.
So much so, the hate-mongering Hindu leaders of India stand totally
isolated in the world. They should have thrown their lot with China,
Muslim countries and Africa but the racist Brahminical rulers hate the
whole lot of them.
They have not only quarreled with all the neighbouring countries of
India, gloating over the political confusion in Pakistan but busy with
their bomb-making project — hiding it under the cover of “Indo-US
peaceful nuclear deal”.
They think that none in the world can outsmart the racist “Brahmin
brain”. But once Barack Obama wins, they will get totally isolated in
the world. China will take over the leadership of whole Asia. Muslims
never trusted the Hindus. Their zionist cousins in US defeated and
economically ruined, where can the Hindu supremacists go?
Inside India, they have created so much of hate and horror that no
caste, community, tribe or religion trusts this micro-minority of 3%
“Jews of India”. Where can they go now?
None will take them. But we have reserved a place for this cow-
worshippers a place in the foothills of Himalayas in Gorakhpur —

Deras established to kill Sikhism & promote Brahminism in Punjab
It is said god appears in the world when injustice crosses all limits.
Four famous Bhagawans said to have appeared in ancient India. One was
Ram. The other was Krishna. The third was Budha. The fourth was
During the era of Bhagwans, some Bhagats and saints were also born in
poor families of workers considered “low caste” and Untouchable but
the dominant Brahmin-Khatri combine did not confer on them the status
which palace-born Bhagwans enjoyed because their dharma did not allow
them. Only that dharma was recognized and preached which helped the
upper castes to exploit the poor by keeping in tact the division of
society on caste basis.
Anti-Brahmin saints: Surprisingly, no Bhagwan appeared in India since
Mahavira despite the marauding forces of Muslims from the West under
which even Hindu Rajas suffered the same agonies to end which gods had
appeared for wars with demons in ancient India.
India, considered the land of rishi munis, has produced many Bhagats
and saints like Kabir, Ravi Das and Nama born in poor and neglected
families who preached against the class division. But since their
thinking was not in tune with the Brahmins they had to face shabby
treatment because they were born as “low caste” cobbler, weaver,
tailor and Dalits. So much so even Rishi Valmiki who is said to have
looked after the sons, Luv and Kush of god Rama during the period Sita
stayed away from his palace, could not get any recognition from the
Brahmins although he too is claimed to have written the Ramayan.
Sikh revolution: These Bhagats, saints and their followers were not
allowed access to temples of Brahmin gods. These Bhagwans are
worshipped in upper caste mandirs to perpetuate the class division and
to carry on the feeling of hatred against low castes. No such mandir
was allowed to exist in memory of low caste Bhagats and saints.
Around the age of these Bhagats and saints, a social revolution for
the liberation of the people despised by followers of palace-born
Bhagwans started taking shape in the 15th century to take care of
them. Guru Nanak the pioneer of this Sikh revolution was himself born
in a family highly charged with Brahmin-made caste system. In spite of
that he challenged the age-old Brahminical rite of wearing janeoo
(cross-thread). Instead of man-made stone gods worshipped in temples,
he preached justice and truth.
Brahmin strategy: Stung by this ever increasing influence and power of
Sikh Revolution the owners of stone gods in temples adopted a new
strategy in the late 19th century under which they succeeded in
installing in venerated Sikh holy places Amritdhari Brahman Sikh
priests like Brahman gurus in temples who every other day issue
contradictory edicts to confuse the Sikh masses.
Establishing a network of deras in Punjab is also a part of this
So it has become necessary for the defenders of Sikh Revolution to
scuttle the efforts of inimical forces to maintain the purity of Sikh
faith— the hope of humanity. The dignity of Guru Granth is not
enhanced by simply bowing before it or holding darbars or publicizing
large figures of people administered amrit and in taking out big
processions but in acquainting the people with Sikh philosophy with
its practical use and creating desire in them to live by it removing
any caste, creed, race or region distinction of superiority from their

Sikhs forget DV’s service & sacrifice
BALDEV SINGH, A-32, SECTOR-50, NOIDA - 201 301
The book, Sikh Genocide,by me (DV Sept.1, 2008, p.28) is a collection
of three booklets published by noble men after 1984 (Blue Star),
dealing with the killing of innocent Sikhs and the way Punjab was
dealt as a law and order problem and not a religious, social and
political movement. No doubt Dalit Voice is not directly referred in
that book but was always in mind of the editor. It will be directly
referred to in my forthcoming book, Was Bhindranwale Congress
Creation?. This allegation is repeatedly levelled by Akalis and BJP. I
have a copy of your Birth Pangs of Khalistan, (DSA-1987). I had
distributed in Punjab many copies of it but had no effect. Your
efforts, sacrifice (Chandigarh jail in 1986) are not recognised by the
Sikhs. They have forgotten it. They are very selfish people. What the
Gurus had taught them is completely forgotten. Thugs and criminals
have taken over Sikhs. God will not help them any more.

Brahminical bluffs on Budhism : In defence of war & violence
Please note Budhism has spread all over the world and no force was
ever used for its spread. Dr. Ambedkar believed that Budha’s ahimsa
was not as absolute as the ahimsa preached by Mahavira. About Budha’s
ahimsa, Dr. Ambedkar said:
“The Budha was against violence. But he was also in favor of justice
and where justice required he permitted the use of force.”
He quotes the Budha’s dialogue with Sinha Senapati, the commander-in-
chief of Vaishali. Sinha having come to know that the Budha preached
ahimsa went to him and asked:
“The Bhagvan preaches ahimsa. Does the Bhagvan preach an offender to
be given freedom from punishment? Does the Bhagvan preach that we
should not go to war to save our wives, our children and our wealth?
Should we suffer at the hands of criminals in the name of ahimsa?”
“Does the Tathagata prohibit all war even when it is in the interest
of Truth and Justice?”
Budha replied:
“You have wrongly understood what I have been preaching. An offender
must be punished and an innocent man must be freed. It is not a fault
of the magistrate if he punishes an offender. The cause of punishment
is the fault of the offender. The magistrate who inflicts the
punishment is only carrying out the law. He does not become stained
with ahimsa. A man who fights for justice and safety cannot be accused
of ahimsa. If all the means of maintaining peace have failed then the
responsibility for himsa falls on him who starts war. One must never
surrender to evil powers. War there may be. But it must not be for
selfish ends....”
Sword of Budha
The Budhist image, which is pictured with a sword in right hand, is
described as of Manjushri Bodhisatva from Tibet. Below is an excerpt
from an article by Leigh Brasington (March 20, 1997):
… With a superbly concentrated mind, you can see much more deeply into
the nature of things as they are. Because the ego has to become very
quiet to “do” the Jhanas, after “doing” them, you see things from a
much less egocentric perspective. This is why Jhana practice can be
referred to as “sharpening Manjushri’s sword”; once the sword is
sharp, once the mind is concentrated, it is much easier to cut through
the bonds of ignorance. (Manjushri is the Tibetan Bodhisattva of
Wisdom and he is usually pictured with a sword in his right hand,
which he uses to cut thru the bonds of ignorance.)
From the above discussion, we can more fully understand the Buddha’s
teaching of Sila, Samadhi, Panna – morality, concentration, wisdom.
You clean up your act so that when you sit down to meditate, you can
fully concentrate. You use the Jhanas to concentrate your mind as
strongly as you are able. You then begin wielding Manjushri’s sword by
doing an insight practice that enables you to gain wisdom by seeing
things as they really are rather than by seeing things from your usual
egocentric perspective.”
It should be clear from this account that the image of Budha with a
sword has significance in the process of Meditation and not connected
with the usual uses of sword to kill people.
Lotus Sutra is supposed to mention about Ischantaks, who deserved to
be killed. May be. I got a Marathi translation of Saddhama Pundarika
Sutra. It does not make any mention of it. This means, it is not the
main teaching of Lotus Sutra.
The Brahminical people praise the glorious past of India, but refrain
from mentioning which period it was. Their difficulty is that the
glorious epoch of Indian history was Budhist and not Brahminic.
During the Budhist period the special privileges of the Brahmins were
eroded. So the Budhists became their enemies.
The strife between Budhists and Brahmins is the crucial point in the
Indian history. Ultimately, the Budhists lost. But the Hindu society
got the slavery of women and curse of the caste. That caused the
downgrading of India. But the Brahminists blame the ahimsa of Jains
and Budhists as the root cause of defeat in all foreign invasions.
Golwalkar mentions this throughout his literature.
When Dr. Ambedkar pointed out that the history of India is the history
of defeats, Savarkar wrote a book Saha Soneri Pane (six golden page)
describing six golden episodes in 2,500 years of Indian history.
Savarkar was in favor of military conflict against colonial rule and
advocated militarization of Hindus. He criticized the Budha in very
bitter words. He wrote a drama, Sanyasta Khadga, about 60-70 years ago
ridiculing the Budha for his ahimsa. The funny part is that drama is
being staged even now by Brahminists. This drama is also taught in
graduate courses in Maharashtra universities.
How can we say the ahimsa of the Budha was responsible for the defeat
of Indians at the hands of foreign invaders? It was the caste system
and not the ahimsa of Budha that caused the defeat of Hindus. Examine
the events after the mahaparinirvana of the Budha in 543 BCE.
Two centuries after the Budha, Chandragupta Mourya established an
empire. He was reportedly a Jain. Jains are famous for absolute
ahimsa. But his Jain religion did neither come in his way in driving
out the Greeks, nor it was a hindrance in marrying the daughter of
Greek Ambassador Selucus.
Alexander the Great had come a little earlier and defeated many Hindu
kings and returned. His victory was because the Hindu kings and tribes
fought dividedly and Hindu kings like Ambhi helped the invaders. It
was not that Indians were less brave or because they were practicing
ahimsa as preached by Mahavir or the Budha.
Chandragupta’s grandson, Ashoka (273–236 BCE), was a staunch Budhist.
He extended his empire to the extreme end of India with the aid of the
sword. Even after the Kalinga war, he was maintaining a strong army.
Ashoka’s grandson, Bahidratha, was treacherously murdered by his
Brahmin commander Pushyamitra. It was during the military guard of
honor of his army. That means, he was also maintaining an army. His
only fault was he appointed a Brahmin army commander. Pushyamitra
Shunga, a great persecutor of Budhism, is highly praised by Savarkar
and constitutes the first of the ‘six pages’.
Satvahanas used to be considered Brahminic because the Nanaghat
inscription of Nayanika describes ashwamedhas. But they were Budhists
and Budhism flourished in their rule. They were the “Lords of three
oceans”. They were brave and ruled by strong hand.
King Milind, noted for his religious discourses with Budhist Bhikku
Nagsen, was from Kabul. He settled in India at Sialkot in Punjab and
became a Budhist. He was a brave soldier and had a vast army. He had
decided to invade the empire of Magadh, and caught hold of the horse
of ashwamedha of the then ruler Agnimitra Shunga. But had to return
back to Punjab, as the Sakas had invaded his kingdom.
Kaniskska of Kushana Kula was also an important Budhist Emperor. His
empire was vast and he had even threatened to invade China.
Naga kings flourished at Vidisha, Kantipuri, Mathura and Padmavati.
They were patrons of Budhism. By their matrimonial support the
Imperial Guptas emerged and revived Brahmanism.
Harshavardhana was a very important Budhist emperor. He was a great
warrior and conqueror. His army was small in the beginning. After
increase in his territory, it increased to 60,000 elephants, 100, 000
cavalry and several lakhs infantry, as is described by Huen Tsang.
After the death of Harsha (647 CE), Rajputs were created by the
Brahmins from Tribals and remnants of foreign hordes to oppose Budhism
by force. In North India, it was from havan at Mount Abu and in South
India it was through Hiranya Garbha ceremonies.
Rajputs were staunch supporters of Brahmanism and enemies of Budhism.
Except for a Budhist Pala dynasty, which ruled Eastern India right up
to Mathura for about 400 years, the Rajputs ruled rest of India till
the Muslims came.
Rajputs were trained to fight right from childhood after their
kadgabandh. They were motivated to fight by preaching them stories of
Ramayana, Mahabharata and Gita.
The Gita was used by rebels against the British during colonial times.
The British then contemplated ban on the Gita. Commenting that
“dynamite that Gita contained”, K. M. Pannikar tells us this fact.
In parts of Rajasthan, Mahajan tells us, the word ‘Rajput’ is used to
denote the illegitimate sons of a Kshatriya or a Jagirdar. But by and
large they are considered higher castes. They fought the Budhists and
when no Budhists remained they fought among themselves. The Rajputs
were not followers ahimsa of Budha. Why then, they were defeated by
Muslims? By the time Muslims under Bakhtyar Khilji invaded Bengal, the
Budhist Palas were replaced by Brahminic Senas – the originator of
Kulin system – who, perhaps purposefully, neglected to protect Nalanda
and other Budhist universities.
When Md. Bin Kasim invaded Sindh in 712 CE, Budhism had disappeared
from Western India and Brahmin kings were ruling. Even then this
juvenile lad of Khalifa conquered Sindh and killed the Hindu king
there and sent his daughters as presents to Khalifa.
One hundred years after the Muslims captured Sindh and part of Punjab,
Shankaracharya arose, flourished and taught the Vedanta. Shudras must
not read or hear the Vedas, if they hear Vedas molten lead should be
poured in their ears, if they utter Vedas their tongues should be cut,
and if they learned Vedas, they should be killed. This was his Vedanta
in practice.
Rajputs were strong supporters of violence. These shudra devotees of
violence were shattered under horses’ feet like dust by Md. of Gazani.
How did it happen? Was it because of ahimsa of Budha?
Jaichandra is wrongly blamed for inviting Md. Ghori to invade
Prithwiraj Chauhan. This is injustice as proved by the inscriptions of
Jaichandra and a Tibetan version of text called Chandraraj Lekh.
Jaichandra was son of Vijaychandra (1155-1170 A.D.) and grandson of
Govindchandra of Gahadval clan. His education was arranged by his
grandfather and grand mother, the famous Budhist Queen Kumardevi, at
Varanasi under Siddha Bhikshu Jaganmitranand. The Tibetan translations
of his 20 books are still available. In one of his texts, Chandraraj
Lekh is also available. It describes the valour and religiosity of
An inscription found in Bodh Gaya describes in detail the relationship
of Jaichandra with Jaganmitranand, confirming that he was the head of
Sangha and was diksha guru of Jaichandra, i.e. he had given him diksha
of Budhism. He was highly influenced by his grand mothers, Kumardevi
and Basantidevi, who were great disciples of Mahayana, and had donated
land and grants to viharas at Shravasti, Sarnath, Varanasi, Kanauj,
Nalanda and Bodh Gaya. He used to visit viharas at Sarnath in
childhood with his grand mother. [Dharmarakshit: 1956:65].
He was well trained in art of war, and is mentioned in copper plates
of Vijaychandra (1168 A.D.) as yuvaraja, and was coronated in 1170
A.D., when his father Vijaychandra died. His reign of nearly 24 years
was glorious. He was patron of Budhist bhikkus and Brahmins, and
creator of many forts. Though the Gahadvals are mentioned as rulers of
Kanauj, their main capital was Kashi. Sarnath inscription of Kumardevi
mentions Govindchandra as “Kashi-Naresh”, and Kanauj was their sub-
capital. After the fall of Prithwiraj Chauhan in 1192 A.D., Md. Ghori
attacked his kingdom but was repulsed by him. At the same time,
Brahminic rulers, the Senas — creaters of Kulin system — from east
invaded him and the whole of Magadha was captured by them.
End of this last great Budhist monarch of India came in a war of
Chandawar, near Etawa, fighting against Md. Ghori.
Many scholars have blamed him as traitor on the basis of Prithwiraj
Raso, a creation of a bard named Chanda Bardai. Raso says Prithwiraj
had been loved by Jaichandra’s daughter, Sanyogita, as well as the
daughter of King Nahaddev of Abu, and he abducted them one by one.
Raso also mentions King Samarsingh of Mewad being killed in a battle
of Taravadi. But scholars have proved all this false. Samarsingh was
150 years later than Prithwiraj and King Nahaddev was centuries
earlier than him. Sanyogita is thus an imaginary heroine of Raso.
The author of Raso calls himself a contemporary of Prithwiraj, but all
genealogy given by him is wrong and M. M. Dr. Gaurishankar Hirachand
Ojha has conclusively proved that Raso is not created before the 16th
century. Prabandhkosh also wrongly blames him. As a matter of fact,
there was no friendship or enmity between Jaichandra and Prithwiraj.
[Dharmarakshit : 1956: 63]
Scholars like D. C. Ganguli also believe that Raso is a work of later
period and the stories in it are highly unreliable, romantic and
improbable. [Ganguli: 1989: 105]
The question nobody likes to deal with is why in the 16th century,
Brahmins needed to eulogize the three centuries old Prathwiraj
Chauhanas a hero and malign Jaychandra, the last great Budhist monarch
of India flourishing 300 years ago? Jaichandra being known to have
Budhist leanings. Was it an anti-Muslim propaganda or an anti-Budhist
The Peshava rule was purely Brahminic. The last Bajirao was famous for
his orthodoxy. Violence was at its zenith during the Peshava rule.
Ignore other wars; even Daulatrao Shinde first and then Yashwantrao
Holkar, both Marathas, looted Pune, the capital of Peshavas. They were
the great devotees of violence and should have spread all over India.
But they had to surrender to the British — hundred times less violent
than the Peshavas. Why? Were the Peshvas following ahimsa of the
Japan is Budhist for over 1,000 years. When in 1853, Commander Perry
directed canons against them, they all united. Why the religion of
Budha did not make them cowards? Vietnam is Budhist. How did they
defeat the mighty America? How did the Vietnamese people fought for
social-economic cause? Why the Budhist ahimsa did not prevent them
from fighting?
It is very clear that the cause of defeat of Hindus for centuries is
something different from the teachings of Budha. Then why are the
Brahminists annoyed and angry with the Budhists? It is not because
India lost freedom. It is because Budhism was successful in fighting
the Brahmin supremacy, bringing an atmosphere of equality and stopping
the Brahminic exploitation of the masses.
MacaulAy, Marxists & Muslims blamed
The three main enemies of Brahmins are Muslims, communists and
Christians. The common factor is all these three do not accept the
supremacy of Brahmins.
Brahmin leaders like Golwalkar blame the British for creating divisive
tendencies among Indians. But they forget that seeds of such
tendencies were sown by them only in their Brahminic culture.
One example is enough. During the famine of Pune (1803 – 1804), the
Peshava Bajirao II, helped only the Brahmin population and refused to
accept the responsibility of non-Brahmins even on humanitarian
grounds. It was the British and Parsees of Bombay who helped them.
Decision of Bajirao-II to ignore non-Brahmins was according to the
Brahmin shastras, as the Brahmins must be fed first, say the
When the RSS talks of revival of Chaturvarna and “glory” of Hindu
culture, this history comes forward. There we find no reference to the
social or economic justice for the non-Brahmins. On the contrary, the
picture appears to confirm that the Hindu culture means the
preservation of the supremacy of Brahmins.
Even then the likes of Sawarkar blame Dr. Ambedkar for praising and
paying tributes to the Mahar (SC) soldiers in the British army and for
visiting Koregaon Pillar, erected in honor of them, who fought bravely
with a strength of 500 against 30,000 Peshava soldiers, and lost their
lives while defeating the Peshava army in Koregaon Battle (1818),
which brought down the Peshava rule in 1820.
Legacy of Budhism
Ahimsa of the Shramanic culture is the legacy of Mahavir and the
Budha, and whole Budhist world is proud of that. Contrary to what
Sawarkar says there is nothing to be ashamed of this ahimsa,
irrespective of the Lotus Sutra and Khadgadhari Budha.
Dr. Ambedkar has mentioned that the Budha’s teachings were rational
that he differentiated the killing into ‘will to kill’ and the ‘need
to kill’. This explains the rational thinking of Budha.
The spread and development into Japanese and Chinese martial arts have
its origin in the development of martial arts in South India, from
where it spread to the east.
The ongoing DV Debate about Budhist ahimsa is wandering astray. There
is no need to doubt that ahimsa of Budhists was not ahimsa of cowards.

Martial art liberates slaves enjoying slavery
I am busy finalising my latest book, Untold History of India. I am
committed to a reputed publisher in Delhi. More than half is over.
I strongly support the discussion going on in DV on Budha’s doctrine
of liberty which can be attained only by supreme sacrifice of blood
and life and retained by maintaining your martial race ever ready to
face with adequate skill and competence. And Budha had said so.
I fully agree with DV’s stand that without being angry the Dalit-
Bahujan Samaj cannot attain freedom.
The history of free and developed Europe is nothing but the history of
successive civil wars which India has never seen. That is why the
history of India is nothing but the history of successive defeats at
the hands foreign tyrants and vandals. I will soon send an article on
Budha’s view and doctrine of martial arts. Why don’t we see that it
was a Budhist Vietnam which defeated the world’s greatest economic and
military power, USA. India remains an eternal colony of slaves and
slavery. The slaves love to enjoy slavery; they feel proud to remain
slaves, the sudras. In the annals of Indian history sudras never
revolted against sudrahood.

Vipassana is not Budhism
VIZAG - 530 002
This refers to “Goenka’s Thai fan defends meditation” (DV Sept.1,
2008, p.6) by Shongotha Maliyan, social scientist, Sreerancha,
Thailand. He says:
“... there is no bigger fool than Dr. Ambedkar... Because Dr. Ambedkar
himself was a fool... Dr. Ambedkar did not know all this because he
was a man of violence and anti-Dhamma”.
He might have written this in an incoherent state or an intoxicated
state, probably he is getting bad effects of Vipassana due to some
error in doing it. By criticising Dr. Ambedkar, who is a great son
born on this mother earth, next only to Budha, he has spit on to the
sky and the result of which he may or may not know. Dr. Ambedkar is
Bharata Ratna, the father of Indian Constitution, the first Law
Minister of “independent” India, one of the six greatest brains in the
world, who studied in the three world famous universities, obtaining
highest academic qualifications like MA, PhD, DSc, LLD, DLitt,
Barrister at Law and Justice of Peace awardee, and who has an
historical credit of converting 5 lakh people into Budhism on Oct.14,
1956 at Nagpur. On such an intellectual giant, Shongotha’s remarks are
unworthy and he has insulted the whole India. Thailand is known for
sex tourism, very few people know it as Budhist country. It is a shame
to his country which depends on the taxes paid by sex workers through
sex tourism, Budha abolished illegal sex and flesh trade. From such a
foreign country, one who calls himself a social scientist without
knowing an iota about the caste system, the degrading slavery system,
made such derogatory remarks on a mighty personality like Babasaheb.
Probably Shongotha is not worthy of being a social scientist.
He says Dr. Ambedkar is a man of violence and anti-Dhamma. Shocking.
Can he show a single instance where Babasaheb advocated violence? If
Babasaheb had asked his followers to take to violence for their
salvation India today would not have been like this. We would have got
a separate country.
I very much doubt if Shongotha is a Budhist. When Budhists of many
countries recognised Babasaheb as Bhodisattva, how can Shongotha say
he is an anti-Dhamma? Remember, Dr. Ambedkar is the icon of Budhism,
the symbol of Budha, Dhamma and Sangha. He has given us the Budhist
bible called the Buddha & His Dhamma in its purest form. People are
confused between Budhism, Ambedkarism and Vipassana. Let me say few
words to clear the confusion. Vipassana itself is not Budhism. But
through Vipassana we can understand Budhism. Vipassana is what the
mind experiences, Budhism is what the mind does. Vipassana is a method
of reasoning; Budhism is a method of action or reaction or the way one
leads his life. A Vipassana practitioner need not be a Budhist, that
is why Burmese monk taught this technique to Goenka who is not a
Budhist. Similarly a Budhist who knows the law of dependent origin,
anicca, anatta and dhukka need not practice Vipassana, but he must
practice Budha Dhamma. The Vipassana is an insight through which we
can understand the truth of the nature, whether it is our own body or
the universe. Through this method of reasoning Budha achieved
enlightenment. What is most important is what Budha does after his
enlightenment. So also what Asoka did after becoming a Budhist,
similarly what Babasaheb preached and practiced is most important than
whether they practiced Vipassana or not. Vipassana is not a miracle or
wonder, but it is a practical way to become wise. Wise men should not
sit cross-legged, but he must work for the society to transform it
into a sorrowless world. That is what Budha did. That is what Asoka
did and that is what Babasaheb tried in this ignorant country.
Asoka ignored Vipassana: To my knowledge none of the Asoka pillar or
rocks mentioned Vipassana. If it were so vital a part of Budhism like
the Dhamma, Asoka would not have ignored it. I have undergone
Vipassana training as well as sramanera training to have an
experience. Vipassana is like a wealth. If you want its benefits
practice it, if you don’t want leave it, but don’t drag it into
controversies and please don’t blame others for practising it or for
not practising it. Most of the people who practice Vipassana are
practising it for their own benefits. But what is most important is
one must be a Budhist like Asoka or like Babasaheb and live diligently
to make the society sorrowless.
(1). Vipassana is a process of thinking with a single pointed mind
called insight meditation through which we can realize the three
cardinal features of Budhism viz anicca, anatta and dhukka. (2).
Vipassana is an exercise, people who want to expierence it can do it,
it is not a must. Dr.Babasahebs‘ entire life is like meditation, all
of his physical and psychological energy was used for the single
cause, the upliftment of the downtroden. He is like Budha. (3). Goenka
is not a Budhist. He admits that he is a Hindu and belongs to business
class. He says Vipassana is a technique practice that leads one to

Silence of DV members
For the second time in the 27-year-old history of Dalit Voice, we have
launched the Debate on Budhism. The first Debate went on for five
years. The second DV debate, started on Feb.16, 2008, has become more
vigorous and revealing. Yet hundreds of our DV family members, who are
devout Ambedkarite Budhists mostly in Maharashtra, are silent.
Budha and Babasaheb fought and died to establish Justice and Truth
destroyed by the alien Brahminical enemies. Ambedkarite Budhists say
they are faithfully following this tradition. If so why this silence?
Does it mean they are confused? How can an Ambedkarite, that too a
member of the DV family, get confused? Why don’t you tell us if DV is
on the path of Justice and Truth. Or not?
If the silence continues, does it not amount to betraying our own
Father? — EDITOR.

COMMUNICATION: in defence of dv
Constructive criticism of Mayawati must be welcomed
711 109
This refers to Abhay Dongre’s “Communication” (DV July 1, 2008, p.8:
“BSP, Periyar & Dalit Voice”), which seems to me a wrathful angst
against a simple Editorial: “Political power or socio-cultural
revolution, which is more important? The test case before BSP
Govt.” (DV June 1, 2008).
Ambedkarite intellectuals like Dr. Kancha Ilaiah had raised similar
questions preferring as if to suggest socio-cultural revolution’s
prior claim for serious concern. I don’t agree with him in the context
of BSP’s sweeping victory as a mere strategic victory of Brahmin and
Dalit alliance.
Banning Periyar Ramayan
Bengal, the foremost Brahminic state in India was all agog in joy and
praise of Mayawati for forging such an alliance. I view it as
Brahminic capitulations to Mayawati as their only protector. Such
capitulation, sincere or shrewd, did not come as a consequence of mere
snapping of fingers. It is the consequence of a rising tide of surging
Dalit movement of long duration in the UP of Mayawati’s superhuman
feat and courage. I wrote in the wake of last Bhubaneswar DV silver
jubilee (unpublished) somewhat more elaborately in exposition of
Mayawati’s strategic moves likening them to Nehru, the high priest of
UP who never relaxed his hard-core Brahminism, though always speaking
in the most liberal vein.
Mayawati, I believe, is a hard-core Ambedkarite and promises to be the
strongest PM with a iron will to establish social justice till yet no
other PM had done.
In coalition politics all political parties do join either one slot of
political parties or another to keep them afloat in political space.
You avoid doing any coalition to imperil your existence to ruin. A
metamorphosis is not absolutely ruled out.
But a metempsychosis (change of character of the soul) has to be very
cautiously avoided to keep its true image, the Dalit image, visible to
the Dalit. It is not that an orthodox Brahminical party like BJP will
always be successful to keep its image pure as ever but it is more
likely that an “impure” party like BSP more often succumbs to the
glare of publicity of the Brahminical media and fall easy prey to
cajolery and flattery of the opportunistic upper caste snare laid
deftly to entangle the rising star of the Dalit leader to finish him.
Our Editor was perhaps in his maturity of observation, full of ghost
of susceptibilities and forebodings, in his anxieties — a normal
phenomenon in changing circumstances — which should be recognised with
Co-existence of castes impossible
In the context of Dongre’s reaction to the Editorial, I wish to point
out that reluctance to install Periyar statue at the behest of the BJP
is not “a very small issue” considering the bondage (not yet broken)
to idolatry of the Hindu mind. More grievous injury has been caused by
injudiciously banning Periyar’s Ramayan again at the prompting of the
same orthodox party. It is a bigger all from the ideal.
Dongre should note that Mayawati is being closely watched over not
only by the whole of India but also by the whole world, particularly
fixing attention on her perspicuity of her outlook, determination to
pursue Dr. Ambedkar ideals, her ability to bring out a socio-cultural
egalitarian revolution and thereby to usher in a new era of prosperity
in India, which has so far eluded India by Brahminic dishonesty and
ill-will against the low-caste people.
As regards the making of bee-line by the Brahmin sycophants to touch
Mayawati’s feet, I am not very elated to sight the phenomenon in a
spirit of retribution. It was never the intention of Dr. Ambedkar to
turn the caste hierarchy upside down in order to make the Brahmins of
today the sweepers tomorrow and vice-versa. His vision was to
completely annihilate the very caste system.
Brahmins cause Dalit-OBC CLASH
How can those who do not believe in the unity of SC/ST/BC/Muslim
destroy the Brahminism, which has ruined India, can be really
patriotic? Co-existence of castes and patriotism is inconsistent with
each other. Love for caste(s) and love for the country and its people
cannot go together farther than the first step.
Those who are impatient with the vacillation of the OBCs and their
hostilities to the Dalit and, therefore, are prone to view them as
more dangerous than the Brahmin, are not serving the Dalit cause.
Dalit-OBC hostilities are manipulated by Brahminic strategies. Mutual
hatred is the social law in the existing hierarchical society based on
hatred. The vice of hatred of the upper castes seeps through the
castes immediately below them.
Ambedkarite revolution cannot be brought about without the unity among
the SC/ST/OBC and Muslim/Christians. The Editor has made this point
clear many times.
Jaya's remarks aimed at damaging concern of Tamils: Karunanidhi
17 Oct 2008, 1838 hrs IST, PTI
CHENNAI: Condemning the remarks by AIADMK leader Jayalalithaa that the
October 14 all-party resolutions seemed supportive of the LTTE, Tamil
Nadu Chi
ef Minister Karunanidhi said they were only aimed at "damaging" the
concern of the people here for their brethren in Sri Lanka.
Writing in the DMK's mouthpiece 'Murasoli', Karunanidhi said
Jayalalithaa's remarks would only damage the concern of the people in
the state for the Tamils in the island nation.
He was surprised to note that MDMK chief Vaiko, who has been "shedding
tears for Sri Lankan Tamils", had not expressed any opinion on his
ally Jayalalithaa's remarks.
"Vaiko had not gone in for a war of words with Jayalalithaa as he
wanted to fully concentrate on pressing the Centre to take steps to
stop the Sri Lankan army offensive in the northern parts of the island
nation," he said.
Referring to the human chain protest here on October 21 to remind the
Centre of the resolutions passed at the all-party meet, he said it was
only an effort to press the Centre to take action.
"People should participate in the rally in large numbers to express
solidarity with the resolutions adopted at the all-party meeting, he
India summons Lankan envoy, raises concern over violence
17 Oct 2008, 1850 hrs IST, PTI
NEW DELHI: As DMK continued to mount pressure on the Sri Lanka Tamil
issue, government on Friday summoned Lankan High Commissioner to India
C R Jayas
inghe and told him that Colombo should address New Delhi's concerns
over the humanitarian situation in the island nation and stop
harassing and killing Indian fishermen.
Jayasinghe was called by foreign secretary Shivshankar Menon who said
that Sri Lanka should ensure that the rights of its civilians are
respected and they are protected from attacks, sources said.
Menon told Jayasinghe that India was gravely worried over the
situation arising out the conflict in Sri Lanka and wanted Colombo to
address these concerns, the sources said.
The foreign secretary specifically said India wanted Sri Lanka to stop
harassing and killing of its fishermen in the common waters between
the two countries, they said.
Menon also told the Sri Lankan envoy that Colombo should find a
negotiated political solution to the ethnic problem rather than look
for a military victory.
Earlier in the day, three more DMK Rajya Sabha members put in their
papers to party president M Karunanidhi saying they have resigned from
the Upper House in protest against the Sri Lankan army offensive
against ethnic Tamils in the island nation.
Tiruchi N Siva, A A Jinnah and Vasanthi Stanley submitted their
resignation letters dated October 29 to Karunanidhi for forwarding the
same to Rajya Sabha Chairman at an appropriate time, party sources
The move comes in the wake of the October 14 all-party meeting which
asked the Centre to take steps to halt the Sri Lankan Army offensive
in the north of the island.
With their resignation, all four Rajya Sabha members of DMK had given
their resignation papers to Karunanidhi. Kanimozhi, daughter of
Karunanidhi, handed over her post-dated resignation letter to
Karunanidhi on Wednesday.
The all-party meeting gave an ultimatum to the Centre to take steps to
stop Lankan army's offensive within a fortnight, failing which all MPs
from Tamil Nadu would resign en masse.
The state Congress unit, which also took part in the all-party
meeting, appears to be in a quandary over the resolution as it could
take a decision on resignation of its MPs only with the permission of
the party high command.
Highly placed Congress sources said that TNCC President K V Thangabalu
had said at the all-party meeting that his party high command alone
could decide on the resignation of the MPs.
Four Congress MPs -- P Chidambaram, Mani Shankar Aiyar, EVKS Elangovan
(all from Lok Sabha) and G K Vasan (Rajya Sabha) -- are members in the
Manmohan Singh Ministry.
Thangabalu, who is in New Delhi to attend the Lok Sabha session, is
expected to meet Congress President Sonia Gandhi to apprise her of the
situation here, the sources added.
How Raj Thackeray got involved in the Jet drama
17 Oct 2008, 1943 hrs IST, Vasundhara Sanger , TIMESOFINDIA.COM
MUMBAI: Raj Thackeray is an expert cartoonist. But his talent with the
sketch pen was somehow camouflaged by his political activities and his
Maharashtra Navnirman Sena's (MNS), north Indian bashing in Mumbai.
However, with one stroke, he turned himself into a hero of the masses
when he firmly stood by 1900 sacked employees of Jet Airways who
rushed to him for help.
Explaining how it happened, Nitin Sardesai, the party's general
secretary informed that Raj was actually in Pune when the sacked jet
employees approached MNS for help. "As soon as they were sacked some
of the employees contacted me. They personally knew me and I
immediately called them to my office," said Nitin who met more than
200 retrenched Jet employees in his office on Wednesday, the day they
were sacked. He spoke to Raj on the phone who, was on his way back
from Pune to Mumbai.
After he reached Mumbai, Raj was apprised of the situation and he
decided to support the sacked staff saying that it was ridiculous to
throw out so many young people on the road, overnight.
"There was no politics involved in this and we did not even consult
experts in this matter. It was a spontaneous situation and Raj told
the press on Wednesday evening that he would not allow any Jet airways
flights to take off or land in Mumbai if the sacked employees were not
reinstated. It seemingly worked because on Thursday evening all the
employees got back their jobs, though the Jet chairman maintained that
it was his "conscience" and not any political pressure that worked in
the sacked employees' favour.
"To tell you the truth it was Raj saheb's charisma that drew these
young employees to him. They know that he is a man of words and would
not tolerate any injustice," said Nitin, elaborating why the sacked
employees' first recall was Raj in this situation and not any other
political party or union.
"In fact Jet airways has a Shiv Sena union but they didn't go to
them," said Nitin who himself is a first time politician and admits to
have been drawn to Raj's party not because of their close friendship
but due to the fact that he (Nitin) was convinced of the MNS chief's
leadership qualities.
On Friday Raj Thackeray at a press conference in Mumbai thanked Jet
chairman Naresh Goyal for reinstating the sacked staff, adding that he
didn't want to make this a political issue nor did he intend to form
any union. He stated that he just didn't want to see youths on the
Not many know Raj's party has in its fold doctors, legal experts and
few other professionals who advise MNS on issues of labour, medicine,
law and other social issues. They have no interest in politics but are
the well wishers of the party and are on its panel of experts. In
fact, insiders say Raj has always insisted on having such crème de la
crème on his party's panel because they are rich, highly educated and
have no interests in politics and so they would do real (social)

Nurturing democracy
17 Oct, 2008, 0053 hrs IST,Gurpreet Mahajan,

People, territory and a government which acts as a sovereign body are
said to constitute a state. But what transforms these people, living
together o
n a given piece of land, into a political community? How does one
instil a sense of mutual obligation among them? This is a question
that confronts all democracies today. More importantly, the answer to
this question determines whether one can claim to be a democracy.
The capacity of a state to function as a collective body, the
willingness of the people to share goods and resources, to contribute
taxes that may provide valuable services to others, rests crucially
upon the people seeing themselves as a community of citizens. So
fostering a sense of collective solidarity and mutual obligation is
necessary for the existence of the state during periods of peace as
much as it is during moments of war.
Democracies, however, face the challenge of constructing this
political community in a manner that protects the basic rights of all
its citizens.
The political leadership involved in the drafting of the Indian
Constitution was mindful of this requirement. From Nehru to Patel, all
agreed that independent India could not be a Hindu-stan. Religion
could not be the basis of welding the different groups together into a
single community because people sharing a religious identity could be
divided on grounds of language and/or caste.
Besides, the experience of Europe had shown that fostering unity
through a common religion entailed restricting the civil and political
rights of those who did not adhere to the official state religion. A
shared religion made the state exclusionary and partisan — ideals that
a democracy could not, or should not, endorse.
What then could bind the people together, particularly when they
belonged to different religions, spoke different languages and had
different historical pasts and experiences? The struggle against
British colonial rule had created a sense of collective being in
certain areas but India after independence included hundred of small
principalities, with different political experiences and past
Under the circumstances, the political leaders set aside the popular
answers to this question. Instead of banking on a shared religion or
language, they put their faith in, what may be called, constitutional
Having observed the possibility of people coming together and
nurturing collective bonds through the process of participation in the
national movement for independence, they believed that a Constitution
that promises all its citizens (people of different religions and
marginalised groups) fair and equal treatment and guarantees their
political rights would generate a sense of fraternity among the
This sense of fellowship would translate into a feeling of belonging
and pride — elements that would be further reinforced through active
participation in the political process and the benefits that were to
accrue from the process of development.
For its time this was a radically new way of thinking about
citizenship and democracy. Unfortunately, today when more and more
countries are recognising the merit and necessity of endorsing this
framework, where commitment is required only for the political
principles enshrined in the Constitution, rather than a religious or
cultural identity, India is moving in the opposite direction.
N-deal a reason to switch to Republican camp for Indians
16 Oct, 2008, 0000 hrs IST,Ishani Duttagupta, ET Bureau

Deven Verma and his son Vishal Verma - both partners at Silicon Valley
based venture capital firm Edgewood Ventures - have recently turned
supporters. “The Indo-American nuclear deal has highlighted the fact
that a Republican government is good for India.
Even for Indian Americans the McCain campaign is putting much more on
the table in terms of a pro-business attitude and tax breaks. Besides,
the Republicans have a far more liberal attitude towards the
outsourcing debate than the Democrats,” says Deven Verma who was till
recently a Democratic fund raiser and supporter.
“The Democrats have a good PR with India and I was a part of President
Clinton’s business delegation to India,” adds Mr Verma who was a part
of the Indian American Leadership Council of the Democratic National
Committee during the last US elections. And now he’s the chair of Indo-
Americans for McCain, and says he backs the Republican nominee because
he offered a better platform for New Delhi and Indian Americans on
issues like tax and energy policies besides consistent support for the
Indian nuclear deal.
“The charter of the Indo-Americans for McCain is to galvanise the
Indian community in the US. We hope to create a strong network of
Indian Americans and raise issues that affect our community with the
government,” Mr Vishal Verma said. He is a partner at Edgewood
Ventures, which assists IT start-up companies in business development,
strategy and brand creation. He is on the board of Bay Area
Technologies, Edgewood Real Estate India, HSMC, Hyde Park Angels and
Legal Remedies.
Mr Deven Verma had a big fund-raiser for the Democrats too and had
raised over $250,000 for Democratic presidential candidate Senator
John Kerry’s campaign. As the founding general partner of Edgewood and
earlier Redwood Ventures, he has invested in over 80 companies.
“I was a trustee for the Kerry campaign and had supported the Clintons
on various issues. I was also a strong Democratic fund-raiser. But
some of the policy statements by the Obama campaign have set me
thinking. Now I feel that the Republicans will be much better for both
India and Indian American businesses. As a result, I am now focused on
fund raising for Senator McCain,” he says.
Kerala govt holds anti-Centre stir in Delhi

Friday, 17 October , 2008, 18:53

New Delhi/Thiruvananthapuram: Kerala Chief Minister V S Achuthanandan
on Friday led his cabinet colleagues and ruling Left Democratic Front
(LDF) legislators to an agitation near Parliament against the alleged
negligence meted out towards state by the Central Government.
Sixteen ministers, 70 legislators and the Left MPs from Kerala
participated in the protest march and sit-in inaugurated by
Achuthanandan and addressed by Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPI-
M) general secretary Prakash Karat, Communist Party of India deputy
general secretary Sudhakar Reddy and other senior Left leaders.
Inaugurating the sit-in at Jantar Mantar in New Delhi, Achuthanandan
urged the Central Government to restore the rice quota for the people
belonging to the Above Poverty Line (APL) category in the state, set
up railway zone for Kerala, set up an Indian Institute of Technology
in the state and restore the share of electricity from Central pool.
“The strong statutory rationing system prevalent in the state is now
at stake due to reduction of central quota,” he said.
Left gives breach of privilege notice against PM
“There was an allocation of 113,420 tones of rice per month for
distribution to APL card holders up to March 2007. This was reduced to
21,334 tones from April 2007 to 17,056 tonnes in April 2008 and has
completely stopped since September this year,” Achuthanandan said.
The Chief Minister said the share of electricity from the Central pool
had been reduced considerably.
"Putting the state into a severe power crisis, the share of
electricity from the Central pool has gone down to 667 MW in August
this year. The state is to get 1,188 MW electricity per month from the
central pool,” he said.
Rejecting the claim by Union Parliamentary Affairs Minister Vayalar
Ravi that he and Defence Minister A K Antony as Union ministers helped
Kerala get sanction for Vizhinjam port, Achuthanandan said: “It is
purely the LDF (Left Democratic government's project and the effort to
get sanction was made the state government only.”
"Now they are pasting posters on walls in the state claiming that the
project was sanctioned due to their efforts... Let them do so… We
don't have any problem," he told the media after concluding the
Offering his full support to Kerala's cause, Prakash Karat urged the
Union government to re-write centre-state relations.
“A joint platform of more states would be formed to check the excess
intervention of the Centre in the affairs of states,” he said.
CPI-M Politburo member Sitaram Yechury and CPI leader Sudhakar Reddy
said the Left party MPs would raise the Kerala government's genuine
concern in both Houses of Parliament in the ongoing session.
Meanwhile, Leader of Opposition in state assembly Oommen Chandy led a
similar protest in front of the state secretariat in
Thiruvananthapuram against the "poor governance" of the state
Chandy said while inaugurating the sit in that what Achuthanandan was
doing in Delhi "will show Kerala and its citizens in poor light."
The Congress alleged that close to Rs 3 crore has been spent by
Achuthanandan to stage the protest in Delhi.
Heroes wanted: A Sify campaign
Editorial: Fiscal aggravations
Business Standard / New Delhi October 17, 2008, 0:30 IST

When oil prices began surging late last year, it was widely believed
that it was a temporary spike. Many countries, including India, did
not believe it was necessary to pass on higher prices to consumers,
preferring to absorb the impact by subsidising prices. As it turns
out, the pattern did not sustain for very long. As a result of sharp
declines in global demand, crude prices are now a half of what they
were three months back, and indeed back to where they were a year ago.
But even now, the government is not recovering the full cost of
petroleum products from the consumer, and the cumulative subsidy bill
has risen beyond all expectations, putting enormous pressure on
government finances. In India, the subsidy bill has been further
enlarged by the need to keep the issue prices of fertilisers low in
the face of surging international prices, driven of course by rising
energy prices. This double whammy, reinforced by other measures like
the loan waiver, will take the effective fiscal deficit of the central
government to more than double the budget estimate. While this has
been known for some time, its significance has increased in the
context of the liquidity crisis that the Indian financial system is
dealing with today.
In order to cover the losses of the oil and fertiliser companies, the
government issued them bonds. These bonds could, theoretically, have
been traded in the market to raise cash. However, there were really no
takers and the bonds could only be sold at a steep discount. This left
the oil companies, in particular, with inadequate cash with which to
finance their crude oil imports. They had to borrow from banks, which
very soon took the system up to its upper limit for sectoral exposure.
In response, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) did two things. It raised
the exposure limit for the petroleum sector and it initiated a Special
Market Operation, in which oil companies could swap oil bonds for
dollars, which would be used to finance imports. This measure
accomplished two goals. It eased the pressure on the liquidity in the
banking system as oil companies reduced their borrowing. And, it took
the oil companies away from the spot foreign exchange market, since
they could now buy dollars directly from the RBI. The rupee, which had
been steadily depreciating until then, stabilised immediately.
However, those gains were short-lived. The oil companies exhausted
their supply of bonds in a few weeks! No new bonds have been issued
during 2008, a problem that has still not been rectified. Oil
companies, therefore, went back to borrowing from banks and buying
dollars in the spot market. With all the other pressures on liquidity,
this was one the system could clearly have done without. With
Parliament about to reconvene, the backlog of bonds should be issued
soon. The RBI has also declared its intention to resume the dollars-
for-bonds swap as soon as feasible.
These developments should contribute to the further easing of
liquidity pressures, but they highlight a fundamental concern. Bad
fiscal management, apart from all its other consequences, also affects
the functioning of financial markets by putting unnecessary pressure
on the demand for funds. Fortunately, the pressure from oil prices is
abating, which will reduce the subsidy bill; more importantly, it
gives the government a chance to correct prices and to eliminate the
subsidy entirely, thereby stopping the distortion of the liquidity

Mainstream, Vol XLVI No 43
Indo-US N-Deal: US Power Elite Gains All, India Loses Every Way
by Sailendra Nath Ghosh, 17 October 2008

The following article was written before the passage of the bill for
the nuclear deal in the US Senate. —Editor`
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, in his latest and possibly last meeting
with the outgoing US President, has expressed the hope that the
nuclear deal would be approved by the US Congress in a manner which
will be “satisfactory” from both countries’ viewpoints. One wonders if
his delusion is limitless. If he had any sense of dignity which a
sovereign nation’s chief executive ought to have, he would have
roundly condemned the bill introduced in the US House of Represen-
tatives with harsh amendments against India—and recoiled from the
So long he was duping our people by saying that the 123 Agreement was
not bound by the Hyde Act. Evidently, this was his pretence. He is not
so dull-witted as not to know that this was an India-specific Act. Its
very name was Henry J. Hyde United States-India Peaceful Energy
Cooperation Act of 2006. Hence this Act’s mandate on the US
Administration for enforcing certain measures on India after it signs
the 123 Agreement cannot remain inoperative. His pretence was, and
even now is, that because these were not explicitly written in the 123
Agreement, India could afford to take no cognizance of the Hyde Act’s
To prevent such a pretence in any future lawsuit, the bill, as
introduced in the House of Representatives, made it explicit that the
123 Agreement with India would be subject to the US Atomic Energy Act
of 1954, the Hyde Act of 2006, and any other applicable United States
law “as if the Agreement had been approved pursuant to the
provisions” (of the aforesaid Acts) “for cooperation, in section 123
(b) and (d) of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954.
A look at the major provisions of the Hyde Act is necessary to grasp
its sinister significance. It laid down
(i) that in the event of nuclear testing by India, the co-operation
would be terminated (of course , the US would consider if the testing
was done under exceptional international circumstances);
(ii) that the termination would be accompanied by measures for getting
back the equipment, the nuclear fuels, and other materials supplied by
the USA;
(iii) that the US would make sure that India does not try to build
fuel reserves beyond the minimum needed for operational purposes;
(iv) that the US would ensure that India does not generate plutonium,
even from plants excluded from IAEA safeguards (inspection);
(v) that the US President would have to certify to the US Congress
every year that India is behaving in a manner “conducive to the US
Notably, the provision mentioned in (iv) above is meant to cap India’s
nuclear weapon making capacity. Effectively, it also shuts the chances
of research for making thorium fissile (that is, capable for power
generation). The provision mentioned in (v) above is meant to rob
India not only of nuclear sovereignty but also of independence in
foreign policy making, which is far more damaging. In the name of
ending India’s nuclear isolation, it was meant to isolate India from
most nations—particularly from the emerging alliances of peoples in
Africa, Latin America, Central Asia, South Asia, and the Middle East.
As if the these were not enough, the bill, introduced in the USA’s
House of Representatives (incorporating amendments), laid down:
(i) that the US Government shall urge India to sign an Additional
protocol with IAEA, consistent with IAEA principles, practices, and
policies at the earliest date;
(ii) that in the case of any proposal from India for a subsequent
arrangement for reprocessing or any alteration (of the spent fuel),
the President shall keep the appropriate congressional committees
fully and currently informed of any discussion or negotiation related
to the subject and brief the committees each month;
(iii) that the US President would be required to certify that it would
pursue efforts to ensure that any other nation that supplies reactor
fuel or equipment or nuclear or non-nuclear material, subjects India
to similar arrangements;
(iv) that the President shall certify that the US is pursuing a policy
with the Nuclear Supplies Group, individually and collectively, to
agree to further restrict the transfer of equipment and technology
related to the enrichment of uranium and reprocessing of spent nuclear
fuel to India, and that the issuance of this certificate will have to
be done before exchanging any diplomatic exchanges;
(v) that the President shall seek to achieve, by the earliest possible
date, either within NSG or with relevant participating governments,
the adoption of principles, reporting exchanges of information ….. to
assure peaceful use and accounting of by product material to ensure
that nothing is being diverted by India to non-peaceful purposes;
(vi) that not later than six months after the enactment of the Act,
and every six months thereafter, the President shall transmit to the
appropriate congressional committee a report on efforts by the United
States pursuant to subsections (a) and (b).
Every one of these amendments is an insult to India’s impeccable
record and her efforts not to step out of the “minimum arsenal build-
up for nuclear deterrence”. India has the right to ask: has the USA,
which has the dirtiest record in building its nuclear arsenal
breaching its own pledge to progressively reduce the arsenal, any
right to challenge India, the only nuclear capable state which has
stuck rigidly to the objective of non-proliferation?
THE world needed to expose this US hypocrisy and fling to its face the
report of the independent International Commission on the Weapons of
Mass Destruction, chaired by Hans Blix (the former chief of IAEA and
also of the team which investigated Iran’s alleged preparations for
WMDs)—among whose members was a former US Defence Secretary, William
Perry. The Commission held the United States largely responsible for
the current situation, wherein the urge for proliferation of nuclear
weapons is spreading to more and more countries and the chances of
possible terrorist acquisitions, too, are increasing. The report
pointed out that the NPT treaty of 1968 obligated the US to end the
arms race ‘at an early date’, and negotiate ‘in good faith’, the
elimination of its nuclear arsenal. But, although the treaty was
extended indefinitely in 1995, President Bill Clinton threatened
“first-use of nuclear weapons as the cornerstone of US national
security” in a 1997 directive. The greatest culprit is the USA.
Notably, President George Bush, too, is now threatening other nations
to nuke them into submission, thus reaffirming the Commission’s
conclusions. This is the direst and most direct provocation for
nuclear proliferation in today’s world.
Manmohan Singh has not uttered a word of protest against the
amendments introduced in the House of Representatives bill.
Indications are that even if something more obnoxious emerges from the
US Senate, he will find it “satisfactory” and sign the deal. Servility
hath no bounds for a man deluded.
It would appear intriguing that while the US Congress is dead earnest
about tying India tightly to non-proliferation, the US Administration
wears a double face. In its communications to the Congressional
committees it fully shares the die-hards’ hegemonic views. In its
dealings with Government of India, it shows excessive zeal for
strategic partnership with India.
In spite of its initial promise of full civil nuclear cooperation, it
is now withholding almost everything from the Indian Establishment,
ostensibly on the plea that this, too, has dual (civil and non-civil)
uses. What exactly are the USA’s motives? Why did it so promptly pass
the bill in the House? Why, even the die-hards who want to impose non-
proliferation on others, are rushing to get the bill for 123 Agreement
with India passed in the Senate, too? Why this haste? Divergence in
Democratic Behaviour
BEFORE delving into the US motivations, we need to see how valid is
the claim about “engagement of the world’s two “largest democracies”.
One is “super-moneybag democracy”, ruled by what Eisenhower had termed
as “industrial-military complex” but which still has such rich
democratic traditions as can haul up even the most powerful persons
without fear, and subjects everything of importance to scrutiny by the
House of Representatives and the Senate. A democracy at home, it is
prone to supporting dictatorial regimes in other countries if they are
amenable to US influence.
The other democracy, namely, India, bypasses Parliament on the most
crucial international issues. It bypassed Parliament while entering
into the WTO, a most potent instrument for pro-TNC globalization.
There, too, it was Manmohan Singh who led Prime Minister Narasimha Rao—
and India—up the garden path in hastily joining the WTO instead of
doggedly resisting the Dunkel proposal. Possibly, Manmohan Singh
Government will sign the n-deal, too, with the US in early October
bypassing Parliament, breaking his earlier promise to come back to
this august body to discuss the form of bill approved by the US
Congress. If he does this, will the Parliament outlaw the deal? Will
the Supreme Court of India suo moto declare it unconstitutional? US
Motives behind the Deal
The US Government’s motives are several-fold.
1. After having invaded Iraq on a false excuse, this government is now
deep in a quagmire. After spending one trillion dollars—this is Barack
Obama’s estimate, which is less than half of some non-official estimate
—and losing four thousand American lives, the US does not as yet know
how to wriggle out of this situation. Not only is resentment growing
in the USA but some European allies also are distancing themselves
from US moves. If India, once the leader of the global non-aligned
movement, could be pulled away from the G-77 countries (and also from
its friendly ties with Russia) and drawn into the US orbit, it would
be a great gain for the US. Administration, overshadowing all losses.
For the last six decades the US Power Elite had been longing for this.
The US has a habit of propping up certain forces in other countries to
gain some advantage and creating conflict situations. It hopes to use
naïve Indian personnel to pull the chestnut out of the fire for the
2. Export of armaments on a huge scale to India and becoming its arms
supplier number one has been the USA’s objective. Now its soaring
external debts have greatly whetted this appetite. The US Defence
Secretary Robert Gates has openly said that commerce with India in
military hardware is priority number one in the Pentagon’s thinking.
3. For the last thirty years, the US nuclear reactor industry has
remained starved of orders. After the Three-Mile Island’s nuclear
mishap, the American people have not allowed any reactor to be set up.
As many as 37 earlier orders had also to be cancelled due to people’s
resistance. The Chernobyl meltdown in Ukraine in 1986 has accentuated
this sprit of resistance. But a State which wants to keep piling its
nuclear arsenal needs to maintain the nuclear reactor industry. The
burden has become unbearable even for the richest nation’s public
treasury. Since India’s political class, led by the country’s nuclear
mandarins, are desperately seeking to import uranium to improve the
load factor of existing atomic power plants and is also planning to
set up new nuclear reactors despite the disappointing results at home
and abroad, it appeared as an excellent business opportunity to the US
for bailing out its own reactor making industry at India’s cost.
According to news reports, in response to the Bush Administration’s
demand for preferential rights, the Government of India has assured
the US Secretary of State in advance that India would purchase 10
reactors from the USA and has reserved two sites for their placement.
Reportedly, some “strong letters of intent” to some commercial firms
in the USA have also been given. When some American commentators,
challenging presidential candidate McCain’s idea of setting up some
nuclear plants are saying that nuclear energy is too extravagant even
for an economy as rich as America’s, the Manamohan Singh Government,
which faces a resource crunch to fight poverty, has largesses to set
up twenty new nuclear reactors! None can blame America’s cupidity when
there are Timons of Athens in India wishing to make India a nation of
4. The USA is strong in its determination to disallow any but the five
“nuclear-have” countries to develop nuclear muscle. Yet, India, Israel
and Pakistan have developed nuclear weapons. Several others, too, are
striving to possess similar capacities. Despite the American
opposition, India conducted nuclear tests twice—in 1974 and 1998. Now,
when India’s vainglorious nuclear overlords are going a-begging for
uranium fuel, this is the opportunity to squeeze India and pin it down
to actually observing NPT rules and procedures even without India
becoming a formal NPT signatory.
The US Power Elite has succeeded in achieving all these four major
objectives through this deal. The US is already pushing the sale of
multi-purpose combat aircraft to India for Rs 45,000 crores. Besides,
the USA expects India to buy at least 100 billion dollars (Rs four-and-
a-half lakh crores) worth of military hardware (missiles, radars and
other items) over the next ten years. The import of ten nuclear
reactors with 10,000 MW power generation capacity from the USA alone
will cost anything between Rs 50,000 crores and Rs 80,000 crores.
Then, there will be costs of imports of other nuclear reactors from
France and Russia. The setting up of a reprocessing plant will cost
more than Rs 10,000 crores. Since the resulting rise in demand for
uranium will raise its per-ton price in the international market, this
will mean heavy bleeding of India continually. Thus, it is an
unprecedented programme of depriving India’s starving millions further
to bail out the richest nation’s armaments and nuclear reactor
The losses to India from the deal are:
(i) the inevitable withering of rapport with the non-aligned countries
of the world and isolation from the emerging alliances of nations in
South Asia, Central Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East;
(ii) the lessening of warmth in its relationship with Russia due to
India’s obvious “US fixation”,
(iii) the surrender of the doctrine of minimum nuclear deterrence
build-up in a world dominated by powers piling up nuclear arsenals;
(iv) obeisance to the discriminatory NPT regime’s rules, even without
being a formal NPT signatory;
(v) mute acceptance of the ban on nuclear tests imposed by a power
that is armed to the teeth by nuclear weapons. (Theoretically, India
can still terminate the agreement and conduct nuclear tests. But this
will attract severe punitive measures emanating from the provisions of
the agreement signed by it.)
(vi) launching India on further impoverishment and environmental
destruction path on a scale never experienced earlier.
This author himself is opposed to nuclear testing and to nuclear build-
up even as a deterrence. He gives credit to Benazir Bhutto for the
realisation in her twilight years that atom bombs dropped on a
neighbouring country cannot but take a heavy toll of one’s own
countrymen’s lives and natural resources. Even so, he cannot bear the
idea that a foreign power which itself keeps building nuclear arsenal,
seeks to impose non-proliferation on others. From the viewpoint of
India’s hitherto followed policy, the Government of India’s
prostration is complete.
Manmohan Singh’s charmed drumbeaters can mask this unprecedented sell-
out as a “great success” story. But truth has a weird way of coming
out, as it certainly will.
Questions about the UPA Government’s Calculations
THE question now is: what are the motivations of the government that
is now ruling India?
The Bush Administration proposed and the Manmohan Singh Government
agreed to a “multi-dimensional strategic relation” but its contents or
directions were never spelt out. As things are unfolding—the US side
making more and more strident demands and the Indian side yielding all
along—it is becoming clear that the Indian side is agreeable to
abjuring its nuclear sovereignty and its foreign-policy making
independence to become the USA’s de facto junior partner in a global
coalition. For a country that is known for its independence of
thinking and for its leading role in the world’s freedom struggles, it
is a huge reversal. Then, how is this tilt, this unending stream of
submissions, this tacit acceptance of primacy of military hardware
over sound policies, and this “strong letter of intent” to foreign
firms for nuclear reactors despite its inevitable effect of making
India the poorest among the poor nations, be explained? An explanation
can be that the Prime Minister is living in a dream that by becoming a
junior partner of the world’s lone superpower, India can be secure
from external attacks and foreign-inspired terror and may even acquire
a permanent seat in the UN Security Council. He might have taken
Condoleezza Rice’s idea of shoring up India’s prowess as a
counterweight to China too seriously, forgetting that she is a
temporary holder of power. If this dream theory is ruled out, then the
only other plausible explanation is that he is being led by India’s
nuclear overlords. How harmful their narrow “tunnel view” is, will be
explained in detail in another article. (The author’s article “Why the
Nuclear Energy Path is Suicidal”, published in this year’s Republic
Day Number of Mainstream, has given a part of the explanation.)
Of course, the nuclear overlords got the support of India’s big
business who feel that aligning with the USA will open up a huge
export market for their products. This may turn out to be a pipedream
for various reasons.
THERE is only one way to redemption. India will have to make conscious
efforts to correct the tilt and put international relations on an even
keel. At the same time, it will have to unleash a powerful
international movement for Universal Nuclear Disarmament.
As its logical corollary, expansion of nuclear power generation has to
be stopped, because it is well-nigh impossible to separate atomic
power generation from nuclear weapon making and nuclear terrorism. It
is pretty certain that nobody will talk of nuclear power generation
two decades hence. Its potential for causing financial and energy
bankruptcy and environmental disaster will increasingly come to the
fore. (It causes energy bankruptcy by pre-empting the funds, which
could otherwise be spent for harnessing renewable forms of energy
capable of yielding hundred times as much output.)
Rajiv Gandhi had addressed the UN General Assembly, stressing the
importance of Universal Nuclear Disarmament. It did not gather
momentum then. Now it will, and compel all powers to dismantle nuclear
weapons in the interest of their own security and survival. Maybe, it
will take a couple of decades to reach the crescendo. (September 30,
The author, who in the fifties was the Secretary of the Economic Unit
attached to the Central Committee of the undivided Communist Party of
India, is one of the country’s earliest environmentalists and a social
West urged not to ignore Sri Lanka
By Ethirajan Anbarasan
BBC News

The 200,000 Tamils displaced in the north are increasingly hemmed in

A senior western diplomat has warned that living conditions are
deteriorating for tens of thousands of civilians displaced inside
Tamil Tiger rebel-held areas in northern Sri Lanka. It is a
humanitarian disaster waiting to happen, he says.
"We have one of the biggest humanitarian problems emerging in the
north at the moment. Unfortunately it's not attracting enough
international attention," the diplomat, who's familiar with the Sri
Lankan situation, told the BBC.
Sri Lankan security forces are carrying out a multi-pronged offensive
against Tamil Tiger rebels in the north and some army units are
reported to be very close to the town of Kilinochchi, where the Tamil
Tigers have their administrative headquarters.
The United Nations says more than 200,000 people have been displaced
in the latest round of fighting and they have been moving from place
to place inside Tamil Tiger-controlled areas.
With the army capturing more and more territory from the rebels, the
civilians have now been confined to a smaller region. Sooner or later
hostilities are expected to break out in areas not very far from them.
Some fear that they might get caught in the crossfire.
The diplomat, who didn't want to be identified, said Western
governments had lost interest in Sri Lanka because "they think that
there is little value of going back to the peace process because they
are not sure whether the rebels will negotiate in good faith".
Political threat
With the international community showing little interest in the Sri
Lankan conflict, the Tamil Tigers now appear to have turned towards
their supporters and political parties in neighbouring India to bring
about a ceasefire in the island nation.

Pro-rebel political parties and some fringe groups in the southern
Indian state of Tamil Nadu have been holding protest rallies against
the Sri Lankan army offensive claiming many Tamil civilians are being
killed in the conflict.
Sri Lankan officials deny the charges, saying they are only targeting
the rebel fighters.
Tamil Nadu is home to more than 60 million Tamils, who share close
linguistic and cultural ties with the Tamils in Sri Lanka.
Most of the major political parties from Tamil Nadu have warned that
their lawmakers will quit the Indian parliament if Delhi fails to
broker a ceasefire in Sri Lanka. If the threats were carried out they
could trigger a political crisis in Delhi.
But these protests are viewed by some as an attempt by the pro-rebel
groups to try to protect the Tamil Tigers, who appear to have been
cornered by the Sri Lankan security forces in recent months.
India has been pursuing a hands-off policy in Sri Lanka since the
assassination of the former Indian prime minister, Rajiv Gandhi,
allegedly by a female Tamil rebel suicide bomber in 1991. However, it
actively backed the Norwegian-led peace process, which was officially
called off early this year.
Officially, India wants a negotiated settlement within a united Sri
Lanka, knowing that any fragmentation of Sri Lanka could have serious
ramifications for its own security. If Delhi attempts to exert any
pressure on Colombo it is bound to trigger an angry reaction from hard
line political parties in Sri Lanka.
So the protests in Tamil Nadu may not result in a major shift in
India's Sri Lanka policy as Delhi's options appear to be limited.
"The rebels seemed to have made a miscalculation on when and how India
will intervene. I don't see any chance of the conflict ending in the
next few weeks," the western diplomat said.
'Better strategy'
The Sri Lankan military would also stoutly oppose any move to stop the
offensive which seems to be going in their favour.

The military says it is closing in on Kilinochchi
Analysts say the military's numerical superiority, stronger firepower
and better military strategy have helped them to push rapidly deep
inside rebel-held territory in recent months. But their progress has
been slow in recent weeks due to stiff resistance from the Tigers.
Many military observers agree that if the present trend continues then
the army will capture Kilinochchi sooner or later.
The fall of Kilinochchi would deal a significant blow to the Tamil
Tigers. Militarily, Kilinochchi will also open the gates to
strategically important areas like Paranthan and Elephant Pass, the
strategic land bridge leading to the Jaffna Peninsula.
If the army achieves its objectives, then the rebels would be confined
mostly to the Mullaitivu region.
Now the fear among the Tamils is if the rebels are weakened then the
government may not show interest in devolving powers to Tamil areas.
"There is a danger that there will be little pressure on the Sri
Lankan government to devolve powers to Tamil regions if the rebels
lose the war," says Sri Lankan analyst DBS Jeyaraj.
However, he argues that the fall of Kilinochchi may not be the end of
the rebels as most of their weapons and cadres are still intact and
they may be gearing up for a long, drawn-out guerrilla war.
India sees women as agents of socio-economic growth
Thursday, October 16, 2008Comment(2)PrintForward
New York: India has shifted focus from mere empowerment of women to
recognising them as agents of sustained socio-economic growth and
change, a member of an Indian delegation told the UN during a
discussion on Advancement of Women.
"Gender has been made a cross-cutting theme in India's 11th Five-Year
Plan (2007-12), not confined to a single chapter on Women and
Children," Arjun Charan Sethi, an MP, said Tuesday while taking part
in the debate on the implementation of the outcome of the Fourth World
Conference on Women in Beijing in 1995 and the 23rd Special Session of
the General Assembly in 2000.
The five-year plan aims to guarantee the rights and entitlements of
all women, and has recognised that their requirements differ based on
their location within various castes, communities, religions,
geographic and development zones, he said.
Detailing other efforts made by India for gender equality, Sethi said
the department dealing with women's affairs since 1985 was made into a
full-fledged Ministry in 2005.
Now, one-third of urban and local self-government seats have been
reserved for women, thereby giving more than one million women social
and political empowerment at the grassroots level. A similar
reservation at the parliament level is being pursued by the
government, he said.
For socio-economic development of women, the National Rural Employment
Guarantee programme was launched in 2006 to provide 100 days in a year
assured wage employment to every rural household with at least one-
third women beneficiaries.
The scheme has "comfortably achieved its target. In fact, more than 49
percent of the beneficiaries happened to be women", Sethi said.
To monitor whether women are able to benefit from the policies and
programmes instituted for them, he referred to the new system of
Gender Budgeting and creation of a database of gender disaggregated
Sethi reiterated India's commitment to attaining the goal of equal
rights of men and women everywhere and said, "India will continue to
contribute positively to UN efforts to reach out to vulnerable
sections, particularly women and children, in conflict and post-
conflict societies."
'I can't be running after every record ' - Tendulkar
Cricinfo staff
October 17, 2008

Sachin speak

On the journey:
Success is a process and during that journey sometimes there are
stones thrown at you and you convert them into milestones. It's a
great feeling.
On how long he thinks he can keep the record:
I don't what is going to happen in future. I started as a 16-year-old,
without any such targets. There might be another 16-year-old, who
might not be having any targets and who knows where he is going to
On the pressure:
"To be honest, I was not under any pressure for this record. I knew
that I have to go out and play my game. It will come at some stage.
There was no burden as such. Today I decided just to watch the ball as
closely as possibly."
On the sparse crowd to witness the record-breaking run:
"I did not feel anything about the poor crowd attendance. It's about
quality not quantity. I got a fantastic reception in a pleasing
moment. I appreciate it every applaud whichever came in my way I take
it wholeheartedly."
On the missing World Cup:
"That is something I would like to have. We were close to it in 2003.
It was so close yet so far. I'm not looking that far ahead [2011]. I
just want go out and enjoy myself and my game and not think of any
targets. If it there is in the vicinity I will focus on it. Right now
I want to enjoy myself."
On getting there in Mohali:
"I always wanted to do it in front of the home crowd and I'm quite
happy that an Indian has achieved that record. It is not my record, it
is India's record. I'm happy it has been done here."
On his family not being there at the ground:
"It is not my family style to go over at the top. I know they will be
extremely happy."

We were about 15 minutes into Sachin Tendulkar's press conference. He
had answered wide-ranging questions, not all of then pertaining to the
match or his record. Before the next question came Tendulkar's way,
the media coordinator asked him if he would like to continue.
Tendulkar moved away from the mic, and although he could not be heard,
it seemed he said something to the effect of "Why not?" The press
conference continued for the next 11 minutes, way longer than the ones
at the end of a day's play.
Tendulkar was in that kind of mood. He looked animated, spoke in three
languages - English, Hindi and Marathi - and was relieved, subtly
funny, and happy. He started off by admitting that although the record
was not a big distraction, the anticipation around it did mean
something. "During all the talk about the record, I concentrated on
how to score runs for the team, but everybody I used to meet would
talk about only one thing. Now that it is done, I know I wouldn't be
asked the same question again and again."
On a personal level, he doesn't have a "what next" now? "I started as
a 16-year-old, and there was no targets then," he said. "I just wanted
to go enjoy every moment. That is what I like to continue with - not
to think of too many things and complicate my game in the process. "I
have not played for records. I can't be running after every record
[answering a query about breaking Brian Lara's 400]. I would be
looking after what the team needs. The team obviously needs it. If it
comes my way, I will take it. If it doesn't come, there will be no
Despite that attitude there must have been moments when he would have
realised he could end up the leading run-getter in both Tests and
ODIs. "As the career progresses, there is sub-consciousness mind
starts thinking about it," he said. "You know that people start
talking about it the records. That is how you are aware of all these
"There have been occasions that I didn't know how many runs I needed
[to get to the record]. A couple of team-mates did not believe. I was
willing to swear on anyone that I don't know. That is when they
believed. The beauty is just to go out and play, and while doing that
the records were meant to be broken and various milestones achieved."
What was he thinking when it happened? The steer towards the third-man
boundary that got him past Brian Lara? "When I looked up, obviously I
had two thoughts in my mind," he said. "One was I thanked the almighty
and the second, I thanked my father. Today I miss him. He would
definitely be a proud man, and I just thought of him."
Sourav Ganguly was a special partner to have when the record happened.
He reminded Tendulkar of the fact that he was his partner when
Tendulkar got his 35th century. "If you can remember that in the
middle of all that ..."
He also dedicated the record to Ramakant Achrekar, his childhood
coach, his family who have been by his side "whether or not he did
well", and especially "my mother".
Almost in paternal manner, he subtly put his critics in their place.
"I don't need to prove anything to anyone," he said. "I have been
around for 19 years, and those 19 years I did not play cricket to
prove anything to anyone, whether it was first year of my cricket or
10th, or 15th, or 19th.
"I'm not here to answer to what x, y and z is writing or saying about
me. It is their opinions, and I don't take all those opinions
seriously ... But sometimes I don't know how they can figure out
what's going on in my mind when sometimes I myself can't figure that
That was the only time he sounded mildly sour, but only mildly. The
talk eventually went back to the celebration when he got the record.
"The duration [of the fireworks] was bit worrying." When a journalist
informed him they had planned 11,954 crackers, he said, "Eventually I
figured out it was 11,954 crackers or something like that."
© Cricinfo

Obama works for the working-class vote
By Matt Bai Published: October 17, 2008
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For a guy who just four years ago was running his first statewide
campaign, Barack Obama has made startlingly few missteps as a
presidential candidate. But the moment Obama would most like to take
back now, if he could, was the one last April when, speaking to a
small gathering of Bay Area contributors, he said that small-town
voters in Pennsylvania and other states had grown "bitter" over lost
jobs, which caused them to "cling to guns or religion or antipathy
toward people who aren't like them."
That comment, subsequently posted by a blogger for the Huffington
Post, undercut one of the central premises of Obama's campaign - that
he could somehow erode the tired distinctions between red states and
blue ones and appeal to disaffected white men who had written off
national Democrats as hopelessly elitist.
"That was my biggest boneheaded move," Obama told me recently. We were
sitting across from each other on his plane, the one with the big red,
white and blue "O" on the tail, flying some 35,000 feet above
Nebraska. "How it was interpreted in the press was Obama talking to a
bunch of wine-sipping San Francisco liberals with an anthropological
view toward white working-class voters. And I was actually making the
reverse point, clumsily, which is that these voters have a right to be
frustrated because they've been ignored. And because Democrats haven't
met them halfway on cultural issues, we've not been able to
communicate to them effectively an economic agenda that would help
broaden our coalition."
"I mean, part of what I was trying to say to that group in San
Francisco was, 'You guys need to stop thinking that issues like
religion or guns are somehow wrong,"' he continued. "Because, in fact,
if you've grown up and your dad went out and took you hunting, and
that is part of your self-identity and provides you a sense of
continuity and stability that is unavailable in your economic life,
then that's going to be pretty important, and rightfully so. And if
you're watching your community lose population and collapse but your
church is still strong and the life of the community is centered
around that, well then, you know, we'd better be paying attention to
In a few minutes, Obama would arrive in Colorado for a campaign stop,
followed by another in Nevada - two critical states that neither of
the previous two Democratic presidential nominees, Al Gore and John
Kerry, came all that close to winning, largely because of their abject
failure to connect with white men, especially lower- and middle-class
men in rural and exurban counties. I asked Obama how he thought he
could convey to these voters that he was not, in fact, an
anthropological observer of the culture.
Today in Americas
Debates over, candidates begin final sprintCandidates' visions differ
on unleashing innovationObama works for the working-class vote"First,"
Obama said, "you have to show up. I've been to Elko, Nevada, now three
"Elko?" I asked twice, straining to hear him over the engine noise.
"E-L-K-O." He sounded vaguely annoyed, as if I had just confirmed
something about the media he had long suspected. "That, by the way, is
the reason we got more delegates out of Nevada, even though we lost
the popular vote there during the primary. We lost Las Vegas and Clark
County, but we won handily in rural Nevada. And a lot of it just had
to do with the fact that folks thought: Man, the guy is showing up.
He's set up an office. He's doing real organizing. He's talking to
At that very moment, Republicans in Washington were scuttling a $700
billion emergency plan for Wall Street, causing the markets to
hemorrhage more value in a single day, in terms of sheer dollar
amounts, than at any time in American history and dragging the economy
back into the center of the campaign - precisely where John McCain and
the Republicans did not want it.
It now appeared that the only thing that could still threaten Obama's
march to the presidency was the same resistance from the voters that
had, at the last moment, dashed the dreams of his Democratic
predecessors. According to exit polls in 2004, Kerry lost white men by
a crushing 25-point margin. While voters overall give Obama the
advantage over John McCain when asked which candidate is better
equipped to navigate these tumultuous economic times, Gallup polls
throughout the summer and into the fall consistently showed McCain
with a double-digit lead among white men who have not been to college.
And yet Obama has persevered, devoting far more time and money than
either of the last two Democratic nominees on an effort to persuade
working-class and rural white guys that he is not the elitist, alien
figure they may be inclined to think he is. The Obama campaign has
more than 50 state offices throughout Virginia, a state no Democrat
has seriously contested since Obama was a teenager. In Indiana, there
are 42 offices; in North Carolina, another 45.
Zardari fails to get China's commitment on nuke deal
17 Oct 2008, 1717 hrs IST, Saibal Dasgupta, TNN
BEIJING: Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari has failed to obtain a
clear commitment from Chinese leaders on his proposal for broadening
the nuclear
relationship between the two countries, informed sources said.
Zardari is believed to have spent the past two days during his first
presidential visit to Beijing persuading Chinese leaders to sign a
Sino-Pakistan nuclear deal on the lines of the India-US deal, among
other things.
But Beijing has indicated it will seriously consider Zardari's request
after examining the changing situation concerning India-US nuclear
relationship and Iran's nuclear ambitions.
Zardari is believed to have told Chinese leaders that a Sino-Pakistan
deal on nuclear energy would help Beijing counter the effects of the
India-US deal. But Chinese leaders are reluctant to go ahead with the
idea as they regard Pakistan to be politically unstable, sources
At the same time, Chinese president Hu Jintao left no one in doubt
that China values its four-decade long friendship with Pakistan by
receiving Zardari with a 21-gun military salute at the Tiananmen
Square, festooned with the national flags of the two countries. "Your
entire family are old friends of the Chinese people. We will never
forget the outstanding contribution Benazir Bhutto and Zulfikar Ali
Bhutto had made to boosting ties with China," he told Zardari.
China has agreed to launch a telecommunication satellite, dubbed
PakSat-1R, for Pakistan in 2011. The state-run Great Wall Industry
Corporation has said that a Long March 3B rocket will be used to put
the satellite into orbit.
Plans involve launching the satellite from the Xichang Satellite
Launch Center in the southwestern Sichuan Province. The satellite with
a life span of 15 years will be used by Pakistan for domestic
telecommunication and broadcast services.
China, which earlier delivered two satellites were sent to Nigeria
last year, has recently agreed to launch a satellite for Venezuela.
China is also believed to be blocking US efforts to impose greater
sanctions on Iran to curb its nuclear ambitions. Beijing is unhappy
over recent US decisions to export arms to Taiwan, which it regards as
part of Chinese territory.
An important factor shaping China's policies concerning India.
Pakistan, Iran and Venezuela is its desire to put the US at a
disadvantage in the international political scene. This is what
explains its desire to give Iran a helping hand and back Venezuela,
which is seriously opposed to US policies, sources said.
Chinese workers protest at closed toy factory
17 Oct 2008, 0820 hrs IST, AP
DONGGUAN: Hundreds of workers protested on Friday for a third straight
day outside a large toy factory that closed in southern China amid a
global sl
owdown that has begun hurting Chinese manufacturers.
About 500 workers were milling around outside the factory in the city
of Dongguan as police looked on. The laborers are demanding unpaid
wages from the factory's Hong Kong owner, Smart Union Group (Holdings)
Ltd., which had three factories in Dongguan in Guangdong province.
The factory closed on Wednesday, the same day the company issued a
notice to Hong Kong's stock market saying it was suspending trading of
its shares pending the release of an announcement. Calls made to the
company's Hong Kong main office were not answered.
The Southern Metropolis Daily, one of the most popular mass-market
dailies in Guangdong, reported on its Web site Thursday that workers
were shocked that the factory had closed. Unidentified laborers were
quoted as saying the plant was operating as normal on Tuesday and
there were no apparent signs it was about to close.
About 1,000 laborers protested outside the factory's main gate, where
the local government posted a notice saying the plant was closed
because of ``unfavorable business conditions,'' the paper said.
This week, the official Xinhua News Agency reported that a total of
3,631 toy exporters, 52.7 percent of the industry's enterprises, went
out of business in 2008. They shut down because of higher production
costs, wage increases for workers, and the rising value of the yuan.
The report said most of the failures involved small factories.
Xinhua also said the General Administration of Customs was blaming the
US financial turmoil for a 5.2 percent drop in exports to America in
the first seven months of 2008.
Oil price rises to $71 on fears of OPEC output cut
17 Oct, 2008, 2154 hrs IST, AGENCIES
LONDON: The benchmark oil price rebounded to $71.01 on Friday on
speculation that the OPEC crude producers' cartel could cut production
at an emerge
ncy meeting next week, traders said.
Crude futures had tumbled yesterday and have plunged by more than six
per cent over the week as fears of a global recession raised
expectations of a prolonged slowdown to energy demand.
The week that was: Jet-K'fisher ally
(01:25) Report
Oct. 17 - Here is a wrap of this week's news and entertainment
stories, including:

RBI takes steps to ease the credit crisis effect in India.
Jet Airways and Kingfisher Airlines in an alliance to cut costs.
Muslim leaders ask government for protection.
Amitabh Bachchan discharged from hospital.
Greg Beitchman reports.
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CPI-M condemn anti-Christian attacks
(01:26) Report
Oct. 15 - The Communist Party of India CPI (M) asked the government to
take strong action against those behind a string of attacks on
Christians in three Indian states.

An ANI report.
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value="transparent" /><param name="movie" value="http://
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edition=IN&videoId=92304" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"
wmode="transparent" width="422" height="346"></embed></object>

&nbsp;gostokanan, sodepur, kolkata-700110 phone:033-25659551

Palash Biswas

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