TRB P3 Subcommittee

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The TRB Joint Subcommittee on P3s serves as a focal point for research, coordination, and discussion on topics of interest to academic, industry, nonprofit, and government stakeholders with an interest in public-private partnerships (P3s) for transportation.  Subcommittee membership is open to all interested individuals.  The subcommitee meets twice per year, once at the annual TRB meeting every January in Washington, DC, and once at the mid-year meeting of the Policy Committees.  Committee activities include providing a forum for coordination of research, in the United States and internationally, issuing calls for posters and papers on P3-related topics for the TRB annual meeting, reviewing paper and poster submittals, and planning sessions with P3-related content for the TBR annual meeting.  For more information about the subcommittee, contact the subcommitte chair, Lowell Clary ,