Operating System: Fedora Core 6
Install method: Manual install or easy_install
Previous version: 0.10
New version: 0.11
Content delivery method: FastCGI via Apache
The TracUpgrade page suggests that you will want to remove the cgi-bin
etc, but the Apache configuration page recommends that you remove the
0.10 /usr/share/trac/cgi-bin (and friends).
So I made a folder /usr/share/trac/from-0.10 and moved the folders
listed into this subdirectory.
I ran 'python setup.py install' as root ... Everything went thru, I
upgraded my two environments and their wikis in /usr/local/trac/...
I ran an updatedb and did locate fcgi
[kfsone@fres1 ~]$ locate fcgi
the latter being the files in the install location. I tried running
easy_install as well, but it made no difference.
So now I am confused. The documentation at
still says to use:
ScriptAlias / /srv/tracsite/cgi-bin/trac.fcgi/
But there's no cgi-bin ... Is there a step in the upgrade process I am
missing? I've tried putting the old cgi-bin, templates, wiki-docs etc
back, which makes the site sorta-work until I try to view a ticket...
Well, no surprise there.
Am I missing some obvious step? I've gone over TracInstall,
TracUpgrade and TracFastCgi a bunch of times, I've spent 2 hours
searching and reading thru what I hoped would be related posts, blog
entries, wiki pages, etc...
Tearing hair out here and I have a bunch of angry producers
threatening to manually insert tickets into me :)