Graphviz Plugin v0.6.7

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Peter Kropf

1.9.2006 klo
Hi -

Trac Graphviz Plugin v0.6.7 Release Notes
September 1, 2006

Graphviz plugin v0.6.7 for Trac is now available. The Graphviz wiki
processor is a plugin for Trac that allows the the dynamic generation
of diagrams by the various graphviz programs. The text of a wiki page
can contain the source text for graphviz and the web browser will show
the resulting image.

Changes for release v0.6.7

* The GraphvizMacro v0.6.5 release introduced a bug with the now
optional cmd_path. If run on a platform whose sys.platform name is
not in the GraphvizMacro.cmd_paths dictionary, the self.cmd_path
variable isn't initialized. This caused a wee problem and stack
trace in Trac.

The graphviz plugin macro home page can be found at:

The plugin has been tested on Linux x86 system with python 2.3.5 and
the 0.9-stable and trunk branches of Trac.

Testing on other platforms would be appreciated.

Bugs and enhancement requests can be submitted at:

-- Peter

5.9.2006 klo
vastaanottaja Trac Users
Peter Kropf wrote:

> The plugin has been tested on Linux x86 system with python 2.3.5 and
> the 0.9-stable and trunk branches of Trac.
> Testing on other platforms would be appreciated.


I had a prolbem with Graphviz Plugin v0.6.7 and trac 0.10, I first
wanted to create a ticket at tac-hacks, but the spam-filter didn't let
me :-) So I paste the text here, sorry for the formatting:

If run with trac 0.10, and Python 2.4 `GraphvizMacro.render_macro()`
throws exceptions. According to trac 0.10 release notes, "everything is
unicode" now, and that seems to be the problem.

* sha_key = + self.processor_options +
content).hexdigest() throws `UnicodeDecodeError`

* I tried to correct this in the form:

sha_key = + self.processor_options +
content).encode('latin1', 'replace')).hexdigest()

* this works, but after that there occurs an error in
`GraphvizMacro.launch()` at p_in.writelines()

So it seems to be a more thorough problem. I also tried to correct the
'''writelines()''' problem with '''input.encode(...)''', it worked in
some way, but after that the temporary .png files had 0 length, so the
plugin didn't work either.

So, unicode strings in trac 0.10 seem to mess up everything.
Unfortunately, I don't know graphviz and the plugin good enough to
correct the problem myself. By the way, if you only use ascii
characters in the graphviz macro definition, everything works.


6.9.2006 klo 2.40.466.9.2006
vastaanottaja Trac Users

> #690: GraphvizMacro.render_macro UnicodeDecodeError thrown
> -------------------+--------------------------------------------------------
> Reporter: pkropf | Owner: pkropf
> Type: defect | Status: new
> Priority: normal | Component: GraphvizPlugin
> Severity: normal | Resolution:
> Keywords: | Release: 0.9
> -------------------+--------------------------------------------------------
> Comment (by pkropf):
> Can you attached a sample dot file that causes the problem?

I didn't get through the spam filter this time either, so here is a
sample that should reproduce the problem:

graph G1 {
node [shape=box, orientation=0, fontsize=16, color=blue];
edge [fontsize=6 ]
hello [label="éáoúuöüä" URL=HelloUrl ];

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