Deprecate MacroBazaar?

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Alec Thomas

Jan 31, 2008, 1:43:32 PM1/31/08

What does everyone say to deprecating use of the MacroBazaar page on
t.e.o? It's quite a mess and there's a great deal of cruft. Here are
some relevant comments from IRC:

<osimons> aat, coderanger - you two have been around for a while,
and with trac-hacks and all:
surely this cannot be a trac issue?
+what should we do with -
not easy to find support. remove or note on macros about support
issues? note on all that does not
+have a maintainer with email for support? [00:15]
*** Signoff: skiidoo ("*poof*") [00:16]
<coderanger> With 0.11 killing off old-style macros, I think we can
migrate the few plugin-ified ones to trac-hacks and delete the rest
really [00:17]
<coderanger> Or maybe put a huge warning on the page for a bit
<coderanger> then kill it
*** Muelli (i=Muelli@gateway/tor/x-0d6f074db14e8e86) has joined channel #trac
<osimons> is is very messy
* aat concurs
> with both of your statements :)
<osimons> concur as in 'I'll do it'? :-) [00:18]
> hah [00:20]
> no
> for some historical perspective: the crapness of macro bazaar was
what originally motivated t-h [00:21]
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channel #trac [00:26]
<asmodai> osimons: No, aat's handy in saying 'DOIT' to others ;)
<osimons> aat: as t-h maintainer, perhaps then a call on trac-dev to
clean it up and that people should migrate to t-h? Most that develop
and attach there that are
+still around will likely be on that list? [00:29]
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#trac [00:30]
> asmodai: it's a gift :P [00:31]
<ska-fan> I'm getting Environment not found with current trunk
<ska-fan> What am I doing wrong? :)
<ska-fan> ok, got it [00:33]
> osimons: sure
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#trac [00:34]
<osimons> aat: thanks! such self-sacrifice. such commitment. i don't
know how asmodai can think otherwise :-) [00:35]
<coderanger> We could also just write-protect the page and put up a
nice warning message [00:37]
> he is a cynical, cynical man
<osimons> coderanger: sure, if we do get a number of plugins moving
over and removed from that page, then the rest will just be for
historic reasons. [00:39]


Evolution: Taking care of those too stupid to take care of themselves.

Alec Thomas

Jan 31, 2008, 1:46:44 PM1/31/08
Also, I think that as osimons brought the idea up he should manage the
migration :P


Jan 31, 2008, 3:39:23 PM1/31/08
to Trac Development
On Jan 31, 2:46 pm, "Alec Thomas" <> wrote:
> Also, I think that as osimons brought the idea up he should manage the
> migration :P

<coderanger> I'll take care of it


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