Trac 0.11.5rc1 Released

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Jonas Borgström

Jun 30, 2009, 5:22:18 PM6/30/09
Trac 0.11.5rc1 (Release Candidate 1)

This is the first and hopefully final release candidate for the
upcoming 0.11.5 release. 0.11.5 (final) is scheduled for release on
July 7.

Trac 0.11.5rc1 contains a number of bug fixes and minor enhancements.
The following list contains only a few highlights:

* Implemented pre-upgrade backup support for PostgreSQL and MySQL.
* Fixed PostgreSQL upgrade issue (#8378)
* More robust diff parsing (#2672)
* Avoid intermittent hangs by not calling apr_terminate explicitly.

You can find a more detailed release note at:


Many thanks to the growing number of people who have, and continue to,
support the project. Also our thanks to all people providing feedback
and bug reports that helps us make Trac better, easier to use and more
Without your invaluable help, Trac would not evolve. Thank you all.

Finally, we offer hope that Trac will prove itself useful to like-
minded programmers around the world, and that this release will prove an
improvement over the last version.

Please let us know. :-)
/The Trac Team

Christian Boos

Jul 1, 2009, 5:52:10 AM7/1/09

Thanks for having completed the rc1 release!
Sorry I couldn't assist yesterday.

A minor suggestion: the final announcement could be made more "attractive":

Jonas Borgström wrote:
> Trac 0.11.5rc1 (Release Candidate 1)
> ====================================
> This is the first and hopefully final release candidate for the
> upcoming 0.11.5 release. 0.11.5 (final) is scheduled for release on
> July 7.
> Trac 0.11.5rc1 contains a number of bug fixes and minor enhancements.
> The following list contains only a few highlights:

Instead of:

> * Implemented pre-upgrade backup support for PostgreSQL and MySQL.
> * Implemented pre-upgrade backup support for PostgreSQL and MySQL.

> * More robust diff parsing (#2672)
> * Avoid intermittent hangs by not calling apr_terminate explicitly.


* Fixed serveral Subversion issues (one memory leak, svn 1.6 support)
* Added support for displaying Subversion merge tracking information
* Faster tracd by enabling keep-alive support using the --http11 option

* Implemented pre-upgrade backup support for PostgreSQL and MySQL.

* More robust diff parsing (#2672)

I think the first 3 items would give (rightfully) more incentive for an upgrade!

-- Christian

Jonas Borgström

Jul 10, 2009, 4:52:29 AM7/10/09
On 7/1/09 11:52 AM, Christian Boos wrote:
> Hello,
> Thanks for having completed the rc1 release!
> Sorry I couldn't assist yesterday.
> A minor suggestion: the final announcement could be made more "attractive":

Yes definitely, it could use some more work.

Anyway, I managed to forget about the July 7 release date earlier this
week. But since the release seems to be in pretty good shape how about
releasing 0.11.5 final tomorrow (Saturday, July 11)?

/ Jonas

Remy Blank

Jul 10, 2009, 2:52:03 PM7/10/09
Jonas Borgström wrote:
> Anyway, I managed to forget about the July 7 release date earlier this
> week. But since the release seems to be in pretty good shape how about
> releasing 0.11.5 final tomorrow (Saturday, July 11)?

There were two regressions and a "missing feature" in 0.11.5rc1:

- Removing a wiki page version triggered an internal error. Fixed in

- The fix for the workaround for zipped Genshi egg seemed not to work
as expected. Fixed in [8354].

- The display of merge properties (#7715) was not working for scoped
repositories. Fixed in [8351] and [8352].

Considering this, I would be more comfortable doing a 0.11.5rc2 before
the final release.

Also, we haven't heard back from our testers on #8412. I assume this
means they haven't found any other issues, but I'll quickly ask there
just in case.

-- Remy


Jonas Borgström

Jul 11, 2009, 2:18:40 PM7/11/09
On 7/10/09 8:52 PM, Remy Blank wrote:
> Considering this, I would be more comfortable doing a 0.11.5rc2 before
> the final release.

Agreed, when releasing a final version it's always nice to be able to
simply relabel the latest rc.
I'll put out rc2 tonight and then we'll be able to rebrand it as 0.11.5
final sometime next week.

/ Jonas

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