False warning about beeing on a tag on commit

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Sebastian Krysmanski

Apr 8, 2009, 2:33:15 PM4/8/09
to us...@tortoisesvn.tigris.org
Every time a do a commit for our project I see the following warning:

"Your working copy appears to be on a tag path! You should first switch to a branch or the main trunk before committing."

However, I'm not on a tag path. The path is simply "/trunk/development". How comes that TortoiseSVN thinks I'm on a tag path?


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Simon Large

Apr 8, 2009, 2:45:06 PM4/8/09
to us...@tortoisesvn.tigris.org
2009/4/8 Sebastian Krysmanski <info...@lordb.de>:

> Every time a do a commit for our project I see the following warning:
> "Your working copy appears to be on a tag path! You should first switch to a branch or the main trunk before committing."
> However, I'm not on a tag path. The path is simply "/trunk/development". How comes that TortoiseSVN thinks I'm on a tag path?

What is the working copy path?


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Stefan Küng

Apr 8, 2009, 2:54:26 PM4/8/09
to us...@tortoisesvn.tigris.org
Sebastian Krysmanski wrote:
> Every time a do a commit for our project I see the following warning:
> "Your working copy appears to be on a tag path! You should first switch to a branch or the main trunk before committing."
> However, I'm not on a tag path. The path is simply "/trunk/development". How comes that TortoiseSVN thinks I'm on a tag path?

This warning is only shown if the target url contains "/tags/".


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Mark Irving

Apr 8, 2009, 3:00:20 PM4/8/09
to us...@tortoisesvn.tigris.org
On Wednesday 08 April 2009, Sebastian Krysmanski wrote:

> Every time a do a commit for our project I see the following warning:
> "Your working copy appears to be on a tag path! You should
> first switch to a branch or the main trunk before committing."
> However, I'm not on a tag path. The path is simply
> "/trunk/development". How comes that TortoiseSVN thinks I'm on
> a tag path?

TortoiseSVN makes a case-insensitive test for the substring
"/tags/" anywhere in the URL you are committing. It can get
confused if, for example, the host name of the repository
included this text. I get your message when I use a test
repository accessed as file:///C:/.../tags/temp

I'm not sure whether including the URL of the repository, as well
as the path within it, in the check is correct behaviour or a


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