TortoiseSVN missing from context menu in Windows 7 "Libraries" folders

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Andreas Larsen

14. apr. 2010, 11.41.5714.04.2010
1. In Windows 7, open explorer window and navigate to "Computer".

2. Click to go to any library in the "Libraries" folder on the left
side, for instance the "Documents" library folder.

3. Right-click an empty area in the files list to open a context menu.
No TortoiseSVN options are available.

4. Try to expand the "Documents" folder to reveal "My Documents" and
"Public Documents", which are the two folders that constitute
"Documents" library in the typical case. The context menu for both
folders are also missing the TortoiseSVN options.

5. Now navigate the "My Documents" or "Public Documents" manually, such
as C:\Users\<My User>\Documents .
Right-click and now the TortoiseSVN options _are_ available.

This issue seems to affect all library folders when navigating through
the Libraries folder.
One can create new library folders, such as a "Repositories" folder with
links to several folders with repos, but this also have the same issue.

This behavior has been confirmed in Windows 7 x64 Professional RC and
Windows 7 x64 Home RTM versions.
It is not certain if this is a Windows 7 bug or a TortoiseSVN bug.

Best regards,
Andreas Larsen


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Bob Archer

14. apr. 2010, 12.14.3114.04.2010
> 1. In Windows 7, open explorer window and navigate to "Computer".
> 2. Click to go to any library in the "Libraries" folder on the left
> side, for instance the "Documents" library folder.
> 3. Right-click an empty area in the files list to open a context menu.
> No TortoiseSVN options are available.
> 4. Try to expand the "Documents" folder to reveal "My Documents" and
> "Public Documents", which are the two folders that constitute
> "Documents" library in the typical case. The context menu for both
> folders are also missing the TortoiseSVN options.
> 5. Now navigate the "My Documents" or "Public Documents" manually, such
> as C:\Users\<My User>\Documents .
> Right-click and now the TortoiseSVN options _are_ available.
> This issue seems to affect all library folders when navigating through
> the Libraries folder.
> One can create new library folders, such as a "Repositories" folder with
> links to several folders with repos, but this also have the same issue.
> This behavior has been confirmed in Windows 7 x64 Professional RC and
> Windows 7 x64 Home RTM versions.
> It is not certain if this is a Windows 7 bug or a TortoiseSVN bug.

I thought it was clearly stated that TSVN does not work in libraries because they are not actually folders. However, in an actual folder, even one within a library it will work.



Stefan Küng

14. apr. 2010, 13.07.3514.04.2010
On 14.04.2010 17:41, Andreas Larsen wrote:
> 1. In Windows 7, open explorer window and navigate to "Computer".
> 2. Click to go to any library in the "Libraries" folder on the left
> side, for instance the "Documents" library folder.
> 3. Right-click an empty area in the files list to open a context menu.
> No TortoiseSVN options are available.

Sure: the library folder doesn't really exist, so there's nothing for
TSVN to do with that.

> 4. Try to expand the "Documents" folder to reveal "My Documents" and
> "Public Documents", which are the two folders that constitute
> "Documents" library in the typical case. The context menu for both
> folders are also missing the TortoiseSVN options.

that's implemented on trunk and also in the next upcoming release (1.6.8).


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Andreas Larsen

14. apr. 2010, 16.32.1914.04.2010
Of course.
I'm ashamed I didn't realize that earlier. It's cool to hear the sub-library folders are working in 1.6.8, I tried looking for it in the change log but didn't see it.

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