Recursively commiting files placed in svn-externals projects

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Aug 4, 2008, 6:13:08 AM8/4/08

We use the svn-exertnals property quite a lot to include libraries and
frameworks into our seperate projects. This all works great. But I
think one think you be even easier. The problem is when you commit the
root folder of the project everything is commited except for files and
folders in the svn-external folders. You need to seperately do this
for each external project (in our case: the data project, framework
projects & javascript framework).

We use VisualSVN and come from the SourceSafe world where we were used
to edit the framework libaries in the current solution, instead of
constantly having opened 2 solutions, 1 for the framework and 1 for
the current application. I put this explanation here so you understand
WHY we work in the external projects from within the application repo
instead of the framework one, just simply because i only have to open
1 IDE (VS2008) to work in all code at the same time.

Thanks for any hints or this, or maybe I need to submit a feature


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Andy Levy

Aug 4, 2008, 7:02:50 AM8/4/08
On Mon, Aug 4, 2008 at 06:13, Gabriel <> wrote:
> Hi,
> We use the svn-exertnals property quite a lot to include libraries and
> frameworks into our seperate projects. This all works great. But I
> think one think you be even easier. The problem is when you commit the
> root folder of the project everything is commited except for files and
> folders in the svn-external folders. You need to seperately do this
> for each external project (in our case: the data project, framework
> projects & javascript framework).

Externals actually create a SECOND working copy inside the parent WC.
They have to be committed separately because if the external comes
from a different repository, it's impossible for the commit to be
processed as a single transaction.

Donald H Locker

Aug 4, 2008, 7:25:54 AM8/4/08
And, I would submit, committing externals from within a different working
copy would be the wrong thing to do.

An external project is a logically and physically separate entity from the
main project. If a developer makes changes in the external project while
working on the main project, those changes need to be vetted differently
than changes in the main project. By the same token, a developer working on
the external project is not working on the main project and needs to deal
with the external project differently.


Donald H Locker
PTM Electronics, Inc
734 426 9010

Fisher, John

Aug 4, 2008, 9:19:54 AM8/4/08
An "external" project is not always logically and physically separate
from the main project. Where I work, there are several "external"
references which are used by different applications. All of these
applications are released together as a group from a higher-level
folder, but they are not all part of the same lower-level project tree.
Since some of the dlls are shared, we use the "external" references.
Quite possibly, a better arrangement of the subversion folders would
change this. But, the system works, and reorganizing the projects and
folders would be quite a bit of work.

Maybe we could add a new property to parent folders, specifying
automatic inclusion of specific external references. That way people
could actually get the requested behavior, but the default would be to
remain as it is.

(Y'know, I thought that our project layout actually did auto-include our
"external" references. Does this behavior change when the referenced
projects are contained in the svn server?)



Aug 5, 2008, 10:53:29 AM8/5/08
Thanks for all the input.

I hope it will be possible to include a feature as John suggested.
Whereby you can explicitly add a property to cause this new(/wrong)
behaviour. Just as in John's case this works great for us too.

Can I submit such a feature request?


On 4 aug, 15:19, "Fisher, John" <>

> > On Mon, Aug 4, 2008 at 06:13, Gabriel <> wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >> We use the svn-exertnals property quite a lot to include libraries
> and
> >> frameworks into our seperate projects. This all works great. But I
> >> think one think you be even easier. The problem is when you commit
> the
> >> root folder of the project everything is commited except for files
> and
> >> folders in the svn-external folders. You need to seperately do this
> >> for each external project (in our case: the data project, framework
> >> projects & javascript framework).
> > Externals actually create a SECOND working copy inside the parent WC.
> > They have to be committed separately because if the external comes
> > from a different repository, it's impossible for the commit to be
> > processed as a single transaction.
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------------

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> --
> Donald H Locker
> PTM Electronics, Inc
> 734 426 9010
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------

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Dave Lawrence

Aug 5, 2008, 11:20:13 AM8/5/08
Gabriel wrote:
> Thanks for all the input.
> I hope it will be possible to include a feature as John suggested.
> Whereby you can explicitly add a property to cause this new(/wrong)
> behaviour. Just as in John's case this works great for us too.
> Can I submit such a feature request?
Am I missing something? The feature to commit to a project and its
externals in a single revision already exists, I use it all the time.

AFAIK the only requirement is that the externals are in the same repo as
the "parent" project. And FWIW I agree with that restriction, I don't
think pressing OK should fire off commits to multiple repos, what if
some succeed and some fail for example?

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