Inline Editing of tables

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Dec 26, 2007, 5:30:11 PM12/26/07
to TiddlyWiki
Greetings ladies and gentlemen.

I'm looking for a plugin which allows to edit the content of a table
cell in a tiddlywiki simply by clicking it with your mouse cursor.
Especially in big tables, it would be much more convenient to edit
content that way. As far as I can remember I once stumbled upon a
tiddylwiki with exact that feature, yet I can't find it any more.

Any idea how to accomplish this?




Dec 26, 2007, 5:44:42 PM12/26/07
to TiddlyWiki
Hi Pepebe,

SliceGridPlugin of TiddlyTools allows you to edit table cells

MathCell of Bradley Meck also has spreadsheet functionality, but
hasn't been maintained for a long time. So that might not be
compatible with TW 2.3.0 anymore:


Eric Shulman

Dec 26, 2007, 5:55:37 PM12/26/07
to TiddlyWiki
> I'm looking for a plugin which allows to edit the content of a table
> cell in a tiddlywiki simply by clicking it with your mouse cursor.
> Especially in big tables, it would be much more convenient to edit
> content that way. As far as I can remember I once stumbled upon a
> tiddylwiki with exact that feature, yet I can't find it any more.

*generates* a grid (table) that displays tiddler slice values and
includes an "edit-in-place" feature: click a value in a grid cell and
it changes to an edit field. Type your input. Press enter (or click
away). The value you input is then written back to the corresponding
tiddler slice.

Note that, currently, this feature only works within SliceGridPlugin's
generated tables. However, I am working on a re-factoring my edit-in-
place code into a separate "EditableTablePlugin" so that it CAN be
used with ANY table.

I let you know when it's available.

Eric Shulman
TiddlyTools / ELS Design Studios


Dec 26, 2007, 5:59:56 PM12/26/07
to TiddlyWiki
Great, that was the very page I have been looking for.

14 Minutes for something that took me days. I love this board!!!

Marry Christmas and a happy new year Wolfgang!



Nicolas Syssoieff

Dec 30, 2007, 5:35:32 AM12/30/07
Wow, if you could really make this work in ANY table, that would be absolutely wonderful !
Today, having to create a big number of useless tiddlers somewhere, with multiple slices, only to render it edit-in-place-able via SliceGridPlugin is quite cumbersome when your table's size is, say, 25*300.
And editing the tiddler is very difficult if you have small cells, for exemple :

|Pears|Apples|....(so on for 25 fruits)
|4|4|7|2|8|... (so on for 25 values)

and it is the 19th in the row you want to edit... at the end of the day, my eyes cry for mercy ;D

Great job indeed anyway !


Jan 4, 2008, 5:26:14 AM1/4/08
to TiddlyWiki
@Eric: Came back here today a noticed your post. Thanks! Well, an
"EditableTablePlugin" would be wonderful, really. Since I'm working a
lot with "SortableGrid" I hope it would be compatible though. Do you
think there would be any issues?

Greetings, pepebe

Nicolas Syssoieff

Jan 15, 2008, 2:41:04 PM1/15/08
Good evening Eric,

I was just wondering if you had any idea of how soon in the future you planned on working on/releasing the EditableTablePlugin (see bottom of your post below)
Please, do note take this as a personal request for more work from you on TW, as I can already hardly believe how much you contribute to it already... ;)

In fact, I was just wondering if this was a distant idea in your mind or something you were already working on today, to know if it was worth waiting (even a couple more months or 6 months, I don't care) before starting a new task on my side that is going to involve a very large (>100) number of tables. This task is not urgent (well, it has to be finished some day, in like 9 months), but it might spare me so much time once this miraculous plugin would be released that I could wait a long time before starting the task, if only I knew you were to publish it in a "not-further-than-6-months" delay.

Thanks again for your great work anyway


On Dec 26, 2007 11:55 PM, Eric Shulman <> wrote:

Eric Shulman

Jun 25, 2012, 1:22:23 PM6/25/12
to TiddlyWiki

On Jun 25, 8:23 am, anthony <> wrote:
> Just tried your I missing something? I loaded the plugin and
> tried your example both on my tiddly and yours and neither were
> editable...maybe I am just missing something though.

The plugin works in IE, but not in FF or other browsers.

The reason is because IE uses a different method of processing
events. In IE, all events are processed by first setting a global
variable "event" and then invoking the appropriate onclick handler to
process the event. However, in other browsers, the event is *passed*
to the handler as a parameter.

The plugin problem arises due to this line of code:

cell.onclick = function(){editInPlace(this,event);};

In order to make this cross-browser compatible, it should be re-
written as:

cell.onclick = function(ev){editInPlace(this,ev|event);};

This allows non-IE browsers to properly use the passed in event as a
variable named 'ev', while IE continues to fallback to using the
global 'event' variable.

Eric Shulman
TiddlyTools / ELS Design Studios

Professional TiddlyWiki Consulting Services...
Analysis, Design, and Custom Solutions:


Jun 25, 2012, 1:44:08 PM6/25/12
This really helped out ...some... I can now get it to work via IE but even with the code change ff doesn't like it. Also I can not get the edits to STAY...i can click on the cell and change the data but then how do I save the edit? it does not actually change the data to the new inputted data.


r1c2 if I click on it it gives me the cell area to change the data, then it says to press enter or click...I do both but no change. what am I missing?


Jun 25, 2012, 1:54:22 PM6/25/12
btw thank you very much for the quick reply and just all around great work on this.

On Monday, June 25, 2012 12:22:23 PM UTC-5, Eric Shulman wrote:


Jun 25, 2012, 1:55:56 PM6/25/12

I fixed the issue with IE, it was a version issue. I was using IE8 (preferred over here) but upgraded to 9 and it is working PERFECTLY. this plugin is going to make our tiddlywiki amazing in terms of what we were trying to do.

So in short I think IE8 may not work properly with this plugin.

On Monday, June 25, 2012 12:22:23 PM UTC-5, Eric Shulman wrote:


Jun 25, 2012, 2:05:25 PM6/25/12
Last question...sorry for so much spam...

I am using this wiki as a webbased system, when I edit the table I would like for it to upload to the web versus to a local there anyway for that to be done?

Vincent Yeh

Jun 25, 2012, 9:09:22 PM6/25/12

Anthony, thank you for trying the plugin and giving feedbacks. And for your last question on uploading, I have no idea how to do that currently (I have experiences in programming but not much in javascript and the web things.) It will take me sometime to figure out. If someone has answers and would like to contribute, it will be highly appreciated.

Eric, thank you for pointing out the key point which I never knew myself.

I have been using Google Chrome for the development of this plugin (inspired by and modified from TableSortingPlugin v2.0.2 by Saq Imtiaz and GridPlugin v2.0.7 by Eric Shulman. Many thanks to them.) It seems to work just fine for me and I turned out to forget about other browsers. Next time I will try them out myself but as mentioned above most likely I do not have the knowledge to fix the cross-browser things. I shall be relying on more experienced people to do that.



Jun 28, 2012, 10:08:38 AM6/28/12
That does make sense, and I really really appreciate the time effort and replys you have provided!

Maybe I can provide SOME insight into what I am trying to accomplish and help this along the way. I am using a second plugin called "upload plugin" ( There is a "macro" that is for "save to web" that would (i think) need to be pointed to for the enter function you created. So instead of it trying to "save" it will just punch save to web instead? I don't know...

Thank you very very much!

Vincent Yeh

Jun 29, 2012, 12:58:15 PM6/29/12
Dear Anthony,

Thanks for pointing out one possibility. I just had a quick look at that plugin but hadn't got the point yet. I will need some more time on this. Thanks again for the direction.


anthony 於 2012年6月28日星期四寫道:
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Wang-Chi Vincent Yeh, Assistant Professor
Department of Physics, National Dong Hwa University
Tel: 8633719 (O)    8633723 (Lab)


Jun 29, 2012, 6:12:53 PM6/29/12
Oh you are wonderful! Let me know if I can be of any help!

anthony 於 2012年6月28日星期四寫道:
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Vincent Yeh

Jun 30, 2012, 9:46:21 PM6/30/12
On my computer the only browser that works just as expected is Google Chrome and no one else.
  • FF doesn't respond to mouse clicking so no way to start editing.
  • IE9 doesn't respond correctly to <Enter> and <Cancel> so the edit box won't go away. Looks like it has problems saving the file.
  • TWEdit on the iPad gives me the rendered HTML codes instead of wikitext. For example, the TableEdit plugin receives <span style="color:red;">text in red</span> instead of the expected @@color:red;text in red@@.
Hmmmmmmmmm, I have no idea about these at all! I shall need a lot of time to fix them. If some has any idea to fix one of those, please help to speed up!. Thanks a lot!


Vincent Yeh

Jul 1, 2012, 3:59:13 AM7/1/12

Fixed the FF and IE9 issues mentioned below. Hopefully it should be working fine in Chrome, FireFox and IE9 on desktops.

Problems with TWEdit on the iPad still remain...


Vincent Yeh

Jul 1, 2012, 10:29:58 AM7/1/12

did you try this one <>? it seems to be the one you need?


Vincent Yeh

Jul 4, 2012, 8:47:42 PM7/4/12

I might have figured a way to support the UploadPlugin you mentioned, but I have no way test it because I am not using any web based tiddlywiki. Can you test it for me? It is in the same place in my tiddlyspace


Vincent Yeh

Jul 5, 2012, 4:31:15 AM7/5/12
Release of TableEdit to 1.1.0

Added a couple of new features and fixed some bugs.

Major changes:
  • Enable/disable edit mode.
    • A small button labeled "E" is attached to the top-right corner of the table (with class "editable", still).
    • Click that "E" button to enable/disable edit mode for that table.
  • Allow insertion and deletion of rows and columns anywhere in the table.
    • Some buttons (ugly, I know) at the right side and bottom of the table.
Please give it a try. Comments/suggestions are welcome!


Craig in Calgary

Jul 5, 2012, 10:10:03 AM7/5/12
Where is the <<sum...>> definition used in your example tiddler?

Vincent Yeh

Jul 5, 2012, 11:46:24 AM7/5/12

Do you mean my TableEdit--Example tiddler? I though I made it private! Well, I just removed the <<sum...>> macro and made it public, you can try it again.

The <<sum...>> macro is defined in another TableCalculator plugin which is under development and not yet released.


2012/7/5 Craig in Calgary <>
Where is the <<sum...>> definition used in your example tiddler?

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David Szego

Jul 6, 2012, 9:59:34 AM7/6/12
Fantastic work - this is really useful to me, thank you.

I've noticed it doesn't work with the SortableGridPlugin from

If I do:

|!Heading 1|!Heading 2|!Heading 3|h

...where the |h invokes the sorting plugin, I simply get no edit button. If I omit the h, all is good.

Happy to help you debug if you'd like. Great work, again.

David Szego

On Sunday, 24 June 2012 13:28:04 UTC-4, Vincent Yeh wrote:
Dear All,

It seems quit a while already but if any one is still interested, I have just released a TableEdit plugin that might do the job. You can visit my TiddlySpace at, find the TableEdit tiddler in the Public section. Comments and suggestions are welcome.



Vincent Yeh

Jul 6, 2012, 10:31:45 AM7/6/12

Thank you for the feedback. I guess I need to look into the details of SortableGridPlugin to fix the problem. I may need some time on that and certainly I would be very happy if you'd help on debugging. Thanks again for the info.


2012/7/6 David Szego <>

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Jul 6, 2012, 10:39:29 AM7/6/12
Yes I have that tiddler set up and running. it works great but just not with the editing of the inline boxes. so when I hit "enter" it says I can not save it...I want that to push to "uploadtiddler" that possible?

Vincent Yeh

Jul 6, 2012, 10:46:46 AM7/6/12

I guess I'll need to try it real to know what's going on. Which web based service are you using? Or which one you suggest me to try? I have never used one before so have no idea about it.


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Jul 6, 2012, 10:57:09 AM7/6/12
the newest version you have created is working PERFECTLYYYYYYYY I AM DANCING OVER HERE!!!!! thing my boss would also want and again I am severely at your debt is "calculations" we have a "days in" cell that basically tells us how many days a computer has been in house, =today()-B3 is the formula. b3 is the cell we put in the date as. IS there any way for us to integrate that? I know there is a plugin out there that does do simple calculations...

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Vincent Yeh

Jul 6, 2012, 11:05:56 AM7/6/12

There is a way to make both TableEdit and SortableGridPlugin work together: add both classes to the table - |editable sortable|k.

However, the SortableGridPlugin is sorting every thing, so when I pressed the header (to invoke the sorting function) with editing features enabled, everything got messed up! Worse yet, the Edit button got removed when I disabled the editing features. This seems not an easy problem to fix...

They work well if not invoked at the same time, though.


2012/7/6 David Szego <>
Fantastic work - this is really useful to me, thank you.
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Vincent Yeh

Jul 6, 2012, 11:15:29 AM7/6/12

I am very happy to know it works!

For the calculation things, I am also working on a TableCalculator plugin but its not ready to release and I have no clear date for that yet.

The TableCalculator plugin is modified from v 0.6.2 by Eric Shulman. Maybe you can try that one?


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Jul 6, 2012, 11:50:38 AM7/6/12
you are an amazing person all around I will try that plugin to see what happens. In the mean time...what do you do for a living? or what is your profession...just curious really more than anything :).

Thanks again and keep me posted on your calculator!!!!

Also if you ever need a tester I am here!

Vincent Yeh

Jul 6, 2012, 11:51:23 AM7/6/12
My mistakes. I was testing on TableSortingPlugin (| by Saq Imtiaz) instead of SortableGridPlugin. Either way there are some works to do.


2012/7/6 David Szego <>
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Jul 6, 2012, 2:30:28 PM7/6/12
That plugin was more for adding up time and what not. I am trying to do this: Customer brings in system on 7/6/2012 and now it is 7/12/2012...I want the cell to show 6 days. Is that possible or is that to many calculations for tiddly wiki type plugins?

Vincent Yeh

Jul 9, 2012, 11:42:42 PM7/9/12

I found a way to make them work together. You can download the newest version and give it a try. The reason and workaround are explained in the revisions section.

However, I also found a deeper issue between the sorting plugins and the TableEdit plugin: They are not consistent!
The sorting plugins (SortableGridPlugin and TableSortingPlugin) work on a rendered DOM table, while thisTableEdit plugin works on its underlying wikitext. THERE WILL BE INCONSISTENCY AFTER SORTING! And I don't know how to fix that yet...



Jul 10, 2012, 5:59:54 AM7/10/12
to TiddlyWiki
Hi, Vincent,

This is a kickass plugin that I'm looking forward to using.:D I was
wondering one thing, though, does it set some sort of flag or
something when in table edit mode? For example, I use a CSS class
(servedtable) to hide the first column. Now, I can assign both classes
(servedtable and editable) to the table, but I'd like to disable the
servedtable class when in table edit mode. I played around with the
code a little and found where I can insert a line to disable the
servedtable class, but the problem is, it doesn't reenable it after I
exit the table edit mode and I'm not sure where to insert a line that
would do that.

And ideas how to go about this?


On Jul 5, 5:46 pm, Vincent Yeh <> wrote:
> Craig,
> Do you mean my TableEdit--Example tiddler? I though I made it private!
> Well, I just removed the <<sum...>> macro and made it public, you can try
> it again.
> The <<sum...>> macro is defined in another TableCalculator plugin which is
> under development and not yet released.
> Vincent
> 2012/7/5 Craig in Calgary <>

Vincent Yeh

Jul 10, 2012, 6:54:16 AM7/10/12

You can try to put that line of code in remove_edit_buttons(), which is the function to disable the editing features. I planned to rename it to stop_editing() or something like that in the next major release.

The function to enable editing features is currently prepare_edit_buttons(), which shall be renamed as well to start_editing() or something similar.



whatever 於 2012年7月10日星期二寫道:


Jul 10, 2012, 8:12:24 AM7/10/12
to TiddlyWiki
Yes, I know which functions :), and I got it to disable my style, but
I couldn't get it to reenable it. I will take another look though.
Also, since you made the plugin work with the table sorting plugins,
could you maybe import both plugins to your space and set up an
example for each? Like TableEdit--Example, which is nicely showcasing
the functionalities.

Vincent Yeh

Jul 10, 2012, 9:49:38 AM7/10/12

I see, you are missing the table element to restore your servedtable class. You need to go toggleEditMode() function, look for the following piece of codes:

If ( tid ) {
    var tables = getElementsByTagName("TABLE");
    if ( tables )
        remove_edit_buttons ( tables[Story.prototype.tEditing_ndx] );

Then add your line to the if ( tables ) block as follows:

If ( tid ) {
    var tables = getElementsByTagName("TABLE");
    if ( tables ) {
        remove_edit_buttons ( tables[Story.prototype.tEditing_ndx] );
        addClass ( tables[Story.prototype.tEditing_ndx], 'servedtable' );

I hope this solves your problem :-)


whatever 於 2012年7月10日星期二寫道:

Vincent Yeh

Jul 10, 2012, 11:01:43 AM7/10/12
Typo in my last post. The piece of codes you are looking for, W, is

var tid = story.getTiddler( Story.prototype.tEditing_title );
if ( tid ) {
var tables = tid.getElementsByTagName("TABLE");
if ( tables ) {
addClass ( tables[Story.prototype.tEditing_ndx], 'servedtable' );

The red text above is probably what you are adding in.


> > > > For more options, visit this group at
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> > > Wang-Chi Vincent Yeh, Assistant Professor
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Jul 10, 2012, 12:12:19 PM7/10/12
to TiddlyWiki
Hi, Vincent!
I did some testing. the addClass/removeClass didn't quite work, so I
used the setStylesheet:

To reapply the formatting:
if ( Story.prototype.tEditing_title == tiddler.title &&
Story.prototype.tEditing_ndx == tIndex ) {
Story.prototype.tEditing_title = null;
Story.prototype.tEditing_ndx = null;
remove_edit_buttons ( table );
setStylesheet(".servedtable td:first-child {display: none;}",

And to hide it:
// enable this table for editing
Story.prototype.tEditing_title = tiddler.title;
Story.prototype.tEditing_ndx = tIndex;
setStylesheet(".servedtable td:first-child {display: table-cell;}",
prepare_edit_buttons ( table );

The strange thing is, that it works in Waterfox/Firefox, but not in
Internet Explorer. I'll try other browsers when I get home.

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> >> > > > Wang-Chi Vincent Yeh, Assistant Professor
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Jul 10, 2012, 12:14:32 PM7/10/12
to TiddlyWiki
To clarify, in IE, the servedtable was disabled correctly, but it
wasn't reapplied afterwards.



Jul 11, 2012, 3:06:00 PM7/11/12
to TiddlyWiki
Ok, I also checked on Opera, Safari and Chrome and they display/hide
normally, only Internet Explorer doesn't hide again.
I then realized that Internet Explorer has an issue with:
setStylesheet(".YourClass {display: none;}", "YourClass");
The "display" works in Internet Explorer with "inherit", "block",
"inline", "table-cell" and others, but it seems to break on "none". I
have this same problem with a plugin I'm working on. It hides in other
browsers, but breaks in Internet Explorer, so I'm guessing it's a
TiddlyWiki internal problem, since setStylesheet is a TW function. I
checked Eric's ToggleTiddlerTags (1), which also uses this function
and it also breaks in IE. I use TW 2.6.5 in Windows 7. I'll repost as
a separate post.





Jul 12, 2012, 11:39:55 AM7/12/12
Hey Vincent, I know you are being awesome and helping out this other guy. And I know I have asked a lot from you...but did you happen to find anyway of being able to take one table with date and time and have another table show how many days that is? So like if a customer brought in a computer on the 10th and today is the 12th, is there anyway for there to be a calcuation within the "excel" like spreadsheet that would show 2 days?

Thanks again, this is no longer a mission critical issue though so if there is no fix that is fine and I would love to help test anything new yall are developing.

Vincent Yeh

Jul 12, 2012, 12:12:30 PM7/12/12

The TableEdit plugin now works with SortableGridPlugin and TableSortingPlguin. It reorders the underlying wikitext in accordance with the sorted result, there is no inconsistency any more. You can download the latest version and see.

For download: Go to, find the TableEdit tiddler in the public section.
For those who are not familiar with the two sorting plugins, there are two example tiddlers in my tiddlyspace for reference.


Vincent Yeh

Jul 12, 2012, 12:34:49 PM7/12/12

Do you mean to take info from one table to do calculations and show the results in another? No, such cross table calculations are not planned in my TableCalculator plugin. It will only do calculations on information within the same table, at least for the first few releases.

It will support time and date calculations for sure, things like what you mentioned should be possible. I will let you know when something is ready for testing. Thanks for your offer.



Jul 12, 2012, 1:22:04 PM7/12/12
to TiddlyWiki
Hi, Vincent and Anthony,
Speaking of using results from one table in another, perhaps
FatSlicePlugin (1) can help you there. Just copy the content of
the .js file into a tiddler and tag the tiddler systemConfig.


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> >>>> > > > --
> >>>> > > > Wang-Chi Vincent Yeh, Assistant Professor
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Vincent Yeh

Jul 12, 2012, 9:31:24 PM7/12/12

That could be useful to the future releases of TableCalculator plugin. Thanks for the info.

> >>>> > > > > For more options, visit this group at
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> >>>> > > > --
> >>>> > > > Wang-Chi Vincent Yeh, Assistant Professor
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Jul 13, 2012, 10:33:58 AM7/13/12
Well that would be great too! I am all for changing up the implementation. Essentially what we are trying to accomplish is if a customer brought in a system 3 days ago and is still in intake and has not been diagnosed we want to be able to see that with ease. Instead of trying to go okay today is the 15th and they dropped it off on the many days? We can just see 3 days or what have you. I would not mind that being in the same cell just I don't know how that would implement very well. I guess do you have an example I could toy with?

You guys are awesome btw.
Message has been deleted


Jul 13, 2012, 11:16:27 AM7/13/12
to TiddlyWiki

I don't know how much it will help you, but I use the FatSlicePlugin
in my CrewListPlugin (1) as a dependency.


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> >>>>> > > > --
> >>>>> > > > Wang-Chi Vincent Yeh, Assistant Professor
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Vincent Yeh

Jul 13, 2012, 2:19:58 PM7/13/12

is it because of the TableEdit?


2012/7/14 anthony kennedy <>
Vincent...not sure if you can help me but I was just using my wiki and now it is blank! The data is still in the file but it just loads BLANK! ahhhhh im freaking out...I did not have a recent back up! that is my fault I know...
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Vincent Yeh

Jul 14, 2012, 1:35:11 AM7/14/12

To cheer you up a little, I have the very first version of TableCalculator ready for testing. It should be able to do what you want, just read the Example in the plugin description to see how. Let me know if it works for you.


On Saturday, July 14, 2012 1:05:58 AM UTC+8, anthony kennedy wrote:
Vincent...not sure if you can help me but I was just using my wiki and now it is blank! The data is still in the file but it just loads BLANK! ahhhhh im freaking out...I did not have a recent back up! that is my fault I know...


Jul 14, 2012, 11:18:09 AM7/14/12
Because you are the man that is why!

Well I got my wiki back from a back up of like 6 days before...I have no idea what happened though to my original. I was updating some basic stuff (not plugins or even part of a plugin) and I saved it (uploaded)...refreshed and bam would show the "title" on the page tab but nothing on the page just white.

I have never had that happen...I even updated that same information later and nothing changed...(with the recovered version).

I am not sure exactly what caused the blankout. Is there a way to determine that? Maybe some one out there can shed some light on it.


Jul 14, 2012, 11:20:14 AM7/14/12
Is it at your tiddly site? I will look it up in here I know it is here in this page somehwere :).
Message has been deleted


Jul 14, 2012, 12:05:12 PM7/14/12

To cheer you up a little, I have the very first version of TableCalculator ready for testing..  

Wow, what a excellent combination of plugins! Great work, thanks for sharing.

For spreadsheet like abilities in TW I turned to Google spreadsheet in iframes. With your contributions there's hope these external services aren't needed soon.

However, usually my sheets are bigger than any screen, and therefore, does anyone know if 1-2 rows at the top, or to the left could fixated in their position so that they don't scroll out of view? Maybe just some CSS to accomplish this?

Or how about being able to temporarily hide some rows or columns?

Anyone in the known of a short introduction to Javascript syntax for calculations, so one ignorant would be enabled to use most common functions i spreadsheets?


Vincent Yeh

Jul 15, 2012, 3:33:42 AM7/15/12

TableCalculator 0.2.1 is seeking beta-testers. Interested persons please go to my tiddlyspace, find the TableCalculator tidder in the public section and give it a try. Comments/suggestions/bug-reports are welcome. Thanks in advance.

Message has been deleted


Jul 15, 2012, 6:09:41 AM7/15/12
All the new defined functions work well after a experimenting a bit with your TableCalculator-Example tiddler.

Maybe it would be more useful if the onhover popup in 'noedit' mode would show the actual calculation in a cell, instead of cell numbering?

Though actually concerning TableEdit plugin: the disruptive adjustment of cell sizes to the enlarged edit field in a cell could be remedied by using a popup instead. Similiar to SectionEditPlugin by Eric, or optionally allow this plugin to take over the cell edit field. With the additional benefit of being able to use the quick formatting abilities of QuickEditPlugin for cell background color, etc.


Vincent Yeh

Jul 15, 2012, 7:42:15 PM7/15/12

Thanks for the comments and suggestions. I will spend some time on the plugins you mentioned and see how it goes. Thanks again.


Jul 16, 2012, 2:28:06 AM7/16/12
Hi Vincent,

Already your module is a very promising feature!

If I insert a row before the fourth row, the example under get a syntax error : b4+3 should now be b5+3

Is there a way to increment automatically rows and columns?


Vincent Yeh

Jul 16, 2012, 3:35:54 AM7/16/12

Thank you very much for the suggestion. I agree It is a must and I have put in the ToDo list: relative cell reference. If the TableCalculator keeps relative reference internally, such an issue would be gone automatically.



Vincent Yeh

Jul 16, 2012, 3:56:20 AM7/16/12
On a second thought...I don't know where to keep the info... Maybe I should just change it upon insertion/deletion...



Jul 16, 2012, 1:39:20 PM7/16/12

.. the disruptive adjustment of cell sizes to the enlarged edit field in a cell could be remedied by using a popup instead. Similiar to SectionEditPlugin by Eric, or optionally allow this plugin to take over the cell edit field. With the additional benefit of being able to use the quick formatting abilities of QuickEditPlugin for cell background color, etc.
On a second thought here too, maybe it would better if the 'in cell' editing ability would be kept? - After all, the jumping size adjustments is only that disruptive with larger sheets I usually use, but now with smaller ones - and a combination with SectionEditPlugin made optional only?

Vincent Yeh

Jul 18, 2012, 5:32:37 AM7/18/12
New versions of TableCalculator v0.5.1 and TableEditor 1.1.5.

The TableCalculator v0.5.1 is available at
New features include,
  • Auto adjustment of cell references upon row/column insertion/deletion.
    • This feature is NOT compatible with the old versions of TableEdit plugin. Please upgrade to the latest version (renamed to TableEditor).
    • Auto-adjustment on copy-pasting is not supported.
  • Several functions defined (see the description area in the plugin).
  • Support for user defined functions written in Javascript. Interested people please see the example tiddler
The plugin TableEdit is now renamed to TableEditor, to comply with TableCalculator, and restructured to better work with TableCalculator for auto-adjustment of cell references. No new features were added. It is available at

Please try and send me comments/suggestions/bug-reports. Thanks.



Jul 18, 2012, 1:59:49 PM7/18/12
to TiddlyWiki
Awesome! Only, now I can't simply hijack a function to add the extra
lines for CSS. Though it works if I add the lines to the plugin.
As for sorting, I tested in IE. Only sorting ascending worked. You
might want to change your examples, so that they're not already sorted
by default, because it looks like it's not working.:D

Also, what's with TableEditor--Example? Does it not work properly?
Only sorting by date worked, everything else threw me to the top of
the page.


On Jul 18, 11:32 am, Vincent Yeh <> wrote:
> New versions of TableCalculator v0.5.1 and TableEditor 1.1.5.
> The TableCalculator v0.5.1 is available at
> New features include,
>    - Auto adjustment of cell references upon row/column insertion/deletion.
>       - *This feature is NOT compatible with the old versions of TableEdit
>       plugin. Please upgrade to the latest version (renamed to TableEditor).
>       *
>       - Auto-adjustment on copy-pasting is not supported.
>    - Several functions defined (see the description area in the plugin).
>    - Support for user defined functions written in Javascript. Interested
>    people please see the example tiddler
>    )
> The plugin TableEdit is now renamed to TableEditor, to comply with
> TableCalculator, and restructured to better work with TableCalculator for
> auto-adjustment of cell references. No new features were added. It is
> available at

Vincent Yeh

Jul 18, 2012, 8:30:32 PM7/18/12

The function names and their codes are still the same, just packed into a macro. To hijack a function you can use


instead of simply function_to_hijack.

And thank you for pointing out the issue with sorting. I will look into it when I have time.



Jul 19, 2012, 3:45:16 PM7/19/12
to TiddlyWiki

I tried:
config.macros.TableEditor.toggleEditMode( btn ) { ...


config.macros.TableEditor.toggleEditMode : function ( btn ) { ...

Neither worked.

I also tried without the "config.macros.TableEditor." part.
It either expects an identifier or a semi-colon. jslint breaks on the
first line.


Eric Shulman

Jul 19, 2012, 3:59:06 PM7/19/12
to TiddlyWiki
> config.macros.TableEditor.toggleEditMode : function ( btn ) { ...

The ":" syntax is used in the wider context of defining the methods of
an object:
config.macros.TableEditor = {
toggleEditMode: function(btn) {
However, when hijacking the macro objects method, you need to override
just the one function declaration, separate from the rest of the
object that is defined by TableEditorPlugin

Something like this:
config.macros.TableEditor.toggleEditMode = function(btn) {

Eric Shulman
TiddlyTools / ELS Design Studios


Professional TiddlyWiki Consulting Services...
Analysis, Design, and Custom Solutions:

Vincent Yeh

Jul 19, 2012, 9:00:26 PM7/19/12
The abnormal sorting behavior (only ascending or sometimes not responding or not fully sorted) is still a puzzle to me. I found that if I do not call the store.SaveTiddler() and saveCahnges() functions to save changes, the sorting behavior comes back normal. But then how do I save changes just made...

As for the misbehavior of TableEditor--Example, probably has to do with the cell spanning? The examples provided by the sorting plugin seem to work well and they do not contain spanned cells...

And I found another issue that I have to fix: readjust cell references upon sorting. I will work on this first.



Jul 20, 2012, 1:35:26 AM7/20/12
to TiddlyWiki

Thanks, Eric, I knew I was missing something obvious.:)



Jul 20, 2012, 12:17:52 PM7/20/12
Hey vincent, I was never able to find your new plugin (likely my fault) Also I have a question about the "upload plugin" when I put my password in and check the box to save the info in cache it never does save you know why that mnight be?

Thanks again Vincent!!!!!


Jul 23, 2012, 7:54:48 AM7/23/12

Just though that the 'E' button for switching into edit mode in tables, should disappear when a document is in read-only mode. Even better would be the additional option to use TableEditor with every table in a document - without having to editable class (would be handy in old TWs and many already existing tables).


Jul 23, 2012, 10:11:03 AM7/23/12
Okay, for some reason now that we are in the swing of things we keep getting a blank TW when doing a lot of editing within a table. Is there anyway to edit the table without it uploading each time? Like edit a bunch of cells and then click up load? I am not sure what is killing the wiki but I know that I can recreate the issue when I upload a tiddler and then refresh as its uploading. My person doing the editing SWEARS they are not doing this so I can not exactly figure out what they are doing to kill it but I believe they are just lying and this is the reason it is happening.

Anthony Kennedy

On Thursday, July 19, 2012 8:00:26 PM UTC-5, Vincent Yeh wrote:

Vincent Yeh

Jul 24, 2012, 8:39:34 AM7/24/12
Wolfgang, thanks for the suggestions.
Anthony, yes that can be done I'm sure.

But currently I am with another project and have no time on this. I will find time to work on it as soon as I am done. Please wait a little.


Vincent Yeh

Jul 24, 2012, 8:39:40 AM7/24/12

Vincent Yeh

Jul 24, 2012, 8:39:51 AM7/24/12


Jul 25, 2012, 1:41:09 PM7/25/12
No worries! THanks for the reply...I will wait very patiently :)!

Vincent Yeh

Jul 31, 2012, 3:02:36 AM7/31/12

  • The cell references are auto-adjusted upon sorting.
  • Cell title shows the cell reference and expression for calculation.
  • The 'E' button is now gone in read-only documents.
  • An option <chkTEditorAllTableEditable> for editing all tables in a tiddler, regardless of their class names.
  • An option <chkTEditorManualUpload> for manual upload to server.
    • A 'U' button will show up for manual upload.
      • Don't forget to press the 'U' button to upload when you are done editing, because this plugin does not (actually I don't know how to) remind you on that.
Comments/suggestions/bug-reports are all welcome. :-)



Aug 3, 2012, 6:20:30 PM8/3/12
perfection! You are the man!

Vincent Yeh

Aug 4, 2012, 10:52:49 PM8/4/12
The TableEditor DOES NOT work with either SortableGridPlugin or TableSrotingPlugin. I thought it worked. My mistakes. (Sorry, David.)

Both sorting plugins work well on their own but only ascending with TableEditor. The reason is that they store needed information in a SPAN element they created, but this element gets recreated(?) and their needed information flushed out when a tiddler gets refreshed. The TableEditor calls store.saveTiddler() to save wikitext each time a table gets sorted (so the underlying wikitext would be consistent with the rendered HTML), in which the tiddler gets refreshed and, in turn, the sorting information gets flushed out every time sorted -- no chance to go descending.

I don't have an easy way to fix it yet. If some one has suggestions/ideas, please let me know.


On Friday, July 13, 2012 12:12:30 AM UTC+8, Vincent Yeh wrote:

The TableEdit plugin now works with SortableGridPlugin and TableSortingPlguin. It reorders the underlying wikitext in accordance with the sorted result, there is no inconsistency any more. You can download the latest version and see.

For download: Go to, find the TableEdit tiddler in the public section.
For those who are not familiar with the two sorting plugins, there are two example tiddlers in my tiddlyspace for reference.


On Tuesday, July 10, 2012 11:42:42 AM UTC+8, Vincent Yeh wrote:

I found a way to make them work together. You can download the newest version and give it a try. The reason and workaround are explained in the revisions section.

However, I also found a deeper issue between the sorting plugins and the TableEdit plugin: They are not consistent!
The sorting plugins (SortableGridPlugin and TableSortingPlugin) work on a rendered DOM table, while thisTableEdit plugin works on its underlying wikitext. THERE WILL BE INCONSISTENCY AFTER SORTING! And I don't know how to fix that yet...


On Friday, July 6, 2012 9:59:34 PM UTC+8, David Szego wrote:
Fantastic work - this is really useful to me, thank you.

I've noticed it doesn't work with the SortableGridPlugin from

If I do:

|!Heading 1|!Heading 2|!Heading 3|h

...where the |h invokes the sorting plugin, I simply get no edit button. If I omit the h, all is good.

Happy to help you debug if you'd like. Great work, again.

David Szego

On Sunday, 24 June 2012 13:28:04 UTC-4, Vincent Yeh wrote:
Dear All,

It seems quit a while already but if any one is still interested, I have just released a TableEdit plugin that might do the job. You can visit my TiddlySpace at, find the TableEdit tiddler in the Public section. Comments and suggestions are welcome.



On Wednesday, January 16, 2008 3:41:04 AM UTC+8, Nicolas S. wrote:
Good evening Eric,

I was just wondering if you had any idea of how soon in the future you planned on working on/releasing the EditableTablePlugin (see bottom of your post below)
Please, do note take this as a personal request for more work from you on TW, as I can already hardly believe how much you contribute to it already... ;)

In fact, I was just wondering if this was a distant idea in your mind or something you were already working on today, to know if it was worth waiting (even a couple more months or 6 months, I don't care) before starting a new task on my side that is going to involve a very large (>100) number of tables. This task is not urgent (well, it has to be finished some day, in like 9 months), but it might spare me so much time once this miraculous plugin would be released that I could wait a long time before starting the task, if only I knew you were to publish it in a "not-further-than-6-months" delay.

Thanks again for your great work anyway


On Dec 26, 2007 11:55 PM, Eric Shulman <> wrote:

> I'm looking for a plugin which allows to edit the content of a table
> cell in a tiddlywiki simply by clicking it with your mouse cursor.
> Especially in big tables, it would be much more convenient to edit
> content that way. As far as I can remember I once stumbled upon a
> tiddylwiki with exact that feature, yet I can't find it any more.

*generates* a grid (table) that displays tiddler slice values and
includes an "edit-in-place" feature: click a value in a grid cell and
it changes to an edit field.  Type your input.  Press enter (or click
away).  The value you input is then written back to the corresponding
tiddler slice.

Note that, currently, this feature only works within SliceGridPlugin's
generated tables.  However, I am working on a re-factoring my edit-in-
place code into a separate "EditableTablePlugin" so that it CAN be
used with ANY table.

I let you know when it's available.

Vincent Yeh

Aug 5, 2012, 2:21:10 AM8/5/12
I think I have a workaround and it seems to work on the examples given in the two sorting plugins.

However, I do not use them myself so do not have more examples to test on. If you are using either SortableGridPlugin or TableSortingPlugin, please try TableEditor v1.1.8 ( with your own stuffs and see if it works. Let me know if it doesn't. Thanks.


Vincent Yeh

Aug 5, 2012, 2:23:33 AM8/5/12
Oops! Wrong link!
This is the right link

Vincent Yeh

Aug 17, 2012, 2:13:58 AM8/17/12
TableEditor 1.2.4
TableCalculator 0.6.9

Main changes:
  • TableEditor
    • Refreshes only the cell just changed instead of the whole tiddler.
      • Uses tiddler.set() to save change and wikify() to render the cell just changed. Stopped using store.saveTiddler() which causes refreshing of the whole tiddler (and hence recreation/reinitialization/recalculation... of all tables in that tiddler). Saved some time.
      • No need to worry about SortableGridPlugin and TableSortingPlugin because their stored info does not get flushed upon refreshing any more.
    • Supports tables with multiple tBodies.
    • Uses jQuery library as much as I know.
    • Removed comments/revision history to reduce size.
      • Full version is available as TableEditor--CRV for interested people.
  • TableCalculator
    • Restructured codes to recalculate individual tables in order to work with the rendering behavior change in TableEditor.
      • See above for explanations.
    • Supports tables with multiple tBodies.
    • Uses jQuery library as much as I know.
    • Removed comments/revision history to reduce size.
      • Full version is available as TableCalculator--CRV for interested people.
Please give them a try and send me comments/suggestions/bug reposts. Thanks.


On Sunday, August 5, 2012 2:21:10 PM UTC+8, Vincent Yeh wrote:

Vincent Yeh

Aug 17, 2012, 2:21:00 AM8/17/12
Forgot on change made in TableCalculator:
  • Auto adjustment of cell references upon copy-and-pasting within the same table.
    • The same way as OpenOffice.calc or Excel does, except that the absolute referencing with a dollar sign - such as A$3, $B$4, for example - is NOT supported.

Craig in Calgary

Aug 17, 2012, 2:03:15 PM8/17/12
Has anyone else experienced an incompatibility between PMario`s SyntaxHighlighterPlugin v0.2.1 ( and TableCalculator v0.6.9? Specifically, commented code, e.g. /*{{{*/ ... /*}}}*/, renders wonky. Something in the code of TableCalculator v0.6.9 changes how SyntaxHighlighterPlugin renders comments. Due to sort order TableCalculator will always load after SyntaxHighlighterPlugin. What to do?

Vincent Yeh

Aug 18, 2012, 5:53:06 AM8/18/12
Thanks for bringing it up, Craig. I have come up with a workaround and uploaded the TableCalculator v0.6.10 Please download and try.



Aug 18, 2012, 10:44:56 AM8/18/12
 Thanks a lot for continually working on improvements. :-)

However, usually my sheets are bigger than any screen, and therefore, does anyone know if 1-2 rows at the top, or to the left could fixated in their position so that they don't scroll out of view? Maybe just some CSS to accomplish this?

Tried to create a larger text based table (an interactions matrix for nutrients) and experienced quite some momentary bugs: like deleting the table by adding rows or columns and leaving a 'undefined' as only content, Or renaming B vitamins (B1, B2,..) in the table header and first column to 'C's. And worse, leaving a 0 byte TW without anything after a saveChanges (though that has happened before with the latest TW version and I therefore had 'save backups' enabled :-). Since I can't consistently reproduce these serious errors, and they also seem to get much less - it would be difficult to find out if some other plugins interacted or other reasons at the moment.

Tried to create a position fixed first row and column by transclution - but that isn't a solution unless all cell widths are made equal. Also having the fixed header row and first column transcluded brought up the bug that TableEditor seemingly arbitrarily chooses on which of the 3 tables it adds the editable class (in a 'editable' globally enabled TW) irrespective of their order in the tiddler or <noedit> added to all it's cells (it prefered the first row column table). An other difficulty with the automatically adjusted cell widths and entering 1 or 2 sentences in table cell is, that the edit field most often isn't wide enough, additionally the height isn't larger than it's width. Which often gives an edit field about 3 lines of only 3 letters wide! And makes TableEditor practically useless for entering text at this point.

Guess the easiest solution with largely variable cell widths (and heights) in view mode could be the existing feature of GridPlugin to initially show only a certain number of characters in each cell - it's full content only with a click into the cell. For edit mode there would have to be a minimum width for the cell being edited (at least 8 characters per line).

Enough for now :-)

Vincent Yeh

Aug 18, 2012, 11:39:40 AM8/18/12

Thanks for the fruitful feedback. Since I never had a large table so I never tested those cases. I will start to see how it works with large tables. However, since I have no idea how to do those "fixed rows/columns" things, I would need some time to build an example. If you could provide me one to test on that would be wonderful.
Thanks again for the useful comments! :-)



Aug 18, 2012, 2:26:43 PM8/18/12
Here is a not so minimal test case TW ;-)

You'll find the hidden main menu by hovering over the left upper corner (this panel is fixed and unlocked by clicking in its furthest upper left corner, size can be adjusted by dragging its edge). In its second link you can see how far I came with a fixed first column and header. Guess an improved ConditionalTableFormattingMacro could make this much more easier..

I also included most TW table editing tools available about 2 years ago (and before I turned to GoogleSpreadsheets ;-( There might be something there you didn't knew, For example "Editable Table" by Steve Millman (adapted from MathCell Spreadsheet) which in itself would be difficult to use with large tables too. However, it uses fixed width edit fields and that makes it already now much easier to add cell formating after the table content has been created with TableEditor. Though I still think being able to hook TableEditor up with QuickEdit and SectionEditPlugin by Eric would solve many problems at once, like too small cell edit fields and cell formatting..

Too many things there to mention. But note the buggy '=counta' calculations in the first row of the main table. Also copying and pasting the formula gives inconsistent results, sometime it updates to the right column lettering, sometimes it doesn't.

Concerning online tables I found TableTools2 FF addon very useful. Maybe there would be some way to highjack some functions of this addon from within a TW? (Instead of having to pass 2 levels of popups in FFs context menu)

For large table html format generally renders much quicker, and therefore would be much more appropriate to publish, though that comes with the disadvantage of triple the byte size of a equivalent TW table. And EasyEditPlugin already would have made it very 'easy' to edit html tables within TWs (sadly this became buggy with the latest TW too. It only works with some tiddlers in my case now, and I don't understand the criteria for not working with others..). ..just some things to consider too.



Aug 18, 2012, 3:55:55 PM8/18/12
Or renaming B vitamins (B1, B2,..) in the table header and first column to 'C's. 

Just now mentioned it also replaced one number higher on each of the B vitamin numberings. Must have happened by adding a row and column? Also a few links in the main menu haven't been updated. No time to correct everything now, but YourSearch will find everything..

Vincent Yeh

Aug 19, 2012, 10:42:03 AM8/19/12
I never imagined a table of such a size in a tiddler! It is very good that you brought it up to me. I agree those issues are indeed some things to think about. For things like collaborating with the addon or other plugins, large table formatting, etc., I still have not much idea of them. Will spend some time and see what I can do. Here are a few quick fixes to correct some of the issues you mentioned.
TableEditor 1.2.6
TableCalculator 0.6.11
  1. The undefined result from COUNTA() function.
    • The undefined was resulted from a misinterpretation of the number 0 as an empty string or null (I am not sure which) somewhere in the evaluation process.
    • Fixed by returning a string '0' instead of number 0 to avoid the misinterpretation.
  2. The cell reference issues (missing-by-one-row/column and mis-adjustment upon copy-and-pasting).
    • This was caused by ignorance of 'th' cells (those that start with an exclamation mark "!") in the reference/dereference but not in the evaluation codes. (Well, I didn't even know there are two kinds of table cells...:-))
    • It is fixed, hopefully, by including 'th' cells in the reference/dereference codes.
    • You may need to correct the cell references in your tables. (Sorry for that!)
  3. The edit box width issue.
    • Minimum edit box width (in characters) can be specified in the system option txtTEditorMinEditWidth (default is 8).
Thanks again for the very useful comments and suggestions.


Aug 19, 2012, 6:48:10 PM8/19/12
Thanks a lot for the quick fixes!

You may need to correct the cell references in your tables. (Sorry for that!)

Realy no need to apologize. That's the success ;.) of necessary testing of plugins of such a magnitude, you freely took upon you to develop. Not even a developer giant like Eric took that much upon himself (mind it, that maybe would be a worthwhile business idea to pursue?). I'm rather worried that in this process of finding countless and intricate bugs, plus feature requests (spreatsheet software sets a high level very difficult to come even close to, considering the hundred MB calculation power behind). Even the other giant Google with whole teams of developers, for example, appear to haven't been able to implement fixed row or columns in their html representation of sheets (only in editing mode they are though).

In this situation better don't get too much sidetracked by additional feature requests, but maybe better only improve and stabilize what it already does. Think it wise that you made two separate plugins, The intricacies of table formatting really deserve it's own dedicated plugin you could add at an other time..

For improving on the existing some further remarks: At the moment the biggest drawback for editing large tables with TableEditor is that it seems to be very resources demanding. But my computer isn't really powerful, and having FF with various tabs open and a OO calc file of several MBs makes either or both crash. However, just trying to copy and paste the counta calculation along the whole row made FF crash or freeze 2 times. And then it left a 0 byte TW again...

Also it seems to create as much backups as cells edited (without autosave enabled!) - I don't understand why saving the whole TW with almost every cell edited is really necessary?
I think it shouldn't at all - even the tiddler should only be saved once the user decides to commit the changes made (kept in temporary memory before). Believe this would already reduce much of the strain it causes my poor browser.
Even when no table is opened, the constant popping up of messages without obvious meaning indicates these plugins are unnecessarily using resources, even when they actually shouldn't be doing anything.

Some remaining bugs:

Adding rows or columns (with a large table, for example, at the bottom and to the far right) causes a jump to the upper left corner and opens the cell at the bottom right corner of the browser window for editing. Deleting rows further up causes the same jump but the cell opening in edit mode is somewhere in the middle at the right edge of the jumped to visible window.
Updating 24 columns from A to Z by adding or deleting works fine now. After Z the lettering condinues with [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c ...calculating with theses cell-references still works, but aren't updated by copying formulas or by adding/deleting rows.
Any letter which contains a number at its side is mistaken as a cell reference, and therefore gets corrupted by adding/deleting rows or columns.
Copying and pasting calculation with empty space at both sides of the formula for centering the result doesn't work (most of the times).

 Best wishes.

Vincent Yeh

Aug 20, 2012, 2:45:57 AM8/20/12

On Monday, August 20, 2012 6:48:10 AM UTC+8, wolfgang wrote:
Thanks a lot for the quick fixes!

You may need to correct the cell references in your tables. (Sorry for that!)

Realy no need to apologize. That's the success ;.) of necessary testing of plugins of such a magnitude, you freely took upon you to develop. Not even a developer giant like Eric took that much upon himself (mind it, that maybe would be a worthwhile business idea to pursue?). I'm rather worried that in this process of finding countless and intricate bugs, plus feature requests (spreatsheet software sets a high level very difficult to come even close to, considering the hundred MB calculation power behind). Even the other giant Google with whole teams of developers, for example, appear to haven't been able to implement fixed row or columns in their html representation of sheets (only in editing mode they are though).

I agree with you on this. Actually I started to write these plugins just because I needed such things. I did it for my own needs. Never thought to make it big, not even to handle a large table :-). But since I had shared it with people, I'd like to make it as practical as possible.
In this situation better don't get too much sidetracked by additional feature requests, but maybe better only improve and stabilize what it already does. Think it wise that you made two separate plugins, The intricacies of table formatting really deserve it's own dedicated plugin you could add at an other time..

Yes you are right. Thanks for reminding. In fact I am looking for a suitable open source library (such as a jQuery plugin or the TableTools as you suggested) to extend the capabilities of the plugin. But I don't know much about them yet so will need some time to decide.
For improving on the existing some further remarks: At the moment the biggest drawback for editing large tables with TableEditor is that it seems to be very resources demanding. But my computer isn't really powerful, and having FF with various tabs open and a OO calc file of several MBs makes either or both crash. However, just trying to copy and paste the counta calculation along the whole row made FF crash or freeze 2 times. And then it left a 0 byte TW again...

Hmmmm, that is some thing serious...but I am not sure how to improve that...I will need suggestions from more experienced people here.
Also it seems to create as much backups as cells edited (without autosave enabled!) - I don't understand why saving the whole TW with almost every cell edited is really necessary?  
I think it shouldn't at all - even the tiddler should only be saved once the user decides to commit the changes made (kept in temporary memory before). Believe this would already reduce much of the strain it causes my poor browser.

Sure that can be done in a few days.
Even when no table is opened, the constant popping up of messages without obvious meaning indicates these plugins are unnecessarily using resources, even when they actually shouldn't be doing anything.
Oops. That is for my own learning and I forgot to remove it. Will be gone for sure.
Some remaining bugs:

Adding rows or columns (with a large table, for example, at the bottom and to the far right) causes a jump to the upper left corner and opens the cell at the bottom right corner of the browser window for editing. Deleting rows further up causes the same jump but the cell opening in edit mode is somewhere in the middle at the right edge of the jumped to visible window.

This seems to be the effect of refreshing. But it is not happening in my FF 14.0.1 so I have no idea what to do. Can you tell me your FF version so I can get one to try? 

Updating 24 columns from A to Z by adding or deleting works fine now. After Z the lettering condinues with [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c ...calculating with theses cell-references still works, but aren't updated by copying formulas or by adding/deleting rows.

It is because the plugin assumes only one letter in cell reference (like I said I did not have a large table in mind during development). This can be extended.
Any letter which contains a number at its side is mistaken as a cell reference, and therefore gets corrupted by adding/deleting rows or columns.

The plugin assumes everything like that a cell reference. Will fix it.
Copying and pasting calculation with empty space at both sides of the formula for centering the result doesn't work (most of the times).

That is because the plugin tries to retain the style of the cell before pasting. Will think of a way to fix.

 Best wishes.

Thanks a lot for the good comments and suggestions. Will find time to work on them soon.



Aug 20, 2012, 7:51:32 AM8/20/12
Just a quick note.

I noticed that in the last 2 versions of TableEditor, a couple of displayMessage() calls have been left in that display "DIV" and 2 numbers separated by a comma.
I spent ages thinking that I had corrupted my tiddlywiki before I found it by installing Firebug and trapping on displayMessage().

Just in case anyone else found these messages worrying :)

Vincent Yeh

Aug 20, 2012, 10:05:24 AM8/20/12
Yeap. That was for my debugging and learning purposes. Should have removed it before letting it out. Sorry for the trouble!



Aug 20, 2012, 11:14:00 AM8/20/12
Thanks for your thorough considerations, I appreciate.

For improving on the existing some further remarks: At the moment the biggest drawback for editing large tables with TableEditor is that it seems to be very resources demanding. But my computer isn't really powerful, and having FF with various tabs open and a OO calc file of several MBs makes either or both crash. However, just trying to copy and paste the counta calculation along the whole row made FF crash or freeze 2 times. And then it left a 0 byte TW again..

Hmmmm, that is some thing serious...but I am not sure how to improve that...I will need suggestions from more experienced people here.
Also it seems to create as much backups as cells edited (without autosave enabled!) - I don't understand why saving the whole TW with almost every cell edited is really necessary?  
I think it shouldn't at all - even the tiddler should only be saved once the user decides to commit the changes made (kept in temporary memory before). Believe this would already reduce much of the strain it causes my poor browser.

Sure that can be done in a few days.

Great! Because that will already take off most of the strain which I believe is caused by saveChanges with every cell edited. Considering the crashes mostly happen after pasting the formula and clicking the next cell (while all the processing power at that time is busy with saving the whole TW). Instead using 'enter' after pasting a formula seems to give it enough pause to not causing crushes.

Adding rows or columns (with a large table, for example, at the bottom and to the far right) causes a jump to the upper left corner and opens the cell at the bottom right corner of the browser window for editing. Deleting rows further up causes the same jump but the cell opening in edit mode is somewhere in the middle at the right edge of the jumped to visible window.

This seems to be the effect of refreshing. But it is not happening in my FF 14.0.1 so I have no idea what to do. Can you tell me your FF version so I can get one to try? 

Also FF14.01 the portable version on XP. But that's anyway really minor and no need to worry about.
Updating 24 columns from A to Z by adding or deleting works fine now. After Z the lettering condinues with [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c ...calculating with theses cell-references still works, but aren't updated by copying formulas or by adding/deleting rows.

It is because the plugin assumes only one letter in cell reference (like I said I did not have a large table in mind during development). This can be extended.

It's one of those cases you have to consider how much overhead code or further intricacies extending the TableCalculator abilities beyond 26 columns would bring. Since only few would need that large calculations in a TW. Of course, you could really show off without such limitations ;-) However, more than good enough as it is.

Yes you are right. Thanks for reminding. In fact I am looking for a suitable open source library (such as a jQuery plugin or the TableTools as you suggested) to extend the capabilities of the plugin. But I don't know much about them yet so will need some time to decide.

Actually just found out that TableTools2 comes with a combination of 'Strg' and 'right click' on any row or column to drag and drop these at any position in the table. With this little feature I didn't knew about (it isn't in the more complicated context menu) a fixed header or fist column isn't really that much needed anymore. I really like that addon, just as the small bookmarklets which lets you sort or transpose tables.

That brings me to some other option I thought about: Trying QuickEditPlugin embedded with the table didn't worked to apply formating since it doesn't recognize the edit field open for editing a cell. But maybe it would to that if a dedicated edit field above the table could be created, similar to the calculation bar in spreadsheet software?

This edit bar would be distinct to cell edit fields in that it makes all formatting visible, and in this case would have to be fixed so that the tables scrolls underneath when large tables are edited.

Just a possibility to ponder.



Aug 20, 2012, 2:09:40 PM8/20/12

Trying QuickEditPlugin embedded with the table didn't worked to apply formating since it doesn't recognize the edit field open for editing a cell. But maybe it would do that if a dedicated edit field above the table could be created, similar to the calculation bar in spreadsheet software?

Actually confused the behavior of MathCell's adaptation [[Table Editor]], where QuickEdit doesn't recognize the edit fields. While with TableEditor any click outside of the edit field immediately closes the edit field - giving QuickEdit no chance to enter anything.

Vincent Yeh

Aug 21, 2012, 1:24:37 PM8/21/12
Some more quick fixes.
  • TableCalculator 0.6.12
    • Extended to include two-letter cell references such as AA1, BC3, etc.
    • Reference auto-adjustment done only on cells that start with an equal sign '='. Other cells are left untouched.
      • Block reference, such as A4:C8, are auto-adjested upon insertion/deletion of rows/columns, but not upon sorting, because I have no idea what to do in those cases.
  • TableEditor 1.2.7
    • Added an option chkTEditorManualSave to toggle manual save mode. If true, an "S" button will be provided and changes will not save to file until it is pressed. Otherwise the file will be saved every time a change is accepted.
Hope these can release some strain in your browser. :-) Please try and let me know how they work.

Other things like QuickEdit, TableTools, etc., will just need to wait a while.

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